13. 05. 2011r. Sleepy eyes looked into the phone - May 13, 5:00 hours, and already heart began to beat harder, today I'm flying to England! Driving by.

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13. 05. 2011r.

Sleepy eyes looked into the phone - May 13, 5:00 hours, and already heart began to beat harder, today I'm flying to England! Driving by bus, airplane flight and bus ride again caused fatigue, but I still was happy of the days to come. I met my partner Jazmie after 5 minutes from leaving the coach. I also met her dad Terry, her mother Hazel and her brother Steven. They were very nice and showed me the house and where I will sleep. Despite this, I was in a daze and it was difficult to overcome the language and cultural barrier. Later, we went with Jazmine for forest and park,

we talked about me and Poland, Jazmine was very nice. I slept full of hope that tomorrow will be successful.

14. 05. 2011r.14. 05. 2011r.

Surprisingly, I slept very well. I went down with Jazmine ready for breakfast - cereal with milk, which we ate in the company of her mother. Talking with them was more and more pleasant. Hazel

took me and Jazz to school. I felt much more comfortable among Polish friends. We went to Bath where we spent the whole day. First, we visited the town in two-storey coach - the city gave the impression as if the entire place was one big monument. I really

enjoyed the town's architecture.I had to leave comfortable bus and go by foot to the ancient baths. They were not so interesting as I predicted. Later was

something that I was waiting for - shopping! I mean... Free time. Unfortunately, I had a headache and I had no desire to

accompany my family on the wedding for which they went. Jazmine’s mom was lenient, and making sure that I took the

medicine she waited an hour until the head stopped hurting me, and then we went on the wedding, which turned out to be an

interesting experience for me. I could see how English wedding differs from Polish one. Of course, I had no problem with falling


15. 05. 2011r.

I have to admit that I was little afraid of this day because it was called „the day with the family”. I got up around 10 o’clock, it was a difficult day for me, I could not get used to the new situation. I spoke briefly with Jazmine, I read, I knew that today we go to the beach, because Jazmine and her mom told me this yesterday. I waited. At about 2

o'clock we went there by car and soon reached the place. The view for me was amazing, I had never been to the beach before. Even, if the sky

was overcast and the day was indeed very windy, the beach was still wonderful. We walked for a moment, and then we went onto the go-

carts circuit. Being afraid of these fast cars I watched with Hazel what others were doing. I talked to her about what I am doing in my spare

time and the weather in Poland. It was really nice. Later we visited the mini-game roomm, ate the ice creams, and drove home. After lunch, Jazmine proposed to go bowling, I was glad because I knew that my friends and others will be there, too. I had so much fun, I met Olivia, Tabitha, Martha, and other English girls. We had a really good time together. After returning home I exchanged my experiences with


16. 05. 2011r.

Day trips to Lynton and Lynmouth. In the morning Jazmine and I ate breakfast, watched TV, and finally I started to feel like home.

When I got off the bus I felt that I was in some woods, everywhere around was full of greenery. Hour walk through the woods was

really pleasant. A big impression on me did a small waterfall, it was almost magical. Then was the time to enter Lynton. I feared it as Lynton can be accessed only by small cable car and I am afraid of heights. However, subsequent views of rocks, water, etc. rewarded

me. Lying on the grass and listening to the sea was a wonderful experience. Then we just waited for lunch which I did not like, to be

honest. Very sweet bread, and what has slowly ceased to amaze me - tea with milk, almost everyone in England drink it. Going back home passed quickly, as usual. I told Jazz and her parents about my impressions of that day, I was pleased that they really cared about


17. 05. 2011r.

That night I did not sleep well, I woke up with stomach and throat pain which are not accustomed to cold drinks. We ate with Jazmine, Steven, and their

mom cornflakes and went to school. Going through school I was impressed by its size but the uniforms worn by all students effectively deterred me. Today we had a scheduled dance classes and sports, and later we were

visiting Barnstaple.Dance classes were just a heap of laughter, but several people from Poland gave excellent advice, our teacher was very nice. Finally, that is something I like – sports. My group played rounders, and later in handball. The English

game was not interesting to me. But when playing handball I felt happy, my team coped well with it and the British partners have quickly become

accustomed to this game. I was proud of myself when the English teacher said that I am good at sports, and asked whether I do some. It was very nice, our team won. Tired, we watched the Barnstaple just waiting for the famous

„OW YEAH, OW YEAH”, but when we arrived at the High Street we were in our element.

