100 Nuggets From the Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth by James Altucher - Www.getnugget.co

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choose yourself to wealth


James Altucher

When you are in the Idea Machine, nothing can stop you.

James Altucher

Mastery begins when formal education ends.

James Altucher

Find the topic that sets your heart on fire. Then combust.

James Altucher

Success is found only by avoiding the carrot, ignoring it, choosing yourself for peace, for abundance, for gratitude, in that order.

James Altucher

Never before in the 2 million years of humanity’s history was there a ladder of success.

James Altucher

If you tell someone that getting a job and a salary might not be the best way to make money, in fact it might be the best way to go broke, this doesn't even compute.

James Altucher

Money is just a side effect of real abundance.

James Altucher

The only way to have success is to build the foundation for it.

James Altucher

Engage with nobody who is bad to you.

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James Altucher

The idea muscle atrophies if you don't use it every day. Every single day write down ten ideas.

James Altucher

Complaining is draining.

James Altucher

Remember this phrase: Get Paid, Get Laid, Lose Weight. Because those are the three things people will pay for.

James Altucher

That's the new paradigm. The middle class has died. The American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam.

James Altucher

Studies show that an increase in salary only offers marginal to zero increase in happiness above a certain level.

James Altucher

Abundance Will Never Come from Your Job

James Altucher

Ideas are the currency of life.

James Altucher

Practice doesn't make perfect. But practice makes permanent.

James Altucher

No idea is so big you can’t take the first step. If the first step seems too hard, make it simpler.

James Altucher

The Daily Practice is to be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy.

James Altucher

Trust is worth more than next month’s rent being paid.

James Altucher

When you get in the door, do not sell your product. People make a decision on your product in five seconds. Sell the dream.

James Altucher

Make it as easy as possible for someone to say yes.

James Altucher

It’s not about money. It’s not about the idea. It’s not about yes or no. It’s about two people falling in love.

James Altucher

Everyone around you needs to ultimately become better than you. That's how you lead.

James Altucher

A good story starts with a problem, goes through the painful process of solving the problem, and has a solution that is better than anything ever seen before.

James Altucher

A leader listens to the good reason closely to try and figure out what the real reason is, and then comes up with a solution.

James Altucher

I watch great stand-up comedy before every talk. It puts me in a looser mood and makes me laugh, which relaxes me.

James Altucher

PowerPoint will only distract from the main attraction: you.

James Altucher

Nobody wants to hear from Invulnerable Man or Ms Perfect. They want to hear where you are scared and vulnerable and feeling insecure, because we all are.

James Altucher

In general, with everything you negotiate; give yourself permission to think about it. Or else its manipulation and not negotiation.

James Altucher

Infinite Patience Brings Immediate Results

James Altucher

I only negotiate with people I like. What is the point of living otherwise?

James Altucher

All contracts can be broken if both sides agree that the world has changed.

James Altucher

Prepare Everything; Script Nothing

James Altucher

Connecting people who can benefit each other is the most useful skill you can have on the entrepreneurial ladder of skills.

James Altucher

If you can help two other people make money, then eventually good things will happen to you.

James Altucher

Mastery is about connecting the dots of many fields.

James Altucher

The peak productivity period in a person’s day is 2-5 hours after they wake up.

James Altucher

On the path to mastery, everything will go wrong.

James Altucher

There's always a gap between what I have now and what I would like. And that gap is all of your excuses.

James Altucher

We love our excuses. They are just as much our babies as our ideas are.

James Altucher

Each excuse let me learn about myself, let me discover entire worlds of surprising possibilities.

James Altucher

To-do lists don't work. To-do lists kill people. They will make you so stressed you will die an early death.

James Altucher

I know that if I live a healthy and creative life I will automatically always do the next thing that's important to me.

James Altucher

Themes ripple out to the farthest shores. To-do lists keep you anchored to the ocean floor.

James Altucher

A trend is a reflection that some way of life is ending and another way of life is beginning.

James Altucher

I invest in companies that diagnose cancer. I invest in companies that I think can diagnose Alzheimer's. I don’t like to invest in the cures but I like to invest in the diagnostics.

James Altucher

Software that helps human resources deal with all the new changes in healthcare laws will be a huge trend.

James Altucher

You’re being watched all the time. And its only going to get worse/better, depending on how you view it.

James Altucher

Chemistry is going to be much more influential in the coming ten to twenty years than information technology.

James Altucher

There are trends that are irrefutable: People are getting older The nature of the workforce is changing. People want alternative energy. The economy is getting more globalized. Robotics is being used for more functions. Wearable computing is generating larger and larger revenues.

James Altucher

Don't be afraid to do things manually to get things going on your site.

James Altucher

If you want someone to say yes, show them exactly what yes looks like and show them that it is already made.

James Altucher

There's a saying in Argentina, When the CEO is looking, the cow grows fatter.

James Altucher

Love + Perseverance = Abundance.

