Documents tagged
Technology Page245exercise13 120225004510-phpapp02

1. Using relative pronouns where, that or which 2. When you use where as a relative pronoun, it’s because the embedded sentence has a preposition. If the embedded sentence…

Documents Apuntes TOEFL 2

1. Introduction. 1. Descriptive linguistics. 2. Levels of analysis. 3. The rankscale. The rankshift. 4. Functions & categories. 2. Categories of units. 1. Morpheme. 1.1.…

Documents 1 Constructions

Constructions Lecture 1 Constructions can be divided: 1 according to level l 2 according to type 1 According to level, constructions are divided into: a phrases b clauses…

Documents Chapter 2

Chapter 2 FUNDAMENTALS: RULES, TREES, PARTS OF SPEECH 0. INTRODUCTION This book is all about the study of sentence structure. So let's start by defining what we mean…

Sports Prepositions (PPT)

1. OBJECTIVES: to use correct preposition in asentence. to construct sentences using theprepositions. 2. Objects 3. The cat is under the table.OBJECT NOUN PREPOSITIONS…

Technology Grammatical portfolio ENJOY!!

1. by Loany Meza and Karla 2. Is a fact we unconsciously use grammar all the time when we uselanguage for speaking, listening, reading and writing, and if we wantto improve…

Entertainment & Humor Adjective adverb-and-noun-clauses--adjective

1. Adjective, Adverb, andNoun ClausesIdentifying WritingCombining 2. A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. 3. There are…

Documents Linguistics

1次方定式 [いちじほうていしき] /linear equation/ 1対1 [1たい1] /one-to-one/ 1対1の写像 [いちたいいたいのしゃぞう] /1-to-1 mapping/…

Education Radio, Television, and Audiovisual Aids

1.  Like public schools radio and television stations have a responsibility to the public. Radio stations consider themselves as community minded. USING RADIO 2.  …

Documents A 1

Unit 1 Clause and sentence structure Main points * Simple sentences have one clause. * Clauses usually consist of a noun group as the subject, and a verb group. * Clauses…