100100 E&AE&A 11/411/4

Post on 04-Jan-2022






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ReprintReprint TheThe nownow famousfamous casecase ofof thethe seven­seven­

teenteen SilverSilver Spring,Spring, Maryland,Maryland, labora­labora­torytory monkeysmonkeys hashas spawnedspawned adjunctiveadjunctive debates,debates, suchsuch asas thethe oneone engagedengaged inin byby WilliamWilliam RaspberryRaspberry andand meme inin TheThe WashingtonWashington PostPost inin October.October. TheThe questionquestion herehere concernsconcerns thethe exclusivityexclusivity ofof regardregard forfor variousvarious lifelife forms.forms.

AA briefbrief background:background:

ActingActing underunder thethe MarylandMaryland anti­anti ­crueltycruelty law,law, MarylandMaryland policepolice onon Sep­Sep­tembertember 11,11, 19811981 seizedseized seventeenseventeen mon­mon­keyskeys fromfrom thethe IInstitutenstitute ofof BehavioralBehavioral ResearchResearch inin thethe WashingtonWashington suburbsuburb ofof SilverSilver Spring.Spring.

TheThe policepolice hadhad beenbeen notifiednotified ofof allegedalleged improperimproper carecare andand treatmenttreatment ofof thethe animalsanimals byby anan IIBRBR volunteervolunteer worker,worker, AlexAlex 23-year-old23-year-old GeorgeGeorge versityversity studentstudent rightsrights activist.activist.

isis a

Pacheco.Pacheco. WashingtonWashington alsoalso anan animal

TheThe Uni­Uni­


IInn thethe wawa keke ofof thth iiss action,action, thethe NationalNational IInstitutesnstitutes ofof HealthHealth investi­investi ­gatedgated thethe laboratorylaboratory andand studiedstudied thethe affidavitsaffidavits swornsworn toto byby veterinariansveterinarians andand primatologistsprimatologists whowho hadhad viewedviewed thethe conditionsconditions afterafter closingclosing houhou rs.rs. N.N. I.I. H.H. thenthen suspendedsuspended itsits $200,000$200,000 grantgrant toto Dr.Dr. EdwardEdward Taub,Taub, IBRIBR investigator,investigator, forfor hishis workwork onon thethe effectseffects ofof somatosensorysomatosensory deafferenta­deafferenta­tion,tion, i.e.i.e. severingsevering thethe nervesnerves ofof thethe primates'primates' upperupper forelimbs.forelimbs. TheThe limbslimbs becomebecome uselessuseless andand seeminglyseemingly withoutwithout sensation.sensation. TaubTaub waswas developingdeveloping tech­tech­niques,niques, suchsuch asas shockshock andand foodfood dep­dep­rivation,rivation, toto stimulatestimulate useuse ofof thethe affectedaffected limbslimbs techniquestechniques thatthat mightmight bebe applicableapplicable toto personspersons withwith injuriesinjuries toto thethe centralcentral nervousnervous sys­sys­tem.tem.

N.N. I.I. H.H. chargedcharged thatthat veterinaryveterinary carecare hadhad notnot beenbeen provided,provided, thatthat IIBR'sBR's animalanimal carecare committeecommittee waswas improperlyimproperly

E&AE&A 11/411/4

constituted,constituted, thatthat physicalphysical facilitiesfacilities forfor housinghousing werewere inadequate,inadequate, thatthat condi­condi­tionstions werewere unsanitary,unsanitary, thatthat andand employeesemployees hadhad anan inadequateinadequate occupa­occupa­tionaltional healthhealth program.program.

TheThe NN.1..1. H.H. suspensionsuspension actionaction andand itsits reportreport werewere notnot admittedadmitted asas evi­evi­dencedence atat thethe trialtrial onon thethe groundsgrounds thatthat thethe actionaction waswas takentaken afterafter thethe sei­sei­zure.zure. AfterAfter aa week-longweek-long trial,trial, JudgeJudge StanleyStanley KlavanKlavan ofof thethe MarylandMaryland Dis­Dis­tricttrict CouCou rtrt handed.handed. downdown thethe verdictverdict ofof guiltyguilty ofof crueltycruelty onon sixsix counts.counts. SixSix monkeys,monkeys, hehe judged,judged, hadhad beenbeen depriveddeprived ofof adequateadequate veterinaryveterinary carecare forfor fractufractu redred bonesbones andand seriousserious infec­infec­tion.tion. TheThe conditionsconditions resultedresulted fromfrom self-mutilationself-mutilation thatthat characterizedcharacterized nearlynearly allall ofof thethe deafferenteddeafferented mon­mon­keys.keys. TheThe casecase isis beingbeing appealed.appealed.

