1A Fong Yin Yu Alien at school - True Light Girls' … 08-09/S.1BookReport.pdf · 1A Fong Yin Yu (10) Title: Alien at School Author: Michelle Brown Publisher: Black Cat Publishing

Post on 06-Sep-2018






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  • 1A Fong Yin Yu (10)

    Title: Alien at School

    Author: Michelle Brown

    Publisher: Black Cat Publishing Summary: In a small town near Boston, Jennifer Dale, who was studying in a high school and her friend, Dana thought that their new English teacher, Mr Stone, was very strange because he could look at the sun directly but would not feel shine. He always drank some green liquid at recess so Jennifer and Dana decided to check it.

    After a week, they discovered that Mr Stone was an alien and

    he wanted to catch some students to the space and kill them. Therefore, Jennifer and Dana would like to stop him from doing something wrong. Finally, they were not successful because their classmate, Paul felt living in the earth was so lonely so he decided to follow Mr Stone to the space. Comment: After I read this book, I think this book is very interesting and exciting because when Jennifer followed Mr Stone to go to his home, Mr Stone nearly discovered her. While they were having English lesson, Mr Stone always looked at Jennifer and Dana, so they thought that Mr Stone had already known that they were doubting him and it made me feel so afraid and excited.This book is an interesting and exciting tale. It shows us something about the space and the image of an alien. Whats more, it shows us some kinds of UFOs.

    This story book has many beautiful pictures, such as, the

    colorful UFO. This book provides many details, for example, there are annotations of difficult words under the paragraph and lots of games about the story at the back of the book so you can understand the story better after playing the games. Therefore, I like this book very much.

  • 1B Carmen Law (21) Title: The Secret Garden Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett Publisher: Black Cat Mary Lennox was a bad tempered and unattractive child who was born in India to British parents who didnt really care about her. Then a terrible disease killed her parents and made her an orphan. She was then sent to an isolated country house in Yorkshire, England. There she was mostly left alone by her uncle Mr. Craven, who had been a widower for 10 years and still hadnt recovered from the death of his wife. Mary, under the charge of the housekeeper, Mrs. Medlock, spent most of the time with the chambermaid, Martha. She learnt from Martha about a locked up and deserted garden favoured by the late Mrs. Craven. One day, Mary explored the ground and found the key to the garden. She discovered that though the roses seem to be lifeless, some other flowers survived. Since then she spent more time there every day with the help of Marthas brother, Dickson, who had a way with plants and wild animals. Mary herself, due to the new-found interest with the garden, began to blossom and lose her sickly look. Then one night, Mary discovered that her uncles son, Colin was hidden in another part of the house since he was bedridden and hated strangers. When spring came, Colin became jealous of Mary and Dicksons time spending together in the garden. Then one day Mary invited him to join them. They put him in a wheelchair and arrived at the paradise. From then on, the three children frequently visited the secret garden and Colin even started to learn walking slowly. Finally, Mr. Craven came home from Europe and heard childrens voices near the secret garden. To his astonishment, he found his son Colin chasing after Mary and Dickson around the garden and he won. Thus comes the end of the story with Colin walking and Mr. Craven becoming happy again. I think its a very touching story and a suitable one for young teenagers. It tells us all about love and friendship, bravery and courage. From todays point of view, the background may be a bit old fashioned and the social status far beyond our understanding. However, it will be a better development in our body and mind to read these kinds of books compared with those violent and materialistic fictions among us these days.

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    1A (37) Ivy, Yip Long Yi

    Title: The Wizard of Oz

    Author: L. Frank Baum

    Publisher: Macmillan Publishers Limited


    In this book, there are some main characters, such as Dorothy, a lion, a tin man, a scarecrow, a wizard and a wicked witch. One day, the wind blew Dorothy to a magical land called Oz . A good witch told Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road until she reached the Emerald City. The wizard there could help her to get back home. On the way, Dorothy met a scarecrow, a tin man and a lion before she got to the Emerald City. They went with Dorothy because they wanted the wizard to help them too. The scarecrow wanted a brain, the tin man wanted a heart and the lion wanted courage because it was always scared of everything. They encountered many difficulties but they solved them successfully !

