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Volume LII Fifty-second Year of Publication Hope College, Holland, Mich., October 5,1938 Number 2

Class and Spirit Make All-College

Mixer Success Contest, Frosh Humor,

and Games Provide Entertainment


Class spirit , r ivalry, and general

exuberance prevailed at the annual

all college Mixer, sponsored by the

Student Council, last Thursday

night at C a r n e g i e gymnasium,

which celebrated the occasion of

the frosh donning their green.

Bill De Groot, Student Council

president, and Thelma Kooiker,

A.D.D. president, adorned Bill Tap-

pan, f rosh president, and Beth

^Marcus, f rosh Student Council rep-

resentative, respectively, in the t ra-

ditional manner amidst much boo-

ing and cheering of the spectators.

The fine success of the Mixer

may be directly attr ibuted to the

combined efforts of Ruth Van Pop-

ering, general chairman of the

affair, Don Kramer and his "Cam-pus Cats," Dean Dykstra, mas te r of ceremonies, and Bob Bonthius, who was the surprise hit of the evening when he rendered "Small F r y " in the swing manner which college students love.

President Speaks

President W i c h e r s took the opportunity to advise the f reshman class as to how to make the most of their college years. Loyalty, mutual confidence, democracy, good sportsmanship, and constructive ef-forts , were some of the qualities stressed as essential to success. Prexy counseled, "Make yourselves a part of the college as soon as possible and know all the people you can. Select your friends for personal worth ra ther than social background. Remember that the three graces. Good Sense, Sincer-ity, and Simplicity are the great factors in character building."

The e v e n i n g ' s entertainment opened with an informal autograph game which admirably served the purpose of get t ing acquainted. Norma Becksford and Bill Gannon emerged victorious from the con-test and were awarded a litle grey kitten and a tin horn for their

(fforts .

Classes Entertain

Don Kramer 's "Eleven Kittens with Their Horns" rendered "Now It Can Be Told" as the first num-ber on the program, with Jack Jalving, sophomore blonde tenor, vocalizing. The sophomore class then demonstrated their dramatic talents in an opus entitled "The

Fatal Quest."

Ken Pelgrim presented a treatise on the S t a t u s of College Life in behalf of the senior class. Jean lloekje wrote a hilarious sketch on "Our Freshmen," which introduced F r i t z Bertsh as "F la t Foot Hoogie," Gordon Pleune as the typ-ical country yokel. Ken Miller as Sally Vander Rand and Rose Ten-inga as the "Date Girl," and Ed-die Dibble as a trombone enthusiast .

Don Kramer furnished an unex-pected t reat when he played Fred Waring's theme song, "Sleep," and Duke Ellington's "Blue Prelude" on his new, beautiful sounding


Frosh Give Skit

Not to be outdone, the f reshman class displayed their ability to en-tertain in an amusing play, "The Lamp Went Out." Great f u r o r en-sued when the tables were turned to reveal a large "42." Ken Van-denberg, f rosh pull captain, then made a touching speech to the sophomore pull captain. Bob Dyk-stra, and presented him with the necessary equipment to cross the Black River on foot. Dykstra, how-ever, stalked to the microphone and warned the frosh tha t the sophomores have just as much assurance of their success on Fri-day afternoon.

The evening closed with Bill De Groot, football captain, introducing the team to the college. Marty Bekken and J a y Witte led some rousing cheers f o r the team, and Jack Schouten made the evening complete with an informal talk about the team. The climax was the singing of the Hope song and par tak ing of refreshments.

Senior Practice Teachers Begin Observing Work

Undoubtedly you have noticed some of Hope's illustrious seniors scurrying hi ther and yon from the campus. For y o u r information, these are practice teachers, who, at present, are observing in their re-quired grade or subject and will be teaching within a few weeks.

The elementary teachers are as follows: Angeline Dornbos and Hes-ter Soeters at Longfellow school; Thelma Kooiker, Edith Smith, and Katherine Van Raalte at Washing-ton School; Alice Munroe, Beatrice Fairbanks, and Lydia De Vries at Van Raalte School; and Cornelius Hoezee at Lincoln School.

The secondary teachers are as follows: In the Junior High, Peter Stielstra, George Hyma, Jean Mac-Neil, Marjorie Vyverberg, John Wybenga, William Heeringa; in the Senior High, Jacoba Dalebout, Loraine Pomp, Margaret Berpen, Mildred Kirkwood, Margaret Allen, Jay v a n Hoven, John Justema, Margaret Laman, Orville Beattie, and Marinus Pott.


Everyone is cordially invited

to attend Open House at Voor-

hees Hall following the Hope-

Grand Rapids Junior college

football game this week Fri-day, October 7.

Benefits of Morning Chapel Explained To All Hope's Freshmen

This article is especially written for the newcomers on Hope's cam-pus, to explain our chapel customs. Of course, c h a p e l does s tar t promptly at eight o'clock every morning. The exercises are usually in charge of one professor. Every Tuesday chapel is led by officers of the Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. and special music is provided.

Quite often we are privileged to hear some prominent speaker who is available. The chapel choir plays a valuable part in leading the singing and in presenting special music. At the last chapel of the year, scholastic and athletic honors

are awarded.



The night ot the All-College Mixer turned out to be a big night, what with the sophomores sending the frosh down the fire escape, and then an impromptu serenade by the Fraternals . Loud fire-crackers drew the Voorheesites to all the couit windows, where they were enter-

Fraternities End Rushing Season Announce Pledge

Be sure to read "So You Pledged," a student editorial well worth your t ime and of especial interest to freshmen men.

Closing a two-week rushing per-iod Friday, September 30, Hope's four fraterni t ies extended bids to heir rushees. Although replies

were due at the college office by noon Monday. October 3, Dr. R. Shackson. in t i r f ra te rn i ty faculty ?dvisor. reports tha t all answers have not yet baen received. The k t c s t avnilab'e report was releas-ed yestsrday afternoon; the follow-ing men have accepted their bid:

To Cosmopolitan

Willard Albers, George Baron, Gerald Bax. Dale Brondyke. Wil-liam Coons, Kenneth Deur, Robert D3ur, Robert Emmick, Ernest En-sing, Gerald Gilmore, Paul Harri-son, John Heitbrink, Wesley Kraai, Julius Karsten, Delbert Knooihui-zen, William Miller, Elmer Mor-gan, Harold Rozema, Charles Stoppels, Donald Van Ark, Kenneth VandenBerg, Gilbert Van Wieren, Chris Westhof, Fred Winter, Har-old, Julius Zagers, John Visser, Raymond Meyers.

To Emersonians Richard Aardsma. Walter Amb-

ler, Milton Denekas, Charles Frie-de, Harry Frissel, John Hains, Richard Hanson, John Hoover, Blase Lerai, Vernon Meerdink, Raymond Mnoi. Maurice Nies, For-rest Pi indie, Beryl Salisbury, Mil-ton Scheerens, Thomas Slager, Dayton Smith. Edward Sottolano, Charles Sterinb?rg, Jay Witte, William Wormuth.

