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Hope College Anchor .

Volume XLV Hope College, Holland, Mich, December 7,1932 Number 50




Breakfasts, Luncheons and Ban-quets Included in the


The Cozy Inn at Virginia Park greeted the Aletheans and their ten new pledges Saturday morning. The pledges are Adelaide Deelsnyder, Adrienne Tyssen, Agnes Patterson, Anne Frissle, Anna Dethmers, Jen-nie DeVries, Harriet Laman, Mar-ion Haird, Geneva Lowe and VVilma Van Hoff. While a delightful break-fas t was being served, the air tingled with happiness.

A dinner was held in honor of the new girls at the Women's Lit-erary club Saturday evening. A clever program followed the toast. Group singing of popular songs proved a fit t ing ending for the happy excitement of the day.

From one section of the town to another the Sibs journeyed in order to get their new pledges. The fol-lowing girls were taken in; Gene Van Kolken, Roberta Zibbell, Carol Thompson, Marion Van Huis, Flor-ence Vis, Ruth Barendreght, ^ l ice Vander Riet, Irene Williams, Eve-lyn Van Dam, Lois Vander Meulen and Dorothy Eckerson. Af te r the tiock was gathered it led its way to the Warm Friend Tavern and enjoyed a delightful breakfast . In the evening the new girls were given a supper in the Sib room, a f t e r which they all went to the movies.

The Sorosis pledges include Ada Berghorst, Evelyn Kingsbury, Dor-othy Mae Kleis, Kuth Muilenberg, Elinore I 'ierrepont, Jean Rott-schaetfer, Ella Stibbs, Cornelia Tysse, Mae Van Hartesveldt, June Van Peursem, Margaret Van Kaalte, Helena Visscher, Olive Wishmeier and Muriel Chard. The

Cont inued from Page 3)


The women have an unusually hard subject for debate this year.

It is: "Resolved, that representatives

in the lower house of congress and the state legislatures be elected by and in proportion to membership in occupational groups."

Miss Shirley Payne is acting as coach of women's debate. Those who are competing for places on the teams are Edna Helmbold, Nel-la De Haan, Evelyn Wierda, Adri-enne Tyssen, Freda Vander Schoor, Marian Wray, Margaret Rott-schaeffer , Ha/.el Dick, Mildred K o o i m a n, Beatrice Visser and Louise Kieft.

Several practice debates have been held thus far and plans for practice debates with other col-leges are being made.

On Jan. 20, Hope's affirmative team meets Alma's negative there, and on the same day Albion's af -firmative meets Hope's negative here.

Let's all come and give the de-baters support and encouragement. They need it!

Mr. Snow Gives Sunday Afternoon



Another very interesting Vesper Recital was presented last Sunday-afternoon by Mr. W. Curtis Snow. The program opened with the "Concert Overture in A," by Mait-land, an American composer of Philadelphia.

"Largo," by Wolstenholme was the next number. "Largo," al-though written by Wolstenholme. is written in the style of HamK-l. It is a very lovely movement taken from "Sonata in D Major."

The next number, "Toccata in C," by Bach, was perhaps the heaviest number on the program in that it is one of the two biggest things that Bach ever wrote for organ.

This was followed by a very pleasing "Noel" by Mulet, the rath-er humorous "I 'organo primitive" by Von, and "Cavat ina" by Raff .

Following this group came the very modern number of the pro-gram—"Pas te l" by Karg-Elert , contemporary German composer. These Pastels need to be heard a number of times in order to gain an appreciation of them, but one hears in them some very lovely pas-sages.

The program closed with Rhein-berger 's Fugue in G.

President and Wife Entertain Students Thanksgiving D ay


President Wynand Wichers and Mrs. Wichers entertained thirty-four students of the college who were unable to return to their homes for the Thanksgiving vaca-tion on Thursday evening, Nov. 24th, at their home. A delicious supper was served at six-thirty and the remainder of the evening was spent in playing games, the chief one being auction. Af te r the intel-lectual ability of the college stu-dents had been tested by various contests, songs were sung and the group journeyed homewards.



Miss Laura Boyd was hostess to a number of the women students who were unable to go home for Thanksgiving at an informal tea Saturday afternoon, Nov. 26th, at the Boyd residence on North Shore drive.

Guests included Mis& Ella Basch-ker, Miss Elizabeth Gaehner, Miss Anne Edwards, Miss Pauline Bush, Miss Dena Rensink, Miss Edith De Young, Miss Anita Furbeck, Miss Setsu Matsunobu, Miss Leona Pee-len, and Mrs. Harriet E. Godfrey, matron at Voorhees dormitory.

Civic Chorus and U. of M. Orchestra to Give "Messiah"


The people of Holland are indeed favored to have the University of Michigan Orchestra of 70 members as their guests next week Monday and Tuesday. The organization will appear twice on Tuesday, Dec. 13 in Hope Memorial chapel, first, in the afternoon at 3 o'clock in a sym-phony concert under the direction of Mr. David Mattern and again in the evening a t 8 o'clock as accom-paniment for the Holland Civic Chorus' presentation of the "Mes-siah." In the evening the chorus and orchestra will be under the di-rection of W. Curtis Snow. If the crowds of the last two years are any indication, it is expected that the chapel will be filled for this performance. The soloists will be Miss Marjorie McClung of Grand Rapids, soprano; Mrs. Gudekunst of Grand Rapids, contralto; and Mr. Jack Bos of Holland, bass.