James Altucher

Should I build a product? Maybe. But first manually see if your product works.

James Altucher

When should I give up on my idea? When you can’t generate revenues, customers, interest, for two months.

James Altucher

The age of domesticated cubicle jobs, an era that lasted only about one hundred years out of the past 4 million, is over.

S.J. Scott

Take a concept you're interested in and break it up into a lot of parts and write a book about each part.

James Altucher

Inflation is always going to rise faster than the value of money left in a savings account.

James Altucher

Compounding, by itself, will never make you rich.

James Altucher

Thiel’s four attributes for a good business are monopoly, scalability, network effect, and brand.

James Altucher

This is a model that has been in use for centuries to buy businesses and it often works. Find a business that satisfies the three Ds: Death. Divorce. Debt.

James Altucher

A company will probably be failing if the people running it are no good, if the Process is inefficient or too expensive, and if the product is poor or doesn’t stand out against the competition.

James Altucher

Go for every idea that excites you, and for every deal you can find.

James Altucher

Because storytelling is only the latest programming inside of our DNA there are many bugs or fatal flaws.

James Altucher

If you can become aware of the myths that people hold and the way they manipulate societies and cultures, you can write your own rules and create abundance for yourself.

James Altucher

The only things that are yours are things you can hold in your hand.

James Altucher

Every fancy retirement plan is a way to transfer money straight from your employer to Wall Street professionals, bypassing you along the way.

James Altucher

When the market goes up, all of these funds do well. When the market goes down, pretty much all of these funds go down.

James Altucher

In most cases, all of these sophisticated vehicles are highly correlated with the US stock market, which is highly correlated with global markets.

James Altucher

Tip #1: Never invest big chunks of your money. A big chunk is more than 2 per cent of your money.

James Altucher

Tip #2. The whole point. Stop paying your debt. Let me clarify. If you borrowed from a friend, pay your friend back. Be a good person. All other debt is a contract, and there are several situations where you can stop paying debt.

James Altucher

Only buy what you can afford. Don’t be an idiot anymore.

James Altucher

Life doesn’t have to be just a bus station. Make decisions that are scary right now so you can have moments that are not only fun, but also funny, later on.

James Altucher

Who Makes Money In The Market Then? Three types of people: People who hold stocks Forever. People who hold stocks for a millionth of a second. People who cheat.

James Altucher

Warren Buffett says, if you think a company will be around 20 years from now then it is probably a good buy right now.

James Altucher

Use this guideline: No more than 3% of your portfolio in any one stock. No more than 30% of your portfolio in stocks.

James Altucher

My Friend Has a Business Idea. Should I Invest in It? Probably not.

James Altucher

Fact: Mutual funds don’t outperform the general market so better to invest in the general market without paying the extra layer of fees.

James Altucher

Fact: Housing has returned 0.2% per year in the past 100 years.

James Altucher

Reading is the best return on investment.

James Altucher

Should I Save Money With Each Pay check? No. Just try to make more money. That is easier than saving money.

James Altucher

You can always make money back when you’ve lost it. But one single split moment of stress and anxiety you will Never make back again.

James Altucher

Try to buy at a lower price than Buffett did. This makes Buffett your free employee.

James Altucher

Diversify not across stocks but across the smart people you follow.

James Altucher

For wealth creation: Invest in hard-to-value companies that focus on ideas.

James Altucher

For wealth-preservation: Invest in dividend aristocrats.

James Altucher

Investing in you is the best hedge against hyperinflation.

James Altucher

I’m aiming to have fewer things in my life. I want to die with no possessions.

James Altucher

The common theme is that I don't want stress. I don't want other people holding my money. I want to have good experiences. I don't want to worry.

James Altucher

Most of us would have much less stress if we let go of trying to predict the future.

James Altucher

A hundred per cent of opportunities in life are created because people are uncertain about almost everything in their lives.

James Altucher

There is a cognitive bias called commitment bias that leads us to think that just because we've already put time and energy (or money) into something that we have to stick with it. But we don't.

James Altucher

If you combine two areas of life and get reasonably good at both and then combine them, then you are suddenly the best in the world at the combination.

James Altucher

If you try to improve in some area of your life one per cent a day, then in one year you will be thirty-eight times better than you were at the beginning of the year.

James Altucher

The brain has a tendency to believe things if they are repeated, regardless of whether or not they are true. This is Availability Cascade.

James Altucher

A great sales technique is to address all of the objections in advance.

James Altucher

Money you lose you can always make back. But even five minutes of time lost is gone forever.

James Altucher

Don’t time travel into the past, roaming through the nuances as if they can change.

James Altucher

Freedom is not a point in time where before that point you were enslaved and after that point you are free. Freedom is something that you practice every day.

James Altucher

Don’t plagiarize the lives of your parents, your peers, your teachers, your colleagues, and your bosses. Be the criminal of their rules.

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