To Fraternals Leroy Alder, Robert Arndt, Al-

vin Borr, Theodore Cimock, Ed-waid DePree, William Hakken, Howard Hoekj1, Donald Lievense, James McGregor, John Palmer, William Tappan, Maurice Tardiff, Ward Toner, George Vanderhill, Ray Van Ommen, Loren Brinnin-ger, William Gannon, James White.

To Knickerbockers Edwin Carlin, Merle Eilers, Rob-

ert Ferris, Morris Gardepe, Wil-liam Mclnnes, John Justema George Nordhouse, Harold Tjep-kema, Ralph Wallace, Nevin Van Anrooy.

Science Students To Hear Talk|By

Dr. John Hapler Announcement was made today

that Dr. John M. Hapler of Michi-gan Department of Health will ad-dress all students interested in science and health on Monday, Oc-tober 7 at 3:30 P. M. in Mr. Hil-mert 's room. Dr. Hapler's topic is "Science and its Prevention of Oc-cupational Diseases." The science department, under Professor Klcis,

Frosh vs. Soph

Sophomore girls continued the practice set up by last year 's soph-omore class when they initiated the freshmen girls by sending them down the fire-escape a f t e r the all-college mixer last Thursday even-ing. The picture shows sophomores Bilkert and Jacobs paddling Ruth Vander May, frosh, as she finally arrives at the bottom.

Year's Forensic Program Planned

tained. Much enjoyment was had j is sponsoring Dr. Hapler 's talk by all, and the girls are looking i here and invites a large turnout of forward to more serenades in the students hear this timely and in-near future.- I structive lecture.

Bitter Enemies Meet Next Friday Over Black River for Annual Pull A tug-of-war, a fight to the

river, a struggle of the classes, a— in other words, the annual pull between the freshmen and the soph-omores, is just around the corner, and if one turns left on Thursday he'll come to the Black river on


Two spirited classes renew the rivalry of the lower classmen on October 7 when they face each other across the cold waters of the river north of town. Here, late in the afternoon, the decision of the strongest , best-coached -team is made when one weary, blistered squad gets a cold bath by being dragged through the muddy waters to meet their conquerors across the


Aiding the brawn of either class

will be the beauties who a t tempt to

see tha t their support is more than

moral, by dousing the perspiring t e a m s , with water and stuffing their mouths with lemon, sugar, and such energy-providing foods. Many a hear t is won by the care given during this t rying time —

freshmen take note.

Lining up as cheering sections

will be the division of the juniors on the frosh side and the seniors on the sophomore. The juniors, having once tasted of the river at the hands of the present seniors, and having passed the drinking cup on to the sophomores, are more than eager to have their younger brothers, the frosh, introduce a beaten sophomore class to them on the frosh side of the river. But the seniors, too, would be pleased to meet a dampened class of frosh on the soph side and give them the old line, "We told you so."

For the information of the

freshmen there is a reward for the

winning team—not a gold cup, but a privilege. If the freshmen win they are under no fu r the r obliga-tion to "pot" the upperclassmen, although1 they continue to wear their green. But if the sophomore class wins, its members have the r ight to command the f reshmen to "pot ," jus t as the juniors and sen-iors have the r ight to make such demands. So to the freshmen, beware the soph s t rength or you'll be-wearing to the green and pot-t ing your natural enemies.

At the annual meeting of the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League held on the campus of Michigan State college last Friday, the faculty and student represent-atives from the various colleges and u n i v e r s i t i e s of Michigan arranged a complete schedule of forensic activities for the coming year.

First, in order of priority, will come the extempore speaking con-test on November 22. At this con-test, which will be held at Western State Teachers college, the men must speak on subjects related to "The Economic and Political Iso-lation of the United States," or "National Minorities."

The women may choose to speak on either "Socialized Medicine" or "The United States and the Euro-pean Situation." A local contest will be held on our campus in the very near fu ture to determine Hope's representatives to the state contest.

Debate Question Chosen

The question selected for both men and women to debate this year is: "Resolved, that the United States should cease to use public funds, including credit, for the pur-pose of st imulating business." All the men and women interested in debate will be called out very soon to prepare for a full year of debat-ing. The state tournament for men will be held at Michigan State college on February 10 and the women's tournament will be con-ducted at Western State Teachers college on February 17. Many other intercollegiate debates are also being scheduled.

The oratorical contest will be held at Calvin college on March 3 this year. The orator selected last year, Dean Dykstra, will represent Hope at that contest. The peace contest will occur on April 14 at Central States Teachers college.

All those interested in interpre-tative reading must be prepared to read two selections within a five-minute time limit this year. The interpretive reading contest will be conducted at Kalamazoo college on May 5.

Round-table Groups An innovation which will prob-

ably become very popular in speech work will be introduced this year in the form of round-table discus-sion groups. Representatives f rom various colleges will gather in groups and discuss in a conciliatory rather than an argumentative man-ner various national and interna-tional problems.

This schedule will provide a full year f o r all those interested in forensic activity. Hope college has always been active in forensics and has won many honors in the inter-collegiate activity. An opportunity to participate in forensic work is given all students who care to develop their speaking ability.

Those representing Hope a t the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League Friday included Dr. Holland Shackson, Don Van Liere, Orville

Tappan Heads Frosh; Shuptrine, McGregor

Are Other Officers ; The f reshman class held an Important meeting last Thursday for the purpose of electing several of their number to be leaders of the class of '42 and of campus life for the school year. ; Bill Tappan, of Holland, is to lead his class as president. Jean Shuptrine, also of Holland, was elected to the duties of- secretary-treasurer . The class chose Bob Mc-Gregor to fill the position of vice-president. Beth Marcus, of Hol-land, and Blase Levai, of Passaic, New Jersey, have taken up their duties of student council represent-atives for their class. Ken Vanden-burg will captain the f reshman fellows in the annual pull across Black River.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Heading the senior class this

year as its president is Bob Wish-meier. Ollie Lampen assists him in the capacity of vice-president. As secretary the class chose James Hallan, and Harold Leestma will serve as t reasurer .

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS At a recent meeting the junior

class chose members of their group for the leadership of the class dur-ing this year. Dean Dykstra was elected president. The combined duties of secretary and t reasurer fell to the lot of Martha Morgan. Ruth Van Popering is to be vice-president. SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS

Paul Bethka steps forward as president of this year 's sophomore class. To assist him are: Ruth De Young, vice-president; Mary Bo-lema, secretary; and Henry Voogd, t reasurer .

Fifty Students Plan To Form German Club

Fif ty prospective members of a German club to be formed under the name "Der Deutsche Verein" are looking forward to the German singing, games, and enter tainments which are to be par t of the club's program for the year. Under the direction of Miss Boyd and the ad-vanced German classes, plans for its complete organization are being carefully made. All those who have completed one year of college Ger-man or its equivalent are eligible for membership.


Women Participate In W.A.A. Breakfast Hike Held Saturday Morning

The athletically-minded women of the college left Voorhees Hall on Saturday morning, bright and early, for a breakfast hike. It was spon-sored by the W.A.A. under the leadership of Catherine Marcley.

