15 Affirming Articles to Motivate and Encourage You

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  • 7/28/2019 15 Affirming Articles to Motivate and Encourage You


    15 Affirming Articles to

    Motivate and Encourage you.

    Written by:

    Marty BoneIdol

    Life Chapters. A Self Development site http://lifechapters.net

  • 7/28/2019 15 Affirming Articles to Motivate and Encourage You


    About the author:

    Marty BoneIdol

    A father to 3 children and husband to Christine.

    My full time work involves supporting the vulnerable through coaching in

    group work and one to one session.

    I am also a musician and play trombone, currently with Beggars' Belief, a

    7 piece band that plays original material in various gendre including Ska,

    Reggae, R&B, Rock, Blues, Soul.

    I have been writing since 2006 and was formally featured with Yahoo 360.

    Life Chapters. A Self Development site http://lifechapters.net

  • 7/28/2019 15 Affirming Articles to Motivate and Encourage You


    Table of contents

    1. How to keep a Positive Frame of Mind.

    2. Take Action.

    3. Accept positive praise and feedback when it is given.

    4. What is the Truth.

    5. Learning and Attraction.

    6. Faulty All or Nothing Thinking.

    7. More on Language Use.

    8. You are Alive!

    9. The Incredible reason why you exist.

    10. Use Memories Positively.

    11. Who are You?

    12. Choose to accept your natural ability to heal.

    13. Proof that the body can naturally heal.

    14. A sure fire way to prepare your goals.

    15. Finally, a Powerful Exercise to Seal your Future.

    Life Chapters. A Self Development site http://lifechapters.net

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    1. How to keep a positive frame of mind.

    Keeping positive in self development is essential. The first and

    most important lesson here is to learn to file emotions in

    appropriate places. If you are feeling sad, down or depressed,

    there is no use in trying to deny it.

    You can choose to take action.

    All feelings and emotions are normal. They are granted to us at

    birth for a reason, so we can choose to make positive use of

    them. Identify what the emotion is and what is going on in your

    body. Remember that whatever is happening is normal.

    Recognise and accept that your heart is pounding.

    Recognise and accept that you may feel physically sick.

    Recognise and accept that you want to cry.

    Recognise and accept that you feel uncomfortable.

    Recognise and accept panic.

    Recognise and accept that thoughts are rushing through

    your mind.

    Recognise and accept that your energy, both physically and

    mentally is drained right now.

    You might want to write down or record the above feeling or any

    others that you identify. The powerful point of this process is

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    that identifying and naming the elements of the stress uncovers

    the mystery. When you can see your enemy you can target it

    and go on the offensive to deal with it. You can put it

    somewhere in your minds filing cabinet to deal with logically

    when the time is right. One way of looking at this is to imagine

    the what you are feeling is, a room with filing cabinets turned

    upside down with papers in a mess everywhere. You can choose

    to open the door to the room, pick up a couple of sheets,

    identify where they belong, file them in an appropriate place

    then leave the room and lock it until the next time you open that

    door. Over time, there will be less and less mess to deal with

    and you'll feel like you have achieved something. This will fuel a

    positive mind by creating evidence that you can make progress.

    Try it and and see what happens.

    If you still feel bad, I encourage you to seek the assistance of a

    counsellor or some one to one coaching. Someone that will listen

    to you and help you to find those solutions that are within you.

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    2. Take action.

    Take action right now! That piece of action can be as small as

    you can manage. It may simply be reading the next few

    paragraphs of this book. If you stop where you are, that is

    where you will remain. Now sometimes we need to stop and

    catch breath. Sometimes we need to be self indulgent and feel

    sorry for ourselves. Believe me, there is nothing wrong in that

    provided we move on. Children have a massive advantage over us

    on this subject. Very young children naturally know how to

    express emotion and sulk. They also quickly process the emotion

    and can link into fun and laughter again. If you have a domestic

    pet, you'll see the very same. Let's not get too over intellectual

    about this. It is a process and it works.

    Here are a couple of analogies for you to consider: -

    Life is like the game snakes and ladders. Sometimes we

    climb ladders and sometimes we land on snakes.