    They went to see the wizard after they reached the Emerald City. The wizard said

    Dorothy could not go back home until she killed the wicked witch. But the wicked witch

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    caught Dorothy before she could kill her.

    After Dorothy threw water onto the wicked witch, the witch melted and Dorothy and her friends went back to see the wizard. They all got what they wanted. Dorothys friends helped her to find her way until they met the good witch. The good witch helped Dorothy to get home.


    After I read this wonderful book, I have some strong feelings which I would like

    to share with you. I think the plot is extremely fantastic!! My favourite character is extremely marvelous!!! My favourite character is Dorothy because she was kind -hearted and helpful. Besides, she was very courageous as she killed the wicked witch by herself. If I were Dorothy, I would not be so brave to kill the wicked witch. But now this story changes me. If I meet some problems, I will be as brave as Dorothy and I will not give up easily. Instead, I will find solutions to solve the problem.

    I have learnt a lot from this story. I understand what love, friendship and team

    work spirit are. I know teamwork is really important in our lives. Therefore, we need to work with our friends. Every day, when we are in trouble, we need other peoples help. Then we can seek help from our friends. Nothing is impossible. Also, when our friends need help, we should try our best to help them because more people means, more power.

    Friends are very precious so we should value them. In the story, if Dorothy had not met the tin man, the lion and the scarecrow, she could not have found the way to go home. Therefore, I will be understanding and caring to others. By doing so, I can meet more friends. Also, as a good friend, I will help others and share my happiness and sadness with them. Are you willing to be my friends?

  • 1A Wu Cheuk Kwan, Karina (33) Title : Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Author : Roald Dahl Publisher : Penguin Group Summary: This book is about Charlie who liked chocolate very much but he could just

    eat a bar of chocolate on his birthdays. A chocolate factory owner, Mr. Willy

    Wonka, sent out a notice to allow five children to visit his chocolate factory if they

    could find out the golden tickets which had been hidden underneath the wrapping

    paper of five chocolates. Charlie bought a bar of chocolate with the money which he

    picked up from the street. Charlie could visit the Chocolate Factory with the other

    four. In the whole trip, almost all visitors disappeared due to different accidents

    except Charlie. At last, Mr. Wonka gave Charlie his Chocolate Factory. Charlie

    lived there with his family happily!

    Comment: I feel interested in reading this book because I like chocolates very much. I

    always dream to have a chocolate factory which is similar to the factory in the story

    that all things are made by chocolates, for example, the walls, the boats and the sea.

    Meanwhile, I can sell these chocolates to earn money so that I will beome rich and

    have a lot of money to buy a big house.

    Another idea I want to present is that we should be disciplined. We should

    follow the rules and regulations which are set up by others. This is a kind of respect.

    I believe that the visitors disappeared because they did not follow Mr. Willy

    Wonkas orders. When we are at home, we should follow our parents advice.

    When we are at school, we should follow the teachers instructions. When we are in

    the society, we should follow the rules of the government. Then we will be a good

    girl, a good student and a good citizen.

  • Summary: The book is about a boy called Charlie Bucket and his adventure in Mr. Willy Wonkas Chocolate factory. Mr. Willy Wonka gave out five golden tickets that were hidden in bars of chocolate. Those children who got the golden ticket could take a trip to the Chocolate factory and have a chance to get the large prize. Every child wanted to go to the chocolate factory very much so they bought a lot of chocolates in order to have a greater chance of getting a golden ticket. At first, the children of four rich families got the golden tickets because they bought large quantities of chocolates and Charlie Bucket could not afford to buy so much chocolate for he was poor. He was very lucky to pick up a coin on the road which he later used the coin to buy a bar of chocolate that contained a golden ticket.

    He started the trip to the chocolate factory, there were many rooms inside the factory such as chocolate room, hair toffee room and chewing gum room. Some children did not obey the rules and were trapped. Charlie obeyed all the rules and remained polite throughout the contest so he stayed as the only contestant eventually and got the large prize, which was the whole chocolate factory! Charlie and his family could move in and lived in the chocolate factory ever after.

