

Aquaculture microbiology (II)

Topic 10Ms Sherina Kamal

Problems in aquaculture

1. Parasites and diseases

2. Competing/Conflicting Interests

3. ………………

4. Growing Exotic / Mutated Species

5. Growing Genetically Modified /Transgenic Organisms (GMOs)


Problems in aquaculture

6.Habitat Impacts


8.Mitigation Plans for Hazards

9.Human Health …………….

10.Unexpected Environmental Harm and

Abandoned/Bankrupt Facilities

11.Water Pollution

Parasites and diseases

Parasites and diseases


Competing/Conflicting Interests

Open water aquaculture facilities could …………………….

Areas of current significant competing economic use or public value must be eliminated for consideration for open ocean aquaculture


Competing/Conflicting Interests

These areas include

1. fishing grounds and routes to those fishing grounds

2. vessel traffic lanes

3. military sites and areas of concern regarding …………………………

4. marine reserves and otherwise protected areas

5. areas of significant multiple …………….

Competing/Conflicting Interests


Offshore aquaculture of finfish uses cages or pens These containers, even if well engineered way out sign and

built will allow some fish escapes into the open ocean, due to

various complications like severe weather, equipment failure or ………………….

In the case of net pens, predators may tear the ……………….. can affect native populations through disease and dilution of

locally adaptive gene complexes, disrupt natural ecosystems and jeopardize the recovery of depleted or endangered species

consequences could be widespread and …………………..


Growing Exotic / Mutated Species Several problems are associated with

aquaculture production of non-native species

the use of local species in aquaculture presents less ………………………


Growing Exotic / Mutated Species

These “new” species may: invade local areas breed with or overtake natural populations

through escapement causing widespread environmental


Growing Genetically Modified /Transgenic Organisms (GMOs) Farm raised fish are bred for profit those that have certain marketable traits are

the most desirable Selecting and only breeding fish with

advantageous characteristics (e.g. largest and fastest growers) is one means to alter genetic …………………


Growing Genetically Modified /Transgenic Organisms (GMOs) In some instances, direct genetic manipulation occurs

in a lab, to change For example: appearance and breeding abilities

In either of these circumstances, the outcome produces a genetically different fish than those found in the wild

Similar to problems associated with culture of exotic and mutated species proposed farming of GMOs raises concerns that

through escapement the constitution of the ecosystem may be altered unknown health concerns to the consumer

Habitat Impacts

Aquaculture requires construction of appropriate facilities In some areas could include severe habitat

impacts Dredging, drilling and other sediment and

bottom habitat disturbances can cause displacement of ocean wildlife and

other potentially significant ecological changes


Habitat Impacts

In one famous example in Asia and Latin

America, mangrove forests have been cleared to make space for shrimp farms


Cultured species are fed wild species This is an inefficient use of wild fish There are particular concerns that

aquaculture operations may increasingly rely on natural food sources, such as krill, squid and other small coastal ………………



These lower trophic level species are a crucial part of the marine ecosystem serving as prey for marine mammals, birds

and fish Many commercially and recreationally

important fish species depend directly on the availability and abundance of such prey species for their survival and recovery

Wild fish populations can only recover if the ecosystem upon which they depend is intact

Mitigation Plans for Hazards

A number of threats to wildlife and the environment can come from open water aquaculture

A facility should be prepared to address emergency situations especially where immediate containment or

clean-up are necessary


Mitigation Plans for Hazards

Permits should only be provided once the applicant develops and submits a plan to mitigate potential harms due to unexpected circumstances, including:

escapement of fish chemical pollution …………………

Human Health Concerns

Studies indicate that farm-raised fish contain higher levels of chemical pollutants than wild fish: PCBs which are known carcinogens

This is due to higher concentrations in the fish feed


Human Health Concerns

Antibiotics are also a problem with farm-raised fish effecting consumers directly developing super strains of bacteria that

are resistant to antibiotics making diseases less treatable making diseases perpetuates the cycle

of increased antibiotic use

Unexpected Environmental Harm and Abandoned/Bankrupt Facilities Open-ocean aquaculture depends on various

factors weather ……………… disease control human precision

Some of these are not controllable


Unexpected Environmental Harm and Abandoned/Bankrupt Facilities

facility is damaged by any number of unplanned events causing a major escape or significant chemical

pollution Remedying such situations requires

significant monetary resources that might not be available from the company at the time of the occurrence

Water Pollution

Water flowing out of an aquaculture facility can carry excessive nutrients, particulates, rusted drain pipe bacteria, other diseased organisms and polluting chemicals

These may harm surrounding habitats cause algal blooms poison ocean wildlife Feed and fecal matter from aquaculture

facilities can deplete the dissolved oxygen concentrations within and around the site


Water Pollution

excess food feces cage materials antibiotics/other

cleaning/algal growth prohibiting chemicals

Water Pollution

Since different fish have varying tolerances to dissolved oxygen levels

the wastewater being discharged from an aquaculture operation may have large impacts outside the facility long before a problem is detected within

Anti-fouling agents used to keep cages/pens clean are highly toxic

Water Pollution

For example, the common anti-fouling agent butyltin (specifically tributyltin) has been linked to reproductive problems in gastropod mollusks (i.e. whelks and abalone) and is suspected to cause immune suppression in marine mammals including ……………………………………..





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