    Occasionally we land on that long snake from square 97

    down to square 2. It feels like we are back at the beginning

    but believe me, it never is. Keep rolling the dice. Those that

    get stuck where they are, forget that simply process of

    rolling the dice.

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    I've demonstrated this successfully in a group. Hold a

    tennis ball in your hand and bend your knees. After a while

    you'll feel uncomfortable. If you drop the ball it will

    bounce. If you throw the ball down it will bounce higher. If

    you bounce the ball and aim it for a bucket on a shelf you'll

    have a focused goal. The point is that taking action by

    bouncing the ball and hitting rock bottom is action. The

    harder you hit rock bottom, the higher you will bounce

    back. However, when you bounce back with direction, you'll

    be aiming for successfully landing in that bucket. You might

    miss it first time. You might miss it several times, but with

    each attempt, you'll get closer and eventually you'll land in

    the bucket. Your life has an unlimited supply of tennis balls.

    Use them!

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    3. Accept positive praise and feedback when it is given.

    This is a true gift. We are experts at giving praise and

    affirmation to others. These people are usually the famous. Film

    stars, authors, successful business people, pop and rock icons,

    leaders, teachers, people that perform super human feats.

    What is their motivation for doing what they do?

    If they did not receive some sort of recognition, they would not

    do it. Sadly, some find it hard to accept the affirmations and

    are filled with self doubt despite the recognition they receive.

    I challenge you to accept the affirmations you receive when you

    get them however small that may appear to you. If you have got

    this far in reading my book, then I praise you for achieving your

    desire to seek self improvement. You have tenacity to get this

    far! You are choosing to learn. Take some credit for your

    positivity. Now you have done that, recognise that you can

    accept affirmations from others.

    If someone has written you a letter or email of praise and

    thanks for something you have done, keep is as a most precious

    gift. It is equivalent to an Olympic gold medal, a diamond

    encrusted ring or a 24 carat golden trophy. The individual words

    are the precious and rare treasure gems that are yours to own.

    Fully accept your gift with grace and thankfulness. Keep it safe

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    and protected. Go look at it regularly and enjoy it!

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    4. What is the truth?

    This is the most ancient of questions that continues to be

    asked. It is a question asked in many ancient and modern texts.

    It is written that Pontius Pilate asked Jesus What is the

    truth? I'll go on to mention the somewhat frivolous example of

    the Douglas Adams book The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

    where the question is asked about life, the universe and


    The truth is our own perception of life as we see it. That is

    what makes us all unique. We can choose to listen to perceived

    wisdom and accept or reject it. We have been granted that

    choice with our intellect. From that notion, we can set our

    personal boundaries. We may choose to influence others, but to

    enforce that influence, if we are not careful can be folly indeed!

    The world is full of enforcers. Look where that has got us.

    Here's a process: - Listen, evaluate and decide for yourself

    what is best for you as an individual. If it is not working, then

    maybe you are out of alignment with your truth.

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    5. Learning and Attraction.

    If we learn to love ourselves, it will enable us to love others and

    attract others to love us.

    If we learn to forgive ourselves, we learn to forgive others and

    others will be attracted to forgiving us our shortcomings.

    If we learn to care about ourselves, we learn how to care

    effectively for others and others will be attracted to caring for


    If we learn to laugh at ourselves, we learn to laugh at others

    appropriately and we are attracted to laughter and comedy.

    If we learn to be truthful to ourselves, we learn to speak the

    truth and others will be attracted to the truth we speak.

    If we learn to be in touch with and understand our emotions, we

    learn to understand the emotions of others and develop

    appropriate empathy. Others will be attracted to trust us.

    If we learn to have purpose in our life, we learn to understand

    the purpose in the lives of others and they become attracted to

    supporting our purpose.

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    6. Faulty all or nothing thinking.

    Be aware of what influences how you think and how you use

    language. Words we use can have a blocking and negative effect

    upon our lives. They can be self defeating.

    We make a choice to accept or reject what we hear. It affects

    whether we become motivated, the nature of that motivation

    and what drives it.

