,.,- GOA UNIVERSITY l=r '1'01.nR~? R~~Q~nQn~.t. …...Fundamentals of Computer MONDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours Engineering 02/12/2019 Technical English SATURDAY 9.30 a.m. to

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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,.,-" GOA UNIVERSITY& Sub. P.o. Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 403206l=r '1'01.nR~?_R~~Q~nQn~.t. (4Dl R~~Q~nQn~7(nffirol

___ ~_!O _. ;_;_~_: ~_~-J~-2~~"5~"1"~8";::'£~;;;;r:~~~;r:~~~~;~:~.aC.inRef No.: GU/Exam(Prof)/B.E/2019/ (8'"66

Revised Pro ramm~ oC the F.E. Semester-I Revised Course 2016-2017 Examination

Date: 06 / " /2019


Engineering Mechanics FRIDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours22/11/2019

Fundamental of Electrical WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hoursEngineering 27/11/2019

Fundamentals of Computer MONDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hoursEngineering 02/12/2019

Technical English SATURDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours07/12/2019

Engineering Mathematics - I TUESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m . 3 hours• ,.. , .••.••.•. t ••.•. ,.. ..•. A.

lU/lL:/L:UlYApplied Science (Physics) SATURDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours


Applied Science (Chemistry) WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours. lQ/l'l/'l()10"-- --'-1 _.LV_'_.L~_'_~_'V_.L_.J_I _

Revised Pro ramme oCthe F.E. Semester-II Revised Course 2016-2017Examinations to be held in November/December, 2019


~r Programming Languages SATURDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours23/11/2019

Fundamenta Is of Electrrmics THURSDAY 9.30 a.m. t.o 12.30 n.m. 3 hours.•.and Telecommunication 28/11/2019Engineering

Environmental Sciences and WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hoursSocial Sciences 04/12/2019

Engineering Graphics MONDAY 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. 4 hours09/12/2019

Engineering Mathematics-Il WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours11/12/2019

Applied Science (Physics) SATURDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours14/12/2019

Applied Science (Chemistry) WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours18/12/2019

Place: Taleigao Plateau-GoaDate: &6/ r 1/2019


'Place: TaleigaO' Plnteau-GO'a'te: D6 / (/ /20Ht t CONTROL~ATIOJrs.

I GOA. UNIVEltSITY .Sub. P.O. Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 4·03206

Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: arexamprof@unigoa.ac.in

Ref No.: GU IExam(Prof)/B.E/2019 1 \g.-6{; Date: ~91 'f 12019

Revised PrO'gramme ,of the S.E (Clvll, MechaDical. ElectrO'lLics 8&TelecCllmmunicatiO':Il/ElectrO'nics CO'mm Encl. CO'mputer. Electrical a~ElectrO'llics, InfO'rmutiO'DTechnolO'gy aDd MilLiDg)Semest.~r-1I1 (RevisM~dCO'urse 2016-17) Exam.illatiO'ns to' be held ill November/Dec.~mber,2019.

Day & Date EI.E(Civil) S.E. (Mechanical) S.E. ,[Electronics S.E (Computer) S.E. (Electrical :~.E (Information S.E. (MirJ.ing)& TCl/Electronics & Electronics) 'rechnology)

& C':>mmEngg)Electrical

MONDAY Building Engineering 1 Electronic Devices Object Oriented Measurements Analog and Elements of25/11/2019 Materials and Materials Science and Circuits - I Programming using and Measuring Digital Circuits Mining

Construction and Metallurgy C++ Instruments EngineeringMachine

FRlI)AY Engineering Electrical Digita, System Logic Design Economics and Data Structures Drawing & CAD29/11/2019 Mathematics - III Technology Design Management 4hrs-(9.30am to

1.30 pmtEngineering

THURSDAY Managerial Mathematics and Electrical Circuits Software Analog and Object Oriented Mining Geology -I05/12/2019 Ecor..omics Numerical and Systems Engineering Digital Programming

Techniques Communication System

THURSDAY Concrete Applied Applied Applied Applied Applied Engineering12/12/2019 Technology Thermodynamics - Mathematics -III Mathematics -III Mathematics Mathematics - III Mathematics - III


MONDAY Mechanics of Machine Drawing Economics and Data Structures Electronic Numerical Electrical Drives16/12/2019 Materials 4hrs-(9.30aulL to Management and Algorithms - 1 Devices and Methods & Digital

1.30 pm) Circuits Electronics

FRlJ)AY Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Algorithms for Data Economics and Electrical Signals and Mechanics of20/12/2019 -I Structures Organizational Machines-I Systems Solids


Tinle: 9.30 a.Ule to' 12.30 n.m.