The af ternoon concert, which is to s tar t at 3 o'clock, is one which no one can afford to miss. It is an opportunity which the people of Holland have never before been privileged to enjoy. A large and appreciative audience will make possible a fine rendition of the num-bers to be presented and will go a long way in making the whole

(Continued on Page Three)

Medical Aptitude Test Scheduled


The Medical Aptitude test which is administered each year by the Association of American Medical Colleges to the pre-medic students of the various pre-medicai colleges

in the country is scheduled to take place Friday afternoon, Dec. 9, 1932.

This examination is now one of the normal requirements for ad-mission to a medical school, and all s tudents intending to enter a medi-cal school in 1933 have arranged to take the test on the above date. It is not necessary that all pre-medical requirements be completed at the time th^ test is taken if these requirements are only com-pleted in time for entrance to medi-cal school.-

The test will take approximately one hour and a half. A fee of one dollar is required from each appli-cant to defray expense of the com-mittee.



Dutch Treat Week Taken Advantage

Of By Hope Girls \ •




Slagh and Meengs Receive Hon-orable Mention.

o -• • • • *


The Anchor wishes to make * amends for one of the errors * in the last issue. We stated * that one hundred new students * attended the "Variety Night" * program sponsored by the Y.M. * Only half that number were * present. It was nice, though, * because there was extra help- * ings of pie al a mode for every- *

one. *

.Y. W. BAZAAR * Are you aware of the fact * * that there a rc only twelve ¥

* more shopping days before * * Chris tmas vacation? if you ^ * are looking for distinctive g i f t s * * bring that Christmas shopping ' * list with you to De Vries & 1

* Dornbos on Eighth street any +

* time between 9 a. m. and 9 * p. m. this coming Saturday and ^ * find just the things you want 4

* at the Japanese Bazaar, spon- * * sored by the Y. W. C. A. There ' * will be on display a large line * * of Japanese novelties—and * * practical g i f ts , too— ranging * * in price f rom five cents to two * * dollars. The Y. W. girls would 4

* like to have you come to see * * the assor tment regardless of * * whether you buy or not. Make " * it a point to see what there is * * to see at De Vries <t Dornbos * * Saturday, Dec. 10.

Important Issues Before Congress — Will the U. S. Recognize Russia?


As December 15 draws nearer the world war debt controversy grows heated. Both England and France have sent pleas to Wash-ington renewing demands for sus-pension of this month's payments and asking for revision of the whole war debt structure. Presi-dent Hoover and Secretary Stimson have been poring over these long cablegrams, but as yet there are no indications tha t the American government will change its position that the payments must be met. Congress solidly answers "No" to all requests.

Friends of Governor Roosevelt say t h a t a f t e r he has assumed the presidential office, one of the first problems he will consider will be the m a t t e r of possibly recognizing Soviet Russia. I t is known that he

has been making a study of the

Russian question for some time and

that he is hopeful a way may be found to st imulate American t rade by resuming relations with that country. The policy of non-recogni-tion was established 14 years ago by President Wilson.

Because Great Britain has re-cently renounced its commercial t rea ty with Russia, American busi-ness men argue that we could take over the British trade with Russia. Senator Borah has long advocated this plan. Recently he said, "There can be no real peace in Europe, there can be no disarmament of any moment, particularly land dis-armament , until the Russian prob-lem is settled. There can be no economic health or stability in Eu-rope or in the world, so long as this gigantic power is s truggling

(Continued from Page 3)

For the first time in the history of Hope College a tradition has been broken—utterly disregarded! For an entire week the girls of the campus have been free as birds— free to choose, f ree from their in-hibitions. This week of emanci-pation is comparable only to that victorious day many years ago when the women of these United States received the privilege of the ballot.

There have been many benefits and advantages derived f rom this "noble experiment." The very fact that the idea brought for th so many results ^ alone proves its worth. It was also a very potent factor in relieving our present "fi-nancial depression," for with "Dutch Trea t" week has come—as never before—a loosening of purse strings, an emptying of socks, and a common sharing of our earthly possessions. New friendships have been formed and old ones have been strengthened.

If this campus ever feels again the pinch of financial embarrass-ment together with a desire for many and more "dates," there will probably be inaugurated another "Dutch Treat" week.

First Faculty Recital Will Be Given Tonight



Wednesday night, Dec. 7, there will be the f i r s t of a series of fac-ulty recitals. This will be a piano recital given by Miss Nella Meyer. Miss Meyer is well known to the students and townspeople as a member of the Conservatory fac-ulty here, and a large audience is expected.

Her progtam will consist of num-bers by the old masters, and also a group of modern numbers.

This interesting program is as

follows: Sonata Op. 78, F sharp Minor

Beethoven Allegro maunon troppo Allegro assai

Prelude Op. 28, No. 12 Chopin Nocturne Op. 32, No. 1 Chopin Etude Op. 10, No. 9 Chopin Mezurke Op. posth Chopin Impromptu Op. 29 ..T. Chopin Intermezzo E flat minor, Op.

118 .j. Brahms Intermezzo B minor Op. 119

Brahms Rhapsody Op. 79, No. 1 Brahms Marche from "The Love of Three

Oranges"' Prokofieff Prelude f rom the Suite "Pour

le Piano" Debussy Ein Idyll Medtner Etude en Farme de Valse


At a recent meeting of the coach-es of the conference, an All-M.I.A.A. football team was select-ed, also a second team and several players given honorable mention,

Hope was given credit of being the smartest ball club in the con-ference. Our boys all deserve a great deal of credit for their splen-did showing this year. This distinc-tion was duly earned for, out-weighed in every game they played, the boys of the Orange and Blue fought gallantly for every point they received.