    I ask you to consider a statement I'm certain you will have

    experienced in the past.

    " You always ..........." "You never ........." (enter whatever negative

    piece of feedback you received).

    Consider your reaction to the statement.

    An example of a statement made to a child or young person.

    "What are you doing? Why haven't you done as I asked? You are

    just lazy and selfish."

    The young person chooses how to react to this statement.

    He/she may choose to accept that accusation in its entirety.

    This may cause de-motivation and depression. Self talk comes in

    "I am lazy and selfish. I am a bad person. I am not worthy of

    love and acceptance."

    There may also be anger. This anger may motivate in a negative


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    " You think I'm lazy and selfish? I'll show you how lazy and

    selfish I can be. I'm going to shock you by proving how much you

    have underestimated how lazy and selfish I am!"

    This is a kind of rejection of the accusation made because the

    person didn't believe the "lazy, selfish" label put on them, but

    felt unable to counter this, so chose to become the label, and


    This is likely what causes rebellion in teenagers. The person

    loses a sense of "self" and becomes something they are not.

    Self esteem plummets.

    In the book The Lord of the Rings, we can see this in action.

    Smeagal finds the ring and chooses to believe the lies it tells

    him. He becomes Gollum. This is the personality that has been

    fragmented. Gollum is consumed with selfishness and carries

    the burden of the ring. It affects him so badly that even when

    he loses it, he is unable to find his true self. The ring has

    enormous power. The greater the power of it's opposite, the

    more powerful it will become if it is accepted. Gandalf

    suspected this when he went to pick up the ring that Bilbo


    From another scene in the film (or book). Smeagal/Gollum is

    haunted by his negative self talk.

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    "Smeagal. I told you he was tricksy."

    Smeagal had begun to re-discover himself, but fell foul of his

    negative self talk, Gollum.

    A way of approaching this problem is by investigating what is

    really going on when we receive what we perceive to be negative


    Is it true in its entirety? (Unlikely)

    Is there some element of truth?

    What do I accept and what can I learn?

    This is another filing exercise. There is the process of disposing

    that which is not useful to us and does not belong to us. Those

    documents need shredding. We can choose to filter what is

    useful to us and file it appropriately for use in a positive fashion

    for our life ahead.

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    7. More on Language use.

    The use of language is complex to say the least. Stating the

    obvious, children learn by what they hear and as they get older

    they learn to understand. Children also learn by copying what

    they see and hear.

    There comes a time in our lives when we feel stuck. We seek

    answers to aspects of our lives and can at times get lost in the

    mire of so much influence, or in some cases so much choice.

    To continue to develop on an emotional level, there is sometimes

    a need to break old habits and dispose of what is not useful. We

    can compare this to nature when growing a tree. In order for it

    to flourish, grow broad as well as tall and to bear fruit, some

    careful pruning is needed.

    Here is how we can change our interpretation of language.

    Consider these two statements:

    You did that on purpose!

    You did that with a purpose

    The meanings are the same, but the emotions in the two are


    That first statement tends to get used in a negative sense. For

    me, in generates a vision of 2 siblings having an argument about

    who has control of a game. One of them becomes frustrated and

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    lashes out or breaks something belonging to the other out of

    anger and frustration, resulting in the reply You did that on


    Consider what you are doing right now.

    Are you doing it with a purpose?

    Do you have a focus for your life?

    When using the word purpose it is possible to re-frame its use

    from the negative to the positive. It is a powerful word fuelled

    with emotion and energy.

    You have permission to choose which direction you follow when

    using words fuelled with emotion and energy.

    I encourage you to choose to consider the words and language

    you use throughout your day. You might want to catch yourself

    in what you say or think.

    Work out what the emotion is.

    Make a note of that emotion.

    Is it positive or is it negative?

    Do the statements, words, phrases, sentences, language you use

    drain your emotional (and subsequent physical) energy or do you

    feel positive, motivated and energised?

    Sometimes, anger needs to be expressed. There is a time and

    place for that. The overall evaluation to consider is Does my

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    expressed anger help and assist me? If that anger is

    expressed and let go, can you then move on and fill the void

    created with some new, positive and energised thought?