G;OA UNIIVERSITYSub. P.o. Goal University, Taleigao Plateau, Go,a- 403 206

Tel: 0832-8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax:: 0832-2451184 E-mail: arexamprof@unigoa.ac.in______ •. •• ~ •• ••_•• a .•. ••..• •. •..• _

Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof)/B.E/2019/ (~6b Date:t>6/1' /2019Revised Programm~ of the S.g (Civil. Mec6.anical, Electronics 8& Te1.~communica1tion/ElectrOJllics Comm J~ngg, Comlluter, Electrllcal 8&ElectrolJ,ics. Information Techno.,ogy and Mining) Semesb~r- IV (Reviseid Course 2016-17) Examination to b.~held in No~'ember/December,2019

Tili1.~:9.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m~

Day & Date S.E (CivU) S.E. S.E. (E~lectronics S.E (Computer) S.E. (Electrical & S.E S.E. ( Min~~)(MechanicILl) & TCl I :Electronics Electr(.nics) (Information

& Co:m.m Eno:) Technology)

TUEsDAY Structural Digital Electronics Electronic Devices Data Structures Digital Integrated Software Surveying -I26/111/2019 Analysis - I and and Circuits - II and Algorithms - Circuits Engineering

Microcontroller :]


SATlIn.DAY Techniques in Applied Linear Integrated Signals and Electrical circuit Design and Rock Mechanics30/111/2019 Computer Thermodynamics - Circuits Systems Analysis and Analysis of & Ground

Programming II Synthesis Algorithms Control-I

FRII)AY Engineering Business Microprocessors .Java Electrical Power Mic roprocessors Numerical06/112/2019 Geology Economics and and Interfacing Programming and Interfacing Techniques 8u

Management Statistics

FltII)AY Surveying - I Mechanics of Probability Theory Discrete Numercial Discrete Mine13/112/2019 Solids and Random Mathematics Techniques and Mathematical Development

Processes Probability Structures

TUESDAY Fluid Mechanics Analysis and Signals and Computer Electrical Entrepreneurship Fluid Mechanics17/])2/2019 -II Synthesis o~ Systems Organization' Machines - II Development & Machinery


SATURDAY Building Drawing. Man ufacturing Electromagnetic Microproceseors Linear Integrated Computer Mining Geology21/112/2019 - I 4lLrs-(9.30am Technology .. Fields and waves and Interfacing Circuits Organization and II- ..

to 1.:30 pm) Architecture

'e: 'Taleigao Plat4,au-GoaO,t, Ilf 12019.

'~ce: 'Taleigao P1at,~au-Goa'! - 06 11) /2019.


No.: Gl!J/Exam(Prof)/B.E/2019/t~ Date:~6/' //2019

Sub. P.O. Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 403 206Tel: 08~32-8669609034 (AR)8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832:'2456108 E-mail: arexamprof@unigoa.a.c.in

Revised Programm~ of the T.E j"Civil, Mecbnnical, Elect:ronics 6&Telecommunicllltion/Electl'cmics Comm En". Comll1uter, Electriical 6&Electroll.ics. Information Tecbuol.ogy and Mining) Semest€:r- V (Revised Course 2016-17) Examinations to b.~held in NOl'ember/December,2019.