TheThe trialtrial waswas attendedattended byby aa cross-sectioncross-section ofof individualsindividuals ofof thethe animalanimal welfarewelfare andand scientificscientific communi­communi­ties.ties. AA fewfew daysdays priorprior toto thethe Rasp­Rasp­berryberry column,column, thethe WashingtonWashington PostPost printedprinted aa colcol umnumn concentratingconcentrating onon thethe humanehumane supporterssupporters prominentprominent inin thethe nation'snation's socialsocial andand theatricaltheatrical life.life. AfterAfter thethe RaspberryRaspberry columncolumn thethe news­news­paperpaper waswas floodedflooded withwith protests.protests. OnlyOnly mine,mine, inin anan editededited form,form, waswas printed.printed.

AnnAnn CottrellCottrell FreeFree

(Editor's(Editor's note:note: WilliamWilliam Raspberry'sRaspberry's columncolumn below,below, (c)(c) 19811981 byby WashingtonWashington PostPost Co.,Co., isis reprintedreprinted withwith permis­permis­sion.sion. AnnAnn CottrellCottrell Free'sFree's responseresponse isis reprirepri ntednted withwith herher permission.)permission.)


looloo [un<1·rallllng[un<1·rallllng enol't8enol't8 IrllltituteaIrllltitutea byby PETA,PETA, thethe enlistmentenlistment ofof suchsuch highig "Social"Social program.~program.~WilliamWilliam RaspberryRaspberry namesnames a8a8 ClevelandCleveland AmoryAmory andand Chris­Chris­tinetine StevensStevens (wife(wife ofof KennedyKennedy CenterCenter mightmight havehave beenbeenchairmanchairman RogerRoger Stevens),Stevens), andand thethe coordinationcoordination amongamong locallocal andand federalfederalSavingSaving 8aved8aved ifif thethe restrest ofofususauthorities.authorities. allall hadhad meme wondcrinKwondcrinK howhow manymany ofof thethe moremore importantimportant socia!socia! pro­pro­ caredcared asas muchmuch aboutabout gramsgrams mightmight havehave neenneen savedsaved ifif thethe restrest ofof USUS curedcured 811811 muchmuch aboutabout peoplepeopleMonkeys,Monkeys, peoplepeople asas thi.~thi.~ bandband a&a& this,this, bandband carescares aboutabout monkeyp"monkeyp" TItey .',.',They doorlydoorly cnte.cnte. carescares aboutabout monkeys.monkeys. "" lOrlOr mustmust telltell youyou thatthat afterafter 1212 yeal'llyeal'll inin thethe movement,movement, mymy tear8tear8 don'tdon't nownowIgnoringIgnoring prcpi3rlyprcpi3rly punishedpunished hyhy carrying.carrying. theirtheirmuchmuch anymOM,"anymOM," actressactress G~tchenG~tchen

pregnanciewpregnanciew theirtheirWyler-saidWyler-said ofher'involvementofher'involvement on:on: he­he­ toto term,term, wouldn'twouldn't programsprograms indudeindude !l!l commitment'commitment' totohalfof_the!l'nOnke~'ll_.··Huthalfof_the!l'nOnke~'ll_.··Hut rr ('ried;"('ried;" birthbirth control,control, infantinfant ,nutrition,,nutrition, earlyearlyPeoplePeople Does,Does, sMsM cry,cry, oneone wonders,'wonders,' atat thethe childhood.childhood. educl1tion,educl1tion, dayday carecare forfor chil­chil­loesloes ofof jobs,jobs, andand trainingtraining opportunitieRopportunitieR

['ve['ve justjust beenbeen readingreading TheThe Washing­Washing­ forfor laid-offlaid-off CRTACRTA workers?workers? drendren ofof workingworking mothersmothers andand moremore ef­ef­0000 herher fectivefective schools?schools? ..tonton P08tP08t filefile onon thethe monkeY8.monkeY8. andand I'mI'm teamteam nownow forfor thethe oldold folksfolks whosewhose SocialSocial

franklyfrankly fascinated.fascinated. .. LikewiseLikewise withwith the-the- animalanimal lovers.lovers.SoouritySoourity paymentspayments areare Iltm notnot outout ofof AA smallsmall groupgroup ofof animalanimal loverslovers hallhall

