1 Tentative Schedule u Today: Theory of abstract interpretation u May 5 Procedures u May 15, 14-16 Orna Grumberg 14-16 309 u May 12 Yom Hatzamaut u May.

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Tentative Schedule

Today: Theory of abstract interpretation May 5 Procedures May 15, 14-16 Orna Grumberg 14-16 309 May 12 Yom Hatzamaut May 19, 20 TVLA May 22 TAU verification day (optional) May 27 Yom Hastudent June 2, Advanced Topics


Program AnalysisSystematic Domain Design

Mooly Sagivhttp://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~msagiv/courses/pa05.html

Tel Aviv University


Textbook: Principles of Program Analysis

Chapter 4, CC79, CC92



Domains with infinite heights More on Galois Connections Systematic construction of Galois connection Precision


Specialized Chaotic Iterations

Chaotic(G(V, E): Graph, s: Node, L: lattice, : L, f: E (L L) ){

for each v in V to n do dfentry[v] :=

In[v] =

WL = {s}

while (WL ) do

select and remove an element u WL

for each v, such that. (u, v) E do

temp = f(e)(dfentry[u])

new := dfentry(v) temp

if (new dfentry[v]) then

dfentry[v] := new;

WL := WL {v}



Accelerate the termination of Chaotic iterations by computing a more conservative solution

Can handle lattices of infinite heights


Specialized Chaotic Iterations+ Chaotic(G(V, E): Graph, s: Node, L: lattice, : L, f: E (L L) ){

for each v in V to n do dfentry[v] :=

In[v] =

WL = {s}

while (WL ) do

select and remove an element u WL

for each v, such that. (u, v) E do

temp = f(e)(dfentry[u])

new := dfentry(v) temp

if (new dfentry[v]) then

dfentry[v] := new;

WL := WL {v}


Example Interval Analysis Find a lower and an upper bound of the value of a

variable Usages? Lattice

L = (Z{-, }Z {-, }, , , , ,)– [a, b] [c, d] if c a and d b– [a, b] [c, d] = [min(a, c), max(b, d)]

– [a, b] [c, d] = [max(a, c), min(b, d)] = =

Galois connection


Example ProgramInterval Analysis

[x := 1]1 ;while [x 1000]2 do [x := x + 1;]3

IntEntry(1) = [minint,maxint]

IntExit(1) = [1,1]

IntEntry(2) = IntExit(1) IntExit(3)

IntExit(2) = IntEntry(2)


[x 1000]2

[x := x+1]3


IntEntry(3) = IntExit(2) [minint,1000]

IntExit(3) = IntEntry(3)+[1,1]

IntEntry(4) = IntExit(2) [1001,maxint]

IntExit(4) = IntEntry(4)


Widening for Interval Analysis [c, d] = [c, d] [a, b] [c, d] = [

if a cthen aelse -,

if b dthen belse



Example ProgramInterval Analysis

[x := 1]1 ;while [x 1000]2 do [x := x + 1;]3

IntEntry(1) = [-, ]

IntExit(1) = [1,1]

IntEntry(2) = InExit(2) (IntExit(1) IntExit(3))

IntExit(2) = IntEntry(2)


[x 1000]2

[x := x+1]3


IntEntry(3) = IntExit(2) [-,1000]

IntExit(3) = IntEntry(3)+[1,1]

IntEntry(4) = IntExit(2) [1001, ]

IntExit(4) = IntEntry(4)


Requirements on Widening For all elements l1 l2 l1 l2 For all ascending chains

l0 l1 l2 …the following sequence is finite– y0 = l0 – yi+1 = yi li+1

For a monotonic function f: L Ldefine– x0 = – xi+1 = xi f(xi )

Theorem:– There exits k such that xk+1 = xk

– xk Red(f) = {l: l L, f(l) l}


Narrowing Improve the result of widening y x y (x y) x For all decreasing chains x0 x1 …

the following sequence is finite– y0 = x0

– yi+1 = yi xi+1

For a monotonic function f: L L and x Red(f) = {l: l L, f(l) l}define– y0 = x– yi+1 = yi f(yi )

Theorem:– There exits k such that yk+1 =yk

– yk Red(f) = {l: l L, f(l) l}


Narrowing for Interval Analysis [a, b] = [a, b] [a, b] [c, d] = [

if a = - then celse a,

if b = then delse b



Example ProgramInterval Analysis

[x := 1]1 ;while [x 1000]2 do [x := x + 1;]3

IntEntry(1) = [- , ]

IntExit(1) = [1,1]

IntEntry(2) = InExit(2) ( IntExit(1) IntExit(3))

IntExit(2) = IntEntry(2)


[x 1000]2

[x := x+1]3


IntEntry(3) = IntExit(2) [-,1000]

IntExit(3) = IntEntry(3)+[1,1]

IntEntry(4) = IntExit(2) [1001, ]

IntExit(4) = IntEntry(4)


Non Montonicity of Widening


Example Lattice Octagon (Shaham’00, Mine’02)

Inequalities between variables Constraint graph G(V, E, w)

