· MARK TWAIN AS A I IATUREE. Al.out a year and a bsM Bfa, » entitled

Post on 20-Aug-2018






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Al.out a year and a bsM Bfa, » commtini.iitii.ilentitled " Jill! flfitllsj mid hi.« .Jumping l'i<_." with

the hitherto BBk%otTB rigaatart t. "Mark i wain."

BpSBSind m Ht «Hi/iH'ic*/ Promt id tin« city. 'Jin-name, tiioiigh new wus not re n nu kable, luit ihe

style of the h ttd w.« is rinfnlariy freeb «>. ¦¦

end full of character an io ultra« t prompt and uni¬

versal attention among tit < reader?« oi light banliterature. Mark Twain w ia immedintely enter« d SB

B candidate for high position ann.tig WlltCtS of Lia

»lass, and passades from bis first contribution to t..»-

metropolitan pi«-M« be« ame proved.« in the mouth.»of his lflatll-1 N<» reputation was evei more

rapidly won. The only doubt appeared to Ix»whether 1m oonld Batinfactorily soataJiii it tonee-quent producl rai most ol them repro-

dnced from Califoinia ,*.n..«liu.!»-"'i't-n» <* «¦'*

good opinion bo Boddenly víHiehaaícd bim, sa«

abundantly vindicated the Bp] Unac witb *bkb hbt.wteeaav bad been received, la his ia««', as m Huttof many'other American humorous vi iii is, it was

«»nlv the first step that cost. Binoc that time be liaswalked ciwsil.v.let u» hope not too easily.over hist«¡H-cíal cm se.___ .

His writings being comparât ivi-ly new to Hie pnb-

!ic and bia poeition having been ho recently e,«tab-miied it might pc-rbope, bave been doubted whether

Ina nam», would at present l»o sulli« ient to attract samidióme- of any niagiiitiidi* ti» witnCM bis debut as

a lecturer. Bul the proof of the general goodwill Inwhich ho is already held waa manifested last Mon¬day evening by Ins brilliant reeeptiou at tbo CooperInstitute. The ball was crowded bcyoml all ex¬

pectation. Kot a seat was meant, and the aisleswon» filled with attentive listonen. The chance«idenng ti "The Jumping Frog," carelessly cast,]*t milutha ago. ujk»h the Atlantic waters,lottirne«l to bim ii« tie most ii{*reeable form which a

v..ung aspirant for ix.pulur faine could desire. The"»»tind that was sow»««! with probably very little rubn-] ttioii as to ita etlect upon Ch future itmapect», now«»nable« bim to reap quite a respe« tarli- tempest ofnoSOBiagemenl and cordiality. His greeting was

nash as to inspire tbo utmost crise and continence,and it is pleasant to add that his pu foi manee ia«.vory way justnii-d the 1» stoned nponhim.Ko other lecturer, of oouraeexcepting Axtomna Ward,linaao tboroiiglilv snocoeeded in exciting the mirth-ftil curiosity, aiid compelling the laughter of bialiuarors.Tho subject of his address "The sandwich Is-

Innis," waa treated mainly from a comic stand point-,aJtbotuh scrap* of ptacuc*_ InformatioB and «»(ca-

»lional picturesque (leaciiptiona of seem i >' .n.i natu¬ral phenomena pQCBlltaf to that revioii wire !ii>-

era«Uy intoraperaed. The s« huno of the lecturer np-¡?eared t<» bo to employ tho varions facts he badgat hoi ««d on bases upon which lo buildf»_ciful illustration«, of chi.ractc-i, v, liiihworo tintlu-riiiui«. embellished with a multitude«of Zsntaatta «saecdotca and personal reminiscences.The frequent incongruities of tin» mitritt ion.«vi.iltjnU.v intentional.mudo it all the more diverting,uni! tin» artifice "f its partial iiicoheienc«« via-, io«b'veilv contrived as to intensify the uiiiti.v.ireiit ofthe aiuli«'ncc, while leaving them"for th«' nm»t peri inignorance of the BHIBIM employed. As to the. mannetoí tho speaker, it is difficult to writ.. c.\i»l;i itl.v. Itwas (Tit.unly peculiar and original. Perbapa i ob.-ttor iib a of it could bo conveyed than by sayingit is in almost »very res'», c1 the exact appositeto that of the UtS Art.inns Wuril. it Milted Cat;i«liii:r.«ble lecturer«! humee to exhibit a uti vous

qutakneea and a vivacity which alwaya commun'*oatod lt.solf to those who siirioiinded him. and hisliost " iKiints" were made by the «boll alice tat ion ofcomplete uncoiiM'ioiiisiii'fts wiih w Iii« h bi nttered thomoat toiling jest«. Mark Twain's delivery, 00 the«»thor band, is deliberate ami messnred to th« la«t«tagreo. He lounges comfortably around his plat-fonn. seldom referring to BOMBI and seeks to,»sUblisli a sort of buttou-liolo it lationsliip withbis audience at the poaeible nionient. Ile iseven willing to exchange eonfidencea ni the most lit-«ini Having made an accidental error iiiligures, last Mon«lay evening, at which there was(neat laughter, he penned and requested to be in¬formed "what lie bad said," and tia» indisposed to«pressed until Mb curiosity should be gratified. In-(stoad of manifesting iiidiúer.-iu. to his own g«,«..lj«»ki\s, be appears to relish them a« heartilymt anybody.a chñíacteiistic, by the bye,which also belongs to the meet eminent"n-idt.-" now known to the British public Theonly obvious preconcerted "¦affect" whkh be employais a hesitation or bi.-aJc in hi» nu: itionbefore touching the climax of an anecdote oi l. ism Hut Ins M> ¡e h In* mm. and lie«-.!« to bo s. :i

to he iiiidct'stwal. A second opportunity l«>i this, iw

lein:, ia preaently t«> be afforded, to which, when ituppniadii'8, we Brail invite particular attention.


Kxccasuf news and of important political matt, r

kt\% recently compelled the omission of some of our natues of tbo theater«, city amusement«, and o!!i«*r lighttópica. Thus, for example, we have delayed till now to

record the production, at the Broadway« r, of a m B

li.»li dtama. called "The ¡Shamrock." The performanceof tin« drama has signalized (he bud engagement at

Ita Theater, which Mr. and Mr» Hain« y M iilum« will -"-»»a *."> » oh»«« t«> nitlit. Tin- piece Is wrltta-nIn pro., and oomprMed La three acts In the l:utti.-re is uo conspicuous men!. Its author -whoa« name1« not itniiouiieed.iipi»ears to han- but an Indefinit« Id« a«>f lim art. so c*.- ntial in dramatic writing, of fitting«li tingue t«> chara« ti r and cn, umstai i ». so thal t;(alia'al ll.iw naturallr out of Hie combination of thenth-i- two lu the plot there ia more flaarttjt-ii' avon tina is weak. It ]«..».».-v».-.«, hoivevcr, thalnut ut interest which attaches to certain novelssaeb, for ínstame, a.« " The Count of Monte

Christo" which one n ads throngh only foi the pul.^¿,1-oit.niiitL' how tit -y tv ¡li .«turn cu*'"" The chara« t~rs.,i^(oii'iiioiii«lii(c snd hackneyed, and sy for the BMtfr»rf. Are HA InçhleiitA Aliogctht-r, me «íi-ima b,_T lito ¡cf/y and fan Ty J. «< iibcd an «t ßi-tv but not very Strixlngaii-*tii_»citi( ut or oM materials. It oppose« the hatuhtvaiMtoaral and the oppressed p< -a saut, ami show» u-iiior« the iicioic ion nu in.«iiman, out la vn«! and In i«< rll,att.-n«ie«l liy the alta« lied servant, whose buck is bumped,f«waned by thç ¿cd-CVIita, Mid protuted bj the jollyiiMlimgo». i. *Wn .ot omit Hu-black-thorn cudgel, nor

_hp h.itckltottlc of whisky. Combining them old mut. nais¦"'.iii others aajuatty well worn,the author of "J'hc Shamrock" make« prov lhiou foran exciting «teni, ami a «strongstssie effect, at the end of Ins second act. This clt.-ct «m-

slat« ni the fall of a ivoiirm and her Infant child, from ahigh bri I..'(.which bceaki ben« «til bei tread Into a deepun.! d in«, rou« water. The bridge has beca out andar¦, laged tor a different sort of a cataatrophe, bj thelush outlaws fleeing from the r. d-coats. 'lu. woman andcliil.t are, of coin¦»?.. re*iued by the ional In»ii jmw ho nobly pluiif;«« in. in .iiitn-d a« he Is. With the ¦«¦« ii

timanMl portloaof the play there to no temptation t«.« ft ia mediocnty its« If. Two pairs of hirers are ledtlitoiiük a series of |_niracticablc woes, ami mad« h.iiinvut last On the WbOW, 'lu BnknoWS aulhor of " Tli«>hhaniisk" Cannot Ih coinplimi iiîed on having made avaluable addition tu the Ii i«h di ima Playa of this kindaro fir too mitnerous already. I; la te he not«.), though,that whatever Mr. liarucy William» produce* is sur«- tomeet, tor hi» sake, with a due recognition from popularfavor "The Shamrock' displays Mr. Williams ia a

familiar and characteristic attitude. I'at Mufti», ,» thenatue dial the act« r asauiui-s in tliis drama, and lui letheft and of virtue, Is fond of fighting, of whisky, and of thegi rta. aingtaaonjr ou the. least provocation, defies ami.¦it wits and böigen the arii.t_ciacy.aud »tarni.» i.;. bia

ft louds like a ti,imp. What ran !>* mon delight-fait a'o can, however, recall Mr. William« InI»«*ri**uationa of the same sort, in other and bett«

»>:.iy« than this one. "The Shamrock'' has given»ut a new setting to tin- peculiar geni of lilsbullio«, Hie luster whereof la the «ame a*ever. Mis. W t|.li/tiiis, uki, appears, us of old. In tho eharactei i-f theaancy, levenble Itihii j»e,'i».t,it «uri, who aida Pat in sil hisvu tuons acts, aliet« bun in mischief, and muirles «him atlist. In the prodnottaa of "The bhamrock," ut th.-Braadway Theater. eonsMerable care has been expend« deatthaasaaatp. Tue ataña «effect to whleh we lia ve ai-iui.«ii. m effectively made. The netta*-In many «if timtttil-oidiuat-c part».and all are rabornlnate to /'..( andUagçte-m remarkriilde for violence ititluttlian dl»«i« t ionDue, »cene, in particular that of the attempted arrest ofCharles O'Hora, in act first nupres---s the six-ctator a« ai»rotracU«d bow!. BaltaWing, w« suggest, Is not actingblita («Vila laogaa i.« the »»est of th.« minor play¬ers.her personation of Ertleen O'Hara b» lugdelicate and feminine Revertln>r, for n finaltetnaik, to the construction of the drama, wo nettwith giadueas that it do« s m.t icier to the Kila-Umn of.**.. The scene is laid partly in Qalway, Ireland, andpartly in __uglaud, and OM B-M is 1770..Yankee Locke has, sine« last we wrote of

him. appeared, st Itanium'« Museum, in "The (ireeuMountain Boy," " The Yankee Duellist," and " The Odo-loou." Iirainatic art gaina Util«-, ¡f anything, from thisa« tor'* labors. The Yankee, even vi hen successfullytransplanted to the stair«'. " is not so estimable, profitablenedney* as hu ddineators api»»-ar to fun« y. 1'erhapt wesliould not State Hie ensa» to«) stroii-»ly, were va. t«

thal he is an intolerable lairo. But Mr. Ixa-ke dota actalwayaaneeeedIn reprodncing the Yankee of rea; i«t.-.Hi» (Kittrait is too an «. xnu«,'e.ration of the < «>ai».

