Documents tagged
Data & Analytics Introduction to Apache Spark and MLlib

Slide deck contains overview of Apache Spark and Machine learning library MLlib.

Data & Analytics Evaluating Social Media Tools That Work for You

A presentation I gave at the Social Intelligence 2014 Conference in San Francisco.

Data & Analytics Beijing’s Declaration and Platform for Action agenda: Progress in Europe and Central Asia

This March 2014 presentation reviews Beijing’s Declaration and Platform for Action agenda and looks at the progress made in Europe and Central Asia since 1995 .

Data & Analytics Similarity at scale

This is a presentation I gave at Hadoop Summit San Jose 2014, on doing fuzzy matching at large scale using combinations of Hadoop & Solr-based techniques.

Data & Analytics Developing a Tutorial for Grouping Analysis in ArcGIS

This presentation describes tools and possible workflows using the Grouping Analysis tool in ArcGIS. The tutorial developed from this material highlights practical usage…

Data & Analytics Updated Indian elections forecast

SentiMetrix updated its forecast for the Indian election, first made on March 6, 2014 at the Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York. This update is based on the data collected…