Documents tagged
Education Modern web development (including notes)

Modern Web Development Today we’re going to talk a bit about Modern Web Development which is already an arrogant thing to say. What was modern development in 1998 is laughable…

Education NEPA BlogCon 2013 - HTML5/CSS3 for Bloggers

1.HTML5 and CSS3 for Bloggers Jason N. Gaylord2. Why should you care about this stuff? Have you ever authored a blog post that you wanted more control over? Do you use a…

Design Workshop guerrilla testing methods @ ux bristol 2011 by valsplat

1. WorkshopGuerrilla researchmethods for mobile UXUX Bristol 2011valsplat | usability researchDenise Pires & Stijn Nieuwendijk@denisepires, @stijnn, @valsplat 2. lab2…