    Having an understanding and awareness of the use of language

    assists us in managing our emotions appropriately. We are

    entitled to have emotions, so feeling sad, tearful, angry, happy,

    joyful, ecstatic (you may think of other emotions not listed

    here) are acceptable. What is useful here is how you use your

    understanding of the emotion for a clear and useful purpose.

    Or, you may choose to consider some simplicity in the matter

    and observe how children manage their emotions. Well adjusted

    children express their emotions openly. If they are upset, they

    are very quickly (within minutes, seconds even) able to move on

    with a new focus bearing no grudges about what has happened. I

    have even witnessed evidence of this in vulnerable teenagers

    that I have worked with when they would fall out and express

    intention to seriously hurt a peer. I would in some cases

    encourage the victim to take legal action against the

    perpetrator, only to discover they would be best friends again

    in a matter of days!

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    8. You are alive!

    There is a reason for this. It is a mission. Are you going to

    choose to accept it?

    The fact that we all exist as human beings must have some

    reason. We have choice to a large degree in what we do with our

    lives, even if that is simply how we choose to think.

    So...... we can choose to decide that our life has some meaning.

    Lets face it, why not? If we choose not to, then the future will

    seem pretty bleak and we will simply be submissive to whatever

    the world throws at us.

    If you are reading this, be aware that you chose to read it. You

    made a conscious decision to do so. The page did not choose you,

    you chose it! You exercised your power of choice. If someone is

    reading this to you, you have chosen to listen to it. We have the

    power to determine so many parts of our lives.

    Make a decision about today.

    Make a decision about tomorrow.

    Do this in the clear knowledge that you CAN determine your

    future, whatever that may be.

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    9. The incredible reason why you exist.

    How do you see the purpose of your life?

    Do you see yourself as someone of significance or do you think

    that you are alive just by some sort of accident?

    These are questions that cause all sorts of debate and

    argument, particularly with regard to Religious debates. Im

    not going into that here.

    I strongly feel this is important for you to consider and


    The fact that we exist is the result of desire and passion. It

    doesnt matter which way you look at it or where the energy of

    MOTIVATION comes from, it IS the result of those to key

    words. DESIRE and PASSION.

    If you want to get an idea of how passionate I feel, check the

    video I have produced for my Life Chapters Coaching Page.

    click here.

    Desire and passion have ENERGY, both physical and emotional.

    Now dont get me wrong. Im no scientific expert. My words

    simply come from inspirational thought. It just happened!

    The whole point is, are we going to waste the energy that is in

    us generated from the passion and desire that created us or are

    we going to make positive use of it?

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    It seems to be pretty obvious that millions of people choose to

    waste that energy on worry, stress and giving up on dreams and

    aspirations. We all have the opportunity to use that fantastic

    and miraculous energy created for us. It is indeed the ultimate

    gift in our lives.

    Step up to the plate today. Hold your head high with the

    knowledge of the truth in the energy created for you out of

    desire. If you hold a spiritual belief, you likely attribute that

    energy and desire granted by God, or however you have the

    right to perceive ....

    Humanity is there to help.

    To help friends, family, strangers, take care of animals and

    creatures, look after the environment, explore, gain wisdom,

    inspire, multiply, love........ (Im sure youll think of many more.)

    Do you get my passion?

    Are you able to feed off that passion?

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    10. Use your memories positively.

    There are many memories that we have, some pleasant and some

    we would rather forget. Trying to ignore painful memories does

    not serve us well. They are still there under the surface and can

    contaminate the rest of our lives if we don't deal with them

    appropriately. By visiting those memories, we have the chance to

    set ourselves free from the pain and achieve life goals.

    Are you prepared to use your memories as a tool to help you


    Do you want to live the rest your life in "Millionaire" style with

    emotional freedom and success? This does not only refer to

    finances alone. Wealth (as in money) is not the most important

    aspect. If you choose spiritual wealth and wealth of attitude

    and gratitude, then finances may well come to you as a gift.

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    11. Who are you?

