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Turner Performance Management Program

Name: Jill Sweetappie

Job Title: BOC AD Live Events


Additional Manager:

Department: Broadcast Ops-Domestic - TEN

Date From: 1/1/2606

Date To: 12/31/2006

Plan Status: Manager Evaluation


Core Responsibility:

Supervise operations during live events

Description of Core Responsibility:

•Ensure accuracy between the legal log and the commercial format. Verifying the edited playlist and make anyappropriate adjustments if needed. Inform Live Event Supervisor of any concerns, issues or needs requested bySports Production. Continuously monitor the quality of our signal to air leading into, throughout and to theconclusion of each Live Event as well as Post Event Programming.

-Resolve potential conflicts during the Live Event broadcast which may occur during manipulation of scheduledinventory and communicate issues to the Live Event Supervisor. Ensure that all communication with Remote,Integration and BOCs are clear, concise and fully understood by BOC Staff.

•Be proficient with all Control Room Equipment, workflow and procedures

•Be proficient at Disaster recovery procedures and at confirming with the assigned BOC staff of necessaryprocedures for any required recovery

-Assist the Live Event Supervisor in ensuring the accuracy of all the Network Official Logs. Provide support to theUve Supervisor in the accurate documentation outlining the Live Event in the Live Event Report. Verify all timingissues for all media play out to air leading into, during and immediately out of the Live Event,

•Provide Network Operations leadership and serve as a point of contact for our Partners and Clients within theIntegration Room

•Demonstrate sound judgment and knowledge of resources

•Demonstrate working knowledge of all SOP's and demonstrate familiarity with company policy and procedures

-Interface with NetOps leadership, Engineering and Network Points of Contact. Ensure that all Networks' guidelinesand requests are followed. Communicate immediately to the Network contact any issues that require direction.Attend Pre Event Meeting (when applicable). Fully understand and confirm all Networks' programming andcontingency plans are understood and programming is available for air from the assigned Network BOC

Successful on-the-job-behaviors:

® Strategic Thinking

® Client Service

® Communication

® Creativity

® Teamwork

® Decision Making

® Job Knowledge

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® Leadership

® Organizational Skills

employee Comments:My strong point and why I came here. I feel confident going into control rooms and on occasion doing more than myjob particularly calls for, such as taking on directing duties. I can handle what comes my way. I pass on informationbetween the different locations for an event and 99% of the time there are no worries. When there are problems ormiscommunication, I deal with them on a case by case basis. Sometimes the solutions work, sometimes they donot. I learn something every single time I step into a control room. By now I know what the networks want andwhat sales wants and what sports wants and I do my best to ensure that everyone is happy.

I'm working through(a bit of loss of confidence, but it improves every day.

Manager Comments:

Jill has demonstrated throughout the course of this year that she has a very good understanding of herresponsibilities as a BOC AD. She reaches sound decisions based on available information in a timely manner. Herrelationship both within the LEG as well as towards our Clients and Partners is very good. She is very good athandling pressure during adverse situations.

Jill has taken more initiative in 2006 in working with Sports Production during live events and the manipulation ofinventory scheduled within the live event. Jill has honed her skills in the Integration Room and has build arelationship of trust with Sports that has allowed her to take on additional responsibilities during the live broadcast.

Weighting: 30%

Rating: 3.0

Core Responsibility:

Team leader in production control rooms

Description of Core Responsibility:

•Confirm qualified staff are assigned to the Live Event. Work with LEG Mgr in identifying and resolving training needswithin the Production Control Room. Resolve conflicts as necessary.

-Oversee training initiatives for Live Events.

•Participate in the development of new workflow processes and procedures with Live Events.

•Act as a liaison for the group between clients and partners in order to strengthen partnerships within NetworkOperations as well as Sports Production, Studio and Networks.

•Participate in interview and selection processes for the Live Events Group positions -Actively participate indeveloping positive employee relations.

•Responsible for the work environment, both cultural and physical, within LEG as well as the BOCs.

•Support the budgetary process.

-Assist with other leadership responsibilities and special projects as assigned.

Successful on-the-job-behaviors:

® Job Knowledge

® Strategic Thinking

® Client Service

® Communication

@ Teamwork

® Decision Making

® Financial Responsibility

Employee Comments: 3/6/2007

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Training continues as BOC folks come with us to the control rooms to see what goes on. Creative schedulingcontinues to address scheduling concerns, and I try to put people into other positions so that they can learn newthings. I have also become a sounding board for concerns within the group.

Manager Comments:

Jill shows respect for other's ideas and their input in problem solving. She has an open mind towards new andinnovative ideas. She is very open to providing solutions and support to our entire LEG team. Jill has a terrificattitude and always brings this attitude to work. Her positive attitude along with her personality brings the teamtogether as well as the Integration Room she is assigned to during tive events.

Jill's involvement with the Team scheduling has put her in a position where requests are made by the staff to herand she always maintains her positive attitude during difficult situations. With her involvement in the scheduling,she has a very strong understanding of what is required of the LEG team during all possible scenarios. She hastaken the initiative of assigning new tasks to the LEG members to allow them to experience all of the different livebroadcasts on the Turner Networks.

