2. 2. Uplift of Tibetan Plateau and Chinese Climate Difference 2.1 Circumfluence System Structure 2.2 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Atmosphere.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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2. 2. Uplift of Tibetan Plateau and Chinese Climate Difference

2.1 Circumfluence System Structure 2.1 Circumfluence System Structure

2.2 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Atmosphere Circumfluence2.2 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Atmosphere Circumfluence

2.3 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Three Climatic Zones Difference2.3 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Three Climatic Zones Difference

2.4 Chinese Climatic Zones——Hydro – thermal Structure2.4 Chinese Climatic Zones——Hydro – thermal Structure

2.1 Circumfluence System Pattern

(1) Cognition Process of Circumfluence System Pattern

Cognition Process : simple→complex globality→regional influence of Tibetan Plateau

(1) Astronomic Climatic Zones : Tropic Zone—Temperate Zone— Frigid Zone

(1) Astronomic Climatic Zones : Tropic Zone—Temperate Zone— Frigid Zone

(2) Planetary Wind Belt:controlled by west wind circumfluence rudiment of southwest monsoon

(2) Planetary Wind Belt:controlled by west wind circumfluence rudiment of southwest monsoon

North Frigid Zone

North Temperate Zone

Tropic Zone

South Temperate Zone

South Frigid Zone

(1) Planetary Wind Belt

North Frigid Zone

North Temperate Zone

Tropic Zone

South Temperate Zone

South Frigid Zone

(2) Astronomic Climatic ZonesPolar Easterly WindSubpolar Low

Prevailing WindSubtropical High

Northeast TradesEquatorial Depression

Southeast TradesSubtropical High

Prevailing WindSubtropical Low

Polar Easterly WindPolar High

(3) Centre of Atmosphere Movement marine-terrestrial monsoon rudiment of East Asia , Monsoon (4) Plateau Monsoon

near ground Circumfluence →modern times monsoon (East Asia Monsoon)

(2) Planetary Wind Belt

North Frigid Zone

North Temperate Zone

Tropic Zone

South Temperate Zone

South Frigid Zone

(1) Astronomic Climatic Zones

Polar Easterly WindSubpolar Low

Prevailing WindSubtropical High

Northeast TradesEquatorial Depression

Southeast TradesSubtropical High

Prevailing WindSubtropical Low

Polar Easterly WindPolar High

(3)Marine-terrestrial ComparsionHydro – thermal Source

(2) Circumfluence Pattern

• Near Ground Prominent Monsoon

Circumfluence West Wind Circumfluence • High Altitude ( 5000m ) Winter controlled by West Monsoon Circumfluence

Summer North : Westerlies

Middle : Subtropical High

South:Equatorial Depression

• Near Ground Prominent Monsoon

Circumfluence West Wind Circumfluence • High Altitude ( 5000m ) Winter controlled by West Monsoon Circumfluence

Summer North : Westerlies

Middle : Subtropical High

South:Equatorial Depression


Summer Altitude

2.2 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Atmosphere Circumfluence

(1) Spatial Characters of Tibetan Plateau ( 3000 m critical altitude )

Uplift of Tibetan Plateau –Spatial CharactersLarge Area: East-West 3000 km,South-North 1500 km, accounting for ¼ of land area of China,The width of South-North accounting for 1/3 of Westerlies.High Altitude: Average 4500m, accounting for 1/3 Troposphere .Mid-low Latitude:25ºN-40ºN, on the transition area of Westerlies and Subtropical High.


Altitude 4500m

Embranchment Function : Westerlies branches at winter half year Embranchment of winter wind

Embranchment Function : Westerlies branches at winter half year Embranchment of winter wind

(2) Dynamical Function of Tibetan Plateau

Dry and Warm




Accumulation of cold air maintains subsidence airflow dry and cold.Block off

Block off

Block off

Block offWestern weather system weaken

Northwest stretches,Precipitation increases on Plateau brim

More wet on the wind sweep

More dry on the plateau.

