Documents tagged
Career My ANTI-Resume Manifesto

Fed up with the way our modern day world uses outdated techniques in the job world? I give you My ANTI-Resume Manifesto. It's like no resume you've ever seen before!

Data & Analytics Hive vs Hbase, a Friendly Competition

Comparing Hive with HBase is like comparing Google with Facebook - although they compete over the same turf (our private information), they don’t provide the same functionality.…

Data & Analytics How to scale your data collection on the cloud like a champ

When we met with WalkMe, a company which offers helpful in-app walkthroughs (we use it for our app and it’s great), our meeting took a surprising turn. We expected a discussion…

Documents учебник

I s- 'te^Tv ,J I I УДК 338.24(075.8) ББК 65.050.9(2)2я73 В 54 Рецензенты: декан факультета международного бизнеса…

Economy & Finance Introduction to Active Record - Silicon Valley Ruby Conference 2007

An introduction to the Ruby on Rails library ActiveRecord presented at the SD Forum Silicon Valley Ruby on Rails conference Apirl 21st 2007.

Documents บท1

หน่ วยที่ 1 ความร้ ูพนฐานเกียวกับฐานข้ อมล และหลักการออกแบบฐานข้…

Devices & Hardware Decision Analytics Software - Make Smart Decisions Every Day!

Make smart decisions for your business every day with a revolutionary new software program called Decision Analytics. Decision Analytics helps corporate executives, small…

Education Chris Atherton at TCUK09

Slides from a talk by Dr Chris Atherton from the University of Central Lancashire about the brain's limits of attention and cognitive load, and how we can work around…