The four-mile furnished the scene for the activities and the breakfast which the girls cooked over a camp-fire was delicious and plentiful. More activities of this kind are planned for the fu ture , and it is hoped tha t an increasing num-ber will participate.


Band Receives Praise

At the second football game of the season the Hope college band proved to be one of the highlights of the evening. With their excel-lent music, their formations, and their splendid uniforms, all Hope-ites were extremely proud of them.

This year, according to one of its members, the band has approxi-mately doubled in size with a total enrollment of fo r ty members.

Plans are also being made by which our band may travel to Kal-amazoo for the Hope-Kalamazoo game.

The one aim of all its members is to make "Hope band, a better band," said Cornie Steketee, direc-tor.

Nafe, Wishmeier, Chairmen, Plan For Homecoming

All-College Banquet Will End Crowded Day's

Program •'

The program for the 1938 home-

coming week-end of October 22 is

already well under way under the

direction of co-chairmen Genne

Nafe and Bob Wishmeier.

A general welcome is planned for

the alumni on Friday, but the high-

light of the day comes with the

evening parade of floats and the

succeeding meeting of pep around

the bonfire. House and dormitory

decorations will be additional cam-pus attractions. Cliff Marcus, Bob Bonthius, and Virginia Ellison are in charge of the open-air meeting while co-chairmen Nafe and Wish-meier will direct the parade. The bonfire is also the occasion for the award of float and house prizes.

On Saturday morning society breakfasts and f ra te rn i ty s tags will be arranged in honor of the alumni.

A parade of the college band and organization floats will lead the way to the football field for the game with Alma on Saturday af ter-noon. Traditional f reshman field activities p r o v i d e enter tainment during the fifteen minutes between the halves. Following the game the f ra terni t ies will open their houses to all students and alumni.

The all-college banquet, which will be held at seven on Saturday evening, will serve as a finale to the events of the week-end. Music, fun and entertainment are prom-ised for the occasion under the management of Gordon Pleune, Dean Dykstra, Margare t Allen and Peg Bergen. Bill Jacobs, John Olert, Kit Van Raalte, and Mildred Mulder are making arrangements for the banquet proper.

Other committees are underway on plans for the week-end. The campus decorations are in charge of J immie Hallan and J e a n Hoekje. Betsy Race, Mary Frelick and Marjorie Mulder will take care of the outside decorations fo r Voor-hees Hall, and Dorothy Bonga, Caroline Kremers, Margaret Nagy and Ruth Vander May will work on the inside.

The field decorations are in charge of Althea Raffenaud, Har-old Leetsma, Dave De Pree and Lucille Kardux.

Decorations for the banquet are in the hands of Gerty Visscher, Martha Morgan, Bob Vandenberg and Don Saeger.

Jack Schouten, Bob Dykstra, Bill Tappan and Mr. Leon Moody will direct the f reshman field activities. The publicity committee consists of Cornie Steketee. Bob Powers, Bob Ta f t , Dorothy Vanden Bout and Teddy Meulendyke.

Anchor Room Moved To Education BIdg.

• *

The Women's Athletic Associa-tion will in the near fu tu re give a Roller Skating Party. A city block will be roped off and i t will be an all-college affair. The date wil be scheduled when Jack Schou-ten makes the final arrangements .

Hine, Mildred Mulder and Theodora Meulendyke. This league is com-posed of the various colleges and umversities of Michigan.

Because of crowded l ibrary con-ditions resulting f rom the success-ful book drive of last spring the Anchor was forced to move its quarters f rom the basement of Van Raalte Hall to a room in the Education building.

Thir ty-three candidates for posi-tions on the staff turned out a t the first meeting of the year. In order to cut the staff down to a number of good writers. Rose Teninga, edi-tor, plans to conduct a series of Anchor classes on al ternat ing Sat-urday mornings. One of these classes will include a t r ip through the pr int ing plant in order to acquaint the staff with the condi-tions under which the Anchor goes to press.

A t the end of this aeries of lec-tures all candidates will take a t e s t and those receiving the high-es t ra t ing will be plaoed on the s taff .

" In this way, i t is hoped/ ' stated Bliss Teninga, " t h a t the Anchor will be able to give you a bet ter college paper t han preceding yeprs and still keep our expenses down so t h a t we will not upset oa r b u d g e t "


• 'WTW - i . A . -

Page Two

Hope College Anchor Ent«r«d at the Post Office at Holland. Michigan, a t Second Claai Matter, Acc«pt*d for mailing at tpaclal rat* of ixxltage provided for In Section 1108 of Act of CongrtM, October t . 1917. Authorised October 19. 1918.


ROSE T E N I N G A EDITOR Phone 6262-8



Jean Hoekje Editorial Alma Weeldiyer Headlines Betty Van Put ten Proof Reading Genne Nafe* Features Ralph Brower Photography Ruth Van Popering Society Catherine Marcley Circulation


Alice Boach Howard Hoekje .Nelvie Vanderbilt Mary Bolema Bill Jesiek Olive Van Eenwyk Dorothy Curt is Mildred Kirkwood Maynard Van Lente Harry De Young Florence Meengs Ber tha Vis Ruth De Young Teddy Meulendyke Anita Vogt FA Dibblp Jeanne Price John Westhof w i?Qnor

E d i t h Rameau Joyce White. Mary Felte Jane t Shuptr ime M. Van Lente Bill Hanson Alma Stegenga N. Vanderbilt Lois Heinrichs Eugene Ten Brink T. Meulendyke

Hope College Anchor

So You Pledged In another section of today's

paper appear the choices of f r a t e r -

nity made by you, the new men of

Hope's student body. The selec-

tion you have made is an impor tant

one in your collegiate l i fe; for

your f ra te rn i ty will be ei ther an

enriching experience or a restr ict-ing one; either an ever-broadening avenue to grea te r enjoyment of your four years here or an ever-narrowing road towards the dissi-pation of this valuable college expe-rience. Of course you desire your new-found brotherhood to make life ful ler for you; yet it is up to you, individually, to desire which par t your chosen f r a t e rn i ty is to play.

A f ra te rn i ty , by definition, is "a body of men associated fo r their common pleasure"; in other words, a f r a t e rn i ty is an instrument , or means, of enjoying common inter-ests and f r iends; an avenue, so to speak, to a fu l ler college life. But all too often f ra te rn i ty ' s real mean-ing is lost as the "pledge," excit-edly enthusiastic over this new experience, invests his ALL in the society. In doing this he sells out his shares of Enriching Collegiate Experience. For the true perspec-tive is lost and the f r a t e rn i ty , per se, is viewed as the one and only END of interest , instead of one of the several MEANS of obtaining greater benefit f rom undergraduate life. Almost unrealizingly are buHt, upon this grave error , inter-ests and fr iendships circumscribed by the f r a t e rn i ty affiliation. And such a mistake is as ruinous as it it insidious. For all too often the error is not realized until a f t e r the four years are past and, in smug complaceny, the society zealot is graduated, not f rom a college, but f rom a f r a t e rn i ty : for he knows little but his own group. Yet he has missed the grea t opportunities to

gain a t ruly liberal education and

to make f r iends; the loss of these

leaves him with, not a rounded, but a sort of two-dimensional college-experience.