IItm DoesDoes notnot theirtheir concernconcern forfor lifelife extendextendjeopardy?jeopardy? ~anyone~anyone lookil1lflookil1lf to'to' infil­infil­

beenbeen CllnductingCllnducting aa campaign,campaign, atat conllid­conllid­ tratetrate thethe courtscourts toto dramati7.edramati7.e whatwhat hap­hap­ toto humanhuman beings?beings? AtAt leastleast thethe C88eC88e cancan embleemble costcost andand personalpersonal risk,risk, toto rescuerescue penapena toto low-incomelow-income citi1.enAciti1.enA unableunable toto bebe mademade thatthat whatwhat appearsappears toto bebe ani­ani­

mat cruelty.:....subjectingcruelty.:....subjecting1717 monkeysmonkeys fromfrom aa RockvilleRockville researchresearch protectprotect theirtheir rill:htsrill:hts asas aa resultresult ofof thethe mai laboratorylaboratory lab.lab. TheyThey saysay thethe animalsanimals werewere beingbeing slashingslashing ofof thethe NeillhborhoodNeillhborhood ~ol~ol animalsanimals toto variousvarious diseases,diseases, disabilitiet"disabilitiet" mistreated.mistreated. .. andand discomforUl-hasdiscomforUl-has aa payoffpayoff ininServicesServices Program?Program? isis thethe deathdeath ofof thethe

reducingreducing humanhuman suffering.suffering.Understand:Understand: rr admireadmire thethe cortunit­cortunit­ CommunityCommunity SorvicesSorvices Administ,rationAdminist,ration ment,ment, thethe sensesense ofof pel'llOnalpel'llOnal responsi­responsi­ -the-the endend ofof thethe longstandinglongstanding federalfederal PerhapsPerhaps theythey dodo carecare aboutabout humanhuman bility,bility, thethe derring-do,derring-do, ofof thosethose inin \\thethe commitmentcommitment toto advocacyadvocacy onon hehalfhehalf ofof l>eings.l>eings. PerhapsPerhaps theythey seesee theirtheir rolerole ailail

fightingfighting onon behnlfbehnlf ofof those-whetherthose-whetherforefrontforefront ()f()f thethe rescuerescue .effort..effort. ['m['m justjust -\-\ thethe poo~-lellSpoo~-lellS heart-wrenchin!!heart-wrenchin!! thanthan animalsanimals oror prehornprehorn children-thochildren-tho rest

ThereThere ii-l,ii-l, forfor instllnce,instllnce, AlexAlex Pacheco,Pacheco, ofof usus seemseem toto ignore.ignore. .. puzzledpuzzled hyhy thoirthoir priorities.priorities. thethe plightplight ofof 1717 monkeys?monkeys? relit

NorNor werewere thosethose teal'llteal'll shedshed forfor thethe thethe 2:\-year-old2:\-year-old WashingtonWashington Still,Still, allall thi!lthi!l heroismheroism onon behalfbehalf ofof l7l7Geo~eGeo~e monkeysmonkeys futilefutile tears.tears. TheThe NationalNational [n­[n­UnivemityUnivemity studentstudent whowho infiltratedinfiltrated thethe Heaith, monkeys.monkeys. whenwhen thethe situationsituation forfor mil­mil­stitutesstitutes ofof Heatth, llllllll aa directdirect resultresult ofof In:'ltituteIn:'ltitute forfor RehnvioralRehnvioral ResearchResearch andand lionaliona ofof humanhuman beingsbeings isis desperatedesperate andandthethe effort.'Jeffort.'J ofof thesethese committedcommitted activ­activ­whosewhose d~scriptiond~scription ofof whatwhat waswas happen­happen­ growinggrowing worse,worse, st.rikesst.rikes meme as,as, well.well. in­in­ists,.ists,. movedmoved toto cutcut offoff fundingfunding forfor thethe inging toto thethe monmon keyskeys therethere ledled toto aa raidraid RockviUeRockviUe laboratory.laboratory. Wouldn't.Wouldn't. itit hehe human.human. byby MontgomeryMontgomery CI)UntyCI)Unty policepolice•.•. "" encouragingencouraging ifif thethe federalfederal ItovernmentItovernment