    Comment: Hurray! I really love this happy ending .All the naughty children went home but only Charlie could stay. He was really lucky. He just bought four bars of chocolate, but other children spent much more than him, some even spent in hundreds and thousands!

    My favourite character is Charlie. I think Charlie is a very polite and obedient boy. He followed the instructions of Willy and didnt touch things that Willy (the bearer of the chocolate factory) did not let him touch.

    I really enjoy reading this book. The lively characters such as, Willy Wonka, Charlie and Violet are amusing. The carefully

    written and exciting storylines as well as those delicious sweets supped in the factory really fascinated me.

  • If I were Charlie, I would not be interested in visiting the chocolate factory because the book didnt mention that the chocolate factory had a toilet that it was too terrible!

    We love


    Lets go to the chocolate factory!!!

    1A Sun Ling Yu

  • 1A Manek Divya Naresh (23) Title: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Author: C. S. Lewis Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Summary:

    This book is about four ordinary children Peter,

    Susan, Edmund and Lucy .While they were playing in the

    unused rooms of the old professor's house, they discovered

    that the wardrobe in the house led to the magical land of


    When Edmund went to Narnia and met the White Witch, who attempted to

    bribe him with a sweet called Turkish Delight. She told him that she was Queen of Narnia,

    who was childless but would like to adopt Edmund and made him become her heir. She

    said he could return home to persuade his sisters and brother to come with him to Narnia,

    where they would become part of the royal family as well.

    Before Edmund returned, he had met Lucy in Narnia. Lucy told him the

    White Witch was evil, but Edmund refused to believe her and said the word of fauns

    couldnt be trusted. During their next visit, all four children went to Narnia. They began an

    dangerous and exciting adventure to help Aslan fight against the queen. After a great battle

    led by Aslan, the White Witch was defeated and dead. A large-scale celebration was held,

    and the four Pevensies became kings and queens of Narnia.

    Comments: After reading this book, I have learnt that there should be trust between

    sisters, brothers and friends. If we do not trust each other, there will be a lot of

    misunderstanding or fighting, such as war.

    I also know that evil will never win peace. We should not have wars in the

    world because having wars will make more people die. If more people die, people will take

    revenge. Taking revenge makes people become evil and greedy. Thats why we should not have war.

    In the future, I should trust others, be brave and think twice before I do

    anything. I think this is really a wonderful and interesting book. If the full marks is ten , I

    would give this book nine marks. I would also like to share this great book with all my

    friends and family in order to let them know the importance of trusting others.

  • 1C Stephanie Mark Lok Wun Title: The Twits Author: Roald Dahl Publisher: Penguin Group Mr Twit and Mrs Twit had hairy faces. They always played some horrible tricks on each other. They never bathed and they were revolting. They also hated children very much! Once Mr. Twit painted some glue along the branches of his tree and then went away. He wanted to trap some birds and used them to make bird pie for supper. The next day, he had no bird pie but he found four boys stuck on the branches. He played other tricks on monkeys and a Roly-poly bird. Finally, the Roly-poly bird saved the monkeys from a cage. Then, they planned to take revenge. They wanted to turn the Twits home upside down. Roly-poly and other birds stuck Mr and Mrs Twits furniture on the ceiling and made all the things upside down. When the Twits came back home, they found that the house had been turned upside down. They were scared and they stood on their heads. After a long time standing on their heads, they got shrunk. I think the book is interesting. Mr Twit and Mrs Twit are greedy and they did wrong things. They could have lived with the animals happily. I like the monkeys and the Roly-poly most because they are clever. I dislike the main characters, the Twits, because they are greedy and they hurt the animals. They are dirty because they never bathed. I picked this book because the pictures of this book are funny and the title is attractive. Besides, the writer of this book, Roald Dahl, is my favourite writer. His works are fascinating, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I love to read it very much. I think I will recommend the book to my friends because it is funny and worth reading.

