資深會友 陳祚苑 Dennis Chen 紀念輯

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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我們敬愛的陳祚苑資深會友於103年1月7日離開我們了,享年80歲。 我們非常不捨痛失一位好友和精神領袖。為了追思祚苑會友,並感念他在演講會的成就與貢獻,我們舉辦一場追思紀念會,並製作一份紀念冊,永懷我們的好友 陳祚苑 會友。


Mr. Dennis Chen 陳祚苑先生

1935 - 2014 Our dear friend and mentor forever


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Index Content Author Page

1 Agenda 議程表 2

2 陳祚苑(Dennis Chen)先生紀念會議緒言 James Lin 3

3 A Seed Spreader / Light Fighter Joy Tsai 5

4 The Inspiration from Dennis 追念 Dennis 的生命觀 James Lin 7

5 In Memory of Dennis Erick Suen 9

6 Greeting from David Wang David Wang 10

7 緬懷中區國際演講會創會元老陳祚苑會友仙逝 Cory Chen 12

8 向 Dennis Chen 和他的夫人 Alice 致敬 Cory Chen 22

9 In Memory of Dennis Susan Lin 23

10 A Die Hard Trailblazer Robert Lee 24

11 In Memory of Dennis Jerry Chen 25

12 陳祚苑氏(Dennis)をしのぶ 陳錫雄 26

13 緬懷 Dennis Chen Jim Chiu 27

14 追思故友 Dennis & Alice 陳怡如 28

15 Pay a Tribute to Dennis 一顆"昴"星的殞落 Melody Hou 29

16 In Memory of a Role Model - Dennis Chen Bruce Yang 30

17 追念陳創始人祚苑先生 台中台語會 31

18 10 Aces to the Momory of Dennis Chen Arthur Hong 32

19 追念陳祚苑先生人品風範 李保金 33

20 對不起! Dennis 賴子杰 34

21 A Tribute to Dennis Diana Watson 35

22 Dennis 我永遠的老大哥 Hans Lin 37

23 In Memory of Dennis Chen Vickie Chang 38

24 陳さんの姿を思い出す 簡淑 39

25 Is the Japanese language the Devil's Tongue? Rio Imamura 40

26 「悪魔の言葉」に挑戦 Dennis Chen 43

27 Condolence from District 76 (來自日本的弔辭) 44

28 陳祚苑會友 & 夫人陳楊弄玉 女士 生平介紹 家屬提供 46

29 編者後記 + 千風之歌 (英、中、日文) Teresa Chang 47

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Special Meeting in Memory of Dennis Chen 陳 祚 苑 會 友 追 思 紀 念 會

Time : Feb. 19, 2014 6:00-8:30pm Place : 台中市東興.路一段 450 號

愛心家園 3F 視聽教室


Time 時間 Content 內容 Person in Charge 擔任人

18:00 - 18:30 (30') Reception 接待 FYTC

18:30 - 18:32 ( 2') Toastmaster Opening 主持人開場 Susan Lin 林素香會友

18:32 - 18:33 ( 1') One Minute of Silence 靜默一分鐘

18:33 - 18:35 ( 2') Playing Dennis' singing 播放祚苑會友歌唱 SAA

18:35 - 18:38 ( 3') Introduction 召集人說明 James Lin, DTM, PDG


18:38 - 18:43 ( 5') Special Memorial Address 特別追思致詞 Joy Tsai, DTM, DG


18:43 - 18:58 (15') Toastmasters History of Dennis


Cory Chen, DTM


18:58 – 19:13 (15') Spirit of Dennis 祚苑會友精神長存 Melody Hou侯淑美會友

Arthur Hong

19:13 – 19:18 (5’) Life Inspiration from Dennis (a doctor’s viewpoint)


James Lin, DTM, PDG


19:18 - 19:33 (15') VIP's sharing 貴賓分享

(each 3 min. 每位 3 分鐘)

19:33 – 19:43 (10') Intermission 中場休息

19:43 - 20:13 (30') Sharing (2 minutes each)

來賓分享(每位 2 分鐘)

Friends from Toastmasters


20:13 - 20:18 (5') Award Presentation 獻獎儀式 Joy Tsai, DTM, DG


20:18 - 20:23 (5') Relative's Appreciation Address 家屬感謝詞 Jennifer Chen

陳志玲 (祚苑會友的女兒)

20:23 - 20:25 (2') Toastmaster's Closing 主持人結語 Susan Lin 林素香會友

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陳祚苑先生(Dennis Chen)紀念會議緒言

James Lin, DTM, PDG of D67 林義雄醫師 前總會長 Feb. 19, 2014

Our beloved Godfather- Dennis Chen passed away on Jun. 07, 2014 (80 years of life). We

were very sad and sorry when we heard the shocking news. Though we felt a little glad for he

had flew back to God’s arm, we lost a kind friend and spiritual leader forever when he left us.




Dennis left us, but looking back his 30 years history in Toastmasters, we are keenly aware of

his humble and sincere personality. He made a great contribution to Toastmasters, he served

or led members actively and dedicated to publicize or charter new club. Hence, his spirits of

selflessness and enthusiasm have become our role model for all of us to follow.

Dennis 雖然離開我們了,但觀察他在演講會的三十年期間,我們都體會到他的為人謙虛




To cherish the memory of our good friend, Dennis Chen, and to recollect his life style in

Toastmasters, also to show our friendship concerning among Toastmasters, we arrange the

special commemorative meeting and edit a memorial booklet to memorize him.


關懷,我們特別舉辦一場追思會,並制作一本紀念冊,以共同來懐念我們的好友 Dennis。

We will open the stage for you to share your experience with Dennis during the meeting. For

the purpose of editing a commemorative album for this special event, we also invite you to

donate an article and photo (It’s perfect if you have photo with Dennis together) which will be

printed in the booklet with your article.


稿及提供照片(最好是你與 Dennis 的合照),以便編集成册作為紀念。

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Finally, on behalf of the special memorial meeting team members I would like to express our

respect to the family members and friends of Dennis for your participation and our

appreciation to all of you for your articles and photos. With your support, the special meeting

becomes successful and meaningful.

最後,謹代表籌備會的全體委員,對撥空參加紀念會的 Dennis 之親人及好友或演講會


Sincerely Yours 敬祝事事順利,身體健康!

Memorial Meeting Committee 紀念會籌備委員會 :

Chair 主席: Joy Tsai 蔡嬌燕, DTM

CEO 召集人 : James Lin 林義雄, DTM

Co-CEO 副召集人:

Melody Hou 侯淑美 (中央日語會)

Cory Chen 陳國烈, DTM (Wheelers TC 飛輪英語會)

Estela Chen 陳松梅, DTM (Taichung TC 台中英語會)

Susan Lin 林素香 (Feng Yuan TC 豐原英語會)

Simon Lin 林辰樂 (Beast TC 博思英語會)

Grace Hsu 許秀華 (NCBTC 新世紀雙語會)

K.S. Tseng 曾克修 (Nantou TC 南投英語會)

李保金 0921-384786 (樂陶陶中文會)

賴文君 0915-312-036 (台中台語會)

Editor 編輯 : Teresa Chang 張海星

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A Seed Spreader / Life Fighter

Dennis Chen - a legendary name in Toastmasters International District 67.

17 years ago, for the first time my good friends took me to Fong Yuan

Toastmasters club. In the car, there were Diane Chen, Grace Hsu and the driver was

Dennis Chen. He didn’t talk much. As you know, when a man with three women, he

didn’t get any chance to speak. In my mind, he is a well rounded gentleman. Always

spoke softly and politely. He welcomed me to join Toastmasters with his actions.

Then, we went together to FYTC for another 2 times. We enjoyed the meeting a lot.

Afterwards, I went abroad for 2 years. 8 years ago, I joined New Century Bilingual TC

because of Grace’s recommendation. This club was set up by Dennis too. It ’s near my

place also I love the impromptu English-Chinese interpretations very much. So, I stay

and serve all the way till now- DTM and D67 District Governor.