This editorial is addressed to

you, the new f r a t e r n i t y men, with

the one desire of s t imulat ing you

to an evaluation of your f ra te rn i ty

in terms of its relative place in your college life. As has been inti-mated, the f r a t e r n i t y is one of the subordinate par t s of the institution, and its function is tha t of "an avenue" to fu l ler undergraduate living. But there are other "ave-nues," also, for you to t ravel : those of religious participation, athletic endeavor, forensic activity, musi-cal essaying, and other roads. All have contributions to make to you, as a growing personali ty. Is it not wise, yea essential, tha t you make good use of several of them; for your u l t imate growth is dependent upon a three-dimensional develop-ment : intellectual, social, and spir-itual. Assume the t rue perspective of your f r a t e rn i ty ' s position: one avenue of development.

F ra t e rn i ty fr iendships are a sub-ordinate par t of the campus broth-erhood. The f r a t e r n i t y man who lives up to his t i t le is tolerant and friendly towards all. Is it not wise to make f r iends both in and out of the society? To restrict your fr iendships in any way is to dwarf your collegiate experience.

The selection you have made is, indeed, an impor tant one; and, like every grea t decision, it brings in new problems to solve. What part will your f r a t e rn i ty play in your life he re? Will it benefit you or hamper you? Think on these things. And may the outcome of your thought lead to the construc-tion of a g rea te r personality.

— R. H. B,

Several students around the

campus have been inquir ing

into the possibility of having

a poetry column. W e will gladly accept any and all original pieces of poetry wri t ten b y Hope s tudents or professors , and hope in the nea r f u t u r e to have this col-umn as a regular f e a t u r e of the paper .

Offerings can be humorous or serious and may be placed in the Anchor room on the second floor of the Columbia building. They should be signed bu t the s igna ture need not be printed if .the wr i te r does not wish it to be printed.

Vogue Sponsors Contest; Senior Girls Are Eligible

The senior women of the campus

are eligible to enter Vogue Maga-

zine's four th annual Pr ix de Par i s

fashion contest. En t r an t s have to

answer five questions and write a

thesis on a designated topic.

And what will the lucky winner

receive? F i r s t prize winner is

offered a year ' s employment on the

staff of Vogue; six months to be

spent in the New York office, and

six months in the Par i s office.

Fur the r information can be ob-

tained f rom The Anchor editor or

Dean Lichty.

Let the Sparks Fly

Students: This is your column and your chance to air your ideas, be they grudges or bouquets. All letters are welcome and the best are printed.

Dear Edi tor : L a s t F r iday night I was com-

pletely disgusted in the g a m e aga ins t Albion. The t e a m belongs to the school, not to the coach. Th ings might have been different if t h e s tudents would have had more school spiri t , t he team might have won. I t is true, the yells a re not of the best, but a t least God gave us a mouth to yell with.

The high school I a t tended had 100 girls as a cheering section, a g i r l s ' drum and bugle corps and a band. When a player came on the field he knew he was p laying fo r the couple thousand s tudents and not fo r his f u n or not only the coach. The crowd yells to let him know this. How can a player play his best when nobody is pulling or cheering fo r h im?

Another thing, everybody can ' t f o rge t that so and so belongs to this or that f r a t e r n i t y ; the re fore he receives no backing f rom the s tudents who are not in favor of his f r a t .

I recommend that everybody co-operate and ge t some new yells and take the old ones and print them and give each student a copy so he can really show he or she is a t rue blooded Hopeite.

J . L. S.

THE STUDENT PRINTS BY J . Hoekje and B. Van Pu t t en

A R C T I C — P I C T U R E S C O L D A R C T I C products are cold, delicious and pala-table. Our ice cream is the quickest help-out in a social emergency. With all we have a warm spot for "Hope."


Phone 3886 133 FAIRBANKS AVE.

We Are Proud of

H O P E C O L L E G E and wish f o r it only continued success. As in

the past , may i ts influence f o r good become

g rea t w i th the pass ing years .


Holland, Mich.




. . . and those . . .



Buying Christmas Photographs Made Easy

Join Our Photograph Club $1.00 down, 50c a week

WINSLOW STUDIO Official Photographer for the Annual for 1937-38


Old Man Star Says—

Hi Gang. , . Welcome back. As usual, we urge you

to make our shop your headqua r t e r s . Call on us fo r a n y

personal service we can render . "

• •

Star Sandwich Shop "A sandwich immense f o r five and ten cents ."

^Ln l i p QL nf ? 59 Eas t E i g h t h St.

Conveniently located—3-minute walk f r o m campus . GOOD F O O D — L o w PRICES—QUICK SERVICE

. Q P e n ^ -'QQ M. to 8 :00 P. M. Daily except Sundays

Book lovers may spend thei r spa re moments to good advan-

t age in our store. Our stock of Books, Foun ta in Pens and

S ta t ione ry will please you, and our service is the best.

Brink's Book Store See our new dollar pens and pencils, and name on s ta t ionery .

Typewriters Portable Typewriters—new models have just arrived.


We also have large desk models

Used for rent or for sale

Orders for new or used text books are appreciated.


Fris Book Store 30 W. 8th St. Phone 9035

W E A T H E R N O T E : T H I S IS


ALL N A T U R E changes f rom green

to brown, e x c e p t the apeciea

H O P E U S F R E S H M A N U S , which

has jus t the opposi te inclination!

This is the time, too, to air for

the benefit of the freshmen that old college superstition: It's unlucky to borrow your roommate's clothes —if he's bigger than you are.

PICK-UP: Ask a girl to ta lk— If she's ta lkat ive. Ask a girl to walk— If she's walkative. Ask a girl to dance— If i t ' s permissible. But never ask to kiss her— If she's kissable. Cornie Steketee has a new car. It

runs a little, then sto^ys, runs a little, and stops again. A spurt model.

Dr. De Moore, however, has a Chevrolet, and a nice one, too. Al-though we can hardly see what good i t ' s going to do him if he keeps locking himself out of it as he did on the second day of school! (Absent-minded professor joke No. 5,674!)

Two freshmen met on the campus last week ami the following dia-logue took jdace:

Hi, kid, watcha know? Don't know it. Watcha gonna


Can't say it. Howya doin'? Ain't been doin' it. Howya


Ain't been feelin' liks it. Howya been?

Ain't been up to it. Well g'bye. G'bye.

(O.K. then, don't take our word

for i t—ask any sophomore.)

C U T E S T TRICK OF T H E W E E K : The f reshman present ing Bob Dykstra , sophomore pull-cap-tain, with rubber boots and a life preserver. Second cutest tr ick of the week: Freshman Betsy Race, of Herkimer, N. Y., who wants to

know why the freshman girls don't have "big brothers," instead of "big s is ters ."

