+ Gettysburg Address By David, Terrance, Aliya, Victoria, and Kelsey.

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Gettysburg Address

By David, Terrance,Aliya, Victoria, and Kelsey


General Henry Heths is for the Confederate Army

General John Buford is for the Union Army

General Meade is a the Union Commander who defeated Commander Robert E. Lee

Commander Robert E. Lee was an incredible military strategist, and so when the North defeated him, it was thought of as a miracle

+Robert E. Lee

Came from a Virginian rich family

Lived from 1807-1870

When the Union was breaking apart Lee turned down the opportunity to command the entire Union army

Was part of the U.S Army but left to be part of a newly formed army for his state

After fighting for his state Lee became president of a Virginia college

He urged people to forget their “bitter feelings” and his dignity and example of service got him the admiration of many people in the North and the South

+Vicksburg Battle

The Battle of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg were occurring around the same time.

May 18th to July 4th 1863

Vicksburg located in Mississippi

Took place in South because of Agriculture

+Picketts Charge

Happened on the last day of Gettysburg Battle

Gereral’s saw it coming and knew it was stoppable

General Lee was the one who commanded the Southern Army

General Lee completely lost against the North and the one who directed the Union troops was General Meade


+Battle of Gettysburg

July 1st to the 3rd

The war only lasts for three day

Little Round Top, Big Round Top, and Devils Den, occurred on the second day

On the first day, a scout spotted large numbers of confederates moving toward Gettysburg. The battle on Macpherson’s ridge occurred on that day, and the Union forces retreated to Cemetery Ridge

Pickett’s Charge occurred on the last day

The battle resulted in a Union victory. In total, there were 51,000 casualties: 23,000 Union, 28,000

+Devil’s Den

Devil’s Den was a Rock Formation

That was part of the reason why the confederates sustained considerable losses when attacking it-- they could not aim their cannons and rifles correctly

West of the Round Tops

Devil's den was called Devil’s Den because

of a kind of black snake that

everyone thought of as a devil.  

Devil-- meaning the snake Den– meaning

the habitat the snake lived in the rock

+Little Round Top

A hill that the Union solders occupied

A Union General Dan Sickles guarded the territory

Little Round Top was a defensive position to keep away from Confederates

The Confederates wanted to kill the people who were on Little Round Top and most of the people who were on Little Round Top were solders


+The South Army begins

Lee took his army west to go between the mountains

Then took the army North and went toward Pennsylvania

It took two weeks to get to Pennsylvania

The South went to Pennsylvania because the Mountains hid the army’s movement

+First day of the Battle The North and the South arrived at Gettysburg on June 30th on 1863

The battle begins on July 1st

General Henry Heths was the General of Confederate Army

General John Buford was the General of the Union Army

When a Union scout saw the Confederates he alerted Buford. A cavalrydivision arrived at Mcpherson’s ridge

Union had a big advantage because they had better rifles- their carbines could fire almost three times as fast as the Confederate rifles

The Union Forces, however, were outnumbered

Buford expects danger

Heth’s troops get there on the scene

Heth (General for Confederate army) had about 7,500 men and Buford (General for Union army) had less than 2,100

+McPherson Ridge

The Confederates attacked early in the morning around 9:30 am

McPherson Ridge would hold back the Confederates for about two hours

In a brave act of patriotism, a sixty nine year old man called John Burns volunteered to help fight the Confederates

He was shot a number of times, but kept firing even after most of the Union soldiers had left. Eventually, though, he was unable to get up

The Union forces retreated to Cemetery Ridge


+Second day of the Battle

In the morning, most of Meade’s army arrived at Cemetery Ridge

Meade moved all troops to Culp’s Hill which lead them to occupying Little Round Top and Big Round Top

Fighting occurred at Devils Den, where the Union sharpshooters were

At Little Round Top, Lee tried ( and failed) to flank the Union soldiers. He never actually captured Little Round Top

At Big Round Top, Union forces were going to skirmish the Confederate on the third day

+Final day of the Battle

On the Final day, Lee made a critical mistake

He decided to destroy the Union artillery with his cannons, and them order his men to charge

The commander of the division that would charge was Pickett

When he bombarded the Union artillery, they simply stopped firing. He thought that the cannons had been disabled, and ordered his men to charge

The Union artillery destroyed the charge, but some Confederates were able to reach the Union line

+Final result of the Battle

The battle resulted in a southern defeat, and the end of their offensive

It lowered and raised Union morale at the same time

They were stunned that they had defeated Lee, but were also mourning for the 51,000 soldiers who had died as a result of the battle

+Impact on America

Lincoln made the ugly reality into something positive

The ugly reality is: The many deaths that happened during the battle The losses during the battles

The positive reality is All the ugly reality was transformed into a symbol of:

National purpose Pride Ideals

+Gettysburg Address

The Battle was a turning point in America figuratively The North defeated Robert E. Lee who the Union solders

thought were invincible and that was a turning point on America

Another turning point in America was to get rid

of Slavery and “Have a new birth of Freedom”

Lincoln believed that “all men are created

Equal” including blacks after the Gettysburg


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