Just a little tiny help with a ride, you may encourage a person become a District

Governor who is willing to take the heavy role to lead the whole district. And so far

our district is in President Distinguished status which is pretty good. It’s amazing,

right? Dennis is a love passer, his passion of TMs made him believe he should spread

the seeds of Toastmasters more and more. He did it. He influenced lots of excellent

Toastmasters by setting up new clubs, by helping people to be interested in joining

Toastmasters. He is the seed spreader. He is also the pioneer who fears nothing but

spreading his love of Toastmasters.

For these few years, every time when I saw him, he looked weak yet rich in spirit.

He was so thin because he was fighting against cancer. We had a little bit of chat and I

would ask him to take good care of himself. It was always so nice to see him – such a

life fighter. He was weak, yet, he still showed up in many TMs’ activities. So many

members are deeply touched by his love towards TMs and his fighting spirit. I am one

of them who admire him so much.

Dennis passed away right after his beloved wife deceased. It caused so much

pain for his children who had parents passed away in the same month. Yet, for Dennis,

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it might be a blessing in disguise. He could follow his beloved one to wherever they

want to go. That’s a freedom from sickness and death. I believe they are in a much

better place now. I wish now they are resting peacefully in God’s arms, forever!

Dennis had his battle fought beautifully. I will always remember him- the greatest

seed spreader / life fighter. Salute to him!

Joy Tsai


District Governor of 2013-14

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Life Inspiration from Dennis (A Doctor’s viewpoint) 追念 Dennis 的生命觀

James Lin, DTM, PDG


Dennis 已經離開我們了, 我們聽到很多對他感念與追思的文章或演說。我現在

以醫學的立場, 來探討他的生命觀。我們都知道,他從得知鼻咽癌到過世,歷經





Dennis has left us already and we have read a lot of articles and listened

many speeches in memory of his spirit and contributions to members of

Toastmasters. Now I like to share his view of life, as a position of doctor.

We all know that there are more than 10 years since he got nasal throat

cancer. He had tried to use many treatments to cure his cancer, both of

medical and traditional folk medicine, but he chose radiotherapy and

chemotherapy finally. Although the course was very serious and he suffered

a lot of hardships, like lost hairs and tooth or difficulty eating, but

he not only overcome it but also he survived for 10 years, beyond the

average of 4-5 years All of these results are just because of his spirit

of anticancer and view of life. The spirit and conception are valuable

for us to learn.




What is his spirit of anticancer and view of life? Simple speaking, he

realized the Buddhist’s 4 life skills—face it, accept it, deal with it

and let it go. This is the power for him to have a persistent spirit of

anticancer and have a happy life in his past years.



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Moreover, he had tried to transmit his experience of anticancer to friends

by example and percept methods, just hoping us to have a conception of

healthy promotion and prevention. For example, he printed out some

articles and introduced some books which are focus on the importance of

organic foods, less oil, salt and sugar to prevent many diseases.

至於他為何能夠有較長的存活年限呢? 我認為除了採用正確的醫療及注重有機



Why he had longer survival years? Beside of his correct treatment decision

and chose health food, he had a conception of live at the moment, like

his habit of singing, dancing and music or attend Toastmasters Club’s

activities. This is another role model of us.

總而言之 ,Dennis 在他的抗癌的過程中,除了實現佛家的四大處事名言,即面



In short, he realized Buddhist’s 4 life skills during his anticancer

process, so he can face it, accept it, deal with it and let it go and finally

overcome his serious situation and live happily in his late days, and then

left us peacefully.


Thanks for everything you left us, our most respectable friend, Dennis!

By James Lin, DTM, PDG

林義雄醫師, 前總會長

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In Memory of Dennis Chen Erick Suen

One of the pioneers of Taiwan Toastmasters movement passed away recently. I am

writing this article in memory of this wonderful man I loved.

In the early 90s when I just joined the TM at Grand TMC in Taipei, I did not know of

other clubs existed outside of Taipei. Then I met two fine gentlemen, Dennis and Y.H. Both

are Chens, one from Taichung and one from Kaoshiung, and both inspired me to excel in the

Toastmasters. I love them both. Dennis has been involved in Taichung area TM for a long

time and everybody called him "ShienBai" meaning respectable elder in Japanese. He was

the founder of a Japanese speaking TMC called "Central" and it was the first one of its kind

in Taiwan as I recall. In 1996 when FengYuan TMC was chartered, many TM members and I

took a train ride from Taipei to help them celebrate this occasion. I know that Dennis Chen

was one of the sponsors and charter member of this wonderful club. We must had over 100

participants and many of them are good friends of Dennis, and it was a great event. Dennis

Chen was behind this wonderful event. Two years after that, I served as the Council

Governor succeeding late Jerry Ma. Dennis was the one who came to support me and

encourage me. Knowing that YH Chen from Kaoshiung was before Jerry ,who is from Taipei

and Dennis is from Taichung, all three of them were much more senior than I was at the

time. Mind you that in those early days, there were still tensions exist in different areas of

TM in Taiwan. And there were no elections held. I reckon that Dennis will be the best one to

take the job as Governor in 1998-1999. However, he insisted and encouraged me to take the

position after serving as Lt.Gov marketing and Lt.Gov education in 1996 and 1997 previously

under YH Chen and Jerry Ma. With his blessing and his encouragement, I took the job. My

life was totally changed after that experience. To serve as a TM leader gives me so much

pleasure and privilege to Learn, grow and excel in my leadership skills. So I am forever

indebted to Dennis for his kindness to support me and his guidance to contribute and excel.

Without his support and guidance I would not be who I am today. He is truly one of my

mentors in TM.

Dennis Chen had accomplished so much in his life and touched many souls. I am lucky

that our path has crossed and he will forever live in our hearts. We will always miss him and

remember how great a person he was!

Erick Suen, Past Council Governor 1998-1999

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Still a Shock No Matter What by David Wang, PDG on Jan. 9, 2014

I was fortunate to have the opportunity observing Dennis's high spirit in close distance on December

22, 2013. I still remember clearly how calm Dennis was when holding his weak but warm hands that

afternoon. He mentioned that it's a regret that the music prepared for his own funeral will first be used

during his wife's funeral. God has heard Dennis!

It's sad and it's bad! It's time to let go our feeling and share. It's time to exchange more of our love

and care, especially when so much of them has never been said! I will not be able to attend the ceremony

on the 14th, but I will always remember my coach Dennis and his wife! Let's cherish all the precious

moments we will still have the opportunities to spend together. Stay in touch!


Greeting from David Wang

Dear Dennis,

If voice carries magic, then you are a great magician indeed,

If we can put value on charm, wisdom, and spirit, then you are a zillionaire,

If living is an art, then you are a master of our century,

If thoughts can transform into tears, then I have an internal river for you,

I was quite upset the day I learned that you have left us. Although I have prepared for

this departure for quite some time as you have always taught us, I still shed my tears.

Knowing the fact that it’s now much more enjoyable for you living with the stars and

your wife, my selfishness disappear. Recognizing your departure means that it won’t

be easy for us to sing and dance together like before, what should I say? Sighing is

useless, so I won’t do. Cheering for you does not seem right, so I wouldn’t dare.

Keeping you in mind as my friend, brother, role model, idol figure, as I have done for

years seems right.

I have this unease feeling knowing that you are not around anymore, but above. Not

being able to see you does not wash the memories of good old days away. I know for

sure, connecting thoughts and memories will forever keep our relationship alive. To

me, you are more than just a friend, a hero, a great singer/dancer, a talented

multi-lingual speaker, an unique role model, an idol, …., above all these, you

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are also a father figure to me in toastmasters! Family is forever, therefore, I will

always carry you in my mind and quote your marvelous stories to many young people

I will still meet. As much as I want to make myself clear, my millions thoughts for you

are all tangled up with the words come to mind. I am trapped on what to say and

where to end. Mumbling deep within as I am, I know that you can still sense my

feeling for you inside.