Time: 02.()O p.m. tOIOS.OOp.m.·

Dat~. Date T.E (Civil) T.E.- T.E. (EI.~ctronics T.E (ComputEn') T.E. (EleC1trical T.E T.E. ( Mining)(Mechanic.al) J!& & Electronics) (IDfcnmatioD

TC)/ glectronics Technology)Comm Enul

FRIDAY Design of Steel Energy Control System Cryptography & Power Statistical Models Mining22/11./2019 Structures-I Conversion Engineering Coding Theory Electronics for information Machinery - I


WEDNESDAY Geotechnical Manufacturing Embedded VLSI Hardware Control In telligen t Agents Mine27/11./2019 Engineering- I Technology-II Systems Descriptive Engineering Management &

Language Legislation

MOllDAY Trar..sportation Dynamics of VLSI Design & Data Base Renewable Operating Surface Mining02/1~:/2019 Engineering- I Machinery. Technology Management Energy Systems


SAtURDAY Building Drawing- Engineering Analog Operating Systems Electrical Database Underground'07/1~:/2019 II 2 ..00 P.M to Measurements Communications Machines- !II Management Coal Mining

6.00P.M. (4 hrs)1 & Metriolozv Systems

TUE:~DAY Structural Engineering Digital' Signal Data Electromagnetic Introduction to Surveying -II10/1~:/2019 Analysis- II Statistics Processing Communications Theory Data


SA1'U'RDAY Design of Concrete Machine Transmission Automata Microproce ssors Java Hock Mechanics14/1~:/2019 Structures - I Design-I Lines & Antennas Languages and & Interfacing Programming l!/jGround

Computation Control - II


GOA UNIVERSITYSub. P:O. Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 403 206

Tel: 0832-8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-rrulil: arexamprof@unigoa.ac.inNo.: GU/Exam(Prot)/B.E/2019/ tUb Date:D6 / 1/ /2019Revisecll ProgrammE! of the T.E (Civil. Mechanical. Electronics &. 1'e1ecommuniclition/Electrcmics ComiD En". Com)tuter. Electr:lcal &.Electto:Dics. InfonwltioD TechDClllogyand Mining) Semester- VI (Revisled Course 2016-17) EXaD:Linationto ble held in Ncnrember/December,.2019

Design of SteelStruc ures- II

ThilE': 02.00 p•.UL. to OS.OO n.m


Surveying - II Mine Surveying

Day & Date T.E (Civil) T.E. T.E. (E:lectronics & T.E (Computer) T .E. (Electrical T.E T .E. (Min:1ng)(Mechanicnl) TC)/J~lectronics & Elec1tronics) (Informationt

COanm Engg) ~rechnology) ,

SATURDAY Geotechnical Gas Dynamics & Digital Artificial Electrical Drives Computer Mineral23/11/2019 Engineering -II Turbomachinaries Communication Intelligence & Control Networks Processing

DigitalCommunication &Coding (AITD)

THURS·DAY Transportation Mechanical Industrial Computer Electrical Computer Underground28/11/2019 Engineering - II Vibrations Automation and Graphics Machine Design Graphics Metal Mining


WEDNESDAY Environmental Mechatronics Operating Systems Embedded Electronic Web Technology Mine Economics04/12/2019 Engineering - I System Design Measurements & Valuation

and VirtualInstrumentation


Design ofConcreteStructures- II


.•.•ace: Taleigao Pla1:eau-Goa~: 061 ,//2019.




SoftwareTesting &QualityAssurance

Design andAnalysis ofAlgorithms

'Pheory of MineComputation I Environment-I

.~.~,..,....•.......•... ,........-.•... ". .•..• ;,._ ..••..-...".•,.........-,

Digital SignalProcessing

Software Testing& QualityAssurance

MiningMachinery --II

Quality andlReliability

Electronic SystemDesign andManufacturing

Power SystemAnalysis

Data Mining

Machine Design -II High' PerformanceComputingArchitectures



No.: GU/E~arn(Prof)/B.E/2019/ 1m Date:CR-/I f /2019Revised Programme of the B.E (CivU,Mechanical, Elet:tronics & Telecommunication/Electronics Comm Eng«, Computer, Electrical & Electronic ••Information Technology and Mining) Semester- VII 'Revised 2016,-17 Course) E¥auiinations to be held in 1'fqvemberLDecember. 2019.

Time: 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.

