Documents tagged
Education The Role Of Mobile Learning In European Education

Om NKI Fjernundervisning Introduksjon til Mobil læring M-learning prosjekt 1, 2 og 3 M-learning prosjekt 4 World overview M-learning i EU M-learning i Danmark Teknisk løsning…

Education MOOCs and Assessment - version for CSUed conference

1. MOOCs and Assessment MOOC mania: challenges to assessment and credit (and course design) CC BY-NC-SA 2.…

Education Facilitating Online Some Tips And Hints

1. Facilitating Online –some tips and hints  2. Purpose, process, payoff Purpose: To explore good practice in online facilitation and share our learning Process: Mix…

Documents Article_Brickman Inkuiri Jurnal 2

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Vol. 3, No. 2 (July 2009) ISSN 1931-4744 @ Georgia Southern University…

Education eDLTV/eDLRU...

1. 1โครงการเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศตามพระราชดำาริ สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดา…

Education Social constructivism and open source

1. Programming for Primary Teachers 27 thNovember 2009 2.   3.   4. Engaging with experience Enlarging experience Interaction and environments The importance of reflection…

Documents Session 1 intro to lean startup intro

1. School of Management & Governance 1 PD Dr. Rainer Harms Dr. Michel Ehrenhard [email protected] International New Business Development Session 1: Intro to Lean Startup…

Education Importance of Self-Directed Learning

1. Autodidactism or Self-Directed Learning – An Effective Method in Second Language AcquisitionM.Sarpparaje 2. Today’s Overview 3. Self-Directed Learning Learners Need…

Education Rp seminar 2.ppt

1. The seminar“The aim of this session is to enhance your reflectionin preparation for the assignment by sharing yourevaluations and responding to others. You will presentyour…

Education 5 Hots Tools For 21st Century Instruction

1. 5 HOTS Tools for 21st Century InstructionDr-> Stephanie Edel-MaliziaInstructional Designer, Blended Learning Initiative