All conference teams were repre-sented on the coaches' M.I.A.A. team. Hillsdale, conference cham-pions, received f o u r positions; Hope, Albion and Kazoo each placed two, while Alma placed but one.

Several of the men on the con-ference team were shif ted f rom their natural positions to fill places which the coaches thought them capable of filling. "Louis" Jap inga was chosen quarterback on the team due to his spectacular runs and hia excellent generalship on the field. "Louis" is one of the outstanding men in the conference and one of the greatest football players ever to don Orange and Blue football uniforms. "J immie" Zwemer, co-captain-elect of Hope's team, was chosen at le f t guard on the team. J im's ability to break through the opposing team's line and nail men behind the line of scrimmage duly earned him his position on the line.

Schroeder of Albion and Warner of Kazoo were selected for the end positions, Clark of Hillsdale and Inglio of Kazoo the tackle posi-tions, Zwemer of Hope and Wilkas of Alma the guard positions, while Stanich of Hillsdale received the center berth. In the backiield "Louis" was placed a t quarterback, Mobily of Hillsdale and Wat ts of Albion at the halfbacks, while Dun-lap held down the fullback posi-tion. Dunlap was chosen captain of the conference team due to the fac t that he was the most consistent ground gainer in the conference.

Co-Captain Norlin of the Hope team was chosen as one of the tackles on the second team, while Ed Damson held down left end on the same team.

"Louis" Meengs was given hon-orable mention as was "Mil t" Slagh, Hope's hard-working center.


* There is only one week and *

* a half le f t before Christmas * * vacation. I t won't be long now • * before the lowans. Easterners , • * Wisconsiners and Chicagoers * * will be able to see papa and * * mama again. I t 's going to * * seem good to go back to tha t • * "litt le old street where old * * faces meet and gree t you in * * the same old way." The Christ- * * mas spiri t is in the air and it * * sorta makes you feel like every- #

* thing's o. k. and life is good, * * doesn't i t ? *

Yea Hope! Beat Calvin! Yea Hope!

: —

• --'. w ., ..• .


H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Entered at the Post OfTice a t HoHand. Michigan, as Second Clags Mat te r . Accepted for mai l ing a t special ra te of postage provided for In Section 1103

of Act of CongreBB, October 3, 1917. Authorized October 19. 1918.

' S T A F F E^Uor Preston Van Kolken

Assistant Editor Gertrude Holleman Athletic Editor ^ v i n g Decker Fraternity Editor Mark Brower Sorority Editor ... Julia Walvoord Organization Editors Harri Zesarius, Marian ^ ray, Victor lurdo

Campus Editor N ^ , l aL » a a n

Interest Reporters J»m Nettinga. Ruth HurUett

Reporters—II. RottschafTer, M. Dreffman, S. Price, B. Visser, A. \N ita-nek. L. De Pree, J. Bosnian, M. Verduin, J. Van Vessem, C. Wal-voord, R. Muilenburg, J. Leland, E. Vander Poel. E. Harris.

B U S I N E S S S T A F F Business Manager Edith De \oung


Advertising Manager Vivian Behrmann

Assistant »• Kingnoidus


The curtain has fallen and Hope's recent football season is jus t a memory. The team finished the season with four victories, two ties and two defeats. Figuring games won and lost the season was indeed a successful one. However, there was something more, something grea ter than objective suc-cess tha t made this past season so outstanding. "The Hope team plays clean ball and each individual of tha t team dis-plays the true Christian personality of the college which he represents." When praise of this kind is spoken by a leading college president, then we may rest asured tha t football at Hope is accomplishing more than the mere ar t of developing football players. Coach Hinga is to be highly complimented for the fine, sportsman-like leadership which he gave the men who worked so fai thful ly on the gridiron for the college dur-ing the past three months. The team deserves a grand ova-tion. Hope is proud of her coach, and proud of her team.

Yea, coach! Yea, t eam!


Out goes football — in comes basketball. Next week Hope will play her first home game. An enthusiastic s tudent body will rise to their feet when the Blue and Orange basketeers make their first appearance. A pepped-up Hope s tudent body will yell and sing and cheer! Our team will fight like real, thoroughbred athletes. They'll give everything for the college which they represent. Victory SHALL be theirs!

Jus t as the team fights — so must the team in the stands. Jus t as the team plays cleanly and sportsman-like — so must the student body. Be COURTEOUS to and considerate oi the visiting team and referee. Cheer like real Hopeites. Cheer fo r victory — but — be COURTEOUS from the opening play

to the end of the game.

Y. M. C. A.

One-fourth of the s tudents at

Hope college have the intention of

enter ing some form of active reli-

gious work, according to a reli-

gious census kept by Rev. Paul E. Hinkamp, college pastor, and re-vealed last Tuesday evening at the Y.M.C.A. meeting, at which Rev.

Hinkamp addressed the grhup on "The Conservation of Hope College Tradi t ions."

Although this percentage is hut one-third of that of the years , when Hope college was yet in i ts child-hood, the speaker felt tha t the Chris t ian influence was still active on the campus.

