© ORCA Education Limited 2004 Managing Children’s Behaviour © ORCA Education Limited 2004 Revise and Test.

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© ORCA Education Limited 2004

Managing Children’s Behaviour

Managing Children’s Behaviour

© ORCA Education Limited 2004

Revise and Test

© ORCA Education Limited 2004and suppliers all rights reserved

No child is perfect Children are not born knowing

how to behave. There are 4 aspects of child

development remember the acronym PIES. Physical, intellectual, emotional and social.

1. Which of these aspects of child development will most involve the child learning ways or rules of behaviour?

2. Give an example of how not learning these rules could cause behaviour problems.



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Good Discipline

4. Lack of discipline will make the child believe they can behave as they wish. What might be the effect of excessive (too much) discipline?

3. Children learn by example, adults should say please and thank you, they should praise good behaviour, and be firm. Complete these suggestions to parents with two other ways to encourage good behaviour.

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How would you deal with this scene?

Three year old Michael has ruined his older sister’s newly decorated bedroom.

5. Give three possible reasons why he may have done this?



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Dealing with Michael

6. Suggest what you would do to stop Michael doing this again and say why?

7. What would you not do and say why?



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Some children seem uncontrollable A



These boys are just having fun but adults may get cross with them because they are noisy or one may get hurt.

8. How might a child feel if he is always being told off and how might this affect his behaviour?

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Feeling Good AAnswers


9. How will this child react to the praise and time that the adult is lavishing on her?

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Feelings of Insecurity AAnswers


An insecure child is one who does not feel safe The child may display unsociable behaviour.

10. What may cause a child to be troubled and insecure?

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A new baby in the family AAnswers


11. How can the mother stop the older child from becoming jealous?

Jealousy is a common problem when there is a new baby in the family.

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Rivalry A common cause of bad behaviour is sibling rivalry. 12. What is sibling rivalry?



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Other behavioural problems Children go through stages of emotional and intellectual

development. At some time between ages two and four most children show challenging behaviour.

13. What is happening to make previously placid children behave badly at this age? How is the child’s view of the world changing?



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The Troubled Child

14. What are three signs that a child is troubled, apart from tears?



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Suggested Answers 1. Social development although a

child will need some emotional and intellectual development to understand the reasons for behaviour rules.

2. Any appropriate example, e.g a child with poor social skills will have confrontations with other children.

3. Parents apologise when they are wrong, be consistent, be kind, listen!

4. Discipline will cease to work, child loses self esteem, learns excessive behaviour themselves.

5. Attention seeking, jealousy, not aware of how to behave, something else is troubling him.

6. Answer that seeks to correct the behaviour but also show s understanding of why the child might do this.

7. A reasoned explanation of bad discipline esp. does not involve abuse of the child or loss of control by carer.

8. May feel rejected and unloved could react by being angry, feel isolated and behaviour could become worse.

9. Increase her confidence and self esteem she will want praise again.

10. Disruption to routine, loneliness, bullying, imagination, family problems.

11. Give extra attention, let the other child help, reassure her how much she is loved and how helpful she is.

12. When children compete with each other for their parents attention.

13. The child has to realise that the world does not revolve around them.

14. Bed wetting, poor concentration, swings of emotion, hitting out withdrawal….

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