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Technology Op sequence draft 3 part 5

1. Part QAndreea CristeaFeedback from Target Audience Vanessa Justino • Question 1: most of the answer were yes, because it shows a connection between the 2 girls, and…

Education R&p draft 5 part 5

1. Vladimir Propp Part O• THEORIES : FLASHBACK AND FLASHFORWARD• Russian and Soviet formalist scholar• Born on 17 April 1895 in St. Petersburg to a German family.•…

Education Reseach and planning draft 4 part 6

1. Vanessa Justino Target AudiencePart QAge: We are targeting an audience aged 15 – 30. This is because youngaudience will not understand very well the cause of Bulimia…

Health & Medicine Op sequence draft 3 part 4

1. How are we applying the Vanessa JustinoPart NTheories of TodorovEQUILIBRIUM DISEQUILIBRIUM NEW EQUILIBRIUMTo be Balance To be Unbalanced New BalancedGirl goes to school…