19TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST TONE 2 · PDF fileprayers of the Church such as the Divine Liturgy and Divine Office of Vespers and Matins. Vocal prayers are the prayers of the Church

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September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurchosbm.com • Email: stjucch@aol.com

Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: stjosaphathall@aol.com

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: madario88@gmail.com

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: FrWalterR@yahoo.com

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

SUMMER SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 9:00 a.m.; (English) 11:00 a.m.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion and Funerals - call the Office first.

For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

Під Твою милість і Твій покров прибігаємо

Початок вшанування Богородиці Діви Марії сягає

початку людського роду. Щоправда тоді лише уявляли,

що колись буде така особа, через яку прийде Месія на

землю. Ми є свідками і учасниками Спасительної цієї


Отож, коли після упадку прародичів, упадку

людства, були сказані слова Господом Богом: “Я

покладу ворожнечу між Тобою і жінкою і між Твоїм

потомством та її потомством”, тоді ті слова сказані до

змія-диявола, спокусника Єви й Адама, вже тоді давали

надію цілому людству на спасіння, що

здійснилося через найсвятішу жінку – пречисту Діву

Марію, Богородицю, переможницю змія-диявола у всіх

людських душах, котрі повірять в Її сина Ісуса Христа

як свого Спасителя.

Спасаюча дія жінки над всіма жінками, не

завершилась лише із народженням Месії і допомогою в

Його служінні, але мало продовження ще й після

Голгофи. Бачивши Ісус Матір і біля Неї учня, що

стояв, – а його ж любив Він, – мовить до Матері:

«Жінко, ось син Твій». А тоді й до учня мовить: «Ось

матір твоя». І від тієї хвилі учень узяв її до себе.

Йо. 19, 25-27

Ці слова нашого Спасителя були звернені до “учня”.

Ми є також учнями Христа, отож звернені й до нас.

Вони закликають кожного християнина стати сином/

дочкою Матері Божої. Марія опікувалася учнями і була

з ними. Так і ми можемо прибігати до

How to follow Christ Today - conclusion

The foundation of these virtues and following Christ is

constant, prayerful union with God. We cannot reach the

perfect summit of union with God the Father in this life as

Christ did. It is a profound mystery that we cannot fully

comprehend. But we better understand something of its

meaning because on our imitation of Christ at prayer we are

laying the foundation for everything else in our spiritual

life. Unlike us, Christ was sinless and did not have to pray

for the grace and mercy which we all desperately need. Yet

He prayed in order to teach us that without conscious

awareness of God's presence and without constant

admission of our need for divine help, in a word, without

mental prayer we cannot live up to the humanly impossible

demands of God's will and certainly cannot become

Christ-like in our lives.

We also pray vocally which consists of prayers from the

Scriptures such as the Psalms, or the official liturgical

prayers of the Church such as the Divine Liturgy and

Divine Office of Vespers and Matins. Vocal prayers are the

prayers of the Church and someone else yet, we still have

to spiritually prepare ourselves. We pray to the Holy

Spirit to guide, inspire and illuminate us. Mental prayer

is spontaneous, we talk to God as our own mind animated

by the Holy Spirit, is moved to speak with Him.

Vocal prayer is useful and necessary. Regarding the

Saints in Chapter 2 on Dialogue of Prayer, St. Catherine of

Sienna writes; "There are persons who pay (Cont. on pg. 3)


(prod. na stor. 3)

September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2


Sunday, September 25, 2016 (St. Euphrosyne) (Prayer Book pg. 221, 406)

2 Cor. 11:31 - 12:9; Lk. 6: 31:36 (Molytovnyk. st. 215, 394)

9:00 For The Parish

11:00 #925 ++ All Deceased Family Members — B. Kruczak

Monday, September 26, 2016 (St. John) 1 Jn. 4: 12-19; Jn. 19: 25-27, 21: 24-25

8:30 #1401 ++ Josyp, Mykola, Ilya & All Deceased Family

Members — M. Korchynsky

#1228 + Leonard Pietrzak — R. & V. Maksimowich Prayer Families: L. Bluj / R. Vykhovanets

