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, ' ,

Center Now OccupiedNorth Loups new health cen!~r is a trcmslormalion of a

Swopes Ph:o!()


24. 1952 Vol. 70. No. 43

Y 3,476 FamllleJ Every Week""


...•. ',~. .

Alford. OJrrick..Will ~peak Here

The.l.oup Valley Reg.'o'."~ J;9 Ne~spaper

Is Your 'Slip· S~owing?

They say "pI ide goeth befol ea fall, , ...

In Ord en I' since the snow:lnd thaws and snow again, thestleets and cl'osswalks in cer·tain sections of town and infl'oat of ce,Itain Jesidenl;eg,e<;pecially where the sldewalk,~

all' low and catch the water,which latH tUl llS to Ice - area 1;Iighly d.wgelous hazal d topeople who al e compelled totravel them. .

Pcrhaps it Is quile a ehol eto kcep them clean. But yoamay be saving youI' neighborfWIll il\cul ri'ng a bl'oken leg or'aI III if time is taken to sand,salt, or ('inder the dangerous,slippely spoils. Cindelll on thecrosswalks js nol too I ieli.cu­lous a suggestion fOl' the citydads to con"ldt'r.

Sure it takell WOI k, but whowallt~ to keep cautioning hi,;.vife: "Watch out deal', 01' you'll,lip and bl eak ;>'Oll!" d -'---.edneck!"

Established April., 1882 l:HE QRD ,9UI1:. ORO, NEBRASKA


Polio Orive Getting Noxiops Weed Oistrl Hi Sfhool Off.ers NOl Loup's HealthSlow Start Here; .. Votes .Jncreased Tax Varieties of '52 Center Has Meeting;Need Big Oonations ~~~t~:~~~.I\~~~~g~~:~I~~~~~ Levy 'for Building . ~E.l~t~~1:~~::~f~[i~~'s&:~~! Vodehnal Presides I

Derrick of the College of Ag ricul- show of this kind to be given, 'theLocal. State Funds Are ture, 'appear ona livestock round- Levy to Go Up '.10th two masters of ceremonies will be ,r,roiect Costs $9500 toE h t d M N table discussion at the K. C. Hall Jim Douthit and Duane Wolfe. Be-

X aus. e. any ew in OlLl, next Tuesday, Jan. 29. Mill; 9u~rter$ Rented tween 50 and 60 student" Will take Complete; $6500 Has r

Cases Feared for '952. The meeting 1$ sponso.lell by t.he for Next Season part in this show, probably the Been Paid In . IValley county extension service • most elaborate yet presented, The, • I

N,0t all of the money taken in and will start at 1'30 p. m, The annual land owner;' meet- script writer Is 'yilliam, N~bon; The board of director S of theduring The ~fa.rch of .DImes goes Both men ha~'e appear ed on ing of the Valley county noxious head of the high school. nH\SIC de- North Loup Health Center was re- I~OWilld providing medical care .01' many plo~:al11.,; m Valley county weed eradlcatlon dist rlct WIIS held' partment, who also directs t~e elected at a mectinz of stockhold- IIron lungs for tho~ a.\1 eady stric- and ~! e \~ldely l'~spected for the I Wednesday, Jan, 16 i.n the county i show.. The purpose of the sb;0w IS crs held Thursday" night at the [ken With polio. Scie nt ist s are n.ow I pr~ctlcaJ infor matlsn the:>' always I COl1l1 room with 2Z in attendance. I to raise mon.ey fOI' the music d<'-j Corrimunity QUlht;ng. Tne boar d (at the ~hl eshold. of deyelopmg ~l'lng to f'arme i s on problel.ns of I Due to sickness in Dwight Laru- I pat tment wluc.h Is great ly needed. is W. H. Vodehnal, 1<'. J. Schudel, I~ eff~,tIve v~CCl~: ap:nst the hV0

1StO(1<management and disease Ibert's flj,mily, he wall .not a1;>le I T~~~ entet:al.~m€nt w:llch. Is to C. J. Goodrich, Dale Stine, Roy I .,

dr ead disease, ~XPdIm~ntl; <\t sev- COl l rol, . . . to attend and the state office W;J,S Iconsl~t of ~eHI al acts, .wIII. be IStine, Ronald Cress and John Ed- I ,eral reserch .centers, flnanced by . ?r. Alf?:'~ WI.H. d:s~us,s lIvestoc~ ~ not represented. 1 • • Ihel~ m. the Jugh sch~ol audltortum, wards. At present, \V. H. 'vo~leh' 1

money con.tl'lbuted through The ~Isea~e p. e\ enllOfi. which he says I A buslness summary by Man- begtnning at ,ight 0 clock and wil! 'nal I., pr esident of the board, 1<'. I:March of Dunes, .ll:lVe been .reas?n- should be en.lph3,slze<l. more than Iager-Operator James Sobon dis- I last ,al~ut two. hour". Reserved J. Schudel is vice president and Iably. sllcc~:;sful In developm~ im- t~~ C:lle of :hse~se. l:e states, that Iclosed that the pbtrict had 0rI~a.t. seats I', III be available. C. J. Goodrich is secretai y-tr eas- ,>.f. '- f..~", .munity III I~boratory animals u~,,~ase prevention I,; the respon- ed in the black for the pas sea. - urer. New officer S wi ll be chosenag'ainst the disease. Ne~t year, sibtlit.y o~ the owner of the herd son with $1,880 of the tax money . ' , by the board within ten days. I North Loup's He~~lthIt is ~oped that the :a~cIne may and ~~I~ by good. management sttl l in the hands of the county Ord BUSinessmen This board of direct.ors was . . '"be pel fected to whet e It ,can be, can JI\ estock b.a protected f'rom treasurer on Jan 1 19:;~ The chosen in June of 1~50 when the Of iki hi 1 1\~c;t'd l!pOn human beings for the !l':lany of om'. pr~sent livesto~1:t dis' t ric t 's spI'~yl~g ope'ratlons '. (ll'ganiw.tion was fi;,;t' foum'd to 1 s.tn 1l,lg cr\=.. It~c!u~a ~ty e,flrs.t .hme. . ", " tI·O,l~?le.?~ He, Will dlS~~ISS such dis· amounted to $1,::l~3.26. 'l"h~ seed Endorse Carson Sp<)l1$or the project of gelling I commumty dream mto aClUallty,

1tus search for a vaccine Is on~ eaSt.> a,; anapl!lsmoslS, a .th:ea~ to clea,ning bllsineils totaled Jl/574.00., a doctor fOI' N011h Loup. Theil' _.,. _ _ __ . __~hase of a l'esearch progl'al~ be· Iour c~ttle.h.e!·ds, and l~fectlOus A total of ~3,783.2'" w9lth of F G project was can ied on and an i ~\. - - --,' -----l~g s~nsol'fd by th~ Na,tIona,} l:l.tI:OPhlC 1l).1l111Is, a new disease of chemical W:l..\! sold. ' . or overnor office uuilt whIch has be"n C0l.l1· W·· '" 1/8' I S bZ rl' t· I) ,1'0undatlOa (01' Infantile Pillaly. SW1,ne. .1 ", \!IiI'. Sobon pointed out that the . pleted and Is occupye-d bv DI·. I, In( st I IIO\H II er'o Clll1}Clta IlltCS ('ovesi~. Another ph~se is concer ned 1 he pubhc Is lUvlted tv attend district's mtljor problem at the M E Mal'kley who ca \e to I " - 'jwith developing bett:f ':Ia,y". ~o the ~leetlng.~_~__: , moment is t,) o)bt'aiJl ~nl1o.nent Group Holds Annual N~l th' I~O\lp in' July anl~l used I ' , .treat pat.!:nt~ who ate vlctlTnl~d qU:l.l'ttl's fOI' equipment .and sup- U ti Th dE· rooms in the I-A'gion buildin~ un- 011 M W' II' L t II' I) I 'by ~he dl"eas.... . " v'n S kh Id V plles.,..·.·· ~e~ nCJ urs ay V!. till the new office was read;>'. I ( '111 III tel' 'lSll t OS IS' lille 1~~~~~.~:?~Jvne:~~rll~~~~~~~~;~b~;~ toc 0 ers ote . <u~s~;~: if \~;;~:~te~i~o~~~~e~; Heo,r$ YeQr's R~P9r~s. o/th~C~~~f~ii~t~Lt 10:aeih~h~t~~: I (,( ,

~tricken mOle severe(y each ~'ea;' G" O· "d d B k !t:vy fl'om .2 of .30 n.lll! t~ .3 of a The Ol:d Cha.m!)er of Com.ll1~rce day'mght and "howell that th" of· I -,------, I I

The fight must go on. Ive IVI en s ac 11l11~1 f~I' the C~Il1lng year. Th: a~· by UnanlI!'ou.• Yote at .th.'·lr an: fice. llUildir:-g Cu,;t $9,441.25 ex· 'January Ballny TillThe condition of Walter Linke I' dillon.al ~evy', plus the resen e I,n nual meetIng Tue~ay e\ eml\l!, en dU,;IYe of flXtUll'S. !

of Ol'd, who was a victim of polio to CO-Op Hospital the dl.StIl~t and ,CO\ln{y t~·ea.s~lI·~I·~ IdOfS.ed the c~n~l<l~ey of Hugh :Otaterial cost $4,99Z.tl7; heating' ' I I

in 1950, lia.s been cared fOl' in coffel s l~ SeI,\ ~ ;l..s, a. bUlI<lin" Car~on for goo.; el nOI of th~ s!ate $1.024; plull1l)ing, $478.00; paid Storm Strlkes With3.. Grand Island hO,;pital ~in,ce t}1:l.t " \ ,.'. '. " ~l~n~ lo fm~n~\l. tr~ pqrch~7e. 0: I<;( N.t~):~'ilw. '~ '.' " ; ~ labor, $2,441, plus $800 00 donatedtime, is belleI'. He took a tum,!Ol' Henry LanCje Replae~s a sIte al)d a.~J.!.o~s,et .~ype stI,u<: ,~! v~ltt~e of the I""olutl~n meT'l labor; equipment, $1,450, lwt in- F Md' Ethe worse laost' week. He spt'nds' .' .' ~~II e. " ,0/ ',' '..' ' bt'r''', of the Ch.lm.h~r pl~dg~d ~1;t'h~~ I cludinO' x'ray niachme. ~ II ry on ay vemuch tiIlle in an irQn lung' G~weke on BQard' ,H. 1\!- ~I'atldel!bfl'l{ and J::m1es selYl'$ to work In, CaJ'son $ Inter· ". . .

NOlth Lou throu h the' l'esl- " . ' . Sobon were I'e.e~e~ted to t~e eitt an\1 to h€lp in the pl'esentip.p- The proJect w~s onglnally . .dent of the A~;elicangi..e!!ion ~uxI- Auble ACJain Preslde!'t. boaI~t,1 and Mr. Brandepburg ~vas 9f Qrd's endol'~en\ent,to the yo.tel:s sponsore..J .~~ the ~lon" club a~~ Temperatures Drop to1· "'. M '-' 11" .. . '. . . . late/, elect~ by thj w~M as of N"b1'J1Sk" , ' t4~ Amel1can Leo·on, al1Ll was .lar)' ",</'S.• enzo co u er repoI~<s" 1 't· 'f' t"h I " • ' "', ' ~. ,... • .' f' I b th III f h . 7 W d d .. ~th t' b t $100 h 'be ' r·t d Tpe annua mee lUg 0 e I ch:.Hrllian. All other 0 flcers Wele I The Chamber's annu;11 mllebng mane€< y e sc ng 0 s ares - e nes ay morn·

'!faou A '!ia ,; ie~so~cle lftockholdels of th~ Ord COOpela"!H-elected . , ...• : .,'" staitlil,1·wil1lacovel'eddi~hdinner·ljntheassociationat$1000:l.shale. I •

s~ :r T~e.. u.:(~ a? .s I~ c ~g~ ~ive Ho."pital association was h€'14 1 Hy. vol~ of lhe land o\\'ners Pl'~. with help In selvirtg by ~'tjs,~ ~un- IN of TJlllr"L1ay night $6,130.00: All HI9hways Open.~ bile th rt e. a~ ;)~~ld a. I u III the Mtlsoni,c hall Thursday ev~· sent the boal d was ;1lIth~>Iize4 to KI! Jer'fn apd a class' of home had, been collectell a.ml the COn!- I

oUN ed

f~ ·tsum wtas htal~eb' t ning. Abol\t 50 were pr esent, thl'l ad as fJ,: bUildin.r co'jl1rnittee' to economics <rids of the OrJ hl"'h mittee is making a new drive to If flnyboLly doubted that Oldo e InJ e quo a as een se b' a "1 ~ f 0 last ,', . ...,. 0\' • . .. ," I·' tl . . d It·, t d I Mw Wll1lpr ,·tlll pac"~ plenty off V II . t t h' tI emg. <:),,0l)ge J 11,1 , ~e~r pllrchase a'slte and f;eCllle a build· scltoo1. ' lalS<' Ie remam 1.'1'. l,; €'xpec,e ' ,,"~,

1>~~I c~ oel ~i~~I~SYno~v rie;cpro~nre,,~~ wht'n It was nec.essar>:, to go out ing at the earliest praCtiell} cla:te. . Thf' rel)OI't. of pa.st aetivHies of Ithat .eventually the plojcct will pay; punr'!l, dl'''plle weeks of balmy• Q on the s~reds to ~et a QUOIUI1~. . :Uoald member:! beljeve V~at the Chamber- Including a finan- fOr Itself and except for a small, Wt·at!l..,. In January. hi" doubts

(Colltll1ued o~ Page 3) 1 \The dlrectols 4ec!ared. a. dIVI-, many mOIl' land owners sho~l1d cial statem~nt--was "iven by Ie. ~ iU'\:>tmt the .n~nney ~ollected will, \l'l're Lll',!~wlle(t :Mollday when a• - - - --._.-,-, - - G<;I1<:1 on t~e stock, anJ d:i:'lldends a.ttend, these. a~nllal {nee.ti~g" and tiring president, RichaI,1 Howbal. 1 b~ l'€·tUI ned Wilhout II\terebl. telnfll' stOlIll hlew Ollt of Canada

, welo;) turnAl back for equ J?ment thal they can do a better lob if The outgoinu' presIdent told the .~,__ ,_.,- __ __ _ I and the D:lkotas and hit Valley

He Organ"lzat·lon COl' .the h01',.lHt al PV the UMnmwus t d' ~ . , ..t "', t Icounty.-. . \'ole Of stockholders pr~sent. mo:e .ar~ ple~en ~~. express ~r<itlp that the. Chamber has st 11' -. I First canl~ hig11 winds from the.:Archie Geweke asked to' be aI- thell' 'news, 11ley ~1so believe th.;t ed the 'yenr with a $600 cash b:).l- Albion Coming to ~uth, with g'\IStS estimated up to

of' 0liStrl·cts lowed to withdraw fron1J the pO~lli they c.a}l ,cl.ean ~IP al1 pl'obl:~ns In I an~.e: whiCh'<Twas earmarked fo!' , ,80 1U!l('~ PF 1\OUl', but this phaseof dileclore., since ho had sen'ed the nund.s (>f t~e,lan.d ownel,; ,vho <;hlbtm.as h~ht\ng. It ended the 0' dF"d I h lasled only 0. few minutes whenthn:;e years and felt that it was ale ,footwl> the tax bill If t,qey >·eo.r With ~800 cas~ balance of r rl ay Wit the wind SWllll~ to the northwest

Aw' al"ts Ballot wi~er to ,have Mothel' on the wO.llld aVenti ~he ~,eetlng;; a.ntl WhlC?l $500 was ~ar~narked for the .. Iant! snow began lo filII. .: '. . boal d. It was voted to a:<k H€'nr y g";t better acqu·ain~.t'd With the di,;- pJ.lrCha8e of spr'aY1ng eqlllpment IR 'd t' UI Id Far different from the usual "dodor's ofiice" the interior I In a l1\atlt;1' of a Cew minutes

Lange to take his place, which tllct's ploblcll~.~, : '.: -: " '. (01' .t~e town an.d th~ bahnc~ fOI J ecor 0 p10 of North Loup's health centt?r shows that cliiciency and dc.cor- the ten1peratul\' dropped il) 01'<.1Plan t9 EH~in·ate ~!:r. L(lnge accepted. Cliffqrd S.ince the .J"eetinj the Qo;ald I:,ddltl{:~n.'l to ~he.ChllSt111as lIg~t-.,. aling beauty can be combined. '1 from 25 dl'gr~es to 6 degrf:es and

, GOO(~1 ich of NOIth 1..o1,lp and Les· ha.~ I ¢nt~ si.litabk 'l.u,tI tel S . in mg'. ". , . j C I I Iby '1'U<,.,Ilo.y 1110rning was down lo..Distrlcts 47 and lie 'Na..-h wele returned 'to "U{cir the Rutal' B1I.l~."~OI' ~he Con1(~g . T:1e .9ham~r spe.nt; $1,()2". fo:]'. h~ntlc eers Drop OlJt 2,below ,zelp. 'l'lll'sJay i1.lght s1l0\\'-

placts on the boal? ' ; yeal', and the ll1cleasetl levy WIll s~peta!laJ .hill' dl~~lnb the >eu!" f T T b t HIM G t IN· I I -5 t W 1 166 Oko.yed by State.. \ In the' ~lee.tion ·o.f office't·~, pl'. be held as a ~in~~ng' Cund to Pl'o- a~d. $3,10 for the ,hu'e of a publl- 0 .op en~! ave any e OUp atlOna ~-\-IO\\~:~t pofl~~le:~.~rh:J°l~~:lI~~

l> • t' d' 1'1 GI~n Auble Will 3g-Um act as PI~sl-1 vide (01' 1)l\lldll1g at a later date. Cltv man. ., Chance to Climb Back I th~ -13 we.1lller that pl'.evalleJ&~eorgamza 10~ an. conso 1l.J.· dent, and Hem y Lange was elect- ~__.:.._ . l}r. Glen Auble gave ~ report on • ,.. 'N A t F L

tl?n j?'la.ns affecting SIX school <11,S: ed vice pI eslLlent, takin!{ the pl,/-ce j . , /', statl!s of the Ord hospItal. which The Onl C'hantl21eel s, drOI)ped I ew U OS arin oan to L1uI il\if part o! Decembt'r.tuets In Eouth central Valley of Almond BIQX MIS Aleen L . V II . S h' I has been a Chambel' project. f 6 th "1' 10" thO I b I The stOll\! had all the denlentscounty now await only a. vote of pap(ellllk was' ;e.et;ctij seCle. oup a ey c 00 . 'A l'\ewly formed men's octette, I I~, /th " ~p "h I~ ~:ee <. et Regisli at;ons of new cal s, as 1M t of a bliz7,Ur,l eXl'ept one-sulfidentthe people within the dish iets. tal -.t!ea,tu er. l u' . tl H' 1..1 t' O· d' C6nl sed of Don 'Aublt', Mike Icau,;" ? tll PO?I S ?Wl~" 3gUIn., ,ltsleL! .In the office of U:e counly ee JanI 31 SIlYIV. The' whit e f!;1kes fell only

l"red Appelget, county supel in· 'MY I' R N ,1, ' • t. t. mee nc;, e ~ ,ft, r. y tPOJ nk '-' bl H'ld' . U '. the :Mll1den \Vhlppeb, Will face a, clel k lncludt' the follo\\ Ing' I fOI ~ cOtlple of hours Monday eve-t · . • .1'. ell y, ., a,s 3,wnll1lS Ia . ' os, :3.. .., au e. I 1l1g' • eal strong opponent Fl'lday Jan 25 "I A t COl ~ . ,1 th t .1·U· tendent of schools, told the QUIZ 01' of the hospital, read his annual The l'egula,l' .!l~eetlng of ~he son, J3il\ Nels'on, ~d. Armslrong,. ....',..' :,e ::ion I,l 0 0, IC, DO\,ge. • nmg anu ell S oppeu. .,.OIS ure

Wed/1esday that the Nebl ask a Irepor t' to the stocl<holdt'1 s. Loup Valley AcllXlti!'s' A:s,sn. \fas John Galka' a.nJ Ed Apldng sang I \\ hen AlbIOn bllngs :l. fa1't '. \\ dl· 119,)2, club coupe; CLl! ence J. 1< ox, VIerg utZ'. Ha rley contellt of the snow was onlyitate HOlganizatlon boald had ap· The number of patienls adn)it. held in Ord last v.:~ek.. Dinn,,: was two number$. The gl'Oup hopes to 11'O\lIlded team too Ord seek:nii ~(llOltl Pontiac, 1951, Catalina; Ed- t S k t A I 1I10l/) of an inch. There was noploved ~he county plan. ted to the hospital duIini 1951, selvC<.l. in the Vetero.ns Stub. Latel' expanel fo a n}el1's cholll.S gl'l)UP of !uphold 3. season s recold de\olcl I.t jwaltl .!? fialhl, Comstock, F01~, 0 pea a nnua way to meaSule it, for It was aU

SelectIOn of a date for the bal-1excluding infants was Gp. Patient a bUSIness meeting Was. held to \2t to 30 memberij within a short Idefeats. 1951, pickup; Cha~. M. Gmbowsl<I, l.and Bank Meeting piled up in the ditches anll inJoting within the distIids has, not uays of service; '3117, an avel :j.ge Ima~~ .plan;; fOI'.the .Loup Va.lley tinie. )' 1 To date the 1\.ILion sC:ledule 1\.1s ,Npl)h .!-'ou'!, &l~de:)akel"1 1~51, se· . ', drift.s in shelter i'd SP()rts, otj.tbeen n~acIe, he said, although the of 9 plUS per d3y. Thcl'e wei e actlvltles fol' the rest Df the ye.al·. .' been somewhat on the weak ;;tde ~ dan;, C,' H. ,Bellil S, Ol It,' Chy~kr, The annual meeting of the Loup Pi obably less than an inch fell .\:ole Will, be takl'n as soon as pos· 246 medical patients, 153 cases of Plans wele m.ad~ foI' the bast<et·


• " " I but a vict~'IY over thjs. team \VllJ ,1951, .~ed~n: ~'~I1,tld M, ~ral k8, I National Farm Loan' As"cc!alio:l h~l e. .Sible. ... minor sur~elY, 119 cases of major ball tournament wl}f~" will be held CO-OPS P an enhance tne chaNes. Coa~h·,!fJ.· \' O~, GMl, i 19"Z. tlllC]<; 1m oILl, Nebr. ncxt 1 hui,;d,ly Jan. The wind continued at almost

Pla,ns .call for the paillbonu;g surgely. 99 obsteldcal ca,S€,s and in Alcadla lital't.in~ Feb. 19. , gan's squad ha;; of climbing back' LoLllS Vantllto. "J\,,, 'Comstock, 31, is expelted to at(l",ct a'la!ge hmticane force thl'oughout Mon-o! !?IS(IlCtS it and 6? both 1[1 99 new bOlll babies, with new born The music <:epai·tlllent of the jNet' '. PI t into the to~ ,grupp of ~'hIS3 ~Jll,)t.{'ll1;)"ti:onJ~J, ;1.0;,1. ~~, ~un llnCI<;: r,um')cl' of fannE-IS and stcclc'lt:n day night and at a steady 10 mllesDav.ls ~reek !~\~n.'h.p, amon~ 1patient clays amount.inl' to 420 melllher schools. Of lhe LO~lP' Val- I rogen an teams. ;, , ,,' .' (r '\ll'l1al leL "':~lf, .NQt til I.oUl), Ply' I and .theil' wi\ es, flom Gleele;>·. PCI' hour clip throughout most' offour adjacent tdlstllC.ts, 3l' 2[, /1 days. ';l'\venly·one pallents stayed ley Activity Assn named thei!' . . rollowing Albion the Ch:).l1t~'moulh , ~(lu~, sC'cL1n; St'in1e>' Pet· Gar flt'ld, Loup and VallerY COUll· TUt'selay but dropped 'l'ues~LlYand 36.. 1:"he wo dlstIic s ~ a el lover 10 days., ctiUcs for the lnu;lc festival and" The Co-op fertilizer committee lay' l'avenn1 here ~n Jan 29 iln\I'" Sk.'l, Old> ,Fol\I, 1951, tudor; AI-I ties. ni£:ht as th,\tcllll>el'U~lll'e plqIlunet.{OI' partlllon do not now hold --.-_~----;-------'. :iet lhe number <>C entdes each t c?mpos,'ll ()f ~aymo~d Pocock, Dlen ~o to Sutton for ~ game 1It'd !Jllt:,;un. oI'Ll , \VI!.!y", lD31,: ~ dinncr wtll be s.e!\ecl by the etl. I .sc~o'~l' . t 47 t· 011 ~chool can have in the instIumen- j1'.manue-1 SmolIk, Edgal Roe, Geo. 1<'ebr. 1, against that sbong' team. I jeep; C. 1;<;, .C1I/,0Y, 01L1, ,~~elCuIY. II ladles of the ;"1ctl,\UdISt. churcll at I III the Dakotas the ..:;tOI m wastl !DI.'; IIC .. C?ll ams 1. ~ sec, SoIdier Burial llil and vQcal divislon·s. The pl~ce IBI em.er:, Ed H.ru~y, ~emy Benn, The Ch,lnts ha.ve had ten days' 1~U5!, ~c,ia!l. ',' " . " '. ~'! .noon. In the l;huJ(.))~ ba~e!llent. 1sen,oug, blocking 1'0,tds throllgh-

ons and DISlllc 66 S~\en sec· Of the festival hp.S \;Peen <;han07ed Andrew I<usek, Walt~l ~Olgensen, of rest and should be in p'eak" ,1__ ~_ ...... ' _ ;~.1. .,: .• ~ _ I li,e bUslI:e"s nieetulg \\:11 10llow lout bolh st~tes anu i"olating hun-tlons. I Fe' s t t L'l hi' Id Q ILlo~'d Zlkmullu and Ste\ e Paplel' \)' I!" . (c. I' , . 'I i . , i at 1; 00 11\ ~he pa.'\.e l11en t of the ellt.:~s of communities Near 1\ht\,p' I

;Applegt't said tha.t q~ite a. num- for Desmu rlday flom al gt'~ ,q 1 C I~... nlk,. met \\'~dnesday 'night at the fO:m fi;}j' the Al IOn c as 1 1< Itt ~~':, C' t c' A.' , M:lsonl.t· rql1pl~. f~,<t;t,. S!T\'U', ell, ·S. D., 600 1110 t.0l·b ts w:re re:bel' of other consolIdatIons in the (I'M ~lmlor high b;i,sk~tbal\ offices of U1e li'aIl\leIS Grain & --- -- ----------- '. oun y onvenrlons plLS cknt \\111 be ch3il1"al1 pUlte·' 't~'l' loth l' h

t h b I d • t '. ... b th " . , . , , . u ., ..... l'l II e 11g way~Qun y ave een p anne ,pepe,- 'J..ast I ites for Pfc. Gel aId G l~Ul.na.men spons?I'ec~ y e a.,;~o- Supply Co. '. Here Janua ry 26 T\IO dll edol s \\ III be dec teLl fo,' wIlh snvwpiows un3.ble to reachmg c;>utcome of this ploposltlOn, Desl11ul. son of :Mr. and ~{I s 'latlOn stal ted Satlll'day. Hasl\ell Tison, repi es~ntal1\'e of Boy Scout Week tlll ee'year tel ms. Thooe \\ ho"e thelll llnW Tue'iuav mOl ning ~a 't.fir"t m the count.>· u!i.ller new state HenlY' De,"n1Uf, \vho "'as killed I'~ --~_._----------. lhe Consumers CO-OD Association Both the Hepubl!can and De1110- lell11,; eXI';le ale' for Gal!kld N'l k 'h"1 t . I"

h I I ~ ., . . . . t" .... t· '. . . elll , l: II as .J, a<. I \vOlse a sose 00 aws. ~ction in Korea, \'(III be held or ' of Kansas Cily, talked to tho~e F b 6 t 12 Cla l~ pi e,pllm,u ~ co.1\ en Ion,; cuunl.>', John Scn,l'I1,', and for Val- as Iainfall receded th v I'

.---------------- rtiday llt~:30 q..m. in tqe church Asslsta'nh NQ~ed . pleSe.nt, out!ining pl:~n' for the


e ruary 0 I~lll ~~ ~elcihhele °tnh satU!111~hy'lleY euul1ly, E\Ct Smith. The sec· tht:n coatef! highway; S\~~l al~~Airman Leoves. of Our' Lady of pdpelual Help in i P" D. . bulldll1g of a Co-op Nitrogen Fer- I' an. ,111 e cour ousc. e leU"ly·tIeasuler Will pleSl'l1t the I' h d tId f

d h I 1 nOlo raVe tiIlzer Plant. lA stocl\ goal of Scout Masler Fred Appe1get Dt'mocl'at meeting has been called Association's al1nual Hpor t. IV ~le ma ~ Iav~ an~erous IS~t. Eob Meese, who h:lL! bten l0r " 1<'at el' Mi.chae S~ezsny y;~ ~ Mrs. F. J, Ose'nto~\'ski, who $40,000 for Valley county has been saYIi that Scout Wee};, Feblu;}IY I fOI' 10 00 a. 1)1, accol<.1ll1g' to I Plinc:pal speal,el'; WI\l be H. nu, .wholly, Il1IPO$~lbl:. NOlth ~~.

visiting- at the h.ome of Mr. and conduc~ the !un~l'al. R?sat y w11 . . ff - ,·"t, and to dato, $12,000 0' tl11'~ !6-12 \vl'll be ObsoI·\'.'·' I'n Ord. l>lan~ 'I D ,\ ight ~1oocly, count" ch::tinnan ,A. Vie I g ulz, vlce,pl e'ide'llt of tile b.r a..']kal

Ja~t1 b nOtlJ'h\\t"st.<'I n 1 10\\ a.Mrs. Ray Sttw;).rt GIjd al.~o with be I~clted at t1)e H:astlng-s-Pear· heads the Marc!) of Dimes e ort "'" , ~ ~.. c .u ~ "' "1\el e 3S 1 "-, Y Ie' Olm a~'o

Mr. and Mrs. Don Stew~rl th~ s?n ~{ortualY on Thursday. eve· iIi. Ord, announced rt'<;eiitly tter ha'l been sub.scribed. ' are b~ing made by the Scouts. at T:1.0 Hq)Llb:ican~, so their county Fedclal Land l3anl<, and Paul L ,~ ~ ,; .t,pa'st week left Wednesday for mnl{, a~ 8 :00 p.ln. Thele Wlll bf helpers in the three witI'\ls a.'1 being The committee' plans to mak~ Itheir regular meettnf,'s for :1 full chail m::tn, C. !If. Da\ is annol,nces, ILu le~', al ea eng ineel in chal g." I Excq:t for a hI ie! shutdown ofhis base in Spokane, Wash. He military sen'lces at the cemetel y fir,;t wat'd , Mrs. Hllgh Carson, fal m-\o·falln calls within the next week 0/1 Sundc:y, Febr t\al y 10, Will meet at 2 o'cloll<, p. 111. of the MbsouIi Rivcl' 13as:n W,ttel' i elect!:c light., Mon'lay eve:ling,i$ \\ith the Ait· !.·orcl>. Pfc. DesD1ul'l>, body \\::1s blough' secontl war.d: 'Mrs. G~~rg" Vasicek ten days to acquaint others with Ithe tI'Oops will ,attenLl chur ch in a TI\ 0 delega tes and t\\ 0 altel na- DevelojJment l'rujcct MI. Halle;>' II dlle to line tloubl,~, Old suIfered_, . _ __ home Tuesday aftel noon. ll1d thild w~~re;t, Emina Novosatl.. t.he plans of the associalion. body. les \\ III be eleclell at each con- will pI e~en t an intel esting movie no inconnn;ence f,'om' the stolln.

