06 halloween marketing ideas 2016 for online store

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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These 06 ideas are not generic. They are detailed, actionable, proven-effective, and easy to execute without hiring any tech guy (because we’re referring the helpful tools for you).

1) Offer freebies that are perfect Halloween gifts your customers can give to their friends or family

Ideas: Instead of discounts, you can prepare freebies that are items people can give to their friends, family members, colleagues as Halloween gifts. Show the items right on homepage to capture customer’s attention, or show it on cart page as a last-minute offer to boost checkout rate here:

Suggested Tool: Checkout Boost app


This is probably one of the most popular things store owners would think of during the preparation for holiday sales: decorating the store so that it has the look & feel of each coming holidays.

However, it’s not advisable to design a totally new theme (which would be beautiful but very costly and may be troublesome to your back-end, especially when it is only temporary for a couple of days)

Instead, you can focus on decorating flexible elements that are catchy enough to get customers’ impression when first visiting your store.

2) Create a spooky look for your storefront:

Our recommendations for decorating your store:

● Welcome coupon pop-up: design a spooky welcome popup that appears when customer first enter your store to catch their attention, impress them with a catchy Halloween image and captivating message copy.

Suggested Tool: Better Coupon Box app


● Banner on homepage slider: If your homepage has a slider, make a Halloween banner and add it to the slider. It is also a good position to promote any promotions, contest or giveaway for Halloween too, because 90% new visitors will lay eyes on your banner to grasp the first impression about offerings on the store.

● Header bar + CTA: You don’t always have to use images to decorate your store. Message and CTA copies can also do the trick when put in the right place. Instead of your normal “We offer free shipping for orders from $50”, change it to, for example “Buy from $50+ to have the Vampire ships your order FREE to your window on Halloween night”

Idea: about 2-3 weeks before Halloween sales, send to whoever buying on your store a special gift card (could be value or percentage discounts, free gifts, free shipping…) which will become valid on the Halloween week (or whenever you want to run your promotion sales campaign).

3) Send halloween gift cards to customers to promote your halloween sales promotion:


● You can design a gift card yourself using Canva tool if your budget is too tight to hire a designer, or e-giftcard using Mailchimp templates. When customers purchase on your store, attach the gift card on delivery package or attach the e-giftcard in receipt billing email.

● Offer gift cards of different values and promote them all widely to make customers come back regularly to collect as many gift cards as possible.

● Send automated follow-up email (suggested tool: Email Automation) to remind your customers of the gift cards they have and encourage them to come back on the promotion days to redeem them.

Gift cards will encourage customers to come back on your store on the sales week to purchase, because they know beforehand they can save a lot of money if shopping with you instead of shopping somewhere else.

4) Promote & Remind your customers of your promotion campaigns by email marketing.

For sure, email marketing cannot stay out of the list of potential Halloween marketing ideas you should focus on. Following search, email is the second most effective channel to acquire customers, accounting for 7% of user acquisition in e-Commerce. Amazon, Mango, Uniqlo, The Body Shop, Sephora sends numerous newsletters to their list when their promotions start, during campaigns, and a day or hours before campaigns end. People hate promotional emails, but not on holidays season because promotion emails coming during the holidays bring discounts, freebies, freeshipping, very good deals that they’ve been waiting the whole year to spend ~2/3 their annual shopping budget.

5) Get more traffic from Google with a blog post on “Halloween Gift Ideas”

If you have a blog on your site for content marketing, write a blog post targeting “halloween gift ideas” keyword, then SEO it to the first page on Google (Suggested guide & tool: Moz) when people search that keyword.

When your blog post is reached by people who have the demand, they will become your organic traffic and probably buy a lot of stuffs from your store, thanks to your suggestions on the blog post.

6) User generated content – make your brand soar

Another Halloween marketing idea you should consider to build a stronger brand for your business, is using User-Generated Content (UGC).

For this Halloween, consider these UGC marketing ideas:

● Host a Halloween costume photo contest on your Facebook page ● Host a Halloween gift design photo contest on your Facebook page ● Social media content generation: Give away a favorite product your customer likes,

if they write a caption about their idea how to turn that product into a Halloween gift, share it on Facebook and get at least 30 likes from their friends.

● Host a Halloween video contest on your Youtube channel

If you’re still confused, read more here. Also, don’t forget to check out Beeketing Blog for

tutorials, tips and tricks to boost sales on Shopify stores.

Are you ready to boost your sales now?

Thank you for reading!

Need more help?Contact us: hi@beeketing.com

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