+ Aim: How did the Nile influence the rise of the powerful civilizations of Egypt? Do Now: Geography Worksheet.

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Aim: How did the Nile influence the rise of the powerful civilizations of Egypt?

Do Now: Geography Worksheet

+ Geography Vocabulary

Cataract = waterfall

Delta = triangular area of marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers

*Natural Barriers = less prone to invasion


Aim: How did religion and learning play important roles in ancient Egyptian civilization? Do Now: Review – How was the Nile River a blessing to the Egyptian civilization?

+Egyptian Kingdoms

Old Kingdom: 2700 BCE-2200 BCEStrong government

Middle Kingdom: 2050 BCE-1800 BCETurbulent Centuries

New Kingdom: 1550 BCE-1100 BCEHeight of Egyptian Civilization

Powerful Rulers: Queen Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Ramses II

+Egyptian Society Vocabulary

Dynasty – ruling family

Pharaohs – Egyptian kings, organized a strong, centralized state

Bureaucracy – a system of government that includes departments and levels of authority

Vizier – chief minister


Mummification: Process of embalming & drying corpses to prevent them from decaying.

Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife. They mummified the body so the soul could

return later.

Anubis was the god who watched over

the process of mummifying people

when they died.

After the embalming

procedure, the mummy’s internal

organs were placed in these clay Caponic jars.

As you know, the ancient Egyptians practiced a polytheistic, animistic religion. Here are some of the key

gods of the Egyptian religion. Notice their animalistic qualities.

Next to each god you will see their name, and what they are a god of.

Amon-Ra – the sun god. He was

the most important god of

the ancient Egyptians.

Isis – the protective

goddess. She used powerful magic to help

people in need.

Anubis – the god of

embalming and the dead.

Osiris – god of the dead, and ruler of

the underworld.

Seth – the god of chaos.

Atum – the creator god. Believed to be

the first god to exist.

Sekhmet – goddess of war.

Horus – god of the sky. Protector of

the pharaoh.

The earliest form of writing in Egypt were ideograms, like the one you see below. Each picture stood for an idea. For example a picture of a bird would

mean bird.


As time past, the scribes needed to find an easier way of writing. As a result, a newer form of hieroglyphics was formed.

Another innovation came overtime. Papyrus, a paper-like material was developed. Now scribes could write on a more

compact surface, instead of stone or clay.

As the Egyptian civilization declined, any chance of deciphering hieroglyphics was lost….

… That is until the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799.

The Rosetta Stone contained a message in 3 different languages:


•Hieroglyphics (in a simpler form)


Finally, in 1822 the stone was deciphered!!

+Exit Slip:

You will be traveling back in time to the year 1400 BCE Ancient Egypt.  You will arrive on the banks of the longest river in the world, the Nile. Most of Egypt is composed of desert and is hot and dry. Most of the people live near the Nile and depend on it for travel and many of the things they need in everyday life. During your journey, you will complete a journal of

your experiences.  In your journal, you  should include the following information: Record a short description of the mummification

process Three interesting facts about the culture and

civilization you encounter


AIM: Did Slaves build the Great Pyramid of Giza?Do Now: What accomplishments do you associate with the Egyptians?


What do you know about the Egyptian pyramids?

The Egyptian Pyramids


The Pyramids

The Pyramids at Giza


How were the pyramids built?

The Pyramids at Giza


Who built the pyramids?

The Great Pyramid at Giza

The pyramids were built from LIMESTONE.

The Great Pyramid, built for Pharaoh Khufu, contains over 2 million limestone blocks, each

weighing roughly 2 ½ tons!

As the pyramids still stand today it is easy to see the ancient Egyptians

knowledge in mathematics &


The diagram below shows the outside of the Great Pyramid.

The buildings surrounding the pyramid are called MASTABAS,

which were tombs that held nobles.

The pyramids in front of the Great Pyramid were built for the Pharaoh’s


A temple was built in front of the Great Pyramid to allow daily

rituals, and where offerings were left.

The inside of the pyramid contained many different areas.

• Air Shafts

• King’s Chamber

• Other Chambers

• Grand Gallery

• Queen’s Chamber

• Underground Chamber

The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx is a large human-headed lion that was

carved from a mound of natural rock. It is located in

Giza where it guards the front of Khafra’s pyramid.

Legends have been told for many years about the Great Sphinx. These stories tell

about the powers & mysteries of the Sphinx. Some people believe that there are hidden

passageways or rooms underneath, but nothing has

been found…. yet!

Central Historical Question

Did slaves build the Great Pyramid at Giza?

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