Block Off Function :Block off northward of Indian Ocean hydrospherePrecipitation increases on Plateau brim

Block Off Function :Block off northward of Indian Ocean hydrospherePrecipitation increases on Plateau brim

(3) Caloric Function of Tibetan Plateau


East Asia Monsoon

Prevailing Wind DirectionOpposition

Flying to the inland

Dry and warm Winter Monsoon Influence increases

Subsidence airflow more dry and warm

2.3 The Impact of Uplift of Tibetan Plateau on Three Climatic Zones Difference

Three Natural Belts Evolvement Tendency of China

Evolvement Tendency Original Background Influence

Typical Eastern Monsoon Region

Drought Western Region

Drought and ColdTibetan Plateau

Land Sea Monsoon, Humid

Inland,Arid,Sparse Grassland,Grassland Desert

Altitude of Plateau Surface<2000m,

Subtropical Forest Grassland,

Grassland Climate

1.Winter monsoon direction expands towards south-force increasing2.Plateau monsoon extends Land sea monsoon intension-large annual temperature differences,rainfall concentrated in summer3.Construction and fadeaway control monsoon advance and retreat4.Comparing with other regions of same latitude,temperature belts in monsoon region move to south

1.Quicken accumulation and subsidence of cold air2.Blocking Indian Ocean water vapor,disturbing Pacific Ocean water vapor westward3.Plateau monsoon intensify subsidence of aircurrent in winter and vaporization in summer4.Intensify drought extent,expand arrange

1.Plateau block Indian Ocean water vapor,Pacific water vapor,becoming drought inside2.Decreasing temperature in plateau,turning cold

3. Thermal action,forming plateau monsoon

2.4 Chinese Climatic Zones——Hydro – thermal Structure

(1) Quantity of Heat Belt

Annual Average Temperature of China(°c)

Annual Temperature Range

Annual Average Temperature of China

≥10 accumulated temperature division℃ : Cool Temperate Zone,Temperate Zone, Warm Temperate Zone,Subtropical Zone,Torrid

Zone Plateau Temperate Zone, Plateau Cool Temperate Zone,Plateau Frigid Zone Outlet of grain problems : advance multiple cropping index , where is the most potential area ?

Quantity of Heat Belt of China

Main Air Masses :Pc Polar Region Continental Air Mass ( Dry and Cold , Move to Becoming Winter Wind )Denaturalization Pc

Tc Tropic Continental Air Mass

Monsoon and Precipitation Belt

Precipitation Belt :Cold Wave Cold Front (Pc/ Denaturalization Pc)Kunming Quasi-stationary Front ( Denaturalization Pc/Tc ) South China Quasi-stationary Front ( Between Denaturalization Pc )

Winter Wind and Precipitation Belt

Main Air Mass: Tm Tropic Ocean(Move to Southeast Monsoon )

Em Equator Ocean ( Move to Southwest Monsoon )

Denaturalization Pc

Monsoon and Precipitation Belt Summer Wind and Precipitation Belt

Precipitation Belt : Climate Front (Tm/ Denaturalization Pc) March with Winter Monsoon

Equatorial Front (Tm/Em ) Interface of Southeast Monsoon and

Southwest Monsoon

Cold-front Cyclone ( Typhoon is the Main Precipitation Airflow )

Average of the Whole Country : 629mm Taking drought axis as center to southeast 50-4000mm ( 80 times )to northwest 50-400mm ( 8 times ) Three Important Isolines : 800mm 400mm 250mm

Average of the Whole Country : 629mm Taking drought axis as center to southeast 50-4000mm ( 80 times )to northwest 50-400mm ( 8 times ) Three Important Isolines : 800mm 400mm 250mm

Annual Average Precipitation

To Kexun

Huo Shaoliao

Annual precipitation of ChinaJ.Y. LIU, D.F. ZHUANG, D. LUO, X. XIAO; Land-cover classification of China: integrated analysis of AVHRR imagery and geophysical data; INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 2003, 24(12):2485-2500

Moisture Regime of China

Drought Axis Dividing line of desert and sandy land

Aridity Index (Annual Rainfall)

1. Dividing line of forest and grassland

3. Dividing line of paddy land and glebe

2. Dividing line ofnorth and south

Key Words : Hydrosphere Route WayDrought AxisThe Tail-end of Monsoon

Desiccation Degree : >1Wetness 1-1.5 Half Wetness 1.5-2Half Aridity >2 Aridity

Landscape and Agriculture

Key Words : Hydrosphere Route WayDrought AxisThe Tail-end of Monsoon

Desiccation Degree : >1Wetness 1-1.5 Half Wetness 1.5-2Half Aridity >2 Aridity

Landscape and Agriculture


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(2) Climatic Zones Difference



