1500’s Europe. 1500’s Educated Europeans influenced by Renaissance ideas Secularism Humanism Wanted change in Catholic Church Extravagance and hedonism.

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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1500’s Europe

The Protestant Reformation

The Beginning1500’s Educated Europeans

influenced by Renaissance ideasSecularismHumanism

Wanted change in Catholic ChurchExtravagance and


The Issues at HandPope Leo X

Trying to raise money to rebuild St. Peter’s BasilicaAuthorized selling of


Martin LutherGerman MonkBelieved in

Justification by FaithChurch was not

ultimate authority

The 95 Thesis95 Theses

Against indulgences and corruption in church

Advocated Justification by FaithIndulgence sales

went downBegan to affect the

finances of the Church

Want Luther wanted/believed… Developed the idea

of justification by faith

Having faith in God’s mercy and love was all that was needed to ensure entrance to heaven

Luther wanted to share this information with everyone – thought the Pope would agree, but the Pope just wanted $$ for his cathedral in Rome

The Pope Goes OffLeo X is angered by

effect of 95 ThesesAsks Martin Luther

to recant his criticisms

Luther refusesLuther is

condemned, excommunicated, and his works are banned

Edict of WormsPassed by Charles V

and Pope Leo XGerman princes meet

and try to convince Luther to recant

Still refusesMakes it a crime to

shelter/feed Luther or spread his word

While in hiding, Luther translates New Testament to German

The Conflict A Catholic agent was

in town, selling indulgences (get out of Purgatory free cards), giving people guilt-trips

“As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs” – John Tetzel’s selling slogan

Luther’s Protector Fredrick the Wise

The Spread of LutheranismCatholicism

Catholicism stresses faith and good works necessary for salvation

Church Teachings necessary for spiritual guidance

Ritual Heavy Communion,

confession, baptism, etc.

Services in Latin

LutheranismSalvation by faith

aloneBible, not clergy, is

the only source of religious truth

Less ritualServices held in

vernacular (everyday language)

Up for interpretation

Protestantism SpreadsHuldrych Zwingli

Leads Prot. Movement in Switzerland

Stresses salvation by faith alone

Criticizes Catholic beliefs/practices

Wants to break from Catholic tradition

Desires a theocracy (church-run state)

John CalvinSets up a theocracy

in GenevaBelieves in

predestinationGod determines the

fate of every person

AnabaptistsAdult Baptisms

Believe that only a person who can make an informed decision should be baptised

Denied the authority of local gov’t to direct their lives

Refused to hold office, bear arms, swear oaths

Many were persecutedFled to North

AmericaPromoted religious

freedom and seperation of church and state

Branched off into:BaptistsMennonitesAmish

Henry VIIIKing of EnglandWants a divorce from

CatherineCould not produce a

male heirPope refuses stating

church rulesJust so happened

that Catherine was aunt of Charles V (HRE)

Henry abandons the Catholic ChurchPasses the Act of

SupremacyForms the Church of

England (Anglican) w/ the monarch as the head

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