_~ , ,__~ __ Those assisting Mrs. Car,;on aN :-----:r- - . '-,---;- -------'; --'--~~ - ---- 'venlion to attencl the state con- of \\'atEr d~\ .:lopl1lents, and will: AlI.lriglh\·a~·sJlndcuunly roads re·MIS. Joe' l"a.jniol!, Mis: Cor"\\in "Baby Slitter" Heroelne o'f 1888 ' " I, ....~ntions to be held tn Omah 1 Oil deSClll?e somcthlng of the Jllal~s I malned 9pen and "afe fol' have!.4.H Leaders :::;ul1lmil1s, MI s, _Hemy Schaefer, , . . ,_"1 Febltl::tl y 5. ' , . for thiS al ea. Thel e are 3.I'.eJs 1Il : pcJ11J0b OP':Iated as u,;ual thuughMIS. Vietor l{enncdr ant.! MIS. ',' Unu,ual intelt:st is centeId tn each of tlto foUl' countic" that alt~ IsluLlellt altsfntu'ism was high

Conferences CUll Gudll1unll<;e~t '.' . Blizzard Is Mother of Ord Woman . r~l.HrpU1Jll;:an CO:1\tl1t:on, \\ith a L\il(ctly affectccl by t11l~ !ill'gralll. 'j,'ut'! sto'I<~ ~Ie plel)liful. No Ii,ve·Mrs. John Leeh and Lilli~~ Lech Mrs. (~e(}!'g~ Vasicek is a.ided by " loc ell ca nUIlI::t t e, HUc;'l C,W_C'", _. --. -- - ---- - -- ,-- - .._' r,tocl< 10s"l'J h:l\'e L£E II I epul1.et.!

of Elyria, went to Lincoln Wt:\!' MIS. ElnolY Thpmsen, MI~. Bob The hliual'd of 1888, which is of tht' BlizzalLl club. Anolht'l' pel" ,;\'ekil1g' the ballut endolsCll1ent of hel~.. i .nesday whele P'ey a.ttended a con· .\damek, MIS. Ivan Robinson and t'll aU d' 'b' . h" h Ison in Ore! who leI11el111)el'S th<) Ithe p"rly for the plll1iary b,ll1ot Five Fractures Due' The 10111' lan~(l WNltl/"f for('CJ.st,- .~ '1 ,t , N~wne'l.'el' . s I r~c e y many w" ave' I' • '" . "ference of {·H club leadels and ., IS.•,Oln,f!' ,~ .. .z'. '. '. d . .. ..... ,,'. ,lblizzarJ very well, is ;"1Is. Ben ---- -- --,--- --------- tiC d.' glVl'n \\'\'dll,..~\ll;;' makes unplt:,8s,wOlk~IS. On Janu:uy 30. ~Ii"s. Gil· In the thll'd wald, tho:;e makll1g f~l!l1e. ,3.. l,3lzzz.ud Clu~,. \\a"lEbelhall as she was one of the I 0 ey Ott Itlons ant l\':l\lin~. as sab,zer,) temper:!-belt Babcock o( North LvU! and ~~s.dI~\:h~\'i~to~~~~1<~9~~:'d~~~~Iven much spa~(' last week l!l val··lslllal)\\'1' chil\lrt;\ 1ll the ~a;den IEdward Kaspc,& Oll Sll'ld,IY U;"IC Wele fivo C,i,es [t\.lll'3 ,ue tIllC to COnlllJt1e for' at,Mrs. p:ll'lell Wlliion of Or plan H.ughes, the' Mlsse.i LU~"s,. MIS. iOIl.-i n"~\'o)aper:; si.rice t.h~ date :Val ey s~hool whtl'l', a.'1 the StOly iP i ,d of bllll(cn bOlli'S in tho Olll Co- l";nt fl\'e rl!ys though th~re wlllto go to North Platte. whele they Flank Clarl<, MI';.. Fl'in,k Absalon. was Jan. 12. In the featur<', "Out jgo•.'g. the teacher guided the slu· romo ~ OP~l.ltIV<) hO~llltJl,TMse \VcI'e ~1r~. Ibe Itttill predl'lbtlUll.. "w:1l attend a SI111i!a.r gatheling fOI Mr,;. FrJ.nds Simoens, 1(1~. star.- of Qld Nebl';1ska," prt'pal'e-d by I,dents to safety duri0g the storll1.! prc. Don,ll,l E K,lS[l~!'. son cf JO)'n DC"" ,0 I an,l 1\lls. Jo~ \VOl.- I 'l'lIi~ (olel :,pdl, t'ol\1ing 3ft.r ~ast{·H, cJub'leader<l. ley'Ab,;alon,'Mrs, Bill Anjelsu!1, Ja.n,1es Q. Olson, s~cFe~~lI.'Y of their-II'S: l'~gerhall1t says much of t~e !lrr. and )'1ro. E<.l KJ.<;pt'!' of OlLl, ni,l],\\:1<l!1,I\lbt'Jk,'llh'jl,; D.:l.Ir'tlllwle·l<'s th~tw, 11-\:'1 left towll.:::iu03'-~-~--------------- ~lrs. Eob' John Mrs. Alwvn An· Nebra.ska State J:Il"ton~a.l, the IstOIy IS overdrawn, and some IS: h.\3 been pI ~ll1 Jt';ll to COl pur .11. FIsh W!lO h.l11 a bl 'Jk"'ll le·g. also I \\ :ilks allll Sll d l" in iey cundilion

A$sessors MeetinCJ . ,l.el.son an4 M~,~. Chl·i.~ Be[er~1 sto:y of a baby .sl~tel' \~'as told, fl6~ true. ::She. say~ that son:e have ;HIs acldl1'sS IS "Cpl DOl1l1l1 E ~[:s ~1alie Cluu~ll, who h~!Ll suf· ;anlll'de~ttiJ.nJ especi.llly ale us-COtVlty As~e;;sor Henr.>' Stal';) .~ :':_'~ _.__ _ wIto, care? (01', s~vel'al Slllall chil- ~ald the .Cll.lldl en wei e . hed 10- IKaspel', A1<' 17~O . 2183 IIq. anll fel eLi the same injul y. The fi(th ing' tht.! U~l1lv.,t c;Jution tQ .1\:oi<3

accoli1panie<i by RUdolph Krahulik ' " " Idn::n w.hile their ,Parenls were gether wllh handkel chl.:fs, but, Hq. sq" 14th All' 1<'ul'\e, Ball ~ck" \\'a3 John LOllg, 1\ ho was getling ,falls and .1'roken bon,;s. Eyenassistant assessor, attendedllstate HU,ff,•.Sperlln,.CJ ~ent +.0 caught m (own. ThiS stol'y Is too she adds that there wele not 14~!, hobll1s All' BOlLe Da"e, cale for a blokcn alln pawn! ,\nlt bare gl'Oun,l sel'lt1ed to

1"\';1) to Mrs. John Davey of Gree- enough handkelchiefs in the whol.: iGeolgia" . Icy sicle\\,lJks and loa,1s caused be coaled \VI·th ice ~o avoidene.'meeting of those in the same worK 5 A tiT . .'. ., , ~ ~held in Omaha last week !Jom an n on~. fX..; ley, \yl}o was' the heroine of the group to tie even two Children to- I -- -- _. -'. . - - - -- --- - mosl of the fl .1ctul es. of the walks is no asslll"ilce otWednesday until }<'riday. B h d .' Off t .stOI'y'. Mrs. Davey i$ t.he mother ~ether. She also says that the I .., ----- - -- ---------- safety in walking. ._______________ e. re.n s au, of .~h·s. 'Valt~r. Doullut of Ord. bigger boys. wele .the ~n~s who ITraining .Mcetlllgs ,__--! ~.,

. Mr. and Mrs. Howald Huff Mrs. Doulhlt ;:;;1:>s s~e can .lemem- guided the hne. to safet). ~he Ie· I Mbs Heit~I', h0n18 extCl1"lon Fewer Auto LicensesTo Treasure Island took their s{)n'lo Omahalilst Wed· I bel' her' mother telhng thiS story membel~ how one of the big boys I auent held 1 m.:eting for leadcls I Up ') Monda v 21GO auto Plan for Conve!'tiol1 .

d<ll~ Caselton GAM, who hac! .~~s.d.ay..wheI:e..11~ .enll,sted In the Imany .tim,;s and how thankful she Itook her \lndel' his should.:!" and; of th~ \ u ;o~s clUbs tr;' NOlill L·)up ; HCLm,es" hacl been' ~o!d,' acco:ding While Ed SWupes v.as in Omah':lbeen spending sevelal day,; of Air 1<'olce. On Tuerday he .left was when tl:e ~arents who were 1wrapped hiS co~t about her. I Monday aftelnoon, 1\1Is. AJolph' to thll recolds in the beastlll'I"s last we"k, he attended [J. mee1inji'le.a\'e with his palents, MI'. and .(0,1'. ~.a.n. ~n\~'1i?,..Tex, where he almost. fran~lc did get ba.~k. ~lr8. i But the stones g? on and. ev- : Hell\\ t'ge being h031ess. The If's- I offic€'. LLst yeaI' at this time, i of the officels of the str.te phQtq­MI:;. (.'harles Case\ton, plans to go will Iecdve his training. Mr. and Davey IS the forma Magg:e BYIn- IelY Yt:al' at the alUllVer~aly tllne, I son and demon ,tt alion was on thC!2.2l7 licenSes had been sold. DU1'! graphy org\lniza tion, of which heto Treasl,lI e Island, Calif. Thtll s·. \It S', lIuff r~t~rned home Fridar. e~ and many can remt'l\)ber her more new Ol1es or rehashes of the SUbject of yeast lolls al1L1 qUick Ing the year Just pa,t, a total cf ! is tl'ea.';uJ"l'I'. Plans were 'maJe atday. He will get his aS1'ignment Dean Sperling i'llso wa.s sent to as their fOI1ner schOOl teacher. ;old ones are told, anti even yet 1 bleads. A similar mce~ing w.''; I 1,7Z4 Ilcen.oes, whic!1 \\,ele for all that time for the state conwntionflum thele. He is in the Nav,)' San AntoniO, while ])Oll Behrends She also attended school in Sco- \n~any i'l'membel' that tlme in eally, heIj Tuesday in All:l1lt1, 111 the I n1('.~01' \"hlcks, \\ele t"kC'n out by l' whit-h will oe helL! in Omah,l JUl'.Air FOlce. 1is statione<J al Offut 1<'ield, Omaha. till,. She is an honoled member. Nebl·a..sl<a only too \\ell. . I Metholllst chtllLh. Idrivlls. iIlt:' thll l~l.,t wedt in Au~ust•.

.,'\.,. ... .. . .. ~ ..... .- .... " ....




$ .77.7~.29.20,.18. \.15 '


. I




7.90 I




Ord Markefs

Needle &Thread


49cyd., .i.;

·~ANUARY 24,'1952'

~al~~orizql ~)~r.unl{ and mer­<:e ru;ed tor adde(l luster:,Xou'~ eXl)\'(·t t~. fiIl(\ l)at-terns lIke t hI'S\' In c~s tlir I'broadcloths. Just S('e what;\'~u'~ ttnd ,a t l>el~nry's: '

Ga~' scenic l)aHuns, modfrn" pe~\IiJlt' designs, JIa,I\'4lian

<It·slgns. ,,'ash, fast cQIors.~01\' . .at. a. n('I\' 101\' Ilr1c(':

Made for com-

Junior Boys' 1 49Sh,cs 1. to 6.. i;ct~~I~~&I~ s~l.s.Jll'liden,;.

Boys, size 6-168 oz. denim. :S'\I11ol'i.£\:d.

Ladies. 12-20 ....'., ... 2.498 Ol. ~\Jlforile<t-side zil1ix'r

Cream, No.1 .... $ .77Cream, NO.2. . .. .74Egg" , , 31Heavy Hens .20Leghorn Hens .. .18stags .15\Vheat , .. ,. 2.28Corn .. \ , 1.70Rye , , 1.69Barley 1.27Oats ., ".. 1.01

·Girts'. 7·14 , ' 1.98:stunt~- 8 CJl. Denim :;anforhcd.

leave, {or, California about Febru­I,U;~~'( t6:S1kn:;j\:i ~1~1Qnth with theirdanghter and enjoy wanner weath-Cr. I

sornc ti;''!1~ .J~lri!1'g ~~ebrl~.1l'Y Mr.and Mrs. Howard Huff and MI'.~d Mrs. C;,A. Anderson v1an a

. jrip to Sal' Antonio. Tex., and thegulf coast of that state.

Ed Swopes and famlly willspend most of February inArizona, New Mexico and Cal'Iorriia.

Mr. and Mrs. Al carroll aplanning for a F'lo rida trip.

A number of other Ord couplthave announced intentions o.maklng trips to the south, south­west, or west, without having de­cided on their destinations.


( , ,





Warm 5('. Wool

Doubl!e "BlanketsColorful Plaids .4.77

Warm 5% wool double blankets, Rayon and cotlopblend for extra warmth an4 Wear. Satin bound.Stock up at this rock-boltom 'prke! ' ~

.. ", .B,ig Mac ./ 'O·SHOES

New Rondo

NEW LOW SHOEHere Are Just 4 of the Styles

Horsehide Work ShoesAll leather-seamless back.fott and long wear.


39c yd.tJ

America's favorite percale-no",:, at' a new low price- crisp new prints andrich solid colors! You'llfind a palter~ for every­thin!) on your spring sew­ing list. Come see them;you'll want to start sew­ing right away. 36" wide.

New LowPrice

. "'uilderful sheer, "ondl'rful­I~' stun!~'! 'lh\lt high gllag'­lII<:allS 'extra 'H'ur, better fit,IIlOrl' rc~btall('e to SII'lg,.;!Those dad, S('tIlll"; lIleanankh· tlatteQ·. First qualit~'

at a nhl' 101\' IJl'iCt'. Sil.t·s Men's, 9 o·z. . .. , ..•8 ~z· to 11. ~ I'W coIor~! ' :Sanforiit'll-zlpl,er~__~_..:...:...... __~:___._. __~ . ." r

1St. John's Lutheran Church(Mo. Synod)

Ord City ViewPaul Priesz, pastor

Walther league social wcdncs­day evening at 8.

Confirmation inst ru ct ion Sa t ur-day morning at 9 :30.

Sunday school 9; 15 a. Ill,

Sunday services 10:45 \.I. m,Adult Bible class Sunday eve-

ning at 7 :30.Adult instruction class in Ord

Monday evening at 8.











----~.~;------- -i-~--- -- ----------

French Toe Dress Oxfords-81 x99 For smart dress wear....:all leather construe-

Al\\ a~ s fir",t 'l\lalit~', ,Uld thriftJ- lion. Rubber heels.pl'i~l'll, ~O\\'! reilJll'~"S (l\\ll. long-

1M. , S ddl f d\\earing Illu~lin ~Ill·ets ar~ famous' Isses a. e Ox or sfor long ",:ar. IWhite with black trim.· White rubber soles.

81x108 , .. ,.".,:, 2.23 Elk finished upper.

72x108 199 Colorful Teenage Flats..... , .. , ., . . . . . • . Here's the favorite for the teen-ager. Bright

42x36 cases ,... 46c new colors-red, turquoise, lilal:'.

. I




, ~h~, 131'1;st, a,vailable at .,3.98 ~e~{r~;~;s· 'GALOi3IiEl50

Ligh,t weight, IleeceShe('r washable raJun mar- Here',. tht' fa, urite jaclH't for the lineq, : ,,' '.' .': ' , 4.39quisett<.' panels \\iIl gh l' addru 1\1ul'king Illan. Big :\l.ac blankd IWO.RK RUBBERS 'beallt~' to ~Oltr \liUllo\\~. Ux81 .!iued, \\arm 50~,{" \\001 "ith a 2 b ckle Ion . e' 329inches, hClllmed and h('aded. hea\~' 8 oz. denim sheIl. Conluro.r B ~_. 4 'B' UC,gKLWE' anng •Egg~helI color, ~ow at a nl'\1 collar. ?y:;low 'price! Stock-up. Size 3 to 5t ' ..... , .... 4.19,

Warm Winler Caps Misses Pull-On BOOrS

:i~ni~_~~f,1r~~~:~x81 "_1~2~_duce~_:..._..._~~_.~~ ,_.~~~ __~50 _~~~~~~~--.:~~~~_~:..'..~ _~,.~_~


Church Notes

Pr..sbytrrtan ChurchAllen Strong, minister

Sundav school 9 ;-t5 a, m.\Yoroh"ip service 11 a. m .Since this is Youth Suriday, the

I young people will take ccruple teI charge of the m 0 I ni:1,,; , .... orshipI sel'y~ce.

Bethany V;t1wran ChurchC. Jeppesen, pastor

I Sunday school and Bible class! 10 a. m.i Church service at 11 a. m. withI Corumun icn.I Confirmation class Saturdayafternoon at 1 :30 at church par­lors.

Ord People Planning'Trips to ~unn;er Climes

A number of Ord people areBriAf ccng rcg a.Ional Idf,.',·,ng to planning trips to wanner regions

',folLw the mo i nln!? ser .,:C, for to escape some of the snows and: tr.e purpose of elt:'cLng' !'In \'I'l€l's. bitter weather usually found here

6:30 p. m. Seni'or \Vestn.,nstt'[' II in late Ja nua ry and February.I group will meet at th~. Geol ge I Among them are Mr. and Mrs.. Ztk m und home, Dale Zil~mul1d, Lester Norton. who will leave

leader. I Thursday to spend a month atI 7 :15 the Junior group will alsO: st. Petersburg, '-la" with side, meet at the Ziklllund home. T'hos e : trips to other in t ercst ing places; wishing transportation, should as- : in the southern part of that state.I semble at the Manse by 6:15, at I MI'. and Mrs, William Sack andI the latest. 1 also MI'. and Mro. Albert JonesI The Ruth Circle wil.l havt:' a are planning trips to Havana,I bake sale Saturday, FebI'. 2nd, at I Cuba,I Beranel,'s drug' stort:'. Dr. and Mro. 1'~. A. Barta will1---'--

J '.'-

$. ..

County Chairman,



'RepLiblicaneoun~y Con"enfion



There will be a convention in accordance with law in

the court .room in the court house at Ord, Nebraska, on

Saturday, Jai1ut~ry 26, 1952, al 2 o:c1ock P.M. There is ~o'business ~o' transact exc~pt the selection of two delegates

and two altern~les to the stqte pr~-prim.ary cOllve'ntion

at Omaha early in February.


" -~


en: .-- • e'er '_"S.=ep*z1."...._



rPurebred Spotted Poland

d Gilt ale

GLORY BOUND, Neb. State Champion

Wednesday. "an. 301:30 P.M., on the premises

Thursday. Jan. 31Sales Pavilion, Ord, Nebr.

IYour opportunity 10 see and to buy as Good As Grows!

Sun., Jan. 27


DANCE100 Lttkcsh and His,

Czech Maslers

, These will bo bred to GLORY BOUND, Nebraska State Cham~ion, and HI-TONE,Champion at Iowa Show und Selle and CAPITAL.

All Sells in One Lump Sum-Complete Going Business

Tllis, is an excellent going busine",s. ) ,'WO tons of l'urilll\ c1IU\I swere shiI111i'd last ~'ear. All exceptional opportunitJ to bll~' agOOd bUs!II('SS, imnledhte po",sess!oll UpUII fin~II settlemt'nt. lll~

spf'd allJ time. Being sold du~ to doctor's orders, "'riteauctioue'I'I's fOl' complete sale bill.

The dnutor has 3'?000 bushd capa<:it~' and b; located on theCll.\q HaHrt'all \I ith a nr~' nominal ~l'arI~- rt:l1t. Hopper seait's,Ersham truck holsl, attadlnl oCfict', HOll e scale~, rt:st roum. Alloffice C'1uipllllnt included. \\"LI'ehUlL~e :~:hl'W \1itb 10.Hlillg dock,S?x.:~l b;.seIlH:~I', adJoining frame bId:;. !6xn. A ClJppt'l' deaner,lru'U'1>;l1 f<:('d mJxer, U('arcut grindi'I' "ith 50 h~- motor, Galltl~'

secd'r & fertillit'r, IlO\\cr ~pra~' a'1\1 portable e1e\ator all go\lUh the 11l'OIH'rl.r. .




-Mr, and Mr~. E. B. Wceke~: will spend the rest of the week Iwent to North Loup Friday where here. Ithey were guests at a duck din- I -Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fergusonncr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I spent the week end at Clay Center,\Y, J. Boomer. visiting Mr. Fcrgu~oll's sister and

-Mr. and Mrs, Jirak of Lincoln family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eisen-"pent the week end here with his hart.'. ' , ,':.' ." "

, j.arents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jirak -Doisle and SP!i'llC<')' \Valet)llal:-Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes and rl and Mr. and ~1rs,. R'tifs~ll ~\~a«/~

family visited 1\1r. and Mrs. r'rank man of Glaud !2hl!ld ',went. t9;..f111!igun in North Lotlp slii1~13y... Syracuse, Nebr. ThurrIay to at­Charles Mayo and {laughter~ Rut)l, tend tile fun,~raJ of t.~'·:1 cc us.ri S.iccompanicd them and visltcd WIth lhusba n;J, George Kl'alllN.~i)·-.and Mrsv Charlic Cress. , " 1·,;,·.,-~li·. and~~ls. Spel:c~r Water- ..:~-.l\1rs. II \:11l Me: rill has learned: man arid C. 'I'huse n, ~11S, Elsie .

. _ ~h.,t her brOtll~I:" JO!,ln Rys avy •. of 1Waterm an a,n,: Dobie ViSlt\,Li sun,-",_;i d3ywa!'d, Ca lif., 1S.- rccove ring day afterJl(JOfl In the l)ull1t' of Mrs, ;

, uc.m his recent operation, but that .M,uy Ma~tl'?i at BU1\\·dl. '"• Mrs. Rys:lvy is fill' rroiu well S\){- r" ,,' " , .','.' : ,.'." ,:., ,.' .'" -SlllLl,ay,., af t e ruoon . gtHhils of I

rering f'rom a nel\t)U,~ .conl\lh:J!! )., 'Mr,antl')\l)s. Ste\:l' 'Dubas an.l I""~-LOl'fI1 ~oo,t ll.!)d, Hcruy Janll,:I", fall1l!y \\o;¢ MI'. an~II.MIS, lames .

wcut to Lincoln Monday whe rc I Sobon and family, MI'. arid :\lrs:they l'emain'~d until \:'ednesllay IE'_l\\anl Jablon~k\ ami .Rev. Leon- :~.tt:,n~1ll1g ~ state 1Il.e~tlllg of or- ard Zio lk ows k}, evening guests Ifluals of county fairs, were .1\11'. and :\11S. Frank J anus-~Ir. and Mrs. Lyle Milliken ar,d Andrew Kusek, jr. The day

\Hut to Omaha \Vednesl1:ly when' and evening was spent vbiting andlhey planned to remflin until Fri- playing calds.,jay, the guests of Mr. ahd Mrs. -:\11'. anu !-.IlS. Ii:. L. Vogcltan<lD. C. Buell. went to Greeley Tueselay mO\'lling

-Dr. T. A. }<'allll€1' of Central and planned to go on to Wahoo T~OtT8Lf~S :'\O~' NEW ••• Demonstrating that 1'npt's current troubles are not new Franklin Maine'City was a \Vt::el{ end gU"3t of Dr. anll 011laha to remain until \Ved· enC)'dopedla I'dlto.r,. hold.s e~r1oon printed in 1875. The drawing shows John Bull, a'stride !\Ialta and

\ :In,] Mrs. Paul Lambert. On Sun- neE,day evening. In Omaha they Corfu, and the Bnhsh LIOn III control of Suez, with Russia threatening Enpl's eastcrn flank.d3y both Dr. Farmer anll Dr. were to see "Gentlemen Prefer ----,.- - -- -- - --- -- - -,--- ,----- --,,---- - -, ------.. ----~---------

Lambert visit\2d' relativ~s in Blundes." Mr. anll Mrs. Vog.:!- ' I .BrolWI DoW. tanz r.etl\lnt'u, h~me from Wahuo Mira V~lIey ILoup Valley I ' ~ese~rch Grant

--Mr. and Mr,s. IJilI Hellebt'rg of ''fd. ~lre~ln, I< rl>Ja): e:')!lll}g", . W~lter Linke, \\ ho w£.s sel ioU,,:ly . H f d S I ' ,!h~ UnJverslty qf. ~e,w Ii'amp·'\ Aunll'il. anu Mr. an<l Mrs. Arlitlit' 1 ,rE<J.dy feotoll ret.u~nl'd JI011le IP \\el\ne§day and Thursday J,dst ere or a e shuI' has been awarded a grant of• ~"el'l'is wel'e Saturday ev'ening sup- fr~m North Platte, where he had, \\i:eek Jlsl"-gre~t1y,il1lpI'6\;ed $hi$ ::. ~'llG e.ighth,"!-l1 lJ.qal sale of the I $7,5?O. by the Lederl? Laborat~rles, per ¥,ue~ts of J)('. ancl Mrs. J, W. bt:en employed the last of the I \>eek. , .: ~. ~)LoLIP' Valley; H'ere!ord Brei'ders'l DIVISIon of the Amencan Cyaqamld

) {eqlIll1ls. . _ _wec.k and does not plan to go bacl{. Among per~OllS in Grand I:l~n'.l.A~on' will be held Tuesday, I<'ebr. Company for further supPl?rt o( a,,-~{rs. Nina Norma~l st)~fered a ag.c'.ll1, '. , ! the p~::;t wee~{ were Mrs. \~ 4lter lv',: at: Sargent. S"','epty bulls and I research stud,Y of ~uc~, animal ,dis!

~_,_conu stlOke ~fonday Jl,Ight but -Mr.. and Mrs. Roy .Cox of I Ll~l,~e.,,~:Y., I..i\t~lllii l~~t,,~ ~11. ;lnd i females wUl be sold. ; eases as bovll1e maslttJs. vlbriosls.macle . a g:ood recovel:y and her North Loup \H're Friday supper'! 1\f.!'S:' BIV;,as.0fH'Wer~lMh" allu :r;lrs.~ . .:..._.'. , ' . and brucellosis. ,,1' '.; !,:or,dlboll 13 lWt conSIdered dan- guests Of ~1r. and Mrs. Ernest· \yalter l' uss', ~Ir. and :\Its. :\Iarll!) I'" ...' . -- ------------'--'-- ".

r.,'ro~!s. Dr. C" W ..WceJ~es is hel' Horner. ~Irs. Cox stay('d thero;)! I< us_s, ~~~!J~,u;\a,){Uff:l1a!l, ~ev ..~nd 'f,Had Op~ration ~ , .., Word Co tr li .. ' ;1,hYSlc!all ancl she 1S beIng cared dunng the day, IMls. Ii:. H. ~61t1, MIS. Ed COOk.~ll\1 .. ' ~"." '. " , .', . .. ,11 ac .Qn,. ' .f')l' 'by Iher datlght€r., ~ll's. Walter -~'lr. en1 '~lrs. Ernest HornOr I Henry L~nge. y. ,j SI11a.lJ, Gel alduH W'lI!OIlI" ,the I Ste~lJ~g•.mea!;!ng. solid sllv.er. ofAnderson, of Ar~8.<lb, who is stay- and family and 1\1r. and 1\lls. Roy I Mrsr,J.J'..~l\n\H\'!) Huffll:a nn ,~~,'l, ~uftt:! O.f y~r.. atd Ml s. ,G~: ~dd a defllute fllleness, IS a c~>I1trac\lonj;lg hele, amlby Urd relatives. Cox wellt to O'Neill Sunday on a1n,ew s.on n:,tulllt'd. ho~ne frum.St·1a~ i~ICI u1,t11:;.pao<" \\as gl\en of the word Easterling. English

-KelTY Leggett returned home pleasure trip. I< l'aj1~1S h$lspIYI.'fj1'l(.,,~a,~~d IslanJ II;! it~~ jil~~IO~i~~OJth\~~~~~o~cd~~,m~rchants of the 12th century al?-flom Linculn Tuesuay eve, having -:\11'.. and ;\1I's. Lloyd Sack of la~r~hi\~d~J"J' .'. ,_ . noot When word I}rom he~J was; plJed that term to the merchants ofcompleted semester exams, and Aurora spent ~he weej,end with es~ :t a ~t:n~e~te~oJIIly\\i '1~ hO;(:;, I received by her pare'nts dui'ing the the tree towns of ~he Han.sea.tic-----m-:.=:-:-,..;.:,------------ :\11'. anll ~fr~. \\ m. Sack. . home last Wednesday. I afternoon. the little girl was out Leag;le, on .the c~ntll1ent, Fll1dl~g

---------- -"---~--. -- -~--- ~'!r. and !\lrs. Herbert DuliL~ and! fron1 the anesthetic and \vas sleep- the Sliver cOJt1age Issued. ~y c:erta,lnClub News Galen and MIS. Alma Bledthauer! ing nOllnally. of th~se towns always UllIform and

The Jolly Summt'r \Vorkel's met called 9n Mr. and MIS. Walter I ~ ~e~endaol~, the English .came toat the hOll1e of Mrs. Ed Sevenker I<'oth laEt Thursday e>ening. • . I~Slst on It as ~tandard ln trade,TueSllay, Jan. 22. 01Ikers were W. S. W. S. met Thul::;J,'y \\ith Sub~cnbes for Brother ~ays the Nation~l Gcoglaphic Soc!·elected as follows; president, Rita MIS. Lydia I(oelling. I MIS. Edna Buchal1an \\il I' .,_ ety. Eventually, they adopted

k,. , . . 10 I\t:; I" t )' "f 'L- t· 1 d

Seven er; vice president, Gene Mr and :\11 s H Claro:' c~ement ' 1I1 ?hellda.n, \Vyo, WIHI'S tha t the ~ 1'1 lllg or ""ng IS 1 mOlley anHan::;on; secretary, Dorothy Adam- Sl,ent ::;ome llmc this \\ cek in Lin-I QUl<l be sent to h~r 1)1uth~r, CIaI" hIghest quality slh er'\ are,ek; mWJ reporter, Donnie Klan- coin. ence T. Batneo, 705 No. Custer st.1 --------ecky, During the meeting it was Sunuay dinner and supper guests Shuidan, \\'yo. Magnets In Reversedecided the project to be studied. of ~lr. and :\11.;. Walter Fuss and 1\1" • . M t ,~ d 1 .l{osFi1a' Dc:~svn \Va? a guest. A,r-. ~{axine Inre ~1r. anu :\lrs. Harold I" _,I~. BU~hanan ,fur'her says: agne s artanlio~., to ,cepe ;n


tel' the discusoion; , songs were Gohl of Grand Isl~nd and Goluie I \\.e he:1') l~ She.ndan lrc, l'ea11y , stead of attract gl:e, mJstery tn·SUllg, and lunch Eerved. The next Elshof of anI. enJoYll1,g 10\ ely wlll~er wea ther fOr' terest to a toy traIn tn\i€nted andmeeting will be held at the Klan- , ." ,,', ,. some time now. 1'\ot n1l1ch snow I patented by Jack R. Quimby, of'ecky home, March 16. _ Bonllie Satulda) eHmng wattle suppu and today water :,tanlls ~veIY- I New York City. As the tiny loco· 1

guests of Mrs., Lucy Koel!tng wert' where . We trulv do not feel we I t' h h' d th~_~__ __ KI3.necky, reporter. Ed L 'M d M:' E-I ,', 'd' ';' ,Ill0 lve approac es a an car, e'-;;;;;;;;:;;;~;;;,;;;.;,:,;;;;;;,;..;~;.,;.;;,;;.;:,,;;.;;. ' __;;;._' _H-;'__ Lenz ~:~~' f~n~ilyal~lr ·al'l~l· ~lrs' \~~_ nJ'~ye t{I:,u:gde ths long as we call ell- [ latter becomes activ;J.led by opposed I

1 fred Bur"'on an,] 'faJ~1ily 111''' ~ntl Iy tool~ aI,;o,,' ets;IlUHlterts arbe love- ,magnetic poles in the locoll1otiv~" ,.', , t''' I IS nu 00 ad 1!1 d h d d hI Mrs. Kenneth Koclling al:d family Nebra~k<l at prcst:'nt. Hope all: an . an car. It moves ahea of t .ej and the Rev. Walter Len<l family. there are fine. \Ve stopped in Ord ' e.ngll1e Without contact. Two comIcI, They eel.ebratf:,j Eu Lenz's birth, a short time last June QII our I fIgures on the h~ndcar P~J11P, thei day <l11l1lVersary. _' way, to Lincoln. It had be'll 33 I oars, apparently. :n a frantIC eftort

Sunday dinner gUt'sts of 1\1r. .and years sn¢e I had been back tOllle. to escape. a eOlllS)On,Mrs. Elmer Hornickel, Melvin an( I saw several old flienels," ,,' , -- ---------------~--~-

Kent were Mrs. Lucy Koelling. The letter was dated Jallli"liy 1;). Weather ProphetsMr. and Mrs. I{ennclh Koellinf --'- - ..----.--:-...---- Despite all of his I\onderfully sci·anu family, MI'. anu Mrs. Harold entific and sensitive instnnnents,Koelling and 1\11'. and Mrs. Mer: W th R the moden1 weather-man heEitates!'ill Koelling. Mrs. Lucy KoelEng ea er eport, to predict exactly what the weatherand Mrs. Keni1eth Koelling were Hor2ce Tl'iiVI'S, 01-}"'I'\'~rt will be tl t (fcelebrating their birthday anni- " -" , • more 1an wen J" our

I versaJ1es. hours in advance. The AncientHigh Low PI:ecip. 1\laJ'a!1 priests had greater con·

Sunday dinnlT guests of Henry Thuro. 40 17 ' _ fidence in their talents for ,,'eather

I ~;1~1 ~\l~l~d ~~:;~~~ ~~~~~~al~~~.l,\~;,~ Fri. i~ i~ forecasting. During the fint monthI Ray Harding, ~!r. an<J ~lrs. Her' ~~l;: 26 7 .24, of their )'ear. whiCh !:;l'ii:an on July


bel t Bredthauer, !-.1f. and Mrs 1\Ion, 25 6 sixteenth, they wohld predict the\"'alter Foth and Hev. and Mrs Tues.... , , .2 -5 .10 weather for the wtile twelve·month

'Paul Priesz and Gregory. \Ved. , .. ,.? -7 period. (Apparently, having theMI'. anu Mrs. William Bremel gods on their side gave them the

Moisture tu da t 1P = ] 19 ,rdand ~lr. and :\lI's. Ervin Sohrweid e, .<J,. COlul ence necessary for the job.>; were S\lnday dinner guests of Mrs Moistul'e to date, 19;:'2,.49 ----;--"'-------------


Laura Fuss. Wvmell Sculptors, TQO1\11'. aild Mrs. Martin Fu::;s and A statue of Frances E. Willard,

:\lrs. Fred \Vhlte were Sunday eve· --..- --- ~----- ------ reformer, by Helell Farnsworthning supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Si,dy Years Ayo Mears represents llIillOis among the

POSIT' v,ELY SELLS I Walter Folh. Altollleys pl'aclicing in ani and state selections in the U.S. Capitol's, TO H GHEST BIDDER! 1\11'. and M1S. Alvin Meyer an<' l1verti"ing in the Quiz wel'e ROb-II ~tatuary Hall. An annual reception

FLOYD. "" girls of Battle c.'eek v;siteu I,:ela· .'Il1S and Babcock, Herman \Vest- In the Capitol crypt honors Adelaide

ROUSE Owner tives.her~ SUD.day. . .;! yer, V. H. Stone, Charles A. Johnson, sculptress, nQW 'r4, "ea~t• ' Velma. Foth~ sp~IlL a few d,;l)" ;'1 II '-' I +,; I1 ' . tum,. ..]. Ba bcocl, and A. A. old, beside per grollp ~ hue ,;

i::'1:,:'~i'.'~.y~1 /f,.f? J.'J ,~~!.I. n 1-.,( c, ~.!.~. _L .... la~t. \Hf,~ \l~,l:1ylll.f~L'l .1 Ui '.r rJaverty, also Bean and Ne\vllJan! Susan B, Anthony,' Lucretia Mott.V'V 1<-~ V.Y~V(4'l..!vV~ (;j V~ I Duling the past \Ht'l~ 1\11'. ,~nll ,f' Burwell. DI'. I!'. E. Gilman and I and Elizaoeth Cady Stanton su!-

U /ll" fl J' _ J/ , ...~;);) h A I' Mrs. \V1JI'(lIV 1'1eier an Dele.res, D.r. George T. Banzet wert' lie 11- fra,gette.<, l'll\'el']ed I'n 1921. 'I'~1~11/fl~ vv-.....0'tvv f/X,X/V,J. Mrs. In:uben ~l\Ieier, Mrs. t'il' t .",, tll 1\1 B' n t ." liS S. Doctol's were F. VI' Fald·'- Keller, Gertl'llde Ste'll Sa'ra Bern·

,PlI;"i! 171>'1 ' - 3:' ,HARP BlD~ ,LlNCOL~{ i'JE8PAS,i(A I Fo , ,'I'S. ryan" e erson , nCj , , •'J'/'/. '''/ t a (. <fl. _ j f," ' 1 I Shirley and 1\11'. and Mrs. 1'~I'Vill 'l}~n, J. ~' Waynick and W. E, h~rdt, Mary Baker Eddy, and many<''I-'r.Ie~ '<.f {(;11,. ",e."Ul.e.14. t.p $~:) 191 Sojll'}v,,:jcl. c)illleu... ol,l c ~1l" ,ii,pd Mrs CI amel.I<. !ll1Sk.o was a dealer otner women have 0eell immortal,

.~_~....... . ==-- , ' Lyle: l""tl< Kay' 0i1),1 C(l!'.dtinc\, 111 hameos. as hIS two sons al'e ized in stone .

_"""........~...--M;.;............,~m;,;."_;;.-"":~~;~~.;,;;;;,;,;,,,-;- -- -;'~'-.""-:'J!'~;"';" ·",,;,;,,:..:,;..;-r ~~~k~t;F\/·F~\~I:~llJ~~~~ :nl{l1~~~ I -. -- ------ ----------\,' ,:. /ele pel1::-:10n and clailn aoenls' 1"0110 Control?