  • Elaine Tang Hau Ling 1C Title: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Author: Parragon Publisher: Parragon Once upon a time, there was a princess and her stepmother living in a castle. The princess was called Snow white and she was very beautiful. The stepmother of Snow White was jealous of Snow Whites beauty so she wanted to kill her. Snow White ran away from the castle and she made friends with the seven dwarfs and the animals from the forest. When the wicked stepmother knew that Snow White was still alive, she was angry and made a poisonous apple. Snow White ate it and then she fell down. All people were sad about Snow Whites death. After a few months, there was a prince kissing her and she woke up. After that, all people were happy and Snow White lived happily with the prince too. Although all of the dwarfs missed Snow White very much, they wanted Snow White to become happy and they wished Snow White a happy future. The story of Snow White is famous. My favorite character is Dopey. He is one of the dwarfs. He is cute and funny. Most of the people and animals love him very much, including Snow White. Dopey always acts like a clown and he loves Snow White very much. I love to read books about the princess so I picked this book. Although this book is quite expensive, it is an English story book and then I bought it. After I have finished reading this book, I would like to recommend the book to my friends because this book is meaningful. This book tells us although we should have a good and friendly heart, we shouldnt belief others easily because those people may lie to you or hurt you, just like the wicked stepmother and Snow White. This story can tell us quite a lot of things. This book uses many difficult words and we can also learn words from the book.

  • 1C Doris Lam Yi Yan Title: The Return of the Native Author: Thomas Hardy Publisher: Belgravia Clym Yeobright marries Eustacia Vye and Damon Wildeve marries Thomasin Yeobright, but the two marriages are broken. Clym and Thomasin are cousins. Wildeve and Eustacia are secret lovers. During Wildeves visit, Eustacia doesnt let Mrs. Yeobright (Clyms mother) get into her home, because of Eustacias fear for being discovered. Later, Mrs. Yeobright accidentally dies because of snakebite on her way home. Then, Clym distances himself from Eustacia and Eustacia escapes with Wildeve. However, they are both drowned. At the end of the novel, Thomasin finally marries Venn who has long been in love with her. Finally, Clym becomes an itinerant preacher. I think the story is quite interesting. The confused tangle of lovers makes the story complicated. And I think Estacia and Wildeve are very bad. It is because they have already married with other people, but they still escape together. If I own this interesting book, I will read this book again and again. But if the story gets much more problems and conflicts, it will be much better. I will recommend this story to my parents, relatives, friends, classmates and everyone I know because I think they will like this book.

  • 1C Carmen Wong Ka Man Title: We are different Author: Publisher Oxford University Press The book is about a rich man who has a lot of money but he feels very lonely because he does not have any friends. One day, he saw some children playing with each other under his gardens tree. He was jealous of them. He wanted to ask them out and did not let them to into his garden, so he tried to cut down the tree. Luckily, the rich man finally decided to keep the tree because he became the childrens friend. He was touched be the childrens friendship. He did not feel lonely forever. I have learnt friends are very important in our life. They can give us power and energy when we are sad. We should not be like the rich man because he is too shy to make new friends. In our daily lives, we always face new challenges. We should learn to take the initiative to make new friends. I think this book is very useful, so I picked this book. I would like to recommend this book to my friends because it can let us know friendship is very important. Therefore, we need to keep our friendship. Dont let unnecessary arguments destroy our friendship.

  • 1C Bennie Tong Pun Yin Title: Esio Trot Author: Roald Dahl Publisher: Scholastic This book is about a man, Mr Hoppy. He lived alone. Mr Hoppy loved a lady. Her name was Mrs Silver so Mr Hoppy wanted to make himself a hero in Mrs. Silver eyes but Mrs Silver gave all her love to her pet, tortoise Alife. The story happened one day at Mrs Silvers home and balcony. And at Mrs Silvers balcony, there was a small house for Alife. However, Alife is very small so Mrs Silver wanted Alife to grow bigger so Mr. Hoppy cast a spell to make Alife bigger. However, Mr Hoppy didnt know how to do magic so he bought many bigger tortoises to replace Mrs Silvers one with them when Mrs Silver was out. Mrs Silver was happy when she saw Alife becoming bigger. Finally, Mrs Silver and Mr Hoppy fell in love and got married. I think this story is quiet interesting because of the magical words Mr Hoppy said were actually in the tortoises language! Quite fun, right? And the pictures are beautiful such as those of Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver. They look great in them. I have picked this book because the cover is colourful and the tortoise is cute. I will recommend the book to my friends because the story is not so long and is more easy to read. This is good for some of my friends who are not very strong at English.

