1 Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™ Getting a Seat at the Table: Building Influence by Leading from Where You Are Presented by Rodney Jackson,

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1Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Getting a Seat at the Table: Building Influence by Leading from Where You Are

Presented by Rodney Jackson, Senior Trainer

Servant Leadership Institute

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Servant leadership is a set of behaviors and practices that turn the traditional “power leadership” model upside down, creating higher performing people and a more caring world. As a servant leader our purpose is to serve those that follow; to inspire and equip those we influence.

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

When it comes to influence, Is it better to be loved or feared?

Briefly discuss these questions in groups of three people:

• As a professional at work, what is better?• If I asked an executive or senior leader?

Loved or Feared?

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Research: Harvard Business Review



Leaders emphasize their strength or competence, which can alienate colleagues. Ar



Research shows that focusing first on displaying warmth – and then blending in demonstrations of competence – leaders will find a clearer path to influence.




It is difficult to do both, depending on your chemical and disposition makeup. However, there are specific guidelines on how to project warmth and strength.

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Influence Defined

The process of getting things done through others for mutual benefit.

What Influencing is Not:

• Position Power• Manipulation• Serving One’s Own Agenda

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


If you are judged as competent but lack warmth…

If you are judged as warm

but incompetent…

You often elicit envy in others, an emotion involving both respect and resentment.

We may respect you, but because you are resented, you are vulnerable to harsh reprisal.

You may elicit pity.

Others will be compassionate, but eventually their lack of respect in us leads to us being neglected or


Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Trio Activity

First, write down your own responses to the questions below.

Then, in groups of three discuss your answers to the three questions.

• What does the word “influence” mean to me?

• In my world of work today, where do I need to be more influential?

• What are some of the barriers of influence I (and others) face as professionals?

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Common Barriers of Influencing

Check those barriers that you experience most at work:

The power differential is too great.

Different priorities; you can not find common ground.

Incompatible measures and rewards.

Adversarial relationships.

Lack of confidence or skill.

Assigning negative attributes to the other party.

Inability to focus on what you need, how they benefit.

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Brief Discussion

The most common barriers I experience at work:

The most common barriers others experience:

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


First, write down your responses to the following questions.

Then, discuss your answers with a partner.

• What is the unique value proposition that my role brings to “the table” in my organization?

• What are the current perceptions of my role of “those at the table” in my organization?

• What is my current level of influence with my key stakeholders “at the table”? (5=significantly influential, 3=some influence, 1= low influence, can get better.)

Principles of Influence





Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


We often do unto others as they do unto us.

When we provide something to the other, both parties reasonably expect some form of return.

We have serious persuasive power immediately after someone thanks us. Get out of the habit of saying, “Oh, no big deal.”

Robert Cialdini, Author of Influence

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


Influence is an exchange of currency.

Once we identify the proper currency of trade, we can properly influence for mutual benefit.

“One thing increased both the social value of the giver and that person’s productivity. It wasn’t the

number of favors done. It was the number of favors exchanged.”

July-August 2013 Harvard

Business Review

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


• Most people underestimate their ability to influence.

• Some of the most influential people are at the lower levels of the organization.

• You can increase your ability to influence at any level in the organization.

“People defer to experts and to those in positions of authority (and typically underestimate their tendency

to do so).”

July-August 2013 – Harvard Business Review

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


• You must be clear about your own goals when seeking to influence.

• You must also assess the world of the one you seek to influence.

• The art of influence is knowing how your goals and their needs align.

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Assessing Stakeholder Relationships


l of A




Level of Trust

Source: Peter Block – The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work

Bedfellows Allies

Adversaries Opponents

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™


1. Identify a list of 3 key stakeholders.

2. Place the person’s name in the quadrant.

3. Ask the relative importance of the relationship.

4. Discuss your assessment in a group of three.

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Influence Without Authority

Influence through proper exchange.

Assess your current relationship.

Identify relevant currencies; theirs and yours.

Diagnose the world of the other person.

Clarify your goals and priorities.

Assume the other is a potential ally.

Source: Influence Without Authority: Cohen and Bradford

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Currencies in Organizations

• Inspiration Currencies

• Task Currencies

• Position Currencies

• Relationship Currencies

• Personal Currencies

• Negative Currencies

Lead with your heart. Discover no limits. ™

Individual Activity

Select one relationship.

Complete the activity worksheet.

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