13 Employee Related Issues

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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13 Employee Related Issues. Thirteen employee types are listed with descriptions and questions offered as to how to manage the various types of employee. Employee, Employer, Questions, Challenges, Employee Types, Organisational Behaviour, Organizational Behavior, Effectiveness, Organizations, Management, Study, Education, Orientation to Work, OB.



They do not deal well with bureaucratic obstacles and are not typically diplomatic in dealing with it.  They usually ignore corporate hierarchy and do not have an innate

respect for authority.  They respect accomplishments – not titles.

1. Low Bureaucra

cy Tolerance

They usually get right to the point and are direct about what they want because they KNOW what they want very


2.Confrontational and Blunt

These high performers need to feel that their work makes a difference in the success of the company. They are usually

very entrepreneurial and see their work as running their own company within a company.

3.What I Do Matters

Nothing is ever their fault. They are unable or unwilling to see their part in any situation where they have made a

mistake. The closest they might come is to admitting they made a mistake but then follow it up by saying they only

made it because of someone else.

4.Blame Game

They master new things quickly and then get bored once they have, and look for new challenges. That is why they

frequently are job-hoppers. They simply must feel they are continually learning and moving forward.

5.Bored Easily

These are talented, high performing individuals who know their worth. They are demanding of themselves and have very high standards. They push limits and boundaries to see what’s possible. They have high expectations and do

not “suffer fools gladly.”



No matter what the situation, these people are masters at having a well thought out and prepared excuse for their

lack of performance. It might be something in their personal life or something work related, but you can be sure

it will be creative.

7.Always An


They are very decisive, trust their gut, make decisions quickly and expect others to do the same. They get

frustrated when dealing with people who want to analyze and think through all the possible outcomes first.



Everything is urgent. Everything is needed As Soon As Possible. They constantly expect everyone to drop what

they are doing to help them with even the smallest of details. Big things, small things, it doesn’t matter

everything is a crisis and top priority.



They are constantly emailing EVERYONE about EVERYTHING. They feel the need to involve everyone in what they are working on, usually in an attempt to point

out, “See how great I am, look at all the things I’m doing.”

10.Reply To

All Disease.

They create drama by intentionally stirring the pot. They gossip, they divide and conquer, they look for ways to increase their stature at the expense of others (usually their boss). They manage to get people all

whipped up and upset over things they ordinarily wouldn’t have given a second thought to…It’s like the little devil sitting on your shoulder

whispering in your ear.

11. More Drama Than

A Soap Opera.

They are constantly hogging all the glory for any accomplishment and fail to credit those that helped them achieve it. Rarely is an

accomplishment in a company the sole work of one person. Yet these types of employees would have you believe that without them nothing

would ever be achieved. It infuriates co-workers and destroys any team building and teamwork culture a company has tried to build.

12. I’m Great!

They are always complaining to their manager about some perceived slight they feel they have received. It seems that someone is always getting more of something than they are and they believe if only they had a level playing field they

could be a top performer. .

13.Everything Is “Unfair”

CRITICAL REFLECTION“There are many situations we face as employees,

or indeed as employers, that put a strain on personal relationships. Our style of management dictates how we react to these strains. The best managers draw on their vast experience to inform their actions.”

How might you use non-work related experiences to influence your work


author: Jeff Tayloremail: jeff@jefftaylor.ie

website: www.jefftaylor.ielinkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jeff-taylor/41/993/635contact via email for guest lectures and academic seminars

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