11868 Process Control Bro · 2013. 6. 15. · contents 2 rockwellautomation–aleaderinprocessautomation 4-5 plant-wideenabledprocesssystemarchitecture 6-7 processsystemcapabilities

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Flexible, Scalable Process Control

PlantPAx Process Automation System

















The Unified Portfolio of Rockwell AutomationSystems & Solutions for Process Automation ExcellenceThe PlantPAx portfolio is Rockwell Automation’s next step to help you achieveprocess automation excellence. PlantPAx unifies our core capabilities andtechnologies with those of our market leading partners, such as OSIsoft and Endress+Hauser, and acquisitions like Incuity,Pavilion Technologies, ICS Triplex, Xi’An Hengsheng and ProsCon, under a common systems and solutions umbrella to provideyou greater market innovation and value.

PlantPAx encompasses:

System Engineering – Offers process and batch applications a new library of reusable control objects with tools to simplify itsdeployment with recently released APC (advanced process control) functions for slow-response process loops.

Control & Visualization Platforms – Advancements in control strategies and accompanying visualization are configured usingmodular and reusable objects which simplify design, commissioning and maintenance.

Performance & Process Optimization – PlantPAx extends the scope of process optimization to include fuzzy logic, basic, andadvanced process loop tuning, and an MPC (model predictive control) suite from Pavilion Technologies.

Batch & Sequencing – PlantPAx adheres to ISA-88 standards and presents a scalable batch control capability that includes acontroller-based state machine for local sequencing applications to more comprehensive server-based batch control with materialtracking and electronic batch records advantages.

Process Safety and Critical Control – New developments offer the broadest coverage of SIL (Safety Integrity Levels) and fault-tolerance requirements. ICS Triplex integrates with PlantPAx to help deliver the highest availability safety solutions worldwide.

Asset Management – PlantPAx expands our asset management suite with new data delivery capabilities, tools and proceduresthat track assets and their performance. Version management of control assets, calibration management of processinstrumentation and valuable diagnostics for HART and process fieldbus devices are included.

Plant Information – PlantPAx allows plant-wide process data management through its historian capability – based on the PISystem from OSIsoft, is integrated with FactoryTalk Integrated Production and Performance Software Suite.

“Rockwell Automation announced its roadmap for process automation that includes bringing together its end-to-end suite witha new name – Rockwell Automation PlantPAx Process Automation System. PlantPAx systems and solutions are based on thesignificant investments the company has made in process automation.”

- Walt Boyes, Control Magazine


“Rockwell Automation provides users with a truebusiness value proposition for automation.”

Larry O’Brien, (ARC Advisory Group)

100 years in industryToday, more than ever before, the industry faces unique processchallenges. That’s why you need Rockwell Automation as your provider.Over the past century, we have developed the experience to help yourcompany succeed, with solutions that have proved themselves time andagain, in the most demanding environments. We have exceptional domainknowledge and industry expertise. We reduce your engineering andintegration costs, through our unique technology, which improvesproductivity, quality and flexibility.


The Right Technology for the FutureRockwell Automation PlantPAx Process AutomationSystem represents a real leap forward in enterprise-wideintegration technology. Whether you want to migrate froman existing, but no longer supported, DCS solution, or gainthe benefits of a single plant-wide platform for the firsttime, you’ll find that PlantPAx is the source to help youachieve your goals.

Strong investment deliveringclass-leading solutionsTo help you stay ahead of your competition means wehave to stay ahead of ours. That’s why we invest extensivelyin the development of new products and technologies.This allows us to deliver best-in-class process controlsolutions that are geared to your requirements, helping youto maximize productivity while reducing costs. Our recentacquisition of companies such as ProsCon Holdings, offersproven solutions. Incuity offers a long history in the design,development and marketing of industrial automationdatabase and data analysis software products. Xi’AnHengsheng, is a leading process & solutions integrator forpower, petrochemical, coal mining, and oil. PavilionTechnologies, a world-leader in model predictive andadvanced process solutions, and ICS Triplex offeringworld-class safety and critical control solutions, plus ouralliances with Endress+Hauser and development partnerOSIsoft Inc., demonstrate the level of our commitment.From field devices through the control and supervisorylayers all the way to business integration systems, RockwellAutomation and its associates provide a total plant solution.These acquisitions and relationships further increase oursolutions delivery capability to process automationcustomers across the world, and improve our position as aworld-leader in the process industry market.


