192 FLORA OF TAIWAN - tai2.ntu.edu.twtai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebookimages/Flora of Taiwan/Flora of Taiwan(2nd)/Flora...192 FLORA OF TAIWAN Humata macrostegia Tagawa in Acta Phytotax. Geobot.

Post on 11-Sep-2019






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Humata macrostegia Tagawa in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6: 231. 1937. Rhizomes long creeping, 2 mm in diameter; rhizome scales appressed, brown, lanceolate, margins paler, erose, ciliate. Fronds deltoid, dimorphic, bipinnatifid to tripinnatifid; anadromous, lowest pinna not basiscopicaly enlarged or scarely so; stipes 1-6 cm long; scales thin, brown, ovate; lamina 3-7 cm long by 22-55 mm wide. Indusia 1.0 to 1.5 mm wide. Distributed in Taiwan and the Philippines. TAICHUNG:Tungshih, Simozawa 421. CHIAYI: Mt. Alishan, Simozawa 420. KAOHSIUNG: Cross Island Highway (98k), Hsu 1388. TAITUNG: Ramaramari, Kao 6860. Our specimens labelled H. macrostegia have larger fronds than those identified as H. chrysanthemifolia but their form scales, and indusia are the same. 2. Humata griffithiana (Hook.) C. Chr. in Coutr. U.S. Natl Herb. 26: 293. 1931.

杯狀蓋陰石蕨 P1. 77

Davallia griffithiana Hook., Sp. Fil. 1: 168. pl. 49B. 1846; DeVol & Yang in F1. Taiwan 1: 273. 1975. Rhizomes about l cm thick, densely covered with persistent linear-lanceolate whitish or brownish hair-tipped scales; c. s. of rhizome oval, with about 12 bundles in a ring ; 2 central ones larger, the other smaller; c. s. of stipe oval to round with 5-6 bundles in an arc, these at each end larger; stipes 4-12 cm long, grooved above, scaly only at base. Fronds pentagonal, 12-20 cm broad; basiscopic pinnule elongated, 4-pinnatifid at base, coriaceous. Sori submarginal, wider than long; indusia cup-like, attached by base and at least 1/2 way on sides (or more). Distributed in Northern India, West China and Taiwan. TAIPEI: Shihlin, Odashima 17756. ILAN: Oobishan, Masamune s. n. 1938. TAICHUNG: Shikchiao, Simizawa 423. NANTAOU: Lushan, Kao 7941; Kuanitaochi, Shieh & Tsai 10375*. PINGTUNG: Kosengpo, Matuda 98. TAITUNG: Taitungshan, Yamamoto 54; Tawu, Shieh 56. 3. Humata pectinata (Sm.) Desv., Prod. 323. 1827; DeVol & Yang in F1. Taiwan 1: 276. 1975.

馬來陰石蕨 P1. 78, Photo 50

Humata gaimardiana (Gaud.) J. Sm. in Lond. Journ. Bot. 1: 425. 1842. Davallia parallea Wall. in Hook., Sp. Fil. 1: 153. p1. 42A. 1846.

Rhizome creeping on rocks or tree trunks, 1-2 mm thick; rhizome scales lanceolate, appressed, peltate, dark brown with shiny centers and paler thin margins. Stipes grooved above, 4-12 cm long; stipe and rachis scales similar to rhizome scales; fronds deeply pinnatifid, ovate-lamceolate, 2-3 times as long as wide, the lamina 8-12 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, the pinna with a single small basiscopic lobe; sterile veins wide, once or twice forked, soriferous veins forking just below the sorus. Indusia firm, scale-like, semi-circular. Distributed in Indonesia, Micronesia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. TAITUNG: Is. Lanyu, Shieh 56, Shieh et al. 274*, Huang & Kao 7538.

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