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 (St. Callistratus)

Phil. 2: 16-23; Lk. 6: 37-45

8:30 #535 + Mary Joseph Family — O. Wojtyshyn

#1210 + Olga Halushka — D. & K. Holowchak Prayer Families: I. Bohay / P. Veselovskyy

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 (St. Chariton)

2 Cor. 4: 6-15; Lk. 6: 17-23

8:30 #867 + Valentina Sawchuk — J. & R. Figacz

#1134 + Bohdan Nehaniv — M. Nakonechna Prayer Families: E. Bojanowski / A. Vatulaks

Thursday, September 29, 2016 (St. Cyriacus)

Phil. 3: 1-8; Lk. 7: 17-30

8:30 #913 Special Intention for Luke — M. Dobish

#1400 Health & God's Blessings for Happy Birthday

Maria Klepach — Family Prayer Families: G. Bojcuniak / M. Wasilik

Friday, September 30, 2016 (St. Gregory)

Phil. 3: 8-19; Lk. 7: 31-35

8:30 #1351++ Myron & Anna Iwashko & Osyp Bajko

— E. Bajko

#1240 + Olga Sawchuk — J. & M. Katsaros Prayer Families: O. Bojcuniak / M. Varenytsia

Saturday, October 01, 2016 (Protection of BVM)

Heb. 9: 1-7; Lk. 10: 38-42, 11: 27-28

8:30 #616 Happy, Healthy & Blessed Birthday Fr. Mario

11:00 #1403 Health & God's Blessings For Alexandria Ellis (who is diagnosed with SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy &

10 month old Granddaughter of Tamara Korupas) — Friends

4:00p.m. #899 Special Intention — O.L.P.H. Sodality Prayer Families: E. Bolde / A. Varenytsia

Sunday, October 02, 2016 (Sts. Cyprian & Justin) (Prayer Book pg. 222, 408)

Gal. 1: 11-19, Lk. 7: 11-16 (Molytovnyk. st. 216, 395)

8:30 #806 Special Intention for Melanie — Family

10:00 For The Parish

12:00 #722 ++ All Deceased Hryhorczuk Family Members

— Szajenko Family

Altar Cleaning

Millie Stachowski and Lorraine Short

Fr. Bernard, Fr. Christopher, Terry Babenko, Steven Batkoski, Emily Berezowsky, Thomas Binkley, Dan Budnick, Janice Budnick, Sviatoslav Cherniawskyy, Amanda Cliffton, Dennis Connel, John DeHate, Alexandra

(Korupas) Eillis, Christine Lash-Farion, Mychajlo Fedorenko, Thomas Gula, Vasyl Halayda, Alfred Hetkowski, Dorothy Kail, Suzanne Kotas, Irene Krasicky, Allyson Logan, Virginia Michaluk, Brian Miller, Sophia Nigrans, Jesse Obriecht, Tamara Olszewski, Lily Ondusky, John Paluch, Marty Peters, Douglas Podgorski, Christopher Portalski, Riley Portalski, Walter Roback, Stephanie Salata, Pearl Sawchuk, Dick Schultz, Roman Seniuk, Michael Servoss, Joshua Sherman, Nicole Sherman, Angela Shrubowich, Peggy Slowinski, Rosemary Smith, Theresa Soloman, Olha Soroka, Michael Tereck Jr., Teri Turak, David Tyro. **Also, please pray for all our elderly that are ill, in nursing homes

and home bound.** Pray For All The Men & Women in Military Service - In Active Duty

- From our parish & families -

Lina Calice, Vlady Calice, Michael Crill, John Darga, Michael Poff, Eugene Poterfield, Christopher V.., Jordan Wenson, Nicholas Zablonski, Stanislav Zibrivskyy. (Please inform the office of any updates