Helping you to:� Maximize productivity

� Improve quality and reliability

� Optimize flexibility and speed-to-market

� Reduce cost of implementation

� Minimize life cycle costs

� Meet regulatory compliance



Solution Scope� Engineered solutions for your application

� Optimize operation with advancedprocess control and information

� High availability system for safety andcritical control

� Predictive services for asset utilizationand reliability

� Migration solutions for legacyDCS platforms

With constant pressure on costs, flexibility, quality andregulatory compliance, the need for real-time informationis greater than ever. If your control disciplines are spreadover different control platforms, it’s harder than ever.PlantPAx meets the needs of the entire enterprise with asingle platform and development environment. Our systemoffers scalability for a wide range of process applicationswith seamless information flow between the plant floor andthe rest of the enterprise.

Information and Control thatMeets your NeedsPlantPAx encompasses – and surpasses – typical DCSfunctionality. This helps you meet all your system, processcontrol and plant-wide information needs – from a globallydistributed database. Our system allows you to reducestart-up times, lessen downtime and helps you access plantand production information.


Control Disciplines PlantPAx

Process �

Batch �

Safety �

Drives �

Motion �

Discrete �


“Rockwell Automation was unique in offering us a common, unifiedcontrol platform for batch, continuous and discrete manufacturing.”

Todd Ray, Senior Process Engineer, Cabot Corporation


Enterprise Business Systems

Critical Plant Assets


Common System InfrastructureThere are seven shared services used across our process system:

� Directory – Common address book of plant-floor resources

� Security – Indentifies, authenticates, and authorizesuser access

� Data – Creates a publish and subscribe environment forreal-time access to manufacturing information

� Diagnostics – Publishes activity, status, warning and errormessages generated throughout the system

� Audit – Monitors and records manufacturingsystem changes

� Activation – Provides a secure, convenient software-basedlicense management system

� Alarms and events – Applications can subscribe to onecommon, consistent view of alarms and events publishedby controllers

SecurityManagementOur solutions are designed to help minimize the risk ofdowntime associated with cyber security breaches whileallowing your authorized personnel to use the system efficiently.The security service is a centralized system for restricting accessto resources, making it easier for you to establish andmaintainsecure systems.

I/O and Field Device ConnectivityPlantPAx has a wide range of distributed I/O and processnetwork connectivity options to help improve design andinstallation flexibility, improve control system and productionreliability. This leads to lower costs associated with installationand maintenance while reducing space and infrastructurerequirements. Versatile and high performance I/O modulesallow you to perform analog acquisition and control of bothtraditional 4-20mA and HART devices while utilizing thedigital HART dialogue when smart field instrumentationis used.





CONDITION MONITORINGl Integrate equipment

Condition Monitoring andminimize shutdowns

COMMUNICATIONS INCLUDE:l FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbusl HARTl ProÞbus-PAl DeviceNetl ControlNetl EtherNet/IP

















SEAMLESS OEM INTEGRATIONl Easily integrate process skids in

your plant control systems










Local HMI





Plant EtherNet

Connectivity to process instrument buses such as FoundationFieldbus H1, and Profibus PA, and a variety of sensor, deviceand drive networks round out the field connectivity options.

Multidiscipline ControllersOur controllers are high-performance and designed toaddress all the control requirements of today’s applications.These controllers offer the processing power to control manyloops with advanced process control strategies and are alsocapable of performing coordinated sub-millisecond multi-axiscontrol in demanding discrete applications. Every controllerfeatures its own tag-based, real-time database that integratesseamlessly with all software applications.

SystemNetworksChoose the network that best fits your application andmix them as required: EtherNet/IP, ControlNet andDeviceNet all speak a common language – the CommonIndustrial Protocol (CIP) – and share a universal set ofcommunication services, allowing for transparent flow ofinformation. This integrates all components in an automationsystem, from devices such as drives and motor controllersto business systems.

EngineeringWorkstationsOur design and configuration suite provides an integratedenvironment for creating and modeling production processes,configuring control strategies and visualizations, as well as atool to set-up process devices. This streamlines the overallplanning, development and deployment processes resulting infaster, lower-cost implementations.

Virtual DatabaseTechnologyA leap ahead of traditional process systems we offer a moreflexible, next-generation approach by using a virtual tagdatabase made up of all the tag definitions that reside inprojects and/or controllers. The virtual database allowsengineers to develop control projects individually and mergethem into the system by establishing a communications link tothe controller(s) or their associated project files.

AssetManagementOur asset management streamlines the solution of diagnosticinformation from process instrumentation and otherconnected automation assets such as drives and motor controlcenters, based on the FDT/DTM open industry standard.