When Rev. Hinkamp was student at the college, baseball was the m a j o r sport outside of cross-coun-

t ry and basketball as a sideline. Hope's part icipation today in foot-ball and basketball is recognized by outsiders as a specimen of t rue spor tsmanship. Rev. Hinkamp sug-gested t ha t "moral victories" a re

the desired ends sought by the stu-dent in intercollegiate and intra-mura l clashes.

But, the question, "Where are the

ora tors and debaters of former years who took honors in s ta te and national- con tes t s?" seems unan-swered today, claimed the leader.

The int imate f r iendship of society groups and amiable competit ion were acknowledged Jjy Rev. Hin-kamp as being of an advan tage to

the s tudent . In conclusion, scholasticism a t

Hope is credited at o ther schools in an over-average ra t ing .

Y . W . C. A .

The Y.W.C.A. meet ing of No-

vember 29 was opened with a song

service under the leadership of

Miss Alyce Mansen. Miss Ann Ed-

wards read the scr ip ture lesson,

a f t e r which the Misses Ethel Leest-ma and Mildred Klow rendered a

vocal duet. A lively discussion on the ideal of "Per fec t Living" was then led by Miss Edi th De Young.

Last night Dr. E. I). Dimnent

addressed the V groups at a joint pre-Chris tmas meeting. The ingen-uous discussion on "An Ideal

Chr i s tmas" was thought provoking and an inspiration to all who at-tended.

On December l.i the Holland Civic chorus, under the direction

of Prof . W. Curtis Snow, will ren-der "The Messiah" by Handel. The regular Y meetings will be dis-pensed with on tha t evening in order to give all the s tudents the

opportuni ty to hear this magnifi-cent oratorio.


Phone 2465

The IdealDryCleaners "77ie House of Service'

Cleaning & Steam Pressing

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* * *

I like men, - They stride about,

They reach in their pockets And pull th ings out.

They look important , They rock on their toes.

They lose all the but tons Off their clothes.

They throw away pipes. They find them again,

Men are queer c rea tures ; 1 like men.

Dorothy E. Reid. • » •

A BIT OF N O R T H L A N D • • •

A bit of Northland, Wild and f ree ,

A summer breeze And s t a r s for me;

A sandy shore, And deep blue sky,

Or mossy bank On which to lie;

Balsam's f r ag rance On Autumn's wing.

Oh fad ing summer, Come again!

—Dorothy Sonnega.

the re was a race of men long anti-da t ing the Indians known to have existed on this continent.

• • •

We are not giving bacter ia suf-ficient credit fo r the p a r t they play. They are the food supply of mud-.iat and ocean-bottom animals . In the fer t i l i ty of the soil, fixation of ni t rogen in nodules of l iguminous plants , preservat ion of ensilage ahd milk by lactic fe rmenta t ion , mi-crobes play impor tan t roles. Now man is us ing this cheap, effective energy in different fields. Microbes are used as chemical r eagen t s in the delection and recognition of cer tain carbohydrates .

• » »

Golden snow may be seen in late winter in the mountains of Glacier National Park . The snow is covered by insects of bril l iant canary yel-low. They have no wings but cata-pult themselves through the a i r by means of a spr inging organ, a can-dai furcula .

» *

Gas was first used fo r l ight one hundred and sixteen years ago this month.

Divinity Guild


Science Note Book

Professor Carl Voetgtl in of U. S. National Inst i tute of Health, re-ports progress along three lines of

chemical investigation l o o k i n g toward the cure of cancer. Cell al-bumen can be broken down in the presence of nitrogen and built up in the presence of enough oxygen. Since cancer is considered to be certain cells that mult iply unre-strictedly and to use oxygen fas te r than other cells, this knowledge is of importance. In seeking" a chemi-cal to check cancer growth, iron, magnesium, cobalt and zinc were found to have no effect. Copper in minute amounts checked cell divi-sion, but of all the chemicals tr ied, only the lead salts were found to have an injur ious effect upon the cells. Lead salts, however, are too dangerous to the person. Reports were also made upon the relative acidity of the t issues. The malig-nant t issues were acid even in the ear ly s tage while normal t issues a re sl ightly alkaline.

» » »

Road builders near Clovis, N. M. have found arrow points associated with fossil animal remains tha t give some support to the idea that

Dr. Winfield Burggraaff of West-ern Theological seminary was the speaker at the Divinity Guild meet-

ing held on Wednesday af ternoon, November 30. The main thought of his speech was tha t one should not go into the minis t ry if one

| could help it. He cited the many 1 difficulties t ha t occur in a minis-ter ' s life and outlined a good min-ister 's qualifications. He decried the fact tha t many young men wish to enter the ranks of the minis t ry for no apparen t reasons whatso-ever. Maurice Snyder, the new sec-re tary of the organizat ion, was in charge of the meeting. He led the s inging and read the scr ipture les-son f rom the sixth chapter of Isaiah. The closing p rayer was of-fered by Prof. Paul E. Hinkamp. The next meet ing of the Divinity Guild has been set for the af ternoon of December 15. All interested are urged to a t tend.


White Cross Barber Shop

198 R i v e r Ave .

ALL H A I R C U T S 25c



Typewriter Paper

500 Sheets, 75c.

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K. & B. Hat Shop Non run Hose $1.35 Chiffon Hose .85

Scarf Sets

Marquette University D E N T A L S C H O O L

To the young man and woman rvilh interest in health service

Enrollment Feb. 1 and Sept. 21 in the 3-year dental course which fol-

lows two years of pre-medical or pre-dental liberal arts college work.