    "Who is the child with no voice?

    lost and unseen,

    A watermark of tear,

    full of fear,

    neglected and broken,

    missing and unknown,

    who will atone?

    Where is the space,

    full of grace,

    to heal....

    Who is the child?............................."

    I wrote this some while ago during a particular challenging time.

    There is great benefit in crying out for help. The benefit of

    evaluating this now is that I realize that I had completely lost

    my sense of identity for a while. This loss of identity is the root

    cause of low self esteem and low confidence. It had been there

    for a long time, but I could not see that root cause. I was

    fortunate enough to have a small amount of strength to work

    through the pain and get on the journey of re-discovering

    myself. This continues to be an ongoing process and the journey

    is now rolling along at speed on a clear run.

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    If you feel lost, you have a divine right to cry out and ask for

    help. When you get to that point, you simply have nothing to

    lose. The good news is that humanity does provide that help.

    There is always someone with a conscience who will make that

    step. Keep seeking. Embrace that desire.

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    12. Choose to accept your natural ability heal.

    If you cut your finger, you will notice that the blood will clot,

    dry and seal the wound. Eventually, a scab will form and as the

    body naturally replaces itself, the wound will fully heal. This

    happens to a greater or lesser extent according to how healthy

    we are in general.

    It is worth noting that our bodies are designed to heal as part

    of a natural process. We have the ability to actively allow this

    natural process to happen. It is the brain and mind that controls

    the body in the first instance. Our brain is the computer that

    ensures our heart continues to beat and that our blood

    continues to flow. Our body needs the sustenance of healthy

    food and water as maintenance.

    In the same way, we can choose to feed our minds with healthy

    information. Our healthy mind can assist our body in the natural

    healing process. A healthy and well fed body will assist our mind

    to attract positive thoughts.

    One way we can choose to balance our mind with an appropriate

    amount of positive thought is to use meditation.

    You can choose to try meditation. This can compliment

    traditional treatments such as medication for illnesses. This is

    not an attempt to give you false hope; it is to inform you that

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    you can allow yourself to try something different and be open

    minded enough to see if it works for you.

    Why not try tapping into your bodys natural ability to heal?

    There are many, many articles written on this subject going

    back thousands of years. So why have I chosen to write about

    this subject as well? By doing so, I believe I am renewing the

    core message with fresh energy as others have done before me.

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    13. Proof that the body can naturally heal.

    Have you ever experienced that moment of feeling particularly

    unwell with all the symptoms enhanced?

    Have you then suddenly felt miraculously better the moment

    you have called your doctor and made an appointment, followed

    by the symptoms almost disappearing the moment you actually

    visit the doctor? Theres a temptation to put it on a bit to

    justify the reason for calling the doctor in the first place.

    That wishful thinking I suspect can actually make the illness

    worse, simply by calling it into being.

    It generates a bit of guilt doesnt it.

    In truth, that the mere action of doing something about it

    (calling the doctor) triggers our bodies natural response to heal.

    Somehow, we have some sort of faith that we will be healed

    because we have apportioned some of the responsibility onto

    someone else the doctor. Without realising it, we have set

    ourselves a goal I must call the doctor followed by actions

    making that call. Its a simple and natural process.

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    14. A sure fire way to prepare your goals.

    Businesses and organisations that seek to be successful and

    professional generally have a mission statement. If they have a

    policy and procedure manual, I've no doubt that when they

    developed it, they started with a mission statement. I've

    worked where there has been attention to this. During those

    times, I was pretty cynical and failed to see the relevance.

    There was rebellion in me for being forced to comply to an


    A couple of years ago, I had a revelation about the purpose of a

    mission statement. It certainly is a GOAL.

    I've done some research on some corporate missions



    "Our mission is to enhance and integrate our supplier diversity

    programs into all of our procurement practices and to be an

    advocate for minority and women owned businesses"

    OK. So cool! Wal-Mart has a mission statement. Consider

    whether you fully understand the meaning of the statement.

    Now try another.

    The online store AMAZON

    "Our vision is to be earth's' most customer centric company, to

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    build a place where people can come to find and discover

    anything they might want to buy online"

    Is this one easier or harder to understand? I'll leave you to


    A lack of understanding of a mission statement can cause the

    workforce to have a lack of direction, purpose and motivation.