ProductionManagementOur scalable batch solutions address order sequencing,execution, tracking, genealogy and interactive manufacturingprocess control. The scalability covers a wide range of productprocedures, recipes and formulations.

DataManagement and ERP ConnectivityThe data management suite allows integration and workflowacross disparate systems, as well as storage of master data,events, process and production information. It organizes,synchronizes, archives and aggregates data collected byautomated or manual systems.

Solutions BeginwithDataIt is key to retrieve, review and analyse mission-criticalinformation from sources ranging from your plant floorto the Internet – as it happens. With today’s complexand advanced production systems we aim to deliver increasesin productivity.

� Maximize productivity

� Improve quality

� Optimize flexibility

� Reduce implementation cost

� Minimize life cycle costs

� Reduce total operational cost


Integrated Development EnvironmentAs process automation systems grow in capability, they alsogrow in complexity. You need tools to help you manage notjust your automation system, but the entire plant automationarchitecture. PlantPAx offers you tools for:

� Configuring the system as a whole

� Managing hardware configurations

� Managing all controller project files froma single location

� Communication and networks management

� Organizing and documenting relationshipsamong all your control units

Integrated Solutions for:� Regulatory control strategies

� Advanced control strategies

� Process information

� Device management

� Process graphics



Configuration and control strategy tools

System Engineering Integrationand NavigationOur system engineering software suite brings you all thetools you need to manage a small operator panel to a largemulti-workstation system application. It provides anintegrated environment for creating and modelingproduction processes, programming automation controls,as well as tools to set-up equipment and productdefinitions. Allowing for collaborative engineering,auto-documentation and offering an extended helpcapability, this integrated approach streamlines theoverall planning, development and deployment processes,resulting in faster, lower-cost implementations and isavailable in many languages.

Standardization of Code andDevelopment EfficiencyA single, plant-wide control system will help you toreduce engineering and integration costs. By increasing theintegration and availability of critical data, and simplifyingthe engineering process, you are taking a major step towardsimproving plant control and productivity, while improvingquality and reducing time-to-marketand Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

“We selected Rockwell Automation for itsability to help us reduce engineering time.”

Willie Lotz, Senior Process Control Engineer, South African Breweries

Device configuration andmanagement tools

System architecture tools

graphics tools



Continuous ControlThe easy – object oriented – explorer based – drag and dropconfiguration allows you to build complex processfunctions. Faceplates associated with every instruction helpyou set-up, tune and control the element with a minimumof effort. Additions and modifications can be performedonline, while your process keepsrunning. Furthermore, the softwareallows you to mix and matchIEC61131-3 compliant programminglanguages. All supported programminglanguages share the same developmentenvironment, tag database anduser interface, resulting in reducedtraining and higher productivity.

Batch ControlWe embed a state machine in the controllers. This followsthe ISA-88.01 phase state model for batch control andPackML machine control model. It also provides aframework for entering phase state logic. For simple batchprocedures, phase state transitions are managed by thecontroller. In addition, it’s designed to provide tightintegration with batch management software.


“Pavilion’s modeling,beyond anything

Advanced Process ControlThe platform provides you with four optional functionblocks for advanced regulatory control. These help controlapplications with multiple interacting inputs/outputs orwith long deadtimes. This control capability includes:

� Internal model control

� Coordinated (1 x 3) control

� Multivariable (2 x 3) control

� Fuzzy logic


optimization, scenario analysis, and multiple model management are wellelse available on the market today.” Alison Smith, AMR Research

Our fuzzy logic allows you to create custom algorithms foruse in our controllers. It also contains tools to allowoptimization of your process. This advanced regulatorycontrol is ideal for loop tuning and optimization at thedevice and loop levels.

A key addition to the advanced control suite of offerings isprocess optimization capability from Pavilion Technologies,a Rockwell Automation company. This features inferentialmeasurements, supervisory control and real-timeoptimization technologies including:

� Model Predictive Control

� Dynamic Simulation and Modeling

� Neural Network Technology

� Sustainability and Environmental Compliance

� Uses a reference model of the process to analyze the currentprocess behavior and to predict future process behavior

� Allows the controller to determine the best way to adjustthe process input variables to drive process outputvariables to their optimum targets

These Supervisory Control and Real-time Optimizationcontrols optimize major process unit(s) as a system,rather than optimizing loops independently. CombiningRockwell Automation’s unparalleled Logix platform andcontrol software (Advanced Regulatory Control) withPavilion’s proven MPC applications (InferentialMeasurements, Supervisory Control and Real-timeOptimisation) provide the most innovative and value-added manufacturing optimization package in the industry.

