

Liver Cleanse

(The Master Cleanse)

The liver is the second largest single organ (after the skin) in the body, weighing

about 2 Kilogram in an average adult. As adult humans are of varied sizes, so are

their livers. It is approximately

21-22 centimetre at its widest

point, 15-17 centimetre at its

greatest vertical height and 10-

12 cm in its thickness.

The liver is composed of soft,

red-brown tissue divided into

lobes and enclosed by a tough

fibrous capsule and is situated

in the upper abdomen on the

right side, below and loosely

attached to the diaphragm. Its

primary secretion - the bile, is

poured into the gallbladder and then into the duodenum (the first part of the small

intestine), through the common bile duct. In addition, it has important functions,

similar to a ductless gland in connection with the metabolism of carbohydrates and

nitrogenous waste products. The liver has an intricate and complex system of blood

vessels. It receives its 25% arterial supply from the hepatic artery. The remaining

75% is from the portal vein.

Liver Functions

The liver receives blood, via the portal

vein, that comes from the intestines.

This blood contains the final products of

digestion as well as decomposed

products. The liver is the main organ

inside human body, whose function is

to process substances that are “foreign”

to the body and to make them

"friendly". The circulatory system of the

liver is unlike that seen in any other

organ. It is important to know that a

majority of the liver's blood supply is


venous blood! The pattern of blood flow in the liver can be summarized as follows:

Roughly, 75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein.

Importantly, all of the venous blood returning from the small intestine, stomach,

pancreas and spleen converges into the portal vein. One consequence of this is that

the liver gets "first pickings" of everything absorbed in the small intestine, which, as

we will see, is where virtually all nutrients are absorbed. Therefore, it is the liver's job

to process all the foods that your intestines have been absorbing.

From venous blood, the liver removes glucose, turns it into glycogen and then stores

it. When the body needs energy, the liver converts this glycogen back into glucose,

which then travels through the bloodstream to the cells, where it is needed. The liver

incorporates amino acids into proteins; it probably makes such proteins as albumin,

prothrombin components, fibrinogen, transferrin and glycoprotein. The liver excretes

the bile pigments – bilirubin and biliverdin – formed in the cells of the reticulo-

endothelial system from haemoglobin.


Each day, the liver produces upto 1 litre of the digestive juice bile. The liver is full of

tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct).

The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir.

The pear shaped gallbladder stores bile, which it releases into the small intestine in

optimum quantities when needed. Without your gallbladder, the liver will still

produce bile but the bile will leak inside you because it will not have a proper place to

go. Eating fats or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about

twenty minutes and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the


Liver at a glance

1. The liver is the second largest organ (after to the skin) of the body.

2. It is the chemical factory of the body. If a man built a factory to perform all the

chemical functions a man’s liver can perform, it would cover 100 acres.

3. It produces bile

4. It processes food

5. It incorporates amino acids into proteins

6. Clogging in the liver causes allergy/asthma

7. The liver is instrumental in clearing out harmful drugs and other chemicals

from the body.


How is Bile Made?

The spleen breaks down the haemoglobin in the worn out red blood cells into bile

salts and other substances. (What a wonderful system our body is! Even worn out

blood cells get used!). The liver removes excess bile salts and wastes and sends

them to the gallbladder for storage. While the products are in the gallbladder, water

is reabsorbed and the waste products get concentrated and form bile.

Functions of Bile

1. It neutralizes the acid from the stomach (because bile is very alkaline).

2. It is a natural laxative for the colon.

3. Bile is essential in the digestion of fats. It breaks down fats so they can be

digested. When you eat a meal with fats, the gallbladder releases a large amount of

bile to digest the fats. One big problem when a person has gallbladder surgery is

that the body is unable to store bile and therefore, it drips continually. This affects

the digestion especially after a meal with lot of fat, as there is not sufficient bile

available to digest the fats properly.

What are Gallstones?