Two-heads are better than one

—specially when you're tossing a


The Engl ish depar tment raved

about the a w f u l s l ang of the mod-

e m generat ion, but we jus t laughed

and laughed and laughed, because

we knew tha t El izabeth Bar re t t Browning wrote a poem called ' T h e Dead Pan ." REVISING THE POPULAR SONGS:

1. For the movie fan—"I'll be Don Ameche in a taxi, honey."

2. For the tired father—"Come to me, my yellow colic baby."

3. For the fisherman with the one that DIDN'T get away— "Small Fry."


"Yes," shouted the Voorhees sen-ior above the rhythmic blare of the radio and the cha t te r of the eight visitors in her room, "I 'm s tay ing in tonight to get some real s tudy-ing done—careful , don't sit on the potato chips. And," she added vir-tuously, " I 've really decided to get some decent m a r k s this year . Oh, excuse me a minu te ; I've got to go and talk to my honey. I promised to call him up every fifteen min-utes tonight . . ."

Revise your vocabulary with these:

POINTSETTIA—A hunting dog. PUNT—Something essential, as

in "I don't see the punt."

POISE—Something in which to put money.

YAWL—Southeryi form of the second person pronoun.

CONVEY—Desiring permission, such as, "Convey have late per to-night, Miss Litchty?"

Shakespeare had a word, or words for everything. Even col-yums. In T W E L F T H NIGHT he said, "Bet ter a wit ty fool than a foolish wit."

Just what does that make us?



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PEOPLE'S STATE BANK ishes for Hope College and The Anchor

the Success it Merits . ix>hiuulu

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.•rV.tC&di ' - - •• i

Hope College Anchor

R. Rawson Recovering Prom Appendectomy

Rober ta Rawson, be t t e r known as

"Bobbie" here on Hope's campus, w a s t aken to the Holland hospital

Tuesday, September 27, where she was operated upon f o r appendicit is .

F r iends who have visited the

pa t ien t r epor t he r condition as improving rapidly.

Always an active figure in cam-

pus life, Rober ta ' s pa ls have many

in te res t ing plans afoot to aid her in

her period of convalescence. Her

s i s te r Delphians have planned to

make up Sunshine Boxes, one to be

t aken to her each day by two mem-

bers . The idea is tha t "a surpr ise a

day keeps the doctor a w a y . " Flow-

ers and other g i f t s will be sent by

o thers of her f r iends .

Highest Quality

Groceries and Meats

Molenaar & De Goede

46 Eait 8th Street


SUITS — $23.50up 19 yx WEST 8TH STREET

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Elected (or Fall A new high h a t . . . complimented

with high coiffure. Shadow waves

and curls make the newest Autumn

hairdress . We specialize in coifs

that a r e fashionable yet easy to

w e i r .

Flo-Raine Beauty Salon


Dates Drawn For "Get Acquainted"

Society Parties A t the las t r egu la r mee t ing of

the Pan Hellenic, lots were drawn a s to the da tes f o r the par t ies fo r all new gir ls . Each society will give one p a r t y in Voorhees Hall.

The expenses a r e not to exceed $20. Alethean drew the first week, Dorian the second, Delphi the third, Sorosis the four th , and Sibyl-line the fifth.

Angeline Dornbos was elected secre ta ry- t reasure r of this organi-zation. Miss Ross and Miss Boyd were re-elected as sponsors.

The Pan Hellenic will meet every other Monday night , a l ternat ing with the Alcor.

C.W.L. Hears Dr. Moore Speak As Season Opens

The Chris t ian Worker 's league

held its first meet ing of the semes-te r Fr iday, September 30, a t 4

o'clock. Devotions were in charge of Heath Goodwin, vice-president

of the league. Albert Shiphorst , accompanied by Harr ie t Lemkuil,

s ang "At the End of the Road."

The speaker of the af ternoon was

Rev. B. J . Moore, a Presbyter ian missionary f rom Japan . The title

of his inspir ing address was "Cast Not Away Your Confidence." He brought out the thought t ha t we

can put no confidence in material th ings because they will fail us.

The new officers are : President,

Henry Bovendam; vice-president, Heath Goodwin; secretary, Eloise

Boynton; t reasurer , Ruth Knickel.

Quality Shoe Repair ing

That ' s Our Business


Electric Shoe Hospital

Have Your Eyei Examined


W . R . S T E V E N S O N



7 /



CLUB • Pi!! ouf a m e m b e r s h i p c a r d

in our h o s i e r y d e p a r t m e n t

and pu t yourself in line f o r a

bonus ! You'll w a n t t o w e a r

t h e s e b e a u t i f u l hose a n y h o w

. . . so you m i g h t as well

e n j o y t h e b e n e f i t of a f r e e

pa i r of M o { u d

Si lk S t o c k i n g s

with every twe lve

pa i r you b u y .

79c to $1.15

JEANE'S SHOPPE E a s t 8th S t Telephone 2170


P i g * T i m e

Dr. Dimnent Will Speak To Authors' Association

Dr. E . D. Dimnent, p rofessor of economics and philosophy, is sched-

uled to head the Michigan Authors ' association a t the au tumn meet ing

of the group which will be held a t

the Warm Fr iend Tavern on Sat -

Music Notes Mr . Osborne will give an o rgan

recital on Sunday af te rnoon, Octo-ber 9, a t 4 o'clock. The fol lowing numbers will be p layed:

"Pre lude , Fugue , and Chaconne" by Buxteheide; "Toccata pe r I'EIe-vazione" by Frescobaldi ; "Cathe-dral Prelude and F u g u e " by Bach; "Symphony Chora le" by Ach; "Bleib Mit einer Gnade" by K a r g -Ele r t ; "Ronde F ranca i se" by Boellmann; " H r a u m e (Tr i s tan and Isolde)" , Wagner ; "Sona ta da Chiesa" by Andriessen.

« • •

Tryouts for Men's Glee Club took place last night .


urday. At this time the office of Dr. George Sprau of Kalamazoo will end. Dr. Dimnent has served the group as vice-president for the last two years.

Music for the occasion, which will bo in the na ture of a dinner meeting, will be provided by the Hope depar tment of music. Dr. Dimnent will speak a t the meeting.




DU SAAR Pholo and Gift Shop

10 Eas t Eighth Street

Kodaks and Kodak Finishing,

F raming and Gif t s


• • •

The choir performed the i r first number in the chapel services this morning singing "F in land ia" by Sibelius.

• • •

A g rea t deal of mater ia l was shown in the Gir is ' Glee Club t ry-outs an also f o r the Fenton Schol-arship fo r men. Winners will be announced in the next Anchor.

* * •

The Chapel Choir has entered its harness and is busily at work. Enthus iasm and interest on the par t of all the new members as well as the old is fo rming a prom-ising outlook fo r the Choir this year.

Election of officers was held last Thursday. The following officers were elected: President , A1 Ship-horst ; vice president, Lois Voor-horst ; secretary, Beatrice Fa i r -banks; t reasurer , Bob Veg te r ; manager , Clifford Keizer.