  • 1B Tse Wing Shan (32) Title: Charlie and the chocolate factory Publisher: Puffin Books About the book: Charlie, the main character in this book lives in a poor family with his parents and two pairs of grandparents. There is only one bed in their house. One day, Mr. Wonka invites the people who buy the chocolate and get the golden ticket to his factory. His factory is very amazing. No one has ever been inside, or met Mr. Wonka. Charlie is very lucky! He has wont the gold ticket. That means he can have a trip to the chocolate factory and meet Mr. Wonka. If you want to know what happens in the factory, try to read this book! Feeling after reading this book: I have watched the movie before I read this book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think it is a good book. It is because I think that it tells us something. This book tells us not to complain about our life. Many people are poorer than us. Charlie Bucket is a good boy. Charlie Bucket wants to have a chance to have a trip in the chocolate factory. He knows that his family is poor but he does not complain. His birthday present is only a bar of chocolate for each year. He hopes to have the golden ticket in the bar of the chocolate but his dream has not come true. Although he is a good boy, he has done something bad. He takes away the money he finds in the path and he does not give it to the police. He goes to the shop, uses the money to buy the chocolate one after another until he has found the golden ticket in the chocolate. Although he is very poor, I dont think that he should do this thing. I know that he is a poor boy but this action is wrong. This money may belong to the other poor people will then be very sad and disappointed. I think this book is very interesting. It is because if you were Charlie and can have a chance, you would think it is very fantastic. There will not be a real factory like this in the world. There is no worker in this factory and it is like magic. There is a chocolate pool. I hope there will be a real factory like this in the world and I can go inside to have a swim or drink in this pool. This is not a very difficult book for us. It is both funny and easy. I hope you will have a look or watch the movie.

  • 1B Lit Ka Hing Vivian (26) Title: Esio Trot Author: Roald Dahl Publisher: Penguin Group The main characters in this story are Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver. Actually, they were neighbours. The storys plot was that Mr Hoppy had loved Mrs Silver for a long time, but he was a very shy man, so he didnt express himself to her. Mrs Silver got a tortoise called Alfie, but it didnt grow bigger. Therefore, Mrs Silver asked Mr Hoppy for an opinion. Happily, Mr Hoppy said that he knew what to do if she really wanted Alfie to grow bigger. So, Mrs Silver begged Mr Hoppy for help .Then he wrote a piece of paper and gave it to her. The paper wrote, ESIO TROT, ESIO TROT, TEG REGGIB REGGIB! EMOC NO, ESIO TROT, WROG PU, FFUP PU, TOOHS PU! GNIRPS PU, WOLB PU, LLEWS PU! EGROG! ELZZUG! FFUTS! PLUG! TUP NO TAF, ESIO TROT, TUP NO TAF! TEG NO, TEG NO! ELBBOG DOOF! But after Mrs Silver read this article, she asked Mr Hoppy what language it was. He replied that this was tortoise language, he explained in this way, tortoises were backward creatures. Then, Mr Hoppy asked Mrs Silver to whisper these words to Alfie three times a day. Although the tortoise grew to twenty-seven ounces finally, it was not because of the magic words. It was actually because Mr Hoppy changed the tortoise once a week and increased the weight of each by two ounces every time. So, after eight weeks, the tortoise became twenty-seven ounces. Fortunately, at last, Mrs Silver didnt discover it, and at the same time, Mr Hoppy got enough courage to express himself to Mrs Silver, and they lived happily together forever. After I read this book, I think this book is very funny and interesting. First, because of the storys plot, especially the thing which Mr Hoppy did for Mrs Silver because Mr Hoppy loved her. Second, this story has a good ending, not like Hamlet, in which all except 2 died. Also, I would like to share why I will choose this book and write the report to you. It is because I like to read the books written by Roald Dahl. I want to tell you one thing, the title Esio Trot actually means tortoise, because this book is mainly about tortoises, and Mr Hoppy mentioned that tortoises read backwards, so the title is Esio Trot This is the most funny thing I find in this book, also I think the author is very creative.