Pacheco,Pacheco, whowho isis affiliated-withaffiliated-with Peo­Peo­ .. movedmoved toto cutcut offoff fundingfunding forfor federalfederal pleple forfor EthicalEthical Treatment'Treatment' ofof AnimalsAnimals II contractorscontractors found.found. guiltyguilty ofof discrimina­discrimina­(PETA),(PETA), saidsaid hehe hadhad beenbeen intlueneedintlueneed tion?tion? ButBut thethe government,government, il18~dil18~d ofof byby thethe book.book. ....AninialAninial Liberation:'Liberation:' toto cuttingcutting oilToilT funds.funds. isis cuttin"cuttin" itsits effortli.effortli. stopstop eatingeating meatmeat andand startstart "doinl{;"doinl{; toto endend employmentemployment discriminationdiscrimination what'swhat's beatbeat forfor thethe animals."animals." IlndagnilUltagnilUlt minoritiesminorities and women,women, virtu­virtu­

"Doing-"Doing- what'swhat's nest"nest" apparentlyapparently allyally endingending itsits affirmativeaffirmative actionaction ef­ef­camecame toto includeinclude thethe gatheringgathering ofof pho­pho­ forts.forts. Is·crueltyIs·cruelty in·in· thethe pel'!lOnnelpel'!lOnnel officeoffice tographictographic andand otherother evidenceevidence ofof "cruel·"cruel· leselese heinousheinous thanthan crueltycruelty in.in. thethe re­re­ty"ty" toto thethe lablab animals,animals, aa reportreport toto thethe ii Iah'?searchsearch lah'? authoritiesauthorities andand eveneven aa rescuerescue raidraid toto CurioWiCurioWi prioritiespriorities indeed.indeed. I-I- amam re­re­freefree thethe animalsanimals fromfrom thethe authoritiesauthorities minde(!minde(! ofof thethe attitudeattitude ofof thethe rillht-to­rillht-to­themselves,themselves, withwith moniceysmoniceys beingbeing Re-·Re-· lifelife people-otpeople-ot ratherrather thethe right-to­right-to­cretlycretly transportedtransported toto SouthSouth Carolina.Carolina. birth·birth· people,people, sincesince soso manymany ofof themthem

ItIt isis allall incrediblyincredibly heroic.heroic. AndAnd yetyet [[ I,I, seemseem toto loselose intel'eflt'intel'eflt' inin thethe childrenchildren foundfound myselfmyself wonderingwondering ifif thisthis youngyoung .. afterafter theythey areare born.born. IfIf theythey caredcared aboutabout manman couldcould hehe soso protoundlyprotoundly influencedinfluenced life,life, asas oppooedoppooed toto seeingseeing toto itit thatthat byby readingreading "Animal"Animal Liberation,"Liberation," whatwhat .. womenwomen whowho indulgeindulge unwiselyunwisely inin sexsex areare mightmight hehe havehave undertakenundertaken ifif hehe hadhad readread thethe Reagan-8tockmanReagan-8tockman budget,budget, oror infiltratedinfiltrated schoolschool cafeteriascafeterias featurinKfeaturinK ketchup-llS-vegetahleketchup-llS-vegetahle inin schoolschool luncheslunches forfor low-incomelow-income children,children,

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AnnAnn CottreliCottreli FreeFree

AniptalAili~mal LotersLoters AreAre NotNot PeoplePeople HatersHaters likeThisThis IsIs aa pleaplea toto peoplepeople whowho callcall me,me, aildaild thosethose iib me,me,

anan "anima!"anima! lover."lover." PleasePlease don'tdon't Callcall un­~~ thatthat untiluntil youyou un· .. delstanddelstand WhatWhat itit reallyreally means.means. .... '.. ... <. .•

"anftlialloilert"as WWismWhenWhen someonesomeone callscalls meme anan "onrtrialloVertas WWiam rescuei'9RaspberryRaspberry [op-ed,[op-ed, Oc:t.Oc:t. 14)14) calledcalled thethe res.cueta oror thethe 1717

ttlbomtory monke)'8, usuilily thin(: people.~ltlbomtory mOhke)'8, itit usulilly ~Mns~oons o~o~ ..thin&: people means .hater.hater. ItIt rneallli thatthat wewe carecare nothmgnothmg forfor dIStresseddIStressed humanhuman

beings.beings. Somehow,Somehow, wewe mustmust abolishabolish thethe mind-setmind-set aboutabout thethe term,term, eraseerase itit completelycompletely fromfrom ourour l~xiCOll;l~xiCOll; untiluntil itit lala cleatlycleatly understoodunderstood thatthat itit isis partpart andand parcelparcel ofof life-loving.life-loving. ..