Because of you, FYTC and other toastmasters clubs are founded. Because of you,

many people all over Taiwan are inspired. Because of you, we realize that life will be

and should be a course of continued learning. Because of you, living is so much fun,

no longer fearful. Because of you, life is full of humor and laughter, sadness is an

useless word. Because of you, we see the joy of having only one tooth to bite with.

Because of you, I took out fear and ugliness from my dictionaries. Because of people

like you, the world is worthy of living and exploring further.

With your high spirit, whenever you demonstrated to me that you are able to sing with

all the voices of the mountains, I knew that life is much deeper than what I can

comprehend. I became humble. You have not showed me how to paint with all the

colors of the wind, but I guess that’s what you are doing now in heaven. You have

taught me many things through setting vivid examples in years. But you have never

taught me how to feel when someone important leaves us. Perhaps this is one

lesson one has to learn through his own mind, just as what you had went through in

the last few weeks in Taichung. Now, besides wishing you rest and enjoy in heavenly

peace, I also hope that these few words I share will help to remind you how deep is

our love for you!

When I think of you, Eric Clapton’s voice comes to mind….

Would you know my name when I saw you in heaven? Would it be the same if I saw

you in heaven? …...

I know that I will see you again, and with silver hair or no hair above your shoulder,

you will look great! You will always live in my mind as a heroic figure with highest

possible spirit. I love you, Dennis! Please Line me up, connect me through Wechat,

send me some pictures, beep me, ……., by any means, staying in touch!


from your earthly brother and son,

David Wang

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追憶 Dennis Chen 一生奉獻於國際演講會的傑出事蹟

‧1984年的回顧 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1984 年的 6 月 26 日,我在中國時報地方版看到一則消息,印象中是說當天晚上



性社團叫 Toastmasters International。


Toastmasters Club)」創會前的示範會議(Demo Meeting),是由當時身任中興大



他就是 Dennis Chen。

當晚在場的人除余玉照博士與 Dennis 之外,還有一位美籍人士(當時是中興大

學英文系講師)John Carli、中興大學英文系黃文忠教授與系裡多位教師同仁,

以及任職於南投名間國中(現仍活躍於南投國際英語演講會)的 K.S. Tseng。我

個人很榮幸的與 Dennis Chen、K.S. Tseng 三人從這一天開始在國際演講會的組

織裡共同走過 30 個年頭。


必要幹部,其中推舉了 John Carli 為會長(Acting President),而 Dennis 接任

了 A.V.P.(Administrative Vice President),會中並決定自 7 月 10 日起即開


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隔年(1985)的 4 月 23






前排右一是John Kuo,





授,右二K. S. Tseng,

右三 John Carli,右四 Dennis Chen,右五 Cory Chen。

‧1985年的回顧-正式創立台中英語國際演講會 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

創會的日子終於來到,台中國際英語演講會(Taichung Toastmasters Club) 歷

經了一年半的摸索與推廣,募集了 22 位會員,在 1985 年 12 月 17 日假台中市文

化中心地下室舉行了成立儀式。在此之前,原先暫時擔任會長的 John Carli 在

8 月中旬因故去世,大家屬意當時在靜宜大學英文系擔任講師的 John Kuo 續接

會長職務,因而 John Kuo 順理成章的擔任了 TTC 創會的首任會長。創會儀式的


是 Club Sponsor 余玉照

博士、中排左一 John Kuo,


Dennis Chen。見證這場

盛會的貴賓有當年 ROC

Territorial Council

Governor Tsai-Ron


Area 4 Governor Jerry


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‧1986~1987 一段低潮艱苦的歲月 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

創會後的 TTC 隨即邁入長達兩年多的低潮歲月,由於開會人數持續減少,有時甚

至只有 6~8 人,開會地點也由文化中心移至中興大學旁的磊思教堂,或借用原靜

宜大學教室。1986 年 3 月,John Kuo 因教學繁忙且身體欠佳,堅辭會長一職,

在會友敦請之下會長棒子交給了 Club Sponsor 余玉照博士。大家均能體認校務

繁忙的余玉照博士對 TTC 而言絕對是精神領袖,但實質的社團會務只能靠幹部張

羅與會友主動參與,來保持例會的正常運作。這段低潮期間 Dennis 均堅守會員

本分,從不缺席,對 TTC 會員的激勵與會務的穩定起了很大的作用。

余玉照博士接掌 TTC 會長一職,一直持續到 1987年 6月,會長棒子又交回給 John

Kuo,John Kuo 二度接掌 TTC 會長。然而晴天霹靂,John Kuo 在隔年(1988)的 2

月因猛爆性肝炎突然過世,Dennis 臨危受命,接掌了 TTC,成為 TTC 第四任會


‧1988走出谷底 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dennis 接掌 TTC 之後,憑著他的公關的能力與溫和的領導風格,會務蒸蒸日上,


講會發光發熱,如 Allan Wang(1989 接任 TTC 第五任會長)、Hubert Hsu(1990

接任 TTC 第六任會長)、I.H.Luo(1991 接任 TTC 第七任會長)、Anita Lin(1990

接任飛輪第二任會長)、Charles Chen(1992接任博思創會會長)、Sophia Hsu(1992

接任樂陶陶創會會長)。Hubert Hsu 在 1990 年擔任會長時曾說:“Dennis 是 TTC

的救世主(the savior of TTC)”,讓他可

以高枕無憂的主持會務,足見 Dennis 當時

在台中地區經營 Toastmaster 的用心。

照片顯示 1988 年 TTC 幹部的就職典禮,

Dennis Chen(右二)任會長,Allan Wang(右

三)任 AVP,K.S. Tseng (右四)任 EVP。

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‧1989~90 Wheeler 家族熱心協助 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1989 對台中地區 Toastmaster 的發展是非常重要的一年,當年一位美籍人士

George Wheeler,應航發聘請來台服務兩年,並攜妻(Vi)、女(Kim)一起來台。

當年這對父女在美國已是 Toastmaster member,並已取得 DTM 資格,履台期間

立即加入 TTC 並觀察到 Toastmaster 在台中還有很大發展空間,於是 George 與

Kim 便利用週末閒暇為演講會策劃了一系列的訓練活動,擴大了國際演講會的人

氣,會員人數逐漸上升,當時已超過 30 人。TTC 在 George 的鼓勵下,幹部們認

為是分出一個新會的時候了,而幕後推手之一就是 Dennis Chen。

‧1990 創立飛輪(Wheelers)國際英語演講會 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1990 年初,TTC 一分為二,部分會友另組新會,新會會友為感念 George 與 Kim

這對父女對台中地區 Toastmaster 的貢獻,決議採 Wheelers (因父女兩人,所

以把 Wheeler 加 s)為新會會名,Wheelers Toastmasters Club(飛輪國際英語演

講會)於焉誕生,並在 1990 年 4 月 19 日由 Sophia Hsu 敲下 WTC 第一次例會的議

事槌,而 Dennis 為輔導新會,會籍也由 TTC 轉至 WTC,也是大家公認最適合接

任 WTC 首任會長的人選。WTC 向國際總會申請創會核准後,於 1990 年 12 月 19

日假台中通豪大飯店正式舉行成立大會,Dennis Chen 任創會會長。同日同一地

點 TTC 舉行 1991 年幹部交接典禮,I.H. Luo 接任會長。

- 16 -

這一年年底 Wheeler 家族返美,TTC 與 WTC 兩會於 9 月 15 日假台中聯勤外事招

待所舉辦了盛大的惜別餐會。餐會上 Hubert Hsu 與 George Wheeler 高舉 TTC

會旗,Dennis Chen 與 Kim Wheeler 高舉 WTC 會旗(上圖)。Tsai-Ron Huang 與

Jerry Ma 也從台北、桃園趕來台中參加此一盛會。大合照中前排中間三位分別

是 George、Kim 與 Vi(由右至左)(下圖)。

- 17 -

1991 年 5 月 19 日 WTC 成立週年,在會友 Sheila Chou 家舉行慶祝餐會,WTC、

TTC 兩會會友多人參加,Dennis 為 WTC 切下了一週歲的生日蛋糕。(上兩圖)