Moments after the tour we had a Euro dinner where we tried English cuisine and listened to the talented high school students from Pilton. When I

returned home I was tired, I took a shower, and went to sleep right away.

18. 05. 2011r.

The weather was awful - it rained. Together with Jazmine, Steve, and their mom I was eating breakfast, watching the morning

news. Today destination was the Clovelly and Tintagel. Clovelly turned out to be a fishing village with the road lined with slippery

stones which, together with the rain, has created „ice rink”, although it was a beautiful town in its naturalness. Next, we went to visit the castle. The view from the tall cliffs was breathtaking, the charm of this place cannot be shown on any photograph, you simply must be there to see it and feel it. Tintagel was the place which I liked most of all. After a short free time we went back to Barnstaple. Me and Jazmine watched the pictures that I had on

my camera. After dinner I went to bed happy with the next day.


That day we had to get up quite early because at 8 we should be in school with Jazmine. It was very nice when everybody wanted to know if I am OK. and if I needed anything. Travel to Exeter to see

Devon Show took 2 hours of bus ride. Together with Agnes, Matthew, Simon and Natalia we decided to explore together the great square of Devon Show. We watched different animals, ate obviously not healthy foods, and of course we watched different stalls... After five hours we were tired and we wanted to go back. After coming back home I ate a delicious lunch, which is slightly

different from the Polish lunch. I read a book, Jazmine made frequently sure that I did not want anything, and we talked about

my interests and hobbies. So passed the next day.


Today's trip was to be our last. I was sad at the thought that the day after tomorrow I was about to leave England, as more and more I liked it here. Again, nearly two-hour journey to Exeter and then tour the city, it seems to me that I did not visit too

much. And then there was only free-time which of course meant lunch at McDonalds and shopping - of course in Primark. After shopping we returned home. We ate lunch, and a very sweet dessert, me along with Jazmine went upstairs to our common

room to watch TV. It turned out that we have similar taste in TV, we watched the English edition of „I have got a talent”.


This was my last day in Barnstaple. The second day of "Day with the family”. I wondered what we were going to do that day. I got up, dressed

and started to read, some time later Jazmine came into the room so I asked her what we are doing today, she said that nothing special, so I continued

reading. A little later, the Jazz came to ask me whether I like watching movies and,if yes, what kind. I learned that the whole Richard's family likes horror movies but I do not like them, and we watched various movies. We sat in the living room, Jazmine brought ice cream and her mother played

„Avatar”. She was so kind and asked me if I want Polish subtitles in a movie. I thanked but I thought that if I’m in England to watch the movie in English, I always learn something new. I liked the film very much, amazing special effects and interesting storyline meant that I looked at the screen

without blinking as much amused as the others watching this movie probably 10 times. After two hours thefilm ended and I found that it was very interesting. They started laughing and me too, because Terry fell

asleep. Unfortunately, in the end I had to start packing my bags up. I gave the rest of the present for Jazmine at the farewell dinner. I also handed the gifts to her parents and Steven to thank for all. Hazel gave me printed photos of me and Jazmine from the bowling alley and a postcard from Barnstaple. I went to bed early knowing that tomorrow I will have to get up before 2 in

the morning but I could not sleep long after all.


1:50 hours on my cell phone - time to get up. Jazz woke up with me and her parents right after us. I dressed, and quickly packed the

rest of the things to the suitcase, then instant breakfast and I had to say goodbye to Hazel. I thanked her again for all and hugged her. I

got into the car. I looked out of the window on the house at Foxglove 9, and part of my adventure in England already finished.

Parking and omnipresent atmosphere of farewell, the last hug from Terry and Jazmine and I drove to Bristol. And again the same check-in, waiting, flight, another check-in, getting on the coach and we’re already in the parking lot next to the school where I was welcomed by my relatives. It is the end of the adventure in England, now I just

wait until Jazmine will have opportunity to know my country.

I will never forget those days with Jazmine and her family in England.

Ewa Kijas

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