14/P/01664 Wisley Airfield, Ockham Lane, Ockham 1914 · to the site for vehicles would be made from Ockham Lane, approximately 300 metres to the west of its junction with Old Lane.

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14/P/01664 – Wisley Airfield, Ockham Lane, Ockham 1914

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App No: 14/P/01664 Type: F 8 Wk Deadline: 23/02/2015 Appn Type: Full Application Case Officer: John Busher Parish: Ockham Ward: Lovelace Agent : Mr Collins

Savills Savills 2 Charlotte Place Southampton Hampshire SO14 0TB

Applicant: Wisley Property Investments Ltd c/o Agen

Location: Wisley Airfield, Ockham Lane, Ockham Proposal: Application for temporary planning permission for the use of land

for filming, incorporating associated temporary structures and use of the site and hard standing for parking and storage, with associated access

This application has been referred to the Planning Committee because more than 10 letters of objection have been received, contrary to the Officer's recommendation. Site description Wisley Airfield is located in the north east corner of Guildford Borough and has been unused for a significant period of time. The site still contains its runway, which runs down the middle of the site and associated taxiways and areas of hardstanding which are mainly located in the north west corner of the site. The remainder of the land is either grass or woodland. The site is to the south of Wisley village and the Royal Horticultural Society gardens and to the north of Ockham village. The site is located approximately 1.5 kilometres from the M25 / A3 junction and the A3 runs past the north-west corner of the site. There are numerous hamlets of dwellings located in close proximity to the site including Elm Corner to the north and Hatchford End to the north-east. Pockets of single dwellings also exist to the south and south-east of the site. The site is located within the Green Belt, outside of an identified settlement area. A portion of the site is within the 0-400 metre buffer of the Special Protection Area and a portion is also designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI). The site is also in close proximity to Ockham and Wisley Commons Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is intersected by a number of Public Rights of Way. Proposal Application for temporary planning permission for the use of land for filming, incorporating associated temporary structures and use of the site and hard standing for parking and storage, with associated access


While the red line boundary covers the whole of the former airfield, the applicant has noted on drawing number three the location of a 'film hub' in the north-west corner of the site, which will also include a parking area for 120 cars and 17 HGVs/buses. The 'film hub' would be located mainly on existing hardstanding, approximately 85-130 metres to the south-west of the closest neighbouring properties at Elm Corner. The 'film hub' would host all of the main activities associated with the filming works, including any temporary structures / sets which need to be erected. It is noted that the majority of the set facilities will be mobile (i.e. HGV's or other vehicles) and it is expected that any fixed structures that are required (i.e. marquees) will not be on the site for a period greater than 28 days in the calendar year. The rest of the airfield (outside of the 'film hub') would be used as a filming backset. The applicant notes that access to the site would be gained via Old Lane and the entrance to the site for vehicles would be made from Ockham Lane, approximately 300 metres to the west of its junction with Old Lane. Whilst the applicant has applied for a temporary permission of 12 months, at the present moment the Local Planning Authority understands that there is no intended 'user' or film in mind for the site. While no details of any structures or engineering operations have been submitted, the applicant has provided the following information as part of the Planning, Design and Access Statement:

the proposal incorporates no permanent structures

any portakabins and other associated buildings will not be located in the same place on the site for more than 28 days in a calendar year

as well as parking, the existing hardstanding area will be used for any temporary structures or marquees and other associated facilities (toilets etc)

storage facilities are likely to be within HGV lorries or trailers, which will be transported on and off the site for each production

accommodation may be provided in trailers during filming

on completion of the filming works, all temporary structures and areas of hardstanding will be removed and the area returned to its original condition

no Public Rights of Way will be impacted upon

the site would be used between the hours of 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am and 5:30pm on Saturday

Relevant planning history 86/P/00887 - Use of disused airfield as a film set for a temporary period of six months. Refused. 08/P/01472 - Construction of a fully enclosed in-vessel composting facility for the reception and processing of green, kitchen and animal wastes on a site of approximately 16.7ha. comprising a composting building, control office, car parking facilities and landscaping . Approved on appeal March 2010. 10/P/01149 - Application for temporary planning permission for five months for use of land for filming works to include construction of film set (World War One battlefield), associated parking and storage area. Approved. 10/P/02338 - Application for temporary planning permission for six months for use of land for filming works to include construction of film set, associated parking and storage area.