-evtomal peculiar! lo- v illgar attrrlmtes of shit-wtl-«isai«, uuoonscious «inpudence, Koodnature«! I>oori»lim¦»*.¦etc.,etc., with which «tugc-cu->toin ha» inveated the Yankee. But we nead not axau travel se this familiar i;u»umlof critic ism. Mr. Locke'a latest la-rsoiiaiions in« notmaterially unlike their prodecesseia Hecing bim «tee «ulm always. Tlutro U an ociaaioual flavor ofuature in what he does, but there is also a strut«_h pr«ponderatlng flavor of broad farce. The clevenu-M of theaotar. wlthta a lii_dt*d moih!, is «positiv« and is «if« < tiveHe makes a rood many people laugh, who would isMind aa death t« the delicate mt of Warren of Jefferson.It haabeau very triUy nauuirked that every mau has hisaudience. Mr. Locke'«, hutt week, wa* rather limited. in point «af iniiiiiura, Wau*.- «f th.- bad weather,audnieinovingBiHrUof Ma>-_niy,-rhlch bave afflict« <lall the placee of public entcrtalumeui; but Hu« wukHie attendance »u« improved. i. respect to the»piara in whioh Yankee laieke appear«, we can hut re¬niai k that they indicate a surpn»ing mental sterility outbepart of the li pielera «af Yank., hfu Midcharacter. The moving Panonnunof the Nile is still ou«ihibiUoii at the Muwiiiii. and I« well worthy of a visitla otliar reapecM the Museum ctHiUuu.« t« «,fj[«. ¡u u__Uit¿.Itmct-aua..The pantomime of " Little Iíoy Bhie." which ha««,

for a month peat, attracted large audience« to the lion ,-ry«¦eater. M «shout to be withdrawn After the presentweek, Mr. Kox'a term of inana/feme nt coming to an end,". Little Hoy Blue" will "blow bia horn" in other parts «,f-t lie. country. Ax tilia pantomimo isexceedln«ly umuaiui;,i . o'«, 'ilarly to young ]«e«ple, we once meroenreatteTllint attonuon of oin r»ii«lei« 'i 'lioiiifh of late'ye«rs thefUawory Theater lia« done no ».ervice whale ter to Hi««t.aui ., It Baa oertaiiily-siiice Mr. Fox beifin to produce¦mitamiBic «doue «<md aarvice to tho caiuo of miau and

mm^mmmt, mm ¦ ^mmeummm ¦ -¦

we therefore, trust tlmt the »easa>n will close In brilliantprosperity. Innocent mil til n fit nil timen a blessing.. Mr William David re. the oomediao, and Mr. A.

rVd.til.k to«Dther *sith a .»niau, «eleet t lientrieal oona

pan«, «te abo» 1" "ike the provincial field. With B. p_rfor entertainment, ni ¦. " a» dramain. Tiny vi.l

¡in priai Ipal« lusa and town« waa! of Albauy.Iii.- lirst "i'lting >''id" MatinC-o vfll be given

at Wall:iek'i» Hu '»er »o liny '('n'« nui«t proveaapeei.ilconvenience to ¡.olios ami cluldion and to suburban real-dei,! ¦".

Iii-tori will pl.iy kuHtakttk tor tim laa« tim** to¬day, at a Matinee, at tin-I'i.-i. li T'ie.iter. The final op-pni Unit t of wltni »*io*j Hi;« «upon» pei-«ouatlou ought nutto lu- llll»»4*ll.-Matildes will he given to-duy at the Nevr-York

Theater, the Broadway Theater,and Niblo's Carden. Mr.and Itra, Hamey Milli.tnia trill thi« «venin»? bring to a

elosc iln'ir engageinent ut Hie Broadway Tl-eati r. Wetrust that they ««ill say good bye to a crowd of friend«.. The usual afternoon performance at Damn ni'a

Miiseuin »hould not be overlooked by persona Intent on

lii'iii-; Hitunteil. .. The Oetoroou " will be acted, with Yan¬kee 1,-ocke a« Mtem teñtíte.


Hier« lins been a eiickit match in London betweennn-ii «nth 01U li g Bud nieu with uno arm. Tiie one-leggedMaa baalA fatal case of hydrophobia which was reported nt

no'mrt Town. *.u«trali:i. In Kcbruni v, la believed to bethe tiratt-ii-e that evei eeeaned Booth of tim aijaatiri

The, London Iititi n Ti lenraph li.)« an eilitni ntl on tin»-reie Court-House «windi, ni this Ott. «vim li it declare«farexceetl» In atrocity anything knowu in BlgfaatfiA school of al »on t SKI whales matta their apoear-

riie») in the Frith of Forth ootha20th of April, ami »he-«hermes and inhabiiiitiis tri Um loaat hail .1 loaf raa_ ax*citiiif huut of ttieiu, Mith harpoons, grappling hooks, andtille«. Twenty one of the animals wen t 'pturcd.Mr. Harford Mellor, tin niitniii.ii'i.ii). assert-« that ho

ha« discovered the remain« of King Alfred, walch havinow been burled 96« veins. Mr Mi lim feel« confidentthal the royal |*t**..*. uro BOW li In»; In the .gilt luminaryover the chant el of Hi do pariah church, und thi twoleaden plate» found, with the Km.'« name upon them,are now iu the hauds of the vlivu, Mr *»«. lllianis.

The Kituali.sts iiiouii|*opiilar in tMM parts of Kn-glund. On (¡ond l'inlay tin Kit .luliioit Hunt, lui tunli-iitof a parish uc,«r Braigewatoi. entend the einit'i-h bearlBgiu hi» hand a lar-,'»» «Aooilen erOM ¡md followed bl thelt-ell ringer and a woman twined Colley, who ha» Leenfoi' «ollie tillie past tim sole lueinlii-r of bia congregation.A snob of aboul M persons, incliKlln)»' s Dumberof childrendi .¦««..d out 1« Hil colored puper, BOOB Inn-it Info Hie(.lunch, pelted Hie reverend gentleman with eggs, bealHie woman, (otley, iind tm« tier clothe« to ia»'«, and le-

-tiled thcius.1«, .1 ««illi lillian., anil inler. Mr. lluut wai1Î11..UY dnveu to a niighboiiug haatioC fur shelter.At a fête given in Parla by M.i'. ha! Niel iu linster

reek, one Ott lie lnrtre «»loons wu« tran»fonn«-.i '."'" »»

en 111 ihe niulst of whn li -i OMCad« of reid «fj-,»,cr fell¡t ^nii.a mni. i>y the eRget t>{ tjrne* . i¦ t¦ i»- fire,

eil tu pour iiiiwh nliówer« of emeralds lato b basincartlei1 ruin.»eena ii to )>¦beiii' Beyondthti a mysterton»pwogeled to an

Arab tent, ornamented «nth magnificent -raperiea. Theorchestra «va« Installed nt }he end of it long gallery whn '1BlBOSl leseinlileil .1 miiicum Oí millier«, from Hie ipi,in-tides r-f b.-aiitifnl linns of e« cry »i.e. trophies, and pano¬plie* miagaii about ««it h axqatalti timu-.A eoiroM'oiiiloiit of a Philadelphia paper describe»

the Pari« i.*a|-o-it.->ii building a« fullow.«: Take 11 lound.iii.'i ihr. a-l ««¡ih a hale la tha mnlilie. The hole repnssauU a (arden. Annual tim hal... descube, with a knife,eight 01 lu a ira ic-, i-ai'li of Iin-«- II IB alala 11.'H'

round the exhibition. Aoross than aonosntrie elrcleadraw, from the hole to the eircumfi renee of your ginger*

m 10 «tralghl lines .»r 1 will. These ox parate thenat iona. Kow, if « ou want to l.K>k «t max l.mei «, being Imachinist voium If. '.».'gin wit ii thp gnat oiiLr TLB* or-iii-lii, and yon «nil pas«, la their ot.Y.-r, the machineriesof avery Batten The noon«! nil.nor ring I« devotedentirely lo fin nil ure. (lo round it and you MU) study t he

upholstery of uauklnd. Tita third ring ». devoted loclothing. Follow this round «ntl all Hit» fanhious of theworld ami tlM waii'i« will bu ilellRriH'i.ii» 1


OHITBD 8TATK3 CIBCUn OOUBT Mir 10 BeforeJudge mum an

lil»/ "'l* l \HK "-THAl'P PIMM) «ll'll/IY AM» HY.MANDKO nm i-jrranoaatti Sl«!»i igt John II Tr-i-ap

The fa.'ts in this cimo have been fra ¡m al) f 1-

p«»rt( ii The dt-fenihint is a l.iwyi-r in Hil« etty, ind \t-. «.at oin- lune, h «oiniawliat Iiute.l 1). 111011 at ia» ponto lan inthe Thirteenth Waul. Hs wm at one-Lme a law partnerof Joba Graham ¡ bas been a «Jchool Comm »inner, amicarno within an nee at BX-llg 1-lifltM to a Judicial p«~** vat ion tillie» lieeli lliluitiil Iii Iii... ;-, hanagit 01..- time shot Thomas li I'i-rr:-«. a noted DOllUeiaD ofthe Tenth Walli, itthe l: ink ( -ill---' in (.i.nnl.«t,alid, nt uliollii'l' lillie. Bl UM s.iim- pl;«»e, sh-.t uiullii-r Ji- I

«un; in Hie latter raae -MapiDS ft »ill 1 lie pi iu;.-e« litjumping frota a tbird-story window, and allirhtlng on a.»lu «I, escaping with a Bpralor»d ankle Both tbeae ease«were (*oiii|iroiulsi-i| «iirmiKli Um iiitlm-ne of potttleisii«,and Trapp (cot off si .it frei-. In »hu piim-nt cass, or ralln r

i-aases. htj ia cliar.eil in one ladietûent with defraudingthe I'uitatMl Htatea, liy ineiii» of forajery out of |.,i. k paymid iiouiity money due one Knunii« Priest, and Wita-ililli, lily <1efr.lH«ll!i|f til« I'lllteil.Stai. «nut of li,ok pay HlnliMiunty ninney dun lu one John »'ontiln.ton. '1 lie inilntiireuu, for Hie purpose of « ¦.. ¦.<->? nn.i. \pi u-t-, were,011 motion of tim IiiMiii-t AttnrtHV. loiisolulati d into oin-,the M-paiatu nulli llnents being einisideri .I a« unlit» Inone iiKlu-tiiieiit. T»ie trial i-uiiiineiu-'-'l on Wi-ilm »ilaj- undwaa tinialin.l yeHtenlnv.The «»villein .. for the |irr>«ei»ii»inn vr.t« overwhelming¡

sbowtaa «'otiiiu-iivi'iy thal défendant had oiit.iiiu-d tn»mouev in l.otlt a-OBa «viliiunt tha n-< ti ri-.l ).: .'ii.ililli « ofthe reJtp«*«'tive pat I lea, ami I111.I. 1I111 in_ tina periodofayear after he aa oW niu-.l it. denli ii baviug re» ired itThe defense ws* liased lasinly on oiijertinn«

to the iniliclliieiil« and on BSaUmpUoBS, li'-t prOVStt, I Imtall the 111.»ney that the elaiiiiau! taras entitled to ia !!¦¦¦Pi ease ha.1 in. n jiiui o« .i in- Trapp, and that, la lb«< oiiiiinartoii cote, » tiiiiuii-iioii bad linn--If aigued the

1 |»aMra'Ihe oiré after a In ¡i-f akatenM, brought la h venlh-t of

»rtiiity on lioih .-oi'.nt-i of tin- nulu iiiimt, and the priMinerwaa remanded for Bniitoaao.

