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Documents Aflatoxin B1

Aflatoxin B1Page 1 of 6 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the Company Product identifiers Product Code AF RTECS GY1925000 CAS # 1162-65-8 Molecular weight

Documents AFB1 (Aflatoxin B1) ELISA Kit

AFB1 (Aflatoxin B1) ELISA Kit Catalog No: E-TO-E008 96T This manual must be read attentively and completely before using this product. If you have any problems, please contact

Documents Analysis of Aflatoxins Using Fluorescence Detection

Analysis of Aflatoxins Using Fluorescence DetectionAnalysis of Aflatoxins Using Fluorescence Detection Jennifer Huang and Diab Elmashni, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose,

Documents French Food Safety Agency

Microsoft Word - MYCO rapport-synthèse GB.docchains Abbreviations JECFA : Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives SCF : Scientific Committee of Food (Comité


ANEXO II: Proposta GTFAC para Anexo sobre Castanha do Brasil no Cdigo de Prticas para a Preveno e Reduo da Contaminao por Aflatoxinas em Castanhas/Nozes de rvoresAdopted

Documents Aflatoxin A Synthesis of the Research in Health, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE

AflAtoxin A SyntheSiS of the ReSeARch in heAlth, AGRicUltURe AnD tRADe foreword 5 Acronyms 6 i. introduction 7 A. Background 7 B Purpose of the literature Review 7 c. overview

Documents Development of Methods for Determining Aflatoxins in Biological Material

Biological Material Anders Kussak _________________________________ 1995 Umeå University, Department o f Analytical Chemistry and National Institute o f Occupational

Documents Aflatoxin Timeline

( +?>'()% -. J - **" * " %?>/K -* +**$. Aflatoxin Timeline • Aflatoxin was discovered in the 1960s. Regulatory limits were enforced in 1980. •

Documents PACA Aflatoxin Impacts and Potential Solutions in Agriculture, Trade, and Health

Agriculture, Trade, and Health Introduction Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain fungi, most importantly Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus.

Documents National technical regulation on the limits of mycotoxins contamination in food

sach vi nam 15-08-2011 (final)QCVN 8-1:2011/BYT QUY CHUN K THUT QUC GIA I VI GII HN Ô NHIM C T VI NM TRONG THC PHM National technical regulation on the limits of mycotoxins