Withdrawn. 13/P/02165 - Application for temporary planning permission (12 months) for the use of land for filming, incorporating associated temporary structures and use of the site and hard standing for parking and storage, with associated access. Refused for the following reasons: 1. The application site includes a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) and may be inhabited by a range of protected species. The applicant has failed to submit an ecological assessment or an arboricultural assessment / tree protection plan for the proposal and therefore, the Local Planning Authority cannot be certain that the application would not result in material harm, directly or indirectly, to the SNCI, protected species which may be present on the site and areas of trees and woodland. The proposal is therefore deemed to be contrary to policy NE3 and NE4 of the Guildford Borough Local Plan (as saved by CLG Direction on 24/09/07) and the National Planning Policy Framework. 2. The portion of the application site which is to be used for filming, includes a large area of land, some of which is in close proximity to a number of residential dwellings. Due to the close proximity to residential dwellings and the lack of information regarding the types of activities proposed and their intensity and the form and number of buildings, structures and/or engineering operations required, the Local Planning Authority cannot be certain that the proposal would not result in a loss of amenity to neighbouring residential properties. As a result, the proposal is deemed to be contrary to policy G1(3) of the Guildford Borough Local Plan (as saved by CLG Direction on 24/09/07) and the National Planning Policy Framework. Consultations National Air Traffic Services (NATS): No objection, subject to condition. Surrey Wildlife Trust: It is noted that the mitigation measures set out in the applicant's Ecological Appraisal would help to prevent adverse effect to the biodiversity value of the site. It is advised that these mitigation measures and other controls are secured by condition. Natural England: No objections, subject to conditions and informatives. Environment Agency: No objections raised. County Highway Authority: No objections, subject to conditions and informatives. Highways Agency: No objections raised. Countryside Access Team, Surrey County Council: No objections raised. Heritage Conservation Group (Archaeology), Surrey County Council: No objections raised. Third party comments 52 letters of representation have been received raising the following objections and concerns:

residents experienced traffic issues during previous filming activity on the site. The area is not capable of accommodating the additional traffic which would be generated

the site is in close proximity to the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area and within the SNCI


increased noise and disturbance for residents

the site is in the Green Belt and is inappropriate development. No very special circumstances have been put forward

the proposal would disturb wildlife

12 month time period is excessive

loss of public rights of way

West Surrey Badger Group and others note that there are badger setts within and on the perimeter of the airfield

Planning policies The following policies are relevant to the determination of this application :- National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) Core planning principles Chapter 1: Building a strong, competitive economy Chapter 3: Supporting a prosperous rural economy Chapter 9: Protecting Green Belt land Chapter 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Guildford Borough Local Plan 2003 (as saved by CLG Direction 24 September 2007): G1 General Standards of Development G5 Design Code RE1 Extent of the Green Belt RE2 Development within the Green Belt NE4 Species Protection NE1 Potential Special Protection Areas NE3 Local and Non-Statutory Sites Supplementary Documents GBC Filming Policy (October 2009) Planning considerations The main planning considerations in this case are:

the principle of development and Green Belt impact

the impact of proposal on the character of the existing site

the impact on neighbouring amenity

highway considerations

ecological considerations

NATS considerations

very special circumstances


The principle of development and Green Belt impact The site is located within the Green Belt, outside of an identified settlement area. The NPPF sets out a range of developments which may be classed as 'appropriate' within the Green Belt. The material change of use of land within the Green Belt is not identified as being appropriate, so therefore, it is considered that the proposal represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt. Paragraph 87 of the NPPF states that 'as with previous Green Belt policy, inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances'. Paragraph 88 goes on to state that 'Local Planning Authorities should ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. 'Very special circumstances' will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations'. In terms of openness and as will be discussed in greater detail below, the proposal does not involve any permanent structures on the land. The film works will be supported mainly by mobile structures such as HGVs and coaches, and temporary structures which would only be in place for 28 days at a time. While the car parking and various mobile and temporary structures would result in some loss to the openness of the Green Belt. This would only be for a temporary period and would not result in any permanent harm. The impact of the proposal on the character of the existing site Currently, the site is occupied by a large area of hardstanding in the north-west corner, which was formally used as hangers and ancillary buildings and the former runway which runs through the middle of the site. The site is largely free from permanent structures and therefore, has an open, rural character. Due to the nature of the proposal, its associated activity, parking demands and the need for temporary structures, it is inevitable that the application will result in a change to the character of the site. However, this would be for a temporary period of 12 months, after which time, all structures would be removed from the site and the land restored to its former condition. This has been confirmed by the applicant in the accompanying Planning Statement and could be secured by condition. Similar conditions were imposed on application 10/P/01149 and the land was restored to its previous condition. Conditions controlling the height of structures on the site (including temporary ones) would also be pertinent, to avoid the placing of any unreasonably high buildings or structures on the land which would have a potentially damaging impact on the character of the site, even considering their temporary nature. It is expected that the maximum height parameter could be agreed with the applicant, if possible. The proposal would not therefore result in any long term or permanent change to the character of the area or the existing site. Subject to the conditions noted above, the development would not be detrimental to the character of the area and the proposal is therefore deemed to be acceptable in this regard.