It was a mall-i-of ainpil-te with a .rat many Hint Hi*i-f.-niiiiit siuuiiii staad .i trial an Ihtmt obarges, «iinsin h o'. iTwhelluuu,' pío.if Bg-alBSt bim, Hint he did lintplt».jd aiuiiy. lb-Iii'] I" en Ihm t., Irntl rn thriT rb«n~niu iin« aiuotinf of t»',i«»i, imt bil ii')t"isiii:in, foi i'-.i onasaliafai tory to lum». If, eaai .-l.-.l Inn b-ju 1 by surrt-ndcrlag Ihe (left nil.Hit .«-iliie fllina in:

i- «mu-I (;. «mutile«, I' s í»i-tr.i ! Alt iriii'V, and Jo(«epli Hell, Aasiitan' 0.8 DisUu t Attorney, Inr the Uov-.¦luiueiit, Mab niiu 1 anifhsll forUm defcudant

BTJPBEME (»HT'.T i!».-.! i-si Th:m- Mat m r.-for..J tut. et m Vi. iMi.'Ii, In-ík tu «x. aii'l Smiiii

1 iMii v 1 >ii'i i< 1 i.iii:«I.rai Aridtt.u' auJ Sr vi, Dajrla Ittk .<' .tun Ai<-r ri»

The defendant averi thatshe 1« the widow of1 ».i i.i« 1 An-»-.« in- -, h a« mil married bim la IMI, and livi«Mill linn aa lila Wife until li' » winn lia died pial in« deal n. took out letters ol administration v. huh ti.";i)!f','('(i wido*s (iinte.ati-il. 'I lie Burragate dei Ided In favoiof the alleged widow, revokiua tbe I» itara of atlmlnUtratu.n ».'i.moil to n:.m.1,ti-«, miiKloK tha alleaed widow admi m r.t 11 ». I'l.niitiiN uppi.iii-ii nu exception taken onthe trial m Um Burroaate'a Court, «a to th»- «dmnslbllltyof the alleged widow'« evidence provan, the maniaKe, being the ouly point lu di.sp it.-.Cane «till on.

1)1.1 IS! IS 4

'I In- 1'i-opli» ex rel (tiiiii-t, M Cluta nt al itnt. ('lias.B. linaidiiiaii et u!. Judirmciit au i proCtiedlag« nilli m-iiwith ci »als.lane Ai krovd nut. 1 'Iniunl Aekroyd, licplr.tilcl. Ac.

Motion denied; tin B4a«t« to abide (»vi lit

ClKCiIT-Mtr 1') Iteforn .Just,ia M111.1.K.un taiOMJ

WilliamT. Da Ford, jx^ agt. John W. D «(lil et al.JadgBent for ditfaada-ta. Beftsra JntPXoe Br/rnaat-vaD.Barwall, i'i'' 11(01, .ii»; lloliiK-.-i Allowauco of tlO>

granted to .a» h nf the attorneysDevlin a-.-!. Ilupc el »I Moti^u deuied without cost«) tu

eilh» 1 p.u lyin ra Hi (»wer et al. Report of referee confit mrd and

further order t-riiui-MLOovall iiKt. Killy Taiation affirme«IBcbmidl agt. Autenreit- U0U011 110] IBom ..» al ae*t. McHiain, jr llepa'i!, conQruied atul

jiuiHiiii-nl ol-loied

tVVRRtORCOTJRX Tuiai. TaMM -Mat lu -IVtforo Jus-tuo luman a.

MABU.11 V Of Al.ICNTrt.C.-.-iilaritai« It-ia» at. t aft Jarar» W. titym >ar

Thia waa au aetion bniiii{ht by the plaint iii', who ia0 tuaiiiifai¦tiin-i of jeweliy in this oat/, to recover *»6,f>00,the «ailie of eel tam lewelry l'OUitlglieif to defeiidlilit, whois a wholesale dealer In Jewelry in afaw-Oiie-ana. TheMOdl were «cut («» «lefeniliitit iii i»4ei>t*llil»(!i' and |)eiiinImt. 1Mb, to 1»«« sold on oiiiiinssion. Before an aeooanUnglu turen the parues the war broke out, and 11,1)00 worthof the modi was «..Id 111 .Now <)i ¡ and Payment rc-ei ived by .lefeii.laut in ('i)iifideraU-. money. The balanceof the gooda w.-re sent to Mexico In charge of onel.uclu«4 "imi.Ti. to be iliHiH»«<id of by bim. Church nile«*«.« that hewas waylaid .nul roblxnl of it. A nuit is now brought bythe pl.n'ntiit b3 r. cover the full value of the Jewelry.The defendant professed a willingness to pay over the

rooney received by Him for the giKaln which were «old inNew Oilcans that i«, the Confederate »erip, but plalutlff1. fusi-d to accept 1!. in regard to balanoo covering thostolen good«, he «lieges that he took all poKSihlo precau¬tion« to protect the mtent-st of hi» principal ; that if thegood« had remained 111 New Urie an«, they would havebeen i-onllacatttil By Hie Ki-Im-i mitinu inen a« tho propertyof Northern men han!«, ami that he waa therefore notliable. In addition t«) this, Im alleged that ho had specialperiiiisHion from the (.«fendant to send the good» to Mex¬ico in charge of an ageut to be ae.iected by bim, hut hefailed to »how this hy proof. Verdict for the plum tiff forthe full amount claimed.Joseph K Haly and Mr. Roiaaevelt for plaintiff ; J. F.

Huberts, aud Luther U. Marsh for defeudr.ut.LAIKiK VailOICT AC.AjTNST THK KIGHTH-AVC. RAÍL-

ROAIJ COMPANY.bella B ira«*»«) agt Iba Klfbtb ara -ailreid-CompaBy.

This ea<so was r«*»port«.l yesterday. Plaintiff «1 aim edil iiiia.rFa fur injiiti.«a «uiat.'iineil as abe' waa alightiiig froman I ightli ave ear, which ««nrted liefore «hohad got clearof th«» platform. The jury gave her tftiioo damages.

Br_(1AL Mt 1 io..Before Juitloe

Lane agt Borst, (¡uley, adniiii.str.'ttnr, Ac, et al.ait ii uni« r, et al Hie «ame in 30 other actions agt. thesame, W'lteop, an infant, ant, Wallace, Carrick art. New-»1m k « 'onsolnlaleil *4ta_e( ouipaiiy, Dree» sgt. Beuriin»),William« agt. I'ugb'.. Mot luna grant <»d.Ia«y, i-l al «al Wigaml Motiou granted, dll-ecting

clerk of »his Cooli to pay over the money deposited witabim in tats «-»aiiae.ltead sgt. Cusblog.-M-jtioa grsnte.1, and pt^><o«>i)(l_oji

.tay«m1.Jenny sgt TarlHill, Brown, »it al, agt. St. Niobolaa lu

.mano«» t'luiipany..MoUoua grauttjd. without c-ooi*.

COtsftT OAIjKNDAK-Thi« Uti.«ri'SkMR OiPKT-«jB»«Mi Tana tlr*oaum,r,Uyl mttiU sill


THE MONEY MARKET.pilks _t txtt. stock exciunob


I* S «s 1174 Cou U 8 6s I-» Coup'62, US «a woe?'« ni",,.?..104 100,000.;«(rTl

îssiCoti K/-,ooo.los,.,, .mi 201,000.106

I 8 M & -.0'6'J U S 6d 5-20 Coup 'C3eeuo.l^li '''0,l.small.Pi.i|M,0ta...targe.lot

6,600.1071U 8 68 1040 COU1,000. W|Treas NotesT HO

.1st Heries.2,000.lOf'l

Brooklvn «5« vV L (Ide A North Wo NY CentralI isii '.951 con lids 17. i>~iTennessee 6s 78 200.l>7j«ais», es i ou. eil Merchants'-buik Hudsonl&lver

ViViriuial-s 129.116 100.P*_6 one ..ex-con. 44}'Metropolitan B'nk bo. 97|pnoo.b30. 45 6.1251 Pacific MallM!««aiu*i 6t ¡Hank of America 100.m_10,000. tßi 7-..--.137* 100.ISHftN Carolina 6s ¡Bank of Comme re». ?fl.12*t6rti0...ex-eou. 48. 25.115 UK).1.8Ohio & Misa Cer iHunk of ht of N Y Ml« h So A No lud20'r-iO .20l] 15.106 100.I7|N V Centn) ft %»\ Hanover Hank .soo.I7i« ooo .03 6.115 Pananian'y Central 7's.'76 CumlH-rlaiid l'ref rio.155

1 no.104 100. 32Hudson River 1 in 100. 31-. oos.1"3 CantonIl',i,lsi.nI.lv2ftF 400.43¦000.lOl} Western t uion 1st m6,000.H»Clue A N W 1 inLOQO. t*2|Alton AT 111 ni2,000. 90


10.10«) ...2d callAll ml.-' Mull6(H).200.


Alton ATI! In IPoston Wat 1'ow'rc.ono. 75 200. 30Chic R I A Fa R 7s1 loo.seo1,000.89 WO.