Undergraduates with 64 semester hours of acceptable credits — at least 8 semester hours of inorganic chemistry, 4 semester hours of organic chemistry, 8 semester hours of biology or zoology, 8 semester hours of physics and 6 semester hours of English may make application for enroll-ment. Applicants from colleges requiring 120 semester hours for graduation may be admitted with 60 semester hours.

T h e February college graduate who com-plies with the requirements for admission can become a doctor of dental surgery with the Marquette University Class of 1935 by enrolling in the proposed mid-year class and attending summer school for 12 weeks in 1933 and 6 weeks in 1934.

Send for our new folder entitled, "A Worthwhile Professional Career."


Between classes the Hope Col-lege campus has been the scene of many gruesome, s t range , f a i ry -tal ish, and unpleasant c rea tures , r ang ing f r o m jani tor . Red Riding Hood, to an extremely uncouth

f a rmer . We can no longer say t ha t Hope is not cosmopolitan!

» » •

It is r a the r confusing to make a distinction between the Sophs and Frosh since Thanksgiv ing va-cation.

» • •

What has caused all the black eyes exposed to the world at la rge dur ing the past week?

• » , •

"Seven o'clock, Wednesday night ,

Voorhees! All r ight , I'll see you there ." Anyway, Ede DeYoung

mainta ins tha t Dutch Trea t Week is quite a wonderful innovation.

• • «

A f t e r a few prel iminary activi-ties on Fr iday, if you had been around Saturday you would have

seen such embracing t ha t would

have made even Albert Holland jealous!

• » »

Reinhar t Van Dyke of the col-lege, while recently in Chicago, was a guest of the Moody Bible Insti-tute.

• • »

Several Hope men spent the Thanksgiv ing vacation out at J im

Zwemer 's cottage, which is located way out north, a good ways f rom every th ing and everybody. The fel-

lows let loose and there wasn' t any

inhibition tha t wasn ' t satisfied. There comes a time in the life of every real he-man when the desire

to be f ree and just do as he pleases must be satisfied and—well, more power to house part ies.

• • »

Dr. Wichers left for New York Monday where he will a t tend the Reformed Church Board of Educa-tion meet ing.


' 'Dick" the Shoe Doctor

Electric Shoe Hospital D. Schaf tenaar , Prop.

We Call For and Deli u er


Kuite's Economy Market & Grocery

Holland's Up- to-date Food Shop


Compl imtnis of

Dr. J. G. Huizenga

Student Volunteers

Last Sunday evening, November

27, the S tudent Volunteers sent a deputa t ion to Dunningsvil le. Trans-portat ion was provided by the

Dunningsvil le church. The deputa-tion had charge of the Chris t ian Endeavor mee t ing which was well a t tended compara t ive to the mem-bership of the church. The talk fo r the evening was ski l ful ly han-dled by Miss Laura Guigelaar , while Ella Boschker acted as chair-man fo r the evening. Special music was rendered as a duet by Adri-enne Tyssen and Ethel Boot, ac-companied by Beatrice Boot. Adel-aide Deelsnyder was accompanis t fo r the song service. A f t e r the Chris t ian Endeavor meet ing we en-joyed the evening service, which was conducted by Mr. Van Horn, a fo rmer Hope gradua te , now a t tend-ing Nor thwes te rn Seminary. The members of this delegation were well pleased with the resul ts and are anxiously looking fo rward fo r more work.

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COLONIAL SWEET SHOP Candies, Fancy Sundaes, Hot Fudge Sundaes, Hot Chocolate,

Toasted Sandwiches, Gilbert's Chocolates


FIRST STATE BANK 7 he Oldest and Largest State Bank in Ottawa County

Dr. Edw. D.jMmnent, President Dr. Wynand Wichers, Vice President C. Vander Meulen, Cashier Wm. J. Westveer, Asst. Cashier A. A. Nienhuis, Asst. Cashier

Member of the Federal Reserve System





r k <iL' • --- --r-̂ ,J-j •i-. . yl a




Sigma Sigma sisters met once more to par take of merriment and joy on Thursday evening, Dec. 1.

Devotions were led by S. M. Stryeker. "Sigma Sigma Par , " writ ten by S. Hudson, conveyed an

instructive thought to the society. S. Verduin rendered in her own

sweet way one of Edgar Guest's poems on Friendship.

"Name It ," by S. Pellegrom and Johnson proved to be a heart-rending duet with a lot of harmony and hand technique.


A French theme was chosen by the Sophomores when, on the eve-ning of December first, they pre-sented the final program to the old Delphian group. D. Van Oosten-brugge led devotions. Af te r the business meeting D. Dekker re-viewed current events and D. Ver-hey read a paper on Joan of Arc. Af te r 0 . Van Oss had entertained with a group of piano selections by French composers, a play en-titled "Vain Ways" was presented by D. Scholton, D. Mulder and 0 . Van Oss. The meeting was brought to a close with singing led by D. Van Oostenbrugge.

On December second the Del-phians, anticipating a delicious pot-luck supper, gathered at the home of Anne Jackson. Af te r a meal which fulfilled all expecta-tions had been served them, the group began the business for which they had gathered—that of select-ing new Delphians. The list was finally completed and the girls de-parted to spend a restless night of waiting for an eventful tomorrow.

rent Events ," by John Peeler; vocal solos by Milt Spaan and an ap-propr ia te hu m o r o u s paper on "Deer Hunters ," by Henry Kinke-ma. Critic's Report was made by Harold Fairbanks.