Add-on InstructionsAdd-On Instructions allow you to create custominstructions that augment the built-in functions.They may be created using the Function Block Diagrams,Structured Text or Ladder languages or a mix of these.

Process LibraryCreate your own library of process control and visualizationobjects that augment the robust set of standard built-incapabilities already present, leading you to:

� Increased time savings – Encapsulate your mostcommonly used control strategies as a set of reusableinstructions to save time

� Increased consistency – Reuse your instructionsto promote consistency and reduce errors

� Improved troubleshooting – Simplifytroubleshooting with context views that help you‘visualize’ the logic for a specific instance of use

� Improved protection – Limit access to theinstructions to stop unwanted changes with ‘view only’or ‘no access’ status

� Reduced development time – Automaticallygenerated online help reduces documentationdevelopment time

Optimized tuning parameters are shown in a separate window,so you can check them before activation in the controller


The Right Information in the Right Placeat the Right TimeIn today’s business environment, it is critical to havereal-time access to data. Real-time visualization plays acritical role in allowing key personnel to track processstatus, as well as providing other services in the enterprisewith accurate and real-time information from theproduction layer.

Control your point of viewView information from any and all servers.

Maximize availabilityProvide a high level of continuous uptime.

Secure your operationLimit system access to only those who have alegitimate need to use it.



“There are massive benefits in [Rockwell Automation]control and monitoring.”

Philip Reid, Systems Manager, Dickinson Autocon (SI)

Operator InterfaceThe user-friendly interface provides the operator with allthe tools required to operate the plant through high-resolution graphic displays tailored to your specific needs.

� Single or multiple-monitor display

� Consistent desktop display with navigation buttonsand alarm banners

� One-click access to alarm summaries

� Easy access to real-time and historical trending

� Multiple language support

� User-based security

AlarmManagementOur Alarms and Events management approach helps youuse alarms in the most efficient manner in diagnosingissues that may occur.

� Real-time alarm management

� Controller based alarm stamping

� Alarm suppression

� Presented to operators based upon location and roles

� Operator flexibility in display preferences

Equipment ControlAll equipment, from pumps and valves to instrumentation,can be controlled and managed using standard visualizationobjects. Users can:

� Control individual equipment

� Trace all events related to equipment

� Tune control loops

Furthermore, using global objects technology, you cancreate your own reusable library using standardvisualization objects. This allows you to control individualpieces of equipment, trace all events related to yourequipment, and manually or automatically tune the controlloop. You can easily add more powerful functionality,such as access to all documentation associated with theequipment. The use of global objects offers many benefits,including reduced commissioning and development timeand improved consistency among applications.


Better Decision Making andBusiness PerformancePlantPAx provides comprehensive integratedManufacturing Execution Systems (MES) capabilities thatallow real-time production management. Tracking andtraceability, quality management, work order and workflowmanagement functionality is provided.

� Operational improvement – Provides visibility onthe plant-floor or the top floor to monitor inventorylevels, repairs, returns and work in progress

� Business risk management – Allowing backward andforward traceability of a given product or batch

� Quality assurance – Allowing of output to desiredquality while helping assure that products are built withthe right materials using the right processes

Easy Install and Configuration� Auto discover controllers and tags

� Auto configure known tag types

� Time-series optimized database

Production SchedulingBy generating finite-capacity schedules that provide anaccurate view of the future, production schedulers canidentify and act on late orders, manage constraints oncapacity, labour or material, and expedite orders for totalresource management. Our scheduling solution canintegrate with higher level ERP and MRP systems andintegrate with plant-floor control systems, so thatinformation can flow into the database, allowing you toaccurately observe plant-floor status and events.

Data Management and HistorianOur system fully integrates world-class historian technology.This capability allows high speed, real-time and datacollection with advanced analysis. The data managementinfrastructure is designed for blending production and eventdata. This is a core element of our system that is scaleableacross a distributed architecture. Some key features include:

� Performance equations

� Totalizers that archive

� Using an advanced calculation engineand recalculation capabilities

� Batch subsystem for analysis

� Data Access Server (ODBC/OLE/OPC)

� Redundant historian servers for high availability

PortalThis gives you a high-level management window into yourmanufacturing process. Allowing you to:

� Improve productivity through personalised andcollaborative access to information, applications,processes, and people

� Deliver information where its needed

Portal provides core portal services such as role-basedaccess to applications and content, search, personalizationand security. Portal can integrate with collaboration,security, and extended search systems from other vendors,while providing a reliable point of access to yourmanufacturing information, applications, and people.