The impact on neighbouring amenity Again, as the applicant does not have a specific production in mind at this stage, details regarding where and how many sets will be required (if any) and the activities which will take place are not known. The applicant has however confirmed that any temporary structures and car parking will be positioned in the north-west corner of the site, on the existing hardstanding area. This will accommodate storage and any temporary structures and car parking for 120 cars and 17 HGVs/buses. It is noted that the Local Planning Authority, when considering the last application (13/P/02165), raised concerns about the potential impact of the use on the amenity of neighbouring properties. To overcome these concerns, rather than having the whole site available for filming, the applicant has now contained all activity within the 'filming hub', which is between 85 and 130 metres from the properties located at Elm Corner. This is in a similar position to the main filming area approved through application 10/P/01149. In addition, the hours of operation have been reduced on Saturdays to between 8am and 5:30pm. Given the distance of the 'filming hub' to neighbouring properties and the reasonable hours of operation (7am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am and 5:30pm on Saturday), there would not be any harmful loss of amenity to the residents of surrounding properties. With conditions to restrict filming to the 'filming hub' specified on drawing three and the hours of operation, the proposal is deemed to be compliant with policy G1(3) of the saved Local Plan. Highway considerations Access to the site would be gained from Ockham Lane. This would lead to the existing hardstanding area, via a section of the former runway and taxiways, which would be used for parking. The applicant has noted that parking for 120 cars and 17 HGVs/buses would be accommodated on the site. These would access the former airfield from the A3 via Old Lane. The County Highway Authority has assessed the application and no objections have been raised. This is subject to conditions restricting the means of access to the development from Old Lane/Ockham Lane (right turn in only) and from Ockham Lane/Old Lane (left turn out only). In addition, conditions have been recommended which requires the provision of a parking area before the use commences, the agreement of a method of construction statement and details regarding how the highway will be kept clean. Subject to these conditions and informatives, no objections have been raised by the County Highway Authority. It is noted that a number of concerns have been raised by the public regarding access into the site and the use of Old Lane and Ockham Lane. It has been noted by the County Highway Authority that the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on Old Lane prohibits HGVs over 7.5 tonnes except for access. The HGVs for this development will be using Old Lane for access so therefore the County Highway Authority cannot object on these grounds. The TRO does not apply to buses and coaches so those being used to transport crew from the surrounding area can access the site using Old Lane. It is also noted that the site includes a number of public rights of way. The Countryside Access Team at Surrey County Council have not raised any objections to the proposal and it is deemed to be acceptable in this regard.


