Documents tagged
Health & Medicine 5 Things in Your Bathroom You Think They Work (but actually don't)

Here are five products you usually keep in your bathroom that are nothing of what you'd expect from them.

Documents Quick Guide to SQL Injection Attacks and Defenses - English

Quick guide to SQL Injection attacks and defenses By r3dm0v3 Table of contents 1-Description Blind SQL Injection 2-Vulnerable Code 3-Exploit Classic Login Page Vulnerability…

News & Politics Road Share - Case for Stricter liability (with notes) - Dec 2014 Parliamentary Reception

Brenda Mitchell, founder of specialist law firm, Cycle Law Scotland and also the Road Share Campaign presents her arguments for stricter (presumed) liability in Civil Law…

Technology Transparency Plus!

My presentation to "Transparency Camp 09", about how to go beyond transparency to an integrated strategy based on "democratizing data" (structuring and…

Health & Medicine Avoiding Senior Scams

Scammers will stop at nothing to get what they want, and seniors and the disabled are common prey for scam artists. Here are few tips and helpful resources to prevent scams…