  • 1B Kwok Mei Ki (17) Title: The witches Author: Roald Dahl The main characters in this story are a boy, his grandmother, and the Grand High witch. This story is about a boy whose grandmother knows many things about the witches. In the Easter holidays, the boy and his grandmother went to Bournemouth and they lived in a hotel. Then they saw many witches there! The witches turned the boy and a boy called Bruno into a mouse! Even they went back to their home, Norway, the boy has not turned back to a boy. He and his grandma design what they will do in the next few years. This is the end of the story. I believe that many people in the world are afraid of the witches. Witches are very terrible. Do you agree? In this story, I know more about the witches. I think the boy is very unlucky because he sees the witches when they are meeting. After reading this book, I asked myself, what will happen if I see a witch? I think it is impossible. I dont believe there are really witches in the world. Anyway, this book is good because the writer writes down how they boy sees the witches clearly and vividly.

  • 1B Chui Long Sin (7) Title: Rainbow Magic Series: Flora the Fancy Dress Fairy The book Flora the fancy dress fairy is very interesting. It is one of the rainbow magic series. I like this book because it is very funny especially the plot of how goblins escaped after they stole things. This proves that they liked to do bad things. However, Kristy fairy and Rachel fairy told lies but the goblins still believed them. This proved that they were simple-minded creatures. I thought goblins should not be so bad. They did bad things because they thought they were right. They just wanted to get back the things they owned or protect their rights. The climax of this book is the ending. Jack Frost and his goblins were invited to the magnificent fancy dress ball and no one blamed him for what he had done before. He was very pleased and promised that they would not do bad things anymore. Once again, I know that goblins were simple and easy to make friends with. I learnt form this book that fairies are not always right and goblins are not always wrong. All the bad things done by bad people should have a reason behind. I should analysis the bad things before I make my comment.

  • 1D Wong Ka Yan (35) Title: Astronauts Author: Steve Cole Publisher: Red Fox

    Teggs and Gipsy answered a call for help from a wrecked ship. However, that was a trap from some terrible T. rexes! They were locked up in prison and were in danger of being eaten. Luckily, their friends Arx and Piggy tried their best to help them. Piggy was also trapped but at last, Arx knew what had happened eventually Piggy, Teggs and gipsy were saved at last.

    My favourite character is Arx. He was so clever and calm that he could find out what happened at last. Besides, he was such a good astrosaur that he cared about his friends a lot and that he went into the T. rex kingdom to rescue his friends.

    I think this book is really touching. It tells us that friendship is very precious. Also, this book is quite exciting. I feel relieved when Teggs, Piggy and Gipsy were saved. I hope me and my friends relationship can stay and I hope we will be the best friend forever. I will recommend this book to my classmates and friends. I hope that they will like this book and recommend this book to others. I also hope more people can read this book and do socialize with others.

  • 1D Wong Hiu Man (34)

    Title: The Troy Stone Author: Stephen Rabley This title of the book is The Troy Stone . The author is Stephen Rabley .The story characters are Jackson, Jackson s family and his sister Fay .They are on holiday in Turkey .They are staying in a big hotel in Istanbul. It is a wonderful story .It is about the war between Greek and Troy.It is very exciting .When Jackson was tired one day, he sat under a tree and he found a flat and yellow stone. After that, some very strange events happened. He had an adventure. However, this was a fault .All of wonderful things were fault. It was because it was only Jacksons dream . I think this story was interesting and exciting .I know about the war of Greek and Troy. I like Jackson very much. It was because he had an adventure .It was very interesting .It was only his dream and his dream was about history. It was true. The words of the book were easy to be understood. They were not very difficult .I can understand the story easily. Therefore, I like this story very much . Lastly, I think this story is very wonderful and not difficult to understand .I will recommend it to my friends.