Taking into account the above conditions, the proposal is deemed to be acceptable from a highway safety, public rights of way and parking point of view. Ecological considerations The northeast corner of the site is classified as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) and to the north of the site (outside of the red line boundary) there is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Protection Area (SPA). As regards the SSSI and SPA, both Natural England and Surrey Wildlife Trust are of the opinion that the proposal would not result in any harm to these particular areas. This is subject to a number of conditions which have been agreed with Natural England. In relation to the SNCI, policy NE3 of the saved Local Plan states that 'planning permission will not be granted for proposals which are likely to materially harm the Nature Conservation Interest, directly or indirectly, local or non-statutory sites, including Local Nature Reserves, Sites of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) and Regionally Important Geological / Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) as identified on the proposals map, unless clear justification is provided that the reasons for the development outweigh the value of the site in its local or regional context'. In addition, the National Planning Policy Framework at paragraph 109, requires the planning system to aim to conserve and enhance the natural and local environment by minimising impacts on biodiversity. Paragraph 118 of the NPPF also states that opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around developments should be encouraged. When the previously refused application was considered by the Local Planning Authority, concerns were raised with regard to this element of the proposal. As well as significantly reducing the area where filming activities can take place (to outside of the SNCI), the applicant has also now submitted an Ecological Appraisal. This appraisal has been assessed by Surrey Wildlife Trust. The Trust advises that the Ecological Appraisal, provides much useful information for the Local Authority to be able to assess the potential status of protected and important species on the proposed development site and the likely effect of the development on them. It is also noted that the applicant's appraisal states 'that habitats suitable for protected species would not be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed film set'. The five mitigation measures set out by the applicant would help to prevent adverse effect to the biodiversity value of the site. A condition is recommended which requires the applicant to only carry out the proposal in full accordance with the Ecological Appraisal. It is noted that a number of concerns have been raised by residents and the West Surrey Badger Group regarding the presence of badger setts on the site. While the Badger Group has raised an objection to the proposal, no evidence has been submitted to support this. On the other hand, the applicant has submitted a detailed Ecological Appraisal which has been independently assessed by Surrey Wildlife Trust and which includes a detailed section on badgers, including the setts which have been discovered on the site. With the mitigation measures proposed, no objections have been raised by Surrey Wildlife Trust. On this basis, the proposal is deemed to be acceptable in this regard. NATS considerations


The application site contains the Ockham DVOR Navigation Aid, which is a radio navigation beacon used for mainly inbound aircraft into Heathrow Airport. The DVOR is located a significant distance away from the 'filming hub' and following the submission of additional information, the National Air Traffic Services (NATS) have raised no objection to the proposal, subject to condition. Very special circumstances The NPPF advises that the Green Belt harm, along with any other harm should be taken into account when considering if very special circumstances exist. The applicant has set out a case for very special circumstances and these points will be set out below.

the proposed use is temporary, and the land would be restored to its present condition post expiry of the permission;

part of the land is previously developed as confirmed by the extant in-vessel composting facility planning consent;

there is a planning history of the use of the site as a film set;

the site lends itself for filming owing to location, topography and characteristics. There are no other obvious alternative locations in the area;

the nature of the use may be controlled via condition, i.e. area of filming focus / use of pyrotechnics;

the proposal is not harmful to the Green Belt objectives which are outlined in paragraph 80 of the NPPF

the land in question has been identified in the Council's Green Belt and Countryside Study as potentially suitable for release for development.

Although not specifically raised by the applicant, the economic benefits of the proposal are also a consideration that should be taken into account. - Do very special circumstances exist? Paragraph 18 of the NPPF states that 'The Government is committed to securing economic growth in order to create jobs and prosperity'. Paragraph 19 goes on to states that ''The Government is committed to ensuring that the planning system does everything it can to support sustainable economic growth. Planning should operate to encourage and not act as an impediment to sustainable growth. Therefore, significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth through the planning system'. Specifically relating to the rural economy, paragraph 28 of the NPPF states that 'planning policies should support economic growth in rural area in order to create jobs and prosperity by taking a positive approach to sustainable new development'. It is noted that support should also be given to the sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business and enterprise in rural areas...'. The applicant notes that during the main filming works, there would be approximately 350 - 450 people employed as a result of the proposal, for a period of two weeks. In addition, the site preparation and pre and post filming activities would employ between 10 and 50 people for an even greater length of time. In addition, it is reasonable to believe that the proposal would bring significant spin-off economic benefits to the local area.


The applicant also notes that given the relatively level site, the open nature of the plot, the availability of hardstanding and the clear horizon line, the site lends itself well to the proposed use and that there are no obvious alternatives in the local area. Given the need to secure economic growth and the benefits that the proposal would bring, it is considered that this is a substantial benefit which needs to be considered in the balance. As regards the harm to the Green Belt, paragraph 80 of the NPPF states that the Green Belt serves five purposes:

to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;

to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;

to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;

