Documents tagged
Business Crackingthe code

1. CRACKING THE CODE 2012 A Citizen’s Guide to theAlaska Natural Gas Pipeline DiscussionMany Alaskans regard the gasline as one of the most importantprojects of our generation.…

Technology Lecture aztecs&incas compared

1. Aztec & Inca Empires: Compared Aztecs 1200s to 1520s Inca 1430s to 1530s 2. Aztec & Inca Empires Were both based on earlier civilizations and cultures. Were originally…

Technology Aztecs and incas compared politics and economics

1. Aztec & Inca Empires: Compared Aztecs 1200s to 1520s Inca 1430s to 1530s 2. Aztec & Inca Empires Were both based on earlier civilizations and cultures. Were…

Education Annual Grazing on the Grand Staircase

1. GSENM Grazing EIS and PlanAmendment• Limited to planning decisions specific tolivestock grazing• Socio-economic analysis input-output model• Decisions must be consistent…

Business Shale Siting, Permitting & Regulations

1. Walden Associates Technical, Regulatory and Public Policy Issues Hydrofracking Shale for New Energy Siting, Permitting and Regulations 2. Walden Associates Siting, Permitting…

Education Revision Russian Tsars Alexander II and III, Nicholas II

Revision: Tsarist Russia 1853-1917 Revision: Tsarist Russia 1853-1917 The decline of imperial power in Tsarist Russia and the emergence of the Soviet State Past Questions…

Environment Upland forest restoration and livelihoods in Asia

CRP-FTA PowerPoint Template – full version, with photos Upland forest restoration and livelihoods in Asia Louis Putzel, APFNet Workshop on Degraded Forest Rehabilitation…

Environment A brief overview of forest tenure reform in Indonesia

1. A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF FOREST TENURE REFORM IN INDONESIA Mia Siscawati, Ph.D. University of Indonesia Inception Workshop GCS-Tenure Security and forest-dependent communities:…

Documents ANG 2015 Mini Newsletter

ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL GRASSLANDS MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER AND ANNUAL MEETING INFORMATION The 2015 grazing season is almost upon us. Many of our producers out there are looking…

Documents IVMP Presentation - Oct 2014

1. Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities April 2014 Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure. Integrated Vegetation Management PlanIntegrated…