    Individuals (particularly managers) can be in danger of focussing

    too much upon day to day running, reports, procedures and box

    ticking exercises. These are of course important, but may not

    necessarily have a conscious and subconscious link to the

    foundations of a clear mission statement.

    So referring back to goals, we can choose to apply a personal

    mission statement to our lives. This will give us purpose,

    motivation, direction and energy. It will also build self

    confidence and self esteem.

    Do you have a personal mission statement?

    If so, can you write it down in language that you and others


    If you do this, I'm suggesting that you will discover a life goal. I

    challenge you to work out what your life mission is and to

    develop a statement for it. Once you have done this, check to

    see if your current goals are compatible with your mission

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    statement. Don't worry if they are not. Goals can be a "work in

    progress". In other words, they can be amended and don't have

    to be the final product. You can choose to fine tweak them.

    Now in order to practice this for myself, I'm going to write a

    draft personal mission statement.

    "To live a life of joy and purpose. To continue to learn to accept,

    respect and be kind to myself so that I can successfully accept,

    respect and be kind to others. To Motivate, Encourage,

    Empower and Trust others. To enjoy the gift of humour and to

    laugh often by not taking myself too seriously. To recognise

    that all aspect of life have natural balance; so allow nature to

    perform that balance".

    Now it is your turn.

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    15. Finally, a powerful exercise to seal your future

    So... You have got this far in the book. I'm guessing that you

    haven't skipped too much.

    This is an exercise that I have tried in different ways. I

    experienced the positives for myself and seen positive results

    for others. This is a wisdom builder!

    This will take no more than half an hour of your time.

    Here is what you need: -

    1. An A4 sheet of paper and a pen.

    2. An envelope.

    3. Use of a calendar or diary.

    4. A lit candle and a coin, or something that will make an

    impression. (not strictly necessary)

    Now the instructions: -

    Write your full name and todays date at the top of the sheet

    of paper.


    Do NOT share the following content you write with anybody.

    You might want to imagine interviewing a little version of

    yourself sitting opposite you as you carry out the exercise,

    recording the answers.

    Life Chapters. A Self Development site http://lifechapters.net

  • 7/28/2019 15 Affirming Articles to Motivate and Encourage You


    NOTE: I Give credit to Steven Aitchison for inspiration in designing this


    Write down 3 things you love to do.

    Write down 3 career goals or jobs you would love to do.

    Write down 3 of your best talents (Dont be shy!)

    Write down 3 things people say you are good at.

    Write down 3 things you want to learn.

    Write down 3 things you want to leave behind in your life.

    With regard to your talents (that Im guessing some of you may

    find difficult) be aware that talents may be the very simple

    things in life such as being able to cook a meal or make a drink

    or being a good friend to somebody.

    If you can think of more than 3 things in each case, write down

    the 3 FIRST things that come into your head. Dont change


    When you have done this, put it in an envelope, write your name

    on it and write a date six months onward from the date you

    have completed the exercise.

    Seal the envelope and sign across the fold.

    If you have a lit candle, drip the candle wax across the fold of

    the envelope and make an impression with something like a coin

    or ideally something that is precious to you. A ring perhaps. Be

    Life Chapters. A Self Development site http://lifechapters.net

  • 7/28/2019 15 Affirming Articles to Motivate and Encourage You


    careful with the lit candle!

    Place the envelope in a safe place hidden away somewhere.

    Write in your diary or calendar an entry for 6 months onward

    reminding you to open your envelope. Ensure you record the safe

    place you have stored it!

    You may be wondering why I have asked you not to share the

    content with anyone. This is deliberate because I want you to

    ensure that you are not influenced by how you may perceive

    others may judge what you have written. It must not be

    influenced by any other outside influence. This will help you to

    get in touch with your true self.


    If you have found the contents of this book use and are interested in some

    one to one coaching, you can contact me via the following email address:


    You can also search and contact me on Skype as: marty_boneIdol

    Wishing you every success and blessing



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