1) r. U. WOlk ran a blacksmith ami I Two dodors, Ericb lVeis andI;r ',en~lal lepail' shop'; Geolge P. Burton J. 'Winston, of Sl. Theres~

:lIl1g, later of Taylor, ri'n a 'I HO~lJital in WalL!(egan Illinois haverug store, 1Il 01'd; \V. H. Heagle in guarded lal1gl:a&e 'eXpress~d theViiS. rUlllllng an eXt:hange and I belief that aur~on))cin one of ourrad,ll1g elly goods. for cattle and so,called wonder drt,g' ,,' mav proveoos and com payll1'" 25,' b 'I " ,1 01'n tl"a Ie f'·. th oJ tt V

.~ IUSS1- ef(ectiv~ against inf;llltile par,al,isis.I 01 e a el IV T . th Ill' " d','retz was .couti.ly tl'easul'~r 'and n lIlg lJ1 e mOls Me, leal ~our.

vas givillg \!n accotll1ting of the nal, they .rfporl that polIo patIentsnoneys paid in to hil)l by the for- heated With the dr~g hav,e had anleI' treasul'er. Aoe Trout. the to- average ,fever pellod .of only 2.3al amount. being $21,012.89; J. H. days, against 4,8 dap Without alHO­;apron was the abstractor of my·cm. One bulbar case, thusitles; Times were touc'h for ev- treated, sholl'ed a normal tel11per~·rybody anel thE'l'e we~e no less ture and ability to swallow in 48han 16 sheriff's sales and fOl'e- I hours and recovered, as the dollors'losure suit,S ~clvertbed in the I ru~ i~, "uneyen([ull;l." The Qot,toisirst issue of The Quiz tor 1S92. I add, "There are 993 chance3 out of>fost of 'th('se I'efei' to quai·ter I a thomand that the recovery rateicctions of land \yhich the owners' in paralytic cases was improvedwei'e losing after homesteadil1g 1 by dosage at mor,e tban two grams I!~~_ i~~ t:I~,:=~~I:_l~,:',~ c,-_~'I- ~~~I~~l~)~,ci~~p_e:_~.a~:': , I

tCUla~··.,.,,mmf~.... ,.&W'~......'e_~ l "1$;7"'" g"... 0 4- --......---



' ..'





'1.. ,




3 Only


$9.95.. f ..










$1.19 value

Qne Group

$1.98 Values

Man's Size 40

$13.95 Values



, 50c

Values to $7.50

Values to $2.98$1.77 .

Boys' All Wool

Reg. $1.49 vahie

Men's Fur Felt

Old Hi. Colors!Sa till


Men's Winter


Boys' Satin Twill

Fur CoHQr

-,JAC'KETS" '".

Boys' C.orduroy


5 pair only, Women's

5 only-$S.95 Values


One only $29.95 value

Three only-Boys'\




.47c yard

Satins, Sateen:::, Flannels,Drapery. values to $1.98

Mackinaw.6. Zipper Types$7.95 value


Long bill typc-$1.98 value


for. twin beds, $2.98 values



Two only








98c values

One Table

One RackChidlren's


$12.~5 values



Men's 2 Buckle

Values to 53.98


Values to $3.98

5 only in lhis lot!



Ladies' All·WolSlipover



7 only-53.98 values


Size 37 and 35 Long.Double breasted.


77c and $1.77



T-Shirts. Cove'ralls, Play... Suits, 'elc.

Values to $2.98

One Table Odds 6. Ends, \



$3~.95 Values.

One Table Odds 6. Ends


$2.~7 and $3.77

DRESSES$2.98 values $1.77$3.98 values $2.77


values, ",!




77c '



Regular 29c




, One table

Children's 53.49'


j) One Group, ~ ,I

One Pair ~en'$



4 for 97c


REMNANTS, ~. ,- d 'I,.;',

Your ChoiCe: ',i'

Bleached, Large Size


11 pair only. sizes 13 to 3

Gray Only. S1.19 value




High Shades-.:-real beauties$3,98 value '

O-~~-9;~~~'-' $3~95


~_. ----- -_. _. ~~--- - .---~. ,-

One Group

MEN'S". TI~S.'i ',,' •. ,' "

$1.50 and $2 values~, ,.- ~


These are Size 48. If they fit Values to $14.95

you. take;~.~~y fo' only i $7.88

--.. ----c----~----'------T----O~~-Gr~~;_l-l- onlY-­

DRESS SHIELDS i- "49c values


Reg. $2.39 •. $2~1981xl08 . I ,

Reg. $2.59 ..$2.39. 72xl0a ,",:' 0;

Reg. $2.~9:: $2.19- ~---------- 1,···,..-------

One Tp,l;>le: ;,,;,

Drap~t~<, ,:'( 10 .;

SPORT'sAiRTS$2.98 values $1.97$3.98 values $2.97

. , Eighl Only '.

LADIES' SI1.9ES LADIES· COATS67 pair in this group. . I

Values to $6.95 . v~LtU$'l; 5£':5. $~;d all:,$2.77 I

$29 - $39


Joe Skolils ReturnFrom Western Visit


Joe was clever at other things,but the dgarclte trick was bissveclaJ achle\'cmenl.

Joe was clever at other ~: Jlgs,too. '<. qui the cigarette gag' was hIs;. special aclilc\'CIIlt:nt, During the. ')Car that ela~t'd ~cfore they'.' \'l'er~ In.urlcd B.ess must have

seen hl!ll pedorlll It a' hundred. Ullles. .After the first h\lndred, Bess be­

gall to weary of the cigarette Iricka little. She didn't say so, of course.because J or was pre(\y proud ot hisachievement. . I

.'Ans:l .so they were' married.' They iwent to r.tainc for a week' s hone~'­

moon. and Bess saw the cigarette!trick performed. without \:ariation,21 tiu)es. They' e"!lie back toWor- :cester and began 1.lOusekeeping. Joeresumed work and \\'as gone allday. binner was the only meal heate at home. and so Bess had towa,tch the cigarette trick only onceon\\'e~k ~an a11d three times onSunday. Uut that was enough-,enot1gh to drive her almost mad. IAfter, six nl0nths of it she fO\lnd Iherself waiting at the end of each!meal for sight of Joe reaching forhis cigarette, for sound of hisgurgling laLlgh. for the. vision of histriumphant grin. She telt like thecono;1elllned man who awaits the ifirst shock ot current. ;

She took meas~lrd to absent her· 'sei! . at the rilual, but th ..y tailed. !Joe re'quired an alldience and he aI- Iways wailed patiently for her' re- iturn.. Ve expecled hpr smile ot ~p,

prova!. ; tEess. realized Joe thought the

cigarette trick a note\\'orlh/ accom­plishment. He was vain. It wouldn'tdo to ask him to slop: His egocouldn't stand the gaff. No. she hadto think of some other way and thinkot it quickly, before the funny\\:~ gon backed up to their door onedaY and took her away .•.

JOE applied tbe match to his cigar., e\te. inhaled deeply and ~xhaleo I

cQ!ltCntedly. Bis look was the look!ot, a: U\;Jll of slllLigness. comllla­Cel1(Y. superiority. Joe i'as clever.Joe " knew. it. He was the life ofe\'c):y ,p"rty. because h'e knew sorna!)y cute Iricks.

B.ess reached for the cigarelle OOX,

S.hedrew forth a cigarette. She ex­tenc!cdher left hand oulward l,ori·zOlllally, palm dO\\ll. She placedthe l;:igarette thereon. She susp('nd­ed,~r. right hand a\)ove the wristot her left and smiled at Joe.

o Joe's 'idle interest quickened. lIe\\ as ~\lnused. Poor Bess..

. ,"Try it," Joe urged patronIz­ingly, "Go ahead and try it.Sec how) ou llla!,e out."Bess tried it. She smacked her

left \Hist sharply. Up bounded thec i g a I' e t t e, somenalll\ed. Bess'mouth opened. Bel' head remained'staiionary. The while cylinder, as"if responding to a lIla gnct. darted'toward her lips. She caught it and I

hung on.Joe's jaw dropped. His eFs

bulged. He gaped.Bess gurgled triullJphantly and

stnlck a malch. "The first Iry," ,he Ichortled. "No foul', outo! the tor Ime." ..' I

Joe Frazer no longer performs his'cigare\(e trick for the enterlainment 'of wife and friends: Uess is happy.She hopes Joe won't develop anymore cute tricks. it takes 100 muchtime and patience 10 perfect them.TwO houu every day for two'LIJuths.

Found the 1>abJlal'he dahlia ,,·i. dbcovered by

lIu,mboldt in Mexico In J739 andnamed in hOllor of Dr. Andrtw.U,w., ~.\ ~j>lJ l·vt4lIiht.


Subscrib~ To

Are Like.' '




They are healthier and 'stronger than they usedto be. ." .. :1 .

They have. many type'fac~s.~They are worth looking over..Back numbers' arenjt .in dem:an:d.

, , . '\ '\. . ., ~

They aren't af~aid .tQ speak their minds.They can make or break aman.They have much infl~ence·

They carry news wherever they go.If they know, anything they tell it.



Plain Valley






~ " ' ,,~,

Big ~e~spaper

' ~ ,.~ .•.•.....

~, ••• ~~ •• ~~•• ~ ••• i~! ••••••• ,\'

Local, State Funds AreExhausted, Many NewCases Feared for 1952.

Wichman'sLOUP CITY

Thurs'day;Jan., '24Paul Royals Bohemians 6.

his. Jolly Dutchmen

Wednesd~y, Jan. 30Wedding Dance of Goc 6.

LonowskiJoe Lukesh Oreh.

----- .. - - _.. _...._ ... -_..- -.- r ....:.;-'-;; ] ~- -;I. -'::", ~

Coming: Thufsday. Febr.14, the onf and. qnly


JANUARY 24, 1952

C. E. Rusmisscl! 5.00 Ed Skoltl and they also visited Mr. : Go to PhoenixJ. M. McDonald Co. 5.00 and ~rs. Lewis Prince. In I Kathryn and Alice 1<'inley leftFirst National Bank , 100.00: Phoenix ,they were house guests ,last Wednesday morning" for anOtto Niemeyer. Jr. 5.00 . of Mrs. 1< rank Sko1l1 and children. extended visit in Arizona and ac-Service Oil Co. 10.00 II Mr. and Mrs. Joe sxem r~- They report a wonderful trip since: companied their aunt a~d uncleAbsalon Variety 5.00 I turned from a three. weeks tnp, they had no cal' trouble and the.:\Ir and Mrs Henry Hilker wh~Ol'd Hdwe. ,' ,..... 5.00 : t~ Californi.1, Catallna Island. I weather was perfect while they I ctro'Ye to Ph~~nix The party tookFanners Grain & Supply.. 15.00: , 1 nocnix, Ar.lz" Carlsbad. N. /'1i, : were away. the southern route so missed theDr. 1<'. A. Barta ... " . . . . . 5.00 i and old Mexico, recently. In Cal - .---.----.----.------'--- b d t I' d I PhocnlDworak's M~at Mkt. .... 5.00; : fornia they saw the famous Rose: -,- hi' Tah s dorms. ~Ill. arl'l~1 111 plan ntlxK II' I I t 1- 00 ' ! BO\\'1 parade which they e njoyed ' - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Da .111 un.;' ay. ev erung. • ley . 0e ison mp em en o. k' o c, <', J I • th n '1 f t 'A andJ I 1 II 00 By Richard Hill Wil inson . verv much, In California tnev spent the week end. in LoOllUS WI re m a i n 1 .', esa 01' a .Ill".,o ln Has ce , . . . . . . . 5. I J • , JlIt tl 11 to Cal f laMart Beran 2.00 I' I . •. . ~ were house g ue st s of Mr. and ).fl·~2~~~0~1~_I~~,fanl'~!.: ~ a_e~_1~~ WI g~ '_l~=--~ .Howard Huff ,. 10.00 I JOE Frazer lini<lled his dinner I - ..--------.--- --------- --- . A_I. • a-«J!.'

• I • '".. '! ., -rrettA • 1; = =_. • _ ----Frank F'afeita 1.00 ' I pushed back hIS chair and pro- I

(Continued Irom Page 1) o.u Auto Sales 5.00 I ; duced a cigarette. Exterdin g his it '. Adams Radio & Elee. ~.OO , I ft I d h . tall pal '1 down I DONALDSLast year $2.500 was raised. POI.l Schoenstein Motor 10.00 I , elan orizon y, I. v " ~~~

Auble, chairman of the March. is Walt Douthit ...:,....... 5.00 he placed the cigarette thereon, I ..t.~'I-'anxious that at least $1,000 be L. D. Milliken........... 10.00' struck his left wrist sharply \\lth his: ,"

. d t" hich wrll ff .~. r iaht hand and' .raise .1IS j'ear, W ic 1 WI pay 0 Dr.C. J. Miller '" 10.00: - Lthe debt incurred last year when Emma Hansen '... .. . 3.00 o,t " 3. Minute opened his mouth, I '. .a large sum .wa~ borrowcd f rorn Jim Gilbert 3.00 .• 1 he c i g a I' e t t e i

the Fou~da\iori,and still have some Beranek Drug 15.00: . , Fiction bounded into themoney In the county for such need J. C, Penney Co. 5.00 air, somersaultedas might arise. , . . IBenda's 2.00 CIIRIST 1'.\I);Tl:O-;O ••• This closeup of Jesus wilh three disciples and missed popping into Joe's I ES

No report as yet on North Loup, . Kozy Nook 2.00 i is one of 75 water colors on the life of Christ painted by Jacques mouth by a hair. Joe giggled good-IS, LArcadia or rural school districts. M(;Grew Barber Shop 2.00 Ba rosin. Xew Yor~ artist. n aturedly and repeated the opera-l :. A .The Ord report. to date, Iollows : Diner Cafe ..... :........ 2.00,---- -,----.-------- - -------------~--- . -------.--- tiou. On ihe fifth try his lips caught I

First WaQd ...•........ $ 10.00 Koupal & Barstow .... '" 25.00 LIN t' I( ~. th. e somersaulting cigarette in mid- • '.Thin.! Ward 18.90 o-u Livestock Mkl. "'" 2.00, ega 0 lces,-., ft__ r __ ..~ 'I air and held on. Joe gurgled trlum- 'Business District--- Wilson & Sons 5

2.. 0000

'. -- - XOTI('t~ BY l't'H('JJ.\SElt _.~ .. ~..J I pha ntly and struck a match.Glen Johnson 2.00 l-;lanst'n Blacksmith Shop. . . .Anderson Motor. . . . . . . . .• 10.00. F etc Darges 1.001 To Walte r Slobaszewski and' . 'Watching this performance from' .Sack Lumber Co 10.00 lOrd Creamery........... 10.00: -:---:------ Slobaszcwski, his I P. T. A. Monday Night across the table, Be ss, Joe's wife, IRomans Transfer 5.00 ,MIke Yost 5.00 ; WIfe, first, real and true name uri- , considered sc re am ing hy.sterically, iD' e T tor . . 500 I Thompson Tavern 5.00 I known, and all other persons s: lor the P. T. A. h~d Com- but controlled he rs elf. Instead she

an rae or ...........• . 0 d C ld st 5.00 claiming any right, title or in- pee c large of theI1l~ctll1g and decided on another cours e , . . 'I'~ed ~Ierril~ : ,.. 1.00 1<'ll~ret~e ~I.~~~. : : : : : : : : 3.00 ' terest in or to Lot 6 of BlOCK 3 in the program Monday nizht whenClements 011 . 5.00 O. K. Rubber Welders.... 2.00 West Onl Audition to Ord, Valley the subject \,/'15 "Drue Traffic in A ye ar before the-y weie married. !

Nl{;.bnrn.e tsht a t~eBa cahn l' ' ' r.•• 10100'.00. 00 Sincl~ir sta~l,o,n ._ v.. 2.00 County, Nebraska: Under the pro, Teen-agers." Geol'go Cox, as vice- when Joe and Bess first mel. Bess,~ "', D . \V \\' I . . . f h t 7 '.1 1)1 ~ sident p . le 1 tl b . had thought it was cute. Like all ot 'Auble Bros. Music. . . . . . .. 52.00 r. C. . Cc {es 5.00 VISions a C ap er 7 Revlseu 'cS " reslc lover le US\-

Shadelite ,Mqf(iuee Co. 50.00 DI'. It; J,.' Lynn 10.00 Statutes of NebrasJ<a 1913 an,! ness meeting', Rev. Ralph Sawyer Joe's \\ays. The first tin,e it hap- :C. J. MOltensen ,:. " " 10,00 Ord 1hcat:-e ',........... 10,00 amenuments thel'€~to, you are was lead('r for the prog'l'am I?our. pened th('y had dined at a tiny eoun- ,George Allen . '.. i.· .. " ., . 3.00 ~r. ~eo. Gard 5.00 hel'eby notified that the under- Participating in the disCllssion try inn, After (1)e rn~al Joe had pro- .

,Agnes Dodge ; .. : ' 2.00 GeOlge Munn ~ :...... 3.00 signed, Telesfear T. Sloba.'zew~ki were Martin Dunldall.' Merrill dueed a ciga rette. tried four times ~•Dr. Zeta N\lY 5.00 L & L Auto Eleet,ne . I.. 10.00.1of Ord. Valley County,. Nebras~a. Koelling' and Vernon \VilliaI11s, A to successfully perform his tr;ck,'E. B. W~ekes 5.00 Ord Hatch;I?,,':' ~. . .. .. . 2.00' on April 17, 1948.' purcha.sed iii fllm was shown aftei' the discus- alld sllei:eed~d on the fifth attel~~pt. !Car:;on Mkt. ; I.' • ,'~.' p.OO A,ndelsen,lhl1JIPs sta, .. " .2.00 said County 'and state; Lot 6' of. sIol~.Dr. :f'. J. Osentowskl.; ·'~Q.OO \~ozabA.geney -;3.00 Block 3 inW~st Otd Ad'Jition.tQ, 'T\,'o iHunbCl's by the Mira Val-'Jack Floor Covering '.5.00 Co-op 01! CD....•....... 10.00 ~r~,. Y~ll:ey Co;mty, Ne~ras\,a.: tey quartette were enjoyed.. A IVala's' " 50 Dr. Blessmg 3.00 \\ Illch \\ as on. tha. t.. date ct.)11 y s?ld j shaclow pantomime had as its ClHU-

' Ma)·tag .st~;~ .::::::-:< ::: 1 2:50 Mrs. Harry Wolfe ,,1.00 to the ~nd~rslgn('(t by tho. ~Ol~J)ty 1ac'tcrs, Erlo Cox. the patient anllFenton Creamery 2.00 Mrs. L. H. COYCI't ,3.00 TreasUler, In the,.mii nn er provIqed· F 'ed L I·telt th 'Leach ~10tor Co. . .. ;'.... 10.00 EmIl Darges .1.00 by law fpr the; .d~linquen( ta1es I I um s :' e SUI geon.E. S, Murray '. . . . 5.00 Chfford M~rshall 1.00 for the. j'ear lP:l,6. Th1\t s~\d! Lunch of e~ffee and doughnutsOrd Grill ..•............. 3.00 Noll Seed Co , 25.00 pl'operty was asse'ssc-el in'191. 6 1in w~re sCI'ved In the lunch room,Swopes Studio ~..i. .. . ~.OO Jo: C,upl ... : . .. .. .25 the. Ilame .of. walte,r SIObi1.' s.'.zeWSki' WIth Mr. and Mrs. H.a. rIon Bren-

'.H.inglein Drug :;,... 5.00 Old Co~op HospItal. . 5.00 and has since that datelihn *s- nick, Mr. and MI·s. Richard Bab-:O.-d Bakery .. . 5.00 Ord QUIZ 100.00 sessed In the. nalpe .of 'Walter cock, Mrs. Jennie Brown and Mrs.i Gamble Store 2.00 Jay .Nelson 2.00 SlobaE:'zewski. That t'he' unllr," Inez Burro\\"s in charge. .IAuple Jewelrv 10.00 Hastll1~s-Pearson 5.00 signed has paid faxes all the pro- The next meeting will be FebI'.•Huzicl<a Hardware 2.00 01'1 Fll1ance Co. 5.00 perty for the years I9t7 apd 1918. 18.'GcQI'ge's Market 2.00 ~Illo TI'oy~r 3.00 That the said Walter SlobaE:'zew-•Hose & Bo's •.........•.. 1.00 C. :M. DaVIS 1.00 ski was the owner of record dur- P E 0iD. Eo Arlll!itrong '" ',' . ',' 5.00 Wrightsman's SilOe Store. 5.00 ing all the above j'ears for which • • •_______~__ ~c,~_ _'L_ . . ._ .. ISafewa):' ..........•...... 10.00 the property was asse,;sed and is ,Mn;. L)"le Milliken was host~ss

, ' Wn.1. ~~Isko I.:eathef 5.00 now the owner of record. That to the P.E O. Monuay evening, as'' •.' I Bel an 13 Hu\\ t:. ••••.•••.•• 7.50 after the expiration of three sis ted by M;rs. Ada MtUl.n. ':The

D A N C E I 1<'rank Coufal............ 5.00 months from the date of service of program 9Il Founders Day was: ---'--~-'------------ this notice and on and after l\Iay prepared and presented by l\{rs.

8. 19rJ2, the undersigned will ap· G. W. Taylor and Mrs. May Jones.ply for a treaMlrer's tax deed. This was most interesting. '.' .'

Mt and l\Irs. Ernest lUsan, Don- Telesfear T. Siobaszew.'ki --,.-~------~---_.-.

na arld l\1ary were suppe l' guests Jan. 24·3tc . - , ' ",of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Zlkmund - - -- ---- --- - ---~--- - 1Rotary Entertained .'~~11~111~1~~~~r~ Slmday supper gu('sts Ifop.~ies ,Order~~ . IBy Singing..Group~ .' "

Mr. John Kol<es, Patty ami I MI~. C. C. D~le, PltSll!~nt of the The mel)lbc.I.s of the Rotary clUj)Kathy were Friday dinner guests I Amencan LegIOn AUXIlIary, an· were" entertallled at the regularof MI·s. John Kokes. Inounces .that al.ready 1,000 vet· meetlll~ MOlll.la y e\"C.ning by the.

MI'. and Mrs. Bill Novo:;ad, Sr. er<:n made poppies have bee~l or- small g.roups of the Ord highand family W'" S la d' , I dered by the lhe local tullt to school slllg'ers. who had appeareu"U' , . "c~e un\ y "mnel! be sold in l\{ay. The veterans in. Friday and Saturday in "Albion:" es~s Ofl\1~s~~En;ma ~o~o~ad: . : t~le Lincoln alld other state hos- !The music the young folks ga';'C"MI: and; h ", .Ed 1\\,an.kl \\('1 e I pltals ~re busy n)akin15' these red was nnleh appreciateu.Satulday ,UppCI guests of l\1I-. I l\1:elllonal flowers. I . .~. ,__.."__

I an~III~[r~·I~~{ll~~r~OI~uie Svobucl,t 1-~II~.~;ll·;rl:;~Ge~alJ~~~.i~~;C~;lJiEmployed by Noll S~cd\~-ero. VIs;torS of Mr. ant\ Mrs.' Micl1ael, l\ir. and l\trs~ No!'ds Ben-: Darlene l{oke5, who ha(~ oceri'E:rncst 1':'lsan. ,Ison, ~{r. anu l\lrs.Leon l<'oulk an,1 . employed in the Lee Variety store

1MI'. and Mrs. HLlbe~t Rice and IDa,IIas anc1 Rosena were Sunday I fOI' the past eIght weel<s, will start! family were SnndaJ;' dmllCr guests, guests of l\!rs. 1<'roney KlaneckJ.: I her new job with the NoH Seed

~1lIIIi!......--~...-----"I';"~_~~L:~~~~l~I.-:'~~._\'i,a~e~.cl'onl<. .! and Barbara and Bonnie, . ICo. next ::\Iomlay moming._ _n I

Polio Drive Getting·Slow Start Here;

Need 8igDonations

j \~:'//r--------------- -J


YAGE l'OUl{ ~ '1'IIJJ 01U) QUiZ, OItO, NJJIJRASK!\ JANUi\RY 24, 1952


C. Goval!.

Values for1'11l11tSDA 1.'


lan. 24·2S-2S

4G,Oz. Can

•••• I ••••' • 2~c

2 ",l".. .1.. '(..·..•.•.•. 27c

80 Lb. ear:I I • I •••••• I I 1$1.05

\Ve wish to take thL-;mealls of thanking allU1U~e who so gra­dously helped to pickour corn recentlvYour kinllness will longbe I·emembel'ed.

"':'-Mr. and MI's. Fmnk, John and Helen.

.loll'S. Sam


We de sire to expressto our kind neighborsand thoughtful friendsClUI' heartfelt thanks fortheir many expressionsof sympathy,

The McCldl<111Fcunilic 8,

Ord' CO-Op.Cre4:lmery CO•

Card of Thanks-

Card of Thanks-, ,

, La'rge (;an

! •••••••••••••••• 4C1c

If you qre needing a newCream Separator now orby next spring. we wouldlike to have you inspectour line of Supreme Elec­tries with Stainless Steeldiscs, and the Iowa SuperElectries with all StainlessSteel Bowl and Metal·ware. We also carry re­pair parts for the Su­prem~. ~owa, Vega andMelotte. We can orderparts for any other makeof separator that does nothave art' agency in thisterritory. Feel free to callon us' with your Separatorproblems.

. ., 1 Lb. Y.I".

•• I ••••••••••••••• 3~c

1 ",b.

•...•••••,.~ •••••••• ~ 3ee

----'--'--_._,,-, ", --._---._ ... ,-

-Mrs. Rollin Dye and dallghtt'l"an-I Mrs. John Lemmon spent Sat­uruay in Grand Island.-~rr. and Mis, b"lwarll HaI";"n

were din.ier guests (f Mr: and Mrs.C. H. Bc ie rs Mon d ty.

.• L.ar~f, hr.... ~.·..;....•...•. :\.21c

i Attend Meeting, Edgar Roe, chairman of thecountv welf'a re committee with

: Opal 'Bun-ows· and :\lrs. He rbe rt; Srnets, local welfare workers. at­

tendee! a district meeting of wel-fare worker>; in Hast ings T'huts­

',day. Mrs. 13Ul rows was pres.dent 1

lof the district,


, RollTISSUE ••••• '•••••••••• 9c'.'1" " ' "~ ': ~ . , : ' 1 Lb.••••••••••••••••••••• 79c





, .. '" 46 Oz. C;;UJl

ORANGE JUICE •• '~. '••••••••••• 25c


, . 2 Yk,gs.

CHOC. CHIPS ••••••••••••••• 35c

Yllut llr.Uld •



All IIrallds ',' 1-\ Carl</ll

CIGARETTES, ••' ••• '•••••••••• $1.'8

Large .'!'g.

DUZ •• I •• '. ••:~ r- }'I • ~ .. ~ '.1., • I ••••• 27c~ ~'~ • ~ _ ., ,J ! ~ ".

KRAFT DINNER ••••••••••••••• 2fc




tort 110\\ ard


1 Qt.

MAZOLA OIL ~. ':,••• :••••••••• 69c:, ,

lima.. 1 2S Lb. Bag

FLOUR •. '•••••••••••••••••.•• $1.95

tsJu~ lllbhon






•.•.••••..•...•••. 9c

, Xo. 2 Call

••••• '. I ••••••••••• 21 c:

, Lb.

•••••••••• t· •••••••• 10cLb,

• I I •• I I " I I I I I I I ••• I • 17c

2 Lb. Plcg.

••••••• , •••••••• I" ••• 49c


, Xo. 2 Can. 2 for

•••••••••••••• I I ••• I I • I I 35c:


. ,

RINSO •.•••.•••••••••••••••• 21c

SOlie! 1'il"':-TOMATO'ES

fasty Ykg.

CREAM OF WHEAT •••••••••• 29c

Fresh ~ruits and Vegetables

h",h Urd Creamery

BUTTER ••• I •••••••••• I I •••••



~ Ipll:, , Xo. 2~2 Call

PEACHES ••••••• ~ ••• ~ •••••••• 33c


FACIAL TISSUE •••••••••••••• 17c



.~I:'LAVOR'~ ~," - ~.~



~unk~... t.


su;iki .... tORANGES

JIli<'~. ~~~dl~'~5


"Happy Workers"The Happy Dozen 4-11 club was

organized on January 14 with 14 I

membel s, the project fOr the year Ibeing, "Learning to Sew." The Ileader is' MI s. Russell Rose. 'On IJannuaiy 18 the' first regularmeetfn~ was held at the home of IMrs. Rose, The next meeting will ,be Februaiy 13. at the ho~ne of IKaren Yost.

- --.------ -.,-----'1-----..,. ---.- ... --- ~-_.- - -~ - -- - --~--~----.--~_.-


Pinochle PartyMIS. Jerry Petska entertained

at a pinochle party at her homeTuesday evening, there being twotables of players. Guests weI eMrs. A. 1<'. Koslllata, Mr~. (}€orgeVasicel{, Mena Jorgensen, B~ss

Francl, Mrs. Ruth Owens, Mrs.W. E. Lincoln, and Mrs. FrankFafeita. High scole was WOn byMrs. Ruth Owens, and low SCOI eby Bess }<'rancl,


Guests at RectoryThe Most Rev. Bishop John L.

Paschang, of Grand Island, I?avidJohn a student at st. ThomasSemi;1ary at Denver, MarioilAugustyn, a student at ConceptionSeminary in Conceptiol1, Mo., andFranci::;' Kruml, fr0111 Josephinumcollege in Ohio wel'e ap l·ecen.tguests of Fathel' Tom Swdowskl.

Lucky Shoppers DaySpecialsTHUit ONLY

• • • You'll Be Glad rou .Did!See It on Display Next Week! .

touP VALLEY MOTOR COMPANYNorth Loup. Nebraska

23 pro Men's Dress Oxfords, 8.95 value .. , ..

1 table women's Flats & Wedgies, 7.95 vulues

"Cannon" Nylqns (very special) . ,I.. per pl'.

Children's (bright colors) Anklets, SSe value., , ,.,. 3 pro

1 ruck women's Style Shoes. 9.95 values

Walch for the

Men's Dress Hose, short or long, SSe value, : , .. , . . . . . . . . . .. 3 pro fo~

9 pr,' Men's Captoe Work Shoes. 10.9'5 value


:"::'::::::- -~-'I~ DAY!I I

Sixty-second WeddingAnniversary Party

To properly obsel ye the 62n>Jwedding anniversalY of Mr. andMr~. Frank Petska which fell onSunday, a gr'oup of frio:nds gath­ered at their home that day foran anniversalY breakfast. Those Birthday Supper

• pn~sent were Mr. and Mrs. JoeBirthday CelebratIons Petska, Mr. and 11r"s. Stanley The bil'thday of Ed Zikmund was

Mr. and Mr1 W. S. Vasicek were I Petska ~n<.l SOn a.nd d~,ugh~e~', Mr, ob~erved Tuesday when Mr. ariddinner and supper guests Sunday and 1hs. Te~ Sloba~zo:wskl and Mrs. George Hastings and MI'.of MI'. and Mrs. George Vasicel{. son, Mr~. LOUISe, Petska, Mr. and anJ Mrs, George Zikmund, Susan'n honor <l,.f George Vasicek's Mrs, Richard F etska an~ son, and Dale. took their food and en-birthday. Mr. anu Mrs. steve Uf- Carol anu Patty McOstnch of jOj'ed a family supper \vith himbanski called in the afternoon. GranJ Island. After breaJ{~ast and Mnl. Zikmund. Mrs. ZikmundOn Monuay evening Mr. and 11rs. the~e was a genelal, good t~l:l~ Party at John Kolls is gl'adually growing s'trongerVa~icek were guests of Mr. and dunng which MIS: Slobasze\\slu. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. since her accident last JUly.Mrs. Russell Rose, as a further Iplayed on ~er acordlOn. The party John Koll entertained several, --,-- ,celeblation. lasted untll noon. friends at a pinochle palty. The IWill Enjoy' Skiing

gentlemen started to go to st. I Instead of - retlll nilig' home fol'Paul to bowl, but the storm made. her holiJay Wednesday after fin-

...--------_...------------------.. ·1 them decide to retul"l1.;o th:dK~i~ ishing semester exam~ a.t Uni-home whele the ladl s h , versity of Nebraska Miss C01Yready as~embled. Tho~e plesent Anderson went to D~nvel' to en­

, were Mr. ami MI·s. ChI IS Hansen, joy a few day::; of s'!).l-ing with~ Mr. anu Ml,S. Henry Enger, M~. forn)el' fliends at Colorado Wo­

and Mrs. \'. alter JOIgensen. MI. men's collegt', which she attelllk(l,and Mrs.. Enul Dlugush anJ S-Ol~, last year. '

Mrs. Ir;vll1 Mernll, Mrs. \V. EoLincoln, Mrs. J. W. McGinnis,' . .':. ..

,Elma Owen, Henrietta and Hart- Neighborhood Pitch Club: wig KoJl, Mr. and Mrs. Eln.lel' The Neighburhood Pilch club met: Almquist and gl·anddaughter. Hlgh with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Po-seore W:.LS won by Mrs. Men ill, low cock SunJay evening, Mrs. Ted

I by Mrs. McGinnis and traveling- Lenker and Dan'ell Noll won highi by Mrs. Lincoln. ,score an,d Mrs. Ray Melia and, -~- , Paul Genesk! won the low score,Anniversaries Observed I ',' ",--: '", ,

: In celebl'ation of the 49th wed- Delta Deck ' ,ding anniversary of Mr. an<.l Mrs. Delta Deck mel with MIS. E. S.

I M,artin W. Vi~cent of Ashton, and MUlTay Tuesday aftel'l).Oon.. Mrs.the 27th anl1lversary of MI'. ~nd Jessie Bedell was a guest and

I 111"s. Guy sal~lple, Loup Cl~y, abo won the high scort'. ' ,which OCCUlTed January 19, a dll1- -- - f7/;e c§oclaf \7ouccutner and supper was held ~t the B·d L f "-,Chome of ?vIr. and 11rs. VUlcent I ·a· 0 y, .. ""'/>'1 "'" I, ,,,I,,J,d - TeI,pl,,, jQ

on .sunday, 'January 20. Other Bid-A-Lot met with Mrs. ilenly , '1guests there were Mr. and MI:s. Benda. ~1rs. Melvin Clement WOI1 The Ever Busy club will meetCliffol'g Sample and family, Cent- high scon: and Mrs. },,1C1le Van with Mrs. Rollin' Dye Thursday

Iral City; MrS. Esther Trompke, Zandt, the low SCore. afternoon. .' , ,George Sample,' Mrs.' helle Rich , Mrs. Lester Norton will be host:

I and daugh.ters, all of Loup City. Pitch Club ess to the SaturJay Night F9U1'-AlI p.a,4 ~,v~ry pleasant time. , some Satul day evening., ..1,I' , ''.' . ..,I. ~r. and Mrs. Wm. SaCk, enter- The Tuesday Evenin'g Brid~'e

I, Hospital Ben~iit tamed the P.ltch club at theIr home club will meet On Satul'day eve­l<'ndaJ: evel11ng. Cards were pla)'ec\ I ning at the home of Mr. and MUl.

a Gran'd Success' fo1l9\Vlng dmnel' at the Sack home. Lyle Milliken, '" The '\::o~ng H;mem~kers' E~- k h L Birthday club will meet T)H}p;;-, tenslOlt ell\b hdd a benefit box Ijd- Rebe a odge day everting with ~!rs. ,E9lish, cid Sllnday e\'ening at the .K. C, the Rebel{(lh lodge ~'ues(1a~' eve- Iwanski. ' ,i hall al\cl, realized <!- net sum' of ning. A team of eight ladies flym 1 -:---

i $51.00 which will be turned over to EI icson, were guests of the local Entre Nous WIll. llleet on Thurs· Ithe hospital benent dl"ive. After Ilodge and did the instalIing', day aftemoon With Mrs. C. C.

