+ Being Physically Active: Ways to Save Your Health Lesson 2.

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Being Physically Active: Ways to Save Your Health

Lesson 2

+Background Information

CDC reports: Only 48% of US

adults get enough physical activity

Less than 3 in 10 high school students get an hour of physical activity a day.

+Physical Activity Health Benefits

Increases life span

Helps mental skills

Helps weight control

Decrease risk of: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes some cancers

+CDC General Recommendations

Adults- 150 minutes a week –less than 25 minutes a day

Children- 1 hour a day

For more health benefits, 300 minutes a week or 5 hours

+Adult Physical Activity Recommendations

30 minutes a day, 5 days a week

Three 10 minute workouts

Slowly increase to an hour a day


+Physical Activity at Work

Walk break instead of a coffee break

Park farther and walk more

Have a small pair of dumbbells or heavier books

Do a quick and easy workout in the office

Take walk around the office at lunch

+Physical Activity for Ages 6 - 17 Variety of physical activity needed every week

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity encouraged: Brisk walking, or vigorous-intensity activity, such as running.

Muscle strengthening activities: gymnastics or push-ups

+Physical Activity at Home


Walk or stand while on the phone

Have a regular exercise routine

Use household items

Get family and friends involved

+Physical Activity with the Family

Walk, bike, or play

Dance and clean the house together

Use the house as a gym

+Decrease TV/Screen Time to Increase Physical Activity

Children watch too much TV

2 hours or less

Get active


Screen-Free Week (formerly TV Turnoff Week and Digital Detox Week) is an annual event where children, families, schools and communities are encouraged to turn off screens and "turn on life."

Screen-Free Week

+Physical Activity with the TV

Play active games

Dance to music videos

Ride a stationary bike

Exercises with TV

+Plan Your Week with Physical Activity

Plan activities

Small activities

Short exercise routines

+Tips to Help

Have alternate plans for if the weather changes

Get involved in an exercise class at a local park, church, or school

Ask family and friends to be active with you

Start easy and work your way up


Physical inactivity a leading cause of disease and disability, warns WHO. http://www.whoin


April 4, 2002.

How much physical activity do you need? http:


guidelines/index.html. August 24, 2014.

Screen time and children. http://www.nlm.nih.


.htm. May 10, 2013.

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