1 year idealabs: an entrepreneurial journey

Post on 06-May-2015






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idealabs exists for one year! Time to celebrate and do a recap of our first year through pictures.


1 Year Idealabs#StopTalkingStartBuilding


I’m Cedric, I’m the marketing guy at idealabs. This is the first year of idealabs through my eyes (actually my iphone)

I wish I had a Real (not a 3D Printed) Google Glass last year. Maybe next year my presentation will be: idealabs 2013 #throughglass

Back to me. Let’s start my idealabs journey from the very beginning

Preparing a presentation for my first job interview at idealabs.

Job Opening:Digital Marketer

I GOT THE JOB. HOORAY!From now I was working for the first startup accelerator in Belgium

Hold on a sec! This was my first job, and I had a digital marketing background. Let’s dive in to this awesome book

Let’s fill this space with startups!

idealabs from inside

First, let’s hang some inspiration on our walls


Idealabs from outside.One big building in the center of Antwerp.

With this rooftopIdealabs from outside.

Idealabs from outside.with this AMAZING rooftop

First things firstLet’s do some idealabs branding

Second TaskApply branding on the outside

Second TaskApply branding on the outside and literally launch people

Third TaskLaunch idealabs with a big bang. Amazing launchparty with more than 300 people!

Painful TaskClean Up the launch party aftermath

First Press ReleaseHooray, everything is going as planned. My work is done here!

This was just the beginningMaking this happen was next!

Hold on a sec! First need to read this book! We need to create that ecosystem in Antwerp

idealabs buildingOk it’s still empty, let’s fill this up

Let’s plan this outSuper secret blurry mindmap #worlddomination


Make some cool visuals

idealabs meaningful eventsMatchmaking BBQ

idealabs meaningful eventsMatchmaking BBQ

idealabs meaningful eventsProduct Lab Workshop

idealabs meaningful eventsStartup Sacrificies night (inspiring storytelling)

idealabs meaningful eventsStartup Sacrificies night (inspiring storytelling)

idealabs buildingOk our summer was great, created a vibrant offline and online community. Now let’s fill our building with startups!

idealabs accelerator Pitchday70 people applied for the accelerator, and were judged by this panel

idealabs accelerator pitchdayHello from India!

idealabs accelerator selectionThese 4 wise guys made it through. Meet Maarten, Wouter, Vincent & Louis

Very First day at idealabsCoaching 1o1

Very First workshop at idealabs

Very First Wall posters at idealabs

Workshops at idealabs

Some more Workshops at idealabs

Some more Workshops at idealabs

Some more Workshops at idealabs

Some more Pitching at idealabs

Some more helping each other at idealabs

Some more Mentoring at idealabs

Got one unused space in the idealabs building. Let’s open a coffeebar and coworking

Coffeelabs“Add digital to entrepreneurialism and mix in a little coffee”

Some more Pitching outside of idealabs

Some more Mentoring at idealabs

Some more Mentoring at idealabs

Some more Pitching at Coffeelabs

After all that pitching, mentoring, workshopping. Let’s go to London!

After all that pitching, mentoring, workshopping. Let’s go to Leweb in Paris!

After all that pitching, mentoring, workshopping. Let’s go to Leweb in Paris!

Back to Antwerp! Preparing Wouter’s presentation for STIMA the next day

Will you look at that! 19 year old telling to stop talking and start building

Back to work! Learning Labs with schools, helping the startups

After an wonderful summer, now an horrible winter

Wonderful winter! Welcome Jeremy to the idealabs family. Congrats Nicolas V.

After the first idealabs babyshower, now our first #Pitchlab

International speakers! Anders Ivarsson from Spotify talking about how Spotify is agile

Startup CampusWorkshops on Business Models

Suddenly I find myself in San Francisco! Talking about a crazy year!

Back to Antwerp!We had an Evolv weekend at our place

Startup Trips rule!All the idealabs startups in Berlin for Capital On Stage

Got back from BerlinJust in time for the opening of The Next Level. Coffeelabs took things to the next level! Coffee on rooftop terrace all summer

I’m sure I missed tons of stuff.

We would like to invite you for our 1 year celebration party. We’re celebrating for 3 days!

26/06 - Open Office Hours27/06 - Pitch Night & Matchmaking BBQ28/06 - 1 Year idealabs party

Find all info on http://idealabs.fikket.be

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