Chi.« AN W100.341200.«IO. 34J:too.ion..___m_ChlC .v N W I'.ef2.O00.r. 60|SOO.SCO. 60MM).601800.Slfl.«, co¬mo. lil). CO|Illinois Centralmo.114Chtc A Rock blandloo. «S*.")200. te.'i

m..*«¦.IDO.S*0. ICJ|P. It W «V clioion. Ml«IN .a. 96|Mil Si HI Pam

Moins* l_wx lin' I»» 1'30. 306,000. 94| Home lu«tfiot.f>H- II.*21Calena A Chic 1 m Adams I.»:1,000.MO IN. <*"'>P Pt WA Chi«-1 m M. IIi .vfii Wella I argo Expr

Chic AAltoulu 100. 67:i M» . 00 20. 67Atlantic A (i w i IAmerican i;.\pic«si u««i._..--_*.1,10(1 ...ii -.«i.(ei MU A St PealIra

(.'.i.t:iicnt.«l Bnnk 'Erle ; 1"«'.6.1031, 1,001. ""-'. .,!'V tt-","_-_- M|

Oin.» & Mis.« 1 ni MO. .,;....., I..I. Wal»A V

MM.62 1400. «>-i Ita.coisia iimi I..M.I.

covr.nv.ti i MT ni i-tu SI '

VU «« 6 20 Coup T,J CYif.i i MCp ta .«* t» -i » ('o«V.-.iil-mi,:; i r,} 3,000.loo |iih>.ooo.io7|

i; i» i. . M Coup '-i U8( »»|' ».doo.ion

North cartu .w«!ii Parge Rm Beodteiii»,i«*i ax-eon. et* tot.r-7«i

T,-; :At!.ililli' Mail à » WMI. M Ita. ", ¦¦. :"1

. Boston W al P.m'r Mp. (_Pal ( ___*.- N West Pre

.. '.n Pan!.«-Mail -'-- . fA'i

ftli¡»ourlU 113 '-' *» -,¦:; : 1 /.".¦30000 »J NY Central Chic à Rock lal

I Mbl .__\ r"°.'.«...... 2iHi ""' .

1 tie Id Mortgage l -

-,» «/Si _.«, i"¿V,-,,rai. N IM . <^l I«'!.Uah A tiAmerican Eapresa too.

,,- Bru Preferred Ck \ .«. i- loi .; ..... es i«»!.Adama Kxpresa Rndaon Biv« Mil A .-it Paul¦oi/6. C5 £.00. W|l HW.

«H*KN BOABD» Ol ii":.! it.» -I" A. M.

c.mso'.'.l Orea Ool Rndaon Bin i ,< "¦ «va .' Itttt100.«¦"» *. '-Í"".

1 ftcifl. MaU 600.Vii S««»..1MJ Reading S M

ti 1 ntral loo I loo(too .971 300.lilo.H»)* Chle R I A Ta

.»;l mo.10B| 1.100.MO.. B3 "7 Pitts KI WAC too.¡iW) .I«-, 971 »«).th-.k '*"»".,'-i0ino .M5, oil Mich -4 A N I "mo .e..,,Mj.lia tri] tOA.... I7| «'hie A N W l'ref











97* S»«i. "' I I|M. »is. tri s

0 MS. «ta. f't 1c.i cine a North Wet' 4

121 ki'.


««»I. «Ok_

li.« i

«....Nil um».bJo,, ...i'!'1 »: 100.«10. CM100 . »,»»1 »t"' .,KJ0 ."*

«.I'KN HOIK!» DI Hi.(«hi R| f V »,

p.itlfle Mail Readtag « hi Ki i PiM I It j..-.« .M

AtlantM Mall. Hudson RivalI' '.' '; .' ¦' .17 ,1 linn»

.*. . I.tiul M h is.» .V M Hid I«"lilloo.07| too. .-jellie an WPrel

<',;j fcatil] I,


«KM... I«I1.10

.-¦IMB !..'.M|| Mt

in.« A N vv Cleve ._ Put«Mt. o .i«| .««.. .... oil ^^^^^^^^^^^oran soabdJob brori - r m

o A Miss« er i: idlng eve 4 Pitt«lll.iMKi.2.'t "i«* J .'.'I.I

.iii.i«»i bat. M l\>l, Wab A Weat Boaton Water Pov»n y «Central «tal «««i . o:| MM IM'Chle A N Weetara

|l.i «Ml «'a. ')i |M bit .Mi¬loo.toj Chic AN W Pi« f


1'«iI.i mtoa.200S.M)'¿¦'i.¡.ti

' iM


:s»i6H Or

.»11- I« l«l,i

Pitt« P I» «a «.

Ga ¡ io» i*i

e:«Í Mleli í-Wi A Ko hid BOO '--I.r^^^^^^

_ laj :m»i. -1

CMc Rock Ia A Pa IM bat _. __________- >i lou. sic M IO"

loo. bl '-t '

li ¡i:.» i im UTO MOItBO »I'» ki,

OKOONII l«. ti: i'

Petrol. .«'.". r ...y«;««i«.».. Ml


14 to S MCo!., niblin O _

« >. r'\'¿-, i a ar.: loo aft tall.. 6 7SMt

100.SJ I '.'. I"' -I ni).lol.

Con'dOregórrt »ol ¡Ohio A Col O AS IM«j «, ... to-i 1 o'.! 100


h MM

-- -. .«! lal!. ila (»ruas« («old

1 5'»i M

7«.__________________________________________(.«.ij, lan IColllllllii.ili ». Al II IMO -I 1 li BOO . .1 '-'.. HillMt Bli I«: 1 .'"¦ Mt IM I« 1 7»

.:. I haltet Oak hwMt. Yo If» »I 'J I ».

1 Mat N I' M.

Gold ClOtSd BJ lit 'nfl'i »« lin:- at I.'1', a HIT). Thel. sriaga "f the Gold Earl.gc Ban. arc |and the l.alanc'-«. |1,410^90.

i, .. « Minn lit sim I.s «t»M t util«» in good demand litfull plica. Btl » Mil'*.«-,», ami baniaahatss ass Ina. The goners] thara Market io dall,and there la oo diapoaitloa ob tin- patt ..f tkopnbllcto luiv, hut, on the olli.'I hand, it .«¦«..I ti« al of stuckio «added to the sappij ««tithe ttteot b1 anjr sdvanoe.It i« «otniiiK Is be underatood that rahtsUaatrailways aro in dovelopÍO| tin .ountiy andfaciUtniiag eoomeroe, iiu'v an- saoattain of in(.«no er.'cpt to tluii mai.ipili.itoi«, and thetr.iii.ipoitat.oii oompsaiea n hi« h nao there f"i nomiBslchargea The next whMl harveol b expected to belargo, hot thot does no1 pat preeentlo ies,sod bo-tors wheat move«! nach priest <>f immy OXBOCtBBlroads Will sii link um t «i i:«ll \. Ait.-r the cull and at

theSeoond Board priest orats iteady, with s Baal«i,it«- i.!i.»ni. -a. Koa York <'<mial. '.''.: a'.''.,-, Krie,'.,../' I; gosdiag, IM -r/lu-.. Muhmaii Southon),',;, _c*i; CleveUnd ami Ut^fe1'. '¦._".Ijii-£'^bland, S-TOftfi. sraTrwttEWcstorn PrafetTod, 0OJ«dO|¡ For! VTsyno, Qtj IM).Money, CioiikIi still in goodsuppljr, in more active,

and leos ia asid of cheap rates OaeaH «Um rs-toaan)</»'., with a aood desl st! <»n ordinary collatenuaCumin.¦!< ial liili- s« II at b «a*?} foi Iii.»', ¡nul H_0 forsecond i*i.ul>-A» the year wens on aiul «In- ((impound notes mn-

tnru and ato icplanil l«v gold hearing lion.I«, moneycannot I»- ««xpe« t««l t«, he much cheaper, hut tho ro¬

ver."!!'. 'J ¡it« pro-sent ral.« mi- ¡it low BB «'an ho rea-

hoiialiJy cjici i««l, ,nul tin' n« \t ibaafll will ho up¬ward.

Ht-erling hills are firmer. WS »itiote: London, «30day». 100J_)1W¡ «¡Klit. U0| Paris, long. _.líf«R5,_l.'ehort, 6.111-0,5.10; Antwerp, ,0.171 i kit] Svvias, 5.171&5.15; Hamburg. mt.wMy\ Ainnterdain, 41ia41j;Frankfort, lUalli; Hreni.-n, WJ; Berlin, '.'j.

Iii Freight« tho engageiiieut« to IiiveriKiol ure 100bhl«. Hpirits Turpentine at 4s. EL, and per -teaniw500 bhl«. Rosin at 2h., 7,000 hiiah. Corn at Oil., ftnd 50tuns iiacou ami Lard at 20a. To London «Vi '..Lia.Hoain at 2d., 50 lihd.i. Tohacco at '.jo«., l.r-o les. Lard at15h., and i»cr Bteamer 14,000 buah. Corn on piivátetenus.'fhe business of the Siih-Treaaury waa: Receipts

for Customs, $»17,000; for Gold Notes, g4OV!,«0O0; totalReceipts, ft.312..-Vîî» 5.; total l'uymcuU, «t4,ll9,î»'l »*;Balance, $119,425,k,7 -w.As parties holding 7..'Jöfl, due Aug. 11, are in much

doubt lia to the mode and coat of convoi tin«/ tliemiuto.5-20BOÍ lrvö5, new isaue, interest payable July andJanuary, we annex tho following tigurea:Th» funding of 7.ÍJ0» luto O-'JOs ia done at the Na¬

tional Currency Hunk, at this date (May IO), as fol¬lows:

ai ,nno new 6 20« at ioh. |1 oM 00g11.^MAng.TJM at 1061.|i,«s.-> miiutereit to Hay 0. M M

1,07» 10

Balance. to

Partiett who scud to this bank, or to the First Na¬tional, Fisk A Hatch, Vermilye St Co., Jay Cooke AtCo., and other baukera advertising in Tim Thibunb,will have t«> pay oxpr«*aa « barges of Buy 50cents for

$1,000 each way, ami stilt aavo money, as comparedwith funding at YVu_lnngt«>ii.In funding dirt*ot with the Departiueut, the dor*

mo ¦¦ ¦ 1 ' ' ¦

emment paying exprès chargea both ways, the fol¬lowing aie the figures

j» days'iDtei-est on r. orn.p2\ M»4 (Lija' interest OU AugUot 1..IO*. H no

To bo sent to Washington on each 11,000 $4 41

This «hows an adranta-je in the open maiket of$:j 51 on every ll.ouO. Funding can only be dotio at

Washington, und with more delay than throughbank« rs at New-York.The specie movement in New Ymk in lcfï7 com-

pni eg ah follows :Bl lum d from California :

in January. fl.mMQIn Fi brants. i.Tii'.ax)Ii March. 1 .'.»13,ff»H4

In April. d,U>i,1IH-kn,3o%,r1kImp« I'd from foreign potts

In .January. |12r3,T19lu Fehruary. 136,401In March. Hi>,V,7

lu April. 271,Tl»>- «-«'.787

Total supply «Ince Jan 1,1867. IMIaVMii:\poitod to foreign ¡»ort»

In January. UrtsTRKIn February. *l,l24,4f.llu .March. 1,KUI,141In April. a,_Cl,_t*S.tA.nS.7M

Cain since Jau. 1,18(57. 11.161,5*5Jhe following are tho movement«) of D17 «Jood« at

ihia port ti ti 1 ii the v,( .« k1 .- »r«ii»Tiov.