Pat Kennedy, CEO OSIsoft

“Rockwell Automation clearly recognizes the value of unboundedaccess to information in making decisions quickly.”







ReportingAllows the collection, storage, analysis and visualization ofproduction data using powerful data capture and storageengines, which can be used within process, discrete andhybrid environments. It also uses a variety of reportingtools such as time-series trends, bar charts, pie charts andtabular trends to allow an easier method for generatingreports. Historian can be used as a basis for variousanalytical activities throughout the plant to supportcontinuous improvement by improving the efficiencyof data collection and reporting.

Quality Control andRegulatory CompliancesThe modular and scaleable architecture of productionmanagement provides the basis for a number of key MESindustry-specific capabilities such as Integrated QualityAssurance, Supplier Management, Electronic DeviceHistory Record (EDHR), Corrective And PreventiveAction (CAPA), Complaint Handling, and ReturnMaterial Authorization (RMA).

As production management functions interact with batchcontrol, our batch solution provides custom security levelsto meet the most demanding U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP) regulations.

Distributed Production Data Management




REPORTING SYSTEMS� Excel reporting� Batch reporting� Reporting services

VISUALIZATION� Trending� Historical Data Access� Legacy reporting




A Full Spectrum of Batch SolutionsPlantPAx provides a complete batch automationenvironment: integration of smart instruments and devices,equipment arbitration to manage effective assignment ofbatches to process equipment, and material transfer across afacility, production history, material tracking and reporting.

PlantPAx addresses scalability and flexibility to meet thebroadest suite of batch applications, all built upon theISA-S88 standard and integrated within the architecture.

� Fixed procedure with fixed formula

� Multiple products with same procedure

� Multiple products with multiple procedures

� Multiple units with equipment arbitration

The availability of smaller, yet fully-functioned, systemsmeans greater productivity and lower cost of ownership.Our system helps lower Total Cost of Ownershipby reducing engineering and maintenance cost,particularly when compared to costs of traditionalDCS batch solutions.

Batch ManagementPlantPAx allows you to develop batch control strategies bysupporting flexible production capability, equipment-independent recipes and batch-independent control.

� Create and manage recipes

� Integrate manual procedure steps with automatedsteps, including required operator confirmationsand verifications

� Reduce the hours needed for validatingand commissioning

� Configure physical and procedural models

� Create and manage product campaigns, consistingof multiple batches

� Integrate with a wide variety of complementarysoftware applications

� Collect detailed electronic batch data to generatedetailed reports for compliance or process improvement

� Integrate and exchange batch and recipe informationwith corporate information systems

� Simulate your entire batch process

� Supports redundant storage

Operator AccessThe interface to batch production is throughstandard functions in the operator workstation.With batch visualization functions, you can initiaterecipes, control actions and access batch serverfunctions and all other batch information.

A full spectrum of batch solutions for every production scenario.


“Rockwell Automation’s batch solution is giving us the abilityand flexibility to meet our very aggressive schedules.”

Jim Hasler, Silica Treatment Development Centre Leader, Cabot Corporation

IntegrationWithin System ControllersThe batch system seamlessly integrates with the controllersutilizing Phase Management technology, which embeds anS88-compliant phase state model directly in the controller.

� Integration of batch system with controllers

� Configuration and maintenance of your batchautomation system

� Helps reduce the effort required to developthe phase logic

Historian and ReportsPlantPAx provides batch history and production trackingdata for batch applications. The batch history functionmonitors production operations, collects relevant data,and constructs a historical representation of automatedand manual operations which occurred during batchproduction.

Material Tracking and TracingMaterial tracking and tracing provides real-time materialmanagement and traceability in batch execution systems,improving corporate inventory solutions and allowing moreeffective management of materials and recipes.

� Complements ERP-level resource management bycollecting the detailed material and equipment trackinginformation needed for optimizing your supply chain

� Tracks the use of materials, vessels, containers, palletsand permanent or transient storage

� Supports recipe execution by determining whichequipment must be used to meet a request

Regulatory ComplianceThe security capabilities within batch were designedwith input from major pharmaceutical industry usersand now tightly integrates with standard, system-widesecurity functions.

Batch includes configurable electronic signature templatesthat represent a signature and its associated data, such assign off level, comments, security requirements, date andtime stamps. Up to three signatures can be required forverification of runtime batch events. All signatures arestored in the event journal and are non-editable, fullysupporting 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.




