1st qtr 19 syllabication of words

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Syllabication of Words

English V

1. A 6. S2. A 7. A3. S 8. S4. A 9. A5. S 10. A

Checking of Assignment

Checking of Assignment

  Synonym Antonym1. plenty2. sick3. ascend4. narrow5. stout

manyillclimb, risetight, smallfat


What are synonyms?Give examples.

What are antonyms?Give examples.


MotivationDances, like songs, are expressions of one’s feelings. Likewise, dances have meanings.

MotivationWho usually attend or join the “Sayaw sa Obando” celebration in Obando Bulacan?

MotivationIn what time of the year do we see the “dragon dance”? Why do the Chinese perform this dance?

MotivationWhere is this festival held in our country? Where did the dance originate?


Do you know that aside from people, insects like the honeybees also dance? Let’s find out later.

Unlocking of DifficultiesIf the pair of words are synonyms, write S before the pair; if they are antonyms, write A.____ 1. strangely and surprisingly ____ 2. blossoms and nectar ____ 3. to peek and stay away ____ 4. cleverness and wittiness ____ 5. colonies and groups____ 6. inhabitants and occupants

Unlocking of Difficulties____ 7. drones and female bees____ 8. sting and bite ____ 9. full-grown and underdeveloped ____10. remarkable and admirable ____11. experimented and made a

careful study ____12. commanders and leaders ____13. cavalries and individuals ____14. mightier and stronger sentence.

Motivation “Honeybees – Wonderful Animals”

This article describes some of the fascinating activities of honeybees, which cause us almost to forget that they are insects. Ordinarily, we think of insects as more or less uninteresting or obnoxious, but some of them are actually intriguing.


The people of almost every country in the world have certain kinds of native dances. There are dances to help people celebrate harvest time and dances to chase away the devil. Now, strangely, there is also an insect that dances.

This dancing insect is the honeybee, and its dance tells a story. Bees cannot talk to one another as people do, so they dance in order to give messages to other bees in the hive. Their most important message is where to locate nectar, the sweet juice found in flowers that they use to make honey. They use honey for food, and without honey, they would die.

When a honeybee finds blossoms with nectar, it rushes back to the hive and begins to dance while the other bees watch attentively. First, it turns around and around in a circle, then goes to the right, then to the left with quick steps to give directions.

Soon, the other bees of the hive join excitedly in the dance, following each movement and keeping their feelers close to the bee giving them the message. If you were to peek into the hive at this moment, you would wonder at the cleverness of the bees as they strive to interpret the language of the “bee dance.”

Certain movements of the dance mean, “The nectar is in blossoms to the east.” Other movements mean, “The nectar is in blossoms to the northwest.” Other dance steps mean “The nectar is in blossoms a mile away.” The first bee gives complete directions and finally all the workers in the hive take off and head for the blossoms containing the nectar. They always go to the exact spot where the nectar is to be found in the blossoms.

Honeybees live in colonies, with the queen bee and male and female inhabitants. The queen bee lays all the eggs from which new bees develop. The male bees, known as drones, do no work in the hive. The female bees, or the workers, gather nectar from flowers for honey, take care of the queen bee and the baby bees, clean the hive, and sting enemies to keep them away. Some people believe that they are more or less specialized in their work.

A honeybee egg from the queen bee changes into a wormlike larva. Then the larva becomes a pupa, and finally a full-grown bee. The entire growth from egg to adult requires a period of about three weeks.

Bees are remarkable insects. One scientist experimented by covering a bee’s eyes and this bee found its way back over a distance of two miles to its home hive.

Men have put the bees to work in other ways besides making honey, as in winning wars. Several times in history, commanders have ordered beehives to be thrown into the midst of attacking cavalries, made up of horses and men. There, the bees began stinging both horses and men, dispersing them in all directions away as fast as they could go. Thus, the armies of bees have proven to be mightier than armies of men.

Comprehension Check-up1. Why do honeybees dance?2. Answer these questions: a. Where do bees obtain nectar for making honey? b. What different roles do bees assume in a single colony? c. Why is it said that armies of bees prove to be mightier than armies of men?

Analysis and DiscussionThe following are the rules for syllabication:Rule 1: Words having only one syllable may never be divided in writing or spelling them.Example: faceGive other examples of words found in the selection we read that follow this rule.

Analysis and DiscussionRule 2: Compound words which are made up of two single syllables are divided between the two words.Example: side – walkRule 3: Words with affixes are divided between the prefix and the root- word and between the suffix and

the root-word.Example: child – ish, re – write

Analysis and DiscussionRule 4: When a double or two consonants come between two vowels, divide the syllables between the two consonants.Example: fol – low, cus – tomRule 5: A word that begins with a single vowel which is sounded separately is divided after that vowel.Example: a – lone

Analysis and DiscussionRule 6: When a vowel is sounded alone in a word, divide before and after that vowel.Example: car – a – van, vi – o – lentRule 7: When there is a single consonant between two vowels, divide after the consonant if the first vowel has a short sound, and before that consonant if the first vowel has a long sound. Examples: cab – in, mu – sic

Analysis and DiscussionRule 8: When a word ends with –le and is preceded by a consonant, divide before the consonant and the –le form.Example: ta – bleRule 9: When two vowels come together within the same word, divide between the two vowels if

each vowel has a separate syllable.Example: po – em


Dividing words by syllable is done by following rules considering the

number of syllables, vowel sounds of the words.

ApplicationSyllabicate the following words correctly.

1. blacksmith 2. abuse 3. misunderstand 4. school5. reading

ApplicationPaired Work Partner A syllabicates the first three words and Partner B justifies A’s answers. Partners A and B exchange roles.A. 1) teacher B. 1) viand

2) crossroad 2) twinkle3) hotel 3) lantern

EvaluationPut a check (√) in the blank if the word is syllabicated correctly and a cross (X) if it is not.____ 1. ap – proach____ 2. e – duc – ate ____ 3. houseb – oat ____ 4. i – deal____ 5. beg – in

AssignmentSyllabicate the following words correctly.

1. selfish 2. ballad 3. ashore 4. heroine

5. spindle

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