– V includes a vertex for every variable– Additional zero node– weight function w: E Z – Constraints– { x y + w(x, y) }

Lattice Abstraction Concretization Widening Relationships to intervals


Widening and Narrowing Summary

Very simple but produces impressive precision Sometimes non-monotonic The McCarthy 91 function

Also useful in the finite case Can be used as a methodological tool But not uniformly accepted

int f(x) [- , ] if x > 100 then [101, ] return x -10 [91, -10]; else [-, 100] return f(f(x+11)) [91, 91] ;


Galois Insertions For

– A complete lattice (L1, 1) = (L1, , 1, 1, 1, 1)

– A complete lattice (L2, 2) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2)


: L2L1

We say that (L1, , , L2) is a Galois insertion and are monotone– For all c L1: ((c)) c– For all a L2: ((a)) = a


Galois Insertions

l (l)



Upper Closure

An operator op: P() P() is an upper closure if– op is monotonic

– op is inflationary, i.e., op(X) X

– op is idempotent, i.e., op(op(X)) = op(X)

Every Galois connection (insertion) defines an upper closure on the set of concretization


Properties of Galois connections

Uniquely determine each other Compose Abstraction is additive Concretization is multiplicative Abstraction is strict in Concretization is co-strict in


Combining Data Flow Analyzes

Develop new algorithms from old

If I know how to conservatively represent – Pointers

– Integers

Do I know how to handle C programs with integers and pointers?


Combining Data Flow Analyzes

Develop new algorithms from old

If I know how to conservatively represent – Pointers

– Integers

Do I know how to handle C programs with integers and pointers?

Improve the precision of an analysis Obtain a more efficient analysis


Combining Data Flow Analyzers

Lattice constructors– L1 L2

– S L1

– …

Galois connection constructors Constructing the abstract effect of elementary

statements Model the “relevant” parts of the program Abstract “irrelevant” parts of the program


Galois Connections For

– A complete lattice (L1, 1) = (L1, , 1, 1, 1, 1)

– A complete lattice (L2, 2) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2)


: L2L1

We say that (L1, , , L2) is a Galois connection and are monotone– For all c L1: ((c)) c– For all a L2: ((a)) a


Cartesian Products A complete lattice

(L1, 1) = (L1, , 1, 1, 1, 1) A complete lattice

(L2, 2) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2) Define a Poset L = (L1 L2 , ) where

– (x1, x2) (y1, y2) if » x1 y1 and» x2 y2

L is a complete lattice

But what does an element in L represent?


Cartesian Products (cont) A complete lattice

(L1, 1) = (L1, , 1, 1, 1, 1) A complete lattice

(L2, 2) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2) Complete lattice L = (L1 L2 , ) A concrete lattice C (usually a powerset) A Galois connection

(C, 1 , 1, L1) A Galois connection

(C, 2 , 2, L2) Define :C L1 L2 and : L1 L2 C ? Example: Parity Sign


Cartesian Products (cont) A Galois connection

(C, 1 , 1, L1) A Galois connection

(C, 2 , 2, L2) A Galois connection (C, , , L1 L2 )

(c) = <1(c), 2(c)> (<a1, a2>) = 1(a1) 2(a2)

Define – L1st#: L1 L1

– L2st#: L2 L2

How to define L1 L2 st#: L1 L2 L1 L2 – Preserve soundness– Preserve relative optimality (induced)

Example: Parity Sign


Component-wise combinations

Combine several analyses into a single analysis Cartesian products (Direct product) Independent attribute method Relational attribute method Total function space Monotone function space Direct tensor product


Independent Attribute Method A Galois connection

(C1, 1 , 1, L1) A Galois connection

(C2, 2 , 2, L2) A Galois connection (C1C2, , , L1 L2 )

(<c1, c2>) = <1(c1), 2(c2)> (<a1, a2>) = <1(a1) , 2(a2)>

Define – L1st#: L1 L1

– L2st#: L2 L2

How to define L1 L2 st#: L1 L2 L1 L2 – Preserve soundness– Preserve relative optimality (induced)


Relational Attribute Method A Galois connection

(P(C1), 1 , 1, P(L1)) where 1: C1L1

– 1 (X) = {1(c) | c X}

A Galois connection(P(C2), 2 , 2, P(L2)) where 2: C2L2

2 (X) = {2(c) | c X}

A Galois connection (P(C1C2), , , P(L1 L2)) (X) = {<1(c1), 2(c2)> | <c1, c2 > X}

(<Y1,Y2>) = {<c1 , c2> | 1(c1) Y1 2(c2) Y2 }

But how about transformers?



Good static analysis = – Precise enough (for the client)

– Efficient enough

Good static analysis– Good domain

» Abstract non-important details

» Represent relevant concrete information

» Precise and efficient abstract meaning of abstract interpreters

» Efficient join implementation

» Small height or widening



The Theory of Static Analysis is well founded– Abstraction

– Soundness

– Chaotic iterations

– Elimination methods

– Modular methods

Weak Parts– Transformations

– Predictable approximations

– System

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