Historian Servers� Provides high

availability toplant managementsystems

ApplicationServers� Switchcover or

full hardwareredundancy

� Automationswitchover

Controllers� Automatic


� Switchovertransparency

� Use standardhardware

� Bumpless

Networks� EtherNet/IP,


I/O Terminations

Field Devices

Level 5

Level 3/4

Level 2

Level 1

Level 0

Fault Tolerant Architecture

“With the acquisition of ICS Triplex, Rockwell Automation will significantly improvein the fast-growing high availability and process safety systems and services market.”

Asish Ghosh, Vice President, ARC Advisory Group

their capabilities


Fault Tolerant ArchitectureFor process automation, system availability indicates thesystem’s ability to tolerate certain failures and thus maintaincontinuity in operations. Our solution encompasses thiswith a fail-safe, fault tolerant architecture capable ofemergency shutdowns if needed.

PlantPAx delivers high availability systems to maintaincontinuity in operations. Our system allows repairs,replacements, online changes and additions, whilecontinuing with your operation.

ReliabilityControlLogix, which is a core element of PlantPAx hasbeen certified by TÜV as a SIL 2 rated system.

� Mean-Time-Between-Failures (MTBF) iswell over 100 years

� Availability is 99.9%

MaintainabilityOur system offers maintainability advantages such as:

� Diagnostics and reporting of faults

� Ease of replacement or repair while still under power

� Ability to add or make system changes online

For many process applications, the need for redundancy isminimized when the system is modular and repairs areeasier to implement.

Platform RedundancyThe system provides for redundancy at all levels, including:

� Power supplies with UPS

� Processors

� Network connectivity


� Servers and databases

� I/O

� Sensors and Actuators

The system has been designed to allow:

� Automatic synchronization

� Automatic fault detection

� Bumpless and transparent switchover after failure

� Failed component replacement withoutinterrupting operation



“We were able to develop both the standard and safety controlsystem code concurrently. This was a real time saver.”

Chris Hilton, Engineering Manager, Amcor

Leader in Process SafetyWith the recent addition of ICS Triplex, a RockwellAutomation company, we have expanded our process safetyofferings that provide high levels of availability in theindustry, with sophisticated ICSS (Integrated Controland Safety Systems). ICS Triplex brings over 40 yearsof experience in providing process safety solutions andservices to heavy industries such as oil and gas. Thecombination of Rockwell Automation and ICS Triplexextends the broadest range of technologies and servicescovering diverse process safety applications including ESD,F&G, Turbine and Compressor, HIPPS, CombustionControl and CPC. These offerings provide a high degreeof protection for your assets including people, equipmentand the environment.

Broad PortfolioRockwell Automation has a broad portfolio of safetyofferings. A user can select from a range of scaleablesolutions to satisfy cost, safety integrity level,performance and availability requirements.

� Broad range of TÜV certified SIS and criticalcontrol solutions

� Solutions combine SIL 1-2 and 3 ratings with fail-safeand fault tolerance

New Standards in Safety, Reliabilityand AvailabilityWe offer a superior approach to industrial controlthat integrates sequential, process, drive and motionfunctionality in a single platform. With products thatmeet stringent SIL-2 requirements through sophisticateddiagnostics and high levels of reliability – measured bymean time between failure, low mean time to repair andlow probability of failure on demand – our controllers setnew standards for reliability and availability, increasingsafety and productivity while reducing downtime, nuisancetrips and life cycle costs.

Sophisticated and Cost-EffectiveOur products are designed with an exceptionally highdegree of sophistication and reliability from the start –they are SIL-2 compliant without modification. Thismeans that controllers cost typically 80% less than other,specialized SIL-2 controllers. Our solutions deliver veryhigh levels of safety at extremely low cost of ownership.

The flagship ICS Triplex product, Trusted, is based onTriple Modular Redundancy (TMR) technology. It iscertified by TÜV and it is NFPA 72, 85 and 86 as wellas IEC 61508 compliant. This extends our process safetyoffering to SIL3 levels.

The latest release is AADvance, the next step inautomation advancement, offering you an even greater levelof choice, flexibility and scaleability from your safety andcritical control system.

The AADvance solution is a truly distributed, scaleablearchitecture which comprises of both a hardware controllerand a software environment that allows you to specify thelevel of reliability and availability you need throughoutyour plant. AADvance offers a high level of flexibility fromsmall quantity I/O to large systems; non-safety to SIL 3,and fail-safe to multiple fault tolerant.



“This process has given us the data to examinebusiness utilisation, planned downtime and

unplanned downtime.” Frank Meegan, Senior VP, Operations, Kraft Foods North America


Allow Innovation andEnterprise IntegrationPlantPAx helps process industry users further their businessgoals such as improved maintainability of key productionassets, thus increasing uptime.