Immaculate Conception Schools Benefit Banquet 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 4:00p.m. St. Josaphat Banquet Hall

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools "80 Years of Service to our Ukrainian Community"

Banquet Guest Speakers Petro Lisowsky, D.B.A. (I.C. Schools Alumnus) Taras Lisowsky, D.O. (I.C. Schools Alumnus)

Tickets will be available at the I.C. School and I.C. and St. Josaphat Church Offices as of Sept. 15th

October – Month of the Rosary

We will have the Rosary Monday thru Friday evenings

6:00p.m.- in Eng. 6:30p.m.- in Ukr.

Wovten/ - Mis]c/ Vervyci

Qodenno vidmovl]=mo vervyc[

6:00ve;. - po anh. 6:30ve;. - po ukr.

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM

October 1st

Mnoha] Lita!

September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

attention to nothing except completing the Psalms and

saying many Pater Nostras-Our Father. When they have

finished their appointed tale, they think of nothing more to

do, but seem to place devout attention and affection in

merely vocal prayer. If you ask me whether the souls

should abandon vocal prayer, I say no. But the soul should

gradually advance to mental prayer."

St. Alphonsus Liguori compared the practice of vocal

with mental prayer by contrasting their respective influence

on a person's soul. "By experience we see that many

persons who recite a great number of vocal prayers, the

Office and the Rosary, fall into sin and may even live in sin.

But a person who practices mental prayer scarcely ever falls

into grave sin, or if he does, have the misfortune of

committing mortal sin. He will either give up mental

prayer or repent of his sin. Meditation and sin cannot stand


The variety of forms which mental prayer can take is

almost infinite. It can be meditation or a planned reflection

on some mystery of the faith, or examination of the

conscience as a periodic inventory of our service of God,

or aspirations which are momentary acts of patience,

humility, or love according to the circumstances of divine

providence and inspiration. The goal of our prayer besides

communicating with God is to discern His will. "Thy will

be done." This is what Jesus Christ did during His stay on

earth. He always prayed, and this is how we are to

imitate Him.

+ In Memory of Bishop Richard Seminack,

who died last month, New Star, our eparchial

newspaper, will publish your prayerful wishes.

For those making a donation of $100.00,

a 3” x 5” space will include your message. A business card

-size space is available for $50.00. Other

contributions will be acknowledged by publishing your

name, city and state, (and parish, if indicated) in a list to be


Checks may be made out to “Eparchy of St Nicholas”

memo line: “Bishop’s Memorial” forward to Eparchy of

St Nicholas; 2245 W Rice St; Chicago, IL 60622.

In this manner, people are given a chance to become

part of the healing process that accompanies the physical

death of someone important to their lives. As members of

the Christian family, of which Bishop Richard was father,

our emotional, spiritual and physical support is a welcome

sign of care and concern.

Thank you.

May his memory be eternal!

Неї в скорботах і радощах, призивати її на поміч у всіх

немочах і тривогах, ділитися радостями і успіхами.

Вона подасть нам утішення, захист, підтримку і буде

н а ш о ю З а с т уп н и ц е ю п е р е д Вс е ви ш н і м .

Молитва до Пресвятої Богородиці

Пресвята Богородице, у цій хвилині відновлюю своє

бажання бути під Твоїм Покровом і благаю Тебе:

Матінко моя Небесна, заопікуйся мною, моєю сім’єю і

моєю церковною громадою.

Як, тоді перед хрестом на Голгофі Ти стала матір’ю

для учня, так і сьогодні я хочу стати твоїм сином/

дочкою. У Твої руки віддаю душу мою і тіло, – все моє

життя. Віддаю моїх рідних, моїх братів і сестер у

Христі. Прошу Тебе, добра Небесна Мати, будь нашою

Ненькою та Заступницею!

Охороняй завжди мене і моїх ближніх сильним

Твоїм Покровом у всіх небезпеках душі і тіла.