,the suppel', pinochle was played,. -,--- Dale.. . .. plizes going to Mrs. Charles I BPW CI b D' r ' ' Mother Cabnll1 Study clUb wllI; Ackles, MIS. Emil Kokes, W. A'I ~ __ mn.e. ,.. entert~in their hus~ands at a C?V-Wilson amI Paul Ziml1lellnan. The Busmess ancT P IOfe,s::;lonal, ered dIsh suppel' Sunday evelllng

Fdends of the club members I ~Vomen's club ,met at, the lwnlc of i at 6. This will be held in the\\ho h~pCd maJ{e the evening, a ~~I': ~nn~ ~elS01.l Tt:esdaJ,' eve· i 1(. C. hall. , '~uccess were: Mr. and Mrs. \'.ll_ll11n" whel e . dll1nel was sel\ed,by I .-,- . . ,~- ,

,bel' Calvin, MI' .and Mrs. Emil I ~he Ruth Cm::le Of the Presby{er- I -:\-11'. and Mrs. Archie Boyce, Kokes, Mr. and Mr::;. V. A. Ander- I Ian chlln:h. !Hoste~ses \vere M.rs. wele dinner guests of MI'. and

sen, Mr. aqd Mrs. Franl{ Kapustka, ! l<'aYe G?od and, Mi,s:> ,~{~thenne ,Mrs. Neil Peterson Thursday. ~tl'.~lr. and Mrs. Paul Zimmerman,! Helzer. 1 ~e prOgl'an, con}.llllttee for 1 and Mrs. Peter~on spent the. eve·Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Craig, Miss: the evenll1g was MI S. Opal Btu'· ning with Mr. and Mrs. Boyce and IMarjorie Beard, Herb Mertal ami rows and ~{rs. Gladys Allen. the \ other: callers were Mr. and Mrs'lMr. and Mrs. E. P. Kapw;tka of lesson being, "What Every (,..lti- I Eldon Foth. ,", !Elyria. ' , zen Should Know." Speaker, foJ' I -Mr. anJ Mrs. Glen Co<:hran 1

Serving on the committee were the evenipg was Ralph Nornlan, I amI family were SundaJ: dll1ner I

Mr~. Dick Petei-son, Mrs. Dale who talked to the club about i guests of Mr. and Mrs. On~1 ~elll- ,Kalre and Mrs. John \Vojta~ek. schools. " ,son. I

Pinochle Club111'. and Mrs. Emil Dlugosh en­

tel-tained theil' Pinochle club onThuI'sday evening. Members pre­sent were ~f.r. and Mrs. ArchieMason, 111'. a'ml 1hs. Glen Coch­ran, Mr. and ~hs. Edgar Roc, Mr.and Mrs. John Skala, 111'. andMIS. Emil Kokes were guests.Ladies' high score went to Mrs.Edgar Roe; MIS. Emil l{okes wonthe low score. Glen Cochran re­ceived men's high score and EmilKokes won low score and the tra­veling prize.

Dinoer at HarmonyHouse

V. F. W. ConventionAlnong those frOlll. Oru who at­

tended the district convention ofthe Vetel'an:> of Foreign \Vars,held in Omaha Saturday and Sun­day were Dr. anu 'l\!r~. F. J. Osen­tawsld, Mrs. Eleanor Copeland,~1r. and 11rs. Hany Zulkoski andMr. and 11rs. HenlY Benda.

The Merry Mingiers ,The MellY Minglers 4-~1 cluj)

I'net Wednesday. Jan. 16, to re,­Sunday dinner guests at Hal'- organize under the leadership of

many Hou~e were MI'. and Mrs. Mrs. D. \V. \ViL'ion. Three new~I. Biemond with their daughter, members were added to the club,,Mrs. Dallas Davis and their grand- Cal'olyn Thol11::;en, Cherie Homerson, Richard ZulkosKi, Mr. amI and Deanna Carson. Cherie Horn­Mrs. Cial k \Veckbach ami son, er was elected pre~ident for theEdd)" an,l Dr. and Mr~. Geol·ge coming year, with Karen. }<'aI mel'Parkins, I as vice-president, Joan l{apustka

as secretary and Betty Nash asnews reporter.

Following the business meetingMbs Katherine Helzer outlined thesecond year cooking course andgave the girls their new COOlfbooks.


D ./ M ,. k :Hunters Advised' I~/a re~ulif~ :~dl~ght cere-

l to Eat Wild: mony taking place Saturday aft- '- ernoon, Mts. Vernet ta Daily of 'G ' S .• Ord and Melvin Ma licky of Bur- ame oon I' . ,--;;::..:-,:'-.

, well were united in maniage., The /vows were spokeJ~ before Rev. Plan taking those ducks, phe a- I .'

I IShepherd of the Methodist ch~rch. sa nt.s, g rouse and any other spe- I

'Dinner Guests Supper Guests Relatives and a few ct.os~ f riends I cies of game-excluding deer- out.. • witnessed the event which look of the cold storage locker ::;oon!

Dinner guests Sunday of Mr.s., Supper guests Saturday ev crung , place in Mrs. Dailey's home, , II and prepare a "wild game" dinner. IHl1d~ Tuma wele. Mrs: Nettle, o~ Mr. ~nd Mrs.. A. J. Adam~~: An arrangement of two seven- This bit of advice was offered by:Aust in, 2\11 s. Naomi 13ndgeman;, \\ ere 111. and 111 s. Bob .-~damt t< 'branched candelabra and baskets I PUBLIC I::~EMY ~O. 1,' '•• The slaphappy m oto rlst who curses the I Lloyd P. Vance, super ViSQ1' ofalso Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rysav) and Benny, Mr. and MIS. Don of rel low jon ui ls and white car- I other drive r, juggles CIgarette at the whe el and performs era;>y Igame for the Nebraska Ga me Iand son. Stewart and family, and Ella nations form~d the altar where! antics while driving Is bkirtl:' more American lives than war, Commission I

• Adamek. the couple stood, 1-' .- -. ---- - - ---- .'-'-' -- '- --- I Vance emphasized that the 90-PInochle Party F f B ·d e Preceding the ceremony candles: day periods dUling. which time

Mrs, Albert Parkos, Sr. enter- oursome 0 ," ,g, were lighted by Mary and Bonnie " . game can be possessed in Ne oras- I itained several f'riends at a pino,?hle I, Mrs. Paui Ul~ac,1 entertained a Daily, daughters of the bride, who ka are approachlng exp'-"a'.icn, He I Iparty at her home Friday evcmng, Ifoursome at bridge at her home wore dresses of green taffeta.! cite,d the folIo',\'in~' ref,:l!ei\ion: "It FOWL MEDIT.\T10S ••• Blackthere being foul' tables of players. F'riday even ing .. Guests were Mrs. I their corsages being pink and: ,,:', ,,. i.' unlawful to pr,sse,'s any gdJ11C Japanese Bantam Cockerel In I

High score went t~. B~rbara I Faf.eita, Mrs, ~lchal'(1 Beran and white feathered carnations.. 1 ~i>, .bird or game animal 01' the flesh, Madison Square Ga rdrn poultry I

Lukes, low to Bess F rancl ar.d MI~. Henry Btnda. Darwin Shoemaker of Lincoln- '¥'/' ,of any game lJild or game ani., show ponders que stton-i-whlch Ithe traveling prize to Mrs. Frank • was soloist and accompanied by: ;:'/:':;' mal at any time e':cqJ: du I irig came first, the chicken or the I',

Blaha. Dinner Guests Mrs, Shoemaker, sang, "Because." I ~-:~>~ .the open season, a n.l for 90 clays egg?/' Dr. and Mrs. C~ J. MilJe,r enter- I The bride, who was attended by I (,", ' .the rc a It er, except that the flesh, __ .. , _, _

Sunday Guests tained at a dinner at their home, her daughter, Ruth Ann, chose for 1 '" of deer legally taken may be pes- , H F M; hi ilast Friday night. Guests were her wedding, a dress of brown I se ssed lU1U] Dec. 31st of the year ome rom .C Igan I

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jablonski en. :L' f II ' th I ] t k' f' 1'" " 13 '1 1 " J';r1 Dr. and Mrs. G. \V. Taylor, MI'. velvet and rust cre pe , made street, 0 owing . e .ega a Ing ,,101eo, 1 Mrs. R. D. 0.1 ey l'e urneu 10n1eteitalned at dinner Sunday, .>L T l' Th t:l t "1 ft f t'a, nd an.I Mrs. Glen Auble, Mrs. May lenetb. Her corsage was of a IS' , ' t· expn a Ion l a es on posses- I ,>Lone a)' a ernoon rom an ex enu- I

and Mrs, Robert Jablonski <;> I I' f h 'f d . it 'll 1 Gl' 11 Ian 1 Jones, Rev and Mrs. Keith Shep- man roses.' Her daughter a so I i sion 0 ot e r specie s 0 game are I e \"lSI WI 1 ner SOIl, enuan, ant 1children of Loup City, MI'. an~ll herd and children and ~1r. and Mn,. Yo.'ore green. taffeta, J:ter flowers ~e- I : pheasants, Feb. 23; quail, 1<'eb. 23; I family In Kalama~oo, Mlc!l. SheMrs, Joe Sedlacek ami 111'. J. B. Ferguson. mg a COrsa2:e of prnk l"Oses. e!ucks <ret'se and coot ;~1al'Ch 6' left before the holldays. and tells~lrs, Joe Dworak. - , , 0 • " f . ld th' b t a > . 'e

1\11'. Malicky who was attended ,squinels, Mar. 30, and rabbits" a co wea er, u nlY I1lcby his ~rot)1el', Harold, of Bunvell, : Apr. 30. I time, withal.wore a brown ~uit. 1 - --,- - - -_... -' --- - I ----- .- -'

A r~ception followed the ex- : Interdenominational .Soldier Homechange of vows. The serving t. able , I • M • I "Ie' t R" 1 \ oil \ 1 0 'sYoung Peop e s eetlng .'" ",g '. lcnarc : 111 C, V 1 :'was centel ed by a three-tiered 'I " • I rn the All' FOl:ce, ,1~ spel1\hng I11Sweddint: cake decorated with Jan, 27 to 1< ebr. 3 IS IntematlOn· i 15 day furlougn \\'ltJ] hIS part'nts,waxeJ roses. The cake was cut al Youth \Veek" ThIS year, uncter, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Al nold andby Mrs. Karl Ashley of Scotia and 'the auspices of the World COlU1Cil other relatives. After leave he willMrs. Roland Daily poured. !Of Chul'ches, "The C~lI ~,o United i be stationell in Europe.

Later in the evening, Mr. anJ I Chnsl1an Youth ActlOn, WIll be' __. __ ~__ _ _Mr::;. Mq.Ucky went on a sholt wed- i executed.. IAttend Randolph Funeralding tdp tl'OIll which ihey return- I The objedi\'e is to unile oneIt, ,'...s 1

ed .M"Ot1day, evening'. , ' million young people in a united Mr. and 1 IS, BrUCe Co\ey, "II,.The 'honle \vill be'in Ord, where, 1ft t ( t tI f . th IC. A. Anderson anJ Mrs. J. \\

Mrs. Malicky ha's lived a num.bel'l ,)'(.In 0 os e~' !e causes ~ )ou. Ambrose attended the funcr.11 ofof years and where for some tllll~;, ! evangell.il11, s,<;~'Yl~e".Chns.t,l<l;n C,ltl. I MIS. Roy Randolph held in Lin-'

1 d ' th R ze,!~j1Jp ami <";pllstl,lI1 ml~SlOns. Icoin ThuI'sday aftel'noon.she has been emp oye m e ow- I Th' 1 b d th 1bal Plumbing and Heating Co. I EGYPTL\~ THREAT ••• This lifelike effigy of a Briti~h' soldier IS can on y e one roug 1 'I -------,'~- ,---~---- - .---

Mr. Malicky ,ha~ .vil~'io\l~, business, hangs in a main street ot, Cairo, lett ti~ere by Egypllan extremIsts. the deq~~ni!)~~f.t.hepersonal com- . H G dd htenterpi-ises in" Burwell, ,;,vhich he Slen rea~s; "Gallows awal~s U.-e necks of the JJri~i5h"·. mittIp~n( to ,",Tr,w;> Chnst and i as ran aug erwill cany on·_~Jl..~:3 " ------~~~~---- ~-!'-----.------~'-. ----~-:- --.~- ~~~;jff~;;~~:s~~iff~~~isfft~~: ~~:~~t 118\~a~t1t::~~v~~~2~.o~LJa~~~~~.:

. I ., 'S' • S d S M' h f D· D ;; , the. young people of the county Ml s. Amos bewg the fonner staC)Instal atlon ervlces 0 an ew " . arc 0 ,meso ance,;, ailtnl~ting.togeth~r at the Metho- Krabel, the daugilter of Mrs. A. JMr. and MIS. Jan1es Ollis, Mrs. Mrs. Lyle Milliken was hostess ' Th,c March of DImes dane?, df~~ ~Jiill·,ll" of Orct for a service Ae!am'ek ~1r. ant.! Ml s. Amos

M. Biemontl 'al1.1 Rev. anJ Mrs. to the So and Sew club T~ut"~day spons?red by t.he members of the of wor~hip, in~piration and fellow- live in Howe, Ida. People livingAllen Strong were in Loup cIty aftelllOon. Amencan ~{'g10n and the Veter- ship. . . in ~owe tel~ of nlll~h sno\,:,. Sa?-Sunday evening whel'"c they at- a~s ot 1<'ol'elgn \Vars: ~10nday eve- TI \vill be a (ollnal wOl'::;hip II1g tne fall lS the blggt'st 111 111S-tended the installation selvices of Birthday GatherIngs rung at the Bohenllan hall. was Ii ,:~re 'tl . 1 ,'., n I de- tory. When Mrs. Amos went to thethe new pa~tol' of -the Presbyterian well attendhl, n.etting a nic,e sum ,el ~lce, WI 1 spe~la 12u::;:c a , hospital in 131acl{foot, whet·e thechurch there, Rev. Robert Laird, Mrs. Roland Daily ente'rtained to be tui-ned to, this worthy ca~lse. \ o~:~~~ l~yTt~Je,,) ~unU p;~Ple, :n~ baby was born, their car f?llowedRey. Strong had a part in the in- a few frienJs at two tables of The music was fumished by the Ba 111a i<~ tal {d' t Y .1~ t eV'

tAa u the snow plow for 80 mIles.

. blidge Friday evening in honor b C 1 . h' 't.' Ie 1 er, .ne 10 IS mlllls el' a 1'- . , _~ ,_stallation serVIce. of the birthday of her husband, 130 a am€' OIC es la. ('adia. Tllis service will be fol-

On Sunday MI'. and Mrs. Daily lowed by an hour or so of planned Milton o. Meyer'sanJ two sons attended a dilUler Jolly Sisters' recreation in the basement. k· Ngiven by MIS. Cecil BreJthauer in The Jolly Si~ters met Tues\lay All young people, oetween the Is Bac In avyhonol' of her own and Mr. Daily's aftel'noon with Mrs. E. O. Hackel. ages of 12 to 23 are urged to at- Milton O. Meyers, gunner's matebirthdays, Gursts were 7Y.rs. Russell Rose, I tend. The date is Wedl1e~day eve- first class, US:-'Ht, son of Mr~

Mrs. Lowell Jo::es and Mrs. RO,Sc! rdng, Jan. 30, at 7: 30 p. m. Lena Meyers of 604 Bane st,Glover. The time was spent so- I --__~_ ------- ~--_ Greeley, Colo" amI husbami of the Idally, To Great Lakes fOl"lIlel'Evel.yn Louise Long of AI'- :

ea,dia, recently reported to the IPinochle C· lub Mr. and MI's. Joe Dworak re- Naval Ail' Station, Alameda, Cal '

turned Thursday froIll Omah3. fOI' duty and has b(;('n assigned I

Mrs. George ZiknllU1d was host- when) they had taken their son, to lhe supply galley. Iess to the Pinochle club on Tues- Bob and Don Wozniak, earlier in He was stationed aboanl the Iday afternoon, Guests were Mr::>. the Week. The boys enlisted in the USS Los Angeles before coming,Ray Meli\l al1lI MI's. John Skala. navy, and are at present in Great to NAS, Alameda. He attended IHigh score was won by Mrs, Joe Lakes, where they al'e taking their Onl high school prior to his en- ISedlacek; I 10\': score by 'Mrs. Will boqt training. listment in the navy dul"ing World 1

Treptow and the, traveling piize W II Iwas taken by ~lrs. Ross Allen. -jud~~~;t\~\I;;J~~ssc~-tt of ar . . -._ ,.. ' I

.. . , .. . Greeley spent Stillllay \vi.th ~lr, _ Skinny \V1L'3VIl ant.! uaughter IWoman's Club of Ord and Mrs. HichalCl Bela!O. spent Sunday in Ashton. I

\Voman's club of Onl met Tues- -Dr. and Mrs. Rotert J. Fox i -Mr. and 1h~, Neil Peterson,day aftelnoon \vith Mrs. Don AUb-llof Spalding, were ~10nuay gUt>sts of ,spect Sunday with MI'. and MIS.)Ie. The lesson on "Modem Art, Mr. anti ~!rs. Rich,nd Beran, . GNrge Kirby. i'I. - ...Poetry and Ml,lsic" was presented ~-- -.--, ----., --~-------~----.------ ----~------~--by Mrs. Sylvestel' Furtak amIMrs, }<:dwin A,pnstrong.






f'W 1::"',fblNI!ll













4 C"lec>

........ 37cCake

..•.... 13c3 Cakes

• •..•. 25e2 Cakts

• ••... 25<:2 I'or

· ••.• '.27c



t'adal SGall

WOODBURYlia!." So,.\>

WOODBURY'loUd S'J"p, Htg. Sil.e



BLUE BARRELHlul' .... "!aile You \Ya.':h Pkg.

BlU WHITE •••••••• 10ct.le.,tie UO,l!iJ (~t.

STARCH .•.•••.•.•. 25cl.'ul Fend' 2 Tall Ca.lIS

PUSS 'N BOOTS •.. 2ge

9t. 68c~~h~mJ'~

Per Carton




Boxes oftOO


fresh, Red Hipe Beuuliful

TOMATOESCri~~p, Fresh Celery Heurts




White-, Lar<]e Seedless Fruit

GRAPEFRUIT 8~.. ,Pound .

No Strin<]s Attached

Offer Expires Sat. Nita, Ian. ~6, 1952

,COlT,cd li~cl Il~';h Ko. 300 Can

ELLIS ..••.••••••• I ••••••••• I ••••• 39ct..lli-: uralH{ . Xo. 300 Can

BEEf STEW .•••••••••••••••••••• t .47cSpagl1dli \\ llll ~l~al li~lls 2 :'\0. 300 Ca.ns

ELLIS .•..••••••.••••••• t • t • t ••••• 49c(~P.:Cll l.at'cl 6~~ OL: Can

STARKIST TUNA 33elL'a"':" 1.,') an(] " 8 Ol. Tin

TOMATO SAUCE .• ~ •••••••••••••••• 9CIn Tomato :S~l"'c-Uluc liralld ." . ~o. 300 Till

SPAGHETTI •••.•••••••••••••••.•.• 12cv~·\ ~Ionl,' ~{l'and ~o. 2 Can

STEWED TOMATOES ••••••••••••.. 25ct'Nl",< Ur;Uld' t Oz. Tin

BLACK PEPPER ••••••••••••••••••• 73c



10 II/"tTo be apPlied. on th'e purchaseyof those wonderful Fresh Red



Cut COrn

Prices Effective Ianuary 24, 25. and 26

eo 7n'~l!:t4w..A::::oJW:A>m~~_

IO-oz. I


Booth Qulcl( Fl'OL('l1

Packers finest Pure>, Clean 1 LB. I"';:high quality, uniform " . eTN. 5Thcsadelicious Chcsc's

4 ~Chocolate Covered1 L.B..BOX

Cherries I...... , , .. , .. ,. \.'\

Case & Sanborn "pressure 1 LB. 84~,pack" drip or regular TIN

FIRST PRIZE - $100.00 A MONTH FOR lifE(or $20,000 CASH I


--1- "-----.. _.---"-"-~~.~'----"---------12alc Karrc and! -1\1.1'. and Mrs. M>,:lvem li'clrh, I g ue st s of xtr. al 1d Mrs. Arthu r'Sunday dir ner I Margaret and Ma riIyu of AnslC'y, I Fell is Sunday,and Mrs. Ed I Mr. and Ml'8, Ed Raj cwic h an.I ' _

Joan and Darlene F'e rtis were H'~ad the "'ant Alls

FLOUR50-to~ $3 98Sack •

l\lothers Best Enriched

Gooch's lle~t

Cool\s In Less TUlle

4.6 Ol. Tin

••••••••••••••• 31 c


1·10.,; ,~,Pl<.g·

Ul'I .'lonte Cn"hcd No. 1 Tin

PINEAPPLE •.•••••••' ••••••• 15e

1111nt'~ t·an ..y No. 2!2 Can

FRUIT COCKTAIL ••••••••• .41e

2 1\0. a03 ('illlS

LARSON'S VEG-ALL •••••••• 33e

UuJlalrl U1u(.>k No.2 Can


Juicc--Uci ~Ionlc


(;ocoa ~Iix t in I 8 Ol. Tin

BAKER'S •..••...•••••••••• 21clJr;t·:\ 1l1<',d'lill·'. t:"tra l\ipe 1 Lb. CelloAPRICOTS .••...•••••• , ••• 45c

8 Ol. Tin

INSTANT POSTUM .•••••••. 59c

Ho)'ul Annc ChClric> , ~Q. 300 Tin

CHERRIES .•••••••.•••••••• 3ie

Sioleelpy H1cn<!td Juice 4.6 Ol. Can

CITRUSIP •••••.••••.•••••• 26e

Large Urkct Santa Clara 2 Lb. U"g

PRUNES •.••••••••••••••••• 39c



(~. WESSON~",.•' 0 I L

~) \\


Lar«le Pcekcqe



All Sweetl\lal'g'aril1eColored inQllarter~

I-lb. Ctn.2ge



100',( l'w't'

Sor<]hum3l-0/.. Jar'. 4ge

Cha,c &' Sanborn In~taltl

SURF-FAB \"*::' .

RINSO ,'''':: h', ..


Gold Medal "Kitchen rest~d'hEnrtc.hed

$"2':0 9FLOUR

FOl'ues Gl'otUlll

HfWI)J~~(AKE,MIXlSDUNCAN HINES 3-STAItCAKE MIX For Whit.,Yellow or Spice Cokes, • 36cDUNCAN HINES OEVIL'SFOOD CAKE MIX. • • • •• 36c

Bite Size Cubes

t'rt,h, Tender Lb.BACON .SQUARES ,.". 23cSmall. ;lItaly Lb.PORK SPARE RIBS 45c.'0. I I~uallt) 1 Lb. Pleg.SLICED BACON .. ' , ,., 39ct'i'll't!a\Ol' .. . . Lb.

SUMMER SAUSAGE . .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49cUuoth l~ llic k FrOl~lI Lb.SALMON STEAK ", ,. S9c


" 0"~,,,,,I ~5


~Skinless, Tender, Iuicy



BEEF ST!!! 69~

_____.......m_ •

fresh Ring



" .". II ..