Yinni nf mt«. Value. Ma« r-..r* rl«- Vi!«»Mool . 5-.1 *f..l,4()*i l-l»!. M4 Utkjkki< otloii. iii 7I.C7.1 M111 ellalii-ott«. 2«6 174,403Billi. -Hil 256,6691 -¦-

Total ....2,3-aJ .»JÍ2.483It I III.It 4\t «I «

Mtim.f tif Pk«a Valu«, iVnaa/0/ Vlf* Vaina.Wool.... Ml lUMMlVlax . 'I-*» I'll,:»!)-!Cotton. y.t lii.'.yT.iMisti lUiu-iiti».3,5.-47 ii.tuBilk. Ill li 8,161 -

Total.1,351 NIMM«a'»! ian,

MaSB/ »/ PVj~. Value-. .1/«««/. ./ Vît*. Vilii«V,.nil . 4(1*1 tirj.7Ci4.Klax. 2.1.1 «V»2,tHa( otton. 271 17.1/,-, Ulacc-llaueoua.1,933 J3.7MSilk. 27« 35,2511

Tota 1.2.-W6 tMSJM

The Fiit-tr Mi ne i i..m.k BOMIM 04 IU ('fxtrai.I'ACinr lim nulli I'OMPANT, now offered for »ale, aro

isxiied utidci a li it« i MiiiiTi.tiiK upon that portion of

their ««hu li Um in the h'ati: of » alifoniia. |XM..ffiuin >,n r iinento to tho Btato Line. Thi« Is coiiilden |THE MOM lill »I,I I, ASH KUWI.'M lilli« l: IIM« of tllO<. lil. \ r National Kiniii: ni iiik Tai ii u, and the First

Moiti»'.!go Bondi «ecurcdupoult poiscM pecullui feattuea

of safety aad profit.Pirti : This purl ion of the road nun through the heart

of Cal i foini:), und connect i.~>.ni.unen to with tin .»¦*» ten-it |

minnie ii kioIm of Nevada, wlin li imitt draw tlelrsup-]..i. » from tin« I'.i' Hie « i'i.-t over thii mad. and which

h tve paul a« hlRk M ti:i.i-U0.«»Si, in cold, for ti an «port ilimi

Id shIiikI I >. .ii'. Tin»» mi. Uh _ TUADE 01 mi.«, nu:

HUM i.i III». Kulti. «Oír M IMVtl «»li IMH 1 I M.t NTl.T

Of nu: Tiin-ii -.ii i liSvL' ttOP PUPIHI EkPtStcomt: The roost expenslTl portion nf the road, over

the .Itana Nevada, I« already built. (*i|nipped, and enn¬

uin..,, and the mt nucí»..f UM MMftoMl portioni i.. i. -, «i-1 i tiii.n t IV » xi i «4 m- in m i». rriu.«r »is

All IHE KlK»T KOBTOaOa» Will. II III! ( iiMl'A.Sr

( IN I-«l ) Iin*.' IM MM I «

Thxrtl- The WIBjIjtBfl id made mid recorded n-alrr the

law» if the Slate of ( 'alifi.rnlii. v. hero «pecio p.ivm-'iit hu

novel li.-i-ii MiFiiiF-i.ili-il, and b} the law« of that Mata) and

the ant hoi it y fe.n-»-i.M the <'oiiipany'a contract to payHie pi na Ipal .ml Inti n «t of tln-ir Hund-! In «old l« »._.

.MM I'.IM'IV:.lo hilli: The icvi'iiiu.Hiif the (.it), puny an» reieivcdln

-».oil. and their rat.« foi tranipoi taima of paawafBH and

freight are three tune« tlitwte of l:.i«tern roada, «o that

tin ir ni »nins., ex it. s »is Aiiiv iii« nits 25 huckst

off Tm i,im«« iumunali'i.'- Hu .n.nint of tin» ii,inl-i i» hs*) than one third

the c.j.»t aud Milln-if Hie piop.-ity y'n igt al for theil re-

ili tii'tloii -tho tfaited .«Hat«»« Covet iiuii'iit having ad-v MOOt au equal amount to aid the c.>ii«(riictlon of Hie

toad, and reliuqui-Iicd tli«-tii«t ln-u upon t '.io whole'luja» -1 ,.f tin «. flr-it Him t asm bondi.

The 'j-, ii' I ¦» bear InteeaM at the rate of ail pire, al pi in-

Ipal iii"! MMhsij MTttimt "» faM in the Hy of -

Vnrk mni ft»M P**< -H «nd accrued iiitcroat

fi.-in J.iv.limy 1, in nirrcin")- At ,h" kttA i_- rate i-f ¡jol-t' tlic p.uit i ear, tin > i-i.a "¦.: l| p'tô-1" ñipontlM la«i -iiiii-nt.

I oi Initiier pirticular» npply MKihi« .«. il ir. u. Hanker». N-> I N..H-.HI si M Y.

I'll-.«. I NlIloNtl IWSk fV Kfw Vi'liK.Nu 140 Hii'ni'Wir.

Thi« laaow .PapM-l Rea.-lpt«, « to

tim«« »«-»ned hy tins Union Bank of Iioudon and other

là binn.«, and tuarju« POA n iir cent interoat

I'.ntic» fuiiilniiT ur «.*.< han»,!*)« the 7 JO Notée llito6 2i)

Huilla w ill lie d. lit willi :i» Hie beat I ile« of til.' mallet.

Hill« »u tmmkmm (Baakta nriuhera) for «ale in .'iiiioiiiit«

tal «ulfAll i»artl.-a ffpaaMi ". han»juii| th. ir accouiiti willi

lui ka «.t i... nk i-i» a i-f I o-, .t.-.l t.. »In-, 1.,irk

ti. ( IB .«i. »-. . P| -.1,-iit«,i -. P Hti.i t, « .i-'iicr

DtMnH «V M «. i Kinki i-. No. :ï) WoU-ti S< .«

Volk v ..(fi.. i« of ti,.. i*.u, It.tnU i .mr p. i

(. nt ititi i. .! ..Haw..! on di-im-tit'lin- liu-iiicta of tilla MM i* UM «iilin» a« au Iiicorpo-ii- .1 HankI'M:«..*.«. M.i.i-iM, *t. in -, Bl ina lu io«n .imi IlKAtr

.it tliia> pi. awi. an 1 a. ill lu- allowed lui. i.-t on tin ii dailyhalance at 4 |a-r . .-ni

(..lila u is-, mai lo ou any pa it of tho «Tatt. I Si.ile* or

-! -

Ord. r foi Un Pim u Ml. 01 s«l,c of fie rai Ion« i...

.¦iiiiii-i .mil nlhi i .|Ml S», llonl« and (lii.-l. pioinptly

. «' ed for to« .«nal c.iiiuiii-v.ii!ii.

MIK M A It'KI IS|i »r'f-i j lapuii.-l lor Ta« TOissm I

ll:int» Maa lo. \"f.:.A«*!IK»4 'Ho» .1« in tin! Pot« i» Him at M tai t .»« .'.-}

Pearl l| «. i

BKKnWAX Vellow i« linn und in fin «1<-ma ntl at tua4?c. fir U'l-Sti ni iiinl S. nun n

BUILUINU MiriiilAIS nie. fit in and III fair demarni We inc.t.- ( mimi,ai Mint Krlck at Ill.rlU,t i.ilui et ||t../|l*). mid I'lulaili Ipili,t I unit at lui (.

tin ni at >1 .'. foi RiMSud th-. I nu.- .it |l ii foi ('.nunoii.alni »..'" fm l.'iinp. i.niii» M M for Kaatera: Hair at nir»My for Hi« (, iande Mixed, ."'./lo... for Huellos Avi.-aMi«.-ii. and m n.. far I'nuiiahe.i \\i «tem Hop, Lamberat «1 ..'.'tit f"i I¦ i.-ti-rri Bptsjee; and l-ln-t.-r .f I'nrl« atIt mi y inn fm BIM afeara .Ses*: ia, M P tan for ff/hl te daI.1 in p- ii»)l for (leaned K.i«tiui. MM p i.i-l for hnick» r

hockei Mill«, «nil li n i hill, for linpire Mill«.« 111 11 >n i b« iin-iin n bal been lair, aad iiiice« »how

no Important alteratl.thousfa «omewhat imtinilaroathe lot« -.'laili *; «iii'« '.T.m lull--! at .'Ti- foi Mnlilluib' l'p-land«, to ia«, for Middling Ne« oil.-aim.»nilli: l lu- demand for Hr.i/il rjo«JM I« not very

mil««-, luit t«itli tin» «tm k In lln« hand« of impoit.-i-iiiiioiiiiiiin; to onlv .'.'-"I n a.--, pilli« remain «teaoyiwePQ\a flnU.00Í »y*0ex »iSJpi !*_ Dootesl on«- terat«,i'llliT :i,.'"0 ('." xx Milli, now «t Ifaliiplnll ROaalS, to ho(hliviinl ni l:. ililli, "in, at lnjc. A lot of MO hss-l eisteamer r»oath Anierica hu wn »hipped toBnltlmoreOtbei kuid-i nu fairly ai live and «tea»li. «ale« of ko ha»,'4Co«ta lth a nt Me.,dntff pola, und 7oo bag! M. Douilnijo, inbond, al 111 I».Ill K"l'l»oi'i'li: iraeiii m Innot to dull hut steady; «ale« of

TS,00| :. N- .v .«-lu at lung and Yellow Metalnu ii t«-1

I ANM.l.M »re In moderate .!. nintid and «teady at 10»'».Oc foi uilaiiiaiillin , Jd.illk.fol' »pinn, anti louAK. forPateat.l'l.Dl'R AND MKAI.-The ditii.tnd for Western and

St.lte FIOQl »I lll"le K'-IK III. hit Hot intive, and, withI,initial arrival«. i>n" ¦ of the low and medium grade« aroIiifjI;.. liluh. i 1 '¡milly Kradi« am li. Id with incis-aaedillunie»«, mid nie lu dem.uni «tale-« of 7,hot) lililí, at

111 in j ti.' IO for Hupcriine Htittc, 111 io,t%U ~,o tor I.tirudo, III Mavlt-ll for tho low'arrulles ..( Western Kxtra,111 li) a Iii M for K'H'd to choice Kitrado., »it i.i..-li.') 10 forMhl|.piiiK«»hlo, <.!.> m-iin'. lu for Trad« do., and 116 in e

tl'i ¡Al for M l.'iiil« l.tii.iH < aiilfiu ina Flutir ia Scai.c,und the market li linn »ales of "Ú0 lilli«, lind sacks, at(17 .j |i ; Mc < 'aintiliitii l-'lonr 1« riiin Ima; i|iil«-t the anitaaro »niall, at lll./tl. J6 fur i(ood to cholcn i.i di, undlia 8.nlia "3 for Trade and 1'auilly Ultra«, hoiulnin.'lour ia llrmcr, hut not active «ale« of it:, bhl«. at lia 00_|1S 20 for i »minmi to »Food Kxtra Hnltlmore, and 115 tAtt

111 forTrade and Family Ki tra». Kye 1 lour la a littlemore active; «ah« of I, «.'«I hi)!« at teat* so to: YVc«tcni,aud|«7'.a'^ 7.1 fol-Htate. (.'orn Meal 1« linn und In fairleipiest ; «ale» of f-O hhla., at 9* 'it tot City, ki M for fairfax. amil»! M foi BrandywIm afloat

1lisll -Dry (o«l aro tiru), but uot very active; «als« havetieen effected of 600 i|t)«. nt IO 60 for (li-oiuc'«. Ma. kt-ielan- In l'imkI ili-iiotiid Mini ttriii aales of 1, .'Jo lil 'lu. ut $.'.).."