The Cosmos have challenged the F ra te r s for the much prized "Ve-nitian Bowl" in such favori te par-lor games as checkers, bridge and chess. (Poker is excluded at this t ime) . The Cosmos championship basketball team will this year be coached by Len Stef fens with Hei-nie Tempos as manager and Tony Mistret ta as assistant. Prospects again appear for a team of- last year 's caliber.



(Continued f rom Page One)


The meeting of Dec. 2 was called to order by Vice President Heer-sma. Mr. Gerrit Rient jes acted as chorister, while Mr. Kenneth Hicks presided at the piano. The pro-gram was very interesting. The first number was given by Mr. Vir-gil Bradley, which was entitled "Jesus as a Teacher," the Fresh-man prize Bible essay of '32.

Mr. Tsugno Hidaka then gave a paper, "My Home Customs." This

was followed by two selections, "That Beautiful Land" and "The Little Old Red Shawl," rendered by a quar te t , composed of Mr. Rient-jes, Mr. Paul Van Pernis, Mr. Ger-ald Heersma and Mr. Henry En-glesman. Mr. Abraham Naoum concluded with a humorous paper.

At the ensuing business meeting the following officers were elected for the new te rm:

President, Mr. Nelson Urick; vice president, Mr. Kenneth Hicks; secretary, Mr. Gradus Aalberts ; t reasurer , Mr. Paul Van Pernis.


Cosmos held their weekly meet-ing Friday evening, opening with some post-Thanksgiving singing, led by Howard Hartough. This was followed by yells under the di-rection of Frank Dykema. Praver was offered by John Buiteyn. *

The program consisted of "Cur-

Emersonian Last week was "hades week" for

the pledges of the Maroon and White. The f ra tern i ty neophytes crawled in and out of windows, on enter ing or leaving the f r a t house, performed menial and sometimes difficult tasks for their masters, who had laid down cash for them at the auction block, and reached the grand climax on Wednesday night, when, a f t e r a short business meeting, the entire society adjourn-ed to the "Oggle" house and en-gaged bodily in their "yearly dozen or so" to the tune of whacking paddles and responding yelps oi "ouch!" On Friday night the an-nual formal invitation stag ban-quet was held in the Masonic tem-ple when thirteen pledges became full members in the fellowship of Emersonian. The program consist-ed of a talk by Alumnus Harvey Hoffman on "The History of Emer-sonian," a vocal number by Fresh-man William Vander Veen, "Home on the Range," with "Without a Song" as an encore, and "The Phil-osophy of Emerson" by James Van Vessem. The affair was the "best ever," and the new members were given a rousing welcome and thus ended the trials and tribulations of the pledges for this year.


The regular F ra t e r meeting of Friday, December 2, was opened with prayer by F ra t e r Gaston. Fr. "Noolcie" Maring as chorister and Fr. "Wookie" Vanden Belt as tick-ler of the ivories, tried unsuccess-fully to get harmonious music in the song service. Fr. Pres. Muilen-berg opened the meeting with a few quotations on duty. Fr . Van Leuwen read an archive number entitled "Ear ly History of Fra ter-nal Society at t 'nion College." It was written by one of the founders of the ' society in 1834. Fr. Boone gave some excellent humor, both in content and expression. Fr. Muilenberg, pinch-hitting for Fr. Van Kolken, who was sick, played a few numbers on his trombone. A serious .paper by Fr . McLean, "Communism in America," con-cluded the program. It was an ex-cellent paper in every detail and will without doubt be entered into the archives. The new F r a t e r song, intermission, and a short business session followed. Fr . Plasman was given the honorary job of custo-dian of the Venetian Bowl. Fr . Meengs closed with prayer .

HOLLAND CITY STATE BANK The Secret of Wealth— and its foundation likewise, are found in the habit of per-sistent, systematic thrift.

A savings account with the Holland City State Bank will help you to form it in the easiest and surest way.

Always we aim to make your account here of maximum, value to you.

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Sorosites had breakfas t at the home of Arloa Van Peursem in Zeeland and in the afternoon they journeyed to Grand Rapids to see "Death Takes a Holiday." Af te r the play a tea was served at the Women's Club of Grand Rapids in honor of the new members.

A f t e r eagerly receiving a list of thirteen new Delphians the old members, disregarding all rules for silence, went hastily to a rtBmber of rooms in Voorhees hall and claimed the inmates for their own. There followed a mad rush about town in order to claim the rest of the group and the fourteen happy girls who had caused all the com-motion were carried off for break-fa s t a t the Warm Friend Tavern. The place cards around the table included the names of Mipa Beck-er, Myrtle Beeuwkes, Ruth Burkett, V era Damstra, Katherine Donahue, Ruth Fisher, Elizabeth Goehner, Catherine Haig, Marian Klaasen, Frieda Vander Schoer, Thelma Vroom, Agnes Van Ostenburg and Emma Zagers. Af te r the break-fast was completed and each new girl had been called upon for a short speech, the group sang the Delphia songs and disbanded. At 12:45 they departed for Grand Rapids, where they attended a per-formance of the Wright players. I .atf i they went to the home of Alumnae Hazel Paalman, where ihey We-re served a delicious sup-1 H V .