---Mr, and Mrs, nay McKi:llll:Y - Dr. a n.l 1\11'0,of C~I11'i!'dgc spent the week end! daug ht er werewi.L'1 l!wir daughter, Mis. Ro lla nI 'gllCStS or Mr.Moore ."'Id family, ' Schude l.

~~~~,,~~-~..~ftrnM1;~UIl'lU•••~• ..,jgMM_ft:_·-' --'" ~...""""""~~

LOOK FOR OUTST.ANDING VALUES AT JAC.K & JilL.......·_R"·..·.... ·u SF _.,.__..,.. ,..,.... _ .......__._-=,.,...-..........._.."So



By Helen langworthy.


\\oman-Iess household he had senther to Grand River. ','

'Avis finished the chicken and'whispered, "Can I have a float?;·

"Sure," Bruceanswere~ "butwhat is it?" .

· \ "Thls Is the $6~ bu~iness! AflQat Is lee crE'anl and cokemixed. Yummy!" Avis con­tinued, "What are "'e doing aft­er dinner? Frankie Martin's intown . '.' i'rankie's a sa!t man..! ,.Can \\ e go, Dad? I mean, c;aD.\\~?It

,Bruce noddccl and felt ciiz~i. May­be a show with Avis listening \\'ouldgive him time to impress the ne\~

language onto his mind. ;.'

-,Marjorie Bean!, who lives in

Hastings, was a guest of her

brothel', Wm.EcaJ'u, and family,


B' RUCE WHEELER looked acrossthe restaurant table at his

daughter Avis. He hadn't realizedhow much he missed her since hehad sent her to Grand River to Ischool. "Are you really glad you'rer---------. going to G ran d

River? At the timeyou were deter­mined to stay inNorthville wit h I

me. Remember"" -'~'Remember!" Avis said with

fire-alarm emphasis. "1 was just a ~15 year old baby then. I didut know!about the big wheels at Gr and Riv­er, and that I'd be a main spoke .You're scrimgrangorgcousl" Avis'eyes grew large over the fril!dchicken placed before her.

·"We don't seem 10 talk the sar..elangua ge," Bruce said slol,'ly"Please interpret. What's a 'bigwheel' and a 'main spoke'? Thatscrlm-somethlng word, is it good 7"

•Avis smiled. "Dad, I forget you'reof the vintage Of the terrific twcn~les! 'Big f'heel' is someone impor·t~nt around High. And 1'm impor­tant-a 'main spoke'! 'Scr img rangorgeous' is swooning good." Avis

.. \'.irned· to the chicken..' Bruce decided he wasn't hungb-'For the thollsandth time he wisqed

. Avis' mother could have [i'(ed , , .T9 ay~i£ bringing up Avis In ~:

Not A •Good Risk

By Maud McCurdy

--,-"._._-- ----


Geoq;e looked startled. "WeUll't take children, Janet." hesaid.

JANET had said, "I'm not going to I·

marry you. George}"He had bought a run-down man­

sion at the edge of town, which he'd Ihad converted into apartments.

The place wassurrounded bymeadows. Janetand George wereout on t h e

grounds, looklng over the patios,the tennis courts, and the lily pond,There was sf ill space left over forplaygrounds of most any size.

This was where the tr0uble start­ed. Janet said, "Think what this willmean to children WhO'VE n-ever hadroom tQ run and play,"

Geor ge looked startled. '·W: can't Itake children, Janet," he said.

She was astonished, "But this i.such an ideal place for them."

George shook his head and Janetf1ushcd angrily. "I don't believeyou even like children. What elsewould you do with all this ground?"She hesitated a moment, then add­ed, "l'm not rnarrying you, George.You wouldn't be a very good matrl-monial risk. I .

George tried the' best' he f'touldto defend himself, explaining' tha~childrcnwetedestructive. H~at·

~ued. ~ut Janet only. looked a;. ~.iJnlil beWilderment. ." '.": ...

"If you (eel that wa~,." shei'hls-

--Mrs. Darli.:ne Erick).;'on and:\118. Duane Armstrong called onMIS. C. H. B,'iers Ratulday after­n~.,on,

pered, "you really are not a verygood matrimonial risk," She lefthim standing there stiD trying todefend himself.

George tried to SE'e her. Hecallcd her even' day. at thenewspaper OmCE', but she wasout. It was plain Janet didn'twant to sec him again and thereseemed to bc nothln~ he coulddo about it. Xo matter "'hid hetried. he could nol get to see •

.... her, •:rinaUy the apartments and

gruunds were cOlllplete. Peter Bol­ton, his partner, put a full page ad·\'erl!semcnt in the r,e\\'spjper, VI IA S open y applied lipstick (her

WIT HI N all hOl'lr after 'the paper mother would never have done_ came out people began coming, tha!!) as Bruce saw a familiar ta~e I

prosperous-looking young cOllples, across the I'estaurant. It was Jim Ievt;ry one with children. 'l'hey were McKinnon, son of an old friend. Jimexcited over the place, Rnxious to returned Bruce's nod casu311y thensign l~ases at onc~. .. Jim's E')'es widened. Jinl \\'3S 20.

George was ·bewildered. He asked Bruce was glad when '1e came totheir table.

Pete,r what on e'arth had he put In Bruce pulled out a chair and be.the ad. "Only couples without chil- gail pelting the boy with' questionsdn;n," Peter ~aid firmly. about his father and about business.

George .began to feel a little des· Jim responded that his father wasperate. Ther," was one' pretty young well. business was fine, the footballmother, with violet eyes, almost the games had been won, but all thecolor of Janet's, who said feelingly. time his e~'es were on Avis."Mr. Hartley, the mothers of this It hit Bruce like a wallop, Jimtown will call you b.lessed." hadn't come for man-talk ••• it

"But I . ::" OeO.i.e ~~arl,ed 10 say was Avis!a mistake h~d'bee'li" ~1adel but was And Avis! -Bruce :,quirmed. Herstop~e~ In. ~Q(,>thi:. ~ourJ,gcouple eyes were downcast., The sparkle~haklng ~Is,;?and 11)1{1 ~~Yfg, ."Th>6 was gone. Bruce knew that bashfulIS wonderful. !t's like a ~~reani." (en >'ear old's had 'mor~ personality.

George was penpirillg. lie Plainly Avis \';-as mentally swooningfound a ,rilomcnt, a.nd ~to9~, a. over Jim.look at the ad. There i~ "';u In Jlrn asked her, "How do you likebold <type, _,"Of1y COUflfs witb' Grand River High?"child~en pef(L~Pllly.": * " "Nice," Avis said softly,LeaVIng Peter. ,In c, h. arge, Geor"e "Dp they have a good football

d t, t'" P team?"rove ,0,. ¥e'getw~P?per ,~fice, Be-fore he could get to the a vertising "U's-it's nice," A"is an·dcparltnent a reporter bu ton-holed 'Swercd. She raised her. e)'es ashim. "Mr, Hartley, the w ole town far as Jim's hands likc it was a.is lalking about \vh3t YOU'\'e done. terrlf1c erfort.You've really made news. This Bruce clenched his teeth. Didn'twill make every newspaper in the she know anything! If she put onestate," tenth ot the gayness of her com'et-

satioh. five minutes ago into talking ..George pulled a.'say from him, with Jim, he, \\'ould be interested. I

hurrieQ to. the advertising depart- "Do YOLI like hi\\'iilg dinner here,"ment. A voice said, "1~s?" and 11 'pair 61 violet eyes looked up and I J~n) a,sked, already searching themet George'S. A quick flush came room Ior an estape.

Avis took a long time to answer,to her face, "George, they only put and managed to raise her e~'es tome o~ this desk >esfel'dayand I-I the level of Jim'!. ,·!t's so-so nicemade the mistake. I'm salTY," her~." she said..

George stood there looking at her Bruce knotted his hands. Jimas if he never wanted {o stop. sighcd wit h disappointment and'·Look. Janet, I was looking at the politely asked Avis to dance. Ill'matter in a cold-blooded, business probably expccted her to say she

! way,'! He drew a long breath and couldn't push one foot «head of theI went on, ,:'YO~1 didn't inak~ a mis- other. As'they walked away Bruce

.. take. I.dld. lhe place Is Just like closed his eyes--probably she wouldI )'OU said,' a natural for Children.l fall! If .only he,r t110ther had lived.

And theY'I~e there already, about ii M.il)'be she could .have taught Avisdozen of them With their parents.," ' how to talk!

"Gcol!~e, )'ou mean that?" Jan'et" Tben they were back and AvIsasker!. "You're not just 's3ying it to i'as dra\vihg 'on her coat and. Jimget me to change my mind'?" wa,? wallsing away. ~

"I never meant anything more:-' "He's pdchy!" Avis breathed.Gcorge an~wel'ed. Bruce began, "There's something

"rm glad," Janet said. "You t should tell you. t! you want a manknolV ... I must have had my mind to be interested J'ou have to beon the children. I didn't make the ci!ivc-'-."mistake in your ad on purpose. I Avis inteI'l'upted, "Jim? Oh. we'vereally didn·t, George, an.d don't a elate for tomorrolV night, another~'ou eVel' say I did." ~ lor th& fraternily party and he

George just smiled. The whole of. asked me to go to the Fall Promfice force might be looking, but he too!.Not bad?" she asked with lifteddidn·t care. He bent his head and brows. ~kisscd her. "You'll do," Bruce whispered.

I wish to express mythanks to Dr. 11arkley,Nurse Scott, FI'anl,Peny and all the DlU'S­es at the Ol'll Co-opera­tive hospital fOI' theexcellent cal'e theygave me during IllYlIIness.

I also wish to thanl,all my friends and rel­atives fOI'" the flowers,gifts and canIs.

Your kindness willalw<.lj's be remembered.

Betty Kirby.

& Sons

Card of Thanks-

Church 01 Jesus ChristR. L. D. S.

Sunclay school 10 a. m.


-MIS. L. M. i...oft spent theweek enel in St. Paul assisting iv

i the florist shop of members ofher family, MI'. anu Mrs. HerlllUr

I Elstel'lneir, •

1 P.M.



t a X


Atkinson, Nebraska

a~d H. C. MEADE'.' Burwell, Nebruska

A. H.

.Thursday. Jan. 31

Atkinson Livestock Market

Will Sell 42 Head Registered2·Year-Old

At The

Call Us for'Quick Relief


Half brothers, ~lbdt..lef stanwaj' breeding, sireu uy Curl~' ~lstanway.,. ,

Sianll a~" bj' TO Alh anee and Ho~ al LIllIH'ror.

Tril,le "U" brl'hling and 1 '\'Ili~ Chalkn!;t-r,

Lamplighter half brotht'rs Uj' LaIllplightn Jr.

"'l' think'that you \lilI ag ...·e \lith us t1ll1t hel'e is amJght~· fiut' offering of powerful joung bulls

in just good' bl'l'elUllg eondition.

EH~IL \n:LLI::H, At:(~TlO~EEH

Coft1stockMRS. RU'BY lllGGINS

Quiz Representative

'Sidestep incomepuzzles. Call us.

JANUARY 24"191)2'-'

Emil R. FafeitaW. F. Fafeita

Phone 170

--------------------- -:Io~ --- -------•.------

Mi. and 11rs. Russell Shanks' horne in Sargent and relurned 1and family were Sunday dinner home 110nda~" . . Iguests at the home of Mr. and Wednesday dinner guests at the IMrs, Bernard Brush and family home of Mr. anel Mrs, J. D. Rock, ,in Broken Bow. , hold were Darrell Na a b, who is on I

The annual meeting of the Doug- furlough from the navy, Mrs. Ivanlas Grove Ce m ete rv Assn, was Naab and Mrs, Mae Donahue ofheld at the City 'Phanl1acy last! Wood River and Mrs, R G. BrownT dav event t of Sargent.ues ay everung: Bert Ayres was, !II d M" W D GI' " . a dappointed to fill the vacancy on i, • r. an ,I:s. '.' ,aslel nthe bo d f t t . db! family and Mr. and MI s. Robert

ar 0 ~ I'US ce s, cause . y ,.....edbglek and son moved intothe (~eath of Gust Anderson..MISS I Comstock from Grand Island F'ri­Pauline , Zi:g:er, was ~PP.olnted day. The Glasier family moveds('cletaljitaa:su:tl to replace into the Maudie Smith house inMrs. R. 1. L:wI., .:, ,. the nort part of town arid the Ned-. Mr. and MIS, E. G, stone were balek family moved in the Con-In Grand Island Friday. ..' .M I ~1 E A H rad Lenst rorn house In the south

• r. am • rs,; " aynes were part of town.hosts to t.he Eve ning . Pinochle Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hunkins andc~tlb at their home Tuesday. eve- two children were in Sargent onrung followmg a 7 o'clock dinner Saturday, Miss Shirley Hunkinsa.t the Petet cafe. T~ble decora- had a dental appointment.hans were wood carvmgs of Mr. Mr. D. 1<'. Nordstrom, Mr. andH:yne:. High ~co~'es were •.held Mrs, Roy Alleman, Mr. Marvinb., MI" Glen ~eI:son and lirankRecldinD" ami Mr. Wm. HigginsVI5ek 1'1111 low scores \'~'ere ~eld were inb Loup CIty 1'hursciay. Thebl' Mrs. Anton Tvrdik and E. J, three men attended a dairy meet­Crawford. ing. Mrs. Alleman remained in

Guests at the home. of M!'s. Loup City to care for her mother~nna Tvrdi k last. Mon~lay. eve- Mrs. Lee Miller, who remains ill'.rung were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Donald Bart u and Gerald GriebelKotrc ,Of Sargent, Mr. find. Mrs. went to Hastings WednesdayFr ankle T~l dik and Donn..>" and wIle I'e the>' eniistcd in the navy.l\Us., V. I).pkac. " ..' Mi·. and Mr5.· Y. Krikac drove

~1r. and. ~1rs. Carl Llnk~ an.~ to Kearney Sunday and visitedt111eeclllldlen ,and .Mr, Lmke:s with Mr. Klikac's sister, Mrs. C.mother. ~1:1S. VlOla f'tnkf of n~ar D. Wai·drop. .~assett were Tue~day evel1lng Mr. and Mrs. John Mathesonguests. at, the. hOl11Q of. MI'. and and Cheryl of Hemingfol'd calledMrs, 1< ran!< 1{,lDK· at the Will, Higgins home Sunda.,.

.1\11', ftoy Al!~ma.,n and Carol Lee, forenoon.Mr. Forest Nelson and Mr. 'Vm. 'Hi agins fitten,dcd the sale in Onl Mrs. Geol'ge Sh~1;perd andSaturday a'nemoon, .. daughter, Barbara, VISlt~d Satur-

. day at th~ W. A. I{lrkpatrick:Mrs. Frankie Tvnlik and Mrs. home. '.

'Vm. ~irkpa,tricl~ wel'e visitors in Mr. and Mrs. Malon Granger·/?al·gent last Tuesdaj' aftemoon. are the PI;OUd parents of a 1%

Mr. and 1\.1Is. R. J. stone and pound baby daughter, Sandra Sue,Deborah 'we'1'e Sunday dinncr born Wednesday morning, Jan. 16,guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. at the Benson NUI':;ing home in~tone. Sargent.

The Rose Star club met at the Mr. antI MI·s. Anton TvrdikhOllle . of 1\1:1'5. Hall Sheppcrd on and Mrs. Franlde Tvnlik \vere inTuesclay aftenlOon. The afternoon Kearney Thursday. Mrs. Frank\vas ~peT\t socially,followinO' the Tvrdik receivcd a checkup at thebusiness meeting.' Lunch' wa; ser- state hospital, and l\fr. and Mrs,red. .. Anton TVI'dik visited at the home

Mrs. Emma Rousek, Mrs. Anna of MI'. and Mrs. Chas. Lewis.Tv nliJ" Mrs: Bill.:\1arsh and Miss 1MI'. and MI·s. John Matheson,Pa:lline Ziegler wen' Loup' City ~i,?key and Cheryl of Hemin(onl,vis\tors Tuesday afternoon. VISited over the weekcnd at the

Mr. anr! Mrs. Ricl1al'd Hall, Mrs. home of Mn;. Matheson's parents,George Wells and· MI's. Willis 111', and Mrs, H. C. Drake and'Veils were visitors in Loup City family..last Monday." Mrs. Ivan Hunkins and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Higgins of Het'sil Johnson entertained at aAtwood, Kans. and Mrs. 'Vm. HiD"- stork shower for Mrs. Max Hick­gins spent Frielay afternoon in Illan at the Hunkins home 'Ved­Sargent. . . , nesday aftel'l1oon, Jan 16.' Guests

.Friday evening unchcon and were !Mesdames D. F. Nordstrom,pinochle guests of l\fr. and Mrs. Paul Zocholl, Will. Kirkpatrick,'''m. Kirkpatrick were 'Mr. and Carman Ellersick, Cecil Burt, Mott1\1rs. GUbed'Stone~. Allen, Walter Coakley, Richard

The W. S. C. S. met Thursday Hall, Frankie Tv nli I" Jamie Rid­afternoon, Jan. 17 at the home. of cUe amI Willis \Yells. Prizes wcre.:\lrs. "TaiteI' Anderson with 12 lad- won by Dorothy Hidelle, .Marionies pr~scnt. 1\1rs. Ted Erikson and Tv nlik , Vivian Hall, Miriam Hick­Mrs. George Fretz wel'e visitors. man, Beulah Coakley and Dol"1\1rs, Ar).denion sencd lunch at the othy \Vells. Mrs. Hickman receiveqclose of the afternoon. many lovely g-ifts. 'I'he hostesses

Mrs. Malon Granger and infant served lunch.daughter, Sandra Sue were re- I .leas.cd hom tl)e' Benso'll Nursing I; '~lt:lIlOdht ('hllr('h-.-.---- -c----'-·-,·· ---~-..----',-....-,- -', '~ev, 1.1crle Zool" minister

Sunday ~cl1001 10 <;I.. m. ,.'E\:ening. worsllip 7:30 p. ni..


.I -









I 31'{II 2



i !








'\ ,



, "'ti '

\JANUARY 24, 195\

.' --,

Phone 95

. • ',I

';·SpecialRange" Cubes

40 % Protein .

Per Ton$95.00




Carload to 'Arrive \Saturday'­Provide aU the'mfner~1 nutrients for your livestockin easily digestable fo{m. .

More lhin,e.f&,lfg;'.yo1tr.'trioney. per, bag "" ... $4.00

,,' 'I • '.

Shorh'~ White Block Salt ., l,' . ' .

Linseed Meal" - 32% Dairy Feed;' :.,:... :Soy' Bean Range Cubes

. .. ~ " "----- --~-_._'.--------- " . ---~.-~ ~~.-~ .~-------

COAL-Carload Lump Co~1 .on Truck, • ,,: ,: .! \' .; ;' , '

. . . at Ord and North ~9UP" ':'..

Burwell Livestock MarketS"le Every FrIday .

, \. I •• '. ;."" i ;,

ThomCis. Cov~y &, Donn~r, ~~ctioneers

Speclel Black'Angus, Bull Sale

ThursdayI Jan. 24

Burwell Livestock Market24 Head of Extra Choice

, ~ .

Angus ~u~~s

All top' breedinC}. two years old and comingtwo years old. all extra good individuals. Allconsigned by Evergreen Stock Farm.

Also a good run of fat hogs and sows. Somebrood sows and boars 'and sevreal hundredhead of good thrifty' f~eder 'shoats.


Another good offering ~f sandhill stocker andfeeder cattle consisting of many Herefordstock cows. some yearling steers and heifers,several consignments of e~tra tjood qualityHereford steer and heifer calves; balance ofrun will cOI1Slsfof feedercoY(s. fat cows, sev.eral bulls. several he'adof milk cows and othercattle.' ' '. \ .

Several head of horses,I ..

Plan to ,attend these two sal~s at Burwell.Thursday the Black Angus Bull Sale and Fridaythe regular livestock auction., ,

, .

,All grain prices are higher as this is ~ritten, We

would like to bid on your corn. oats. rye. baBey or wheat.You can always obtain the hi~hest ml;lrket 'prices for yourgrai~ at our elevators at Ord an.d North L9up~, .

Wayne Fe~dsIt Pays to Feed the Best

• , ,~ ~. ..~." /.'.' >

For the greQtest production 'at,' th~ lowe~l co~t-rapidand cheap gains throu<;lh the use of Wayne Feeds. Car­load on track Sllhuday at Nor,th Loup. Next one at Ord.Get your supplies froll) off the car.. .

Pig and SOW Meal Egg Mash i.: (Tail Curler - Pellets or KrumsHog Supplement Chick St~rter

Sweet Mix Cattle-Calf Meal

Subi~ct to market changes" and stock on handwe offer feed at these prices:

. . ,'. '

All Mash Egg Mash ...........•••.••.•. $4.653.6Q5.955.851.054.205.405.10


Bran, per ba9.. . ......•.•. ,f' ••• f f f • f •

Wayne '34 % Poultry Concentrate .....•.Wayne Hog Balancer, per 100 lb. bag .••.Oyster Shell, Pilot Brand. per' bag. '.' •..•Sugarine Cattle Pellets.' per bag ..•.••••

) , , ",'Wayne Pig ~nd S~w ~e.al. per bag ...•••Soy Bean Meal, per bag. , .•• ; •.•.••••. ,..Gray Block Salt ....• 't:' .' ...•••••••••• I


ISchool Teachers Gather: Elba Bo"}is and Girls II

The meeting of lhe teachers of·. Beat North LoupValley county, both town and rur-al, i The Elba basketball team be ah~Icl Monday evening in the Oni INorth Loup Tuesday night 56 tlhIgh schoo.1 building', was a plea- 138, w1lh Gayle Sintek making 2sant occasion. Supper was served points for the wlnners and Duanby the rural teachers and a f'ilrn, Willough by leading the victim."Shortest Way Home." ",:as shown. with 13 points. In a companionThe time was spent SOCially. Bev- game the Elba girls volleybal\erly Brox is preside nt of the 01'- Iteam beat North Loup girls 35 to

I ganization. , . 29.. ' .' '; \I --.-.-----------------

. ~

Nitrogen ShortugeFor several months we have been telling you some­

thing about the Nitrogen Fertilizer' Shortage.' Some ofyo'u have been reading about it and have heard commentsover the radio: but many have felt that when summer ar­rives that there will be plenty of Nitrogen. The past weekwe attended a meeting of college men. fertilizer manu­aclurers, lertilizer distributors. retail dealers ahd f~rmers.All dealers were trying to buy Nitrogen anywhere theycould get it and some were bidding as mu.ch as $5.00 perton over our retail price. ".

One distributor wrote us that "We are short 1000 tonsof Ammonium Sulphate and 10..000 tons of AmmoniumNitrate."

Another writes. "We have had our 1951·1952 quotareduced 3000 tons:'

. Then another wrote "Since P-"l" :~9,okuW f9{; )9S,l-195~was s~t up we have had our bookmg r/dl1cea 700 tons.

One distributor. told 'us th~( l<;!,~J i ycar. ~he,Y received480 tons of./\,mmollium Nit,q..t~,.~ro~ Canaaa and thisyear they do not expect any frqm C:.anada. •

All mixers anq distrib§,to'~~'Q,re,hQvin~.'the sametrouble. And many must capcel o1.d~rs, that !pey hookedlasl fall with the retqil dealers: 1: ,;,

, f'~r many y'ecir~ '~e' have)een'told that Nitrogen Fer.tilizer was all that was need,~d ip Nebra~kp.,but the pasttwo years we ~re b~i~g urged tq: leU q~r 'Pirn1ersof theneed for Phosphat'e' Fertilizer as well. It is recommer1dedtho! thig be applied either as a straight lerlilizer or as amixed ferlilizer.

We just had a letter from a manulacturer of Ammon·ium Sulphate. which is a Nitrogen Fertilizer. and they donot mix fertilizer.' this manufacturer told us that he be­lieved that our farmers would raise more bushels of cornper acre if they would use a 16-16·0 fertilizer and plowit under than they would by using Ammonium Nitrate fora side dressing application. .

This just shows that the experiments that 'have beenconducted with Fertilizers are giving results that a fewyears ago were thought impossible.

. Here are some of Jhe cai)ots that we," ~a:ve :~6mingduring the next few months: ; ,,'.

Early in February. a car of 16·16-0.

Early in March. a 'car of '15-1 5,0 and 'IO-ZO~O"

Wa have thre.e cars of Ammonium Sulphat~ c6ming,cne in March, one in May, and one in June. " .

We believe all these bookings ar~ O.K., and will bedelivered as promised. A part' of each of these cars areunsold as this is written. We urge you to place your or­der now for fertilizer that you will need and do not haveon hand at this tim~. ., ,

At present we have on hand 16-16-0. 15-15-0. 10-20-0.21·0-0. and 0-46-0 and we can make immediate delivery.

We are planning a Fertilizer Mee~ing sometime thelatter part of February with a couple of speakers that arewell known in the fertilizer field. Watch for the dateand plan to attend..

Noll Seed Co.Onl. Xebr.


Call 424-RJ


.- --- ---- --.- ~~- ----~--~- -- - -~---------- ~-----'---

'Announcl;'S Its Offering for the Regular Weekly Sale

For SaturdayI .January 26'Our market last Saturday w.as a bit lower

on the cows b~t was stronger on the calves.yearling steers and heifers and also ,on all pigs.For this week the offering looks Iike-

O.ul Livestoc~Market

. I

':t:;~;,~~·~.3:~jI,HElf'D, OF CATTLE65 head of b4cket and suckling calves75.hecl~~,~f rrtjx,~'<t t"qrJings '16 head of 2~year.-old h~if,~rs .. ,30 bead Qfcutter t'oWs10 cows wfthctcalve,s'a.t ~i~~15 head of fat cows "8 he,c1d~f",i1kcows.2 you~g Here/ord bulls". - "2 regl$tered Angus bulls,' 1 coming 2 and the

other 3 years old: both are guaranteedbreeders and come from ranches of Valley


165 Head of Weanling Pigs and Feeder Shoats4 sows with pigs at side .10 piggy giltsSeveral boars

30'Head of Young ~red Ewes

6 Head of Farm Horses

If you have any st~e~~'60'0 to 750 Ibs. thatyou want to sell, bring them in. as we have anorder for same from an Illinois buyer.

Our Sale Saturday starts 12:45 Sharp

. Watch for Bills and Ads on These Sales:Jan. 29, Herbert Linke clean-up: Jan. 31, Clif­ford Goff sale of purebred hogs at our pavil­ion: Febr. 6. Frank John clean-up; Febr. 7. saleof Hal'ry Waller residence and 6 lots in NorthLoup; Febr. 14, Lydia Smith clean-up sale: Febr.20. Bert Huff clean-up sale. ' •

-'Asa & Wilma

!I_ .Anderson




Matinee at 2:30 P.M.


Starting ut 11:30 P.M.



• ; " • t ".! . ~ t • • • , .. •

'. r '

,> Friday. Saturday-January 25 and 26

Tuesday. January 29

<~ 'Czech All Talking Film• J


PAGE SIX... -- -'" - ~-------- .. _----_-----O. C-.- ~- __ .~.~-_-_~-- --<~~c~.~.--~-~~.~.~. ~-_--_;__-_--_--~----~

c:xCl:c:rJ::Jc=rr::lcxC:Xr.:1lJ::J Music Students E I t I Two Boys and a Girl, Ixpenmen In. Two baby boys arid a little girl i

G Alb- were born in the o-a Cooperative'o to 10,n County Government ~l~:~i~~~: during the week past.

Thi rty-Iour music students from To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Han-the Or,! high school went to AI- at 0rd Hlagh sen, Greeley, a son, GI'egory Dale,bion Friday where they attended weight 9 lb s., 2 3 , OZ., on Januarythe annual clinic held on Friday 20, Dr. M. E, Markley being the

Nebr and Satunlay. The J' remained over WJII ,Elect Students. physician.night. The trip was made by bus. tC t Off' To MI'. and Mrs. Emanuel J.Nearly 500 high school students 0 oun y lees Sedlacek, Arcadia, a son, Donaldfrom 16 schools attended the din- on January 29. James, on January 20, 1952, He Iic, this being the seventh annual! weighed 5 lb s. and 13 oz. Dr. R. 1choral clinic. Both day,S were d~-: "County Gove rmue nt " began its J. Lynn was the doctor: Mrs.voted largely .to practice, and 1l1! activities in Ord high school Jan. Sedlacek and baby have been dis. Ithe lust evc~lllg a ,c<;>ncert was i22, With the primary elections. charged.held. At 3 a e.lock l' riday arter- IThe elections w ere under the stu- To Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ur­noon, a I'eneab?n pel iod was h:ld .dent 'council while the American banovsky, Ord, a daughter, Kath­under th~ auspices of the Albion .histoi y classes ser ve d on the count- erine Ann, on January 17,' 1952.Commercial club and the Albion ing board and various other stu- She weighed 5 lb s., 13 OZ., and thestudent ~O:lllcll:. Idents helped on the election boa rd, f doctor was Dr, I<~. A. Barta. ~!rs. i AB.\XDO:'\ED B;\BY • : . Xurse

The clinic di rector. was P.obcrt I These candidates were nomin- IUibanovsky and baby' have been, at New York foundling hospital~lcCowen, vocal mUSIC inst ructor: ated at the primary election: Idischarged. 'I holds baby that W,lS found in a

'at we~t'em Illinois State COlleg~: County Judge, .--- (on:poli.tical) --I ,Mrs. Lyle. I<'oth, and baby, who coin locker In ;\lacy's de pa rtme ntat Macomb, Ill. , Duane Wolfe, l<loyd Wozniak. Iwere cared' for last week were store. WI/man shopper heard ln-

The schools that took part \VCl~' Count.y supt.--· (non-political) -- patients of Dr. C, J. Mi.lJ,t'r. fanl's crlcs,Albion, Battle Cret'l<, BUIWell, Rodney Nelson Emilie Laursen. ~_____ _ . _Crei?hton, ~lgin, Fullerton, Genoa, County treas~ll'er- Nationalist, I' H • I~!al~son. Norfolk, sacred He~!'t ¥ercdilh Brox ; Federalist, ~Iel" os pIta .Report . Taylor Banker.Iof NOI folk, Ord, Osceola, St. F.d- rill Mason. . DaITellI<'lsh. a pa bent of 01'.ward, Spalding Academy and Til- County nttomey.- Nationalist, Barta, has been transf'e rred to an p. D.den. ' Keith Cool<; Fe<icl'alist, Kalen Omaha hosiptal. loneer les

The Ord mixed chorus was used, Smets, A surgical pa tient of Dr. Ma rk- I •in the, Fl'idaJ' afternoon wOl'k-



County Sheriff, -:- Nationalist, ley, Mrs. R: W. Toogoocl. S,:otia.; Robert Pete I' Rusho, 75,. Taylorshop, . . , Hal Mason'; Yedc'l~lIl;;t Dean Ach- h.as been dischar ged. Other pa· Ibanker, died Sunday evening. He

Practice fer thIs clml? was I' en. ,\, \ ;. 'I I . bents o~ the .same doctor- f~r SU!'· Iis survived by his 'wife and twostarted a week before Christmas. I 'County a.'isessQr - Nationalist, gery, stlll belllg- cared for In the, children.Selections present were "Vanka, Pat Melia. ", hos pit al are ~1'·s. Alma valas,e~'1 He was born Sept. 1, 1876 atTanka," and "Ave ~!al'ie .stella."! COLlnty'cr~rk·-·~ationalist;Gold- North .Loup, and\ .Mrs. Philip Ft. Hartsuff, the son of JosephThe songs fOI' the massed group' lie ElsJ1of; Federalist, Belly, Iwan- Mrsny, Jr., IRusho,' first treasurer of Loup iconcert were. "Loch Lomond, ski. JA m~dlcal patl~nt of Dr. county He was educated In an I"S?on A.. h \YjY ..,B.e Ro,ne~':. ;,'.'kIan~: ! Jrh~' general elections will be Weekes \s, },~rs '. ~ta,l'1: "Cr, ~u.eh, q: ielem,elA(\rJ' SCl:1001, in a log houseIUJa~,". "PI~l;sc'. Ye. the LO.I·d",IflelclTut'sday, !:In. 2fl, with the M,l lbllIll.. Chff'ol d .1'IJ,l'\n .~>; a ,~\.lF, !'lV'~rTll,lor l~is p~nm~;; had come:'Let, ...A,I\ Nat~.o,n'i. )h..a.IS~ the,.L~.rd,:. Whale. Stll.de.l\t b..OdY casti~g ball,ots glcal P, ~t,lent ?7. the s?,me, doct,o;",I'~9 .the,.1-9l1p r.lyc,.I·, lq,187( ,and, were"Agnus ))('j, \.,~O l,.a{p1) of QoLl) 11'01' the cand;Llates of thelI' chOIce. Anoth('l :<Ulg cftl .pahent of D.. the fIrst settlCl's III the '1aylorancl"Oi<,l A.'ol';11ianl13ro\vn.'" j _~ . . Iwrckes was &lwm yolf of,Bur- vlilnity," : :'!. ,,:;. ,

Those' 1'11)0 ·.niAGe' tIle 'trip' ~'ere'I' _ well, who has bern dlscharg~d:_,In 1905' Mr l{usho took a con-sopran,oij,' lOl'l'ai ne pUl\1'lplJetp., 4 Valley Counhans IJohn Long, a surgical pahent l 11' .' t' . t· h 13 I fFdwal'cls' A~;'ol S{j.Llckn~a~" P, a,'~' i . . of DI·. Lynn has been dlocharged, 1'9 11ng l.ndel·~,§ .. 1~ t e

l•fnf~ 0

l~lc\a'W'ozHia:l<f' Gel~:iicline Lang:e, 0" h M k t also a medical patient of lhe sAnle 1,'f~,or ,\1:11 .:w~s R,r~~ :,enII

I'~)~l,. '". ..' .... , 0" ma a ar e doctor, ~1rs, H. Behrends, 1:130 until .l~~ent ;)e.... r". e a:"oNOlln;l!....Sp~I\'n"'" ·,J1lIJ,~s.IQFrSkll ,. 'II'S M'liIcl~ Konoleski Ii m.eel- h~d'.r"t~llfilye lanll ancl cattle rn-Huth 91lq ~rl:H'on H\'l~tlnp ~'lI'Y .n •• ...... , , :r ".. l'

1 SO (T . 1) Thomps-O~~'n'n~i"fvll'joe·St()~Ven.'.1 Fat cattle and hogs r..t:onday at ie-al patiez;t of ~I" Osentows~i'jt~rfst~( ~l .(;~IL_"") ',.' .. ,Admission: Children 2Sc. Studenls 40c. Adu ts c ax me. .. .'.'" (" ';j, ".~i. I' ".W f I ..... 't- ,O.,n\~ha 591d stNdy to 2",c off. f~t has been dISCha,rg~:cl,a.nd,a. s!Jl'~lc'l J '.,',." ~~1,tI}l) ,Ta,}'l~r..,a~. 1m hfc..

. . .... , Altos.· .A'm~lla: .."~,,,'U.stll. Cltal . I lambs GOc lower. Almour' bougnt al pati~nt of Dr. BlesslIlg, Mrs. I _j , .._~_r:._._. __~__.-----,-~~- ----- -~------- --------~ ------------- £'ne B.,I~SSlllg, ~~I·t;le.,}\.1t1l1~,.~t~~ I c.a~tl~ only fol' shipping and, was Kennet~ Timn,'JeI'm~n_ ha,i. ,~L~Q. PQ"'.' IW .l....t Ad

Iwan.o;kl, Lonallle ~Sl~h.l Jea~lrtel,l()ut of t.he hog amI shet'p markets, been dlscharg-eo. . .', I" UI¥ . aU 5. Sunday. Monday-Jal1uary 27 and 28 Lango'_ Donna ~t. John, Mal'l'lane because continuing uiffic.:ulti£'s ._-_______ .,C:n,l.~tel·, COl'a Lee B,;ul.,11 alld ~1::lr- I' wiOI the ~.I.O. Pa(kingho~lse S'lver Cre,ek T'akes Too I.attf to Classifygal'd MUllcy. . , Worker:;' unIon leu to SU,5penSlOll .I. , . ".

Tenors: George Lange,' NOllllan 'of slaughter in the Omaha plant County Cage Crown ,-:--:-.Walker, Keith Cook, Hel'llian Ka- I F'riuay. Qthel' !'llajol' packel's at .' .• WA~"lTl<..D,- Saw .flhng,. se,tt~ng andpustka, Keilh Hobin.son ancl Jim I Omaha Monday n,pol'Leu nomlal The, Centlal C:.lty }{epubhlan I le·toollllng. Old l-Iald\\ale.D th·t .' , . operatons but stll face.,u the haz-.I says the follOWIng .about the I . t3-2tp

ou I . f 'lk t . U- r t those basketball team of SIlver Creel< ,_~ . __Basses: Hany Dubas. LeRoy af~h0 ~va., ~U t~\' slm. t~reeoweeks high school coached by Kenneth I }<'OH SA,LE-Ilnproved 320 acre

Iwanski, Duane Wolfe, Francis 0 B r: e;lo l Sh~eO,I.tee '. ami Shibata, son of Mrs. Helen Kokes farll}. 180 acres of pasture and2abloudiJ, Erland Laursen, Arvin ea~in ~·,~t~:fda I ~t IOmaha of ,Ord. ' , ' . ". balance' in cultiyation. NorUIBredthauer, Hussell Clement and h'l f $31 OO-$~ 00 13 e ttl.' r 'Coach l<:enneth Shibata s and east of OI'cI m hal'll ground.Meredith Brox. s~~~r~ 1 n the' long '-';'e;rling OI'uer I "Kre~I.,ete;rs" swepl thrQugh the E. B. \Veel,es A&en_cy. t3.-.tic--~--- -~--"----------------~'---' scored 136.~~ an? $36'F A $37~OO' ~~Ig~~tr;r;f;ih i~J~~:;;~~~tla~f i~~R--SAL:B-Abol;t-SOO bushels of

top was paId fO,r ~I:m~-fat Ne- week. T!)e starting !Ive of Silyer Ieaz' com. Vernon Wllliams--07,11,bra~ka-fed An,gu:s \HI~lllJ1g 1138 i CI'eek, which averaged 5' 7" poured: North Lou}). ,. t3-ltcPlam s~ortfeds sold do\\ n to $21.00~ in a toul'llament total of 93 points ~ ...__.~ _o~~. ~eau under. that. ~teel~ to cop the coveted trophy," -Challes Mayo and uaughter,\Hlghlllg 1400 bl:,ught. $3~.?0, --~---_~_.______ Ruth wel'e dinner guests of MI'.1300-poundel's $34.,-,0, and 1200- -Mr. and Mrs. John Bora and ancl Mi·s. Melvin Clement Sunday.poun<.jers $35.50. . ,< IMr. and MI·S. H~I'oId Klinginsmith Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes and

Sev~ral Valley county S~I?P':IS anu Kathy called on Mr. and Mrs. family were supper guests of MI'.wer~ III the market, the list Ill- Adam Augwslyn Sunday eyening. and ¥rs, Clement.c1uJlllg: ,.----~. • '--,.--.-~c----_.-.,. ~_-o ' •

Emil Bonne, 88 hogs, wt. 263,$16.35. .', -i

Walter J. Holmes, 48 hogs, \\'t,

225, $17.50. ,:Henry Langr, 20 hogs, wt. 29~,

$16.25. ]Joseph BOOIH', 22 hogs, wt. 339,


;nldiu"9%?.&~e«'1'(~ .

f·~'. mJlC6em if!'>' • • JEA 1'; EllE i'\0 I.\i'\ ROIiun'",; \\ \II. .., r""~~~!~~~{ij~ft~~hi~f.~~Bfi;i~~~~,:;~~·l;[~I;.~(;~{~~J;:i.:~,i:i~~i}h;~;,\I.I::i~~:_.)•.•••• Admis~ion: 14c and SOc (tax' included)

=:1.1::1d":r:::tc:I:E::(CIr.=IJ:.ICI~~.~--~---~ --- -~- "- ...!. : -~ - ----~-

Seal'~o.ney Lagging 1 Aged Sister Br~aks HipAlthou"h Christmas is past a' \V. H. 13al'llald was called to

month, l1~ol1ey for th<l Heel Crus~ I Lovilia, la, Sunday, having' re­Chrbtmas Seals is still Llribl)ling ceived a message that his sister ofin. Miss Helzer, who was chair- I that placc, who. is Eli years old, Ira1 ,man fOl' the s&le this year, le-. broken her hlp. Ml'. and 1\[1 s, 'POlts that up to Llate, $68300 was I Dalllard's son, Velllc" of Burwell. Itaken in th.is year in contra:st to; toyl< them both to Lmcoln the I$787.00.fo1' last year. Some 25 01' samc ll~y and M:. Balll,ncl \~'el1~ I30 ennlopts of stamps c,am€' bac!< I to Lo~nlla. 1\-11 s. Darn~l'Ll It'l\131net! Iand scveral (l1velopes are Ullac, m Lllle01n \\'1th thcll' daughter,(;O\;jlt(d for. 2,100 cnvclopes wele :lIIs. Malvin Kizer, anLl family,scnt out an'1 this ycar 1800, or 300, . ..: ._less. The rt'j1oI1 \\ ~ll be given in __•• ••_ ..full in~l~~h. I -Quiz Want Ads Get Result& I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l'~

Wednesday. January 30

, .

If you've been fightingdust fro m an old- fash­ioned heating system,you'll be thrilled by thedean, dirt-free, dust-treefiltcn:d heat provided byNatural Gas. This mod­ern Natural Gas furnacedcli\'CI S S11\ 0 0 t h, e en;;· ::::.,/-::::- ,,':,..:.....-

~:...:.:.: :;-.::-::.

warmth into evcrv room "~~~4:::._• . • provides adclluate,' . .' ----.~.

ple .sant humidity. No shoveling .•• no ashes! A flick I

of the switch and your furnace chores arc over. .


v ••

, \

• • •

1>, "Read by 3,476 Families 'Every





Regio.n·s Big Newspaper

',','-.',., .. . .

'-. . ... . .

The Loup Valley

Quiz Represen~ative


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. IBou~~ senior stewa~; H. A.!Kinsey, treasurer; A. C. Bellingcr, Ijunior steward' Percy Doc SC(Te-tary anti G€ne 'H3stlng-s, Tyler. .

E.stabli,shed April. 1882



Now. :. while there's lotsof "inter still ahead .••start SA VI NG on yourbill by installing NaturalGas Heat.Sec your dealer or visitthe Kan sas-Ne br a sk aoffice this week. Get thefacts on the BT)'unt orMueller heating system

.hats exactly riuht for your horne. For clean, 'comfort-able, thrifty he:t, you can't beat Natural Gas!

< \ • ".

For Dependable GAS SenJlce, '




, ,

. .'


-they save you-from the wear al~d lear of tho road!. --- , " J.

Sec jour U. s. l~ojal Dealer TOV,\Y {or winter safety-«'. for added F'US of coinlort and vrotcctlolll .

,', ~ . ~,



"sot. SOf1tR RiotI Absorb lhe rood• So /0 d t C\anion 011 rood Ihock Gnd

01 0\1 spee I.vibralion!' >

• tASY SlURING! Exduslve A~ra~i~:$leer.Easy Treadl maklJ all (CIlI

handle and park! . .. I



5 tAT E

• liARS OF MIUAGE! Run cooler 01 a~yf Ihems<:lvu In

speed-lOll longer-payore)(.lIo Vletid

• ALL-S1ASON SAFE1V1No exceu "I01Y"rubber to build up danger~uI heall Grealersafely 12 monlhs a yearl . .





For your oWn car's tire replacement nO,w!~. "




Ivery' neW' car built since 1941 models shows the far­reaching benefit of these tires! New riding and drivill&gerfonnance-new protection for car arid passengers!

Exactly designed to every detail and dimension of everycar Sill120 1917 models-these arc tho replacement tire".demanded for added yea~ of Air Hide cOlllfort alld securitY rMako no nibtake! These are the only Air Hide tires! They

.absorb the road in silence at any speo(l~'rhey re8toJ:e andmaintain the 25~~ softer ride (for which your car wasdesigned). They save every bolt, nut and joint of your car



~TIRES!·lorl8yiIilstcAiJicgmltAe linestofhewCt1IS! .

Exactly designed for every' car built since 1941 mO~I~I~t',~ .·1 .i i~~' "3 :~

This' Is Your BlueGrass Year




Own Your Own Headersand Increase YOUf ProHI,for inlonnation and PriceList Write

Armstrong·CarsonManufacturing Co.

Maryville, MQ,. 40-4tc

---_. ~-----~--.--_':"-

---~~........------- ----~_._---~

Preaches in 'Omgho,~ ..

I Rev, Euge'ne Olson went to Oma-'ha , 8atutday where he pr"CaChe,d.:011 Sunday at the South Side BaI;l­ti.st church. In accordance with the:plan' by. which there was a gen- I

eral, exchange Of speakers in Bap­tist churches of the disl rict, theOrd Baptist church speaker wasRev, Glen Smith of Greeley, Colo.,Three other Colorado speakersspoke in \Nebl"aska churches thesame day.

Serve$ Smorgasbordto Burweil Wranglers

'¥r:S. 'Asa Anderson of Harmonv .House, the :orlginator of one of I

the new ' bllSIIH'SS . enterprise's in .. ,.Ord, served the members of tilt)

Wrangler.> club 9.! Burwell andtheir wives Wednesday evening InBurwell. By request they were'given smorgasbord and 140 wereserved. Mrs. Anderson preparedanti served 35 diftel'ent kinds offood, conslsting of meat, salads,breads, cheeses, pickles, relishes,with fruit and cockles for dessert, ;and other food. The members andtheir guests were served from 8:o'clock 'until 11 o'clock and could,come to the tables for food as i