‧1992 協助創立博思國際英語演講會 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1990 年以後台中地區的 Toastmaster 開始蓬勃發展,不到兩年,在 TTC 與 WTC

兩會強力運作下,會員人數暴增。1992 年 Dennis 與 WTC 全體會友共同決定再分

出一個新會,新會名稱在幹部多數決的共識下取名 Beast Toastmasters Club (博

思國際英語演講會)。BTC 在 1992 年 12 月 29 日假台中台灣商務中心舉行成立大

會,Charles Chen 任創會會長。當日 WTC、BTC 兩會同時舉行 1993 新年度幹部

就職典禮,Anita Lin 任 WTC 會長。BTC 在創會過程當中,Dennis 提供了甚多寶


‧1992年 10月樂陶陶國際中文演講會(Happiness Toastmasters Club)

成立,創會長徐南秀 Sophia Hsu,Dennis Chen 也跨會加入樂陶陶並



‧1993 Dennis 接任 Toastmasters International ROC Territorial

Council Area 6 Governor,負責輔導中部地區各分會的會務。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- 18 -

‧1993 鹿港懷舊之旅 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1993 年,Dennis 時任彰銀彰

化分行經理,1993 年 10 月 17

日他為 TTC、WTC、BTC 及遠從

高雄來的 KTC 四個分會辦理了



‧1995 Dennis 更進一步往上承接 Toastmasters International ROC

Territorial Council Southern Taiwan Lieutenant Governor,負責輔導台灣

中南部地區各分會的會務,我個人則接任 Area 6 Governor。 1995 年 6 月 24 日,

我陪同 Dennis 前往台北參加 ROC Territorial Council 的幹部就職,當天巧遇

TTC 創會發起人余玉照博士(右二),拍下了這張值得珍藏的照片,圖中左二是樂

陶陶國際中文演講會創會長 Sophia Hsu(徐南秀女士)。

- 19 -

‧1995 Dennis 創立豐原英語演講會 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dennis 調任彰銀豐原分行



1995 年 12 月 7 日假豐原高

商舉行 Demo Meeting(右圖),

隨後當年 12 月 26 日,台中




Charles Chan擔任創會會長。


‧1998 Dennis 協助創立台中台語演講會 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 推舉吳焜裕教授擔任創會會長,並跨會參加台語會例會和活動。

‧1998 Dennis 協助創立中央日語演講會 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 推舉陳耀楠先生擔任創會會長,並跨會參加日語會例會和活動。

結語: ~~~~~~~~

國際演講會(Toastmasters Club)的活動,除每月固定兩次的例會、一年春秋兩


及會友之間的情誼。中部地區各分會自 1985 起各分會各自辦理或跨會舉辦的各

類活動,包括聯合例會(Joint Meeting)、教育訓練、耶誕晚會、跨年晚會、郊

- 20 -

遊、登山、KTV 唱歌,不勝枚舉,Dennis 均曾留下參與的軌跡,早年重大的活動


1991 年 08 月 04 日,Acer、TTC、WTC 三會 Joint Meeting。

1991 年 12 月,TTC、WTC 兩會聯合耶誕晚會,參與英文話劇「威尼斯商人」演出。

1992 年 04 月 12 日,Acer、Taoyuan、TTC、WTC 四會 Joint Meeting。

1992 年 12 月,TTC、WTC、BTC 三會聯合耶誕晚會,參與英文話劇「潘朵拉之盒」


1993 年 08 月 21、22 日,WTC「合歡山之旅」。

1993 年 10 月 17 日,TTC、WTC、BTC、KTC 四會「鹿港懷舊之旅。」

1993 年 12 月 23 日,TTC、WTC、BTC 三會聯合耶誕晚會,參與英文話劇“Beauty

& Beast”演出。

1994年 12月 24日,TTC、WTC、BTC三會聯合耶誕晚會,參與英文話劇“Cinderella”


1995 年 12 月 23 日,TTC、WTC、BTC 三會聯合耶誕晚會,參與英文話劇「仲夏夜


Dennis 不僅勇於參與 Toastmaster 的各項活動,由於他的無私與熱誠,他的宅

邸成了會友經常光臨聯誼之處,更是各會幹部會議最常舉辦的地方,早期 TTC、

WTC、BTC 很多重大的演講會會務決策,都在 Dennis 家敲定。

Dennis 的為人,可以謙虛、友善、真誠來加以形容,再加上他個人的風趣、幽



他兩次(1988 TTC、1990 WTC)會長職務均是臨危受命下承接的。Dennis 勇於推



Dennis當會長 以及之後的區總監期間,對幹部間的不同意見,一向用 Friendly、

Faithfully、Frankly 三個字來表達他對會務的忠誠與無私,如此不僅化解了幹

部彼此間的歧見,反而贏得了共識。Dennis 的領袖威望,其一言一行,如何的


- 21 -

Dennis 的會籍,在中央日語會成立之後,便遷移至日語會並持續出席日語會的

例會和活動直至終老。這期間我與 Dennis 見面的機會就變少了,但仍然可以在


佛家說:「十年修得同船渡」,30 年光陰不算短,能與 Dennis Chen 在演講會相

識是緣分,老友故去總是不捨,愛唱 Karaoke 的 Dennis,永遠帶給週遭朋友歡


Dennis,祝福您與您摯愛的夫人 Alice 攜手前往天主國度再結連理,永生幸福。

(下圖 Dennis 伉儷鶼鰈情深的照片拍攝於 1995 年 12 月 23 日 TTC、WTC、BTC 三


Cory Chen/陳國烈 敬筆

- 22 -

向 Dennis Chen 和他的夫人 Alice 致敬 by Cory Chen

Salute Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Chen


長辭,不禁令人唏噓,Dennis 高壽 80,Alice 享年 77,然而他們攜手前往天主


1984 年的 4 月 24 日,Dennis 踏入了台中市文化中心地下室,當天晚上有

國際英語演講會( Toastmasters International)在台中設立演講會所舉辦的第

一次籌備會議,從那一天開始,在往後的 30 年間,Dennis 熱心推廣國際演講會




春筍般相繼設立,Dennis 首居其功。Dennis 也是第一位橫跨中、台、英、日四


1995 年,Dennis 在給 TTC 創會 10 週年的賀詞中寫到:“Old solider never

die.” I am looking forward to enjoy upcoming decade

of“toastmastering”. ;2000 年,他又在 WTC 創會 10 週年的賀詞中以“Once

and Forever”與會友共勉。Dennis 實現了他的諾言,終其一生奉獻國際演講會。

我有幸與 Dennis 在國際演講會相識 30 年,所有與 Dennis 交往過的會友都


動而認識了 Dennis 的夫人 Alice,親切、開朗、陽光、健談,擁有東西方婦女

的美德與優點。Dennis 伉儷鶼鰈情深,夫唱婦




後記: 這張照片攝於 1991 年 WTC 創會 1 週年

的慶祝會上,我們可以看到 22 年前容光煥發的

Dennis 與和藹可親的 Alice,這對神



- 23 -

In Memory of Dennis Chen Susan Lin, FYTC

Dennis Chen was born on Mar. 14th, 1935, and passed away at the age of 80 on Jan.

7th, 2014.