,TodaY's aJ'?'CQincidentally actingacting inin the.Today's "animal"animal lovers"lovers" ~'CQincidellt.ally ihe aboliUonist18th18th centurycentury QuakerQuaker traditiOn;traditiOn; QuakerQuaker abolitionist JohnJohn

roach,WoolmanWoolman wouldwould notnot rideride inin aa stagestage coach, 8080 distresSeddistresSed waswas 00 Later,M byby thethe sightsight ofof thethe exhaustedexhausted driversdrivers andand horses.horses. Later,'

set upup thethe undergroundunderground railwayrailwayhishis oo-rtlligioriistsoo-rtlligioriists helpedhelped se~

andand secretlysecretly taughttaught slavesslaves toto readread andand write..write.. .". \ .' .. TheThe falsefalse equation-thatequation-that aninialaninial lovingloving equalsequals people,people,� haUng.....;..had gettltlk poIice,to Seize'·hllUng-'-had nothingnothing toto dodo WithWith gettlttg thethe poIictdo Seize '. the of violating Maryl(Uid anti-.Ule 1717 monkeysmonkeys onon groundsgrounds ofv1<>lating thethe MaryllUid anti­.cruelty ,Ii of,of, ~lping~lping..cruelt.y la~.la~. (Those(Those individualsindividuals havehave (8' r~ordr~ord

.. .. . ....humanhuman bemgs,bemgs, as88 well.)well.) '.'',. . . ..'. not,hing ~ dog.,, TheThe equationequation hashas not.hing M dodo withwith pickingpicking upup ISIS lootloot dog

ofT,or,or kittenkitten olT thethe streets.streets. InIn thethe 19508,19508, itit h8dh8d nothingnothing toto dodo federal law 8withwith !lOOking!lOOking aa feder8llaw providingproviding a moremore mercifulmerciful deathdeath toto rottle.pigS,pigS, sheepsheep andand mUle. InIn thethe 196OB,196OB, itit hadhad nothingnothing toto dodo withwith<\I pa.."Sing laboratmjoanimal Ilnd la~.pR..cl.'ling .lawslaws toto cleanclean upup laboratorY animal dealersdealers llnd 1800.o get CongressCongress totoTodayToday itit hashas nothingnothing toto dodo withwith tryingtrying toto ge~

,.-. suffIcientlyoverhauloverhaul andand sufikienUy fundfund t.het.he AnimalAnimal WelfareWelfare Act,Act, andand

toto trytry toto getget thethe AgricultureAgriculture DepartmentDepartment impecl.orsimpecl.ors toto stopstop glossingglossing overover gl'08Ilgl'08Il violations.violations. NorNor doesdoes itit havehave WlyWly bearingbearing onon

memoorntryingtrying toto getget membern ofof thethe publicpublic onon animalanimal CareCare commit..commit.. tees Jx. AniinaJ'tefs soso thatthat scientistsscientists willwill notnot lw thethe onlyonly polioonen.polioonen. AniinaJ.·

tot·loving/peopleloving/people hatinghating hashas nolhingnolhing toto dodo withwith thethe pushpush f'ot .. 8ubstitubls,moremore f~dingf~ding forfor researrhresearrh intointo non-anin~alnon-anin~al substitutes, atat IiIi

offederal fwuls.greatgreat saVIngsaVIng offedeml emuls. Certainly, snimallovirig/peopleCertaiidy, animallovirig/people hatinghating hashas nothingnothing toto do'do'

growing mOfewithwith thethe ~owing movementmovement toto bringbring mo}'e companioncompanion anI·'anI·'

in Y{'llr.threethree dieddied iIi thethe followingfollowing year. oror thethe 3939 withoutwithout pets,pets, blOodalas,alas, ItIt died.died. PetsPets areare provingproving toto bebe blOOd pressurepressure lower-.lower-.

el'll, victims shouldem, too,too, soso potentialpotential strokestroke victim!! ~hould taketake heed.heed. .. .. I denigratingly·1 inviteinvite thosethose whowho denigratinltly callcall meme andand mymy typetype "ani-"ani­

malmal lovers"lovers" toto joinjoin nw~nw~ ComeCome withwith meme toto thethe HurtHurt HomeHome forfor There, white,thethe Blind.Blind. There. visitvisit withwith meme thethe hlackhlack andand while, menmen and.and.