often as they desired. IMrs. Anderson was assisted by I'

her daughter, Sandra, w'ho hadcharge of the coffee. Other helper-s I

were 86 high school g'irls who arc :int!1e. Horne }<~, department and I

who worked In shifts of an hour I

each, f01'whl<:h they received'school. credit, Mrs. Anderson said I

~he:>: were fine help. . I .,Bm-go was played during the .

evening'. Each wor)la~ was given II

a lovely rose {or a gift, and Mrs.IAnderson received a larger bou-Iquet., "

. -'-....... -._-,,-.-------_._---_.- ..

" >-


15 different American stock automo~iies-l;quip-. pcd as you buy them-e-were driven by Motor'

Trend Magazine as hard as steel and rubber canbe driven. I n 'these actual road tests of efficiencyand performance, measured by the most accurateinstruments obtainable, Chrysler proved itselfsuperior to all others, In 13 tests Chrysler wasfirst in 7-tied in 2, making a total of 9 out of 13. , " and first in total points!

Only by taking an ,engine to the limit of its poten­tial, only by turning the corners at high speeds,applying brakes' (or emergency slops, torturingbody, springs and shock absorbers, can you learnjust what performance you can expect from themake of car ;>"01.1 drive, The results ot the MotorTrend tests were conclusive • , • as Chrysler,again, pro've~ itself the one best car i~ America'.

-!fh~ Motor Trend Award, like p~meroul3 otherhonors tqday's Chr;>'sler has \VOIl, Is both a proofof and a tribute to Chrysler's, magnificent Fire­Power engine and master ellgineerin~,Each dem­onstrates why, among men and women who knolVautomobiles ... Chrysler is alwu)'s the fi{sl chQice.

Motor ·Co.-Ord.

• • •


CHRYSLERfinest enQtneered cars in the world

*Averoge Broking Distance in Feel

*Ton Miles per Gcllon*Averoge Acceleralion in Seconds*Acce';;a;ion Over Standing 114 Mile ln Seconds

*Averog.e Top Speed in M.P.H.*Mo,w,imum Rood Horsepower* Fovnds pe*r Rood Horsepcwer.,*Ma,ll,imum Torqve in lbs..Fl.

* MQ~imum Brak~ Meon Effective Frenura

* firsl in Tola1Points

all other

In the Grinding Tests that Won ifthe Motor Trend Magazine Award,Chry'~Jer proved itself the BestEngineered Car in America

~.~ .."


'. .


For· Outperforming

,. I ,I I i

' .. , .. • .- '.. " • ., .. • • .... .. ... # • , ••



;- }.A( l'fll,:~=::~I :">~)-~ .,'::J J,,~,

Good Weatherin Yakima


Mr. and NIrs, I-IenryVodehnaltheir sons and daughters are holdinq open house on

Sunday, Ja!luary 27from 2 to 5 P.M. at the Bohemian Hall

followed by a covered dish supper at 6 o'clockHelctivesxmd friends are invited to ctlend withouta formed invitation. -No gifts please.

Attention!, .

Farmers & Stockmen • • •

A representative of theBroken Bow ProductionCredit association will beat the National FarmLoan office in Old on the



Nebraska State Bank: Clerk.'



Sweep12-foot rake3-section harrowHay rack. si'eel gearSome household goods.

7T "'0 tmr pmrT

Machineryl ?42 Ford tractor. starter and lightsFord plow wJt~ mulcher attachmentford cultivatorDisc


-t: . Personal PropertyI


1 redcew, 6 years old. to freshen In March.1 spotted cow. 3 years old. milking now. freshen in April

1 yearling heifer .4 head of hogs50 White Rock chickens

Starting at 1 e'eleek P. M.

Wednesday, January 30th

Terms on personal propedy. cash.

. This farm lies one mile west .of Ord. Neb ra~ka. on a graveled road and is I~gally de­scrlbed as the S'll of SW'/4. Seeflen 20. Tewn shlp 19. Range 14. and known as the old Chas.Benn plece, '. . '.,' ,:

The improvements consist of a nine-room house. with the REA lights and n~tural gas lin~:running by the door. Barn 24x28. with lean-to shed. chicken house. hog house. Chinese elm'grove on north. Place is all fenced and cross fenced with 30 acres of good CJrassland pas,;"ture. Nine acres of alfalfa. Rest of farm cultiva ted land and farm buildings. ' :.::

This is a~ ideal place for someone who wo uld like to semi-retire near Ord. The plac~ ~illcarry a $3000 I~an. , .

Terms on real estate: 25% down day of sa le , bala~ce March 1. 1'952.'whe~ ltl~rch(1n'''abl~~bstract of title will be CJiven .

As I am moving to Colorado I will sell my 80 acre farm and personal property at auction1 mile wesf of Ord on . ','

B~nry.Larsen,Bruce Covey, Auctioneer

tmT' nnnmlt=rrrXMm---=

Among my fil'~t letters of theyear was on" from V. S. l:o'itzlJat~

lick of SeilJcrt, Colo, who hap-pHIS to 1:;,(' a t~C1ch.;1' of music a~ lr..IiIi••UIillIlfi.IIiI.M•••••IlIIiI:I.~IilI H••••IIII .,

Ord. Nebr.


BE SUREC;@~j'tlU'%JIt'I#,tW!?/R&


~~&~.?'(J~c/~/. NI~w52

ro "d. . .:mt~iJ IIC(J/~'O'i(J((,v Ili(Jllf}/.' ,.//e' l/i((1jI llit',v6Itr/J

\Vlll::~ YUU come in to sec the cxcit- filld features th,lt make drh iug easier,ir," new '52 Dodae . ; , jud"c it the safer, more cconomlcal ... value that

lle\V"Show lJoIVa'? \Va)'. You\'ll see in protects your im:e"tnll'llt and <Hlds to theLI,,(k and white ll~w lJodge ,:omp,ues prkle a!"l prt:stige of Dodge owlie!ship.

featUle-Ly-ft:ature WIth cars costmg hU11- Here s the sensible way Jo choose adrcds of dollars more. new car , .. to end all guesswork and

Or,e after tIle other you can check the gamble! :\h.lt's more, the proof is frc~.pel [u;lll,lflce, cOlnfLJ~t <,nd ecollomy of t~e So cOlll~;n today ,md ;:~mp,ue tl.e ~ea~ti.new 52 Dodge agam"t other ears. You 11 lul new ;J2lJoc1gc the Show Down \\ a~,

S,pe'irkctions cr.d Equipment Subiod 10 .Chgnge WilholJf Notice


137 N. 17th St.


; ..


Neel-BechkerRites Held

4.Piskorski SonsNow in Service

I 'essary for opening an extensivemanufacturing establishment.

As might 00 expected, localnewspaper editors were generousin their praise of the local wagonmanufacturers and blacksmiths.The editor of the Nebraska "Ad­vert ise r" at Brownville, for ex­ample, \VD.'> fullsome in his praiseof 3. buggy ma nuf'aci ured there in18GO. After taking :;l. ride in one ofthe new buggIes, the editor usedsuch WQI'ds in his description as"beauty, taste, strength, duribility,light, and noise lesz."

Notes From WisconsinMr. and Mrs. E, Rahlmeyer are

two fl'iend,,; who, though theyhave 1110Vt'U to Prairie Du Sac.Wis. still remember the f rie nds illNebraska, "I'm enclosing a checkfor the SUbscription to the Quiz asit holds a warm spot in our hearts.We think it is a very interestingcounty paper. \Ve are quite welland !ire having a rather mildwinter." '

RESIDENCE PROPERTY6 Irrigated Lots, at

PUBLIC AUCTIONA well built 1 loom house. city' water and lights in North

Loup. Tract is well located in e<;istern part, 9f village.

Thursday. February 7

Surprise Birthday ParfyMrs. Albert Volf was given a

surprise party Sunday evening, theoccasion being he!' birthday. The I

guests broug,ht covered dishes for I'

the supper which was enjoyed by ,all. Cards were played for en- 'tert auuuent. Gue~ts we re MI'. and jl

Mrs. John Volf and son, Mr. andMIS, Stanley Swanek, MI'. andMrs. A. RadiI, !\Ir, and MI':O.John Galka, and Mr. ant! Mrs.Bolish Kapustka,

The wise man uses awell-rounded plan­with insurance cover­ing long term needs.Call us for carefullyplans.

D. Ee TROYER, Representative, Equitable Life

Assurance Co. of New YorkPhones 131 and 265 Ord. Nebr.




\, .

,- ,




No Discounts



Low Down Paytnel1. - ~asy Ternfs


No Trades

• First quality plastic tops .Resists acids, heat, alcohol. scratches

.Triple plated chrome chairs and table legsCannot peel or scratch

• Plastic tips on chair and table legs'Cannot make black marks on your 4100r

• Choice of color, any chair with any table

• 'Chairs have, theslipoon' back, clomp-en seats.·" No screws. 110 bolts

Check These Features:

Regutar 99.95.While Stock Lasts


Chrome Dinette$'." " . • ••:... '. " .. ~,' I ".

, J'.' ,( J, ',1We were fO,rtun.ate enough to bring at least one true v'alue Ahome from the market. The famous Douglas chrome dinette:. ;JWe can offer these sets in practically any color you desire, ;ipedestal or four leg type. Yellow, red, green, gray with P'9tch- ,ing or contrasting aprons. Two-tone chairs or all o'rte color. ..~

MarketSpec,ial~ , .." .' . ': , ..

-Ringlcin Drug Store

Ord. Nebr.







IIIIililI'ii,II:'III, i

III, TIll ce of her sons are mal rlcd ~


I anti t hef r Ia m i lie a consist of girL:!.'I ),lls. Butts has a little boy. And

.Mr~ .. Piskor:;ld atld:<. "Girls aren't I

Idrafted yet."

l I 1\11', Piskorsk! was in the U. S,

III11 1aimy in \Vol'lJ wa; I arid was: l st at ioned for a time i.1 Siberia.

I: " ., I '. ---,,- --- , .. _-

III "Adult FellowshipIi I Membcis of the AJuit Fellow­il ship group of the ~Itthotlist chui C!l II i enjoyed a spccia l pr0glam at their III r eg ula r meeting SunJay evening'. i!! The plugl am arranged by Jay IIi Auble, was ent it lcd "A Tl'ip Be,:Ii hind the Iron Cu rt a in" and during:I: the evening E~lglantl, China arid ,

I: Ru~sia wcre visited in proxy anti :,I comp.rred with America. Be;-'II side a gene!" I good t iruo with con- I

IItests and a long trip "unde r-' '

I g round." a timely lesson was:,ll leul'l1OU by' all present. Lunch of I

IIrolls arid corrce was sel vcd, III!'.. I

and l\1!'s. Hollin D,)"" Mr, anJ l\Jrs. II Kenneth Leach awl MI'. and MI''1. I

I, ¥orWil1C~lnn_li11S _b~:ng _t~c _~~SJs, I

I ,~~;,~,~""""",~" ..,~,;~"" IIi '0 .I~c::: 5l(~._:.zJI '

II .LI..&1)icC P.'~!IIT/~$~ 1F[ff[fl

II TUSSY :It:-~r '~I

' w~oWINO & WEATHER .: .nd

i lOTION •I legulor $1 ,j"!I uuw50¢I large $2 size

III $1I now


. 125-gallon tankIron boiler

2 Holstein heifers, freshen next summer3 calves, Gmonths old '5 head of cuttle, 3 steers, a heifer and a cow thct hay?

been on feed GO days "

Poultry equipment, feeders. waterersShop tools, forks, wrenches. anvil, etc.New 16-foot plcnksfeed bunks2 sets of stobilizers for Fordford draw bar for picker325 copcclty oil brooder stove50-foot endless. rubber beltSome lumber, angle iron and wuler pipeHog pcnclsLialer-dcrnmcr. lit any lister

\Set canning shelvesNew Perfection 2-hole oil burnerCopper boiler ,.410 shotgun, 3 inch, bolt action repeater.22 fflecial slido action repeating rille

.Fe~d3000 bushels of 19S1 ear corn in pile

MachineryMcCormick-Deering high lift stacker, good conditionMcConnick-Deering 7-foot mower, heavy dutyMcCormick-Deering la-foot power' binder1·foot Emerson drill with seeder attachment3-section harrowWagon, steel gear, with scoop boardWagon, rubber-tired gear, with scoop board16-fool hay rack on rubber

Household Goods


Sale Storts af' 12:30 o'clock.

Fuel Barrels} 2 15-gallon barrels

4 lO-gallon cream Cans

10 Head of Cattle

St. John's Lutlleran Ladies Will Serve Lunch

TuesdayI' Jan. 292 Holstein cows, 1d years oldHolstein cow, 9 years oldBlack whiteface cow, coming 3Black whiteface cow, coming 4

Porcelain enamel coed-weed rangeWhlte fold· up tableCupboard .Bookcase combination with desk, drawers. mirror and

glass doors

SO hags of MOQr~an's Hog Mineral "400 bushels of 1951 ear corn in crib

\ ,

I will hold a safe of personal properly on tho farm knoWli as tho Fred Jackman farm, 3 miles norlh of tho Meth-

odist church cornor in North Loup. or one mile north, t mile east of the District 42 school house, on

TERMS: CASH. Ii credit is desired, mcke arrangements with your banker before sale. No properly to be remov-'ed until seUled for.

,4 SO-gallon barrels30-gallon barrel

"1951 Blue Line. Fertilizer with Ford attachment. used on60 ceres and repaired .

Pair tractor chains for FordSwl119 drawbar Ior Fordf:as~:Ride trcctor seatS~lf f?~nking tonk heaterElectric pump jack with all weather cap. motor. complete

with wires and outside connectionFord pulleySet notched rolling cutlers for Ford plowMcCormick-Deering No. 3 crecrn separator

12-foot McOeering disc. good bladesFord lister-cultivator, 1 year old1931 Ford coupe1951 ford tractor, GOO hours on meterFord-Ferquson listerFord-Ferquson cultivator1950 Ford-Dearborn plow1949 Ford-Dearborn corn picker

,Jo,hn Deore manure spreader

II He__bert Linke,III Cummins, Burdick & Cununins, A~ctioneers ',' First National Bank in Ord, Clerk

III ===-,II~_=--_~="__ -_-,_=,, __-__,__,,, =-~--_--"----------~'=---=-=c~=-=-cc-~:::'__-- -=,-=--c~cc=-'~-=c----""--=--~c=::='~c'_-==_=---- ',-=-.;.::=:-.-=.:::.=:.~.:..-~===---==--~:::.-==-=:~~=-=:=::-=~-:=~-::::-~::.::.. :::..-=.:.-_.-=-:..=..:.:~~"_;- ... _.._.-=-=----=__-_------.::::_-~..:._=...:.:..==_~" _~ _=-==-=.=::~~~-=-...:-_-._.::.._.5:.=:= :=-~~-:~-:==~ =-~-





Presented By


High SchoolD~partment


:'.fcc1 tTw mll\t /' ''If 'ful "K II~' (' r;"gil/c orrlsmv' q"s l't rr uudl!.\l (VI', (lIe all'nn' ,\illd) TiS"I-a. (tlun,p:l 'of {jIle,c~r

J", i;;11 - :l (;1(1"'(! lJ,·juII. tlI(' otll-.>tiulill uew altivn-. (ar-Old-UI"LrI,"; SUI" r "~~" fur 19:)2: lJvth IHiug you tho160 hur". \,v",r "l{vd..( C'! Bulh f"alut~ OlJelllobil<'·s uc~"

il) IIIa, \ Ltl ,,-:3\. I" r D, i \ C* II ith i1' (Ill illi",; lit'\\' Suya Ibll &efor 'l'"tJlul1r .1Lliu,l~ ButJ. "tT, r nell G\llI) Jr.llllic Steer,iug*-and au CHU ellluutLer "l\utln l\i,I~"! ,\IIJ, h (UidUl.lglJi(L(.:Ull I1C\\' l\\illd) ~L';bhl, OlJvdloLile ath:c, \.'3 a U~\,·

hi:;h ill tiuc-':Jr dc .... i~ll. '\..S"llpi 19 H(:W t"luug tuuk" out8idf~

Xcw "Cu,(vnI,L,~ulI:;t)" iulLliul,-lLc Uucet )0u\e nerHtll! Iht,c L,illi"'lt ncw "l\vcl-et'· O\d.U1<)!>lk5 fl)r l')~~

are I~J\~ on <'l'cti.t1 tli,,-pla) ir} uur "bU'~I.oOlll! Sfc themloda!!\ s

,Swing BandMonologuesPantomimesBarbary FO\.lr.Novelty SkitsMusical ComedyDancing

THE F 0 L L O,W ~ t~ G

Ord. Nebr.



Ord High Auditorium






To th(. mallY fl'lencls\\ho ha\e helpld In any\\ ay aI'd for all thethings yuu blUughtSlllCe I fell alld blukemy arm. I wish to sayth,mk )'Oll, Ot,e amI all-- MIS. l<'lanl< :-'1ulljgdll

Card of Thanks

II Admi~'SioIl: GOe. 30e, IOeI -J'...::=:=..:= --_~_===:.o.,::;::~===_:__=-_.=- .;::0 _=~:::c-=-=- - _~=_:;..-=_=_~==:::-::.__=_




Ord, Nobr.


"'us' Remernberto Make RegularSavings Deposits

" '

• ,I

\ ... )

We Have Grown by Helping Others Grow


Smart man, for savin<;;rs are something everyone

should remember to set aside. A little depo.sited

regularly rapidly totals up to a substantial

amount. q nest egg for the good things in life

we ;vaut. Make it your job, too, Star! today,

Ord. Nebraska

C. J. Morte~scn< Pres.

~ ~ ,

Free-flowing at below ~ero, fights weal', no better oil lllade

, _.- .... -- _H i -,l!r an:l .:Il1~. L 1,1 cuvelt l

l-Cp! VenCll Fryzek who held I --Mr and :\lls l:;'~-~:pel' anu-I----1\ll~ Henry .Jorgc ns cn ~jJCllt,al1llonS~'LiYIl~;~'! .stl~1:'~~-·~-S~~:-~-Thl)n1p~:-::'~1

P\\eIC Sunday guests uf .:111. and l\11~. been l:dllnl here by the Illness of I :\11'. ami :\11., \V. F Vasicek spent Mo r.da y af t ernoon wit h 1\11:; John man and daughte r. Vlrglnlel \\\'1<" Lincoln SatunLy where he at-

J41 Jlllke Axtheln;. Hr. al)'.1 Mt'~. Louie Illis father, Flanl, F'ryze k , left ISunday evening vi sit in g 1\11 and Gal!,d I dinner g ucsts at the Wilb u t Rogcr5: tenllce! a meeting or the members

~ROAxthelm uf r\olth Loup were also, Thul'·clay 111,))n;ng fUI h13 base 111 l1\lIS. Ed\\'. Ada ruck and family - 1\.lr. and ~l~ John Galka "pent, home Later the young ladies of the high school acttvtttcs

. ,15ue"ts o~ Mr al:d ~IS. AX~helm 1F t. Bclvcl r, Va I -Mr. and 1\lls Geo Va"icek ,!,uP~.t~y evcrung with xtr and 1\Irs \~enl to tllC theatre 1\11' 'lnd :\11' IbU1l'd. of \\hIlll he is a lll.cmb.er., '" -Mr. and .:111::;. EaIl HO\:ell of, __\\'. B. Lincoln looked after ami f ami ly vlsit ed 11[1 and 1111".' £,;mll Zikmund I Ca rson Rogcrs went to Lincoln to On Thu rs.Iay he W,lS a lso In I~Jn-

..,. I' NOI~h LOllP, 'M,r. ~llLl MIS EHlett I busi ne s.s m.it teis in Kansas City I Ed Kaspar on Wednesday cve n.ng -Robc'lt Noll and .Ia kc Cl.ayton I get th~lI1 ThUlsday and ~lr :lnd: coln whcro he attended another~=======::::::=:=::_::::_::_~.':'':::'-==-;-=:''.~'::'"=~~.r.,,="-:_~ __~,:",, Howell .and, ~hl::lle ~ee Smith 'last week, returning home \'led-I -Rev. Glen Smith, who gave made a business tri p to Lincoln MIS \~Ilbllr ~ogel's tool,' L1C gills, ll\c.::t!ng cOnCelnll1g, ent rn nc c re-

. I we re Su.ld~). 'dm',~r ~,u,csts of :-'11., ne"d"y evcnlng' :Most of hIS t rip the sel me n arid cal I'll for the sel'- Thul"da)' ,', " I with ,\ elma F oth back Sunday. I quire monts for .hig,l seho?ls and-North Loup people who looked lun were Sunday afte ruoon callers v: MIS. Glen \\arn I and fam-I\\as made by plane [vices Sunday in the Bethd Ba p- I --1Il1. a~ld MIS EI~lal,uL1 ietsha I --lhursday evening. MI and inst iiu t ions of higher lcaining

'aitCI' business in Oril Thursday lof 1I1i arid 11[1 s, Hall y Clement I I y. . " ,- :-.11':;. Rosc Pier son and Mrs. tist chur, h, \\ ent to FOil est CIty, and f,allluy, \\ e i c Sunday after- 11[1 s, WIlber Ca lv lt1 and [amil:;: I - 1\11' and MI·s. Melle VanZ,lIldtwere Mr. and Mrs. Hallon Blen-' -1\Ir and l\11~ Ariton Swune k of -d .:I;lr .. anddMMls. E\eI~tt HU\\dl'l\l)I'l T. Barber we re luncheon I Ia, Moridav fOI' a visit with his noon a!ld supp~r guests of 1111 and I weie guests of ~[1' and 1\11". I and Iamlly and Mr. and MIS.

lck M d 'I II V I ' . an •• I. an • Is. Harold Cum- 1'1 I f I 'I' . . I MI:;. Elwene I ctska and fa llllb... Cllal'l s \C'kl" "11,1 DOlig I 'LI~III v Scl"'~f~I' a'l'l f'~1111Iy "'~lenl. r. an •• rs, any an- 011'1'1,1 n:;lled fllends and lela- '1 S' ..', gU\'"ts lL'1~lay 0 1\11'. an'. "' ni. parents before 1'E'lUlnmg to hIS ,0 .' ~ I "<~" I' e ~ .m e , ", ,,,Hoosen, Ml's. IMarg,u et Gllrnol e, I tl\ es III 01 d this \\ e('l,end I ~l~llJ g~r ~::t~ of~i~I ~;~~ M~~ ('\~':f W. E LlllL01n . Ihome in Greeley, Colo I ca~-orll. allL\ i1~ sJ Ed Janus a:r

1I - Lllhan and Von Gell('ski weI e Sunllay evel1lng guests of ~lr. and

1.1rs. Olive Vance and MI ~ EI~le: _ :\fl' and 1\11:; Cllet Sw,ulek, Tr~~tO\~ Cal ds \\'<:I'e pl~).'e,i 1, - EI11Ia Cadek, who is employ- - Mr anli 111::; RiLh,u II B.lb. I ~rr ,,~;~:3K;I:~ JO~' ~~e~l~~~:r'tl \\ I 11 1 11 011.le OHI the \\ t:c]< end, visttll16' ! 1\11's ~ywey J~nf'~, 1n~ fa t111lk· heVance, also M~·s.. M. E. 11,llkley,1\11'. and :\lls Antun S\\J.llek of i -Hull'na and 1I1alY Je'noc-l ed tn Omaha, retUlned SatuIllay cuck and daughtel, Linela of scoti.<:· ~-MI~. ;J,d ~lls. Rdbcrt N~il \\ere t~l;II'_p~rents; MI'. an~ ~lls p,tuI, t\\~:'ll':;I~dc~:I~r;.cne(;~I~l ~~d Pat:and chJldn~n. DIXIe Scott amI ~11 ~ Olda 1,,1, 1\11 and:-'1I 8. BIll ptacnik \\ el e Sunda v e\ ening callel s of I to her WOI k thel e aftel a week amI NOI th Loup, \H'l'e in 01 d sat-I dlllnt:r guests of Mr and MI ~ Gt:nr~kl Th~y 1etUll1cd ,0 Omah,l ty ~ °1°() 't l' 'h \"h' lla:l b~~ll vi'-Cha l les Zangoer IlL' 1 . tIt th I' I ~ lof ,. ,. tl'O tIl h' ~nt- 1\1' d ft ,.,. Sundavevenln" ., c ~ I c , ,0 l eC ~

• 0', • anl 11l<.1. VI1;1 f'C a " ete I JUdg" and MI s. Ells,\ 01th Ball, aea. n, WI ,e~ pal e ",. I, '.11' ,1.1' a. el noon. • _, James Olhs, Tuesday e\ Pl1ing ,~o· . "lttng hcre, back to their home In-Dr, \\, R,.~ay .3 In O,rd 01' I Kochanu\\ skI hOl11e 1Il Bll! \\ ell On j,r. Iand MI~. \\. J .. CadelL _ " -Dr, 11, N. NO.-fl~. O!>teop:lt. -- C. C. DaIt', \\ ho has slJl'n t --:- Gue~ts. of DI. and M~S. ~. A Granu L,;lanu Sunday. Sl't' re-

Tuesday a,'1d 1< nday at oHH'e of ISatl1llby Illght I --!\Ir and 111s, L A. ~111ncy, -MI::;. Albel t Volf :;pent \\ ed- 32-tf~ the past thl eo \\ eel,s in Lll1eoln B~lI ta Tnul ~llay \\ el I' MI, EllZ3- mainI'd WIth them fo!' the week,Dr. 7..eta 1'\ay, 18-H(' , -1I11 al,d :\11S Les Rlkli, 1\lrs., and Jean, went to Ra\enna Sunday I.\('s(~ay aftelnoon \\Ith Mrs. Ed HU-


- :\1r. and MIS AlbeIt SOlensen taking ad\anced studies In mal-' b,oth Jen~;(l ami ~0!1, Milo, of Lake wIllIe their pl1l'ents, Mr. an,1 MIS.-Joe l<'l'yzek, who sl1ffeled a IJ. Joehanll"en an,l Bobby Hlkli whel~ they spent the day, guesl'; : Je\\lch of Glaml Islaml spent 1Il()t~uay, tus of intclest to county agents, I lle~ton, S D. DalieIl McOc;trich \Veu~ attending

fltroke a few \\ eeks ago, is cal ed I' [I'Olll 1\1111l1Ul k callie TJwI ~llay to I of Mr. an': :\11 S. Leonalll 1"'.11 t~ k.: ;--1\11' and 1I.1rs. 13111 ptac:nk w~re I \\ Ith MI'. and. MI" Vein St,ll K , I plans. to. IetUI n h()me Ftld,'Y· He' -:\fr. amI l\~l S Jay Auble ,\ com entiun in Chicago.for evely day by his son, J()e, spcnd ~he \Heken,l \\lth theIr 1 -Old \ISltolS :\'l<>nday 1l101l1lng 1hln"Jay e\elllng ,dinne~ ~lle~t':l --On Satlllday aftelllu.on, M.l liS enjoyIng hI:; \\olk HIY l11lleh jlooked after busme'is lIlatteld In _. -.- -- ,- - - ------who 1ive1; in the country, but who, datlghtel an,I (amlly, 1\11. anl\ 1\11s. \\ere MIS. Challes Boldt and 1 0f M,r and Mr:;. Ed HaJcwlch. a,r:d Mrs. ~ess KOHlnda \lslted 1~1 I --Mr. and 1\ll.s. L1:'101l1C' Wlgent Gland Island Saturday - QUIZ Want All,s gel results.with his family came in to see LloYll Ge\\el,e, Vunnie ano. Jean. I d,\iughter, F10Ienc:, of Grand 15- I -:-Sat:ll'Llay SlIpper ,an~ e\t'llln~ C~ntral, cIty. WIth the D 1'.:.1 sp.::nl Fnclay 111 Grand Is1.11111 --=.:-~~~::;:.~~-=--: ~~-:_:.:.- ==.=.:--- 7_:;"~- • ..:.._::;.~-_'~~-:,-_-=:-:: ,~_=-=-----,::=--his father, ~lr. Flyzek still -11'- --MIS HallanFldziClflclllYolklland, and MIS. Clem Me).'ers.of,gllestselttheLouI3,I<I()llanh?m~\Valnc:fan1l1). .. ", whel,'tlHylladlJllnursulgPlY. 1--------------- -------=:-----,-------------- - -.

uires IIluch cap <:alJed t the I 0 f :\1" I I . 1 No. th Loup. MI s. Boldt, who IS a \Hl0 :\11'. and Ml S. Emanuel 131 uha -MI. and :>11 ~ Ell t I NdsJn 311<] -Mr. awl 1111 s. D\\ glit BI U\\ n .q, ~. , ." ....J. ~, : me ~ . I.. an,' . ~ ! ,~: nLlr~e, ealne to assist in the car" of I and :\lr. a11l1 ~11:; Edw No\ al~ and falJ1l1y we,~t to Cen tral cIty Sun- blought sn1a11 Ka thy \\':g en t, \\ ho 'V II Sh

--MI: ancl Ml s. Donald E Long Al clu_. GC\: el,e :>1 JIIll:1) mOl11ll1 0 I her father, Clem lIIeyc'rs, v.ho has Myrun C,ill.13 \\ 1.'1 e played Mr. day and v.el\' guests of Mr. an(l I !wd spt'nt seHIlIl da) S With thClll ' Iand gU'ls were Sumla).' dmner ,--\\ lima s Ikaut,}· Shop, 1'110..0 not been velY wdl of late. I alhl MIS Blllha lem"incd untIl Mrs. A. \V, S\\'<11100I1 ,lnd 1I.Ir. anll III theIr home nOl th of Uur\\ ell, I' Grle y OWguests of MI'. and MIS. lIeUly 337, 29-tre, -St'C cur ·rt:atuI.~ Lock" din- I Sunday evening Mrs. lA'onalcl Schw,qtz. Tne).' Ie., back Thul~day I 1Clement. --l<'ti'.lay e\Clling sup[!er guests lllOll\1s. ~::lJh('.v'S 23-tfc ' -Mr. and MI S Louie Jobst vis- tumed the same da)~ I - SlllldilY evening dinner g uesh '

-Mr. and MIs.. John MIller of Mr. and MIS. V. A. AwJel~en -Mrs A. \V. COll1ell, \\ho hall' Ited \Vednesday eHnillg \\Ith r-lr. -Mr. and MIS. ~nlll Ad.~Il,ek I of Mr. and l\1t·s. EmolY TholllSell I ,

were Saturday, evelllng c8;llels of \H1C 1\1IS. lIal's Anuel~en anll Mr. been viSIting rebtiHs III BIlling", I and :\lls Nolan S:nlth > and family wele SUlld:lY dmner were MI'. and MIS. WIlliam Z; k-Mr. and Mrs, lIallY Clement. Iand 1\11:;. D. E Haught. Mont, since before Christmcl:;, Ie· I -Mr. and Mrs. LoUie ~obst,vis- guests of her palent~, MI'. an,l


mund al\d lA'IOy, ~lr and Mrs 'I

-Willis Plate and son", ::\11'. I -Week end guests of Mr. and tUlneu .home Fliday, Her sister, I lt ed ThUlsciay .e\Cning With Mr. Mr,:;. J~e MIChdl?skl of. l<:lYlla Bud Hoeppner. and daughtcls and Iand MIS. HenI1an Rice and MIS. 11118. VO,lald KriL'}< \Hre Mr. and Kathelme Helzer, met her In and MIS. Manl!t Hybrn. -M1. and MI~. lIla:.nald SmIth ~11". LIIlla'l No\otny I'Jal,nes Hansen, Jimmie and 8har- I MIS. HenlY Keidel' of Hastlngs Bloken Buw. Mrs. COIl,ell saYd ,-Mr. allll Mrs. 1\llke Zulkoski ~f a~~ f.amlly o~ Gla,n<1 I.sla,l;d, were I -\Vt:'clnc~ll.ly oVlClnigltt gue:;ts 'I...... __ thele \\as splendid weather all the SJlgent and MI'. and MIS. LoUIe o\~rnlght gllC'Sts Satulllaj of Mr IOf 1\lt'. am) Mlo. EmolY Thom-.. ... -..,.,-.....:il-""""-~_ ...._- tune she was In 1\lontana Jobst \\oe Sunday dinner gue:,t.~ and :\lrs. Len Co\ett sen woe :>lls. Bud Hoeppner a'1d I! i -WednesJay eHning guests of of 1111'. and MIS. Nolan Smith. -~ film \\as SllO\\I~ at the la't I dauglttels Jf NOlth LoJp MIS. LII'I

I:III'. &Ild lIfIs. VelllOn Nay \\ele MI'. and MIS Sewald Hol- l1leetlllg of the Off-C,1l11pUS ,\It Ihan No\otny c'alkd dwing theMI'. and MI s. Joe Fajnwn and la\\'ay and 1'1udy of BUI well call~e class held Tuesd~y eh'lung ~lus e\Cn.ng I

'Mr, and l1r:;. Lyle \Vlthel\vax. in the aftell100n and :-<pent the was for entel tall1m~nt follo\\ Il1g I -Fllday guests of Mr and MrsI Canasta was pla)'ed. evening. the l,~s~on., y E1110IY Thomsen were MI'. an~l I

I-MI'. and MI s. Dean 13reslcy --Mr. and 111s. Charley Urban -M.ls. EJg,ar R~(', aecomp~nle'l, MIS. Joe D,\'ural<, LCloy Zllul1un,J

I and 1\\0 child Ien and MI'. anu were Sunday dInner g ue:;ts of 1111'. Mr, Roe on 111S tnp to Hastln~,;, I and MI s. Lillian No\ otny. 1

MIS. Tlacy Rathbun and daughter and MIS. Joe J. BUlson of North \\hel~ he \\Cnt to attend a dlStz ICt I -~f d M . B 11 1"1 'k -d

I\\ 1.'1 e Sundav dinner and SU!'l)er Loup, to help celebl ate M1':; meet.lI1g of Welfal L' WUI "cr s an,l I '1' . r. laI~1 ' I ~~, , 1'1 ROc, halt I

~ , " . offlClals "I anc "I:; . .[' lane s ).SC 1.11guests of 111'. and MIS., Vell10n 1>tllson ~ blrthda~. , ~IS. ,Ulban . , and family welt' suppel guests II

I Nay. and MI~. BUlson al~ ol~tel~ '-Suppcr guests of 1\l~s Helen Sunday e\enl,lg of l\lr and 1\1113I -Hally Foth \\ent to Ltnt;oln -Mr and MIS. Paul Ry1;avy K.okes and d3ughtet'~ 1"nJay eH- : \Y. D. \Vlbelg. II Wednesday to get his daughter, called on MI'. allLl ::\111; Albert lung wele ~11'. and MIS. LloJd -1\1 "d 11" W V \Vlb y

I Velma, alld 13,alb,ua Nar, ~tu- Pallws, Sl·. Thul~:;da): e\elllng ., .:IlcComb. I called ~t t~e h'Ol;l~ of ~lr 'anrl'::\~~; II dents of tbe \\ csleyan Un\\ er"lty, --1\lr and MI ~ \\. \\. Vou.lllt - Mr. and MI s. Call Kloeger 1 1\1.11 Ion Stro:,O' Fl1da ' evenilw 'I

\\ ho \I)pnt theil bclween semester a,nd, MIke F,thel ty of Greeley "l,ellt \Hnt to Lirtcoln Sunday aflelllOon I "0 0 ,) 0,

I \aCe1:1011 \\ltlt thlr people hele. Dr.l Flluay WIth MI' anll MI~ \Vedtel where they remaIned untIl J\lon- -.i,ogene Ropel:;, ac.coll1p~111cd,Nay took her daughter to Gr1ncl Douthit day. . by a SOlO~lty s,1~ter, LOIS ~\CI~O,l; IIsland SUI,day whel e she tool< the 1 -- Big Januar,} CIe.n'lIl(t' S.l'" -l\l and l\1 sF"d A I 't students 111 \\ eslc). an Unl\'el sitybus to LlI1 Oll~ at Bend',,,, ('ontinlH'S Don't IUh" • r. • I. Ie ppe g, spent from Thlll~de1Y untIl Sunddy

c . ',' were supper guests \\'ednesday . tl 1<' d ~1 ' \" 11 "'0' e IDr 11 N NorrIs 05t.O atb tht's(' barg,pns' t3-He. I WI 1 oil an • I:;. y) )UI ", 15 I:;.- . '. • e 312' If' -Mr and 1\il1; Gene Va\ey of t'v"nll1g of MI'. and MIS. Thelon IOn Fllday eH~lllng all \\Cre Juest" I

. (' •. " Nolte and famll v I f H .• '1 C R - I-Mr. and MIS. Mac Mll{nioht Gleelcy and :::lister Ro~ellen, who . ~. , .' 0 lV_kr. anu "IS. al:;on ogel:; I

slJent Fllday eHning \\ltll Mr. ';nd leaches in H:lstings, visited at the -MI. and MIS. ~. .,wal1'~1< -- -- - - -- --- -- -- - -,1\115, HallY \Volfe. home of Mr. anli MIS. \Valler O! Omaha \\ere OHIl11ght gueses

-Carl \Volfe was a sUPI)er DouthIt Mond,ty. l<,llday of lI\r. and Mrs. Johnguest Saturd,lV eHning of Mr ancl -EI'a Pap:ennk spent Satur- GalkalIlrs. HallY \\:olfe. I day .shopping in Gland Island -\Veek end guests of l\lr and

-MIS. MUIta.)' COll1ell of NOlth -:-1\11:;. ~11aile,3 He-user is a new Mrs. Dean A\elS and 1;,lby Well'Loup was in Ord Mon,hy aiteI-

'assistant 1Il the Bal-:ely. MIS. A"els' parents, MI. and MIS

, noon -Sunday e\ening guests of MI'. Dan Leach of Hasting~ I

I-MI S. C. C. Dalt., \\ ho had and 1\lrs. Chat ,12S Housel' weI e -\\ ilma's Beaut~· :-5hc,••, ,'hOIH'

:-<pent seHlal days in Lincoln, WIth Mr and MIS. BIll \Voznial<, I%n~r 33J' 29-lfc, I

her husb,ll1d \\ho is tal,rng ad- Hallock an~ J\lls. VOla Hodge:;on -Mr. and MIS. Bill .:IlcCrea'th of II vaneI'd work thelc" letUI ned home ,-MIS. Ella Beelllle and MIS. Seneca were ovclnight gue:;tsl.:Ilonday. l<,lan~< Job~t an,d granddaughter, Monday o[ Dr. and MIS F'. J.', -1\11 s. Paul \\'ietzki, whose Conllle, \\ t:l e Sunday a.fte rn00n Osento\\ sl,1

hume is 1lI SIdney, spent flom FI i- cailers of MI s. J~nnie Chlp1':; and -- ------ -- - --­day until Monday \\ ith her sister) daughtel, 1\11 s. AI chic Boyce.1\lls. Joe Bonkie,vicz, hell'. -1111'. amI 1I11s Gelald Dye of

- Janice L"ggdt spent Sunday \Vlclllta, Kang spent the weekend\Hth Calen Je:t11 Baltos. WIth hel' 1110ther, MI:;. Bd Pncorlc

-MIS. HQlen Kol,c:; WIth t\\O of ~1r. Dye is employed in W,chlta, her daughtel s, Gal net and Glad) s, thIS wintel'.\\cnt to SlIver Creek Su,lday . ,

: where they spent thc day with Mr. I -M1S~ An!l 1 alko:;:, who is em·and MIS. Kenneth Shibata and l\\0 plo)ecl 111 \\ashlllgtQn, V. C, re­lIttle ones. tl,lITIo'd to thelt place' aftel' haVing

I --Big Jall'Jan Ckal',illCL' S,lle spent thlee weeh~' vacation WithI at Bendas (,Ollti~r'U('S, Don't mhs al~ aUllt, ~lts. O. C. Pluetz in iMld­, these balg,tin ... ! t3-lte ml, Fla. Mbs Palkos Is a sisterI - ClIff stones, a I'lllal mail car- o~ 1\11':. Joh11 \\'ozab. MI<5. Ploetz

riel' out of the local post office, VISitS III Onl evel)." summer.,plans to lila \ e SOOII to DeIl\ el, --l\fr~. Cl<l,I'e Clement went toI \~'ltel e he will take a sin~ilar posi- Lincoln :\1onday mot ning to joinI tl0n from the post Offll,;(' thcre. her hUob::iI1l1, who hdd spent theI A tIansfer has been made whele- glt'ater shalt' of the last week

by a man WIll come from Demcr thele attend1l1g llIectinos of the: to take MI. stones' place hele. state fair boald &Jth l~lalUled to

IIvan Stones, son of Mr. stones, retll! n home \Vednesday evenin''!plans to remain he I e and fll1ish ." j>'

I with his high school class. _-MIS. Rose 1< 1;11;3 and son ofI . North Loup \\1'10 In Old Sahu'uay

-Mr. and. .lit I :0. Chalks Casel- afto noon. 111s. l<'u::;s WIth her son! ton ,WeIe dllln::r guests Sund~Y and his wife and other relath es.,eHnll1g of MI. an,j MIS. Llo)d had I etlUnecl the night bcfole fro III

l1\fcCOl1lb. Ia brief vi:;lt with her daughter,I -MI'. and MIS, LloYll J\lcComb Ml's. 13111 Dial and fallllly in Ches­I \Hnt to Nurth Platte the fil1;t of: teI', Ill. M1S. Vial is the fonneri tlw \\\'ck, where they \\ 111 viSIt for' MIIdrl d FU1;S. She tells of a fineI a 1;hol t time. Later they \\lll go Itrip and that the Dial fall111y al eI to St. Eel\\ ill'll and then to lllJn- I in good hcalth Ml s. 1"u:;s is buiid­lois; then to Florid,t for all lI1clefi-


1 ing a new home in Scotia andI mte stay. plan~ to 1110\ e thcl e soon




--------~----_. -----------~~---- --~~---~ --~---~- ' ..~--~

~' ,

PAGE EIGIl'!' JANUi\RY 24, 1952

Hugh Glass Was ~egendary FigureWho Helped Make Nebraska's History


I How to Get the Tools, You Need'. ': ' . • ~ ;'," ~J

Just pick out. the equipment you need for a betterseason, then come to us and let us help you witha hundy cush loan. Don't miss out on better,easier growing this year.


, ..



In person "6 fat.. Dutchmen"

uc.\ \'idor ltc('onling ban,1,i\'a tioliall,)' kuow n, LargvstOM Time Band In AJ!wlie:l,

Friday, January 25---- ..... --~ ~~~-- ..... -_._-~- ---Dancing Wed. andSat. Alter Feb. J

..:......._-~ ..

Joe Lukes!l and HisCzech Masters'

Scturdcy, Febr. 2. - ---". "_.-.- -~-

J30bby Mills. SweetestIkmQ in Music LandWednesday. Febr. 6

C~llling: .Joll,)' Dutchmen,l<\'b, 9; Jess Gayer, ,red.,Ft·b'.,13; ~rlli.. Hucera, :Sat"Feb. 16.


5'-, _.. ~ .,



. I

Edw, GnaSter'.r

Sure, we're putting our best fuot Iorward when'\C talk ;bout HO,\V~L\STER.

But }'op'H· find a host of notable features illSCl'E'!{S and 'sPECIALS too - plenty to makethe III , as ulwuys, the standout buys in theirfields-for ride, for comfort, f01· sl)'lc, £01' room,unI for power.

" "

Come in-look this triumphant trio over-sandyou'll know why every Buickdeuler {r.uincoastto coast is going around with ~~ smile on his face.

For those who wish it, there is' n,b~:n~ld.')cwversion of potocr stee'riJl,'g that works like ahelping hUlld-gin~syou the same sure feel ofcontrol you have ulwuys knO\~n in stl~aight.away dri\'iIlg-yct takes less than one-fifth theeffort needed to turn the ordinary wheelstand­iug at curbside.

.But that is not all.

. . .';;;.,

AI.HI with all its new power, it ~1c~.i~5rsl~i~o~;c..miles per gal/oil. ,',. I .: II

..• nit.,

1404 M. ~t" Ord, Nebr.


It h~~s thc'lIlig!lticsf cngiu« in Buick history.

It has the biggest brakes of any postwar Buick.

It is the quietest cal' that Buick eyer built.

It has the richest fabrics am) stuartest tailoringthat ever graced a Buick's interior.


It has thc.greatest tru uk space since spare tires1ll0YCU off the front fenders.

It has the most suberb ride in Buick history.

It has the [nics! carburetor that Buick researchhas eyer devised.,

'f 1n"S pare this down to plain statements of ,L fact und let them speak for themselves:

The dynamic darling pictured here is the 1952ROAV:\L\STEH.•

That's the [ubilan! Hews that COIllCS from FUll!to ct'ery Buick dcalcr-sand here we pass tilethrllling story Oil to you. It sure is true for '52that better uutom obllcs are being built - andBuick is bllildillg them. Read the good 'wardand you'll agree.

L'qu;pn.rl.'. aca.;'!oj'~tB. Crill' G.1.d)J~"d!'~ aJ ~ Buh.;'tct to C/H(I'II' u:·l/(~·d IlQttc~.


JOE KRUMLElyria Township Clerk' .

FOR SALELot 1. BlockB, Original Townsite of Elyria. 3 horse fresno.I road grader. Sale to bo held fob. 4. I p.rn.• at ElyriaTownship road shop. 43-ltc




AI\\ "~S a Croll d ill Sargent" herel't'pplc (,0 B~· Choi,c,

Regular $1.99 values. 4-Gore end bias cut. Pink or white, .32-44. Nylon Acetate half slips, white only. small and medium Isizes.

\----r-~~-- ~ ~- ~ ------------ -~-- - -- --.


JJ\NUJ\H.Y 2'~, 1~5l

,Want cids cost 10 cents per line per insertion and mini­

mum charge for any ad accepted will be SOc. Send remittancewith your copy. figuring 5 words to the line.

Ads also may be placed with Quiz representoivesfollows: .

ill IE ouu tJU JL, ouu NEllltJ\SK~ .


Grund Island, Nebraska

100 Rooms Popular Rates

Coffee Shop and Bar

Recommended byDuncan Hines

WANTED - A mairied man foryear round f'arm job. Modern5-1'00111 house to live in, LlovdGewcke, Phone 0611, 41-3tp

e~ER~O~~~ Ie RENTALS'STATE FARMERS INS. co. _I FOR RENT--':'-~M-o-d-e-rn--4-ro-o-m

F'arrn proper-ty and town dwell- i furnished or t.Murnished apart-Ings, insurance at cost. Ray ment. Mrs. E. L. Johnson,Melia, phone ::i112, ' 5-o2tp Phone 290 15-tfc

----------- --------------

B~U~~~~E I!ns~re! l~h:U1~O;~b • ~~~!_~~~T~~ _Agency, Ord, Nebr. 9-tfc

---~------_._-~------- -- -H. N. NORRIS OSTI<:OPATHY­

Obstetrics a specialty, Phone117. 24·tfc , .

Farm Property and Town Dwell­ing..:!. Only one commission forlife lime. Insure in the StateFarm Co. Ernest S. Coats,Agent for Valley county andadjoining counties. Phone 5930.Home 1 mile north of Ord. 20tfc


-_---._-_._----~ ._-----'-- \_------

Sl<:WHW MACHINESR~ 1'(li'~(t~"":'Rtl)/dlt-E1ccirifit a

Purts fOI' all family sewing ma­chines, Needles, bobbins, 'zipperfeet, belts, pulleys, bulbs, oil,etc.' -" 43-2tc~rAC'S HO~IE APPLIANCE

"S-":RVIOEPhone 133R2 Ord, Nebraska9 blocks west First National ~ank Poland China

E. H. Goff &Sons


We will hold our PolandChina Bred Gilt Sale atthe farm, 2} miles south­west of Loup City. Nebr.,o 11 Tuesday aflo'rnoon,Feb. 5, 1952. ,SellingMarch and April gilts ofvery popular bleod lines.All of these gilts are from,good litters and ere bredto outstanding you n gboars. Write for catalog.

e WAt-jJE,D, to BUYw;\.N1Th;I)-= A---;- ~~~~~{ sto~();d

Heating & Sheet Metal, Phone[)10. ' 43·l!c

e LOST and FOUNDSTAAYED {;"om -'Wm, Gregorski

place since Nov. 1, Herefordcow,branded S Lazy K on left side.Orvllle \Vllson, B\lIwell, Nebr.

, , !Z-Ztp

LOST -A-bla~~leather gl~';'fur-lined. Venlon Jobst. 43-1tp

-- -_. - --- .~-- -~-- --" -- -- - _. - --I ./?TILL HAVEN"!' FGUND my

coming 3-year-old white - facedheifer. Please let me know ifshe is in your herd. She isbranded'on the right hip, ElmerLukesh, Comstock. Ord phone35,2i. . 43-ltp

Gilt Sale '. \

Loup City, Nebr.

, '

Ask Us for Estimates

We Speciaiiz_e in


i)·Don't Neglect

ThisDanger Spot!


&PedersenPhone 2661



Nebr. Arcadia





Phone 51

Your car muffler doesmot e than just reduce en­gine noise. It ploys a vitalpart in channelling poisongases away from the carand its occupants. It'swise to have us checkYOUR cci~ m'uffler often.


243 So. 16th St. Phone 172R'

Forty YUl/'S A.uoThe city council proposed to

open an alley in the block northof the square, but the alley doesnot go all the \\ ay through todayfOJ' some reason, - The Loup Val­ley Poultry Assn. elected W. L,~lcN\ltt, president : c. W. Noll,vice-president; H, D, Lcgget}, se­creta: y; Cal'! J oluisori, treasure I'

and A. J. F'irkins, W. J, Hatherand Eo S. Bail', members of theBoa id. -- Jan. 6, the thermometer Iregistered 28 uegl'ees below zero.--- I~1i~ Ella Elet and Joh1) :'11 ott! 'were' marricd by Judge Gudmund- I[