Our most beloved Dennis, the founder of FYTC, is still around in Toastmasters if his

words were true. Once, during a meeting, he answered a table topic question in an

FYTC meeting. It was about how long he would stay in Toastmasters. His answer

was so vivid, “I’ll stay forever, and my soul will continuously come back to the

meetings after I die. EVP! When the time comes, remember to arrange my

assignment as usual, please.”

All of the members burst into laughter, and everybody enjoyed his quick wit and

sense of humor. We noticed that it was a clear sign of “Love”. He deeply loved

Toastmasters, and loved our members as well.

Year after year, Dennis was consistently humorous, optimistic, friendly and always

helpful to everyone around him. His abundant knowledge led to a consistent series of

positive learning experiences which formed the perfect impression of Dennis in our

memories today.

Throughout his life, there were ups and downs, but always he remained positive. His

illness never kept him away from learning, helping people, dancing and singing, and

he even recorded his songs for his own funeral.

Dennis has successfully completed a perfect life while presented himself in the world.

He taught us how to live well; he also showed us how to die gracefully, and with

dignity. We will always

remember him as a friend, a

leader and a mentor.

Dennis, rest in peace and joy

in Heaven. We all will be

missing you.

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by Robert Lee

It goes without saying that you deserve a life achievement award in Toastmasters. You are a leader of charisma. You are a trailblazer. You are also a great role model of “Master yourselves, and help others”. Over the past 3 decades, you knew how to find the right person doing the right things, how to find paths through unexplored territory, and how to help set up TM clubs of many, especially the 1st TM club in Taichung county (Feng Yuan) and the 1st Bilingual TM Club (New Century) in District 67. Many have been benefited a great deal because of your introducing effective TM training programs, diverse memberships and languages. Without you, our District would never have been what it is today. You are truly one of the few.

In addition, you are not only a man of success but a man of value. We had learned that it’s not what we have in our life but who we have in our life that counts. Whenever facing any difficulty, if we can’t fly then run. If we can’t run then walk. If we can’t walk then crawl but whatever we do we have to keep moving forward. What a Toastmasters spirit!

Dennis, although you are resting in peace, your spirit will stay with us forever. You sure will keep on practicing what you have been preaching in Toastmasters in heaven. Enjoy doing what you love and happiness will follow.

Again, thank you for your time and effort to help us become a better speaker and leader, and make the world better as well.

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In Memory of Dennis Chen - Jerry Chen, NCBTC

I am saddened by the news, and wondered why a nice person like

Dennis would not stay with us longer. However, this is life, and

everyone must obey the plan of God and the law of nature.

I bid farewell and salute to Dennis. I only met him a few times and

talked over the phone several times. However, those were enough

for me to hold very high regard for his positive attitude against

sickness and ardent love for music and linguistics. He was my hero.

I remember he told me some 10 years ago he was terminally ill,

suffering from lung cancer. It is obvious that his positive attitude

toward life made him win in every battle, until this latest one he has a

bit of a setback. However, I don't think he has lost the war. No one

would believe a lung cancer patient can live that long, and leading

active and quite normal life - and singing opera! He made it, like

performing a miracle.

I believe he is now in a better land I know, singing, and doing what he

likes, re-united with his beloved wife, without much waiting, and

where there is no more pain. May the soul of Dennis and his wife

rest in peace, and God comfort all the survivors at home of the family

of the Chens.

Dennis will continue to live in the heart of many Toastmasters and

friends, and continue to set an excellent role model for positive

thinking and living, while on earth! So please convey my sympathy

to his kins and children, and congratulate them for Dennis' many

glorious achievements, and be proud of him.

With my deep sympathies,

Jerry Chen

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-陳錫雄(Jerry Chen)NCBTC













- 27 -

緬懷 Dennis Chen by Jim Chiu

當 1998 年我進豐原國際英語演講會(FYTC)的時候,熱心又幽默的 Dennis Chen 很

快就讓我留下深刻的印象,慢慢地我才知道他就是 FYTC 的創會人,不但在 FYTC 大大


日語會及國際台語會的創會人,又是博思國際英語會(BTC)的創會會員,後來 FYTC 創


畢生精力,我也是因此而受到鼓舞才能至今還留在國際演講會,Dennis 不但熱心,他


不知道是上帝在開玩笑,還在考驗 Dennis,這麼好的一位前輩才在 FYTC 替他辦了

一場風風光光的退休晚會(他從彰化銀行經理退休) ,隔年就聽說食道癌找上了他,當



癒不久,他又參加 FYTC 的清境農場奧萬大之遊,最讓我感動的是他大病初癒後,居然

還問我們隨誰有多餘的 Toastmasters 雜誌,他說由於養生的關係,他發現他缺了幾期

的雜誌,我常常拿到 Toastmasters 的雜誌根本沒時間閱讀他居然在大病初癒就關心他

的雜誌不全,他種關心 Toastmasters 的精神真叫我佩服的五體投地。也因為他的毅力


2012 中華民國國際演講會春季大會他也來參加,在休息時間我邀請他來參加博思演


BTC 的二十週年慶祝會他居然也趕來了,雖然有些疲憊,他也受邀上台發表對 BTC 創會

很感性的心得。(下圖 Dennis 於 BTC 20 週年慶)

Dennis 就是這樣一位一生樂於助人、對國際演講會全心投入、個性幽默樂觀、毅力






- 28 -

追思故友 Dennis & Alice by 中央日文會前會長陳怡如

Dennis 是一位楽於分享的人;25 年前和 Dennis 是在 Wheelers TMC 認


爸爸。後來,我對新舊會員也比照 Dennis 的風度來招呼,希望如 Dennis 對我

們一般,使大家和 TMC 結長長久久的善緣。28 年來 Dennis 創了不少分會,而


2 次大會的次數也是第一名的模範生。我們如一家人,永遠記得我父親罹癌在加


突然想起 Alice 走了的早上 Dennis 在醫院打電話來說:「我太太今天早

上過世了。」隔天我們讀書會後去致哀,Dennis 說他也不想活了;我們勸他要

為 Alice 保重才好。一星期後我特地提醒 Dennis 女兒說最好有外勞以外的家人


且她至少會多陪 4、5 個月。哪知⋯⋯

Dennis 和我父親都是精通英、日、台、華 4 語,自己和家人都全力扶持中央

日語會,而且同病相憐。2012 年讀書會時,他曾說:「我罹患的口腔癌死亡率

是 70%,醫生卻告訴我存活率是 70%;使我懷抱希望去抗癌。現在經過 13 年的生

活習慣和飲食控制的努力,我相信自己已經是存活的 30%之列,或比罹癌前更建

康。」言猶在耳。而且 Alice 也在同一年不慎翻下山岩,結果完全復原、依舊

可以天天游泳、散步,我們都為她慶幸。才一転眼,看護病人的 Alice 反而先

走了,Dennis 也走了,但死因不是癌症。

以後再也聽不到 Dennis 的聲音了。這樣的結局令我們很不能接受、而且萬

萬不捨。好寂寞啊! 謝謝您們對 TMC 的長期提𢹂照顧。請放下塵緣,一路好走;


Yiju 追悼

- 29 -

Pay a tribute to Dennis 一顆“昴”星的殞落

懷念亦師亦友的長輩 ~ 陳祚苑先生, Dennis Chen ~一位正向的人生導師, 一個風趣

絕頂的朋友, ~ 您將長存我們的心中

A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings

us together again and again. ~ ~ by Maya Angelou

我想用這句話來弔念 Dennis 再適合也不過了, 因為我們所有認識 Dennis 的人都一定

在某方面或多或少受過他的感召, 或啟發. 因為他是一個永遠不吝跟大家分享正面能

量的人,而他的靈魂不可否認也是因為他的無私而偉大. 偉大的靈魂永不凋萎這句話

也是呼應了 Dennis最常引用的一句話~老兵不死. –Dennis這個 TM的老兵永遠活在許

多人的心中. 若有遺憾~ 那或許就是我們以後再聚一堂時, 卻再也聽不到 Dennis的妙


我與 Dennis 是在長江三峽的遊輪 上認識的, 而我就是因為他的引領才進入

Toastmasters 這個圈子的. 也正因為如此, Dennis 每次最愛跟人介紹說我跟他是在

“床”上認識的, 故意把“船上”說成“床上”, 我每次抗議, 他就會故作無辜的表

情說: “我們那個時代的人國語本來就不太好. “

Dennis 也最愛把跟他比較熟的女性會員介紹成: “她是我的女朋友”, 有一次我糾正

他說: “不, 她是你的女性朋友” Dennis 趕忙說: “不, 不, 不, 她只是我的女朋友

而已, 因為我們中間並沒有”性”, There is no sex between us.”

