1-1 MFIRS 1 Basic Module. 1-2 ObjectivesObjectives The participants will be able to: –describe when the Basic Module is to be used –demonstrate how to.

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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MFIRS 1MFIRS 1Basic ModuleBasic ModuleMFIRS 1MFIRS 1Basic ModuleBasic Module



The participants will be able to:– describe when the Basic Module

is to be used– demonstrate how to correctly

complete the Basic Module, given an incident scenario

– identify other MFIRS modules which must be completed based on information captured on the Basic Module


MFIRS 1MFIRS 1 Basic ModuleBasic ModuleMFIRS 1MFIRS 1 Basic ModuleBasic Module

Used for all incidents to collect common information

M.G.L. Chapter 148 sections 2 & 2A requires the reporting of any fire or explosion that results in a loss…..or fire that occurred at a school (K-12).

Entries on Basic Module may require that other modules be completed


A - Header Information A - Header Information A - Header Information A - Header Information

Contains the information that uniquely identifies the incident ( FDID, state, incident date, number, and exposure)

Incidents may have several exposure fires­ requires a separate report­ uses the same incident number and

consecutive exposure numbers Identifies if reporting a change, deletion,

or no activity

Delete AChange

NFIRS - 1 Basic

No Activity Incident Number Stat ion FDID Exposure Inc ident Date




B - Location B - Location B - Location B - Location

Identifies specific location of the incident

Indicates whether Wildland Module is used and “Alternate Location Specification” is provided

Accepts GIS Compatible Format

Intersection Block address In front of Rear of Adjacent to Directions

B Location Check­this­box­to­indicate­that­the­address­for­this­incident­is­provided­on­the­Wildland­Fire­Module­in­Section B­“Alternative­Location­Specification.”­


Suffix­Number/Milepost­ Prefix­ Street­or­Highway­ Street­Type­

City­ Zip­Code­State­Apt./Suite/Room­




C - Incident Type C - Incident Type C - Incident Type C - Incident Type

Identifies the single most significant situation found– Includes codes for all types of

incidents handled by fire service agencies

– Fire takes precedence over all other incident types (if multiple situations exist at the same incident)

C Incident Type


1 15


Critical Incident Critical Incident Information Information

Critical Incident Critical Incident Information Information

Unique to MassachusettsAllows for accounting of

various types of critical incidents that occur in the state.

Tracks CISM team responses

notes circumstances of the critical incident


D - Aid Given or Received D - Aid Given or Received D - Aid Given or Received D - Aid Given or Received

Options include:­ Mutual aid given

or received­ Automatic aid

given or received­ Other aid given­ None




Mutual aid received Automatic aid recv. Mutual aid given Automatic aid given Other aid given None


D Aid Given or Received




Mutual aid received Automatic aid recv. Mutual aid given Automatic aid given Other aid given None


D Aid Given or Received

Collects receiving department’s FDID # and incident # (if possible)


EE11 - Dates & Times - Dates & Times EE11 - Dates & Times - Dates & Times

Collects date and time of alarm, arrival, controlled, and last unit cleared– Automated systems capture

time in seconds– 0000 hours = midnight


EE22 - Shift and Alarms - Shift and AlarmsEE22 - Shift and Alarms - Shift and Alarms

Identifies the on-duty shift or platoon; the number of alarms transmitted for the incident; and the district number


F - Actions Taken F - Actions Taken F - Actions Taken F - Actions Taken

Records the three most significant actions performed on the incident scene by responding personnel

Codes include entire spectrum of fire service activities, including EMS & Hazardous Materials

Actions TakenF

Primary Action Taken (1)

Additional Action Taken (2)

Additional Action Taken (3)


GG11 - Resources - Resources GG11 - Resources - Resources

Collects the total number of personnel and apparatus, by type, that responded to the incident

This information will be automatically calculated if using the apparatus or personnel module in an automated system

Check this box and skip this section ifan Apparatus or Personnel form is used.


Check box if resource counts includeaid given resources.






GG22 - Dollar Losses & - Dollar Losses & ValuesValuesGG22 - Dollar Losses & - Dollar Losses & ValuesValues

Provides an estimate of the total dollar loss and the pre-incident value of the property and contents


Estimated Dollar Losses & Values G2

LOSSES: Required for all fires. Otherwise optional. None

Property $ , ,Contents , ,

Property $ , ,Contents $ , ,

­Complete for all fires.­Using replacement value is recommended.­If Total Loss >$5,000 it can’t be a coded as a confined fire.


HH11 - Casualties - Casualties HH11 - Casualties - Casualties

Civilian: Identifies the # of deaths or injuries as a result of the fire incident (or during mitigation of the incident).

Fire Service: Identifies the # of deaths or injuries during any incident or while on duty.

If there are any injuries the incident can’t be coded as a confined fire.