See us for your Accessories,

Gloves, Hosiery, Purses ,

Blouses, Handkerchiefs ,

Brassiers .

Knooihuizen Shoppe

SOCIAL UFE LINES by Ruth Van P o p e r t e f

Westrate's 15 West 8th St.



F A S H I O N E D C H I F F O N .

Slightly i r regulars of the $1.00 quality.

Priced at 59c pa i r .

KRUISENGA VOGUE SHOP 13 W e s t 8 th Street

Foundation Garments—Hosiery Millinery

DORIAN The se t t ing sun 's long fingers


The bri l l iant au tumn t ree .

Pa in t i ng e 'en more glorious still T h a t bit of heav 'n f o r me.

J u s t such a picture was brought to the mind's eye of the Dorian l i te ra ry society on Wednesday eve-

ning, September 28. A f t e r the busi-ness met ing members were taken through a fo re s t of br ight-hued au tumn trees by Nelvie Vanderbil t , who was in charge of the p rogram for t ha t week.

Beneath a "Tree of Heaven," Hulda Rigter ink opened with devo-tions, a f t e r which some old songs, beloved in any season, were sung. Then Emily Bielefeld read an appropr ia te short s tory. The s t r a ins of "September in the Rain ," sung by Nelvie Vanderbilt , were heard f rom the shade of a weeping wil-low tree. While enormous red apples were being munched, the wind in the old moaning pine made a spooky background for the ghost s tory told in the candlelight by Ruth DeYoung.

o A L E T H E A N N E W S

On Wednesday night the Ale-theans met in their room, which has recently been cleaned and re-a r ranged , for an impor tant business meet ing. Reports were made by the representat ives to the various organizat ions and a general outline of the coming activities was given.

Plans were ar ranged fo r the pa r ty which is to be given fo r the f reshmen and new gir ls next Thursday evening a t Voorhees hall. There being no definite p rog ram planned, an informal t ime was en-joyed by the members , which closed

with a number of rousing and peppy songs.


Sigma Sigma held a business meet ing as the i r second meet ing

of the year . M a r g a r e t Allen, presi-dent , and Lorra ine Pomp, Pan-Hellenic representa t ive , presented more detailed p lans of t he non-rush ing sys tem. P e g Bergen, we-

r e t a r y , read the ^ consti tut ion, according to the t radi t ion of the society.

Trudy Visscher w a s appointed float cha i rman f o r Homecoming, though the rest of the commit tee has not as yet been named. Student Council p lans f o r Homecoming were discussed and Gladys Van Lare was placed in charge of the en te r ta inment of the S o r o s i s alumni fo r Homecoming.

The meet ing was adjourned with the singing of the Sorosis songs.


Attention Hope Students! Have you ever t r ied our Economy Fluffed Dry Service at 9c per pound? Sample Bundle: 3 sh i r t s , 2 drawers , 2 undershir ts , 1 p a j a m a , .5 pair socks, 6 handkerchiefs , 3 sof t collars, 3 towels, 3 wash cloths. Average weight, fou r pounds—36 cents. NOTE I. This is probably less than the parcel post charge for sending home and re turn . NOTE II. You may have any or all of the sh i r t s in th is bundle finished at 10 cents each.

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THE MODEL DRUG STORE 33 and 35 W. 8th St.



Western Michigan's largest and most modern Drug S tore

invites you to come in and get acquainted.



Las t Wednesday evening Delphi roses, rosy-cheeked f rom a summer

of recreation, met in a rose arbor wear ing rose-colored glasses, to be

spec ta tors to a p rogram entit led

"The One Rose," under the direc-tion of vice-president Lois Voor-horst . The soil was cult ivated by

Delphian Van Raal te , who read the parable of the Sower. Sunshine was added by Delphian Boven in a

)€autifully rendered piano selec-tion. Delphian Marcley f roze the

Rosebuds with a humorous paper which was very much all wet. Del-

phian Voorhorst impressively read

the creed and explained its t rue significance. "Remember Rose" was

the ti t le applied to a musical skit

enacted by Delphians Morgan and hot ter . Delphian Pot te r s a n g a clever parody of "Remember Me."

n conclusion the "Las t Rose of

Summer" was brought once again

rom the rose bowl as several Del-phians reviewed experiences of the past summer.

The previous week Delphians had unofficially opened their social sea-

son with a s lumber (more or less) pa r ty at the Boven cottages. Since

they succeeded in ar r iv ing a t con-vocation on t ime and in good order,

they feel prepared to s ta r t another big year, full of fun , f r iendships ,

and f requent s tudying (of course) .

COSMOPOLITAN SOCIETY Monday evening, with rushing

activities in ful l swing, a fine pro-g r a m was enjoyed a t the Cosmo-politan House. Gord Vanden Brink

s ang several numbers ; Cliff Marcus

provided some of his super-subtle wit, and Bill Jacobs read an admir-able and informat ive serious paper on William Randolph Hears t . Re-f re shment s and an informal ga th-er ing climaxed a most enjoyable evening.

On Wednesday evening, members of the f r e shman class were again the guests of Cosmos. Harold Leestma, motivated by the critical si tuation caused by the Czech-Ger-

man crisis, reviewed United S ta tes policies dur ing the last World War in a paper entitled "Woodrow Wil-son and His Ideals." J im Adams and Bob Vander Laan, as loony a pa i r of buck pr iva tes as ever went on parade, with Mai Baron as ser-geant , farced through a wa r scene

in which the enemy was finally put out of action witK a f ew lusty pumps of a flit gun. Cye Voogd,

accompanied on the piano by Cliff Keizer, slid the doors shut on the p rogram with a trombone solo. Re-f reshments and bull sessions occu-pied the remainder of the n ight .

On Friday night , despite the Albion victory over Hope, a hungry

and spirited crowd milled through the Cosmo house, empty ing the cider jug and the cake tins.

At intervals throughout the week, informal meet ings were held, fea-

tu r ing tha t incomparable flre-eater, Bob Vander Laan, arsonis t ex t ra -special, who nearly singed his vocal cords, and may soon be hav ing a fire sale.

The rushing season is over, but regardless of f r a t e rn i t y connec-tions, many new f r iendships have been formed, and many good t imes enjoyed.

"Hello Gang" R E M E M B E R F E L L O W S , W E ' V E " G O T " T H O S E

S M A R T " T O G S "



Students of Hope!

U l p l r n n t e


W e l c o m e ! Students of Hope!

FRENCH CLOAK STORE Women's Furnishings.

30 E. EIGHTH ST.'irirLi-uxar.

Wei c o m e



27 W. E I G H T H ST.

Page Four Hope College Anchor


at Park Tonight Outstanding Yearlings

to Mix in Tussle at Local Stadium

Hope Wins; Loses in Opening Games

of Gridiron Year

Ccttch Jack Schouten's 1938 ed-

ition of the f r e shman football team

wilf .make its bow to the s tudents

and gridiron f ans of Holland to-

night. The coming-out par ty is

scheduled for 8 p. m. a t Riverview

Tap-k under the lights.

