10 Disruptive Quotes for Enterpreneurs

Post on 21-Oct-2014



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People think that innovation happens by sitting around with your buddies and letting magical ideas pop into your head. Or, your customers tell you exactly what they need, and you just have to build it. Dream on. Innovation is a hard, messy process with no shortcuts. It starts with making something that you’d like to use and that might make people’s lives better. Then you have to get the word out that your product or service exists. Follow #VirginDisruptors to join the conversation with Richard Branson and Guy Kawasaki as they talk about whether entrepreneurs have lost the will to innovate. The Live Google+ Hangout with Richard Branson will be live streamed on Friday, May 9 at 9:30 am PT/12:30 pm PT with a live audience as well. It’s sure to generate a thoughtful conversation and innovative thinking. RSVP on the Google+ event to get a reminder. http://bit.ly/1mgP0b6


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