Documents tagged
Government & Nonprofit Open Federal Content & Data at the CDC and FDA CTP (OSCON 2014)

Learn how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Tobacco Products (FDA CTP) are approaching the open data initiative…

Leadership & Management Entrepreneurship Lessons you didn't Learn

Entrepreneurship Lessons you didn't Learn, from Characters you Love!!

Marketing How to Brand My Small Business Like the Big Guys

Building a world-class brand doesn't happen by chance. It’s a purposeful endeavor that is rooted in the fusion of disciplined, strategic thinking and unencumbered…

Marketing Beacon Technology: What Brands and Marketers Need to Know

Beacon technology has the potential to disrupt the way brands–particularly retail brands–think about the intersection of the physical retail experience and the mobile…

Marketing B2C Social WiFi

B2C Social WiFi B2C Social WiFi is a social powered WiFi router custom programmed specifically for that business that offers Fr*e WiFi at the establishment. B2C Social WiFi…

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