� Reduced total cost of ownership

– Automatic client-side configuration

– Reduced infrastructure requirements

– Field-extensible solution

� Increased capabilities

– ‘Smart’ clients, auto-load and update

– Scaleable design, allows for easy growth

– Improved notification

� Broad asset coverage

– Process oriented devices

– Motor control centers

– Drives

– Multi-vendor control assets

Traditional Process Networks SupportedPlantPAx offers connectivity to the leading process devicenetworks – HART, Foundation Fieldbus, and Profibus-PA.Primarily, there are two levels of connectivity:

� Data flow from the process to the controller

� Data access by our asset management software

Our asset management solution communicates through thearchitecture to allow commissioning and maintenance ofthe process devices.

HART ConnectivityHART field device communication is widely acceptedas a process industry standard. HART field devices areconnected to analog I/O modules that are HART enabled.The modules do not require separate HART multiplexersand offer powerful functionality such as scaling andalarming. HART modules can be:

� Chassis-based solution

� Distributed I/O solution with HART communication

� Distributed I/O with HART solution for intrinsicallysafe applications



FOUNDATION Fieldbus ConnectivityConnectivity is achieved via our FOUNDATIONFieldbus Linking Devices. Both devices offer distributedcontrol with the flexibility of remote mounting close tothe field.

� 1757-FFLD FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Devicebridges HSE/EtherNet/IP and ControlNetto FF H1 device networks

� Offers connection flexibility to all controllers

� Includes an HSE OPC server

� 1757-FFLDC for ControlNet Linking Device allowssystems with redundant ControlLogix controllers andredundant ControlNet media to communicate withFF H1 process instrumentation

This connectivity facilitates data exchange for control andasset management.

Profibus PA ConnectivityOur system offers a unique solution for Profibus-PAdevice connectivity. The Profibus-PA linking deviceoffers flexibility in remotely mounting close to the field.This bridges EtherNet/IP to Profibus-PA device networkswithout the need for separate couplers.

Focus on InteroperabilityRockwell Automation and its premier process deviceassociates work very closely to provide interoperabilitywith all third party devices. Interoperability for control aswell as asset management purposes is tested by all parties.

Plant Asset Management SolutionWith a fully scaleable design, our asset managementsolution provides you with a set of asset-centric focusedtools for securely and centrally managing your factory andprocess automation production environments. It securesaccess to the control system, tracks users’ actions, managingasset configuration files, configuring process instruments,and provides backup and recovery of operating assetconfigurations.

� Change management – Management of security,configuration and archiving of control assets

� Process Device management – Calibration andconfiguration – for process instrumentation

� Disaster recovery – For all assets and devices

Open Standards BasedOur asset management is based on industry-leadingFDT/DTM technology. It is a common environment andlaunch application for Device Type Manager (DTM).An expanding library of Device DTMs and an array ofCommunication DTMs are supported.


Condition MonitoringRockwell Automation has a powerful ConditionMonitoring solution. A Condition-based Maintenance(CbM) program gives you the critical information youneed to optimize scheduling of downtime, labor andmaterials – helping you to increase productivity whilereducing costs.

Integration is the KeyThe key to a successful CbM program is a well-integratedsolution. You will be able to benefit by implementing theappropriate strategies. Integration also helps you to reducetotal cost of ownership by making the best possible use ofexisting plant information.

Maximize Your Return on Net AssetsA well-designed program can impact a variety of keyperformance indicators by reducing downtime due tocomponent failures.

� Reduce downtime

� Fewer component failures

� Reduce spare parts

� Defer scheduled maintenance

� Boost availability, capacity and throughput

� Reduce unplanned downtime and planneddowntime duration

� Reduce mean time to repair

� Help improve safety and quality

“The Rockwell Automation solution suits CACT. It saves a greatdeal of manpower and expense. We can monitor equipment

hundreds of kilometres away from our office.” Guo Jinwen, Maintenance Supervisor, CACT


� Analysis Workstation� Data Historian� Report Generator� Asset Management

� Maintenance Scheduler� Inventory Management

� Non-contact Pick-ups� Accelerometers� Velocity Sensors� Cables and Connectors� HMI

� RemoteMonitoringand Analysis

� ReliabilityOnline

PortableData Collection

Continuous OnlineMonitoringand Protection

Online SurveillanceMonitoring

CMMS� MaintenanceScheduler

� InventoryManagement

Plant Controls and Drives

Plant HMI

Predictive Maintenance StrategyThis concept is based on the actual condition of an assetrather than on some preset schedule, and allows you to makenecessary changes before a catastrophic equipment failureoccurs. Though predictive strategies require an investment,the actual cost is much lower than the lost productionresulting from failure. Success also is greatly improved byhaving an integrated, information-enabled controlarchitecture with intelligent devices capable of collecting therequired data. Some of these predictive services include:

� Calibration

� Instrument management and repair

� Remote monitoring solutions

� Onsite support services

� Customized technical support

� Process training curriculum

� MRO process management


Integration Expertise for any IndustryWhen you need a complete automation solution, there’sno company better qualified than Rockwell Automation.For over forty years, along with our associates, we havebeen delivering world-class process engineering solutionsfor customers across the spectrum of industries.On each and every project, our global teams of Processconsultants combine with local specialists so that we canhelp you with your system integration requirements.

� Global certified solution providers

� Global system integrators

Conceptual Design and Front-EndEngineering Design (FEED)Whether it’s a large, complex project or just adding a fewupgrades, PlantPAx offers a multi-disciplinary approachwhich combines industry specialists and unrivalled experiencewith a real commitment to operational excellence.

� Project management

� Process automation engineering

� Instrumentation and electrical systems design

� Safety system engineering

� Power engineering

� Process engineering

“ControlLogix does everything, from end to end.”Paul Brennan, Engineer, AutoBake


To find out more visit us at:www.rockwellautomation.c


Project ScopeFor your projects,Rockwell Automationand our associates engage in an interactive processwith you. From complete project management tosimple punctual assistance, our extended range ofservices assist you through all the typical steps ofyour system development.

Functional SpecificationDescribes system functionality for each module, basedupon the selected hardware and software architecture.

Detail Design SpecificationIncludes software module design and system constructiondetails as well as HMI design documentation.

ImplementationIncludes development of the processor, batch, HMIand reporting code for the system.

Software Module TestingThe module, its accompanying HMI, and batch code(if applicable) are tested to validate that the modulefunctions as specified in the detail design specification.

Software Integration TestingThe system is tested as a whole for proper functionalityas specified in the functional specification document.

CustomerWitness TestThe customer confirms functionality of the system in alab environment.

Commissioning and Start-upRockwell Automation can assist the customer inperforming loop checks, equipment checks, start-up,and production support for the system.

Training and SupportRockwell Automation offers its customers many trainingand support options tailored to their individual needs.


Capability PlantPAx

Plantwide Control Disciplines

Discrete �

Motion �

Process & Machine Safety �

Continuous Process �

Batch �

Drives �

Control System Features

Controller Redundancy �

Remote I/O �

System Scaleability with Single Platform/Control Engine(Single Machine to Large Plant) �

Hot Swappable I/O �

Broad I/O Capability (Rack mounted, field based distributed I/Oand Hazardous Form Factors) �

Full Digital Integration with Drives and MCC �

No Loop or Point Licensing �

Configuration and Programming

Object Oriented �

All IEC-61131 Programming Languages �

Online Edit/Configuration �

Tag-Based Addressing & Programming �


Fully Integrated Client/Server HMI with Redundancy �

Panel-Based HMI �

Web-Based HMI Interface �

Historical Data Collection (SOE, Events, Trending, Reports) �

Controller-based Historian �

Alarms and Events �

System Communication and Fieldbuses

EtherNet I/P �

Standard Ethernet Infrastructure (Cisco alliance) �

ControlNet �

DeviceNet �

Modbus �

AS-I �


Capability PlantPAx

Process Control

Regulatory �

Logic Function Block �

Sequence �

Batch �

Controller based ISA-S88 Phase Support �

Advanced Control

Fuzzy Logic �

Auto-Tune Technology �

Model Predictive Control �

Process Fieldbuses

Foundation Fieldbus �

Profibus-PA �



Process Safety

Scalable Process Safety �

Integrated Process Safety �

Service and Support

Project Engineering and Solution Provider Network �

24x7 Technical Support –Worldwide �

Configuration Services �

Hardware Maintenance Services �

Installation Services �

Software Support and Upgrade Support �

Training �

Single Source Supplier �

Other Capabilities

Global Namespace Across Multiple Applications �

DCS – PLC Integration �


“Our commercial people were over the moon –the ROI on this upgrade was an economic winner!”

Paul Brodie, Team manager, Plant Support, Carlton & United Breweries

Publication: PROCES-BR001C-EN-P– March 2009 Copyright © 2009 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.Supercedes Publication: PROCES-BR001B–June 2005

ControlLogix, FactoryTalk, Integrated Architecture, Listen.Think.Solve., PlantPAx, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.All trademarks and registered trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.

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