  • 1D Law Shui Ki, Suki (16)

    Title: Ghost Town at Sundown Author: Mary Pope Osborne Publisher: A Stepping Stone Book


    This story is about a girl and a boy who named Jack and Annie. One day Annie saw a rabbit and thought that the rabbit was a sign of Morgans back. So Annie and Jack followed the rabbit until it vanished in the magic tree house. There was an enchantress called Morgan. Morgan gave them a riddle to solve. Then the wind started to blow them. After that, Annie and Jack arrived at a look empty and spookys town. Also, there were some tombstones too. The riddle was Out of the blue, My lonely voice calls out to you. Who am I? Am I? But there were no human voice or any sounds. Then they crept towards a building and there was a piano in a room. Suddenly, the piano keys were moving but no one was there! They thought that was a ghost playing the piano and they were scared about that so they went out of the building. After that moment, some cowboys passed the town and they said they had to sell a beautiful horse. Jack and Annie were very upset so they wanted to help the beautiful horse. Then, they met a man called Slim. Slim had a horse called Dusty and it was the son of the beautiful horse. They wanted to pick Dusty to see his mum again. Finally they were succeeded and Slim told them about the riddle and the piano. At last, they knew the riddles answer was----Echo. After reading that story, I felt Jack and Annie were sp brave and confident. If I were them, I would scare of the ghosts and I would not able to find out the answer of the ghost and played the piano by myself. Also, I think I should learn to be more brave too.

  • 1D Lee Ka Ki, Katie (17) Title: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Author: C.S.Lewis Summary: This story talks about a secret place called Narnia. There are four

    children called Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy in the story. They were sent to a Professor home to stay for a while. One day, Lucy was playing with her elder sister and brother. Suddenly, she appeared there was a place on the other side of the wardrobe. Then they started their adventure journey.

    They met many people, they are non-human. Everything was new to them. One of the four children, Edmond was controlled by the White Witch. The White Witch was a bad woman who wanted to rule the narnia.

    The four children were Pevensie.They met Aslan who was a lion. He was good at everything and helped them to defeat the White Witch together. During the war, Aslan gave them many advices. To make them won the war.

    After the war, Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy became the king and queen in Narnia.They spent a long times in Narnia.At last they came to the wardrobe, the door appeared and they became ordinary children again.

    Comment: I love this story very much. It talks about the adventurous journey of four

    children. The story was very excited. The description about the character is great. It makes the story come to live. In the story, my favorite character is Aslan.I love it very much. When I first to read the story, I determined to see the movie of this story. I think Aslan is even cool without the special effects. I think his speech is meaningful and worthwhile. Also I think that it is very important character in this story. It made them brave and taught them skills to defeat their enemy. This story is very fun too. There is a continuation of Narnia such as The prince of Caspian. All of them are good stories.

  • 1D Jade Lam Kwan Yee (14) Title : Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Author : Ronald Rahl Illustrator : Joseph Schindelman No. of pages : 210 Comment : This story is about a good boy called Charlie Bucket. He loved chocolate so much , he could not buy it because his family was poor . One day, Willy Wonka, head of the biggest chocolate company, announced a contest that there were five golden tickets hidden in chocolate bars and he sent them throughout the world. Anyone who found the golden ticket first could visit Willys factory. Charlie and four other naughty children found the tickets and visited the chocolate factory. Those four children were so naughty and created a lot of problems in different parts of the factory and they finally lost in the contest. Charlie got the prize and became a successor of Willy Wonka's factory. I think Charlie was a very good boy . When he found the golden ticket , he didnt immediately ask for his parents permission to get there although he wanted to visit the factory so much. Instead, he asked for his parents opinion . It showed Charlie was an obedient boy . I like this book very much , because I was fascinated by Mr. Wonkas chocolate factory. It was so amazing and wonderful as well . I would really love to visit his factory if the chocolate factory did exist!

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    Miss Yip

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