l-'or the Dorian girls the past week-end was one filled with ex-citement, joy, and kisses worth the sum total of fifty cents. The seven girls that were chosen were Pauline Bush, Janet Derks, Edna Helmbolt, Leona I'eelon, Leona Schipper, Doris Van Lente, and Lois Van Zommeron. Early Saturday morn-ing the old members dashed around Holland and hauled six of these sleepy girls from their cradles and took them to the Green Mill Cafe, where a very special breakfast was served to them. The other newly elected member was not in Holland and the girls decided that she must be here for the evening, so the girls set out for Corinth to get her. Do you know where Corinth is? Does your "boss" know where Corinth is? The Dorians know now and they are going to tell you a secret. If you» should decide to go there and your car gats overheated and you lose the cap of your gas tank, just stoj) at the Chevrolet garage at Byron Center and they'll save you lots of worry for just one dime! A f t e r miles of excitement and worry were piled up very high the girls found Lois Van Zommeron's home. Her mother served the girls with a lovely, yumm yumm lunch-eon and Lois came back fro Holland so tha t she could attend the Dorian banquet hekl at the Warm Friend Tavern that evening, a banquet at which the girls were thrilled by toasts, speeches, and music. Af te r the banquet the society went to Helen Shaw's home where King Cootie and Queen Game reigned un-til the hour when Mrs. Durfee de-creed that the girls should be at home.

Fo r Gocdncss Sakes THE "JOURNAL" OF


Friday, Dec. 2

Synce I fynde mysellfe syckke, and noing fulle welle tha t te profFe Rytterre will throwe fy t tes whenne hee lems that te mye jurnalle bee so f aa r behynde, I trow itte is yn-deed tymellie that te I kech uppe now.

lynne Wyllyams hadd a bunche of usse frosh f e m m e s ' ' a t t e her housse the other evenyng. Wee madde candye and as ushwal Muri-clle haddc a boye frynd to annoye our synst ter revelrie. Ollivarre hadde the famyllie jalloppie and she tookke mee homme so erlie that te I even beatte mye momme inne, who lostee much sleeppe, thynking me stylle too bee out a t te one thyr t t ie (and mee sngglie inne bedde all the tymme).

Uppe in the mornynge and too pyckking uppe beechynuts inne the f ront te yardde erlie. Mennie carrs ywentte bye more thanne onctte. To bedde erlie and verrie tyred, mye backke ayking myghtillie.

Uppe in the A.M. and dyscovered myselffe to have pynkke tooth-brushe. To bedde that evynyng feel-ing myghtie punk . . .

Mye bellovedde brother Jackke commes homme too-daye alle agogge. For, quoth hee, n e w e r beefor hath Hoppe's studentte bod ye com me so verrie nere to synging twoo hymmes atte onctte.

1 havve frenche and other thyngs too st ddye and a testte for hys-teric, and Waynne Kyng is playin so methinks I hadde bette quitte for now.

* *


x Dance, v.i., "To leap about to the sound of t i t tering music, preferably with a rms about your neighbor's wife or daughter. There are many kinds of dances, but all those re-quiring the participation of the two sexes have two characteristics in common: they are conspicuously innocent, and warmly loved by the vicious."—Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary.

T i s an old saying, "The good must suffer with the bad." Some consolation should be given to three "campus" girls. We take the great-est pleasure in introducing "The Campus Co-eds"; Cornelia Stryker, Margaret Stryker, Elenore Pierre-pont. President, Vice President and Secretary, respectively, of the new "Campus Organization." We are open to suggestions as to whom consolation really should be given, the co-eds themselves, or the causes who wear trousers.

A particular Sunday night! Six in a car! The old refresTiment place, the Oval! Yes, "she was like the splash of waves on a dark night on a lonely beach!" Leading char-

Peterson's Pure Dairy Products Milk, Cream, Cottage Cheese,


Ice Cream, Bulk or Brick All Flavors

8th Street near College Avenue TOSSiaHiHHHHSHSHH^iS

THE TULIP Just wonderful Food at wonderful prices

Special Breakfasts 1 5 c , 2 0 c , 2 5 c 214 College Ave. Holland, Mich.

acters, Mike Van Leuwen and Ele-nore Pierrepont, (what, mentioned aga in? What a girl!). Blackness, except for the reflection of the twinkling stars on balmy Lake Michigan! Says the heroine to the hero, "Pu t your knees together, I'm sinking."

What a man Korstanje! "I got 'dough. I got 'bucks.' I never chase a f t e r the women. Ask any one of them with whom I have gone out with, and they will say I'm the most independent fellow they have ever gone out with. I never call them up. They all call me up." Some boy! We wonder what he has. We wonder whether he can take it. Is he a great man; ask him.

pie, inexpensive inaugural in keep-ing with the spirit of economy. It is said that he does not favor call-ing National Guard troops from distant points at great expense to the taxpayers, but that he does not object to the use of troops centered in and about Washington.



(Continued from Page One)



(Continued f rom Page One)

to escape her thralldom. And this will last so long as she is treated as an outlaw among nations." "The greatest developing market in the world for American goods is in Russia, and this market is ours under any reasonable policy. Our conditions encourage us to seek for-eign markets wherever they may be found."