~~~. --::~ :!::_~~o~ h~1~ ~~ _~~~~ :~a~1~ ,

Leonard B. Woods,County Clerk.

Jan. 17-3te


TO WHOM IT 11:AY CONCERN:The County Surveyor aut horlzed

to vacate a road commencing atthe Southeast corner of Section21, Township 18, Range 16, west ofthe 6th P. M. in Valley County,Nebr:o,,!,a, ar,rj extentl,fng northone mile to tile Ncrthcast COl nerof, said Section' has reported infavor of vacating said road, aridall objections thereto 01' claims Io rdamages must be filt'd in the ornceof the County Clerk on or beforenoon of the 5tp. day of February,1952, or such road will be vacatedwithout reference thereto.

Leonard B. \Voods,COUJ1ty Clerk

Jan. 10-1Ie

NOTICE'My office will be closed Feb, -i,

until Ma rch 14 Inclusive, exceptWednesday, Febr. 6.4;3-2tc DR. }<'. A. BARTA

Si9ns of SpringAlthough it is the middle of

January there are some unmis­takable signs of spring in HIeail'. One is that the lawns abouttown are getting grec ne r, espe­cially those that we re kept heavei1y covered with the snow of D~­comber. The snow apparently keptthe ground warm enough to startthe grasses. Another, is that fromfar mel' f'rie ncls it is is learned thatthe frost is going out of theground. 'And still another sign isthe preponderance of seed cata­logs that are being seen in theregular mails, all with glowing pic­tures of flowers and vegetables.

However, it Is possible that by

Ithe time readers sec this article,we may be in the midst of a regu-

lIa r blizzurd>- could "hoppon." , ,------- -----_.---

-Mr. and Mrs. Emil Adamek\\ ere Tuesday night visitors ofMr. and MI's. Knute Peterson andfamily.

Only ott1ce in the LoupValley devoted exclusivelyto the care of your eyes.

Oftice in the White BUUctGgAcr08s the street from theOrd Hospital. Ju,et, South of~e Methodiet pareonag.: '

Phone 90


ore, Nebr.

Phones: Nlte or Day 877


C. J. MIllER. M. D.


,Telephone 66

X-Ray Diagnosisomce in Masonio Temple




Real Estate - Loan.e

Inauranoeoalce in Weekes Building

Special attenUon given 'to


Phone a

% block south of Ord bos­pital and 1Jlt door west ofChrisUan chW'Cb.,',

Dr., .W~JCe--' .

Re.~ 129



; ;. ....

Ottilie pilon, 84\

OroCE SUPPUESWIl.'lon-Jones Ledgers

Bo u nd Books, Le d g er LeaVN.EVE1UTHINO



Dr. Charles W,eekes. M. D.



Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat

GI8Jlsea Fitted,Phone 85

, I








- "

-_._(SEE us TOD~Y IA,k us about tn, nn.lccl foundation ,,, theQUIl"t H S,oe;"


• A ,urrenl dividend role of 2~2~~PCr onnum-·poid semi·onnuolly.

• Sound security for your inutt­menlo

• Coulleous, efficient s_nice.

Mid-State BuildingService

It's durable, fire·resistant,low in price I This, ersatilenew Quonset 24 Specialhouses machine,'>', hllplc­mcnts, cquipll1cnt .• , sheltersstock •.• stonos bags of g"ain,bales of hay. , • can be builtin \'011') ing lengths. It costsless to bu)', to el'ccl, and tomaintain. See the sensa­tional new Quonset 24 Spe­cial toua)'!


BUILDING & LOAN ASSQCIATIONOrQQni",d 1889 . Home Oll,ce: OIllQhQ

See YOllr Local Agent

operation and freed(lll1 from vibr.ltion to low­co~t motol ing. . . ' ,

New, smoother, softer ride for all passengers.

All these anu many other ady,lIltages are yours 'in the '52 ChcHokts at 10\\est pril:~'s and \\ithoutst.mding economy of operation, lhey'rethe only fine em s priced so low. See them nowl

. ,lxtra.Sntooth POWERq~with N~w Autom,lti<: Choke, ghes iUle,t no-shilt My­ing at 10\\e~t ,o,t. (Combin.ltioo of Po",\erglide Auto­rout;.: Transmi"ioll and l05~h p. En~e optional onDc lu~~ lUodd~ at e\t-!'l.\ co,t.)



Davis Creek

have been paid

Your chances of finding bUt ledtre:l~urc) ~triking oil, ~r h~t~cdtinga fortu",; arC prelly Slll11 , II S trlle.But most any Hasonahle need orwanl call be sJ,ti,fied by sa\ il1g 1'('''.

ularly \\ilh us. ..


$15,000,000in EARNINGS


Come, SCI: the fine~t of all Chevrolets . , . bril­liantly new for '52 in ,til the~e excitintj wa>s:

Vi"id New Royal-tone S,tyling . , ..... itb Bodiesby risha th.lt set the ~tandafl.l for beauty,

Rod:ant New Exlerior Colors ••• \\ide~t andmo~t wonderful arr.ty of colors ill its field.

Alluring New Interior Colors, , , with two-toneuphohtery and trim harmonizing \\ith bourcolors, in alllJe Lme sedan and coupe models.

New Centerpoise Power ... engine is cu~hioneJin rubba to bring amazing new smoothness of



lOWEST PRICED INThi, Qrl'Jt n.w Stylel:ne o. lu>.e .( Door Sedon l;lh for leu 'I'-on any c.ompa ob'" model il"l its r1eldlfContinvaUon 0' ~tQndCJrd eQuipn'tnt ofld trim illv~f(afed is dependf;nt on Q'fodabdlfy 0' maleria/.'

Edw. Gnasfer-

HouseworkEasy WithoutNagging Backache

I!Gone to IdahoI .

IMrs. An'hie Keep went to

Palma, Ida., \Vedn~sday whele Ishe cared foJ' her two gl'awichil­dren. the daughtel anu son of ~Ir.

and Mrs. Lynn Beeghly. 1\,1'. OlIi(l}.II'S. Beeghly wished to attend alumbel men's convention In Seattleand had no one to stay with thechildl en while they were gone, sothey called MIS. '{eep, who wasglad to assist. She plans to begone another week aftel' the par­ents return 10 their home.

Nae-I>ine- Lae~."cll.,lu,. of pep and enHiI'Y.ht:'aJuchc~ &.nd di,dnt'~s may be due tv e)CJw..d(Jwn of hidot'y (unction. Do~tor~ aay go~d

kiunt-y (UU4.:tiI.Jo is ,'elY iDlvultant C.> "uudhealth. Wbtn bVnl~ en~f);t1llY condition, buchu.s btrcti8 and titt aiI1. t8.U,Jt.'~ this irnpvtl.,.lttunctivn to Bluw Ju" U,Ulh.OY !\Jlk~ t'urftr rltl""ei~lg IJ&'c¥.I:1dle- fcd llli

1"'40:: 1ul,It>, M inl'r blud­

dt:r irritativt.s due hJ CV d vr \\ lUll.:' dit:t nl1i)'cautie ~dting up nl~hb or !rcqut:nt 1JQ.~ehgt'tl.

Dt..·n't nt.'¥"lq;t )vur kiJn(')l:I it tl!t::ie cL'l.dl·Huns buthtr )0\1. TJ1 D(Iti,U'S Pll1:---e. milddiuretic, Ust:d ~w:cC ...~(uIll by mflJior.s rut()\t:L" ~o )l'al~. It's arlluzinl(' JltJW W&.Q)' tlmt.':1Duan'$ ilth~ hal'pl' n:tit:f (lum tht~~ dirC~'U\·fut L;- ht 11) the 15Cililt.:bo( kidru-y tuL<.:'> and ti)·t~u tl\CihvlIt \Va.tc. eet DvaD'a l'ill. t,,<lal1

The Brothcl hood ml't at theI!:all Hasmll~sen home Friday e\ e­nin~, Th'Jse pI esent Incltllled ::\11'.and l\1Is. Louie Ha,mus,Sen, Mr,

I am! MIS, Tom Jensen, !III'. , amI, 1\11 s. John Lassen, Elba, ~[r. andi ::\lls. Cl)ris Boilsen, ~Iartinus An­I lkl~on, ~Ir, and 1\1rs. Elner ~el1­

I sen, ::\!r. and l\It s. ~liner Neilsl'nand ::\II~. Hans Boibcn.

Guests at the WIllie !l101.1Vichome Fl'icl,l.y evening to help him

'celeblate his bilthday welc ~II'.

: an(1 }.I 1':;. Vancel Kment anllda.ughter, ~II'. and ~II s. Emil Mol'­av!c and family, ~Ir. and Ml:;,1o'lank ~fol'avic and famIly, ::\!r.ane! ~1I s. Walter K) hn anel sons,

'1'11'. and 11I~. Henl y Ha!la andI Lois Ann, l\!r. and 1\11'''. Clal ence: Christenl'en of St. Paul and ~fr.

and 1\lrs. Bud Don~cht'sld and'family and HaJph Tuma.


You're ri9~t, young man ... yo~ ._,forget abovt ~ard ,farting, ,taflingand I~o,e at~er cold weather driv·ing worries w~en Pop fill. vp wilhPhillips 66 Ga,oline. RighI now it'.Winter 81ended for "vick ,torfin~

and fa,t engine warm,vp!

Winter or ,vmlner •• , fall or.pring ..• Phl'lip. 66 Gasoline i.conlrolled to matc~ the ,eo,on. It'.famov. for Hi·Te,1 energy, becav,eof the exIra alnovnt. 01 Hi,Te,t_Ierr,enls it contains. That'. w~y Itgive, you ,mooth, power-packedperforrnance, II bvrns efficiently .• ,help. prevent fvel wosle and cronk·ca,e dilvtion' Rely on Phillips 6601/ fear around to help gel Ihe bestovl 01 fovr cor'. engine!

Pop usesWIIVT6R -SI.6N&i::D


In 1950, Victor E. Allderson WolS appointed to fill an unexpired term

as nl.l)or of Nebrasb's capital cit)·. In 19S1~ Lincoln ,oters expres~ed

their oHmhdming confidence in Vidor E. Anderson by retuming him

to office by a 9·1 margin.


Vernle Andersen's

<I :, ... , ,*: ~J;SIN~~S~~AN, .....l>oolt.Aol<"'-.-.....*FORMER LEGISLATOR

t..~ ... <l.~_'_ .,~ iii...., • .., <4.... "l* LINCOLN'S PRESENT MAYORl~' J;) ~'~



fl -f' Victor 1:, Ander~on comes (rom a t) pical Nebl.l~k.t·backgruund: His

Hr ,~1f'~"\: lJarents, ErneH E. and Mar)' Ander~ull, ,\ ho' Llmc to 'the L'n;ted States

tlj~lr~li {rom S\\Cdell, settled first in Om.\ha and th(;l~ in BaHlock \\hcre his

tBli!iI!'?ti k;. {ather \\Cnt to ,\ork in the railroad ~hups. Later, (ather and son became~-. - ....~'.- - associated in a hard" are store, a bu~iness \\ hich Victor E. Ander~on• , 11


"( 51 '" d still operates.. l\~:l'l~l

.' 'w,f~iL: Victor f. Andersoll en jO) cd a t) pic.II Ncbra~ka bo) hood. lie carried

L..:.~t(\·€ ne\\Spapels, attended Sunda) Schoo!, partieip.l.ted in grade and highRV-p' ~ school acth ities. lIe attended the L' nh ersit) o{ NebrJska, b~It left in

J'?-r.~~ his junior) ear to join his .father in bu~ine~s. Upon his {ather's death,

". .,.:, r'/I~"·' Yictor Ii. Anderson continued the operation o{ the hJrdwJre store,ftju GI. '

,'::: Jt!~ =.;: Victor 'r, Anderson has ah\J)s been acti\C in ci,ic and political affJirs,

,.~~ , 5CI\ing (or 2$ )ears as a Republicln p.lrt)' precinct "orker and com"

. ": f '" i mitteeman. In' 1949; he sen ed as one o{ the out~tanding members o{(! .a

J.... ~~. the Nebrasb Legislature,",V ~'ll

\~.'ld~I~~p, ,~ ~~i.~

tfi,il-J "J,-" , J' 'I ~,-', 1'/:-'" ==0.

,'~--\I[lll' ;~ ..!~}l11T.-..J I ~,', As a result o{ his background and training, Victor E. Ande~son tal<" a. • -{rIJ bllsil1f~s·like, du\\ ll-tO' cal th appro.1ch to go\\:rnmenbl afCu!s.

I .;- -.::::-.::. fJ .-= ~ lItJtt~abliflhMflltQ1t IDt (JM'UI/t)/1


, ,

Mrs. Gertrude MichenerQuiz Representative



, .

p~inips "66" Service

"WINTER 'DRIY'N."JJtln~ ftl/ol'''if me l"

'.. )~-


r;====::;;;:======::::===:::'::--:-==-==-:':--::-:-=-=-=:"=-=-=~'-- "I:He! Nu~~;~~,--;I"I~{;" ~;~.- ~!avllle Ise lder in regal r.l to oroan;zin" a I H V d hn 'I -0 f 0 d' Fi :Van Hom .and Judy Walthers~ 14.H Baby Beef club project to enry 0 e no s, ne 0 r 5 ne

Born to MI'. and Mrs. Elwood be sponsored by Gene Kassclde r. I MI s. Manchester arid Hova rdl~asselcle~' \V~s a s~n, !an. .9th at 1 The Ericson junior and senior Farm Fatnilies Will Celebrate Jan. 27 s~ent 1o'dday evening at the Johnd, Johns hospit a l in Spalding'. Ihigh school students went toBM·t.' '\\' 1111ams.,Mr.. an,d ~r~, ",Leon F~ulk w.e~·e 1lett Thursday evening and visited Thl'ough the columns of The: chicken.'! and keep busy \\ ith va r- I ~Ir and ~Irs. PhIllip ~Mr::;ny

'I'hursday e\eru.no dinner guests m l a U, S. drart board meeting. Quiz a general invitation is being Ious aff'a ir-s. ~rrs. Vodehnal be_!called at the Onl hospital "undaythe horne of hIS parents, ::-.11'. and I The Ericson high school stu- extended this wcek as well as 'Ionos to two pinochle clubs which I to see their daughte r, Mrs. Ha r­

and sons, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Fos· MI·s. Dudley FOc\lk at Lake El'iC-


dents enjoyed a dance and party last week for the open house and' makes up a greater part of her laid Valasek who w~s operated ,on 1tel', MI'. and MI·s. Vic Bodyfield, son,. , '. , , " at the Community hall Wednes- I cover-ed dish dinner which will 00 Isocial life, Mr. Vodehnal, who by IThursday. Also their- daughter-In- :MI'. and Mrs. Howard Bodyfleld, Mr. and Al.S. C'h~lles Davlin :day enning held on Sunday Jan. 27 in the the way is the proud possessor of i law, ~II s, Phillip Mrsny, Jr., Is

I~lr. and MI s, Ott Obe rg, ::\11'. and motored to I!:Wll1g 1o'l1d~y and at- : . '., " Bohemian Hall' in honor' o( the, all his natural teeth, looks aftel.ll:1 the hospital for medical care. IMrs. Stanley Skalka, :;\-11'. and tended the funeral services of her M~1. ~n~\1 MI~V I~O\\~d. PItzer, 50th wedding 'anniver"ary o( Mr. !his holdings and gar-den. Both are I Huold Valasek had his fUl'!ougl\:

I:vrls. FI'ank, Usasz and daughter. lU1Td1'"

ApI1fonse tIkV-e.l,u·t. }> j t -ttlll.'n"adnhc01'11: St'he Ie; ~t of \t\heel Y\\'eI~el{- and Mrs. Henry Vcxlehnal. :, in exceptionally good health. i e~tfe~dedl fin days because of his IThe date was also Melvin VI a- .e easan iewer S 1'0 cc c ': ~"." I' • , I WI e s iI ness.r---------------lI

1huta's blrthday. club of Greeley county met Wed- from attending the livestock show Mr. Vodr-hnal, the son of Mr. . Mr. ~nd Mrs. Vodehnnl have 1 ~II'. and Mrs. ~lerlyn Tolen'

John Davlin Qf Grand Island Donald Weber returned to Oak- nesllay in the home of Mrs, Inez at Denver. and ~[I s, Jo'rank, Vodehnal, was, f'ive chIldren! foul' sons and one 1were at the Han y Tolens In Icarne Sunday and visited through i land, Calif, last of the week and: Lose],e, Those present were Mrs. Mrs. Ott Oberg and Mrs. Cork born In. Belle Plam" r«. FebI'. 25, ~ ~aughter. WIlliam, 01' BIll, as he 1North Loup Saturday enning to!Monua~ WIth hIS pal e nt s, ~r. and wl1l,ente~ \he Veterans hospital for 1Blanche Foster and Mzs. Hazel ObeI'g. erite rt al ncd a group o( chil- 1881.. \\ I:en he :"30.3 lhre~ years ~ld lIS ?0.~l:1O~lY c~ll~d, Is the po~ul~1' Ihelp him celt'brate his birthday. IMrs. Chas. Davl,m. John IS elll-ian lndefirut e stay.. He spent the ,JolUl~on. dren -n the Ott Oberg home on he wIth. Ills parents moved to Ne- Idr\l"gl~t 1I1 NOlth Loup, where i Mr. and 111''', Arthur Palse r andployed at the all: base, II" st ill : past month WIth his pal ent s, 111'. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Wolfe are Thursday from foul' o'clock un- braska Il1 Valle:~ county, near. the, he has been many years. Hubert Isons we i e dinner g-uests at the!has a.. cast ,on Ius fn:cfu"'e_d ~eg II and. Mn;~ Hoe Webber, , Ithe owners of a new FOI·d PU1'- ti.1 six in, honor of Barbara Oberg's C~L~ter ,C,ount~ line. H~ rel1l~lned 1t\:ES 01: a. f arrn ..one mll~ south of I Ray, Peter~ons Sunday; In the Iand ~\ 1.11 h:n e fOI' se:-eta1 muntns, ,Tne SaL! ed Heal t basketball I chased the past week fl'om the SIxth bIrthday, Ice cream and WIth hIs pal ents dUllng )oung 1°1d. ~).I~la, MI~. VICtOI K~lChal, i evt'l1lng they wei e at the John tT!lC lI1JUl Y does not Intel fel e WIth I fIrst ~nd se.cond teams defeated 110'01 d ~Iotor Co. at Burwell. cake was served, 1manhood and atten?ed school, as 1also It\ es on a !al.n: ne.al Olll, I WIlliams for supper. IhIS wod{, the BnL~0n fll'st a:ld seconl1 teams Mr and Mrs \.rchie \Vatson al'e I Sec our "J<'eature Lock" dia-, he was able. Close neighbors \\ ere and Roland, no\\ 11\es Il1 Van-, C 1 \" If 'th . I

. t E " th . , ," 36 .'.' •. , , - 1~r' d ~I" At· Z') nrl Icouver \Vash an:! ha' l'ecenU,,' al vl e says c new nel P 1- ,j::\!r. and ::\1r5. Jack Vrallota and a Ilc~on, e SCOI e~ ....... anu the owner s of a new Pontiac pur- monlls, :\Iuncy's 23-tfc • l. an • l~. n ?ll1e I unu ., ...' ,l"..-' lb' tI t . f ·tl' '::\1 1 ttk '11 I" , h t· t 130-16 re -pcctIYeI" i ' I who had moved III 1887 from fU1lshed three yeal'3 of sel vIce III 01 on 1e Olmel .1 .tIl. a 0 .e

son, - ~ \111,. 'l\;e!~, os:~ 0 a: " .' ,chased the past week hotn the Lloyd Patrick, Sam Loseke und' S 'J -I' Th '. I It. E:' i thtJ . If' I placl' that Challes \Volfe bou"J~t ig'l'?UP of fr:el1(~$ 111 their home I \Vedne3llay lunlneon guests In, Bredth.wer ~Iotor Co. at Bu~'- Howard Nutlino- motored to EI-I .~ HI) :1. " el: Caug 1 el, n~'11~, I al mec 01ces, I will be ::\11'. amI 1.11 s. Delf~~ t i""'nuCl.'· even'ng Tllo~e pleoent I the honl" of HI' and Hl,c Eall \\'ell ' \V.. d '" , • t \\as SIX )"al ~ old at the tlIlle' l There are mne °orallllchlldrt'n U • I • f '1 'jL'.' ~ .n . .n ~" gill Cunes ay evemn~' anci a -, . b·.tl \ ' 0 t 10 . .. i ...,1·ll ges anu amI V. Iwere .\[1'. and Mrs. Keith Gibbs ~llchener were Mr, and MI~. How· i ' , t I j M' _ . 1 jp Smce hel 11 lC ay \\ as <;. , ,In the fanuly. \ •_____ _ _." I_ _ __ __ I ,.Alnolo Coo.{ was on the sic'k enl el a~omc Oloe. in the same year as Henry s, the' Of special intel'est is the numbcr I,MI'. and ~fr~. Allen ELl,,\ anls re- :

IIt::'t OY·.;' the weekclll1. MI'. and ::\1rs. Leonard Payne and, two became gl'cat fl lends I f II . ft t II I b I turnf'd last wcek from Genng'~Il'. Oscal' Kummer went to Twila attel1l1ed the dance in Bal t-, On Jan 27 190') the' couple ~I' wec l ~1g ~r- s ~I j IS lO~Yn y i whl', e ~Il s. I!:d\\"dl'lls had becn for

Spall:ing Friclay and' consulted a lett Saturday evening. were mal ried ~d t1:el'e was a bi'" " I. Ia..nO - I ~. ole ll1a , t' Ie- I twu ,veclco; helping her cldughter, 1doctor. He is suffering with a case A meeting of tile Methodist wcdllin'" de~pite the fact that' C:}~'Cl ,0 ycal~S af\ bl

m ong1ne08 'LILlIee, WI10 Ins a baby girl. ::\11'. I

of arlluilis in his hands. church trllstees IVa; heid Thurs- ther~ \~~S a'terrible bllzzanl the ,g ltS 1S a s"a1nll aket, a .ar~el Edwallls ami Beth druve to Ger.