to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and

to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

The application is for a temporary period of 12 months, which could be secured by condition. In addition, no permanent structures are to be erected on the land, and in the main, on-site facilities would be within mobile units such as HGV's and coaches. Any fixed structures such as marquees, would only be in position for a period of no more than 28 days in a calendar year and would therefore be permitted development. The applicant notes that a condition requiring the land to be restored to its original condition is expected and could be imposed by the Local Planning Authority. Given this, the proposal would not result in any permanent harm to the Green Belt, the temporary nature of the development is such that it reduces the weight of harm by virtue of its inappropriateness. FUrthermore, the development would not conflict with any of the five purposes of including land within the Green Belt. The remaining issues raised by the applicant including the presence of an extant planning permission for the construction of an in-vessel composting facility, the potential allocation of the site as part of the new Local Plan and the possible use of conditions should be given very little weight in the balance. It is considered that in this instance the above factors do constitute very special circumstances and it is concluded that they would outweigh the harm identified above by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm. Conditions could be imposed to control the temporary structures on the land and their subsequent removal. Conditions could also be recommended to control the construction of any temporary film sets on the land, as well as any land level changes and the requirement to restore the land to its original condition after the use has ceased. Conclusion Whilst the proposal does represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt, no other harm has been identified and the application would not conflict with the five purposes of the Green Belt. On this occasion, the very special circumstances put forward by the applicant are considered to outweigh the harm by reason of inappropriateness.


By restricting the area where sets and temporary structures can be erected, and with conditions controlling operating hours, the proposal would not result in any harm to the residential amenity of any neighbouring property. In addition, following the submission of an Ecological Assessment, no concerns have been raised by either Surrey Wildlife Trust or Natural England. Subject to conditions, the application is recommended for approval, for a temporary period of 12 months. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the following condition(s) and reason(s) :- 1. The use hereby permitted shall be for a limited period expiring 12 calendar months

from the date of this permission; on or before the expiration of which period the use shall be discontinued, all works, structures, vehicles and any other items associated with the use shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition. Reason: A permanent use would be inappropriate and incompatible with the Green Belt.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 0934/ATR/001B received on 05.11.14. Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and in the interests of proper planning.

3. Before any of the operations which involve the movement of materials in bulk to or from the site are commenced, facilities shall be provided as must be agreed with the Local Planning Authority, in order that the operator can make all reasonable efforts to keep the public highway clean and prevent the creation of a dangerous surface on the public highway. The agreed measures shall thereafter be retained and used whenever the said operations are carried out. Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users.

4. No development shall start until a Construction Transport Management Plan, to include details of: (a) parking for vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors (b) loading and unloading of plant and materials (c) storage of plant and materials (d) programme of works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Only the approved details shall be implemented during the construction activities for the life of the temporary permission. Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users.


5. No new development shall be occupied until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for maximum 120 cars and 17 Light Goods Vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear. The parking/turning area shall be used and retained exclusively for its designated purpose. Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users.

6. a) The means of access to the development shall be from Old Lane/Ockham Lane (right turn in only) and from Ockham Lane/Old Lane (left turn out only). b) There shall be no means of vehicular access from Ockham Lane west of the access. c) There shall be no means of vehicular access from Elm Lane. Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users.

7. Before the use hereby approved is commenced, a plan demonstrating how all operational traffic movements and construction / storage activities shall be directed away from the watercourse present at the northern boundary of the application site near the Mount Pleasant Cottages shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the use commences and shall be retained thereafter. Reason: The adjacent Ockham and Wisley Commons SSSI is noted for several aquatic features, therefore this condition will safeguard said features from any pollution events associated with the proposal. Similarly, the stipulations to control where oils and fuels are stored on site are to ensure that, should any leakages occur, they are not likely to affect the features of the aforementioned SSSI.

8. Before the use hereby approved is commenced, a statement and/or plan detailing how oils and fuels will be stored in a secure and protected manner, at least 10 metres away from field drains, ditches (including field ditches) and other surface waters which are connected to the SSSI, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. It is the Council's preference that oils and fuels are stored in a bunded tank or in a mobile container. The approved use shall only be carried out in accordance with the agreed details. Reason: The adjacent Ockham and Wisley Commons SSSI is notified for several aquatic features, therefore this condition has been request in order to safeguard said features from any pollution events associated with the proposal. Similarly, the stipulations to control where oils and fuels are stored on site are to ensure that, should any leakages occur, they are not likely to affect the features of the aforementioned SSSI.


9. No development shall take place within a 500 metre radius of the NATS DVOR/DME installation without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To maintain the integrity of the operation of the Ockham DVOR/DME which is required in the interests of aviation safety.