Injuries Deaths

H1 Casualties

Fire Service



HH22 - Detector - DetectorHH22 - Detector - Detector

Identifies the presence of detectors at the time of the incident and whether they alerted the occupants


DetectorH2Required for confined fires

Detector alerted occupants

Complete for confined fires when occupants were alerted


HH33 - Hazardous Materials - Hazardous Materials ReleaseReleaseHH33 - Hazardous Materials - Hazardous Materials ReleaseRelease

Documents the occurrence of a hazardous materials release at the incident

The Haz-Mat Module (NFIRS-7) should be completed if “other” is checked

H3 Hazardous Materials Release

None Natural gas: slow leak, no evacuation or hazmat actions

Propane gas: <21 lb. tank (as in home BBQ grill)

Gasoline: vehicle fuel tank or portable container

Kerosene: fuel burning equipment or portable storage

Diesel fuel/fuel oil: vehicle fuel tank or portable storage

Household solvents: home/office spill, cleanup only

Motor oil: from engine or portable container

Paint: from paint cans totaling <55 gallons

Other: Special Hazmat actions required or spill > 55 gal., Please complete the Hazmat form



I - Mixed Use I - Mixed Use PropertyPropertyI - Mixed Use I - Mixed Use PropertyProperty

Captures data on the overall use of the structures on a property­ If a structure has two or

more property uses, or­ If a property has two or

more structures with different uses

Mixed Use Property INN102033405153585960636500

Not mixed Assembly Use Education use Medical use Residential use Row of stores Enclosed mall Business & residential Office use Industrial use Military use Farm use Other mixed use


J - Property Use J - Property Use J - Property Use J - Property Use

The specific use of the property where the incident occurred

J Property Use



Church, place of worship Restaurant or cafeteria Bar/tavern or nightclub Elementary school or kindergart. High school or junior high College, adult ed. Care facility for the aged Hospital


Clinic, clinic type infirmary Doctor/dentist office Prison or jail, not juvenile 1- or 2- family dwelling Multi-family dwelling Rooming/boarding house Commercial hotel or motel Residential, board and care Dormitory/barracks Food and beverage sales


Household goods, sales, repairs Motor vehicle/boat sales/repairs Gas or service station Business office Electric generating plant Laboratory/science lab Manufacturing plant Livestock/poultry storage (barn) Non-residential parking garage Warehouse




Playground or parkCrops or orchardForest (timberland)Outdoor storage areaDump or sanitary landfillOpen land or field


Vacant lot Graded/cared for plot of land Lake, river, stream Railroad right of way Other street Highway/divided highway Residential street/driveway


Construction site Industrial plant yard



KK11 - Person/Entity - Person/Entity InvolvedInvolvedKK11 - Person/Entity - Person/Entity InvolvedInvolved

Collects the name and contact information for persons or entities (businesses, companies) involved in the incident or related to the property

More people involved? Check this box and attach Supplimental Forms (NFIRS-1S) as necessary.

Business name (if applicable)

Check this box if same address as incident locat ion. Then skip t he t hree duplicat e address lines.

Person/Entity InvolvedK1Local Opt ion Area Code Phone Number

Mr., Ms., Mrs. SuffixLast NameMIFirst Name

Zip CodeStat e

CityApt ./Suit e/RoomPost Office Box

SuffixSt reet TypeSt reet or Highw ayPrefixNumber


Insurance InformationInsurance InformationInsurance InformationInsurance Information

Unique to MassachusettsInsurance Company

Information The name of the company carrying the policy

Total Insurance The total amount of the insurance policy


KK22 - Owner - OwnerKK22 - Owner - Owner

Collects the name and contact information for the person or entity that owns the property where the incident occurred

More people involved? Check this box and attach Supplimental Forms (NFIRS-1S) as necessary.

Business name (if applicable)

Check this box if same address as incident locat ion. Then skip t he t hree duplicat e address lines.

Person/Entity InvolvedK1Local Opt ion Area Code Phone Number

Mr., Ms., Mrs. SuffixLast NameMIFirst Name

Zip CodeStat e

CityApt ./Suit e/RoomPost Office Box

SuffixSt reet TypeSt reet or Highw ayPrefixNumber


L - RemarksL - RemarksL - RemarksL - Remarks

Provides for a narrative description of the incident.

Stick to the facts!!!!!Regular, every day, ‘run-of-the-mill’ incidents keep the narrative brief. Fatal fires, large loss incidents & any incident with something out of the ordinary should be well documented.Rule of thumb: The larger the incident the longer & more detailed the narrative should be.

Check the box that applies and then complete the additional Fire mod. based on Incident Type as follows:

Fire Module Required?

Buildings 111 Special structure 112

Confined 113-118 Mobile Property 120-123 Vehicle 130-138 Vegetation 140-143 Special outside fire 161-164

Complete Fire & Structure Complete Fire Mod. & the I block on Structure Module Complete Fire Module Complete Fire Module Complete Fire Module Complete Fire or Wildland Complete Fire Module


M - AuthorizationM - AuthorizationM - AuthorizationM - Authorization

Collects the name and identifying information for the Officer in Charge of the incident and the member completing the incident report

M Authorization

Officer­in­charge­ID Signature­ Position­or­rank Assignment Month Day Year


Signature­ Position­or­rank Assignment Month Day Year





The Basic Module (MFIRS 1) is used for every incident.

Chapter 148 secs. 2 & 2A requires a report be filed on every fire loss... &/or school fire (K-12).

The Basic Module is the only report which must be completed for every incident type.



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