For the last two weeks, Coach

Schouten has been whipping his

squad into shape with favorable re-

sults. Backfield mater ia l has been

plentiful, and the squad is the larg-

est to report in the history of the school The frosh will exhibit a fas t chaiging line of average

weight. The lack of reserve strength is

the only cloud evident on the sky for tomorrow night 's game, for re-ports are tha t the new Alma f rosh coach, Hank Lowe, formerly of St. Joe high, has a squad of sixty boys working under him. Out of the aKgregation, he oup:ht to be able to pick a team with plenty of s t rength, an have reserves in abun-

dance. As the teams meet tonight, Hope

will put on display a promising quar te t of backs. Bud Morgan, Herkimer, N. Y. boy, will be a t the quarterback post. Most f requent ly he will call the signal of Loren Brinmnger, former Allegan high boy, to run. pass or punt. Brin-ninper with Ted Cimock, Jackson high school s tar , will be at the halfback posts tonight. Bob Brown of Ionia has shown the driving power needed at the position to carry the vote for the job.

Ray Meyers, Grand Rapids; Bud Ferris , Shelby; and Ed De Free, Holland, are boys who will get into the contest for plenty of backfield

action. Tonight 's s ta r t ing lineup will

probably see A1 Borr, Zeeland, and Tom Slager, Muskegon, at the ends. Dick Hanson, Alma t rans-fer , and Ward Toner r Shelby, will be at the tackles. Bill Hakken, former Grand Rapids all-cit(y choice, and Bill Gannon of Fre-mont, will be a t the guards, flank-ing Bill Tappan of Holland at cen-

ter. Linemen sure of action are Roy

Alder, Gil Van Wieren. Less Wal-lace, Gerald Gilmore, Perry Dfng-man, J immy White, Bill Van Oss and Elmer Brandt.

In scrimmage the frosh have made good showings against varsi-

SPORTING JOTS By Boh Wishmeier _ _ _

The football season is well under

way, and Hope college has a .500

recond. The Dutch opened wi th a

housing 20-0 t r iumph over Fe r r i s

Inst i tute of Big Rapids Sept. 23,

and last F r iday night lost in t h e

opener of the Michigan Intercol-

legiate schedule to Albion, 3-0.

In both games, Hope showed

power enough to th rea ten any t eam

in the conference this year.

In the opener, Hope opened the

contest by let t ing the Ferr i s boys

str ike for a pair of first downs,

but a moment la ter t h e white-

shirteo 1ads took the ball, and used

jus t three plays to score the first

touchdown. Brannock made the

last lap on a 28-yard cut-back. The

goal was missed.

Brannock set the s tage fo r a

second-period touchdown with a

45-yard jaunt down the sidelines to

the Ferris 16-yard line. A f t e r a

first down, Marcus passed to Bran-

nock over the goal for the score.

Once more the kick was bad.

For the third quar te r touchdown,

Hope recovered a Fer r i s fumble on the Fer r i s 10-yard line, and a f t e r two plays, Vander Laan plunged over the goal. The kick was low.

Coach Bud Hinga's crew seemed ready for another touchdown in the fourth qua r t e r when Vander Laan carried the ball to a first down on the four yard line. Fer r i s held fo r downs, however. As LeSeney a t -tempted to punt f rom behind his own goal, Ken Honholt raced in to tackle him for a sa fe ty , and two more points.

Scoring was not so easily accom-plished in the second game of the season—the opening game of the M.I.A.A. season, with Albion. In the first quar ter , an aggressive Al-bion club caught Hope flat-footed

Dutch terr i tory, and Callahan,

List MIAA Tilts for Second Week

MIAA SUndings


Alma 0 0

Albion 1 0

Hillsdale 1 0 Kalamazoo 1 0 Hope 0 1 Olivet 0 1 Adrian 0 1

The Michigan Intercollegiate football season is under way.

Already t eams have taken places in s tandings, but as yet i t has been impossible to make any predic-tions or s ta tements as to the rela-tive s t r eng th of the teams in the

Pet .



1.000 1.000 .000-.000 .000

A recent magazine art icle took pains to describe the various

footbal l abilities of one Ernie Lain. . . Evidently he is the Two-Ton

Tony of the gridiron. . . At any ra te , his 230 pounds is jus t 40

pounds more t han the heaviest of Hope's football mats r ia l . . . Tha t

is, unless P a l m e r Mart in is proven eligible as this is wr i t t en . . .

Mart in l e f t Hope as a " sk inny" sophomore two years ago, and the

other day showed up wi th a pai r of shoulders as broad as the beam

on a Fall r iver flat boat. . . He tips the scale a t 212. . . His arr ival

recalls the work of his brothers . Dean in football , and Don in t rack.

. . . Don broke three records a t the M.I.A.A. t rack and field meet in

1937. . . Tonight, the f reshmen are opening their football season. . . For

the first year in the his tory of the club, the team has but one Hoi-

lander in the s t a r t ing lineup. . . He is Bill Tappan, who, besides be- conferenee. K a l a m a z o o ^ ] 8T T

d ® f e ^ "

ing center on the f reshman club, is president of his class. . . He, with

Morris Tardiff , scoied perfect scholastic records in Holland high

school. . . Robert Ferr is , f rosh back, was never assigned to block in

his high school football days a t Shelby. . . Ted Cimock of Jackson,

f reshman, never carried the ball dur ing his senior year . . . Inciden-

tally, Bob Vander Laan, regular varsi ty quarterback, carried the ball

or passed on every play dur ing his senior year at Union high in Grand

Rapids. . . Cimock was medal is t in the s ta te high school golf tourna-

ment two years ago and runner-up a year ago. . . Loren Brinninger

of Allegan has 15 prep athlet ic let ters. . .

In the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association, directors last week kept the wires hot. . . Both Olivet and Adrian petitioned to be allowed to play f reshmen, because varsi ty mater ia l was too scarce to w a r r a n t playing regular games. . . Ra the r than call all games with the schools th is year invalid, directors voted fo r a three-year rule. . . I t reads t h a t the schools can play the f reshmen, but tha t the boys will be ineligible for play during thei r senior year. . .

The football often has some hot political discussions, Jay Van Hoven holding up the Democratic arguments . . . When newly-appoint-ed Athletic Board Secre tary Bruce M. Raymond brought home Sen. Ar thu r H. Vandenberg 's la test campaign story, Murphy Man Van Hoven took a beating. . . Said Sen. Vandenberg, "We don't want people in this s tate government whose pores expand in sympathy

every time the president perspires. . ."

ing champion; Albion and Hope ap-pear to be s t rong ; Alma is the f av -orite challenger, and a hunch chooses Hilsdale to be the dark horse in the race. Olivet and Adrian are weak.

So fa r , Albion defeated Hope, 3-0 in a closely fough t batt le, each team collecting eight first downs. In last Saturday 's tests , Kalama-zoo beat Adrian, 45-0, and Hills-dale set down Olivet, 32-7.

