《 美国宪法 》 双语教学的开展与难点

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《 美国宪法 》 双语教学的开展与难点. 中国政法大学法学院 副教授 汪庆华 2013 年 11 月 23 日 北京. 课程的背景. 全球化的浪潮 2001 年 12 月 11 日,中国正式加入世界贸易组织。 中国的崛起. 托马斯 · 弗里德曼: 《 世界是平的 》 何美欢: 《 论当代中国的普通法教育 》. 张月姣女士有一次在清华的座谈会上,忧心忡忡地讲到“中国太缺乏具有国际眼光和深厚学养的法律人才”。 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



• 中国政法大学法学院 副教授 汪庆华

2013 年 11 月 23 日 北京

课程的背景• 全球化的浪潮 2001 年 12 月 11 日,中国正式加入世界贸


• 中国的崛起

托马斯 · 弗里德曼:《世界是平的》


• 张月姣女士有一次在清华的座谈会上,忧心忡忡地讲到“中国太缺乏具有国际眼光和深厚学养的法律人才”。

• 她感到在 WTO 工作的过程中,与中国经济利益相关的各种案件不得不高薪聘请外国律师。在国际司法机构以及各种国际组织中,更缺乏人才。培养涉外型高端法律人才是当前中国法学教育所面临重要的课题。

• 张,世界贸易组织 (WTO) 上诉委员会的中国委员

课程的结构 • 双重分权 横向分权 纵向分权 【 Commerce Clause 】

• 人权保障

1787 年《美国宪法》的内容• 正文七条

• 修正案二十七条 前十条修正案统称为“权利法案”( 179

1 ) 十三( 1865 )、十四( 1868 )、十五修

正案( 1870 )内战修正案

• Amendment One Congress shall make no law respecting an

establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

• Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States,

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


• 大纲和材料

• 案例教学法




• 在老师的引导下,以问题为导向,共同探讨法律世界的各种现实问题。通过对案例的事实、法律和双方争点以及法院推理的分析,培养学生的法律人思维。

• Thinking like a lawyer


兰代尔 (Langdell) ( 1826 , 5 , 22 –

1906 , 7 , 6 ),曾任哈佛法学院院长 (1870-

1895) ,他首创的判例教学法被认为是法律教育中革命性的方法,它不仅在哈佛,而且在全美国的法学院中都有很大影响,这种教学方法一直延续至今。

• 判例教学法要求学生在上课之前要预习教师指定的判例,查阅判例汇编和有关法律规定,并阅读参考文献。

• 上课时要使用苏格拉底对话方式,即教师提出问题,学生回答并进行讨论。这种方法的目的是引导学生正确地运用法律,思考问题,分析情况,保证学生学到了追根求源的法律方法。

Kathleen Sullivan &Gerald Gunther, Constitutional Law, Foundation Press,17th

• www.oyez.org

The Oyez Project at Chicago-Kent is a multimedia archive devoted

to the Supreme Court of the United States and its work. It aims to

be a complete and authoritative source for all audio recorded in the

Court since the installation of a recording system in October 1955.

The Project also provides authoritative information on all justices

and offers a virtual reality Tour of portions of the Supreme Court

building, including the chambers of some of the justices.

示范的案例Marbury v. Madison (1803)

• What is the fact of the case? Who was Marbury? Who was Madison?

What is the issue of the case?

Whether the Supreme Court possessed the

jurisdiction to hear Marbury’s case?

• Relevant Laws

a. U.S. Const.art III, , § 2 Clause 2

"In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers

and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be a Party, the

supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other

Cases [within the judicial power of the United States], the

supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to

Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such

Regulations as the Congress shall make."

b. Judiciary Act of 1789, § 13

"The Supreme Court shall also have appellate jurisdiction

from the circuit courts and courts of the several states, in

the cases herein after provided for; and shall have power

to issue writs of prohibition to the district courts . . . and

writs of mandamus . . to any courts appointed, or persons

holding office, under the authority of the United States."

• Decision and Reasons - limit government (Last Three Paragraphs, p. 8)-Paramount Law of the Land (First 3 Prgs, p.9,L)-Judiciary to say what the law is (Paragraph 4,


Marshall Presents three questions to address the issue

• Did Marbury have a right to the petition?

• Do the laws of the country give Marbury a

legal remedy?

• Is asking the Supreme Court for a writ of

mandamus the correct legal remedy?

• Beginning of Political Doctrine

• Comments of the case

Guido Calabresi, A Common Law for the Age of Statutes


• 哈佛法学院的教学改革



参与和支持,从 2006年开始启动具有根本性的课程体




设以往的第一学期五门课程:合同法、 侵权




• 教学方式,从兰代尔案例教学法转变到重视案例教学


• 知识结构,从零散的规则学习转向系统全面的法律规


• 专业视野,从国内法律规则到国际视野中的法律规则

( 1 )国际法、比较法作为必修科目。目的在于使学生从一开始就对世界的法律格局有清晰的认识,并在国际社会的框架里理解本国法。这一必修科目可以从已经开设的国际公法、法与国际经济、宪法与国际秩序、比较私法学说与制度、中国法(或其他外国法)等课程中自由选择。

• ( 2 )鉴于立法权和行政权不断伸张的现实,“立法与管制”也确定为必修科目。这一课程讲授的重点是职业法律人如何理解制定法,包括宪法、国会立法和授权立法,特别是司法机关和法律执行机关解释和适用规则的方法。可选课程包括:宪法、行政法、环境法、证券法等。

( 3 )开设必修科目“解决个案作坊

( Problem Solving Workshop )”。这是法学




困难及改进• 主干课教育和普通法教育的关系

• 被动学习习惯和主动求知的紧张

• 整体性思维和具体化知识的差异

• 静态式理解和普通法发展的关联

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