Заступайся за нас перед Всевишнім та Своїми святими

молитвами зменшуй Його Святий Гнів з причини

наших гріхів! Вимоли ласку навернення і святого життя

кожному з нас.

Я добре знаю, що Ти, Царице Неба, завжди успішно

допомагаєш усім тим, хто з довірою віддається під Твій

Святий Покров і твердо вірю, що під Твоїм Святим

Покровом легше зможу уникати всіх небезпек для душі

і тіла, та виконувати Божу Волю, а після смерті

осягнути вічне щастя на Небі.


Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

O Mary, my Queen and my Mother! I give myself

entirely to you. I consecrate to you, this day, my eyes, my

ears, my mouth, my heart, my whole being without reserve.

And since, good Mother, I am your own, keep me and

guard me as your property and possession.

Solemn Holy Communion Class

Registration has begun for children that are making their Solemn Holy Communion

in May of 2017.

Classes will begin: Sunday, October 02, 2016 at 10:30am

September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4

Mnoha] Lita!

Meetings / Sxodyny

Marijs/ka Dr. Im. Zarvanyc/ko\ - Bowo\ Materi

povidomla= qo>

2-oho wovtn] v hod. 9>00rano - Spil/ne Sv. Pry;ast] 5-oho wovtn] v hod. 4>00p.p. - Sxodyny

Calendar of Events

Sept. 25th……… K of C Pancake Breakfast at St. Josaphat

after the 9am & 11am liturgies

Oct. 1st………… Steak Out Dinner at St. Josaphat Hall

Oct. 2nd …….… First Sunday - Fall Liturgy Schedule 8:30am, 10:00am & 12noon

Oct. 2nd ….…… 2017 Solemn Holy Communion class begins - 10:30am in classroom

Oct. 12th & 13th.. Rummage Sale at St. Josaphat Hall

Oct. 23rd ….….. I.C. School Benefit Banquet

Nov. 13th………K of C Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Josaphat

Professional office space for lease

Great opportunity to lease 1100 sq. ft. office space in

Warren. Located within the Ukrainian Selfreliance

Michigan Federal Credit Union business complex at

26791 Ryan Road, Warren, Michigan. Easy access to

I-696 and I-75. Ample parking. Close to shopping and

restaurants. Building and roadside signage available.

Competitively priced. Call John for info at 586-756-3300.

Work Available in Assisted Living Facility

Looking for a person to give love and compassion in

a small assisted living facility located in Rochester. Assist

with daily living activities (will train), some cooking and

cleaning involved. Part time days. For more information,

please call Sheila at 248-854-1222.

Respect Life Sunday

Parishioners from our church and Our Lady of Grace

Church will gather on Ryan Rd. on Sunday October 2nd

from 2:00p.m. to 3:30p.m.

This traditional event called Life Chain is observed

internationally. Profile signs will be provided. You can

bring a chair, if you wish, Come and pray to stop abortion.

For more information, call 586-754-5251

You’re Invited to a

Faith Formation Evening

Meet our catechists and discover what

we offer for our youth and adults. Monday, September 26, 2016

6:30pm to 8:00pm in the St. Josaphat Banquet Hall

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM

Jennie Dashe, Catherine Berezowsky, Roman Baranyk,

Eugene Repeta, Iwan Weliczko, Luba Nestorowich,

Ihor Bohay, Oxanna Denysenko, Nadia Stetkewycz,

James Nahirniak, Kathleen Bojcuniak, Charlene Kisil,

Valeriy Irhibayev, Michael Sawicky, Christina Streich,

Olena Dundon, Tanja Kryzaniwskyj, Jennifer Howard,

Katryna Czemerys, Deanna Lesiuk, Nicholas Zachar,

Gabrielle Szajenko, Danylo Makara, Mark Makara,

Marko Korovaychuk, David Yavorskyy

Welcome back to our weekly

Tuesday Night Faith Formation Sessions!