This w e e k , the conference swings into its second week Fri-day and Sa turday . Albion meets Alma at Alma Friday night. Kala-mazoo will face Olivet a t Kalam-zoo Fr iday night , and Hillsdale will tackle Adrian Saturday.


W.A.A. Board Announces Inclusive Sport Program

Committee Revises Pull Rules To Insure Well Run Contest

in 200-pound tackle, drop-kicked a field goal f rom the 18-yard mark-er. The goal was the margin of victory.

In the second quar ter , t eams played more evenly, and through-out the second half, Hope outplay-ed Albion. Twice Hope was within striking distance, but each t ime scoiing plans were blasted.

In the third quar ter , a s teady march to Albion's 18-yard line set the s tage for Marcus to pass over the goal line. Gies, Albion center, intercepted it, and stopped the drive.

Within ?. few minutes, Hope was

ty men, but the yearl ings still lack i again ready to score, and this t ime

the perfection that experience will bring later, in the season.

Following the Alma game the frosh are 's lated to meet Grand Rapids Junior College's first game men here in another night game. The local boys will play games a t Albion and Kalamazoo early in November.

a place kick by Houtman w a s blocked. Passes throughout the fourth o u a i t e r failed to click.

Summaries ; Hope 6 6 G 2—20 Ferr is 0 0 0 0—0

Hope 0 0 0 0—0 Albion 3 0 0 0—3

Sophomores, f reshmen and t ra -dition will aga in hold sway this year , in the f amed and fur ious pull across Black River . Rumor has it tha t the river is unusually high and cold, mak ing it a highly un-pleasant spot to linger in. Combin-ing this with a large amount of class spirit should produce a roar-ing fight to s t ay dry.

Las t year 's s t ruggle was a tummy-wrencher , lasting n e a r l y two hours, the frosh emerging de-feated and very democratic in appearance. It was a g rea t battle, however, and one that th is year ' s f rosh will find hard to duplicate, with the exception of the defeat .

In an effort to keep the pull within a reasonable time limit, the rules were somewhat changed, and several judges added to the execu-tive list. The event is intended to proceed as follows: A whistle sig-nal will warn the teams to prepare


J)utcA3QtcAm Extends Greetings to

A l l H o p e


Come to us for Suggestions for your Parties

pull ing from their holes for fifteen minutes. At the end of this period, a one-minute rest will precede the final pulling, which has to be done in a s tanding position to the end. Any man who does not remain in a s tanding position a f t e r his team has stood up will be taken f rom the rope. If the f rosh win the scrap they will not have to pot to sopho-mores.

Captain for the sophomore team

will be Bob Dykstra , f o r the f rosh . Ken Vandenberg, with c o a c h e s Gord Pleune and Don Cordes, re-spectively. The feminine bearers of mercy, water and oranges, and the committees serving to make the event a bigger and bet ter one will

be: sophomore, J ean Wishmeier,

chai rman; Ruth St ryker , Marthene Van Dyke, Margare t Bilkert, Mar-ion Tysse, Phyllis Newcastle, Ruth Klassen, Doris Van Lente, Mary Ruth Jacobs, Tess Van Dyke, and

At a meet ing held in Voorhees hall Tuesday night, the Board of the Women's Athletic Association made general plans for another year of athlet ic activity for the co-eds on Hope's campus. Plans have been made for the organiza-tion of a hiking group which will hike to places of interest once a week, and within the next few weeks an all-college skat ing pa r ty will be held.

Basketball, swimming and bowl-ing are activities which will come la ter in this athlet ic p rogram which is to include every girl in school. The board also voted t h a t each girl who part ic ipates in this pro-g ram must present a doctor's cer-tificate of examination.

Hope and Junior Meet in Red- Hot

Grid Tilt Friday

Name Lineups for Scrap Under Lights Here at

Riverview Park There will be a hot t ime in the

old town Fr iday n ight !

Grand Rapids Junior college and

Hope are meet ing in ano ther chap-te r of long s tanding gridiron rival-ry, and according to the best of in-dications the Battle of Bull Run wouldn't hold a candle to the scrap tha t ' s going to take place.

The teams are scheduled to meet under the l ights at Riverview Pa rk next Fr iday night a t 8 p. m. The contest will be Hope's last non-as-sociation a f fa i r this season.

Grand Rapids Junior , this year , boasts of one of the best teams in the school's history, and f ans here can bet t h a t nothing will go wrong with thei r a t tack on the local grid-iron. On the other hand, Hope feels capable of meeting some pre t ty tough competition, and the stub-born Dutchmen are expecting to s tage one of the best games of the season here Friday.

What has set the s tage fo r this outs tanding bit of r ivalry is a long series of Hope victories over the Grand Rapids outfit. Jun ior has not beaten Hope in footbal l since Coach Bud Hinga came here f rom Holland high school seven years ago. In any time before tha t , Jun-ior was able to count but three vic-tories.

to dig in. One minute la te r another Helen Fairbanks . The f reshmen signal will begin five minutes of p i r i s w i l l be Bet ty Race, Mary Fre-digging in, which will be followed by a five-minute rest. Then, one minute a f t e r another warning sig-nal the pull will begin, both teams

lick, Janet Shiptr ime, Beth Mar-cus, Jean Price, Peg Hadden, Ruth Williams, June Baker, Betty Do-herty, and Donna Zwemer.

10 p l r n m p to you HOPE1TES

T . K E P P E L ' S S O N S


Ettsblufed l i«7




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This year Junior college feels capable. Coaches Mike Steele and Johnny Regezci have whipped a f a s t and heavy squad into good ear-ly season shape, and the eleven al-ready has counted a win over an M.I.A.A. aggregat ion by beat ing Olivet, 27-6, in the opening tussle.

In preparat ion f o r this outfit which outweighs them in every pos-ition, Hope last Monday got sever-al new plays, and went through an af ternoon of light signal practice. Tuesday the boys got in some rough work, and today the team will begin to taper off for the con-tes t .

Hope's lineup will find Captain Mill DeGroot at center with Bob Wishmeier and Bob Powers proba-bly ge t t ing the call as guards . Dent Norlin and Elmer Ridenour will play the tackles, and Ken Honholt and Cornie Pape will line up at the ends.

A shoulder injury, received in the Albion game, may keep Paul Boy-ink out of the game Fr iday night. A possible sh i f t in the backfield positions might move Bob Marcus to half, and put Ar t Kronemeyer in the ful lback post. Another move would put George Heneveld at half and leave Marcus a t full . Lee Brannock will play one half , and Bob Vander Laan will play quar te r back.

Hope is anxious tc- send the s t rong Junior outfit back to Grand Rapids on the short end of the score. Hope defeated Junior , 14-0 last year .

A bonfire and pep meet ing in Grand Rapids will p repare a crowd of more than 600 enthusiast ic Grand Rapids rooters fo r the con-test. They will all be in the stands when the teams trot onto the field here next Fr iday night .

Hope meets Junior in the last of the first series of home games. The Dutch t ravel to Adrian next week in the first daylight game of the season.

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