4-1 Main Idea: The polis or city-state was the central focus of Greek life. The citizens of a polis had defined rights and responsibilities, as well.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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The Greek City-States


Main Idea: The polis or city-state was the central focus of Greek life. The citizens of a polis had defined rights and responsibilities, as well as a strong identity and loyalty that kept the city-states divided.

Polis: The Center of Greek Life

Polis: city-state and surrounding country-side. Center of political, social, and religious activitieso People who share a common identity and common goalo How might the independence of city-states work against them?

Acropolis: main gathering place, usually a hill. Fortified in case of attack. Religious center-temples/public buildings

Agora: open area below acropolis. People can assemble also used as a market.

Military Hoplites: heavily armed infantry soldiers, or foot

soldiers. o Round shield o Short swordo Thrusting spearo Marched as a battle unit (rectangle)

Phalanx: unit marched into battle, shoulder to shoulder o Wall of shields for protectiono Hard for enemy to harm them

Critical Thinking Skills Open to page 113

Look at the image of Ancient Athens

Answer the questions which relate

Greek Expansion Between 750 B.C.E-550 B.C.E

o Greeks leave their homeland• Overpopulation

Greek Colonies o Southern Italy, Southern France, Eastern Spain, Northern Africa

West of Egypto Thrace, Shores of Black Sea

• Hellespont and Bosporus straits • Byzantium (Constantinople) (Istanbul)

What were the results of Greek colonization?

Geography Skills Open up to page 115

Answer the questions which relate to the map.

Tyranny in the City-States

Tyrants: rulers who seized power by force from aristocrats o Not necessarily oppressive o Supported by newly rich merchant class and peasant classes o Launched public work projects and tried to help the poor

• Market places, temples, and wallso Why did tyrants embark on public building projects?

Democracy: government by the people or rule of the many

Oligarchy: Rule by the few

Two Rival City-States Sparta: Aggressive military city-state on Peloponnesus

peninsulao Conquered Laconians and Messenians - made these people

into Helots: conquered serfs o Highly disciplined o Military schools o Spartan women have greater freedom, power, movement

• Uphold values of Sparta• “come back caring your shield or on it.”

o Oligarchy • Two kings • Ephors: group of 5 men elected each year, responsible for

education and conduct of all citizens • Council: 28 citizens over 60 years of age- decided on issues

presented to• Assembly: male citizens voted on issues

Two Rival City-States Athens: Located on the Attica peninsula, ruled by a

King, Oligarchy, and finally a Democracyo Council: 500 free Athenians

• Supervised foreign affairs• Treasury• Proposed laws

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