(13) the Porfiriato

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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“Chaos” and “Order and Progress”:

The Porfiriato

“Chaos” and “Order and Progress”

1) Caudillo Leadership (Santa Anna)

2) Liberals and Conservatives (Benito Juárez and the Wars of the Reforms)

3) Foreign Intervention (Maximilian I)

4) Apolitical “Progress” (Modernity: Porfirio Díaz and the “Porfiriato”)

Antonio López de Santa Anna

Mexcio under Santa Anna

Santa Anna’s Wooden Leg in the Illinois National Guard Museum

Benito Juárez

Constitution of 1857

1) Basic Civil Liberties

2) Weakening the Power of the Church:Freedom of Conscience; Secular Education

3) Weakening the Landowning Elites:Abolition of Slavery; End of Debtor Prisons; Outlaws all

forms of Personal Servitude; Outlaws Titles of Nobility; Outlaws special courts for Church and Military officials;

Reform Laws, 1859

• Church Property Nationalized;

• Civil Marriage Law;

• End to all clerical involvement with cemeteries and burial grounds;

• All Holidays regulated by the state and official attendance at Church functions was prohibited.

Battle of Puebla, 1862

Cinco de Mayo

Edouard Manet, The Execution of Maximilian I, 1868

Porfirio Diáz

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