1 The Vital Power of Sunlight HV-08-12-E HelioVital ® : Your Link between Sunlight and Your Health, Wellness and Beauty The Vital Power of Sunlight.

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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The Vital Power of



HelioVital®:Your Link between Sunlight and Your Health, Wellness and Beauty

The Vital Powerof



The Vital Power of


The Benefits of Sunlight

for Your Health

Sunlight has• healing power and provides you

with the vital and natural “self-made” Vitamin D

• reduces inflammation

• strengthens bones

• lowers blood pressure

• prevents arthritis

• lowers blood sugar

• prevents multiple sclerosis


The Benefits of Sunlight

for Your Wellness and Beauty

Sunlight has• stimulating power and provides you with

a healthy tan for a successful and vital performance

• improves mood

• prevents depression

• raises libido

• regulates hormones

• improves fertility

• optimizes weight


HelioVital® harnesses the benefits of sunlight


The Vital Power of


The Risks of Sunlight

for Your Health

• Sunlight is dangerous and can in extreme kill you

• Sunlight causes sunburn

• Sunlight triggers dangerous skin-cancer

• Sunlight causes sun allergies and Mallorca Acne

• Sunlight causes free radicals


The Risks of Sunlight

for Your Wellness and Beauty

• Sunlight is responsible for premature skin aging and wrinkles

• Sunlight causes reduction of collages

• Sunlight makes solar lentigo (agespots)

• Sunlight makes you sweat

• Sunlight can make you feel dried out, “overheated” and stressed


HelioVital® protects from the risks of sunlight


The Vital Power of


Don’t Trust Your Feeling

Time-Management in using sun is risky. The intensity of sunrays varies based on location and time of the day. Your feeling is treacherous, depending on air moisture and temperature, especially on the seaside or in the mountains. When your skin is reddening, you already have an erythema. With every erythema rises not only the risk of skin cancer – but skin ageing and wrinkles too.

You know it already.

Time-Management does not work

Don’t spoil your day – don’t spoil your holidays


The Vital Power of


Common opinions

• Margarine is a health food

• Eggs are bad for health

• Spinach has a lot of iron

• Baby formula is the better choice

• There is no healthy tan


What is known now• Margarine promotes heart disease

• Eggs are good for your health

• Spinach has just normal iron

• Breast milk is better than baby formula

• Tanning under HelioVital improves your health


Don’t Trust Common Opinion

Make your own opinion

Ask your doctor – if he is up to date he will admit


The Vital Power of


A Little Bit of History

All ancient cultures understood the vital meaning of sunlight for health and beauty. Therapies with sunlight – Heliotherapies, Helios means sun – are used for healing and for improving of health, vitality and fertility.

Because of the fear of the risk associated with sunlight our society concluded: Avoid the sun – complete abstinence – no middle ground.

Meanwhile we know:Diseases caused by lack of sun are more frequent than diseases caused by sun.Death rates caused by cancer are significantly lower in southern states with lots of sunshine.

The use of sunlight with HelioVital® is an natural, soft and

efficient way to health, wellness and beauty


The Vital Power of


What’s HelioVital®?

• HelioVital is an innovative high-tech filter foil, developed to protect your skin, eyes and hair from the risks of sunlight – but to provide you with all the vital benefits of sunlight.

• The HelioVital high-tech foil screens out selectively the dangerous sunrays and “kills” them in a complex innovative high-tech process. HelioVital uses the unique we are selective®-technology.

• HelioVital – this is old knowledge, merged into high-tech medical science.

HelioVital®: protects your health, cares for your wellness and

gives you beauty, too


The Vital Power of


The Use of HelioVital®

• HelioVital is easy and convenient for instant use.

• Whenever you are under the shield of the HelioVital filter foil you avoid the risks of sunlight and use all the benefits for your health, wellness and beauty – no matter, if you are under an umbrella, tarp, sunblind or another HelioVital-protection-product.

Use HelioVital® whenever it is possible

Avoid the risks of sun cream whenever possible


The Vital Power of


The Health-Factor

• Conventional heliotherapies helped to heal multiple diseases – such as tuberculosis and rickets and helped in healing wounds and are used to improve health and mood.