這就是我認識, 且將永遠記得的 Dennis, 一個幽默, 風趣, 歡樂及對 Toastmasters


篤信天主教的 Dennis曾經說過:” 只有好人才能上天國, 演講會會員都是好人; 我們

都有上天堂的機票, 只是未填上日期而已. “ 沒想到 Dennis 居然在今年一月七日匆

匆定了機票追隨他最愛的老婆, 雙雙飛往主的國度, 永息主懷了!

“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart”.

~ Gandhi

不說再見, 不道別離, 但, 不會忘記你這一位良師益友! 陳祚苑桑, 想起你最愛唱的

那首日文歌~昴, 嘆那顆最明亮的星星, 已伴你而去, 空留給我們哀緒無限!

中央日語會第三屆會長 Melody Hou 敬弔

- 30 -

Bruce Yang, TTC

Things always happened so fast beyond our expectation. When Estela telephoned to tell

me TTC’s chartered member, IPP and spiritual leader Dennis Chen’s wife passed away, I said

sorry for not being able to attend her funeral. Estela added Dennis phoned her with a feeble

voice, himself lying on the bed. To my great astonishment, Dennis passed away too


Dennis was a legend to me. When I joined TTC in Nov. 1999, he actually didn’t attend

regular meetings any more. When Jessie was TTC’s President (2000-2001), she held a

welcome party for Dennis as well as other former members, Cory, K.S., to name a few. That

was the first time I came to know more about him. His three lessons did influence me to this

day. They are as follows:

1. Keep All Agendas: Dennis ever mentioned he had kept all agendas of Toastmasters

meetings. Influenced much by him, I also kept agendas of regular meetings, contests

or events I even attended. Though he never explained why he did so, I guessed he

tried his best to prepare for every assignment in each meeting, so each agenda was

meaningful and a good memory to him. When I looked back my own agendas, I always

wondered how much I have improved in Toastmasters.

2. Be Humorous: Dennis always looked on the bright side and kept humorous. He once

shared a joke: A Taiwanese was waiting for a subway in New York City. He saw an old

woman sitting on a bench alone, so he walked over and asked her politely “May I sit

here?” However, he was so nervous he ended up saying “May I shit here?” The old

woman looked at him somewhat angrily and replied “You can’t shit here. The toilet is

over there.” With his exaggerated gesture and vocal variety, he brought down the

house. That made me witness the magic of humor and decided to at least prepare a

joke in each meeting to make myself more humorous.

3. Keep Learning: So far as I know, Dennis was not only TTC’s chartered member, IPP and

spiritual leader, he also chartered FYTC and a Japanese club. I wonder how many clubs

he joined at a time. Just imagine he had to prepare a speech not only in English, but

also in Japanese. That inspired me to keep delivering speeches and keep learning. The

more we learn, the better we become and thus we can take on more difficult

assignments and challenges to serve more Toastmasters.

Even though Dennis has left us forever, his legacy would definitely live on in

Toastmasters. He is no doubt the best role model of learning by doing. And I’m sure

- 31 -

now he must be happy and busy chartering a new Toastmasters club in Heaven.

陳 年 美 酒 桌 上 飛 祚 慶 台 中 台 語 會 苑 囿 枝 條 多 亮 氣 精 通 言 陳 英 日 台 神 恩 早 定 永 生 入 長 憶 先 生 勸 勉 數 存 我 心 中 點 滴 駐




對台語會的期待 -﹙不斷地向上攀升﹚。初期會員數少,例會









台中台語會 會長暨全體會員同念

- 32 -

10 Aces to the Memory of Dennis Chen ~~When moment embraces eternity, humanity kisses divinity.~~

By Arthur Hong

- 33 -


驟聞陳祚苑先生於 103年 1月 7日逝世,繼其妻歿 20日後,既感傷,也相信這


認識 陳祚苑 先生,是在樂陶陶國際中文演講會初創;籌備之時.徐南秀會員,

本是喜洋洋中文會一會員. 她引介 Toastmasters 概念,要我們幾位好友---李保

金;陳鳳鑫;許翠芬;徐一中.以中文為體;以 Toastmasters 概念為用.創立中部第

一個中文會.---樂陶陶中文國際演講會..最初, 我們四, 五個人,仍然每兩星期

聚會一次, 邀集各自的朋友,進行 Toastmasters 的正常會議(meeting),還邀請

陳祚苑 先生; 陳國烈先生; 謝宗憲先生,來與我們聚餐,指導我們. 成為我們當

然的 mentors.就這樣我認識了 陳祚苑 先生.

樂陶陶成立後, 他仍然來參加會議指導我們.直到我們會完全自立. 從這點,

可証明他是多麼有愛心與耐心.他熱愛 Toastmasters,他說他自己英文不太好,

但發現 Toastmasters 雜誌很棒,便每期每篇仔細閱讀,背誦,作筆記.收穫很多.

他創豐原會;台中台語會; 中央日語會.又幫助我們樂陶陶中文會.他的這份不遺

餘力的推廣 Toastmasters 的行徑,令人欽佩;也讓我深深體會他的大愛---希望


趨近老年,我以為他不是一般的老者---頤指氣使人; 而是老而有智慧的人,

諄諄善誘我們.有幸能認識他, 真是我此生的幸運.



Denis先生,你雖離開我們. 我們卻仍回憶起你的點點滴滴,你的作為仍為我



- 34 -


在趕往參予您夫人告別式途中我急忙在車上寫訃文袋「Dennis 請您要節哀

















子杰 敬書


- 35 -

A Tribute to Dennis Diana Watson, past TTC President

Many of us recall the elderly gentlemen, looking old-school in their suits, all walking

together in unison at the conferences. My first conference I noticed them and asked one of

the members from my club, “Who are those old guys?” I learned that they were senior

members from the Japanese club, and some were still friends from when Taiwan was a

district with Japan many years ago. One of the gentlemen I discovered was a president of

my club many years ago, Dennis Chen. I was intrigued but never got an opportunity to meet

him until TTC’s 25th Anniversary celebration a few years ago.

I take pride in being a member of the mother club of all clubs in central Taiwan –

Taichung Toastmasters Club (TTC). After meeting Dennis briefly so many times, I was excited

to discover that one of the TATC members, Tony Wang, was a personal friend and offered to

introduce me to him. But I didn’t want to just meet him; I wanted to pick his brain about the

early years of Toastmasters in Taiwan, about his Toastmasters career.

It was a hot, humid day on Sunday in September in 2012 when I finally got a chance to

meet Dennis. I recall entering his beautiful home with everything neatly arranged. He had

many books lined up along his bookshelf. And although he only spoke to me in Chinese,

most of the books he read on the shelf were in English. I expected him to share about his

family, his hobbies, before jumping into serious Toastmasters conversation. But he started in

with Toastmasters history straight away.

Dennis worked at a bank, so bank security required that he relocate to a different

branch every three to four years. At a bank in Taichung he became friends with one of his

customers. This customer encouraged him to join a Toastmasters club that he wanted to

charter. Hesitant, because he didn’t feel his English was good enough and fearful of the time

it would take away from his family, he went home and talked to his wife about the idea. She

was an English instructor in high school and encouraged him to join.

