15 Thrilling Summer Camp Ideas

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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A water balloon fight is a fun summer camp activity that can be a camp-wide activity where everyone can get involved. Water balloon fights are a great way to escape the summer heat and are perfect for camps that may not be located near a body of water. This activity promotes team work and bonding between campers. Having an activity that has no winners or losers means that in the end everyone wins.


Scavenger hunts are an amazing way to create a fun activity for all campers to participate in. Providing the element of teamwork forces campers to learn to work together. Adding a unique twist by binding the camper’s legs together in a “three-legged-race” makes this a more challenging and memorable experience. Campers will use their problem solving skills to go from to clue to clue, which will ultimately lead them to the grand prize. This activity will also teach sportsmanship and allow the campers to bond and get to know one another.


Hiking is a thrilling way to get away from technology and other distractions of daily life. Hiking to destinations like look out points and waterfalls allows campers to see their surroundings from a different perspective and feel a sense of accomplishment. This is a way for campers to build friendships and get exercise while gaining a new appreciation for the outdoors.


Camp activities like archery and riflery can create a truly unique camp experience. Using this type of gear teaches campers responsibility and self-confidence. These types of activities allow campers to encourage one another while forming lasting friendships. Archery and riflery are some of the few camp activities that teach young campers responsibility in a hands-on way. These activities are perfect for adventure-seeking campers who are eager to try something new.


For adventurous campers big and small, horseback riding is the summer camp activity for your facility. Interacting with animals in a hands on way makes horseback riding a unique way to experience nature. This creates a strong bond between campers and their outdoor experiences. There are different levels of horseback riding for those who are more advanced and for those who crave a more leisurely horseback riding experience.


Adding this simple element to any campground will allow campers to experience a thrill in their own way. By providing rope swings of different heights, campers can choose an ultra-thrilling experience to fit their liking. Creating tree house platforms high in the trees makes rope swings all the more thrilling.


Most camps located near a lake or body of water can make this sort of excitement possible. Creating a high dive in a safe place in the water away from rocks and other possible hazards helps campers become thrill seekers in their everyday life. A simple high dive provides campers with the tool to push their inner limits and grow self-confidence. Campers can even practice valuable skills by expressing the courage and strength it takes to take that first leap.


This is an activity that allows campers to get out and get exercise in an adventurous way. Exploring the different nooks and cranny’s of one’s own environment creates a bond between campers and their wonderful surroundings. Kayaking creates a sense of power and freedom as campers get the opportunity to try something new on their own. This opportunity, like other summer camp ideas, bonds campers and teaches responsibility as they take part in a unique experience.


Water sports like wake boarding, tubing, and banana boating are high-speed excitement that can be experienced by everyone. These activities provide a basis for campers to learn new skills while enjoying a wild ride with their friends. Water sports create and intense sensation for campers on the open water. Water sports can be enjoyed by everyone and require campers to practice patients as well as endurance as they take on something new.


The challenging aspects of a ropes course promotes courage among campers and provide an environment for campers to encourage one another as they take on this challenge. Ropes courses can consists of challenging obstacles such as hanging beams, zip lines, and even 30-foot towers. During any ropes course, the camper will be attached to a harness attached to a safety cord or an auto belay.


Tree climbing systems can allow campers to climb sky high in any course of their choosing. For adventurous campers, these climbing courses serve as the rush they want. It provides a unique and lasting memory of their best summer ever. Installing an auto belay provides the fall protection that campers need. With this, campers have all the tools they need to go climb to new heights.


Zip lines are a great way to see the campground’s beautiful surroundings. For more ambitious campers, try placing a zip line over the camp’s body of water. This is a surefire way to get campers involved and ready for an exciting ride. However, for campers who may not be ready for something that extreme, a zip line at a steady slope is sure to get a lot of attention as well.


You can transform any hill or steady slope from ordinary to extraordinary, by adding tarps and other slick materials. This slip n slide can be as long and as wide as desired which ensures maximum fun for campers. Adding inflatable pool toys and other fun elements makes this an experience that everyone can take part in and will surely never forget.


“The Blob” is a catapult that is able to launch campers up to 15 feet in the air. It is an inflatable platform only half filled with air which one camper sits on the end (wearing a helmet and life vest) and the other jumps from a platform to the other side causing a displacement in air which launches their friend sky high.


Rafting provides one on one experience with nature and creates a bond between campers as they learn team building skills and conquer the white waters. For campers with courage and an unstoppable urge for excitement, river rafting is the summer camp activity they’re looking for. River rafting is not for the faint of heart; it is an extreme and unforgettable experience of campers against the untamed elements of nature. River rafting is for ambitious campers and is an incredibly fun way to escape the summer heat while seeking thrill.


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