• The problem of all these conventional therapies: how to avoid the risks of sunlight – is solved by HelioVital.

• Sunlight with HelioVital is sunlight without risks, but with all the benefits of the sun.

• Sunlight now can be used without the risks for most skin diseases, for mental illnesses and for a lot of common and chronic diseases.

• HelioVital is clearly more effective, more cost-efficient and has no side effects.

Modern Heliotherapies with HelioVital® – Solartherapies – are an

natural, soft and efficient way to health, wellness and beauty


The Vital Power of


Health is More Than the Absence of DiseaseHealth is a State of Optimal Well-Being

Optimal Well-Being needs Holistic Wellness

Holistic Wellness needs Healthy Sun for Body, Soul and Spirit

Your skin is the reflection of your health! Tanned skin symbolizes success, vitality, dynamic, balance, high self-esteem and zest for life.

HelioVital screened sunlight promotes healthy tanned skin for looking great and feelinggreat naturally.


where Health meets Wellness


The Vital Power of


The Wellness-Factor

• Sunlight makes you fell well and happy, but sweaty, “overheated”, nervous and stressed.

• Avoid this risks by using HelioVital.

• Even after a full day of plenty of sunshine you will feel relaxed, active and adventuresome and full of natural libido.

HelioVital® optimizes sunlight, your natural doping

Don’t spoil your day – enjoy your night, too


The Vital Power of


The Beauty-Factor

• Sunlight is responsible for premature skin aging and wrinkles and causes reduction of collages and solar lentigo (age spots).

• Use HelioVital to avoid these risks. HelioVital kills the dangerous free radicals before they hit your skin, eyes and hair. Without suffering the risks of the sunlight you will enjoy a healthy and well-tanned skin and a great look.

• There is no harm in being envied – just taste the feeling of looking young and splendid. Despite of your age.

HelioVital® is your natural beauty provider –

for a life with beauty, despite of your age


The Vital Power of


A Few Words About Sunscreen

• Sunscreen, in a form of cream, witch you directly apply to your skin is dangerous. Essentially there are two types of sunscreen:Some use chemicals for UV-protection. These chemicals are dangerous for your health, have risks of cancer and allergies and contain critical doses of hormones. The other type of sun cream uses nanoparticles. These nanoparticles can penetrate your skin and settle down in your cells – with yet unknown, but dangerous consequences to your health. Sunscreen does not avoid the development of free radicals on your skin.

• In addition to the facts mentioned above, sun cream is in general inconvenient and unsafe.

• There is no point in changing from the risks of sunlight to the risks of sunscreen.

• HelioVital is free of chemical influence to your skin, free of risks of allergy, biological, convenient and safe to use.

Use HelioVital® instead of conventional sunscreen – whenever it’s possible and convenient


The Vital Power of


The Environment-Factor

• In some regions of our world sun cream is already prohibited, because the chemicals and hormones of sun cream are not only found in breast milk, but in the water of rivers and seas. This already endangers coral reefs, the most important biotopes of our seas and responsible for nutrition of millions of people, and destroys the biological balance.

• Increasing intensity of sunlight caused by ozone depletion and climate change makes HelioVital your first choice: HelioVital is free of chemical and hormonal influence to the skin and to environment, biodegradable and can be recycled. HelioVital is Green-Tech made in Germany and completely harmless to environment.

• HelioVital not only protects you from the consequences of climate change, but utilises already the chance. Take advantage of this perfect adaptation strategy.

HelioVital® help you to protect the environment – for a protected

and healthy life. For you and your children


The Vital Power of


If There is NO Sunshine

• Even if you don’t see the burning sun there are invisible sunrays during the day. Therefore be careful and protect yourself with HelioVital.

• Principally HelioVital can be used under a solarium. HelioVital don’t mind if the sunrays are from the sun, our natural source, or from an artificial source of light. But we have to warn you: there may be fire hazard depending on the temperature of the light bulb. For your security first ask your light provider or ask us.

• HelioVital is working on a convenient solution for a combination of HelioVital and artificial sources of light. For your everyday use of selected healthy sunlight.

HelioVital® – we are selective and innovative


The Vital Power of

SunlightThank you for your attention!



sun up your life

© 2008 by HelioVital, the selective company

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