China Heat Belt

Dividing line of desert and sandy land

Aridity Index (Annual Rainfall)

1. Dividing line of forest and grassland

3. Dividing line of paddy land and glebe

2. Dividing line ofnorth and south

Drought Axis

Regional Location of China

Marine-Terrestrial Mid-Latitude

Three Geotectonic

Zones Tibetan Plateau

Sea Area

Monsoon(Eastern) Drought (Inland)

The Monsoon Region of East China

Northwest Arid Region of China

The Cold Regions of the Tibetan Plateau


Transition Delta

Drought-Wet Transition

Coastal AreaNorthern

Transition Region

Southwest Transition


Northwest Transition


Warm-Wet Cold-Wet Transition

Warm-Dry Cold-Dry Transition

Latitude Seabed Latitude Belts Longitude BeltsThree Dimensional



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Mid-Western Region : Shaanxi,Gansu,Ningxia, Inner-Mongolia ( Midwest ) 1 ) LUCC of different relief units 2 ) Change of natural belts 3 ) Difference between dene,desert and Gobi 4 ) Corresponding relationship of ice cover and oasis 5 ) Change of water 6 ) Characters and relation of loess Plateau and inner-mongolia Plateau

Mid-Western Region : Shaanxi,Gansu,Ningxia, Inner-Mongolia ( Midwest ) 1 ) LUCC of different relief units 2 ) Change of natural belts 3 ) Difference between dene,desert and Gobi 4 ) Corresponding relationship of ice cover and oasis 5 ) Change of water 6 ) Characters and relation of loess Plateau and inner-mongolia Plateau

01 中国地理 · 第二章

Tibetan Region :

Content : 1 ) Change from plateau brim to inner land cover 2 ) Kop glacier and plateau lake groups and their change 3 ) Characters of Qaidam Basin 4 ) Land cover of river fountain region 5 ) Contrast of 4 plateaus of China

Tibetan Region :

Content : 1 ) Change from plateau brim to inner land cover 2 ) Kop glacier and plateau lake groups and their change 3 ) Characters of Qaidam Basin 4 ) Land cover of river fountain region 5 ) Contrast of 4 plateaus of China

Look at China from Outer Space-Exercitation on Reading Remote Sensing Image

western Region

North Region : Heilongjiang,Jilin,Liaoning, Inner-Mongolia ( Mideast),Shanxi,Hebei,S

handong and Henan

Content : 1 ) LUCC of different relief units 2 ) Change of water 3 ) Characters and difference of Northeast Plain and Northern China Plain 4 ) Degradation of grassland,wind erosion and water and soil soil and water erosio


5 ) Forest cover characters of northeast forest region

North Region : Heilongjiang,Jilin,Liaoning, Inner-Mongolia ( Mideast),Shanxi,Hebei,S

handong and Henan

Content : 1 ) LUCC of different relief units 2 ) Change of water 3 ) Characters and difference of Northeast Plain and Northern China Plain 4 ) Degradation of grassland,wind erosion and water and soil soil and water erosio


5 ) Forest cover characters of northeast forest region

01 中国地理 · 第二章

South Region : Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Fujian,Hunan,Hubei,Jiangxi,Anhui,Sichuan,Chengdu,Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangzhou,Guangdong and Hainan

Content : 1 ) LUCC of different relief units 2 ) Land use and soil and water erosion of mountainous region and knap 3 ) Characters of plain,delta and basin 4 ) East-west difference of Yun-Gui Plaetau

5 ) Forest cover characters of southwest forest region

South Region : Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Fujian,Hunan,Hubei,Jiangxi,Anhui,Sichuan,Chengdu,Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangzhou,Guangdong and Hainan

Content : 1 ) LUCC of different relief units 2 ) Land use and soil and water erosion of mountainous region and knap 3 ) Characters of plain,delta and basin 4 ) East-west difference of Yun-Gui Plaetau

5 ) Forest cover characters of southwest forest region

North Region

South Region

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