First developed civilization along Mexicos Gulf coast Farmers and lived in thatched huts Religious peoples ruled by priests; built temples, monument.

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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First developed civilization along Mexico’s Gulf coast

Farmers and lived in thatched huts Religious peoples ruled by priests;

built temples, monument and pyramids

Prosperous civ. mysteriously disappeared

Lived on the Yucatan peninsula (present day southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and western El Salvador

Built at least 80 cities largest in Tikal

Itzamna—god of creation “lizard house”

Ixchel—moon goddess, weaving and medicine

Kukulcan—feathered serpent god of the kings

Sacred game of life and death to please the gods (battle b/w sun, moon, stars) OR played amongst city-states for control.

Largest court is located at Chichen Itza (size of football field)

Object of game is to get small rubber ball (6 lbs) through stone hoop (20 ft) only using knees, chest, hips, and elbows pts varied

Losing OR winning team/or captain would be sacrificed

Take out a piece of paper and write these questions down!!

1.How did Pacal become King?2.How did the Mayans communicate

within the temples?3.What are some causes to the Mayan

collapse?4.Which Mayan god can be associated

with the temple Chichen itza?

Warlike people who lived on Lake Texcoco

Center of trade and channels was Tenochtitlan

Ruled by an emperor. Nobles ruled cities and were judges

Religion was very important Huitzilopochtli the god of sun and war

Human sacrifice was necessary to stay strong

1. Who was Montezuma/his accomplishments/death?

2. Why were the Aztecs forced to settle on Lake Texcoco?

3. What did the “eagle perched upon a cactus in the middle of the lake” represent?

4. The Aztecs plucked the feathers of this bird (with a 3 foot tail) to make headresses.

5. What are some reasons the Aztecs collapsed?

o Located along the South Am. (Peru) in the Andes mountains

o Accomplishments:1.Developed Quechua language2.Quipu—counting/keeping

records; by tying knots they took a census and collected taxes

3. Skilled builders; used mortar; constructed Machu Picchu (summer home for emperors)

4. Art/weaving and skilled metal works

1. Who was Hiram Bingham? What did he find?

2. Which mountain range spreads through Western South America?

3. How did the Incas expand (flourish) their empire?

4. Who was Pachacuti? Why is he significant?

5. Why were the Incan roads so important?

6. What are the Moray Ruins?

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