GOA UNIVERSITYSub. P.O. Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 403206

Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR)8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: arexamprof@unigoa.ac.in

Day & Date D.E (Civil) RE. (Mechanical) D.E. (Electronics & RE (Computer) D.E. (Electrical & D.E (Information D.E. (Mining)TC)jElectronics CQmm Enw Electronics) Technology)

MONDI\Y Elective-I Electite-I Elective-I Eledi:ve-I Elective-I Elective-I Elect ive-I

25/11/2019 ( 1 ) Environmental ( 1 ) A4~ance Mechanics of ( 1 ) Digital VLSI ( 1 ) VLSI Design ( I ) Power System Planning ( I ) Embedded Systems ( I ) Rock FragmentationPollution and Control Solids (2) Image Processing -(2) Data Compression and Reliability Design Engin~g(2) Finite Element Method (2) Advanced Analysis and ( 3 )Technical Writing and (3) Fuzzy Logic & Neural (2) IWDC Transmission (2) Genetic Algorithms (2) Underground Space( 3 ) Occupational Safety Synthesis of Mechanism Professional Ethics Networks ( 3 ) Smart Grid ( 3 ) Bio Informatics Technologyand Health Acts ( 3 ) ViPration and Noise (4) Introduction to Robotics (4) Web Technologies (4) OperationsReseareh (4) Electronic Commerce ( 3 ) Petroleum(4) Advances in Concrete Control (5) Introduction to CiPU (5) Cloud Computing (5) Electrical Design EngineeringTechnology (4) Alternate Energy Computing Estimation and Costing (4) C<>61Bed Methane(5) Reinforced Earth Sources (6) Computer Networks'Stcuctures (5) Power Plant Engineering (7) Introduction to Device Drivers

(6)Design of Heat (8) Virtual InstrumenrationExchanpers (9) Wavelets & Multivariant DSP(7) Modern Manufacturing (10) Electronic Material SciencePractices (II) Microwave Networks and(8) Tool Engineering Applications

(12) Distributed OperatingSystems(13) Introduction to .Tava

FRIDAY Elective-II Electire-II Elective-II Elettive-B Elective-II Elective-II Elective-II

29/1112019 (I) Applied EI!gine<ring ( I ) Si>,!Sigma Management ( I )Analog VLSI ( I ) Ejltrepb::neurship ( I ) Fuzzy Logic and ( I ) Geographical ( I ) Bujk MllterialGeology (2) Management (2) Adaptive Signal Processing Development Neural Networks Information System Handling(2) Disaster Management Information System ( 3 )Numerical Methods and (2) Geographical (2) Data Communication & (2) Digital Signal (2) Optimisation(3) Traffic Engineering ( 3 ) System Modelling and Approximation Information Systems Networking Processing Technique ill(4) Structural Dynamics Simulation (4) Advanced Control Systems ( 3 ) Design Pattern & ( 3 ) Image Processing ( 3 ) IT Business Mineral Industry(5) Structural Design of (4) Applied Operations (5) Introduction to MEMS Framework (4) Statistics and Probability Methodology ( 3) ComputerFoundations Research (6) Process Control Instrumentation (4) Project Management ( 5) Advanced Controllers (5) Computer Forensic Applications in Mining

(5) Industrial Safety and (7) Secure Communications and Quality Assurance (4) Advanced SurfaceEnvironment (8) Introduction to ARM (5) Big Data Analytics Mining(6) Industrial Automation Architectureand Process Control (9) Electronic Circuits; Design,( 7)Micro EIectro Simalation and TestingMechanical Systems (JO).Artificial Neural Network(8) Competitive (II) Introduction to RF DesignManufacturing Management (12) Introduction to Databases

(13) Power Electronic

THURSDAYDesign of Concrete Heat and Mass Transfer Microwave Engineering Compiler Construction Switchgear and Protection Image Processing Mine Environment-II

05/12/2019 Stcuctures - illTHURSDAY Environmental Industrial Engineering and Introduction to Soft Computing Data Mining Advanced Drives and Principles of Compilers Mine DIsaster12/12/2019 Engineering-~ Operations Management Control Management

MONDAY Estimation, Costing and CADandFEA Mobile Communication Image Processing VLS( Circuit Design Mobile Computing Mine Safety and16/12/2019 Valuation Legislation

l~~Place: Tale~gaO' Plateau-Goa ~Date - {J:f /I! /2019. CONTR6ttiR OFE~MINATION s

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