Bile is designed to cleanse the liver of toxin, fat and sludge and to flush out the

“stones” of fatty and calcified deposits that we call gallstones. The longer the bile

remains in the gallbladder the thicker this bitter, greenish liquid becomes and the

greater the likelihood of stones forming. These stones also form when too little bile

is produced. They in turn decrease the ability of the liver to make bile and as a result,

less cholesterol and toxins are removed from the body.

The stones may be large or small and sometimes grow together causing extra-large

stones. Small stones are often excreted along with the bile and eliminated with no

problem. Larger ones, however, can lodge in the ducts, causing gallstone colic, one

of the most painful illnesses known. At other times, gallstones may be silent. In

autopsies, examiners often find gallbladders full of gallstones although the deceased

had no complaints about them. A gallstone is not a true stone. They are rather

rubbery and soft. Most gallstones float and only a few sink. They are mostly green

with size varying from rice grains to golf balls. Even large gallstones will slip out

easily through the anus with this gallstone cum liver cleanse.

Pathological analysis of the liver cleanse stone sample was 91% cholesterol and the

rest was bile salts, water and inert ingredients. It had the chemical contents of

gallstones. In many people, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with

gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but others exhibit no symptoms. When

the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed, nothing is noticed as typically, they are not in

the gallbladder. Not only that, most stones are too small and not calcified - a


prerequisite for visibility in an X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of

gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red,

white, green or tan coloured. The green ones get their colour from being coated with

bile. Other stones are composites – made of many smaller ones – showing that they

regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse.

At the very centre of each stone, a lump of bacteria can be found. This is suggestive

that a bit of dead parasite might have started the stone formation. As the stones

grow and become numerous, the backpressure on the liver causes it to make less

bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water

would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to flush out the

marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body and cholesterol

levels rise. Gallstones, being porous, can pick up and harbour all the bacteria, cysts,

viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way, "nests" of

infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach

infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without

removing these gallstones from the liver.

Symptoms of Gallstones Problem

Gallstones can cause pain.

Gallstones can also cause symptoms which seem unrelated to gallstones, such

as gas in the stomach, intestinal gas or cramping in the stomach.

If a gallstone remains lodged in the bile for a long time, there will be a build-up of

bile behind it. This can result in jaundice.

Gallstones are more likely to grow where there are high levels of

cholesterol. Cholecystitis is an inflammation and possible infection of the

gallbladder, caused by a blockage that has been there too long.

Liver and Diabetes

When ducts get blocked with gallstones, the bile must still get out into the small

intestine. It may take another route and end up in the pancreas and by that route go

to the small intestine. The body is making the best of a bad situation. The trouble

with this new pathway is that the bile irritates the pancreas. When a cell is irritated, it

performs its function. In this case, the pancreas produces insulin. The problem with

this is that the insulin is being produced at the wrong time, and this can cause

hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) when the insulin breaks sugar down. Later on,

when insulin is needed, there will not be enough, and that causes hyperglycaemia

(too much sugar) - in other words, diabetes. Sometimes, in diabetic patients, the

uptake of glucose and its disposal by the liver may be impaired. Liver cleanse has

been reported to improve blood sugar levels in some diabetic patients.


Organs Never "Malfunction”. They never do something other than what they are

supposed to do. But they do stop working. The answer is not to remove the organ

like the gallbladder, but to work out what is needed to get the organ to start working

again. Liver Cleanse is the only therapy which treats gallbladder stone problem

without removing it.

Cleansing the Liver - Concept

1. Due to eating cooked food and pollutants (e.g. environmental), toxins accumulate

in capillaries in the liver. To visualize this condition, imagine a hosepipe used to

water to your lawn that is partially blocked due to sludge, sand or mud. The

outflow of water is reduced.

2. Cleansing reduces clogging of blood capillaries inside the liver and gallbladder,

thus improving their functioning.

3. A healthy person need 2 cleanses per year to compensate for wrong food habits

and living in a polluted environment.

4. Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the

basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to be reduced by 50%

immediately after the first cleanse. The benefits increase with each cleanse you

do. Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain and

many other ailments. You have more energy and an increased sense of


Liver Cleanse - Master Cleanse


• For best results do a Kidney and Parasite cleanse before liver cleanse. (For

details, see Kidney Cleanse and Parasite Cleanse). However, you need

necessarily not wait to get parasite cleanse tincture and zapper. Start the

treatment today with a liver cleanse, without waiting to do a parasite cleanse or

take one Zentel tablet which compared to Clarkia and the zapper is only 10%

effective in parasite cleanse. Subsequently, after you have received the zappers

and/or a parasite cleanse bottle, you may do a parasite cleanse followed by next

liver cleanse.

• You should have your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top working condition,

so that they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally

absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted.


Ingredients for Liver Cleanse

a) Extra Virgin Olive Oil (250 ml.) for a person with

body weight of 75 kilograms or more. This will be

enough for two doses of 150-175 ml and 75 ml


(You may reduce the quantity as per your bodily

requirements, weight and suitability)

b) Orange, sweet lime (mausambi), pineapple or – any

other fresh juice – approx. same quantity as oil.

c) Epsom salt or Magnesium Sulphate

(MgSO4.7H2O) 4 tablespoons.(20 gm each)

(15 grams each dosage for a 60 kg person. Heavier

people should increase their dosage proportionately,

based on weight – subject to a maximum of 20

grams dose x 4 times total = 80 grams per person

per liver cleanse – lighter people/people suffering

from hypertension should take lower quantity, unless

they are on regular medication to control

hypertension. People suffering from low BP should

also take a reduced dose, since this salt tends to

lower BP marginally. However, there may be no

problem if a person weighing 50 Kilograms takes a total dose of 80 grams

Magnesium Sulphate in one day.

d) Water (800 ml.)

You can substitute the water (800 ml.) that is used in this recipe to dissolve

Epsom salt with freshly pressed orange/mausambi juice or apple juice. That way,

you will not feel the unpleasant taste of Epsom salt. However, for best results,

take magnesium sulphate in water only and observe the better cleansing by way

of increased number of stones in diarrhoea.


Dr. Saxena explaining the process of Liver Cleanse to audiences of his health show



Ideally, you should choose a day like Saturday or a day that is followed by a holiday,

so you are able to rest the next day.

Stop the kidney cleanse, acidity cleanse, parasite cleanse and zapper programs at

least four hours before the scheduled liver cleanse program. Continue unavoidable

medications such as blood pressure, which you take regularly.

Eat a light breakfast and lunch which is easy to digest. This allows the bile to build

up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.

2:00 PM Do not eat or drink after 2 O’clock. Get your Epsom salt ready.

Mix 20 grams X 4 = 80 grams Epsom salt (individual

requirements may vary) in 4 cups of water and pour this into a

jar. This makes 4 servings. Keep the jar in a refrigerator to

cool the liquid (this cooling is for convenience and taste only).



6:00 PM Drink one cup of the mixture of Epsom salt. If you did not

prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. of the salt in one-cup

water now. You may add 1/8 (one eight) Vitamin C powder to

improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of

water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Visit the bathroom, if


Dose 1


8:00 PM Repeat the procedure by drinking another cup of Epsom salt

mixture. You haven't eaten since 2 O’clock but you won't feel

hungry. Visit the bathroom, if needed.

Dose 2

9:45 PM Pour 175-ml. extra virgin olive oil into the cup. Wash

orange/mausambi. Cut and squeeze into the measuring cup.

Remove the seeds. You should have about 175 ml. of the

juice. Add this to the extra–virgin olive oil. Mix the contents in

a mixer/whipper for about 10 seconds. The medicine is ready

to use. Avoid packed or canned juice because it is processed,

not fresh and contains preservatives.

Now visit the bathroom, if needed.

10:00 PM Drink the medicine (mixture of oil + juice) now. For some

people, drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down

easier. You may use honey to chase it down between sips.

Take it all to your bedside if you want but drink it standing up.

Get it down within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or

weak persons).

Lie down immediately on your right side for about 30 minutes.