Initially presidents did all the work in Toastmasters clubs, Dennis admitted. He laughed

when he shared that when he was EVP of TTC, he had little to do! But he changed this policy

when he took the presidential role, changing his workplace yet again to Puli. He said, “Back

then everyone did their share. We shared rides, we shared work.” But that’s not to say that

the early days were easy. “We didn’t have a meeting venue, so meetings were held at

different locations all the time. I had few members when I was president and I struggled to

recruit new ones. Most were professors in universities and I worked at a bank.” Things got

- 36 -

easier though when Mr. Huang became president, he mentioned. Mr. Huang was socially

connected with many people and with him TTC grew exponentially. The club grew so much

that it was spilt and Wheelers was born. Then a few years later, Beast was born.

Our interview lasted over three hours and I loved every second of it. Dennis shared his

successes, his failures and all the photos he kept from his early Toastmasters years. He

protected them like treasures. I marvelled at how so many members I see all the time today

looked over 20 years ago. Finally I asked the big question, “What was the main reason you

joined Toastmasters?” Expecting an original answer, I heard the same thing I have heard

from many senior members: he said, “I joined Toastmasters to make friends”. So then I

asked, “Well why have you stayed in Toastmasters for so long?” He responded, “Because my

wife said that I grew up and became a better person after joining Toastmasters, so she

always supported my being in the organization.” This statement almost brought me to tears.

His wife never joined Toastmasters, but Dennis commented that she often worked alongside

of him from filling out Toastmasters paperwork to driving him to meetings, since he didn’t

drive. Often we forget our Toastmasters friends from behind the scenes who assist us with

contests and help conferences go smoothly.

Dennis often exhausted himself travelling all over the island from sunrise to sunset on

weekends to attend charter ceremonies and starting clubs. But of all the stories he shared,

the most inspiring was how he chartered the Fengyuan club. His job now placed him in

Fengyuan and he saw the need for a club there. He knew that finding members would be an

enormous undertaking, yet he was determined. After several months of demo meetings,

visiting professional workplaces and sometimes standing outside to hand out flyers, he

finally had over 20 members to start a club in Fengyuan. Amazing how hard people worked

for what they believed in many years ago.

Some people join Toastmasters to improve their English or to learn leadership or

speaking skills, but perhaps the best reason to join is to become a better person. Thank you,

Dennis for helping to make that dream a reality for so many of us in Taiwan.

- 37 -

林俊樑(Hans Lin)

正當準備好心情參與 Dennis 夫人的告別式,驟然傳來大家敬愛的 Dennis

也蒙主恩召,她與他將在 2014.01.14 共同向大家揮別,夫婦情篤到攜手安息主


更在腦海中不停翻騰,繁複駁雜,難以盡述,僅略述我在 1994.07-1995.06 擔任

Taichung Toastmasters Club(TTC)會長期間,他給我精神與實質的協助,聊


1994 年 TTC 的「提名委員會」打算「拱」我為會長時,說一口台灣式破英



打動了我而接下會長。誠然,熱誠與風範是 Dennis 在中部地區,甚至全國演講


我擔任 TTC會長的工作目標是,以高品質的會議招募新會員,我請教 Dennis,

他給我兩個策略:一、凸顯 TTC 的教育性特質;二、營造歡迎新會友的氛圍。更

令我感動的是,他不只是說說而已,而是 TTC 每月兩次的例會,他不但沒缺席,

並且於會後 2∼3 天,他打電話分析、評論上次會議優、缺點,並提出建議,熱誠


newcomers,每次會後 1∼2 天與下次開會前 2∼3 天,由會長親自表達歡迎之意。

在 Dennis 的教導之下,我才能無愧的回憶當年,不忝提名委員會之所託。

Dennis 已安息主懷,長留在我心中的是,一位永遠溫暖地鼓勵我、教導我


- 38 -

Dennis Chen, one of charter members and a past President of Taichung Toastmaster

Masters Club.

People do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of aura of life which

bears no relation to true immorality but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts

in the same way as when they were alive.

When the sorrow news reached me, I knew it was very hard for all of us who knew him

well, but we can be glad it was our privilege to have come in contact as long as we did with

such a wonderful person. I shall always remember his kindness and cleverness. He supported

me a lot when I was the Division Governor. He always participate TTC’s activities whenever

he was invited without hesitation until he became too ill and weak.

And then I would like to say something to Dennis,

Farewell, Dennis, my dear friend, you were a wonderful friend and a great Toastmaster;

one of the most outstanding, faithful, trustworthy Toastmasters I ever met.

My regret and sorrow are beyond expression in this hour of trial, with my deepest

condolence and heartfelt sympathy, I would like say:

Whose long and faithful friendship those who knew you won’t forget!

Though your body will decay, your sprit lingers on in every Toastmasters Club you joined,

you participate, you helped to established, you mentored, you trained, you conducted and

you helped.

Dear Dennis, may your descendants ever flourish and may all your friends find solace

for the losses they have sustained.

Sincerely Yours,

Vickie Chang

- 39 -

陳さんの姿を思い出す 簡淑












落實做中學(learning by doing) 與互助的理念,給我深深的感動。

2007年經人介紹 Toastmasters,我為維持工作上英語能力程度不退步的需求,加入 Beast




4年前,憑藉大學時代選修一年日語的經驗現仍存有あいうえお 50音發音的基礎,決定




中央日語會與 Beast會的會務風格不同,中央會中 70-80 歲以上的會員較多,我有時想

不通為何這些會員仍會將生命的晚期投入在 TM的理由是在那裡?為何衷情於此呢? 陳祚苑會






看似參加 TM是唯一的消遣的會員,若是 TM未成他的真愛,鐫入他的體內,成為生活的一部份,

一位罹癌老人家有多少人願意或有熱情再參與 TM呢。

我 TM會中曾任財務長,負責收取會費,涉及掏出錢,會見有的人立即交付,有人推拖數


今年 1月陳祚苑會員的太太過世後的第一個週六,是日語會例行的讀書會,我與幾位會員在結





身為 Toastmaster要付出的責任。

- 40 -

Is the Japanese Language the Devil's Tongue?

~~ Written by Rio Imamura(今村亮)

編註 : 來台灣參加大會多次今村亮先生希望藉由

他介紹 Dennis 的文字來表達追思,並為 Dennis 的


"The popular Weekly Times magazine

clearly stated that the Japanese language is

the devil's tongue in its special Japanese

language edition. Yes, many people may

agree because the Japanese language embraces lots of irregular and contradictory rules

which are often difficult to comprehend. It seems extremely difficult to master Japanese for

people whose mother tongue is different.

Japanese is a compilation of native Japanese, Chinese characters and words of foreign

origins. Native Japanese consists of 'Hiragana' and 'Katakana' writing, making it further

complicated. Speaking of Chinese characters, there are two ways of pronunciation, one is

'on-Yomi', the other 'kun-Yomi' and very often, there are special 'Yomi' as exceptions to

the rules.

On top of all that, the delicate relationship between the persons communicating is reflected

in the use of their language, the so-called honorific, humble, and polite words. They are the

hardest barriers to break through.

And you might conquer those barriers by being in an environment where you constantly

hear Japanese being spoken - listening to the radio, TV, and movies. Your confidence may

easily be shattered by encountering local dialects and/or newly imported 'Gairaigo', words

of foreign origin. Devil's tongue therefore is not such an exaggeration as Times magazine

designates in their article.

Despite my criticism of the Japanese language, I'm the one who had been hooked and

captured by the devil's tongue as an eternal student of the Japanese language. Needless to

- 41 -

say, language is a tool for communication. Although it is difficult to compare it with other

languages, Japanese has a wider and deeper threaded structure and has a lot of atmosphere,

which I like most. You may call it gracefulness. It goes deeper into the heart and appeals to

emotion, rather than logic and the intellect.