Weighting: 30%

Rating: 2.5

Core Responsibility:

Complete paperwork & pass on updates to all

Description of Core Responsibility:

Support the Live Events Supervisor to ensure accuracy of all Network Logs and all paperwork pertinent to each LiveEvent. Support the Live Events Supervisor in documenting and providing Engineering reports on equipment issues(TTRs) encountered in Live Events

•Communicate effectively to ensure a smooth transition between Live Event and taped programming

-Accurately complete voice mail report to the LEG Mgr detailing the Live Event outlining each live broadcast,providing Programming, Sales and other pertinent information pertaining to the live broadcast.

-Serve as the main BOC contact with the Sports Sales, Network Programming and Sports Production within theProduction Control Room

-Disseminate information, decisions and updates from the BOC Management team to the staff and facilitate upwardcommunication.

Successful on-the-job-behaviors:

® Job Knowledge

® Organizational Skills

® Teamwork

® Communication

® Decision Making

Employee Comments:I continue to put together schedules which have become more complex with the addition of Fox/SportSouth events.

Problems are addressed to other departments but little response is garnered, especially on Velocity issues. It willjust take more tries.

Many calls have been made to sports sales, billboard folks and engineering to fix problems while in an event.Engineering has been especially helpful with Velocity issues...many different people are able to help with problemswithin minutes.

Manager Comments: 3/6/2007

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Jill works in harmony with the Live Event Supervisor tracking the appropriate documentation needed for the LiveEvent Reports. She provides the Dir of Live Events with a recap which is clear and concise for each event assignedlive event via voice mail. As Jill also schedules the team for the live events, she sustains a great attitude whentrying to satisfy everyone's requests while maintaining the needs of the business.

For Jill to continue to grow in this area, I will work with her in soliciting support from the other members of the teamto double check that all the events are covered. I will also work with her to learn SchedulAII that will allow us to

enter this information once and provide the necessary reporting to Sr Mgmg

Weighting: 30%

Rating: 3.0

Core Responsibility:

Other duties as assigned

Description of Core Responsibility:

•Backfilling other BOC's as needed (BOC Support/VRP)

•Assist in training new staff to the Live Events Group (Supervisors and ADs). Provide leadership and coaching forBOC team members assigned in shadowing the LEG

•Complete mandatory overtime when required. Perform additional assignments as directed by Manager of LiveEvents (scheduling, special projects

Successful on-the-job-behaviors:

® Teamwork

® Job Knowledge

® Decision Making

® Communication

® Client Service

Employee Comments:I work at NBA TV two days a week and work overtime at least once every other week during NBA season.

I've learned previewing and also turning around of International's live games, as well as pick up Morpheus bits hereand there while on the Intl. board. It's been rather interesting.

Manager Comments:

Jill is always eager to help in any way possible. She is very flexible and understanding of the many changes to herschedule as well as revisions made to the schedule. She has trained other members of the LEG staff in ADing as wellas operating Velocity.

Jill has been supporting NBATV BOC over the last few months and has learned this position well. As she gainsexperience in this position she will be able to better support the operations when her schedule allow. I appreciateher taking the initiative and scheduling herself in this role.

Weighting: 10%

Rating: 3.0


Overall Employee Comments:Despite hits to confidence levels, I can still be depended on in the control room to be professional, courteous and 10737&Grid=Direct 3/6/2007

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Overall Manager Comments:Jilt has a great understanding of her role and contribution to the success of our department. She places a great dealof pressure on herself and at times seems to feel that this diminishes anyone else's confidence in her ability. Herwork on the inner schedule of the department comes without accolades but she continues to meet the expectationsplaced upon her, Jill took the initiative to learn the nbatv boc operations so that she can continue to support the bocswhen her schedule allows. She is an energetic and committed member of our team.

I look forward to working with Jill in the upcoming year and being a key ingredient to our continued success.

Development Plan - Employee:

Development Plan - Manager:Jill brings a great attitude and work ethic to our department. She is always eager to take on additionalresponsibilities. Jill has a terrific relationship with the entire LEG team and our clients and partners.

She continues to hone her skills within the BOCs working in WTBS BOC and NBATV BOC. For the upcoming year, Iwould like Jill to partner with Dennis to work on her skills to be able to support the TNT BOC and TBS BOCs.

For Jill's continued growth in the LEG Scheduling, I will work with her in soliciting support from the other members ofthe team to double check all the events are covered. I will also work with her to learn SchedulAII that will allow us toenter this information once and provide the necessary reporting to Sr Mgmt.

For the upcoming year, I would like Jill to better understand the big picture of our participation in the success of bothLive Events and operations of the BOCs. That open discussion does not necessarily question the confidence I have inher but more to question our practices and policies.

OVERALL RATINGS:Responsibility Title Weighting Rating

Supervise operations during live events 30% 3.0

Team leader in production control rooms 30% 2,5

Complete paperwork & pass on updates to all 30% 3.0

Other duties as assigned 10% 3.0

FINAL OVERALL PERFORMANCE SCORE (adjusted for weighting):

Employee's Signature & Date Manager's Signature & Date

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