ÏK) SO fur No. l Ma»« , and 117 for No. 2 do. Ilerrlna arenil at 40c. «paliox tor .sled, and lf,<fitu- tor No. 1 do.(.HAIN Iii.- Wheat market opened easier and quite

Irregular, and closed sith rather more ateadliu««; the.h-numil Is mainly for lulllin-* here aud at the East; West¬ern la strong, but Spriu** ia tam« ; the aales are 63,000bush, t-tprlnx at ti M tt ti «6 for No. I Chloairo, li 75d»ttJ «0fur No i Milwaukee, and 4.1100 Hush. White California,patt last »iii;hf, at li 60-lu «3. Harley la without muchi'haiii.«i «ale« of 8,6tiO Inihh. Caiiiidu Wist at li 19. BarleyMall la quiet at li 8o-t-|i 81. Oats upeui-d better with a

fair demand, hut closed tame st the advance; ask»« ofOT.uOO huhb. at »tiiss»«'. for tildond New Western, and hii_«j »le. for Mt ate in «'me Rye ia firmly held hut Is (pilot,.alea of Weateau lu «tor« at li Mail Ml fitate ia «iiarceand wanted. Corn opened very unsettled and pricesquite nominsl: denier» ..eneraliy wide apart ia theirMewa i at Hu- close there I» pet hap« more ateadlnesa with'he pilli! ipal holder«: salsa of 66.000 lum)) at li 06J|1 14for lltatiMi |i _i),.|i ¿7 for New Mixed Western hi uniloud depot and delivered, ciueiUK ut II 'lil'»II 16 delivered li m </|i ¡to for While, sud li J3-»H s** fur Old West¬ern Mm «1 in store and afloat.»M'NNY HAlif, ate flin and in good demand ; «ale« of

400 hale« Calcutta st I.V., «old.«it NNV CLOTH I« linn and la demand; «slea of 600«. at io,- «old, fin ( ali ulta atandard.Illili:.»!- ihn market rcmaiua quiet, the inquiry t« fair,

and holder« firm, but partie« are »inut; wn liant only tonot ne «ah -, i-f j.oon Dry Hiii-una kJSOk, Ut) '*> at MM . <« I

Ii KM I' ihe market It active, and holder« an- (li ni ni

t-t-U \>cr)o, «ales of 9,600 balo« sjaullA. Lu golu.a( lie«-»-

Other description! are dull, and prices, In the absence ofsales, are nominal.H.\Y Tin« demand U only modcrute, and prices are

heavy atti 80 3|l 90 for shlppm*:, and ti Viatel 10 for re¬tail lota.HopK. Are «pilot, but Arm for home consumption:

sales of about 40 balee at from 30..60c., as to growth andquality.IBOn.Pig is dull; small «ales at #40 for No. 1 Amerlcan. and lil«. lu for No. 1 Booti li.MOLA¡-..S_J..A fair business is doing at steady rate«;

«nies of t«; hiiil« (iil»a Uti»«ovado al 66359c. 50 tibia.Cuba*» at 54c; ton hhds., and u titree« PortoRico, and 20« i\iid*. Demerara on private terms.NAVAL 8T(rtU:.«<-Spirits of Turpentine is dull but

steady at 67*C8e. Rosins are steady at ti tôapi Hi\ forCommon %kn i l for Straiued, and |4 löaXü fur the bet¬ter grades. Tar Is dull.OIIÜ.American Linseed is Ann and In fair demand at

|1 35'/|l 37. _'i.«_, Oils arc unchanged. LurdOll la dull,but steady.PROVI..ION:_-The Pork market is better but not act¬ive far immediate delivery, aud tho only sales of Import¬ance we leam of are tOObbls. New M«-«« at «f.3 20 cuata,with none now offered below >23 M. For future deliver-there has been considerable activity, and some libls.[pall last evening) at IM i \ï.) It, seller «to days. Of otherkinds we note sales of coo Mils, at ill tor Old Mess, 1.1 12«.for City do.. $19 25 for Old Prime, and |22 40»IM 80for Thiii Meas. Reef is steady, with a fair demand ; saleaof lOObbls. at tl3*|16 for common to fair Piala Mess;*!7*l21 for good to choice do.: «tUBlM fot Kxtra do.Tierce Be»»f 1 » scarce and nominal. Beef Hams are steady;sales of 40 bbls. Western at 14160- Cut Meats an- tlrmbut not very Bettie ; sales of only »0ipkg«. Pickled Shoulders at Ole. lî.icoti is steady; sale« of 338 boxes at He. forLong Cut Ifam«; ttPBOEO. for 8hort clear, and 6,000 I»loose Short Hie Lr*.rd has tacóme v« ry dull,but prices arettrmer: eales of 6o0 pkgs. at 12|<»13c. forNo. 1 ; UBltfO. for City ; I li »ii! if. for fair!» prime Steam,ami I3jiil3|c. for Kettle Rcuuered -the latter rato au

extreme.iiiiTTKit.There Is a good demand for Common, at our

quotations. We quote(¡oshen and Orange Co. pall«, pi».28*:».Pt.itc, firkins.goon to prune.IS»*)State, lialf fiik.ns,medium to prime.IBMst nie, firkins, common and fair.le. l8State Wct«h tuli«, fair to prime.tdi.20VVc.-tern Reserve, good to «"holco.t__»ltVV« «tern, common to good.,.liaitKartbern Penna] IvaoJa .1.1* 20

( ni i.«i: la quiet, at unchanged prices. We quote8tate Factory, good to choice, P m.mai»¦tate «Factory, fair to good.15*17Mate Factory, «««muiou to prime.liaitEnglish «Dalry, Conn.15* Dairy, Ohio.15317Y« munt Dany, fair togood.11*15Ohio, prime.12 * 15Ohio, 6-112Pineapple.2032:1

AMBBBOOn PBOVIBtOB MlllKKT, 6 O'« LO«'B.Thelu.iiket lor Pork i.« linn hut quiet: vee noto a salo of 250bl)!-« N.M M«*s., tellerM dave, at Iii WPETROLEUM is dull mid stendr: na quite Crude at

ile. in I-,ilk. inn! Ide. In Mais. «Refined, m bond, at ilya22«. for I..-«;, fordo toW; Matte, for P do aud(., '." ,/ «4c- tot .-! VV, ami 27i for P WV

Kit II No important «al« sar«- report. «11 price« aro wlth-ot.-t change.Bl '¡Al..« Th. re has ln-en a very active demand forPa m Bugara to-day from both refiner* and the triol«-, andpim-.* ne tlrm. i, «lo»ii,/at lu, ; lOjc. for fair to good P.e-1111111).-; salea of tJPKI hhds. al lOtaufc. for Cnba ¡ l_|c.torli nu!««! do 111 ' I-4-' fur Porto Rico ; andI,2"'H l»oxes Ha¬vana ¡it lo_r» I.;.. Kellin «I are llriii. al Me for Hards.

.-i i D8 The market ia Inactive and prices are nominalfor i lover .s»« «I. Timothy Seed M «telttag slowly at Pitt|3 25. Rough 1 laxseed is qui« t at ti io" t -'« 28. CalcuttaI l-uwed i« Hi ni and in demand at ti .«. to 60, gpid. luRoeton (nul beret na mite sal« « of .í.o-m) bags Calcuttai.'i:-. ni, to arriva in «BoataB, at Pi ?". in bond.skins (««»at hat.* been more active, ami wo noti«.'o the

sale of _00 hales Tinnpico at .» IB4t|e., gold.."-.'Vi' Wo note sale« of 'tua boxen « ..«tile at l8 3184c.,m n moy.SALT ia linn at about pr> i tona ratea wa «¡noto at ¡»o*

5 _«¦ Tui fs l-l. nui. ti P0_ma tor Liverpool Qronad,nuil tv, gol«!, foi Liverpool Fine Aahton'a. Hy auction»«)aacka of »lij-hUy damaged Maiahall'a «mid at li <a.|»M Olk

f-i'i.i.ri.i: SUeaean is s»-liing *tt|at|e., gold.TEA During th»> past wee! the general tone of the

market ha* been rather duli and prie« s are somewhat «m-

settled As an item of Intel ««1. iiuivnicr. we note tho

purchase by «the «¿r. al Ami rican Ti Como my «f the hi

uri argo of th«* George Bhotton,from Poo-ciiow. em-

mt«, a half rhests, t-'fil boxes Oolong; MB chestsand 270 half cheal Mouchong, at m ii ket rates.tai.i.ow Thetaarket n fairly active andIna j sales

of BLOM B ut lUHJc. for fair to priât««.TIN.Pig m only in limited demand, but prices are

Steady at \»\a .5«. nu Banca; Uta. for strait.«, and 22c tor

English, all gold. Plates al«* «lull und muniaalWHISKY The market la quiet; small »ales of 8tatc at

26c , an«! of Western at 'ile In bond


,¦1:11.11, May IO, UM.Notwithstanding the cold. Id kfard aeaaon, atrawher-

n« « h,« (. a ide their appeal »nee in i?ii^''t. though««!«- Boothera clune a f«>\T aot-honal «KSTtaa hnvtbooa 00 oale at the Broadway fancy frail atou'(or sev¬

er r weeke, «eui now wa have ont-door fruit from Nurfojlcv.«. It waa In fair order and aald» with hull« on, atti So

l« i«, «i i> . Among fish we have tim addittou ofr *. «a -. I, Bah, and 11 fi 0, frch ni i« kel c1, v. Inca coin-

!l«i! !.. av pin lint.« for the Week. Hillier l8 Hot

plenty Jual now, and dealera ora nakina a ¡ ¦<. per oonndadvance on fine new. Pg-r« nr«* lu full supply, and con¬tinue cboapei than meat Moatd« llera give n tor Mc¦»hui ue plenty and < heap In comparison «nth «waar».Hier tiling.«. Plum- continues to advance, a choice arti¬cle of -»t. i/,m« wiling at tu alt. per barrel. »Somethingquit« xiiain n can atfil be bought at Ma Meeta Ore finn..nid some of the butcher*! have advnneed the price ofline cul.« of beef. Bpi IU| lintis have h« ii »"lil i»s

|12 per carcasa. Poultry Ia .»till held at high figuras Uparagua, greea Bcaa, spinach, lettaee, ami ot her fresh-growa new i« g« tal«!« - .ni* gradually working down, hutmore sun i« wanted t«> bring I taiia tm vard freely. Nor-toik peae ara tanked for m tt wee'., and n«-«*' cabbagestrot» tin- Mouth va ill isoon Ink«- 111. pla -. OÍ tht Old Tt hil h