You know how babies learn languages. They unconsciously learn language by listening to

their parents and conversations around them. They start talking by repeating sounds. We

learn a foreign language in school just the opposite way. We start by reading and writing

the new language as we learn grammar. Hearing and speaking are not emphasized as much

as it should.

Hence, many people can read foreign languages but cannot speak the language. Our clubs'

priority, however, is listening and speaking, so I believe we can create many masters of the

Japanese language.

Regarding our fellow Taichung Central Toastmasters, particularly the young and earnest

ones, let us pledge our all-out efforts today to listen like innocent infants and speak

anything that comes to mind spontaneously like splashing water from a spring, sharing

together our joy and pride." (編註: 以上為今村亮先生將 Dennis 日文原文翻成英文)

I quoted this awesome and fabulous speech by Dennis Chen, in full, as above from the

Taichung Central Archive "10th Anniversary Keynote Speech." He delivered it in Japanese

(Note 1- see original Japanese text) and I just translated it into English for my blog readers

who cannot read Japanese. I have never seen such clear and concise introduction of the

Japanese language. I saw Dennis's obituary on Facebook hidden among the many 2014

New Years greetings, the most unexpected communication. I'm glad I noticed it. He wrote

to me six months ago saying "no more letters please." I was wondering how he was battling

his cancer. He sent me a CD a few years ago in which he recorded his own singing of

"Like a River Flow," a song popularized by singer Misora Hibari. “Oh, nice, he likes to

sing" was my honest reaction without knowing singing was his way of therapy, a desperate

escape from the pain of his illness.

- 42 -

I first met Dennis in the late 1990s. It was when I visited Fengyuan Toastmasters, an

English language club, with which I was corresponding often and exchanged club

newsletters with. The club venue, a Kennex Hotel basement, was full and thriving.

Someone must have called Dennis and he came in just about when the meeting was

adjourning. Then he took me to Taichung to meet another English club and introduced me

to David Wang, who later became Taiwan's District Governor.

I read that Dennis's first encounter with Toastmasters was when he was relocated by his

bank managing business from a Fengyuan branch to a southern Taichung branch. One day,

at a newly relocated branch, a Canadian professor from the nearby National Chung Hsing

University visited to open an account and Dennis was in charge of the customer because he

had to address him in English. This Canadian, together with his university faculty members

tried to set up a Toastmaster club and Dennis was invited. He was hesitant at first, in fear

of the slow progress of study as people get older. But Alice Young, Dennis's wife,

recommended that he pursue it and he got on board.

The rest is history as written by Robert Lee, the editor of the Rostrum, the Fengyuan Club

Newsletter dated Feb 2000:

"Success doesn't come overnight, especially when we try to start everything from scratch….

However, our Club Founder, Dennis Chen made it happen. Our Godfather, Dennis was a

man with a vision. He believed that Fengyuan was a special and unique place where he

could uncover many outstanding potential Toastmasters without any problem… Believe it

or not, he was also a member of Taichung,

Wheelers, Beast and Fengyuan at that time."

Dennis was listed among the Hall of Fame -

1999 ROC Japanese Toastmasters’ Tall Tale

Contest Champion.

We Japanese Toastmasters have lost our best

friend from Taiwan and the best Japanese

speaker there.

- 43 -

編註: 此篇是 Dennis Chen 在台中英語


講稿 (Dennis 以日文演講,日本

Toastmasters member Rio Imamura 將該篇


Note 1:

Dennis Chen and his wife Alice Young joined the International Toastmaster on April 4th

1984. Since then Dennis established seven clubs, including clubs for four different

languages. Dennis really set a good example for every Toastmaster member. Dennis used

to say "Old soldiers never die."

Note 2:

2007 セントラル会創立10周年




れた日本語特集の記事に、 日本語は「悪魔の言葉だ」





ので、複雑になります。次に、漢語には、音読み、訓 読みと言われる 2 種類の読み方があ


間の微妙な関係で使い方が異なる 尊敬語、謙譲語と丁寧語は、日本語を習得したい人達の


度勉強して も、ラジオ、テレビや映画の随所に出てくる地方の方言や新しい外来語を耳に

すると、たちまち自信が無くなってしまいます。ですから、悪魔の言葉といわれる のも無



言葉」魅せられて、永遠の日本語学習者になってし まったのです。もともと、言葉という


は幅が広く奥ゆかしく、論理的 というより、むしろ情緒的な言葉ですので、頭脳というよ


言葉を学習する一番よい方法は、赤ちゃんが言葉を覚える遣り方だと思います。 赤ちゃん

は無意識に父母や大人たちの話を聞いて、時間が経つにつれて片言で話 をし始めます。し


- 44 -


あまり重視されていませんので、難しい外国文学を読 める人が外人との簡単な会話を流暢


を置いているので、「日本語の達 人」が生まれてきます。私達の欠点を十分に直すにはよ







Condolence From District 76 (來自日本的弔辭)

Masahiko Inatsugi 陳さんのご冥福をお祈りします。(前日本總會長)

Rio Imamura みなさん、私はデニスさんと知り合って10年以上になりま






され、ありがたく受け取りました (前日本教育副總會長)

Midori Hirota 素晴らしいスピーチの数々に、励まされました。 台湾でお目

にかかった折の優しい笑顔を思い出します。人生への賛歌 LIVE LOVE LAUGH トーストマ



- 45 -

- 46 -

陳祚苑會友 & 夫人陳楊弄玉 女士 生平介紹 ( 家屬提供)

主內陳祚苑弟兄,生於民國 24年 3月 14 日,卒於民國 103年 1月 7日。 陳




於培養訓練各地菁英們的口語,即席演說能力,毫無私心的奉獻精神,令大家欽佩,敬仰。 之後







主內陳楊弄玉女士,生於民國 26年 11月 27日,卒於民國 102年 12月 13日.祖籍台中清水.

















時, 我們却沒有長久的在你們的身邊服侍,實在是我們心中難以忍受的痛 悔.

自從你們相繼生病之後,我們心裡除了對你們身體病痛的難過和捨不 得之外,也深







安,喜樂,美滿. 最後向各位致上最深的謝意,謝謝你們多年來和我們爸爸媽媽的陪伴,相處,讓

他們渡過幾十年非常快樂的時光. 天主保佑大家. 謝謝.

- 47 -

Epilog from Editor 編者後記 收集與編纂這本紀念輯的過程,更加了解了 Dennis 這一生的達觀與熱情,讓我們把思念

與哀愁化為力量,延續 Dennis 生命力的光與熱,這首優美的詩也許能表達 Dennis 的心情,也

能些許撫平你我的哀傷。 ~~ Teresa Chang

Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep

(AKA: A Thousand Winds)

Do not stand at my grave and weep;

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awake in the morning’s hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry;

I am not there. I did not die.




我不在那裡 我沒有沈睡不醒

化為千風 我已化身為千縷微風


秋天 化身為陽光照射在田地間

冬天 化身為白雪綻放鑽石光芒

晨曦升起時 幻化為飛鳥輕聲喚醒你

夜幕低垂時 幻化為星辰溫柔守護你


我不在那裡 我沒有離開人間

化為千風 我已化身為千縷微風


化為千風 我已化身為千縷微風



- 48 -

(其日文版是 Dennis非常喜歡唱的一首歌)


私のお墓の前で 泣かないでください

そこに私はいません 眠ってなんかいません

千の風に 千の風になって

あの大きな空を 吹きわたっています

秋には光になって 畑にふりそそぐ

冬はダイヤのように きらめく雪になる

朝は鳥になって あなたを目覚めさせる

夜は星になって あなたを見守る

私のお墓の前で 泣かないでください

そこに私はいません 死んでなんかいません

千の風に 千の風になって

あの大きな空を 吹きわたっています

千の風に 千の風になって

あの大きな空を 吹きわたっています

あの大きな空を 吹きわたっています

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