The liver is on the right side. This way, more pressure is

created on the bile ducts to push out stones. The sooner you

lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed

ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink

is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with

your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is

happening in the liver and keep still for at least 30 minutes.

You may feel a train of stones travelling along the bile ducts

like marbles. There is no pain because the Epsom salt has

opened the bile duct dilated. Go to sleep. After 30 minutes,

you may sleep on any side that suits you. Take sleeping pills

in advance, if you have sleeping problems.

Dose 3

6:00 AM Or whenever you get up next morning

Take third dose of Epsom salt. If you have indigestion or

nausea, wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salt. Go

back to bed.

Dose 4

8:00 AM After “Dose 4”, wait two hours and take a second dose of the

extra virgin olive oil and fruit juice mixture (75 ml. + 75 ml.) and

go back to bed and lie down in the same way that you did the

previous night.

Dose 5


10.00 AM After two hours, take the 4th dose of Epsom salt. Dose 6

11.00 AM You may eat. Start with fruit juice because the digestive

system is weak due to Epsom salt. Half an hour later, eat fruit

or some light food. One hour later, you may eat regular food

but keep it light. By supper, you should feel recovered of the

effects of Epsom salt.



Note: You may postpone the entire schedule by a few hours if you go to bed late,

around 12 midnight or so, instead of 10 pm like me. Even the gaps between the

doses may be increased or decreased upto 1 hr., in order to suit individual

requirements. The serial order of these medicines is important, though timing may

vary. Punctuality is not necessary.

How well did you do?

Expect diarrhoea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones with the

bowel movement, in the toilet. You can use a net over the toilet seat to collect the

stones. If possible, use a European toilet, so that you can see the stools float. In

Indian toilets, they will be washed away. If you are using an Indian toilet, use a

strainer like this or a net to collect stones, otherwise you will not believe that all this

was inside you. Loose motions may start at any time after taking the 1st dose of

Epsom salt. This is due to the cleansing action of the salts in the intestines.

However, stones come out only after the 3rd/4th dose of Epsom salt. They may

continue till 2-4 pm. This varies from person to person.

During diarrhoea, the body feels some weakness. Epsom salt does not suit your

body. So the blood releases lot of water through intestines to flush out Epsom salt. In

this process, the capillaries of the liver and gall bladder get dilated. Then the stones

pass out easily. The release of this water for diarrhoea carries some essential

mineral and nutrients. So the body loses some source of energy, which it takes some

time to recover. Hence we recommend a gap of 2 weeks between 2 liver cleanses.

Avoid cleansing when you are ill.


What to Expect?

Look for stones of the green kind, since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones,

not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks in

a healthy body but gallstones float because of the fat and cholesterol inside. Bowel

movements partly float in an unhealthy body, due to undigested fat. However, you

have not eaten anything fatty or oily, so where are these stones coming from?

Calcified stones and stones containing protein may sink but the strainer will catch all

stones. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total about

1,000 stones (big, medium or small) before the liver is clean enough to rid you of

allergies/asthma or bursitis or upper back pains and many other problems

permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days but as the stones

from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again but with

reduced intensity.

Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round

stones. They appear as”chaff" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan

coloured, harbouring thousands of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as

important as purging the stones.


This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought

to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are thought to be few, not

thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to

understand why this thought is prevalent – by the time you have acute pain attacks,

some stones in the gallbladder are big enough and sufficiently calcified to be seen

on an X-ray and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed,

acute attacks are gone but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems




People who have had their gallbladder removed surgically still get plenty of green,

bile coated stones and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the

concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol exactly match textbook pictures of

gallstones. Such gallstones are from bile ducts.

The following pictures show gallstones, which people got out by doing liver cleanses.

I did a total of 24 liver cleanses in 4 years and got over 4000 stones out (large,

medium and small). Initially, I did one liver cleanse every alternate week. Now I do

liver cleanse once in six months and do not observe any restriction in my food.

The stones in the next picture were passed out during one cleanse. The one on the

left is about 4.5 cm long.


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