-' passed oui of market, vic quotalal: *l> ami 1 1. ti

r» Cent«Bread,wheat loafKyi* loaf. I0O l61 liutt.i. t*:*« 1--/11kUti 1 1 ii,I l» B i.ia'iini. p.*i

Iii»« mt, mi'.k.i' .. i- ¦»,.' fH/111.11 kel a. I. ,- i-

Bl 1 ti I-. III :.«i IBU 1 -«¦ »

( li..«¦_», tli e. f lu Ug.Pn .18315( «.mina.n. t» tr... i ! ..--.i.--' i,- 11 «1 aPi t. p «aki- .1- foi ti 00

Hum. i-, pt nu. -, p's toatoj Dnek,TBtf«Mi «li'iui, i» U..:t.- . a« li.bait)

ll-ll Hil Ml

Raaa, attined. P n 1 <. .«> !'. r. li. p n .12*13< ..I. |> " lal lu I'ike, p :.. ....... linioBoe, «pa. a m i'i-igici». t* it».Matt

P.-i*. p in .« Shad, ea« liClouiidei-H. p ia. >. / lu « iliu.m, -p B ..1/90Halibut, |> 16. P m. . ¡ai* ISHaddock,pa.Be lolBucken, p 1». « BMHerring«, p n laiolHtnnena, «P B .. io.*i.VL«. I». 1« «a li .... -*',i lu Weak tlsli. P IB. 18«<J0Puk« 1.1. pa... i

nan-nar,«». bbbu. ureCul In v. pt -«, io iiiiild.>«k.smoked. PIM4416CUaaa,Soft, p loo ... J5*co, p m.««/ioHard, p Ps» 60*11 « >« »I« i>, ( uiiiniou Stew,

tada,Smoked,-pi.-Ir.v,» ... p mo .7,',«II25iiaiii.ut,fitnoked, pin ita-Tu Pryiag,pi00 ti .«/.>¦Helling», .-«iirkil, p a. l ia :» Huddle Rock,... t¿ ¿A.?4 80

«s« uli-il, p |.««\ ..62*71 I'lt-kh-d.pitw Vi ooii.i 00Smoked, t bunch... 10*16 Salmon.Smoked,pa MOM

Mackerel, Salt, PB li Pickled,-PB .ts«2Sa« ii in is »uan< Itali

8ult. p kit taiMi.«|:t ,<i p m 15^20Suiuked, Pin i

I K11 B, Ml It M«'.lah,mi l'linir, T IB .80060Corn Storch, <P tt> .11*1«Parian, p in 1..; UHo 1111111. p m 1 ir 1Indian Meal. 7 IB. Meal. P in.TalSamp, Vin.a»»

Wheat I'lotir. piimePhi«! Iln «Miiit-'l 0«)Medium, P bbltl1M*tl860

hag Pi oUak'i 1;I» T*B ha| 70<i-77

He. k.i» «. li Katoteg,I' » Id liai; BOB

Pie 1 lour, 7 IB.irláoO1 1:1 11» am« mi« OBI i>n 0ABBBB.

Apples, P Hi. 14./1S i'nims.p ta .Î0O30l(M oiiinits. each .10 al.., Peaches, p tt».tOtsMl-'lii«. P m -..s./.uii P I B can ..»50Hickory Nut*,p quart -ti./... Hahdaa, -fa.16*25Panania, p quart -aaa'Santa >ttarranU, p m .16»l8

lill Its \M» BBBBB «

Appi. «. p \ P.-ck toBoo Oranges,Btailv. p «los 2oa>50p. 1 iii.i .gi «»milo i»i Messina, P dos...

Ii.m.ilia». «P dot .'si i/*J IM), Pineapple«, eaoli MBit( i.uiIm 111. «. P «ii io-/ 10 Mra-A'M-rri .1, p quartl.einoli», P dOt I'*./-'.1 .t-25^«7J


I'lil.'corv. PTN. M Japan.ti (X>»$1 50Coffee, pure bum, p m 10* 521Caudle*, taliov«, p tn 1« MOMiMil.p-m . '.'.ililli' Sperm, V IB.8Ä*(V-JHie. Ac., p ::. 10918 A.I ilii.iiiliuo.HaloItict-ii Java, p lb....40<M5 Lard, P IB..17«, 19»a, p IB

ni, p».Bngar, brow11, \>ra.12«/11] I^'.if, orr m.Light. Pt*» H-15 Pl«*e, p IT). 9*14

«u-li« ii and pott- -a let (tins aud s«»«!.,«1« i.-il.PB)..»16 Refilled.1*,,_0« ut loaf . -_l7iCn»amTartiir, P tn....45<ii6«)Maple, -p m .MatO'Sult, table, P quart... 6* 6

Hiigiir-h«iHo<»8iritpP gul.ti 0O«ttl 75

Molii.».»es, p gal.75«r|l 25Tea, Oolong ami Bo*

gllsll iili;ilkfu«t 7.../II 30Circeu.ti JOa-W 2.v

MKara ranonReef, porter house

sloiik.p» i. i"

Doini.1.18 rt'13

Soap, large bars, each.22«#38Bmall bara, euch.9*12I-aiullv, Iwx.P». .11*1-1Soft, p quart. 2

Haaaht? ».tiâ"UTapioca, -P tB.18(-_5

Muttou, hindqr. P IB.16020Pore fiuarta-r, PD...12B18Kort- shoulder, p O.. s 01J

L-oan«!.l8 (ila (Imps. 25 0:10Rib roast. .05*:*o'8uet,P*».1«»18( ros.« 1 II», -ptB.ina*) Venl. bind quar., pm.MBtl( iHUk-rll». l'Ji/'-Ol Pore quailer.Pla ¡J

Plate mid uvls. liuio Pore shoulders, -P IB. 10<i I*

StewAHtMip, p tn 12910) Cul lets.MBMLiver,-PM..lo«12 la-ins.20*28Hearts, aooh. Mattl Sweet Hread, p doz.

P«.rk. rat and atks, p mif.^isl .»J 60ifc 00

kidneys, P" ft. JlO, Calves hrads.euf li....50*79Tii;.«, loasteis, ea. li Calves feet. P aet. ...40*50

.la 50ff^ 50! Pluck, Oil«:..25*60Iatml», hil. (|r.Al 5<)*t4 00.IIa_let,8bcer,oacü .... 1*10.oie quarter VJ 0K*ta OOi

WKAT8.8AI.T, SUOBKD, ETC-Tork, ham«, P tt.17 «¦ l J Pudding, Liver A Blood

p 1».yaioPigs feet, Pdox.-0065Head Cheese, p tt.IBB»Sausage, PB).18*_0

Racon,<Ptt'.16*18Blmulder«, Pin.I4'«M6Larded . loansSalt and coiiied, Ptt.19017

Beef.corned.12«*28| Rologmt, green, ptt l8*'»fliu.ked, Pin.27ffi."rO| T)rj'.60*75Tongues, each. II 25«tl 60 Tripe, Plb.-*10

Sheep Tongues, p «lo/...50<i«a56|lol IHY AND «1 IMK

Capons, P ffi.40*5«)|Tui-keys, choice, P ffi..$2*MOrdinary.p tt.25*inchickens, choice, P tt 90tfi.

l*'OWl«,P tt_.'JSai'lBBroilers, «p pnlrtl 757i|'J 80

Plgúnn8,8qiMb,Ppr, ti *ll MWild, p «lo?. I. 00-Otl 28

Ducks, choice, P tt....30*8J [Snipe, Kiig.pdoi M iV>«rta 00

Black, P pair..ti oonii asBrant. P pair..ti _6»|1 18Mallard, p pi -II _8-»0l toQdtae.PB.30926

»Plover, ¥ dot. B4 00*14 6«)Hand. P do«.60W7»Ywllow leg. P do«. 04 *tl ft«.ShdVt uook.p doi tl*ll ti

VBOBTABIJBB.MBMAsparagus, Pbch.6o*«a Peppers, red, P hunch la I

(lyster 00*|l 26 Potatoes, P| p«Hk.20*28Pl.usb. .ti 25*tl 60Pbbl.ta 00*13 75New, Bermuda. P ,

IM'ck.T5»80New rt.iut¡¡.-in. P |p'tck.f9»70

00*11-6lit-ans, Lima, snaked,Pquart.30*88

Beeta,each.8* 6Carr» «.each. 2* 8Corn, «p «it. «an.53*40«viUvua, P.buui-li.9* 0

(riQumber«, each .M»,!! Sweet piper«» tomeFettlcu«, «yqt.10'r.ll! Rhubarb, «p buuch.luaisGarlic, «a- bunch.-a'.3'Sa«e »V *-iyrr»e,«p b'uc'_-« JHorne Radinli, *>».l.-,.i- -a:,.-r Kr.-uf.-p ot itZ,\I.e. k«, V bunch. 8»10!,<e- ».U,JC_


w iiil..Hti.!c,f head.10*16 .ha_o_i/V(lt. \<iV\\onion. *.t .loan New. pmJU;;;;;;1^».P half P4-. k.40.1-4.1 St-il,aih p.iH.,lf i^aat!NewBeniiuda.e/qt ..--/¿i hpront*% .»V|»e.k.nlî,i*-»bunch.... |. I Sorr.l, «j> ;.,,'/, "' Î-JIATwnAey, «? bundi.8 01O Tomato^ Wrniu'd,'' 'I'liianlp», en« h .Î3I «Muan., tente»Pea-«, Y t peck.eO'tilSX Canned, «y quart'*''m2«_»-lulled, *»..,uut.6-.*75Tiiraliw,4yjä;C|f .i.;2Radishe«, *? buiu'i .... ra 5! .Vater Cits«, f qt"..a_

arrsjiiKiK.«.Bean«, dry, k> quart.. .1J _iv Hcrer. f pt beiti« «n**_Lima, dry, ty qt.45í«^¡_a>ti4ou Club äauus. iii.

BrooD)», each.30_S0 botlle. '*~_

l'eas, «*" tt».«-»lOlMafaronl, p «j ,'" ...,!Coal, hard, <Pbiicket...l2aiSiMilk,«P'quart


10_i_Coal. «tove.tun |7 00n|7T3 Condsöiied, «y ti eau aisl>:eiu«t:ue,i>'gal.««<»».¦


RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE.Msy 10.-1,886 bbls. Flour, 488 bbls. Whi«ky, 450 «««_.