'Ge' II p" I bill tl " ,PlC llle, a \\a poc e, CO\eltl , u' t,"d ' ',-la l a)ne las een lC c1av Plans for the new I,itchen dav before with wind and snow b . t' . '1 1 t 1 Ino "1'1 dy eV~llll.g

Pa t - I 'tl . I j d J'., . 1 . ' y a pam mg, WlllC.l e s C,OW:l '1' I '1' l' tl J 's \He {WI 1 a .se\ele COL an ,and dmIng room was dlscusS0ll. Th<l wec1tling took place at the leavin u ' a niche fQr p l,ers and' "I. am ',' I~, "cnnc 1 Ol'gln- Iflu and \\ as confmec1 to IllS bed 'I - ---~- ----- .--- .. --- ---.- hom" of the bride's parents in I '" ~ _ ~I I ~1 ,Ji V I' l' sen .'In,l fallllly weI e suppa gu,'stssevelal days. Valley count v, the YOW" which 11Il~ao,dZll1e~, . fl'. taln l . ~~. laC el·1~a, ' at the Alfred Joq;"llscn hUl)le Sun- I

T l l " n 'ip]lbol' f V t N 1011 J " la\~ sume a 10" OI",ln" c la,llS dav "g It a- 'I - l'c 'l'tl~ ~ '" ~ 0 IS., 0. 2 ihave laoted so Ion"', WCle spoken _tl I '1 tl ' t 'I 1 h _,' J e\~mn. \\ ~.' l~, " n, '- 1

gathen:d at the scl11Joi house 10'1 i- Cofesfield New. 'before HaJph Staplc then count v ~ I 1, \\ llc 1'1 le) s ~:t e. t ~~I~: - I JOI gensen's birth,Jay. 1day evening anll enjoyed theil' par- • "mloe The btide wo\e a Urt'sS of eepl,ng: a,n•. well' g: s a lell', - - - --- - - . . :ty of the month The lache - f ' J. o' . ' wedlhng, Some have been blol,en, - Hi,r Janu'U'" Cll· 11"\11"" iSak

. ~ U1- Mrs Evelyn Donsch k' I IJuht blue wool malle III the style '., p'. ,-' b t th ' 'till' .. • .J .,nisheJ tJll' lunch: CanIs and visit.' es 1 0 " ~O,l.e ",1\ en a\\ a), u. e) ~ • at lkndas (OntlllUl·'. VOll't Illbsing was the entertainment for the Phone 4Fll i of ~he tJmc~. .. .: haVl~ one 01' 1\\ 0, p.\Int~ll wlllt~, thnl' bargaiIi,! 13-\tc I

!eve.n in u " I I 1!1ere \~'ele elght,lI1 the blldal ChCll~hcll..,nd well cellcd IL'I, Whl('l, -- ----- .-c..lf Kclly WetS called to Hai ._ ~ palty, beSIde,; the bllde an~1 grol,m, are stlll III use, I -,Mr. and Mrs. han Bolls a;lll

riel' Fdday bccause of the dcn.fh I 111', and ~lIs. Elmer Chl'i~ten-lall of whom lue stIli alive,. and ~Iiss Beltha Knutsen "Hle guestsI of his father-in-law \Valtl'r John. I sen, Mr. and Mr~. :'finer NeIlsen, Illlan~' pLln ~o attend the anJ1l\'l'r- Sco.,..',"a· at the S. 1. \Vlll:lld h'-'llle Sunllay., son which OCCUI; ed ThuI'sday IMr~. Gertie Chri-;tensen, Dallene: &lry gathellllg, The pal ty \vas -- r- - --IFll~el'<ll st'lviees \Hle held sat: McCarty amI Leonard Rasmusscn malle up of V. J. Vooehnal, J, ~. ' , _I ul'llay at Haiii1et". ~IIS, Kelley has IamI .John Vlach wIre \Vednesl1.ly I Y0c\ehnal nof ,~raJ:d ISl~l1l1; b~, The. ~e;g11borly ~eighhol' clu;)I been at her palents' home the I evenll1g lu.ncheon gue~ts at the Zlkmunc\ a ..d,8:11II. ZlkllHl.ld" ~:ln,; met last \Vcl:nes,J"l.y aftelnoon atI past thll'e wee!,s helpinu' with the (Helman Neilscn home in hon<Jl' Aclame\{; no\\ :;\Il~, Panl, Jo.~,,, o. Ithe home of :\11S. Al SHutter \\ithcare of her father.. '" 'Iof Mrs. N'elIsen's birthday. GleJ.t l<alll', Mo:,t, Jull,l. Cape!<, 12 membels pleSC:1~, Heccnlly the)

• • n<Jw 1\hs. Paul Secley of Omaha. I btl' b f Cl ·,t 'Coach Allen GlOSS spent the 1Ir. awl 1\lIs. Emil ~lol'Uvic "', ., .. ' c u sen a alge ox 0. 111," 1weekcnd of the 12th at Hastings, I went to Kearney Monday for a I fhe e?t~pll had no \\ ~:I<lll1g tllp, n'as card., to a ho"pltal In South 1retul nlng Sunday evening. 'I checkup with their do~ tor the I r, II but wen < lI1to h(~U5ekCl'plng on hcr' Dakota and stuffed toys and

::\lIs. Hila K3.s~e1der, Mrs. Zana , ' . . ' fathe~"'l falll1 III Valley county, sClapbooks to the Chlld.len'3 Me-,Long, 1'11'5, Effie Vahlslen, ltuth' 10 nends ,received WOI d tJllS, week, 18 Illlles w,e~t of Ol·d. They lIved modal hosp, t,d in OmalM ~tcs- ILockllatt Kate Pattick Helen Po- of the bllth of a danghter to thcle fIve years, and In 1807, they, dames \Vm, S~ltIttel and Stub l\lc­land, Be'l tha Booth .I;llitored to 1\1r. and ~Ir~. ,Ed ~:~\-.is of Rich- ibougl;t a ~arm ,fom: mIles east .~: Bell: ~nd ~1rs. Mable Jensen were:Bl11we11 Fnday even1l1g and m- land, Nebl, !I!IS. ~e\\l~ IS the fOlm-jOlu. fhel~ th~) bU.llt. a flIle laloe guesb. 1

I stalled the new officers of the Bur. er Jenny Kllpatllck. huuse and other. bUIldIngs. In 1916, Mrs. Allen Sims was host~ss on'Iwell ch~ptel' of the ltebekah A nine pound son was born to ~hey b0ugl1t l~O ,aclt's close b~, TIl\lr~day afte.lnoon t6 the River:lodge, . , Mr. and ::\Irs. Axel Pedersen of Iand fal med thus al:o. In 1~~8 the) : Valley Extens\on club. 1tesdamE'S,

FI'ank Burhan,q, who IS III at his Atlanta, la. !If! s. Petiel sen Is the :;old the 160 ael es they It\ ed .on, IBryan POl tis and Hall y Spencelhome, Is much impl'oved at the fOImer Maltha Kyhn. Ibut bQught 900 a.~I'E·s more ~ust 1 gavl' a lesson on haml and ma-:time of this writing. I ~...est of Onl, whel e th~ all flcld I.::hine menuing, ~!I s. Von J<,nsen'

~Ir. and 11rs. Jake Foster at. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ket>p and, IS now loc~ted. The family falln- , is a ne\'1 member of the club. Itended the Old Time dance in Bal t-' Mal gery, ::\lI's. V~rnon Ket'p and ed <1,11 of thIS until 1£/27, when they M . d~!' B" \ 13 1.'lett Saturday evening' Mr. and Mrs. Chns BOllsen helpl:'ll rt'<1uced the. farm to 160 ael es, I th' I, ant t '\ IIS't' ~I n.jlll: I fec

. Le'!' St" . 1 b t h . b' ·th hi 'h th f 'I 't'l 19'6 At I auel' a ene I:'l ne \VCl lIng 0 aMI' and ~hs Herlllan Mentzel' I a e\ens ce e la e el U - W c ey annec un I ... 'f M B 1Ih t St I1\1;. ~nd MI"s. Arthur Mentzel' and Iday Jan, 12th. this time they decided to quit iC?l~m.. ~ • .t s. I'el auer a a'lt . ' " active fannin"" so sold out and p t Ul~ .Huth Ann ll10 oled to Blokl'n Bow 11rs. M(,;C'loughan celeblated , • l> _. I --~------------.--~------------

Sunllay amI were guest.s in, the, a birthllay \Vedilesday, Her dinnel' retired, "Ihey now ~lve In. a. ple,~~- I -.Mr. and Mrs. Millon Cleml'nt Ihome of l'Il'. anc1::\fls. Joe \~eIsh.lguests included Mr, anll Mn.Jess ant litU: pla~e ,t.:\O, bl()ck.~ \\t~t Iwele Thulsday evening SUP!JH Phone 47Miss Lael Mcntzel' {)( Lmco1n ISharp, !lfr. and Mrs, Ivan Mc- vf the Catholtc eLUI(h, Iguests of Mr. and Ml s. lIenl Y

___ . . __, ._~ ~ ~~~,~. ~~~e~sg,sg~li~~~d;:.e date was ~r;~~~:nT~[IO\~~· ~<~~ll ~tc~~'a;~~~ ~~Ier~~~~~_~a:'.~__,1._g~n~_~n._a~l~~l~_,,~e~·,__ . __ ._. __ I ~~ ~ ~"!"~ ~~~~~The Wheeler county fal1n bl]l'- bl'ought 'thtl table center piece

cau met at the Io'OlU' Comel's which was a vel y pi etty decor- Ischool building 1"1 ida)' with a fair- atec\ birthday cake. Aftel'noonsizeu cruwd attending. Pie a.nd guests Included Mrs. Inez Parker, 'coffee was sen'eu by ~Ir~. Gllbel t Mrs, Lester Gre~s, Ch:lllene, 1M1 s.Baket· after the busines,; session TIllie MOl-avic and 111's. Anna.of the meeting. Baines. And to make the day

A meeting' was held the Pi\..';t complete a daughter, Mrs. Le6n-'"week at the hOllle o( Gene' Kas- anl Chi istoffel "on of Chic:igo,

-.------ ------- ----------- ------ talked to her by phone. IThe Danniverke Dandies ffiE;t on \

Thurway at the Eddie Klein home. 'Ten 111embers and the following Ivisitors weI e present: Mrs. Albeit ~

Christensen, ~rrs. Chester' Kleinand ~lrs. Henry Halla. . "1

The W. S. W. S.' met:! at theElwood Blanchard home Io'ridayafternoon. Seven members and~hs. Ray Pal'ker, ~[rs. Ada Hol­

I mes, Velma and Ellen BlanChard)1: wel e present. The next meeting,will be FebI'. 15th, with Mr~.

'Josie \Vclker.

A gloup of the club girls and~11 s. Evel ett Bal nes met at thec.huI·ch ba~el1lent to do some clean­

,ing on the walls and WOOclWOI k: in pI epal·<tlion for a new paintjob.





,Et'crYIJ1trchcl~c guaratltee,lto IJlcase or )'o\tr nlotjcy ba<;k!

~ . I'

Pes es ' ". . 12'0', 290',r ery E,·erbc.l; Slrawberry ........Cila,. .

Wh', B . dSkylark; '. ',111'0;. I~'Ie rea d.tcJ .nd .trc~~, , ..", •....Lo.' '"A .. • Ch \ 2·lll $1' ftft'meflcan ee$O Dutch Mill". "Ctn: .'1"S I d0 " , l'pl. 3'::'"a a. resslng Ouche,.; tar(·whipped, Jar ""

Tomaf~ Juice ~uQny D....n: ri:h. rod ~dc~'~ 210.YeU9w C,orn ft1,eall,bm""l r..,~ '., .. ~t~;: 260,

Blu-White Flakes .. .'3,:t. Pkg,' 9c", .. (

Add t,? 1I'?dler - clvthes blue as they wash. '.

C~t food ...."'"...... ,S,oz. Can ~cPuss'n ~pols Bqnd: ,


Dreft .... """.. ,'"" ... 1:5,oz. f'kg. 29p4l-Qz. pid'ose'78c

Rinso ., .... "..... :" .... 23-oz. Pkg. 2~C46,oz. rackase j7~

.. ,

Lb. 8e 59'"C8-lb, Bag' . ..'.



Winesap 4pples~ti~~;~k~'~;:d.... 2 Lb•. 2$c"Superb Cauliflower Snowftop~d.:.. Lb. 1$(P I C I Y }'re,h crcc n s\~:~;;' . '1 II: Casca e er eri,p &l)d c!W\· ·lb, ., ~

Fresh Tomafo9s }'(rm and unLiorm ~izeC.rl<.~ 2$cy~il~w qnions Selected qu~JilY : .. Lb, .if~

prien "ifp,ctive thlu ~.;lturlh>·, J:,n, 711, in OrJ

Bath Soap 3 ~~k~~ 35cl'almvlil'ej made with olive viI.

loHeJ SQap 3 C~~k~'s 25cCam?j'; for a smooth cOIDpkxivn.

Potted Meat. .. ,... "" 3,oz. Can '9 CLibby's j for sa?dwich fillinSs.


Swift'ning , , 3·lb. Can 83cSwjft·s; ell-purposeshortening.

Tre~t Lun~h Meat" .12-oz.Can 4&cArmour Star; for hinchcs, and sand\\·ic~cs.




Coffee I-Lb. Call _' 83c 2-Lb. Call 1.65Nub 11111

~offee I.Lb. Bit' 77c 2-Lb. 8ag 1.511).ir\\J'Y

CQffe~ I-Lb. 13.., 75c 3-Lb. 8"g2,19

C k l·lb. 29rae ers Busy Baker; thin, cri:lit ... Box cFI Kitchen Craft: get contest' 10·Ib. 98our entry blanks at Safel\'aY .. "", .Bag C

• . 3·10.'Shortenmg Ro)'al Sati9; vege~able ,Can 37qB t S 10·Jo. 95ee ugar Granulat~d .....•• ,., Bag ,C

Soap \\hi~e 2o!agic; gl'anlllateJ ..... 2~~;: 27cCle~nser RJk Rak: it sanitizes 2 ~;~~. 2~c

Toil~t Tissue Pl'vtex Brand 2 Rolls 15c

Check these Et'cr)'clay,Low Prices, • at Salcway

OAT5 ~~~;: 35cQUQ~or Brand; quick or regular.

PEAS '.~~;: 19C~I-air; (resh-frozen, green, tender and sweet.

~- .. I

BACON ENDS ,19cF a kf- Ie $ SkLol.,,: 1:.11:._r n ur r l,p qu."ry." .lb. "'I\i

L hM I A,surled baked' 49c'anc ea le·.,o', .I"ed .. ,Lb,


Pork Ch6PS C.nler lib CUU' l.b G9cPork Sauuge Fresh. ,. '" ~b 2~cSUetd Bacon ct>r~ ~n,.; .1,1>. 43c !

Perc~ FiJlets .Completely ready for the pan .. , , ... , , . , , • , , , .Lb.


Pork RoastRib end cuts from )'oung loins ..•.•. , ••••• , .... , .l.b:

SUNNYBANKMARGARINE1.1l~' btlln-bte.".. ii" frc,h.'r

1-lb. Cln. 2,c

we'll pay you 25410 lesl your tasleE.'JI Jw,t .ril. JOllr opinloJlfor 2Sf. C~t 4elail. at Saf~.al.

Freshly ground;Regular

'. Safcv..'ClY has thelow prices et;'cry ckty

G J I 2{·0•. 33rape II co l,.'hurch·' Bottle ~. L U' 3',·lo 3....P.nCad MIX Su.anna B.i 't'i

S ~'lll, 55Jrup Karo; dark (blue lal>1:l) .. , ..... P~II . ~

S h H' 14'9.1. 42pag e I Cud.hy'.; "'i\h meat.. .. ,l'an C

D ', J.II· ..... ell; a.sorted 7cesse, $ "elatin. and puddinc. , ..... PkC·

R' )'Ib. 29I.~e illlow Boat: white, rf(Ular(r.in. Uoc C

Start tile day Witll.":itnls Fruits «,td Juices

Gr fr ' I Hichw&.r · .. ,l,lb 15c'ape ,UI brok,cn .~cmontJ .. '''1 '..C&~ •.

Grapefruit Juice if:U~o ... 2~~~; 45c81 d· ,,I J' Blend O'Col?; • no:. 2' r:.....en .e" illce oran~'CTOpdr'+!t Can \lI'li

Ora~~e JU,ice Full ~'C<>ld . , , .. , ~:c:~~ 26cOrange Buo P.ea.! Col~ .......... Can I~


OROjn "'7~1i1"'T:zr~! _ -



/, .

Birthday SurpriseI Children and gl'amlchildrm of:'IlI's. Julia Holmes gathered at thehome of 1111'. and Mrs. Allan lIol­mes and family Thllrsl1a~' evening,Jan, 17, to help her ce1ebl';~te her74th birthday. Those present Were),11". amI Mrs. \\!alter Holmes andTellY of North)..ollp, :Mr. and Mrs.

IGeorge Jeo:;en of North Loup,!llr, amI !III'S. Ed PailleI' and Daleand Y\ onne Holmes of Arcadia,

method ;\II'. and ~Ir::;. CeCIl !llcCa11 andfan:i1y an,I ~Ir. awl !llrs. AllenDOQson, Jean and Joan and Mrs,Leroy Holmes of are!. A lovelyqirmer and. supper was enjoyed byall. Mrs. l',;d Paider and Mrs. AllenDobson baked the birthday cakes.


-for etIidcncy, {or IO~Jg-lasting, fleet·looted power and lowest operating \:Ost.. ' .." .

f\llJ in beh\een, throughout the G~ICline-lrom the smallest gasoline­powered pickup truck to t1w l~rgest

Diesel-tile story's t!le sallie:

Power, bmkes, comfort, sufety andstamina - the right combin,ltion ofever;> thing essential to low-cost hauling-in the right vehide lor )'Ollr loads. '

1l,:ftJre )'ou buy another truck - comein. Sec {or yourself nh)' GMC is the

best truck b~I)' )OU c,ui make todllY.

Wedding AnniversaryMr. and Mrs. FI'ank Blaha were

given a ,surprise party at theirhome Sunda;>' evening. The occa­sion being the 38th anniversary of

M.r. and ~Irs. ,Jim Seaman and their weddi~g and also bei,ng afamrIy of SC~l1lha, Kas. and MI'. house warnllJ1g party for Mr. andand lIIrs .. :'I1a1'lon Fowler anll boys I Mrs. Blaha, Those present wereof Bellevlllt>, Kans., were weekend' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blaha, Mr.guests of Mr. and ~Irs. HalTY and Mrs. RUdolph Blaha and Mr.Clell~ent. ),lI's. Seam3.n 3l1d ~lI's. and Mrs. Albert J,>arkos, Sr.,}<'owlel" are daughtels of MI'. Cards were played amI llillch wasand :'III'S. Clement. ~erved at midni!'!ht.

E'1' V E R stop to ask )oursclf why yousee more and more husky G'\IC's

on c,,'e'ry higlmJY e\'cry J,lY? Why soIll.UlY cost.wis,c bu)'clS arc singlin;Z outG,,\IC's as their fJ,rst choice?

The answer is, "GMC" spells profit tothe lIIan w!lOse business dfpel/d~ 0,1 tIN/Jer!onllclllce of l:is trllcls.

'1" k "G'IC"o light. truc "US('rs, ., mCllllSthe highest horsepower in its cb..s-forG~IC ~). to 2·tonncrs arc second tQnone in pl!1ling power.

And to cOlll1lH;rciai haulers, "G~IC"Ule,UlS Americ.l's most popubr Diesel



FREE DEMONSTRATIONA faclory train<;,d filter will demonstrato this mod~m

of hemia control.

,ORO. NEBR,-ORO HOTELMonday. Jan. 28~2 P.M, to 7 P,M.

Mr, Cheney-Mr, f~ishcl


____••...,w...,..,.=~ YQv'lf a" "~II~r 0., 'J VH ~ t""k wilh yOVf GM.~ <I~Ql!t

----===-.--'--'.. --,--~-,-~._~~~~ Pi.110c11/e Party I !Scotia Gre~mery Chi~kenpox H'it~~lrBe,rt Allison.,64, •)'Ir~. J. J. Wu<':alJ enlerlainl'll:

two tables of pinochle players on H $69 000 G· S t· C ·t 0- S t dSUl1l!ay evening. Mrs. Wan-en Lin- ! as I em co 10 ommum y lies a ur oy~~~'~~l ~Ioe~li:lj~~~olt;~z\~. a~~ 1l~~~~ i Tile. annual mee.tin~ of stock- I. The chi~ken pox has been plagu- i . F~lllcl'al services were held at

Sunday Guests i Attends Son's Wedding

IOvaU"fs.eonf·e.lTJ.own ~uesfs I::..=============:;- holders of the Scotia Co-ope rat ive :1l1g' the 1< Ish Creek and \Vallace 2 o clock Monday afternoon forCreamery was held last Wednesday ICreek neighborhoods. The rest of Bert \V. Allison, 6 t, who passedaftemoon in the recreation hall.: the comrnunity has also been away early Saturday morning,

to his horne in Scotia after under- Nearly 125 attended 3:,nd 116 votes I having turns of thc disease. having been ,seriollsly ill for the, , ' 'Mr. and Mrs, Archie Oewcke el1-


MRS GREELEY GEBHARDT going minor surgery over a week I Were cast, electing EI\\:oocl Blal1-, A few have been quite ill; ot h- past two months.Sunday evening guests of Mrs, !I!ls. John Sna~\'~l'Clt returned tcrt ainod at dinner saturday eve- .,' ., i ago in St. Francis hospital in Ichao rd on t,he. board of direeto~·s,. to I ezs are having it in a light fOI'll!, Befor-e moving to ?I'~wd Island

He nry Jurgt'nSt'n were !\orrs, Agne,s ,reccntly fron." a V:Slt m. !\lacll>i911 t nin z. The guests were Mr. anti Quiz Representative Grand Island. Fa" awl Mrs. Gill- Isucceed'" III131:1 Saulter, retll. mg, J'" f '1' :I u, '1 'I 25 years ago, !III'. Alli so'n operatedDodge, MIS. Anna Holmes, Mis: and Loga nvi.lc. \\lIS" wnere Shc.I,~ ,' .. I'·· . J Imembe' EIStlllmo~ .'Ilc t ,I ell\,sono "l.anl .nlS."UI . S t' I thE I"; ' Rat hbun Mrs Fc rn Carso')' t· t· \, •. 'I '1' ,:'1110, Lloy d Gew cke am family, Phone 2911 Scotiq : ham and son had spent several I. e .~, \\ I on m ue IV' .,." d " M' lOt. a garage IU co ia, w ie re e. 'c, ,. , .. , I, spen sou.e 1111e. ,11l e g oue sne I' '1 " \g'usta Gewe ke Mr and'" .,. Ito serve Bach was elected for ance, came own 01.( ay. n- '" C . doi bustM"na Jorgensen and Anna Mor-, at tenled the welll]jng of her son, ., I~. L' "J 1'.... 1\1 ,,' 'J J' I. '_ Iclays at the Jess Gillhalll home in Ia two "c'ar term Iers in the l!'ish Creek school who ,L.:;·~1ers o-cp IS now oing si-tensen, IK >tl Ttl' '1"1 t k I.,IMIO, eo Rl,l, .I~.. ocuan ~""'i"""-~~-~---""'!"~--'GrandlSlanl.lbefurec:olnlllghome. "1 < G·· .. J' 1 I are absent al'ethcchilcll'enofthe'n S.

I er:-r1C I a U',V,Wl1Cl 00 pal'lnsen and Bobby Rikli from Mur- , " ' i, '. . ...·lallman ecrgc ensen lal, ., ,.f. '1' -e r . 1 .' Rev. Thomas A. Barton con-Iduri ng the holidays 111 Logapville. dock. . Mr. and :'Ihs. Geol'gl' RIch arid I ,:I,e" BU~~ Bec club met las,t charge of the meeting. A report Medb'.II;> amuy, Clau. e Johnson, dueled the services in the Geddes

Birthday Dinner -~- I' threc, sons plan to leave thIS wee], I \~\,ct.n:se:aJ at th: hon:: of Mb. of the audit of the year's business ~ Sldn,ey Al!loon, Bob Smllh and f'unc ra.l home. BudaI was in theMrs., 'Mildred :Auble, MI'. an,l, Ladies Aid Officers ISunday Evening Gues~s for Newport, are., whe re they win :Bdpal Crocket With ,eloht mem- was given by Charles Castor, audi- i Jack Hansen. Grand island cemetery.

MrS. Verl Timmerman and cllll-' A corrected list of the office rs . , d make Jheir horne. The Rich family! bel'S present. Mrs. F'loyd Glines tor. I At Wallace Creek the Leo MI'. Allison was born Jan. 7 1883dren arid ~Il'. and :'Ill'S. Ed swopes: of St. Jolm's Luthcr,lll church SUf?aY

f;t.n ner d ~~1.. 1,u'lf 2r sold their personal belongings and I and. )'Irs. ,Flol'en::e ,Ja:ko~ , were i .Manaacr :::)am Hatchel' crave a Klein, Gerhart Bei.lke, ~ay Everett, at Reynolds to Andrew and ':\.Iag-

and TelTi had a famiJv. dinl;t'l' at Ladies \'d s;lOuld reall pre,ident gues.o 0 ',11, a l1

d'1,1:;'1\1 11 lUI' stock last.week at.GI'eeley. TlleYlguests. Mcsdall:e" Fl.o,yd Clelll:ntll'eport °on last year's b~l:;iness!Hora?e Kane and G.ene Hosch gil' Allison. He servcd as a pr!-

. , . . ':1 ' . 'V' I ' • . '. ~ ,'Ferns were .. 1', an' "' I'S. " e yern plan to vl:;rt relatIves fOI' a few and Lynn Vance g.a\ e the ,le,:;son I\v111'ch 0ho\\'cel a gal'n o\'el' 19';0, j famlll.es have been VISltcd WIth \'ate \.\'1'tIl th~ 3';0 1nf,~ntl'Y Com-Hal mon) Houo;e Thul ~',.:i) e\ enll1<:o, .Mrs Lorcs HOl'luckle' V1Ce-pl'e~l- ",. I f 'l . f A 1 1\1 I hId 1. I _ ~ v ~ v "

'" . .' 0' tl b' ,tl :I' f 'I" . " s;' erns anI. allll y 0 ns ey, • r. days. . on ant an mac llne mene Ino' ' . . _",. ' th,e dlsea. se. The pox broke out on pal1" A of \\'orld \'"al' I, anti \"a~..01,01 :1..> 18 II lL .IY 0 -, I. ,dent, ~1r:;, Mary Itachuy; secn:)- all' .l\lr~. "'d RaJ'ewich an" fal11iiy A tOlll of $241 96;:, \\ a pall out J' , .,S vop·· I flu ~ "" I.l John Jones. was hO;l.Ol'ed Wed- I EVCl'ett JenSt'n who was injured t '1' f '. b S ' .. , httle LmcJa Hosch, daughter of oyerseas seven months. He was a

\ '0>. tary, Mr;;. HenlY Schae t'l', alll anll Darlene Kokes. nesday at a bllthtlay dmnel' at the early in September in a ear-truck I, ° prol uce.I,S 01. utt.el,fat, eggs ),11'. and .Ml's .. Henry Ho.sch, Jr" n1enlbel' of .\ll1"l'iean T -gion Posttl'ea:;urer, :'IIIs. John Brcmer. 1 f I and POUltl'\. a gam 0\ CI the pl'C 1 d ." .LA'/ I C.has. PelC'I'son lOme north 0 Sco- accident, is still confined to his " . _ ,.J>?~ - on ller t 111' blrthtlay anlllyersary; ·,3 anll Hall County Post 14.37,

Zee~-4m~Tur • ----- Engagement'Announced ha. , !home, much of the time. He is VI~~:;, ~eal of $69,~(8.~0. A .total Mrs, ~lerle Jones an~ two children Velel'ans of Foreig-n \Va,I·S. HeThe Zec-Am-Tur clulJ met on JUnior Afatrons MI'. and Mrs, J. C. Wilson of <;pl. Harold COl'l1ell ,called IllS i able to walk with the aid of crut· id1\ld.enll of ~7,997.00 \\as pald "t~ are confIned t? theIr beds,. with wa,,; married to Hattie Keppel on

'Thursday evening with !III', and: :'Iliss Oui,Ja Murrah was hostess \Volbach have announced the en- mother, Mrs. Nelhe Corncll on· cl1es and was able to accompany plodclcels fOI bultelfat and egos. Rev, Jones dOIng a good Job of :Iola.y 2·) 1918 'it Ord .Ml's. Richard R\!WQ<ll. Guests werc to the Junior :'Ilatrons Friday evc- gagement of their daughter, Miss Sunday. He was transfclTcd from I Bill Gydesen to ~eligh last Thurs- The top cream producers and th\' InUl'~ing and COOking, Denny Gel>- - SUI'\:i~ing b~sides 'his wlfe ar~Mr, and 'Mrs. Vic Kennedy. High. nin'''' with a laroe number bcilw, Kathleen, to Robert A. Hallock, ~31:1P Cal'sori, C?lo. to For:t Or~, I day. Gaining the use of his arms pOl~nlls of butterfat are: ~ . hardt was able to retu~'n to :;CllOOI a daughter, Mr:;. Bruce Steele,Score fel' the la(~ie3 was won by : pl't'~ent. :'Ilrs. H,;'race Travis wa~ I son' of MI'. ancl :'III'S. C. ,E. Hallock CalIf. He spent fIve days WIth hIS iand legs has been a slow pro.ced- Elwood Blanchard, 3,,:,68: SId· Monday after a \\'ee]( s absence; GI'and Island' a son Carl J. AlIi­¥rs. Merle VanZ;a1l'.lt and h1gh a guest. The time was spent visit- of Burw:ll. Both MISS W~lson sister, Mrs. Harry Stark in Los ure and it will be :;ollle time be- ney Allison, 3,122; Carl D. Jen:;en, : all four of the Barth children have son, Denver, 'Colo.; 'two brothers,.score fo,r the mcn by MI'. Ro,,\ 1..>a1. ing anu in needlework. an'1 her f.lance attend the Unn-el'- Angeles. Cpl. Cornell was rece.ntly ~ore he is able to be out long at 3,009: L~(>I1a!'l1 Burt2n, 2,904; BI'Y- i recovered. )!al)y more \vel'e touch- Pearl Allison, Denver and Ira AI­

sity of Nebra,';ka at Lincoln; the returned f!'Om Japan. He tlllnks a time. Bverett lives \\ith his par- II an PortIS, 2,6,13; 1< red. Lehn, 2,- I ed by the dlse.ase, and although .It lison Portland are.' a siste-r Mrs.fonner is affiliated with Kappa his 'stay at Ft. Ord is temporary. ents, Mr. ant.! Mrs. Carl Jensen. 367; Dan we\ner/ 2,1~9; Waltel' Iapp,'ars many more will be afflic:t- A. J. Headl~y, Waterloo,' andDelta, Mu Phi Epsilon and Kappa Mud Vance undelwent .inaj?r, !.Ir. and :'III'S. Fa.!, Gillham ac- ~IOYl~, 2,06~;, ,Irs, Elsie "Sautter, Ied. It. is hopc~: that It \~lll not be three gl'andchildren..Phi; the latter, Delta Sigma Phi surgelY last Thursday 11l0rnll1g m COmpanied 'Mrs. Leonard Murphy I~,063, Lest~1 Sample, 2,0,,0, Ithe c~se. Se\Clal students JIO~ll: He was preceded III death byand Kappa Psi. st. Francis hospital at Grand 1s- 'I'to Grand I.slantl Monday when')' The top egg producers with the Cotesfleld, ,~vho atten,d the ScotIa h.is parents, two brothers and two

lanel, When the cast was t~k('n" Fay will have a checkup on his total dozen of eggs are: Ischoul, ha\ e been absent. sIsters. 1\11'. and Mrs. Gene Hoschfrom l\1r. Vance's leg last Tuesday, 'recent opel·ation. Holgaz' Christensen, 4,602; Phil _ ..,-- and Mrs, Henry Hosch, Sr. ofit was found the oon,e had not MI'. and Mrs, Bob Ec1ghill were Tuma, 3,992; HalTY Ita, 3,883; Bob Lincoln, who has been Scotia atteneled the services.healed. H~ h~s been III a great hosts to a bil'lhclay dinner at D. K Bussell, 3,$03; Carl D. Jen- working as station attendant fordeal of pam smce Thursday. ,Mrs. their home in Ord Sumlay for Mr. sen, 3,561; Eel Jurzenld, 3,487; the Fannel's Co-op. Oil Co" will Mrs. Dean Bredthauer invited a.Vanc? al~d Jeny spent the \\,ee1(-. l'J.l:Ighill's father, George Barnes. Paul Schm!c1t, .3,463: Fr~d Pape, dr~\'e the delivery truck, formerly gl'Oup of childl'en to honor Mar:r'se~tl III Gland 1sl,md to be neal Besides the Georcre Barnes fam- 3,363 and Bd Dlsha\\, 3,207. dnven by Don Hughes, ';\'ho left eighth birthday Sllllday afternoon.him. ily also attending were Mr. and, Jan., 10 for mihta~y servIce. I.?0n, Twelve boys and gids and Mary's

Mrs. Edgar Stil.lman went to Mrs. Art otto and family of North The River.;idc Pinochle club niet DaVIS 11.105 been hil'ed as statIOn Iteacher, Mrs. Gladys MeJ'er at-Gl'antl Island Monday and was ac- Loup, :'Ill'. amI Mrs. Lee Cronl,! Sunday night at the home of Mr. i attendant tended. The time was sp~nt play-c:ompanied home by Ml'. Stillman of anI. Mr. amI )ll's. :'Ilelvin Win- I and Mrs. Darrel Ingraham. Foul" !III'. and 1\lIs. Louis Halm gave ing games,who had undergone .major surgery Itel's anll fanlily and MI'. an\1 Mrs. tables were played. Mrs. Chas,: a farewell p~rty for their son, Bob, 1 -- -- - .. '--:- r .. ".---"----a week ago. IFloyd Thompson and fanllly of ISpence.r and HalTY Spenc:er wun Satu!'llay mght. Bob expccts to '~Use ~.UlZ Want Ads for

Fay' Gillham was able to, COme S.:otia, Ithe pnzes. Ileave soon fo!' the navy. IqUIck sI;9'lce.

We4ding Anniversary Royal Kensington!III'. and !III's. Leonai'll :'Ilanc11e5- The H.oyed Kensington club met

tel', \vho Hve in the Union Ridge v,ith ~11's, Bd Pocock Thursdayneigl:borhooll, cel:-o:'ate,1 the ninth afternoon wi~h one guest, Mrs.annivel'::;ary o.f tnelr wed'J!n~.on Xcllie Dye. The time was spentMonday cvelUng by entenal1llng I socially.Mr. amI !lfl's. VerI Timmerman, _and ~lr. and ~lrs. Jim Scott at the I 0 f , T G t,Veteran,s club. U ~O ~ own ,ues s

Garden ClubMrs: HalTY \Volfe was hostess

to the Gal'den club at her home. .T.liuJ'sda~' evening anll gave to

each o( the 11 membel's pl"t's2nttiny potted plants as fawrs. Theles$0!1 on "Timely Hints al,d Tipson PJantinp·... was pn'sented by,. p' I' B "fMn;, W. ~'~,J~n~~'l!); Roll call \\,3,S, For GOll1g Away Couple 0 10 cne '."My Favorite Flower or Ganlt'n Guests of Mr. and' lIlrs. Lloyd I The Benson orchestra, consbtlngM~,th." A nlee lunch Wets served. McComb, whose pletfls are in- of \":il;>'ne Ben:;on, Rogel' Ben:;on,

,------'- definite, but who left the first Norl'l:l Benson, Ed Kasper and~ F 23" ,j' A '. of the wcek fOI" North Platte for John Golka rented the K. C. hal!

or . ra nnJversary a visit, were Mr. ant.! ~11·s. Ivan and furnished the music for aDin{1er guests of :'III'. and Mrs. Robinson, 1\11'. and Mrs. Charle.3 free old time dancC', giwn on Fri­

Chal'!es Svoboda and family \Ycd- : Cas elton amI Mr. and :'III'S. Charles, day, Jan. 18. A box was set up fOI'nesday evening wel'e ~Ir. and :'Ilrs. ,Hou:,cr Sa t u rcl3y evening, The I' donations [or, The :'Ifarch of Dimes.Bill Proskocil amI Billy, ~Ir, and! guests gave a gift to the hosts. Pl'uceec-1s were $41.20.Mrs .. G~9rge ~~,kr:;on and Vil'gi~ , ~ - ~-~---~-:----.-., ,-'- ,,' Mrs, Waync Bens?n, Mrs. Roger~\ll"ou" of Gland Islan(1, Th" I -Dmncr&Ubls ThuI"day of),lls, ,Benson. Mrs. Nor!'!::'! Benson andocc,~sion was the 23rd welllUng, Esther !\Ianchest~r were Mr. and, )Irs. Ed Kasper seryed frec cof­anlllven;ary of MI". and ')11'5. Svo- :)Irs. ,Lloyd McComb and Cash fee. Guests brought sandwichesbocla. . IWOZ;1Jak. and rolls, th.~ lunch being served

.-.-----------~.--~---------~------.---~---- ~- - at 11 :30 o'clock.

, .

top related