You’re invited to join our six-week Divine Mercy Re-

treat based on the best-selling book “33 Days to Merciful

Love” by Fr. Michael Gaitley.

The Retreat will begin on September 27, 2016,

Tuesday, at 7PM,

in St. Josaphat’s Classroom with the following schedule: Session 1. September 27: Introduction.

Session 2. October 4: What is Trust?

Session 3. October 11: The Little Way.

Session 4. October 18:

The Offering to Merciful Love.

Session 5. October 25: Into the Darkness.

Session 6. November 1: Conclusion.

On November 4, First Friday, we will conclude with a

special Consecration Liturgy to Divine Mercy and an

opportunity for you to attend Holy Confession, Communion

and receive blessings from Father Mario.

Our Retreat will end in the last weeks of the extraordinary

Jubilee Year of Mercy. So if you haven’t yet done

something for the Year of Mercy or want to delve deeper

into Divine Mercy, please consider joining us!

There is no cost to attend, all materials and precious blessed

gifts will be provided to you thanks to your prior generous

donations and support of St. Josaphat’s Council of Knights

of Columbus. Light refreshments will be provided at

every session.

If you have any questions about this Retreat, please do not

hesitate to contact Zach at zachgala@gmail.com or at

(313) 878-5110.

Thank you and God bless!

September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5

September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 6

From the Fish Fry Kitchen come and join us for the

Third Annual

Steak Out!! Steak Dinner Event

Saturday, October 01, 2016 4:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.

Rib Eye Dinner with all the trimmings

(Steak fries or sweet potato, broccoli & salad)

$20 per person

1/2 Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings

(Steak fries or sweet potato, broccoli & salad)

$17 per person

Grilled Walleye

(Steak fries or sweet potato, broccoli & salad)

$17 per person

Children's Menu

Hot Dogs & Bag of Chips - $3.50

Event Proceeds given to support the Parish

Beverages Bakery items ala carte

St. Josaphat Banquet Centre

26440 Ryan Rd in Warren (One Block South of I-696)

For reservations (encouraged but not required)

please call: 586-755-1740 or email stjucch@aol.com

Deadline: Monday. September 26th

September 25, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 7

Collection dates and times at the church garage are as follows:

(Please try to bring donations at these times)

Tuesdays: 10am — 3pm: Sept. 27th and Oct. 4th

Thursdays: 3pm — 8pm: Saturdays: 10am — 3pm Sept. 29th and Oct. 6th Oct. 1st and the 8th

Please do not leave items outside the garage since there will be no one to attend to them. Last year, it rained a couple of times and items got wet and were unsalable.

Volunteer Sheet

Please place an “X” on the shifts you want work

Sunday, October 9th Set-up (Setting up tables, covering dance floor and bringing out items from garage)


12 (noon) till 4pm 4pm to 8pm

___________________ ___________________

Monday, October 10th Set-up continues setting items on tables and pricing.

8 am to 1 pm 1 pm to 6 pm 3 pm to 9 pm

______________ __________________ ________________

Tuesday, October 11th, finishing set up work, and pricing.

8 am to 1 pm 1 pm to 6 pm 3 pm to 9 pm

_______________ ____________________ _________________

Wednesday October 12th (tidying tables, helping customers, etc.)

Shifts are: 9am to 2pm 1pm to 6pm.

__________________ _______________________

Thursday October 13th – Cleanup

Shifts are: 9am to 2pm 1pm to 5pm. 5pm to 10pm

__________ ______________ ____________

Snacks, Drinks, Lunch and for the late workers Dinner will be served for all volunteers.

Your Name: _______________________________ Telephone: ________________________

Email: _____________________________________

Rummage Sale Wednesday October 12th and Thursday October 13th

It’s almost fall and our annual Rummage Sale is a few weeks

away. We are in need of help for set-up on Sunday October 9th.

We also need people for sorting, sales, and especially clean-up.

If you would like to help, please fill out the form and return to the


All proceeds are used for our church’s needs.

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