10. The development shall not exceed the height limits defined in drawing number WISLEY AIRFIELD MASTERPLAN - 1715/SK/064 Amendment A (received 02.12.14). Should any development get to within one metre of the height limits imposed by the above drawing, the applicant shall notify the Local Planning Authority in writing within five working days. Reason: To maintain the integrity of the operation of the Ockham DVOR/DME which is required in the interests of aviation safety.

11. The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in accordance with the details and mitigation specified in the Ecological Appraisal (dated August 2014 and prepared by RPS). Reason: In order to protect and conserve the ecological value of the site and its surrounds.

12. The use hereby permitted shall not operate other than between the hours of 7am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays (inclusive) and between 8am and 5:30pm on Saturdays. The use shall not operate at all on Sundays or Bank or National Holidays. Reason: To safeguard the residential amenities of neighbouring properties.

13. The erection of any film sets, temporary buildings or other structures and works or engineering operations, shall be restricted to the film hub only, as shown on drawing number 3. Reason: To protect the ecological potential of the site, as well as the amenity of neighbouring residents.

Informatives: 1. The permission hereby granted shall not be construed as authority to carry out

works on the highway or any works that may affect a drainage channel/culvert or water course. The applicant is advised that a licence must be obtained from the Highway Authority Local Highway Service Group before any works are carried out on any footway, footpath, carriageway, verge or other land forming part of the highway. The applicant is also advised that Consent may be required under Section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991. Please see: www.surreycc.gov.uk/people-and-community/emergency-planning-and-community-safety/flooding-advice


2. The applicant is advised that Public Footpath 13, 13a, 15 and 19 and Public

Bridleway 16 and 544 cross the application site and it is an offence to obstruct or divert the route of a right of way unless carried out in complete accordance with appropriate legislation.

3. The applicant is advised that as part of the detailed design of the highway works required by the above conditions, the County Highway Authority may require necessary accommodation works to street lights, road signs, road markings, highway drainage, surface covers, street trees, highway verges, highway surfaces, surface edge restraints and any other street furniture/equipment.

4. In the event of any oil or fuel spillages which occur as a result of the proposals which may cause pollution to enter the SSSI, Natural England must be informed as soon as practicably possible. Natural England enquires can be contacted on 0300 060 3900 (out of office hours: 0845 600 3078).

5. The landowner of the proposed site must notify Natural England in advance of any future filming projects which are planned for this site as a result of the proposal being permitted. Contact should be made with SSSI Officer Graham Steven on 0300 060 0398, or in his absence the Surrey Berks and London Land Management Team leader Caroline Svendson on 0300 060 4933. Natural England enquires can be contacted on 0300 060 3900 (out of office hours: 0845 600 3078).

6. All contractors working on site including drivers of operational traffic should be made aware of the conditions of this permission and should be provided with a map that clearly shows the boundaries of the Ockham and Wisely Commons SSSI in relation to the proposed application site, including the watercourse which links the proposed site and the SSSI near the Mount Pleasant Cottages.

7. In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Guildford Borough Council takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on looking for solutions. We work with applicants in a positive and proactive manner by:

offering a pre-application advice service

updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions

In this instance the applicant did not enter into pre-application discussions and did not seek any advice before submitting the application. However, additional information has been submitted which overcome the previous reasons for refusal and the proposal is now deemed to be acceptable as submitted.

8. If you need any advice regarding Building Regulations please do not hesitate to contact Guildford Borough Council Building Control on 01483 444545 or buildingcontrol@guildford.gov.uk

9. Drawing 1715/SK/064 Amendment A referenced in Condition ten is lodged with Guildford Borough Council in respect of planning application 14/P/01664. It is lodged without prejudice to other planning applications warranting separate statutory consultations with NATS under the TCPA Safeguarding Direction 2002 in which case the statutory map will apply.


10. The developer should be aware that large cranes also have the potential to cause

an impact upon the NATS En Route Ockham DVOR/DME operation. As such, the developer should ensure they engage with the Operator and where necessary agree a crane plan in order to minimise further impacts on the DVOR/DME.

11. For the purpose of conditions nine and ten and informatives nine and ten above; “Operator” means NATS (En-route) plc, incorporated under the Companies Act (4129273) whose registered office is 4000 Parkway, Whiteley, Fareham, Hants, PO15 7FL or such other organisation licensed from time to time under section 5 and 6 of the Transport Act 2000 to provide air traffic services to the relevant managed area (within the meaning of section 40 of that Act).

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