~ 00.. therethere andand watchwatch asas IIwomen,women, allall inin theirtheir 80s andand ~. ~tand~tand

~~,~. '~;~·'·;:7r~r·~

. '. ~ ": .­ AI?At?


.. . tt

. :: disturbed·matsmats toto thethe homeshomes forfor thethe aged,aged, infirm,infirm, mentallymentally disturbed' ,,

oror criminallycriminally IncarceratedIncarcerated....ThisThis isis aa newnew rolerote forCor oompan-rompan- .... '. ioJ' termion animalsanimals (a(a moremore meaningfulmeaningful andand dignifieddignified tenh thanthan •• "pets"). fot'.'"Pets"). NowNow animals,animals, inin additionaddition toto givinggiving theb"bodiestheb"bodies fot','

U8, sel;>' ., ...testing.testing. areare givinggiving us, inin anotheranother kindkind ofof inStitutionalinStitutional set-- ." ting. Ii .' t.::::;/::ling. theirtheir souls-Insouls-In II sense-tosense-to getget usus wellwell anotheranother way,way, ."

animM"~o-' ." .theirtheir way:way: peoplepeople loving.loving. (Fortunately,(Fortunately, thesethese animM"peo-' .

'lLlL'ILIL� ::<: ..tfJ!;'kb,

, :-:- .... ;.;.

, .::::-.:J


S,SUlIan riadt8JSUsanDa9l.t ... .. ...'.' .. '. .. '

riot usually 88 ~a ffom c;I one blind :piepie fovers"fovers" areare tklt U8Ually classifiedclassified as "lWmal"lWmal haters.")haters.") .. ~a tatteredtattered andand wOrnwOrn toytoy dogdog rtom thethe laPlaP c;lone blind: t.hat a' islreing acierturlCBlly .. a11.. ProofProof •.hat s' petpet isis betterbetter thanthan aa pillpill is lreing acientlrtealty '. lady,lady, whowho aitsaits motrot1leasmotrot1leas nearlynearly all day.day. SheShe hashas troubletrouble get-get- ••

documenteddocumented (not(not thatthat wewe didn'tdidn't knowknow itit allall along.)along.) tJniver-tJniver- '' about ,she 8ld 8tlngtlng aboUt sintesinte she brokebroke herher hip.hip. WatchWatch as'( placeplace a 'gray'gray !litysity ofof Pennsyl,:snia scientists studiedstudiedPennsyl,:ania 8cientists 9292 ~iac patients·patients· .'" adopted.frotn ResciteResctie LeagueLeague inin ~r lap.lap.au:diac ~~~~ .ted.frotn. thethe ~~ oor ,, andand camecame upup WIthWith thethe factfact thatthat ofof thethe 5353 WIthWith pets;pets; onlyonly , '.The te~ lier strokes,. '. The rotOrrotOr returns toto Iier palepale face.face. SheShe strokea, hugshugs andand

eveneven kisseskislies thethe kitten."kitten." recitesSOmetime8SOmetime8 sheshe rt!cite8 long-long­~eJ'9ll9 hapPyrememberedremembered yenres aboutabout imimals.imimals. SheShe IsIs haW>' andand atat peace.peace.

I 88k illNow,Now, ( ask you,you, i~ thisthis '~iinallover"'~iinallover" reallyreally thethe "people"people .. hater"hater" thatthat legendlegend wouldwould h~veh~ve me,me, andand mymy kind,kind, be?be? ----------'-,-'---.........----- ­--------'-,---""'-------­

Ami writet",Ann CottreUCottreU Free,Free, aa free-lancefree-lance writer. isis thethe edi­edi­ojtortor of"Animals,"Animals, NatureNature andand AlbertAlbert Schweitzer."Schweitzer."


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