Corn Meal, 8,500 hush. Corn, 275 hush. Oat«, tya boah.Malt, l8 pk.«-. Albes, its) pkgs. Beat, l,7«4 bbl». Pork aipax». Cut Meat», 20il pk-<». laird, a.oij bbl«. Pelrol_-_71,700 pkgs. Butter, 320 pkjj«. Cluseae. .m



~-tkP a»! um»




»9,000,«»00 IN COUPON B0ND8 OF »1,000





And leeiired by propertr titri».! st »I.SVi V», couiiitlag of Until tem

pitted roiil to the Qis.ooa.1e Rlrir, 1Î7 mllei trota St Lenta ill SJl.tMsi-rei of rich sgrVoltursl ind t»in<'ri! lill« on iu line. B/ a proflSaafof th. mortg ure, io often u Iinji in «old to the laoaut of 140.Vto, tim

mm Ia to be funded for tlie rederaptioa of a like ur.ouot of bondi aad ti»

bolder! bara tbe right at en/ line lo take ¡>ois«»s»iub io pl/meat of |_a

Pitt Tiltia of tbelx bondi uy ef the Coiapia/'i lea ii st »che-tale

ntc«, miaeril lin Ii. eicc'ted.The dirait* of Suulh West M-sonri ii rea-rlublr ulubrij ia, »hi laa>

perilore etea and the Winter« «hurt ead raiM. Ita ifn. aitnnl ree-tana«

. re not iiealled bj- mr part of the Culled Stat«- Of IU ia!«»rtl«, lut.Iron, aad coal in foaod of inpeiior qoal.tiei aad la great aboadaoca TI«f.-aoui Grixb/ lead minei on thi Cor_?iiaj'i land, tra well k10«., aa.Ir"»»it dere'.opiarnU ibow that iroa or*, purer thin 10/ yet kooaa, aas

i!ong the line of the road ta greeter qniotitie. than the total Iron dr-peSaiof Penni/lranls. The Corapanr li bow pr»p»i»ed to m1! theea Ita«, al

fiora B3 to «j40 per »rre. For pirt-.eolire Col. A ALBERT, «Jouerai

I.iiail Ag'nt, St. Loot», Mo.

Bj a r.-en» arrat»g»m»nt thi« road «aer-omri the V.iioar) lWiiii. efths

Atlantic lad PirISc Railroad, which bl« a land grant of "tf,W),iY"0 utU,

»ad will form . dirtvt andeonttononi rallwi/ from Pt Loan to 811 Fra»

rise«, iborter lad of ranch euler giaJisnU tbia uy other roit*.

Of tb. pre«»jt mu of bondi, « limited «atoant I« bow offered for *_fa

it th« rate of »0 per cent, iabjee|| lo lJrinr.1 al lil» Ofrtlo« «fth« C«atpuf.For farther pmici'tf» ippl/ to


_MkttMA*m*OT., NKtTTORK._

HIV HU I.KoA I) BTOCK tor HAÏ.K UmC i.-i«d op before the 1Mb last, tu.: UM »hare» lit. Dock _Kitt Ur-) -ii*ia 1'X) »bare» BroidaciT and 8»r»i.»h ive u-lH lha*«aH.I» Riilrosd it.)-k._. A) plr a« S Y I Id »US's Ne^l Mew^tTHE ANNUAL MEETING o. tFe -sftiVK-L liOLDKHa of tb« KewYork »ed C«a».t» Oil Ca., will tai held at

the ..ft. . «f is t.tC GEB.1Ï, eao., Ki. 103 Cinal r». m TTEVUT, that14th in»»^ it II o'ttoc. noon._B. Ç, ¿CC/TT. B^rt-taty,

JQTICE.-8T. LOU»,«! TEKRÏ\_.! HA». IK RAILROAD 1 Oill'AKT -1 «.t- insiil _.t-*tint of tia»P-.tidlaol-le.-'i lil StyvkholJi-n of thi» Compirar «III be h.'! at tim»i._i».. in His Cttr of St. -at.,», oa MU.NiiAY. the 3d dal of Jane a»rt, alla'ctecl in llaealVraooBoftbatdar, f.jt the KL.iTIO>'..f rHIKTIfflaTI>IRK( TORS for thi eneuini» r*-ir «ed fnr the trao«.cUo« of 117 otk««bn«'u«au «hi. h m.r be kroaajal l-afare th-r».The Ti_b»»Jbt B.H-tl of the (.oiapior «in be closed on »ATTRPAT, Baa

4th d»y of Ma/ ort« »ni will be opened ea TLESDAÏ, the 4tk da/ alJune..Dated st. Lota«. April IS, ltxi7.

_Brorder,_E_ C BRTABT, See-reU*-.I'ltioi Picnic BllLWlT COHPlSt. i li I

Orrica N<». 4Î4 WiL.-tm¦«. I'uu ar>«Lraia, April U, lwiT. j

T11K INTEREST <»n tlu- First HorUkge I5ondtL»»st»ii«.)r',h Brineh of »h» I'nioa Panie Ru'wif Comptât,

Kiit.rn Di tulon, due Mat I, 1467 will be paid oa prt-eate-oa ef IBS( therefor ii the Banking lloaae ofDtHNU, MOStiAÜ k Co, K-. M Kiching» plire, lf(« Tori, «a

aad ifler that data._WM. J. PALMKB Traaaawr.

Oin- a di tb« Hi i'«.)*' Kita« Bailhoid Coaraar, 1I. .»:¦' WasTTaiBTipTM it New-Yo««, Mar 11. la-oT. I

rrilF. ANNJAL HEKTÍNO of the STOCK-1 Iliil.r>BR.1 ..f tb« lit [»SON HU KR RAILROAD «OMPABT, tim

theelaetioa of TU1K1KKN UlUHTüItó for the «nitilng, will o*hal. (al th« ..ff. e ai» »he »; mr. Mo. I- We»t TI Irt'a-th-a«..N.w lark in on MDMDAT. Jim« IO.IH4.7. Po'l. will be opta frota liiu ant.1 I ;- ui »»J .» in in li IsBf«. i'"l lF«roa<l tb. ..I"i if nf th» »na «allb» »am« ilir. aa the In.prrt.-r. mar Cod aeeeaMrr to reeri». tk. t*laS

'¦.ri presentiag tl.fiD.eii««.I The Trimf. r Hiaiit e..l Ita rloiei from 4 o'clock p. at., en the Mtk»it ..( Maa. ujti. i o clack a. a. oa the 11th dar nt J-ine.

.~~~ Al (II.«.H's MIIKI.L. «»cretiiT.ona a or ma Sar» Ubii.xit Vt> or Niw russ. 1

S«w, April». loVr. I

T^IIE ANNUAL ELECTION for TliirteeaDirectorsof IHK »AKK liKI'inSI I« (jd ..f Via York, fur thi «Br

. in. and for Three In«i,«ct.irt nf Kleicon. will lie h.ld it tk»**kuottimC***fmy, ob MONDAY, th« Uth da/ »f Ma/, It-bT, betwaastil« hour» of li »t uifju. ead i p. m

_PRRDEl{tr. VOSTRR. «actetai-f.


LlhcnnN far TIIIRTUK.-I DIR8<TOK.« of thu ( ompaa/ fer liai«aaoieg /e«r will be held at the oSca of the Corasen/, comer of Yetti».ita, aad''I tilth «t., on Ti»'K.»»l»AY, the'Hat dir of Mil I'llThe polls will be opeaed from 11 (Celeek aeoa aatil I 0 cieek p. a. «I

thitiist.Th. Trinefrr Booki will he rln.«.! from 4 n'c.or» p. m. tt thi Uth it*

of Mi/ aait until 9 o'clock a. ia. a/ the -Id dar of Mar BeltNew-York. April it, Vmi._f. VANUfiRIHLr, Jr.. Treaeorar.

VOR SALE.Firat Mortfrtge 7 PER CENÍI WÜ.DS of the TOLKDO, 1 OOANM'ORT and BIRLlVaTOatKUI WAI '-i Interest guar_teed by tis Colcialu» s_d lal.tatirAA»Central Biilway C <.

Pirtt Mortni« -. par cent (fre* from lu) Cnnr.rtlhl» Bondi of UvaST LOU.»», jACKSOSVii.l.i. ,r.d i.Hli ..o H. R To.

I'irtt Mortgii», "

per «eat (fre« t«»). 2d Praferenre, CooMrUblBRood» of theVlLMl.N-TU- »nd MAMCH-STKH kkCAppl/ la_U. K. JK-SftUP a. Co.. No. U Plns-at.


( APITAL 8TOCK.A« s meeUngof the Traitée» of the >itii>ail Trtut Compta/ of »a«

Cilt of»» Yaark, held at the Xttnportty ode«. No. Jt>3 aVasIsM oa lasdib ila/of Mat lost., th« andi-n-iai,.«. «era appoiote.1 a loiuiuiuee le

opon »tookl fir la'oxriptloni to the Capital Stock of aatd Corop.»/:.Vita-« ii liai.ta» adras, purauait to thi rbirter, that tb» buokt for .«.. to the l'ap.ttl Slock of Mid Nttloaal Tmit Cinnpenr wlHasiipeaed st tb» Ninih National Bank. Ho 363 Brea.lwa; aatsa« of Kraak*Un at, la the Cut at New-Yoik, ob the ¿ii .lar of UiV I8t>7. sad will nemini opau null! tha «hols amount of Capital .luck of ol« mildes do-ara.hall be «üb». i!)*d.

F1I4HA A PACKFR, ITHOMAS W NI»AN.HON.TIlt'MAH U. ltKAU. '.toa.-... jiei-


htttl tut Yank. Mir_9, lHi.T_.WISCONSIN SECURITIES.


Itc. kr.TO-» BONDS (defsnlted la InUreat).FARM MORTQAOK BONDS. __,._.

Purch-leil b/ tiKORUK C DUNBAR. No. T W.ll »IDealer In TetegTBph, Kitr.-M. »nd MiKi'.lineooiiecwnUia.



_QBORG-Tv'aiU'NBAK. No_ 7 Wallst

REMOVAL..GEO. ('. DUNBAR has i«iB0»__ifroBi No, 4_ Plaeat lo No 7 WALL ST. .corser of New «t. ), aalea

8' Nicholas Bank. Telegraph, Kipreii, aad MlaeelUoeoui »«Kanliea

bougbt aad sold en eoa«a_*lea._

Bonking Gönnet one Banktrn.




BOUGHT AND SOLJ AT IIARAIT BATM ON COMMIs-lO»ONLT.INTRRBST atlewad oa balaaea«.A!>V«Ni KS made oa »ppeott»! Seearltalea

PartleaUr atteatUa liiaa la ardan for Um mtttkmt u mit ti tim

Ad««*-, A««rit-i», L»it-sl MAU, W11», tate» k O's. -** *.>**»**»

L'tiea iiptsat «locksAll ead«- faithfull/ ««wiitsi. mnn*m


........ 10iB % mmi .i 9. «it-


Mt.b.n ottkt N.-Tork Stub Riebaag« ..4 .*£**_"J,¿.a Co««laal««i GOLD ead all slaaaes «rOO~RN_r»NT «CWRITI»

Also, IT04-.-9 aad BONDS of ewy «eeertptiea.«peel»! «tl««tii.« r»«a «e ">. p«r»li«a« »ad SP* mt IIP*«»» Sa-


ADVANC.W awj» «« OimiaaU Jk'ittekAt mi Co««« pasumoxLb 1XIU*) r oLieeet. «a aaa-Mit«.

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