
Predynastic cave drawing

Canopic Jars

The Narmer Palette

The step pyramid and sham buildings. Funerary complex of Djoser, Saqqara

Great Pyramids, Giza

Valley temple of Khafre


Menkaure and a Queen

Rahotep + Nefert

Pepy Ii and His Mother

Seated Scribe

Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt

Head of Senusret III

Rock-cut tombs, Beni Hasan

Pectoral of Senusret II

Stele of Amenemhat I

The ruins of the Great Temple of Amun

Hatshepsut Enthroned


Akhenaten and His Family

Queen Tiy


Queen Kiya

Funerary mask of Tutankhamun

Temple of Rameses II, at Abu Simbel

Temple of Rameses II (Left) and Nefertari (Right), at Abu Simbel

Temple of Rameses II, Interior

The Rosetta Stone

Judgment of Hunefer before Osiris

Mummy wrapping of a young boy

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