It is reported that President-elect Roosevelt is planning a sim-

project a success. The program will include a piano concerto by Mo-zart, played by Mr. Harold Gelman, pianist. It will be interest ing to the Holland audience to know tha t Mr. Rudolph Nichols, Hope College graduate of last year, is included in the personnel of the orchestra. The orchestra is composed of 23 violins, 8 violas, 8 celli, 6 basses, 3 flutes, 2 oboes, 1 English horn, 2 clarinets, 1 bass clarinet, 4 bas-sons, 3 trumpets, 5 French horns, 3 trombones, 1 tuba, percussions, and harp.

The program is as follows: Academic Festival Overture

Brahms Excerpts f rom "The Valkyrie"

Wagner Concerto for Piano Mozart Capriccio Espanole



COZY INN 68 East 8th St.

Lunches Short Orders

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Gruen, Bulova and Elgin Watches at SELLES J E W E L R Y S T O R E

Expert Watch andjewelry Repairing






133 and 135 Fairbanks Ave. Phone 3886 . f y

D. J. DuSAAR 10 East 8th St.

Our Business is K O D A K F I N I S H I N G and we know our job. Special Service Twice a Day. Work left before 10 a. m. is ready at 5 p .m. sharp. Work left during the balance of the day is ready before you go to classes the next day.



Boys! Let's Go to See the New 5c & IOc SANDWICH SHOPPE

W e serve delicious sandwiches, Homemade Pies, Hamburger, Fried in Butter.

— Esy

Page Four H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H Q E

F o o t b a l l Squad Elects Co - Captains For the 1932 Season JIMMY ZWEMER A N D CARROL


Hope Plays First Home Game Next



Last Fr iday af ternoon the Orange and Blue football team met and elected "J immie" Zwemer and Car-rol Norlin co-captains for the pas t

season. Zwemer and Norlin, better known

as " the gold-dust twins," have com-pleted four years of football on Hope's teams. Both were members of Freshmen team of "29 which captured the conference champion-ship. Each has completed three years of varsity football also.

Both men, although not so large, have been a powerhouse of s t rength in the Orange and Blue line. Time and again they have broken

through the opposing line and thrown men for losses as well as opening holes for the Orange and Blue backfield.

They were honored, also, by the conference coaches, Zwemer being chosen on the All-Conference first team, while Norlin was selectetl for a berth on the second eleven.

Next week Thursday night the Orange and Blue will open their home basketball schedule, meeting Calvin here.

Hope has defeated Calvin six times in succession, twice each year for the last three years. Calvin will be out fighting hard for a vic-tory as will be the Orange and Blue to win their seventh s t ra ight victory over the Calvinites.

Calvin has several veterans of last year 's squad, as well as some capable Freshmen material .

This game is one of the highlights of Hope's schedule. It is one of the games which means much to the team and also a great deal to

the rooters.

It is ra ther early for such a crucial battle, but both teams are practicing daily to get in the best

condition for the battle. A capacity crowd is expected to

! at tend for this game is of great in-terest to Hope followers.

Hope Basketeers Open Season at *



There is a Walgreen System Store in Holland

The Model Drug Store now features Wal-green merchandise, bringing lower prices and newer goods to Holland.

Gilbert's Chocolates greatly reduced in price. Select your Christmas Gifts Now.

MODEL DRUG STORE 33-3S West 8th St.

Fr iday night the Orange and Blue will open the basketball sea-son a t Western State . This will be the initial battle for the Hope five while Western Sta te has one vic-tory already to its credit over Oli-vet.

All prospects point to a success-ful season for the Orange and Blue. Six veterans of last year ' s squad, Net t inga , Visscher, Dalman, Ny-kerk, Jap inga and Slighter, will be on the team again this season. Kor-s tanje , Bonnette and Van Zanden are the most promising candidates of last year's 'Freshmen team.

Hope will be outclassed by a large margin when they meet the .State five. State has a very s t rong team this year, "having several vet-erans of last year 's team on their squad. Last Fr iday night they met Olivet, conference champions of last year , and defeated them 56-5. Olivet was able to make jus t one field goal, which is quite a record in any man's game.

This game will be more or less of a prelim to Hope's regular schedule. Coach Hinga will, no doubt, give his entire squad a chance mainly for the purpose of finding where each man 's ability rests.

Inter-Fraternity Season Will Open




Morses' and Gilberts' Chocolates —Also —

Home Made Ice Cream

A. P. FABIAN0 26 West 8th St.


Hats Cleaned and Reblocked For

50c . Suits Pressed while you wait for

39c Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners

11 West 8th St. Phone 465G

Peck's Drug Store Cor. River and Eighth

Home Made Ice Cream. Special prices for parties.

Plans are nearly completed for the opening of the in te r - f ra te rn i ty league for the four th consecutive season. The initial contests will be held next Monday evening.

At a meeting of the managers , it was decided to have the five f r a -te rn i t ies^ompete for the champion-ship cup with the Western Semi-na ry team completing the bracket, but not figuring in the t i t le rat ings.

^ The following rules were drawn up by the managers at a recent meet ing: Anyone who has been out for vars i ty this year and quits for any other reason than being cut f rom the squad will not be eligible. There shall be ten players on a squad and each f r a t e rn i ty must play each opponent twice.

Great interest has been shown in the league during its three pre-vious years of existence. The Em-ersonians won the first champion-ship, while the F ra t e r s and Cos-mopolitans won the title in the fol-lowing years.

All indications point to a hard s t ruggle for the championship as all the teams have ample material f rom which to choose their lineups.

Electric Shoe Repairing

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