Although the North has more supplies and more men the South has better leaders and only has to fight a defensive war. South wins many early key battles.

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Although the North has more supplies and more men the South has better leaders and only has to fight a defensive war.

South wins many early key battles. War does not go well for the North. Not many good leaders for the North.

Majority of battles fought in the South (many in Virginia).

Eventually the North gets more aggressive generals and the South begins to run out of supplies and manpower (the North seems to have unlimited supplies).

North wins many key victories (capture the Mississippi, cut the Confederacy in half, take the Confederate capital).

The South surrenders!

Battle Names

North- mainly named battles after the closest body of water or a prominent natural feature on or near the battlefield.

South- mainly named battles after the nearest town or man-made landmark.

Most battles, then, actually have two names. One which comes from the Northerners and one from the Southerners.

South secedes. Lincoln wants to re-supply the Fort (which

is in South Carolina). South orders the Fort to be captured

Bombard it for 2 days Union troops forced to surrender

Importance? Started the Civil War!

• 1st major land battle of the Civil War• Fought in Virginia• Union winning until confederate

reinforcements arrive• Confederates win• Importance? Shows the country the war will

not be quick or easy as many imagined. Also showed the reality of warfare (not romantic)

• Interesting Fact: Spectators came to watch the battle and picnic. Many were killed when the Union retreated!

• Fort Guarding the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers

• Union wants control of the Rivers (can attack Confederate states)

• Union wins• Importance: First major Union victory.

Ulysses S. Grant becomes an important Union leader. Ensures Kentucky will stay with the Union. Opens up Tennessee and other Southern states to invasion.

• Naval Battle• Ironclads- Ships coated with Iron (first

time they were used)• Confederates want to break blockades of

their ports• South: Merrimack (Virginia) vs. North:

Monitor• Draw• Importance: Changes naval warfare.

Blockade upheld.

Confederates decide to invade the North (Maryland) Want to gain British support

Single bloodiest day in U.S. history 23,000 people dead, wounded, or missing Importance: Union stopped the

Confederates from invading the North. Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.

Union tries to attack the Confederates in Chancellorsville, Virginia.

The Confederates outmaneuver them and win.

Importance: South loses 13,000 men and they lose one of their best generals, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

North wants control of the Mississippi river (cut the Confederacy in half)

Vicksburg is the last Southern stronghold on the Mississippi

North wins Importance: North now controls the


South tries to invade North for a second time. End the War (make the North tired of fighting) Gain support from Europe

Gettysburg, PA North Win Importance: Turns the tide of the War in

favor of the North. Last time Confederates will ever invade the North.

Union wants to take Atlanta (key Confederate city. Railways and supplies).

North wins Importance: Captured a key city (war was

almost over). Helped Lincoln gain reelection.

• Union general William Sherman leads troops across Georgia to the sea.

• Want to destroy South’s ability to wage war and feed their army.

• Path cut 60 miles wide of destruction– 100 million in property destroyed or captured,

slaves freed, destroyed railroad lines, burned farms.

• Importance: Union takes control of Savannah, Georgia. Union destroys ability of South to feed and supply armies and population. Total warfare.

Union wants to take Petersburg, Virginia (important communication center and it was near Richmond, VA-the capital of the Confederacy)

North Wins Importance: North forces General Lee to

abandon the city and leave Richmond open for capture.

Lee (southern general) trying to link up with other Southern armies.

Halted at Appomattox Court House, VA Lee realizes there is no hope (low on

ammo, no food, low on soldiers) Importance: Lee surrenders. The War

ends shortly after! The official surrender of the Confederacy

came about a month later.

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